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OS Support for Adaptive Components

in Self-aware Systems

João Gabriel Reis Antônio Augusto Fröhlich

Software/Hardware Integration Lab Software/Hardware Integration Lab
Federal University of Santa Catarina Federal University of Santa Catarina
Florianópolis, Brazil Florianópolis, Brazil

ABSTRACT of requirements for the whole design process. Increasingly,

The current pace of innovation in computing makes it difficult systems are having to adapt themselves on-the-fly in order
to assume a fixed set of requirements for the whole life span to cope with varying (and sometimes conflicting) require-
of a system. Aggressive technology scaling also imposes addi- ments. Additionally, these scenarios are being enabled by
tional constraints to modern hardware platforms. An answer aggressive technology scaling, which, besides producing low-
to this question are self-aware systems, which are capable cost, high-performance systems, also brings about a series
of autonomously sensing and actuating upon themselves to of new issues such as process variation, failure of Dennard’s
cope with varying requirements. In this paper, we discuss law, and emergence of dark silicon [28, 35]. These systems
the design and implementation of adaptive components in must constantly monitor and adapt themselves in order to
this scenario from the perspective of the OS. Components be energy-efficient and to wear out evenly, being often called
can exist in multiple flavors that can by dynamically chosen self-aware [8,9,27,28,31,37]. In this context, rigidly partition-
according to current demands. The proposed framework ing components between software and hardware inevitably
supports this variability for components while preserving leads to sub-optimal results, once the design space for each
their interface contracts, even if flavors exist in different do- component becomes constrained by other component’s re-
mains (software, hardware, remote). The synthesis process quirements, by system-wide requirements, and by the overall
delivers tailored wrapper for components according to their availability of resources, even if those components are not
flavors. Besides reconfiguration, we also support adaptations meant to be used simultaneously.
through dynamic power management and task remapping. Adapting components at run-time is an alternative to
The framework also supports component designers in terms cope with dynamically changing requirements, specially non-
of sensing via an event-based mechanism. The framework is functional ones, such as performance and power [18]. Adapt-
validated through a case with three adaptive components in a ability also improves tolerance to hardware faults, particu-
telecommunication switch (AES, ADPCM, and DTMF) with little larly those arising from Negative-Bias Temperature Instabil-
overhead both in terms of execution time and memory/silicon ity (NBTI) and Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT)
consumption. variations [22]. An adaptive component architecture enables
each individual component to exist in multiple flavors, each
encompassing a specific compromise between the quality of
Categories and Subject Descriptors the functionality being provided and the resources needed to
D.4.7 [Operating Systems]: Organization and Design; provide it [30]. For instance, a component may coexist as a
D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architecture sequential software to be run in a single CPU, as a parallel
software to be run on a multicore CPU or on a GPU, as hard-
Keywords ware to be instantiated on an FPGA, or as a remote (web)
service. With proper run-time support, different flavors of
Embedded operating systems, real-time systems, adaptive a component can be activated along the time, enabling the
computing, system-level design system as a whole to cope with the demands presented at
each moment. Multimedia, vision, and physical simulations
1. INTRODUCTION are good example of subsystems that make use of components
Many modern computing application scenarios, including that can be adapted in this sense.
smartphones, autonomous vehicles, and IoT devices, evolve In this article, we discuss the design and implementa-
so quickly that it is no longer viable to define a fixed set tion of adaptive components in self-aware systems from the
perspective of the operating system. We understand that
components must be intentionally designed for adaptability
in order to reach the desired goals and therefore we propose a
framework to support such designs. An adaptive component
Permission for classroom and personal use is granted, providing this notice within the devised framework performs computations whose
appears on all copies.
SBESC 2016 João Pessoa, Brazil
quality and timeliness depend on the resources currently
Copyright 2016 by the Authors. This work is based on an earlier work: available (e.g. processor cycles, energy, and hardware area),
Mutant Components: Efficiently Managing Multiple Implementations, in on the global system status (e.g. throughput, power con-
Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engi- sumption, and temperature), and on explicit choices made
neering. ©IEEE, 2016.
by programmers (e.g. list of component flavors that match is used to adapt the work of background tasks according to
the application requirements). With components designed a desired rate of energy consumption. Adaptable software
following a common set of adaptability principles and imple- parameters can be used to maximally leverage the underlying
menting a common set of management functions (i.e. sensing, hardware platform in presence of variations, for example in
communicating, and adapting), global system adaptability multimedia applications [27]. Finally, self-awareness can be
can be pursuit more efficiently in a holistic approach [31, 37]. extended to System-on-a-Chips (SoCs) platforms coupled
In summary, the main contributions of this article are: with cross-layer sensing and actuation [31]. The general mech-
anism of observe-and-adapt from parametric control can be
• we comprehensively analyze the current scenario for used in our approach to add a dimension of choice of soft-
adaptive components from the perspective of run-time ware and hardware for components that can be dynamically
support systems. chosen to implement a given functionality.
• we present framework in the form of a set of principles Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) reconfiguration
and C++ techniques to design and implement adaptive adds a new level of adaptation in which the application par-
components. titioning between hardware and software components can
change during runtime to cope with system state. Several
• we evaluated the proposed framework through a real efforts focus on developing computing environments that
case study based on an adaptive telecommunications can help developers to leverage heterogeneous computing
switch. resources such as FPGAs and simplify its development flow.
Such computing environments provide abstractions and in-
2. RELATED WORK terfaces to application programmers familiar with concurrent
and parallel systems. ReconOS [19] provides a common ab-
One broad approach for coping with unpredictable run-
straction layer for software and hardware threads as well
