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This chapter is an introduction of this research, things which the researcher is going to
explain are, background of the study is in 1.1, research questions are in 1.2, purpose of the study is in
1.3, significance of the study is in 1.4, scope and limitation of the study is in 1.5, definition of key
terms are in 1.6, and the organization of study is in 1.7.

1.1 Background of Study

Every region has their own unique language in Indonesia, which can be distinguished from
others, it is almost as if local language has higher position than national language, such as Javanese in
Java, Sundanese in Bandung and Bogor, Balinese in Bali, Betawi in around Jakarta, and many more.
The local language becomes the mother tongue for most Indonesians, because it is a language which
they grow up with. Besides that, the local language is in Indonesian education curriculum, it is in all
classes which applying Indonesian curriculum. It is kind of different with International schools, they
use International curriculum that local language is not the main language. The existence of
International schools in Indonesia becomes massive, they offered English as the main language that is
used not only inside the school but also outside the school. This is one of globalization culture in
which there are no boundaries across countries. People are free to communicate with anyone from
another part of the earth, the global news broadcast on almost all of media platform especially electric
ones, social media platforms which offered social life of people worldwide, also the television
programs and series that everyone can reach online, all of them are require only one language which
can be understood to all people, which is English.

Bahasa Anak JakSel becomes a popular topic in this age, because of the combination between two
languages, Indonesian and English, in its usage. The existence of Bahasa Anak JakSel can be identified
as the effect of globalization era. In this era, it is common for people to speak or understand more
than one language. Person who speaks or knows two language is called a bilingual. Bilingual is an
ability of someone to speak two languages then it is called as individual bilingualism, or within in a
group or society it is called societal bilingualism. A person who is a bilingual usually use two
languages when they are engaged in a conversation, or it could be two languages at once. They
combine two languages in one utterance, there are many factors lead to this phenomenon. In addition
to the combination of the languages, it leads to how they maintain it.

The appearance of new kind of language could be caused by social status, social class, and social
style from the society. From starting with a small group of people which has ‘habit’ to combine two
languages then it becomes to a larger group of people or we call it a speech community and it
becomes a characteristic language which is the uniqueness of the group. A speech community is a

group of people where they can make and apply rules at least in one communication practice (Asare,

2015). This phenomenon happens in most of Jakarta Young People who live in Jakarta especially
South Jakarta. As the researcher mentioned before, Bahasa Anak JakSel was a trending topic or hot
topic in Indonesia, because people think that their ‘language’ is unique and different than from the
others, as cited from a social cultural observer from University of Indonesia, Devie Rahmawati said
“Penggabungan dua bahasa ini, kemudian menarik perhatian lantaran dianggap berbeda dari bahasa Indonesia
yang baik dan benar.”1 (What makes those mixing language is interesting because it is far from the
grammar of Bahasa Indonesia). The beginning of its appearance, Bahasa Anak JakSel, was popular in
South Jakarta Young People society, that is why this language named as Bahasa Anak JakSel which
Bahasa means language, Anak means young people and JakSel is short of Jakarta Selatan (South Jakarta),
in which it is located in an area in which the people has above average lifestyle and cost living. This

also affect the use of language, as explained by (Brammer, 2006). As we all know Jakarta was the
capital city of Indonesia located in DKI Jakarta, when this phenomenon comes up around September
2018 spreading fast on the Internet. Appearing in capital city quicken this phenomenon to spread
across the cities in Indonesia, social media electronic also has role in it. They use some common
English words combines with Bahasa Indonesia in their utterance and texting.

For the first previous study was done by Allan Lauder(2008) in his paper entitled “The Status and
Function of English in Indonesia: A Key Factor.” In his paper, he tries to find out the roles and
functions of English in Indonesia in its historical, political, socio-cultural and linguistic context from
many literature sources. Descriptive Qualitative method was chosen as his methodology. Using
theory from Crystal (2003) in order to support his research. This theory would be explained further in
Chapter 2.

