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Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication • Receiver (Destination) –Receiver is the person

who gets the message or the place where the

• Shannon Weaver model of communication was
message must reach. The receiver provides
created in 1948 when Claude Elwood Shannon
feedback according to the message.
wrote an article “A Mathematical Theory of
Communication” in Bell System Technical • Noise –Noise is the physical disturbances like
Journal with Warren Weaver. environment, people, etc. which does not let
the message get to the receiver as what is sent.
• Biography - Claude Shannon and Warren
Weaver were engineers working for Bell
Telephone Labs in the United States , both of
them joined together to write an article in “Bell
System Technical Journal” called “ Shannon and
weaver model of communication” Their goal
was to ensure the maximum efficiency of
telephone cables and radio waves. They
developed a model of communication which
was intended to assist in developing a
mathematical theory of communication. Claude
Shannon (1916-2001) is considered one of the
founding fathers of the communications age. Advantages of Shannon Weaver Model
Shannon and Weaver model of communication
• This model takes communication as a two way
has been called the “mother of all the models”
process. It makes the model applicable in
• THE MODEL - This model is specially designed to general communication.
develop the effective communication between
• Communication is taken as quantifiable in
sender and receiver. It also identifies factors
Shannon Weaver model.
which affect the communication process called
“Noise”. At first the model was developed to CRITICISM OF THE MODEL 
improve the Technical communication. Later it
There are three levels of problems of
was widely applied in the field of
communication according to Shannon Weaver. They
Concepts in Shannon Weaver Model
• Technical problem –How a channel causes a
• Sender (Information source) – Sender is the problem
person who makes the message, chooses the
• Semantic problem –Is the meaning of message
channel and sends the message.
sent and received very different
• Encoder (Transmitter) –Encoder is the sender
• Effectiveness problem –How effectively does
who uses machine, which converts message
the message cause reaction
into signals or binary data. It might also directly
refer to the machine. References:
• Channel –Channel is the medium used to send •
message. iptin/shannon-and-weaver-model-of-
• Decoder (Receiver) – Decoder is the machine
used to convert signals or binary data into •
message or the receiver who translates the /shannon-and-weaver-model-communication
message from signals.

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