time variations in performance, energy, and hardware defects
as a set of communication and synchronisation primitives
is to have multiple paths available to perform a set of opera-
for them. Low-level synchronisation and communication of
tions. Each of these paths may be better suited for a given
hardware threads are managed by theirs Operating System
system state or user input. Petabricks [2] and Eon [33], for ex-
Interface, an artifact embedded in hardware threads. It fo-
ample, feature language extensions that allow programmers
cuses on real-time applications and multithreading providing
to provide alternate code paths. In Green [3], a combination
to the user an API based on the eCos operating system as
of a calibration phase and run-time accuracy sampling are
well as on Linux. Despite providing the infrastructure for
used by the application to define which function to execute
deploying hardware and software threads, they are not in-
from a set of possible candidates. In Eon and Levels [17]
terchangeable. Programmers must explicitly chose between
the run-time system dynamically chooses paths based on en-
hardware and software on design time, sacrificing the us-
ergy availability. Compared to traditional algorithmic choice
age of hardware reconfiguration as an adaptive mechanism
research, and in particular to the ViRUS framework [37]
transparent for the application.
that shares our motivations for dynamic handling of sensing
A higher-level approach to using FPGAs is proposed by
data and variability events, our work adds a dimension of
Abel [1] that advocates describing reconfigurable modules in a
hardware reconfiguration, whereby one of the code paths
Java-like language called Parallel Object Language. Though
may be offloaded to specialized hardware.
partial reconfiguration techniques, reconfigurable modules
The code used to implement a given Application Program
can be created and destroyed at run-time just like regular
Interface (API) function may also be changed at the binary or
software objects. The modules can be tested in verified
bytecode level during. Dynamic recompilation techniques [36]
using a Java Emulator and then translated to VHDL for
test different optimization techniques at run-time, so that
synthesis. Communication architecture is centered around
code is matched to the capabilities of the hardware which
FIFOs and multiplexers for parallel data exchange controlled
is running it. Dynamic recompilation may be performed in
by a software scheduler. The scheduler also that orchestrates
a system-driven manner, with minimal support from appli-
reconfigurable modules loading into partially reconfigurable
cations, providing the same adaptation knobs as in compile
regions. Such work excels on providing high level mechanisms
time optimization, e.g., loop unrolling, memory optimization,
for dynamically reconfiguring FPGAs but focus only on
and automatic parallelization. Our work resembles dynamic
hardware components, leaving no space for components with
recompilation as multiple code paths (or component flavors)
multiple flavors in different domains (e.g. software).
are explored automatically by the run-time system without
Moreover, Cemin et al. propose a framework for multi-
application intervention, but it is closer to algorithmic choice
agent systems that supports hardware/software migration
in that the alternative flavors are defined at design time.
among different nodes of a distributed system [5]. Their
Application and hardware parameters can also be dynam-
framework allows the dynamic reconfiguration of distributed
ically adapted to explore energy, quality, and performance
application to cope with variable system requirements. The
trade-offs [16]. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
communication between agents is handled transparently by
(DVFS) is the canonical example for hardware tuning. In
proxies that handle all the low-level intricacies of hardware
software, Green [3] provides an adaptation modality where
communication. Their approach is implemented on top of
the programmer provides “breakable” loops and a function to
the Jade framework, a Java-based multi-agent systems frame-
evaluate quality of service for a given number of iterations.
work. Compared to them, we propose a leaner approach on
The system uses a calibration phase to make approximation
top of bare metal C++ employing metaprogramming tech-
decisions based on the quality of service requirements speci-
fied by the programmer. At run-time, the system periodically
In systems where tasks can execute in different cores
monitors quality of service and adapts the approximation
due to architectural choices (e.g. heterogeneity in ARM
decisions as needed. In the mobile context, Powerleash [9]
big.LITTLE), variability issues, and availability of dedicated Application
resources (e.g. FPGA, GPU), the dynamic mapping of a task
to a specific computational resource can be used to adapt
the system to its environment. Heterogeneous many-core Flavor A A A
architectures are being used to cope with varying workloads
on modern embedded systems platforms as mobile devices. A A A Interface
In this scenario, dynamically mapping tasks to different cores
with different performance/power characteristics can increase
the core throughput while minimizing the energy to execute
the task [8]. Not only to improve power and performance, Power
scheduling tasks to different cores dynamically also helps
to mitigate hardware variability effects on critical paths de- Model Temperature
lay [28]. The usage of heterogeneous computing substrates as
FPGAs allows tasks to be mapped into them reconfigurable PMU
partitions during run-time to exploit its inherent parallelism. Decision
Moreover, the reconfigurable resources can also be used to ...
exploit power characteristics when compared to the multi B Manager
purpose machines [18]. Compared to such works, we propose
a similar approach in which not only tasks can migrate but B B Sensors
also other components in the system. Reconfigure
Compared to dynamic recompilation and algorithmic choice Flavor pool
we propose another level of actuation by also deploying recon-
figurable hardware as a substrate for components. We go one
step beyond traditional reconfigurable computing solutions B A B
and provide also sensing mechanisms tightly integrated with
the rest of the adaptive components infrastructure. Sensing A A B
can be leveraged to better exploit FPGA reconfiguration ca-
pabilities by predicting when parts of the application should
be reconfigured based on system level metrics. Moreover, Figure 1: Adaptive components reconfiguration. Multiple
as opposed to ours, in others solutions it is the applications flavors are available in a pool and can be deployed according
programmer’s role to juggle with multiple flavors using dif- decisions based on models inferring system behavior from on
ferent interfaces specially when they are deployed in different sensor data.
substrates, e.g. FPGAs and CPUs. Our work transparently
profits from heterogeneous substrates and provides a unified
interface for components with multiple flavors. Thus, recon- ponents in different substrates. Finally sensing mechanism
figuration happens can be delegated to lower system layers are introduced followed by additional actuation methods that
with a holistic view of system operation. can be explored.