The difference between the first previous study and this study is that the subject of the research,
the previous study did not use any informant to be the subject but only from literature sources.
Moreover the researcher of the first previous study is only focused to explain more about the theory
and only giving the general fact.

The second previous study was done by Sujan Singh(2016) in his paper entitled “English as a Tool
of Power, Prestige, and Growth.” There are 7 important points of the importance of English according
to his paper, for this study the researcher only used 3 points out of 7. His paper only used Descriptive
Qualitative method. He mentioned the importance points of English in his paper and one point is
using the theory of D. Crystal(1997) it is access to knowledge. The detail explanation of the second
previous study can be seen in Chapter 2.

Even though the first previous study is quite the same with the second previous study, there are
some differences especially in setting. The first previous study was in Indonesia while the second
previous study was in India, geographically different but the similarity is that both the countries are

development countries in which English is not the mother tongue or the first language. Contextually
both previous studies are the same, do not use specific subject or informant and explaining in general
linked to some theories.

The third previous study was done by Ehud Reiter and Somayajulu Sripada(2002) from
University of Aberdeen, in their paper entitled “Human Variation and Lexical Choice.” Their research
using Natural Language Generation(NLG), they explained the implications of NLG using the
previous research and SUMTIME Project as the researching techniques. One of the points will be used
and explained further in Chapter 2.

There are a similarity and difference between the last previous study and this study, both are
field researches but with different focus. The last previous study more has focus on lexical while this
study has focus on sociolinguistics.

This research might not be the same from other researches about Bahasa Anak JakSel as it will be

seen in sociolinguistics perspective. Sociolinguistics according to (Wardhaugh, 2006) is a relationship

between society and language which the purpose is to understand better the structure of the language
along with its function used in communication. Sociolinguistics itself consists of social and language,
which social theories try to understand how societies are structured and how could people survive to
live together, those are involved concepts such as ‘identity’, ‘power’, ‘class’, ‘status’, ‘solidarity’,
‘accommodation’, ‘face’, ‘gender’, ‘politeness’ and many more. On the other hand, language is a

complex of items according to Hudson (1996) on (Wardhaugh, 2006) is called ‘linguistic items’
including unity of sounds, words, grammatical structures and others. He also explained several
possible relationships between language and society on his book, one of them is that social structure
may either affect or decide linguistic structure and/or behavior. Certain proofs may be illustrated to
support that view: the age-grading phenomenon, by which young children speak differently from
older children and, by turns children speak differently from mature adults. The research which show
the variation of language that speaker use can reveal such factors as their regional, social or ethnic
origin and even their gender. Other than those, other researches which show specific ways of
speaking, choice of words, and rules in conversation can be determined by absolute social
requirements. This Sociolinguistic view, empower the researcher to know the common English words
appear in Bahasa Anak JakSel and the reason of many Jakarta young people use Bahasa Anak JakSel. Will
language and society really affect the Bahasa Anak JakSel or the it is the opposite. Holmes(1992) said on

(Wardhaugh, 2006), the purpose of sociolinguists’ is to run to a theory which support a motivated
account on how the language is used in a community, also of the choice people make when they use
that language.

That is the reason of making this topic is more interesting to be discussed as a thesis for
undergraduate degree of English literature students. The fact that the subject of this research is all
Indonesian young people live in Jakarta which has many International schools also as the capital city

of Indonesia because we know that there are many other cities also has International schools such as
Surabaya but why this kind of language existed as Bahasa Anak JakSel not as any other languages, this
thing would be explain further according to the informants.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the explanation above, the researcher has two questions to answer later on:
1.2.1 What are the common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel?
1.2.2 What are the reasons behind many Jakarta young people use Bahasa Anak JakSel in their daily

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Related to the questions mentioned above, the objective of study purposes to find out:
1.3.1 To analyze the common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel.
1.3.2 To analyze the reasons behind many Jakarta young people use Bahasa Anak JakSel in their
daily conversation.