3. ADAPTIVE COMPONENTS 3.1 Designing Adaptive Components

System adaptation is tightly bound with three aspects: Each component and its interface is adaptive in terms of
sensing the current embedded system state, predicting actions its flavor as well as its resulting Quality of Service (QoS).
that can optimize one or multiple constraints, and performing Adaptive components allow for dynamic change between
them. Reconfiguration can fit in an adaptive system as an multiple software and hardware flavors choices, as well as
actuation mechanism to cope with unpredictable conditions adjustments in operation parameters for each of the choices.
faced by the application. The adaptation system is aware The resulting QoS and cost for each component depends on
of the system behavior by means of models of system and the specific choice of flavor as well as the physical state of
components behavior (e.g. performance, temperature, aging). the system at any point in time.
By feeding those models with data from sensors captured We divided flavors in three groups: software, hardware,
during run-time, it is possible to predict if by reconfiguring a and remote. Software flavors run in soft and hard core proces-
component, the system can improve a system-level metric (e.g. sors where the operating system is also being executed. Such
throughput, energy, temperature) and delegate the action flavors might use not only the CPU ALU but also tightly-
to a manager. Multiple flavors can be available through coupled coprocessors such as floating-point units and Single
a flavor pool from which the adaptation system can chose Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) engines through special
based their inherent characteristics. Reconfiguration must instruction sets. Hardware flavors can vary in microarchitec-
be transparent without breaking the interface between the ture details that result in different balances between power
application and components core functionality. According to consumption, performance, and resource usage. They can
such principles, in Figure 1 we illustrate components initially be implemented as dedicated circuits in Application-Specific
deploying flavor A which is latter reconfigured into flavor B Integrated Circuits (ASICs) or as reconfigurable modules in
for some of them. FPGAs. In both cases, the CPU executing the operating
In this section, we introduce the guidelines used to design system interacts with them through I/O mechanisms such
adaptive components initially recalling the main concepts as Network on Chip (NoC) communication, Direct Memory
behind Unified Design (UD). Next we present the design Access (DMA), or memory-mapped I/O. The last group,
guidelines that must be followed for deploying adaptive com- remote flavors, comprises software and hardware flavors that
are not being deployed on the same machine as the appli- erties (traits) of a certain type. Per-application constraints
cation. The flavor is accessed through a network device, can be used to guide the reconfiguration process and dictate
which will forward the call to a remote machine and fetch which version of a component should be used under different
the results. circumstances. The only additional information the user
For implementing hardware and software flavors of compo- must provide to the operating system is which flavor of a
nents seamlessly, we rely on the UD extension of Application- component better suits each application by listing the accept-
Driven Embedded System Design (ADESD). ADESD is a able flavors in order of preference in the applications’ traits
multi-paradigm domain engineering methodology that guides (programmers can also delegate the choice to the system by
a domain decomposition into reusable, scenario-independent omitting the declaration).
components while capturing scenario-specific variability as a In Figure 2, the parameterized class Traits<Component>
set of aspect programs [11]. UD provides guidelines to capture denotes the traits of Component for a given application in
the differences between software and hardware as separate which the flavor order of preference is Flavor_2, Flavor_0,
aspect programs that can be subsequently used to produce Flavor_1. With this information, the system can adapt
multiple flavors of each component during synthesis [24]. to process and environmental variations during run-time
This is possible through the isolation of specific hardware by using flavors that best suit system’s requirements while
and software characteristics (resource allocation and commu- trying to utilize the user’s preferred flavors.
nication interface) into aspect programs which are weaved
with the unified descriptions only during the synthesis pro- template<> struct Traits<Component>
cess. Therefore, the extraction of hardware/software flavor {
from the unified design happens directly through language- typedef LIST<Flavor 2, Flavor 0 , Flavor 1> FLAVORS;
level transformations, thus facilitating compatibility with
different C++-based High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools and Figure 2: Example of the parametrized traits class for a
design flows. By using UD concepts we provide an approach generic component.
for deploying adaptive components employing static metapro-
gramming techniques and a transparent interface from the Template metaprogramming techniques enable the user
application developer point of view. to assign a priority to each component flavor in each appli-
cation without inferring run-time overhead using the traits
3.2 Interfacing Adaptive Components mechanism. LIST type is a metaprogrammed list of types
Multiple flavors of an adaptive component are exposed to populated by the user containing the preferred flavors of
applications through a single, unified interface which in our Component. Through C++ template metaprogramming, it is
approach is called inflated interface [11]. Metaprogrammed possible to obtain the number of types in the list and also a
software artifacts are used to handle differing function sig- type stored under a given index during compilation without
natures, communication with hardware IP cores, and state inferring run-time overhead. Notice that if the programmer
migration between flavors. While all software flavors and prefers to fully delegate the choice to an automated tool or
IP cores bitstreams are included in the system image (typ- to other system layers with a holistic understanding of the
ically kept in volatile memory), hardware accelerators are systems at run-time, he can simply skip declaring the static
instantiated and freed on-demand, and therefore do not take list of choices.
up system resources (particularly FPGA area) when not in
use. From the application’s standpoint, a call to a double 3.3 Decoupling Interface and Implementation
precision exponential function is therefore identical to a call Independent of the flavor deployed in a given moment in
activating a hardware IP to calculate it or a remote call to a time, the component must provide a uniform interface to its
cloud resource. clients. Also, changing the flavor behind a given component
Our approach assumes that applications dynamically in- must be a transparent operation and a clean interface must
stantiate (and destroy) the components they need, and the be provided to the entity in charge of performing compo-
operating system automatically uses the flavor that best suits nent reconfiguration. To comply with such requirements,
its current needs. Multiple component flavors are available to this work proposes an indirection between the component
applications through a single interface. For the application, interface and the flavor being currently deployed. More-
a call to a software function is, hence, identical to employing over, any infrastructure deployed for this purpose must not
a hardware IP core or a remote call to a cloud resource. incur any overhead when the component has a single fla-
The application programmer selects its preferred flavor of vor. Polymorphism was employed to guarantee that the
a given component for each application but, to cope with infrastructure remains scalable independent of the number of
system load as well as environmental and manufacturing- flavors and static metaprogramming techniques assure that
related variations, the deployed flavor might change during polymorphism is deployed only when strictly necessary.
run-time. To infer which flavor best suits the current system Figure 3a presents the building blocks of the infrastructure
needs, the operating system opportunistically and specu- proposed for adaptive components. A parametrized class
latively senses system load, hardware resource usage, and named Handle is introduced between the adaptive component
hardware performance parameters. interface provided to its clients and its flavors. It defines a
The C++ programming language is used to illustrate the first component wrapper whose main purpose is to ensure the
usage of adaptive components, the same concepts could be usage of a proper allocator for components, independently of
applied to any programming language supporting object- how they are statically or dynamically declared by the client.
orientation and static metaprogramming techniques. C++ Handle realizes the interface of the component passed as a
classes abstract components, each component has a parame/- parameter and forwards invocations of its methods to the
trized class whose static constant members describe the prop- flavor deployed in a given moment. It can point to any of its
template<typename Component>
«Mutant» class Handle
Component N {
private :
operation() typedef typename Traits<Component>::FLAVORS FLAVORS;
typedef typename IF<FLAVORS::Polymorphic, typename Component::
template Base<true>, typename FLAVORS::template Get<0>::
Result>::Result Base;
Flavor_0 Flavor_N
... static const unsigned int UNITS = FLAVORS::Length;
operation() operation()
public :
void operation () { current −>operation(); }

Handle void reconfigure ( int i ) {

Client if ( i < UNITS)
reconfigure() current = flavors [ i ];
(a) Component binding to a Handle with N flavors. private :
false Base ∗ current ;
«Mutant» Base ∗ flavors [UNITS];
Component };

Figure 4: Handle implementing method forwarding and re-


operation() polymorphic, we can have a polymorphic base class with

pure virtual methods or an empty class. Each Component
flavor will choose from which to inherit based on the number
of flavors.
Client Handle

(b) Component binding to a Handle with a single flavor. class Component

Figure 3: adaptive component framework. public :
template<bool polymorphic>
class Base;
N flavors while still maintaining references to the other flavors // Polymorphic Base
for later usage. It also provides the reconfigure() method template<bool polymorphic = true>
as means of changing its component current flavor during run- class Component::Base: public Component
time. Hence, adaptive components are manipulated through public :
their Handles. Base() {}
Handle keeps a reference to each deployed flavor by means virtual ˜Base() {}
of a Base pointers array, _flavors, as presented in Figure 4.
virtual void m() = 0;
_current is a pointer to the current flavor and is used by the };
Handle to dispatch invocations to the component’s methods.
The type Base is defined using the IF metaprogram according // Monomorphic Base
to the value of Polymorphic which is also a metaprogram class Component::Base<false>: public Component
that defines a boolean after searching the list of flavors for {
public :
any flavor of a type different then that at the list’s head. IF
Base() {}
returns its second parameter, the Component::Base<true> };
class, if its first parameter evaluates as true else, it returns
the third one, the Component single flavor. Figure 5: Possible Component::Base implementation.
Notice that Component::Base<true> is the base class in-
herited by each of the component’s flavors. Component::Base<true> A minimal implementation of Handle’s constructor is
methods are pure virtual to comply with the fact that _cur- shown in Figure 6. The template parameter polymorphic
rent might point to multiple flavors. This allows _current is set to true if the number of flavors is bigger than 1 by
to point to any flavor and invoke their methods. The recon- checking the list’s Length. Handle’s constructor initializes
figure() method can be easily implemented by changing each flavor and insert them in _flavors by employing tem-
the element to which _current points to. plate recursion as a looping construct [6]. The first invoca-
If Polymorphic is false, Base will be the flavor itself re- tion of helper() initializes the first metaprogrammed list
sulting in the architecture presented in Figure 3b. In this element defined in the component’s traits as previously ex-
case, the methods will only be defined and implemented in emplified in Figure 2 and keeps a reference for it in the Base
the component’s sole flavor with the Base inheriting from pointers array. helper() initializes each element until it
the flavor itself. The differentiation is necessary to remove reaches the last element in the list, with an index given by
the virtual function call overhead for a single flavor. The Traits<Component>::FLAVORS::Length.
Component::Base behavior can be achieved with template C++ namespaces are used to separate flavors and the de-
specialization techniques depicted in Figure 5. By special- coupling artifacts from its interface exported to the appli-
izing the template Component::Base according to value of cation. The former is defined in the System namespace
// Type ENNUMERATOR component’s proxy, the arguments supplied are marshaled
template<unsigned int N> into a request message and sent through a communication
struct Index { enum { Result = N }; };
channel to the corresponding component’s agent. An agent
template<typename Component> receives requests, unpacks the arguments and performs local
class Handle method invocations. The whole process is then repeated in
private : the opposite direction, producing reply messages that carry
typedef typename Traits<Component>::IMPS IMPS; eventual return arguments back to the caller
typedef typename IF<IMPS::Polymorphic, typename Component::
template Base<true>, typename IMPS::template Get<0>::
Result>::Result Base;