1.4 Significance of Study

This research has two significances, first is theoretical perspective and second is practical
perspective. It is supposed to enrich the theoretical perspective on language pattern of Bahasa Anak
JakSel, which it is not only about combining two languages both English and Bahasa Indonesia, but also

there are common used English words. It is supported by (Brammer, 2006) that one of multifunction
language is picking only one from many utterances or words could manipulate the affective aspect of
the language and being sensitive to the society. That theory becomes the main theory for answering
the research question number one about common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel. For the
research question number two, there are four different theories being used. English as a language

pride by (Brammer, 2006), Speaking English as Part of Social Demands by (González, 2012),

Untranslatable Words in Bahasa Indonesia by (Kashgary, 2011) and Enrich the English Vocabulary

without Losing Bahasa Indonesia by (Betaubun, 2016).

For the practical perspective, this research will help the readers and other researchers to
know the common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel and the reason behind the usage of
Bahasa Anak JakSel.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of Study

The focus of this research is Jakarta young people who live in Jakarta. This research finds data
from Google Form answer sheet filled in by 52 Jakarta young people, in the age between 17 and 33
years old, both male and female and have different background of education and work. Then

analyzing the data using the theory of (Brammer, 2006) for the research question number one which is
the language pattern of Bahasa Anak JakSel used by Jakarta young people and using the theories of

English as a language pride by (Brammer, 2006), the reason speaking English as part of social

demands by (González, 2012), untranslatable words in Bahasa Indonesia untranslatable words in

Bahasa Indonesia by (Kashgary, 2011), and (Betaubun, 2016) for enriching the English vocabulary
without losing Bahasa Indonesia, those are for analyzing the data for research question number two.
This research has limitation in using Bahasa Anak JakSel by Jakarta young people. The focus is the
common used English words and reasons behind the usage of Bahasa Anak JakSel.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Bilingual: A person who is able to understand and use two languages both in spoken and
2. Language and social demands: people which live in certain social position will speak in their
ways and of course social class affects the language they use, their speech will reflect prestige
norms. Higher class of someone depends on the higher salary they get from better

occupation, involving the degree of education they got (Brammer, 2006).

3. Common used words: bilinguals or multilinguals will choose only one language which
suitable, aesthetically more pleasing and have clearly expressed feelings to their society

(Brammer, 2006).

4. Social categories: are include income, housing, education level and occupation (González,

5. Social style: consist of class, gender and age, social relations and our activities we engaged in,
then our plays in it (Machin & Van Leeuwen, 2005).

6. Untranslatable words: untranslatability could occur at certain level of word because the lack
of the equivalence between the languages (Kashgary, 2011).

7. Language and culture: when we talk about language, it cannot be separated from its culture
because culture is our way of life, the way we think, the way we act, and the way we feel

(Betaubun, 2016).

1.7 The Organization of the Study

This research consists of five chapters. Chapter one as the introduction of the study consists of
background of study, research questions, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and
limitation definition of key terms, and also the organization of the study. In chapter two, consists of
theories of some linguists’ which are related to this study and also some previous studies of scholars
which have similarities with this research which are included in review of related literature as well.
Chapter three consists of the research method which include the research design, the subject and
setting, the data and source of data, the research instrument, technique of data collection, procedure
data collection, and data analysis. Chapter four explains the result and discussion also to answer the
research questions in chapter one. Chapter five is the last chapter of this study which consists of
conclusion and suggestions.


This chapter explains the existing literatures of related theories. The theories that are covered
namely; bilingualism and multilingualism in 2.1, social demands in 2.2, the last is roles and function
of English in 2.3.