static const unsigned int UNITS = IMPS::Length; request request

call call
public : Component Proxy agent Component
Handle() { return return
reply reply
helper (Index<0>());
current = flavors [0];
} Software Hardware

private : Figure 7: Cross-domain communication using proxies and

template <unsigned int UNIT> agents as proposed by Mück [24].
void helper (const Index<UNIT> &) {
flavors [UNIT] = new typename IMPS::template Get<UNIT>::
Result; The approach based on channels, proxies and agents that
helper (Index<UNIT + 1>()); we have adopted for communication does not impose a single
} communication architecture. It can be used with different
void helper (Index<UNITS>) {}; networking technologies, such as a shared bus, a NoC, or a
DMA engine. For instance, when a bus-based communication
private :
Base ∗ current ; channel is used, a proxy in hardware may be implemented
Base ∗ flavors [UNITS]; as a memory-mapped slave device that notifies the CPU
}; through interrupt requests when it has a message ready to
Figure 6: A minimal implementation of Handle’s construc- be read. Alternatively, on a NoC based implementation, a
tor. packet-oriented interface would be used to transmit request
messages. Such variability is related to choices regarding the
hardware/software architecture of the chosen implementa-
tion platform and should not affect the system components.
while the latter goes on the Application namespace. The Finally, the resulting communication bandwidth is limited
client interacts directly with a Handle as in the applica- mostly by the chosen underlying communication technology.
tion namespace the component is bind to its Handle al-
ready specialized with namespace Application { typedef 3.5 Component State Handling
System::Handle<System::Component> Component }. Not all related works that propose reconfiguring compo-
nents from software to hardware and vice versa consider
3.4 Cross Domain Interaction component’s with an internal state [5]. Stateless components
Each flavor encapsulates the communication mechanisms simplify reconfiguration as there is no need to deal with the
necessary to exchange data and perform the computations state representation in different domains (i.e. software and
on its substrate. In the software domain, components are hardware) with different syntaxes for representing a state.
objects which communicate using method invocation, while We overcome this issue with a unified description of both
in the hardware domain, components communicate using hardware and software components which allows the designer
I/O signals and specific handshaking protocols. For commu- to express the component state uniformly among domains.
nication across different domains, the operating system must To keep the system sane when changing a component, the
provide appropriate abstractions for hardware components old flavor must provide a snapshot of its state so that it can
and mechanisms for interrupt handling while the hardware be restored into the new one. For simplicity, we consider
must be aware that it is requesting a software operation. For that each component (hardware or software) provides a data
instance, if given flavor uses a hardware IP to perform a structure that captures its current state as a set of variables
calculation it is responsible for all mechanisms that must be and each of its flavors provides methods to save and to
deployed to exchange data between itself and the IP. The restore its state using such data structure. The methods,
same applies for an flavor that depends on resources from save_state() and restore_state(), are invoked by the
different nodes of a network; it must operate the network entity performing the reconfiguration which is responsible
stack to communicate with it. for transferring the state from one flavor to another as one
To abstract communication patterns between components atomic operation. Figure 8 shows both methods used to
in different substrates, we employ an approach based on manage the flavors’ state for a component whose current
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) concepts from distributed state comprises two variables, _a and _b. When synthesized
object platforms [26]. Figure 7 illustrates an interaction into hardware, the state machine controlling its operation
between a component in the software domain with another will be able to interpret its registers as the variables in the
in the hardware domain. Callee components are represented higher level description and return them when save_state()
in the domain of callers by proxies. Channels deploy serializ- is invoked by RMI. The same holds for restore_state()
ers and deserializers to marshal data structures exchanged that will map the data received by RMI into state machine
by different domains. When an operation is invoked on a registers.
class Flavor 0 Another mechanism used in our framework consists in profil-
{ ing a set of operations at initialization-time to obtain average,
public :
struct State {
interference-free estimates for the most relevant ones, such as
int a; network package injection and retrieval or disk sector reading
float b; and writing. At run-time, the variation in the time observed
for such operations renders information that can be used by
public : predictors to derive the current status of the system [8].
Flavor 0 () {} In our framework, sensing data is exported to components
State save state () {
as events. An event models a condition derived from sensing
State state ; data independently of whether that data originates from
from a Hardware Performance Counters (HPCs), from a sen-
state .a = a;
state .b = b; sor (physical or virtual), from a software counter, or from
a predictor. An interrupt driven by a hardware counter is
return state ;
directly mapped into an event [20], while software-triggered
ones either arise passively from the system’s execution flow
void restore state (State &state) { whenever a condition matches, or actively through the use
a = state.a;
b = state.b; of periodic monitoring threads. In any case, events are ab-
} stracted in the framework using the observer design pattern,
so entities producing events notify those observing those
private :
int a ; events.
float b; Events are used in the framework in a two-stage scheme,
}; with components observing low-level events and managers
Figure 8: Example of helper functions for saving and restoring observing components. This scheme is depicted through the
a component’s state. sequence diagram of Figure 9. The Manager registers its
interest on a component’s sensing capabilities by invoking
the attach() method. In turn, Component registers for re-
By employing UD techniques for developing hardware and ceiving notifications about Events. Different events can be
software flavors from a unified description, which in our case associated to a same sensor, thus accounting for the model-
is written in C++, the state representation and the interface ing of distinct thresholds and different reasoning about the
for handling it are uniform avoiding complex state migration captured data. An event can also be associated to multiple
issues. Techniques for migrating and changing the numerical sensors. This flexibility enables a finer tuning between man-
representation of the current state from one flavor to another agers and components, improves information quality (since
are a complex matter and are outside this paper’s scope. noise can be more easily filtered closer to where signals are
For instance, there is no common convention for conversion captured), and reduces sensing overhead (since a properly
between most numerical data types (e.g. how to convert a configured system will propagate less useless events).
IEEE 754 binary64 number to a fixed point representation).
Moreover, it is also not trivial to infer the type of each Manager Component Event
data value that constitutes the component state without attach()
embedding meta data in each value. Finally, the conversion attach()
must be performed only once (in the previous or in the next
flavor) and a synchronization mechanism or convention must
be employed to avoid multiple conversions.
alt [threshold reached]
3.6 Sensing notify()
Adaptive components leverage sensors available across
multiple layers in the platform to make control decisions.
At platform-level, they can employ per-core Performance alt [threshold reached]
Monitoring Units (PMUs) available in most commercial plat- notify()
forms today to assess workload properties at run-time, such
as number of instructions executed, cache misses, branch
mispredictions, etc [34]. Most modern platforms are also
instrumented with a wide range of physical sensors, includ-
ing power, temperature, and aging. Virtual sensors can be
deployed to replace unavailable physical ones, for instance
Figure 9: Sequence diagram of Component and Manager sub-
by using models and predictors (e.g. power and tempera-
scription to receive sensing notifications from an Event fol-
ture) and encapsulating system-level metrics such as core
lowed by the notification propagation.
utilization and core throughput [32].
Most modern peripheral devices also feature event counters
that can be monitored to track their performance, energy
consumption, and several other operational parameters. Nev- 3.7 Actuation
ertheless, even with no hardware performance monitoring at Similarly to sensing, actuation also takes place in two levels
all, the operating system can implement event counters in within the framework, with components autonomously react-
software to keep track of the many aspects of the system [10]. ing to events as they are triggered and managers reacting
to both native and component-generated events. Immediate class Component
reaction to events by components are restrict to local actua- {
friend class Energy Aware<Component>;
tion, such as disabling a peripheral when it is no longer being
used. System-wide actuation is meant to be carried out by private :
managers. Besides supporting component flavor reconfigu- static void power(const Power Mode & mode) {
switch(mode) {
ration at run-time, the framework provides two additional case FULL:
main classes of actuation mechanisms for managers to adapt // Fully functional operation
the system: task scheduling and remapping, and power mode break;
case LIGHT:
transitioning. // Throttle operation
3.7.1 Through the Scheduler case SLEEP:
// Go to sleep
The subject of multicore, real-time, energy-efficient schedul- break;
ing and mapping of UD components has been thoroughly case OFF:
// Power off
discussed in previous works [12–14, 21], so a discussion about break;
its design will not be replicated here. However, there is default :
one important aspect that must be recapped: its support // Do not for SAME, ENROLL, and DISMISS
to opportunistic managers. Adaptation managers can regis- }
ter themselves within the scheduler to perform speculative, }
opportunistic actions whenever a CPU becomes idle. Regis- };
tered actions can be either interruptible and atomic. Atomic Figure 10: Method for _power() to be implemented by all
actions are registered along with a Worst Case-Execution components that encapsulate a hardware device.
Time (WCET) and are only performed if the interval until
the next job dispatching or timed event is big enough to
accommodate it in full. Interruptible actions are scheduled
an eventual power mode change. The idea encapsulated in
as First-Come, First-Served (FCFS). Managers can interact
this scheme is that changes might not always be possible.
with the scheduler to request the migration of a task to
For instance, if a low priority task demands a device that
another core, to temporarily suspend a task, or to change a
is also being used by a higher priority task to be powered
core’s voltage and frequency.
off, then this request must certainly be ignored. It is up to
Energized to evaluate the requests (via the contest(mode)
3.7.2 Through the Power Manager method) and decide whether they can be accepted, thus the
Power management is a major mechanism for components insertion of Energized::mode(mode) in the path between
to adapt their own behavior and for managers to adapt the Energy_Aware::power() and Component::_power(). The
behavior of the system as a whole aiming at optimizing the constant SAME is used to reject a power mode transition
overall energy efficiency. The framework proposed here sup- request.
ports managers in the implementation of their policies as Besides keeping track of the current operating mode of
it defines a common structure for the power management each energized component in the system, Energized also
aspects of components. Each component that directly en- maintains a list of the threads (tasks in real-time language)
capsulates a physical device capable of operating in different using each component. At construction-time, the energized
power modes, even if only on and off, defines the _power() component is registered by being inserted in the _devices
method. This method is not meant to be explicitly called static hash table. The constructor of components not di-
by the component clients and therefore is not part of the rectly related to physical devices (i.e. non-energized com-
component’s interface. It is used by the Energy_Aware aspect ponents), such as a communication socket or a file, invoke
as will be explained shortly. Four modes are globally defined the power(ENROLL) method for all aggregated components,
as shown in Figure 10. Mode FULL designates the component signalizing a dependency that propagates down to the en-
high-performance operation, while LIGHT designates a mode ergized components. A communication socket, for instance,
in which the whole functionality of the component is still will propagate through the whole communication stack until
available, but its performance is being traded for energy. The it reaches a network interface abstracted as an energized
exact trade-off is not defined by the framework and additional component [15]. A file will propagate, whose power(ENROLL)
modes can be supported. For a component supporting DVFS, through the file system down to a disk energized component.
LIGHT defines a throttled operation, but does not dictates These energized components get a power(ENROLL) implemen-
how much (the exact value is defined by the component or tation from the framework, which registers the currently
by a manager using the sensing features described earlier in running thread (Thread::self()), which created the top-
this section). A component in SLEEP mode is suspended, but level component, as a client of those energized components
its state is preserved, while a component in OFF is completely by inserting it into the component’s _threads list.
powered off. Components not supporting a given mode can The information gathered by Energized can be used by
simply ignore it. managers to implement predictors and other forms of decision
A component implementing the _power() method can be support algorithms.
made energy-aware by the Energy_Aware aspect program,
which decorates the component with an Energized object as
depicted in Figure 11. An energy-aware component is there- 4. RESULTS
fore energized. After incorporating the features of Energized We performed an evaluation of the adaptive components
through inheritance, Energy_Aware forwards power() invo- infrastructure initially measuring the overhead of method
cations to Energized, delegating it the final decision about invocations and its impact on memory consumption. Next,
template<typename Component> single method. The overhead is calculated as the difference
class Energy Aware: public Energized between the method execution time in a monomorphic com-
protected: ponent and the execution on an adaptive component with
Energy Aware() {} two flavors. The methods were invoked 10 000 times and the
total execution time was divided by 10 000 to calculate the
public :
const Power Mode & power() { return Energized::mode(); } average. The time measurements were made using an oscillo-
scope and a GPIO pin to signal when the operation started
void power(const Power Mode & mode) { and ended. For an adaptive component, the overhead of two
return Component:: power(Energized::mode(mode));
flavors was 91.9 ns. It was also observed by inspecting the
}; assembly code for the same test program using an adaptive
component with one flavor and a monomorphic component
class Energized
that the instructions generated for the method invocation
public : were equivalent.
Energized(const Type Id & id) : id ( id ) , mode(OFF) { Table 1 shows the infrastructure overhead in terms of
devices . insert ( this ) ; memory footprint. We measured the memory consumption
˜Energized() { devices .remove(this) ; }
of the same application in the Epos operating system which
instantiated a component with a single method with one
const Power Mode & mode() { return mode; } integer parameter in three scenarios: 1) monomorphic; 2)
Power Mode mode(const Power Mode & mode) {
adaptive with a single flavor; 3) adaptive with two flavors.
Power Mode old = mode; The footprint corresponds to the total memory usage of the
application in each scenario while the overhead accounts for
switch(mode) {
case ENROLL: threads.insert(Thread:: self ()) ; break;
the extra memory necessary for the adaptive components
case DISMISS: threads.remove(Thread:: self ()) ; break; infrastructure. Finally, impact is the relation between the
default : mode = contest(mode); // Agree on a final mode ratio between the overhead and the footprint. For an adaptive
} component with two implements the overhead can reach
return ( mode == old) ? SAME : mode; 14.93 %. Notice that Epos is a lean operating system in
} which only the components explicitly used are linked to the
application thus, the impact value is moderate as our test
private :
Power Mode contest(Power Mode mode); application is quite simple.