2.1 Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Monolingualism is an ability to speak only one language. It was often found people who are not
monolinguals back then. Bilingualism is a situation when there are two languages used. While
bilingual is an ability of someone to speak two or more language and it is called as individual

bilingualism, or within in a group or society it is called societal bilingualism according to (Fromkin et

al., 2011). Multilingualism is a person who has an ability to speak more than two languages.
According to the description of bilingualism and multilingualism, both of them are in the same
context where the languages used are more than one. Even though the bilinguals speak two

languages, it does not mean they have the same level of ability in language (Wardhaugh, 2006). Some
people might use two languages natively, whilst some of them use the two languages regularly,
proficiency but does not stick to the linguistics rules. That is why a bilingual might be a master in
spoken two languages, but not in other parts of writing and reading either multilingualism. We will
find people who speak more than one language as the foreigner, immigrants or family of mixed-
marriage. When we look at the people who speak more than one language, we as the monolinguals
might admire and envy at the same time, because speaking more than one language is such an
extraordinary thing. Nonetheless, speaking more than one language is not all that special. Indeed,
someone who is a monolingual would be seen unsuitable, lacking skill in society, especially the skill
which can lead to interact with people who speak more than one language. It is a normal thing in
many countries that people speak more than one language in daily life, they do it because one
language or more at home, one more in the village, another for business and another else for

socializing outside world which sometimes offend political and cultural things(Wardhaugh, 2006).

Having an ability in bilingual or multilinguals does not mean having the same level of
understanding. Many of multilinguals expand capability in every code they want to use and choosing
for the context the language they put it in. Context links to the language choice. Some of social factors
just like who you are talking to, social context of talk, the purpose and topic of talk, then it turns out
to be important in choosing language to use in many different speech communities. The language you
used will determine your social identity attached to yourself.

According to (Crystal, 2003), there are exact differentiation and limitation between bilingual and
multilingual, bilingual includes only two languages and multilingualism includes the use of more
than two languages. That is why bilingualism cannot be separated from human across countries,
including in all society class and many dimensions, especially in this globalization era. From the
explanation above, we can conclude that both of bilingualism and multilingualism almost in the same
situation which using more than one language. This means that the theory of bilingualism also can
apply to multilingualism.

2.1 Social Demands

There are many researches on how to define social class in one specific place generally a city. As

stated by Labov (1966) in (Brammer, 2006), linguistic variation in New York City based on criteria of
education, occupation and income, then the social class divided into low class such as working class,
middle class and upper middle class. He used those three scales to define his ten social classes. Class
0 is the lowest class, which has lowest education grade, were laborers, and difficult to make ends
meet. Class 1-5 is working class, which has some high school education, they are blue-collar workers,
but they earned enough to buy such things as car. Class 6-8 are lower middle classes, most of them
are graduated from high school and “semi” professional, they are “white collar” who able to give
their children college education. Class 9 is the highest class of him, he called it upper middle class.
This class can provide proper education and has orientation in business. Then in 2001 he used socio-
economic indicator form on occupation, education and house expense.

According to Shuy et al.’s (1968) research, which was done in Detroit, defining social class
depends on education, occupation and residence to differentiate between upper and lower class and
upper and lower working class. If we look in details, actually Shuy’s (1968) has four level of social
class complete with the score, upper middle class 20-48, lower middle class 49-77, upper working
class 78-106, lower working class 107-134. While in U.K, Trudgill (1978) chose to use income,
education, housing, locality and father’s occupation, he named them as Social Index Scale. He has 5
level of social class, start from the lower to higher is middle middle class (MMC), lower middle class
(LMC), upper working class (UWC), middle working class (MWC), and lower working class (LWC).

Then it all summarized by (Wardhaugh, 2006) in his book entitled An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
in Language Variation’s chapter. All levels of social class built upon educational accomplishment,
professional coaching, occupation or their parents’ occupations, salary grade, source of salary, wage

and income, residential neighborhood, sex, age, race and ethnicity. Above all theories, (González,

2012) in his book stated that social categories include income, housing, education level and
occupation. All those researchers tried to characterize the members’ way of speaking for each social

Each of the scale has its own value to determine which class fit it in, some of them are “upper
class”, “middle class”, and “lower working class”. This kind of scale is common used in linguistics’

work to allocate the member of the social class in purpose to describe the characteristics behavior of
numerous social class.