private :
Type Id id ; 4.2 Case Study: Adaptive PABX
Power Mode mode;
List <Thread> threads;
Three components that integrate a digital PABX system
were implemented using the adaptive components infrastruc-
static Hash<Energized, COMPONENTS, Type Id> devices; ture to evaluate our approach in an industrial application:
AES, ADPCM, and DTMF. The PABX consists of a commutation
Figure 11: The Energy_Aware aspect responsible for export- matrix that switches connections among different input and
ing the component’s power mode switch methods and the output data channels connected tone generators, tone de-
Energized that controls power mode switch. tectors, and to phone lines. AES implements the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) ciphering and inverse ciphering
used for secure communications. ADPCM is an Adaptive Dif-
we performed a case study using components commonly ferential Pulse-Code Modulation (ADPCM) codec commonly
found on Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) tele- used in telephony networks that compresses 16 bit audio sam-
phony systems. The adaptive components infrastructure was ples into 4 bit. Finally, DTMF is a Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency
prototyped on the Epos operating system communication (DTMF) detector that uses the Goertzel algorithm to verify if
framework [11] which already implemented a large part of the a set of audio samples contains the set of frequencies that de-
necessary building blocks. In all experiments, the hardware fine to a tone. The ADPCM is a stateless component while the
platform was prototyped in ZedBoard, a development kit AES, and the DTMF comprise the encryption key and the tone
based on Xilinx’s Zynq-7000, a SoC couples a reconfigurable samples buffer as their state respectively. Despite the sim-
fabric with an ARM Cortex-A9 dual core CPU with several plicity of the studied components, complex algorithms with
peripherals integrated in a single die. The software was com- multiple flavors can encapsulated as adaptive components
piled with GCC 4.4.4 targeting the ARMv7 ISA using level 2 as long as each flavor has the same interface and implement
optimization enabled by GCC’s -O2 flag while the hardware the state handling functions. The reconfiguration process of
was prototyped using Xilinx’s Vivado 14.2 for RTL hard- the studied components including when it is deployed, its
ware synthesis. Xilinx’s Vivado HLS 14.2 was used to obtain overhead, and latency were explored in a previous work [29].
RTL descriptions of the hardware flavors described using UD. Following UD techniques, a software and a hardware flavor
Synthesis constraints were adjusted on Vivado to minimize for each component were generated from the same unified C++
circuit area considering a maximum frequency of operation description [25]. In the software domain, the hardware flavor
of 100 MHz. The CPU clock frequency is 666.666 MHz while is represented by its proxy that dispatches method invoca-
hardware flavors’ clock frequency is 100 MHz. tions to the agent deployed in hardware which is responsible
for invoking the component functionality. Trade-offs regard-
4.1 Adaptive Component Infrastructure ing execution time and hardware resources usage of the three
The execution time overhead due to the adaptive com- components were previously explored [23, 25]. Despite being
ponents infrastructure was profiled for component with a generally faster and consuming less energy than software
Table 1: Memory footprint comparison of an application using adaptive components in the Epos operating system with a
monomorphic component.
Footprint (byte) Overhead (byte) Impact (%)
Mutant Mutant Mutant Mutant Mutant Mutant
Section Monomorphic (one flavor) (two flavors) (one flavor) (two flavors) (one flavor) (two flavors)
Text 12 212 12 504 14 464 292 2252 2.34 15.57
Data 52 52 52 0 0 0 0
BSS 564 564 564 0 0 0 0
Total 12 828 13 120 15 080 292 2252 2.23 14.93

flavors, hardware flavors depend on finite FPGA resources Rec Rec

which might be already allocated for other components. In node node
Rec Rec Rec Rec
such cases cases the policy for reconfiguration can be to use node node node node
hardware flavors whenever there are available resources.
For the experimental analysis and evaluation we used a Rec RTSNoC RTSNoC Rec
platform called EPOSSoC which presented in Figure 12. node Router Router node
The CPU nodes execute software flavors of components and
Rec Rec Rec Rec
the operating system that orchestrates hardware flavors de- node node node node
ployment. Software flavors run on the CPU node: a dual-core Rec
Cortex-A9 processor coupled with several peripherals execut-
ing the Epos operating system. Rec nodes are reconfigurable
partitions that might contain hardware flavors of compo- Bridge Debug and Trace
nents interconnected using a Real-Time Star Network-on-
Chip (RTSNoC) [4] based scheme. A bus-based interconnect
was discarded as it is not the most suitable choice for more PCAP ARM Cortex-A9 ARM Cortex-A9
heterogeneous designs in which hardware flavors play active GPIO L1 Cache L1 Cache
roles [7]. The RTSNoC consists of routers with a star topol- SPI L2 Cache
ogy that can be arranged to form a two dimensions mesh.
USB SMP Timers
Each router has eight bi-directional channels that can be Scratch Pad
connected to cores or channels of other routers. Moreover, UART DMA IC
the rec nodes are connected to RTSNoC routers ports and
one of the RTSNoC routers ports is connected to the CPU AXI interconnect
node through an AXI bridge.
Table 2 gathers the FPGA resources used by each ele-
ment in the EPOSSoC. The resource utilization of each Flash DRAM
component’s hardware flavors comprises the component func- Figure 12: EPOSSoC block diagram. CPU, and rec nodes
tionality and the infrastructure necessary to communicate are interconnected by RTSNoC routers.
with software comprised in its agent. The area is estimated
as the arithmetic mean of the amount of each particular re-
source, weighted by its total amount available on the target
detect(), the method responsible for analyzing if a tone is
found in a buffer with 700 samples and returning it, was
Table 2: Hardware resources utilisation for the EPOSSoC profiled. The methods were repeated 10 000 times and the
in the XC7Z020 SoC. total execution time was divided by 10 000 to calculate the
average execution time. The time measurements were made
Flip-flop LUT Memory Area (%) using an oscilloscope and a GPIO pin to signal when the
operation started and ended. The results are presented in
RTSNoC 562 855 0 0.70
Figure 13 and account for the method execution time for
AES 1576 1595 6 2.92 an adaptive component with two, and one flavors and the
ADPCM 519 642 1 0.80 component with a monomorphic flavor.
DTMF 646 368 1 0.66 Despite the virtual method call in adaptive components
Available 106 400 53 200 140 100.00 with two flavors, the total execution in some cases does not
suffer a noticeable increase as the monomorphic method ex-
ecution time is much bigger that the virtual function call
The execution time of both hardware and software flavors overhead. Nevertheless, for methods with smaller execution
of the AES performing the encrypt() and decrypt() methods times, the overhead of being used by an adaptive component
were profiled. encrypt() performs the direct AES cipher with two flavors translates in an relatively large increase in
on a 128 bit block stored on 16 B while decrypt() performs the total execution time. For instance, the software flavor
the inverse operation. As for the ADPCM, both encode() and of ADPCM::decode() which is a fast compared to others eval-
decode() methods used to compress and decompress a 16 bit uated (0.86 µs) suffers an increase of 22 % on its execution
audio sample respectively were profiled. Finally, DTMF’s time compared to the method execution on a monomorphic
Normalized execution time














detect() detect() decode() decode() encode() encode() decrypt() decrypt() encrypt() encrypt()
(hardware) (software) (hardware) (software) (software) (hardware) (hardware) (software) (hardware) (software)

Monomorphic Mutant with one flavor Mutant with two flavors

Figure 13: Normalized execution time for methods member of components with a hardware and a software flavor.

component. On the other hand, a slower method as the sensors specially PMUs.
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