The concept of social style as the background of social determination of style, the concept of what
style expressed, exclude the personality and attitude of someone, but the position of ourselves in
society to be in part of stable categories just like class, gender and age, social relation and our plan in

our social activity we engaged in less but not least is our role (Machin & Van Leeuwen, 2005). Social
style is not motivation from internal or psychology, it also does not fit in our mood or feeling or
character. It is motivation from the outside and determined by social factor out of our control. Social
style first appeared in 1960s and 1970s. Appearing with the traditional interest in regional type of
language, then an interest about other parts of language, for example parts which has relation with
social class by Bernstein (1972) and Labov (1969), or the difference between power and status by
Brown and Gilman (1960), or the occupation field’s style by Crystal dan Davy (1969) and Leech

(1969), (Machin & Van Leeuwen, 2005). The concept of style always related to an individual style later
as become the concept of language variation.

2.2 Roles and Functions of English

Nowadays, English is needed in any aspect of our life, such as education, media, at work and
many more. English as the global or world language should be powerful and rich language because it
is used across country lines and spoken by more than three hundred million people all around the

world (Singh, 2016). English in Indonesia should have roles and functions because it is foreign
language not second language.

2.2.1 English as International Language

It is no doubt that English is global language, because you can hear it anywhere, series on
television, when you travel in another part of the world you will see road signs in English, when you
stay at the hotel the people will understand English also the menu will serve in English and so on.

Crystal on his book (Crystal, 2003) explain that in 2000 there are 1,500 million English speakers
worldwide. In his book also explained the status of English nowadays is the result of British’s
invention in United States of America because there are inner and outer circle. The inner circle
including UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, while the outer circle is where
English is part of country’s important institutions also becomes the second language such as

Indonesia including its neighbor (Lauder, 2008). English has many roles, especially in developing
country such as Indonesia, English plays a significant role mainly in career and education
development. As already mentioned before, Indonesia is the expanding circle, when the outer circle is
expanding to other countries that appreciate English to be its international language with two
conditions. The two conditions are the countries were not conquered by the inner circle countries and
did not given any official status from English. to understand more about the circles, according to

Kachru there are three circle mode on his book (1992) reprinted from (Jenkins, 2006), the inner circle

are UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The outer circle like Bangladesh, Ghana,
India, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zambia. While
the expanding circle such as China, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Saudi Arabia,
Taiwan, Russia, Zimbabwe.

The sociolinguistics consider that Kachru’s (1992) model on the standardization of English is
created and preserved by the English Native speaker or speaker of English as a Native Language
(ENL), whilst English as the second language then becoming regularized and developing their
standard. However, English in Indonesia has role as the foreign language to be “performance”
character and has no official position also still hanging on the standard fix by English Native Speaker

from the inner circle (Jenkins, 2006). In Kachru’s statement there are factors behind English language
policy, some of them are attitude, power and politics, and some mistakes towards the usage and

As well all know, English in Indonesia does not use widely in public communication, does
not use for media communication in government authority, law courts and all level of education,
even country’s language regulation, it seems still a concern to be the important foreign language to be

taught according to Simatupang (1999) but re-quoted on (Lauder, 2008). It is not easy to make social
functions of English as the country’s regulation where English is not the first language just like
Indonesia. Unlike the countries located in inner circle where English is used in any circumstances, in
Indonesia its function seems to be process of language planning consciously on behalf of linguistic

There are many models of English which have been explained by various researchers such as
Strevens (1992: 33), McArthur (1987), Görlach (1988) and Modiano (1999). Every researcher presented
their theory almost different with others, Strevens illustrated historical links and types as a short of
family tree sets on world map. McArthur presented different circle of world English, according to him
World Standard English located in the center of one circle and ringed by eight pieces and every of it
contains a regional collection of English. Another model from Görlach, tended to indicate the
historical and political phenomenon and fewer describe the sociolinguistics phenomenon of the way
how English is used in this modern era as well as a foreign language, it is Indonesia that have a big
opportunity of foreign language populace. Modiano’s is an exceptional because he put accomplished
international English in the middle point, native and foreign language accomplished on the outside
and beginner and anyone who does not know and understand English is out of the main circle

(Lauder, 2008). EIL is the core of the model, also a part which can be understood by most of native
and qualified non-native English speakers. Then the component of second circle is all internationally
common features. The external layer built of five elements which each of them represents components
that are specific to the speech community and might not be understood by other people. This model is
valuable because it gives space to other different speaker of foreign language such as in Indonesia. It

is different with the previous research because their focuses are in geographically and historically also
has no space for English as a foreign language.

2.2.2 English as an Apparatus of Power, Prestige and Growth

To know and understand more why English considered can be apparatus of power, prestige
and growth, abstracted from Sujan Singh (2016) in his international journal there are at least
three main points of the importance of English. One by one will be explain deeper below:
1) Access to Knowledge and Education
Most of industrial revolution took place in Britain as the origin country of English.
Cited from David Crystal on his book titled English as A Global Language that
industrial revolution happened in Britain involve harvesting coal, water and steam to
run heavy machinery, development of new materials, technique and equipment to
develop in a large area of manufacturing industries also the emersion of new
transportation made in Britain. This industrial revolution spreads outside Britain by
all means the people outside Britain should know and understand English. This is the
fact that English has access to knowledge. We can find so many international school
in Indonesia, it is one of many access to knowledge also it becomes business. It is
important to value highly because the use of English is varied, especially in scientific
periodicals in 1980, such as physics, biology, mathematics, medical and chemistry

found written in English (Crystal, 2003). English has become a standard medium in
higher education level in various countries and surprisingly, is used in countries
which English has no official status. These days, the pressure of using English has
advanced to colleges and universities such as student exchange, lecture exchange
have forced them to face the multilinguals.
2) World’s Windows
When you travel to other parts of the world, any country which English is not the
first language, you will find someone who understand and speak English to talk
with, because in that moment you will know anything about the country. Even
though English is not the first language, at least you will understand the history or
cultural things in English. Many science and technology books are in English, people
say that books are the windows to the world. That means if you are interested in
science, you have to read science book in English, because it will provide you more
information and you will find many results of research. This also used in college
degree, reading international journal is a must in order to support might be your
task, presentation or even thesis.

3) Fundamental to Career Growth

When private companies have achieved its ground and become more competitive
because the world’s economy is changed, they want to keep their employee and not
to fire them. It feels like there are two choices, rather you keep your hard work or
disintegrate for not keeping your career growth. The capability for using language is
needed to remain employable. Workable is the ability to continue the work progress
based on the compatible skills. One of the most important skills is communication, it
would show the professionalism of someone. The capability of expressing something
fluently both in spoken and written form by language is required in career growth.
Nowadays, understanding the proper English becomes most required qualification
for company when hiring people. We should know that understanding the proper
English does not only about the grammar, also have to deal with the related skills,
such as presentation, persuasive and negotiating skill also individual skill towards
the language. Communication is an activity of exchanging or sharing information,
feelings, thoughts and ideas. Business communication is the type of communication
which used in corporate world. It requires effective communication and avoid
miscommunication. The fact is, many companies start to consider that having ability
in language especially English is an advantage to the companies, so they put
understand the proper English as one of their qualifications for hiring people.
Running company is not only for the regional area, every company wants them to
grow more and more, larger and larger, to reach that goal English is the key because
they will have multi-cultural and multi-linguistic so there is should be one main
language which covers all.

2.2.3 English as Untranslatable Word Substitution

English as a foreign language in Indonesia becomes the main factor that influence many
academics in Indonesia to understand various scientific discipline as well as technology. These things
can be separated from many various literatures, books, journals and learning materials in English.
Besides, this digital era brings us into the worldwide information without borders, seems it is hard to
sort it out. However, there should be some English words which cannot be translated or do not have
equivalent word. Those words can be found in our surroundings, on television, Instagram, YouTube
and so on. Whenever we found or face English words, often we try to translate them into Bahasa
Indonesia. When there are two languages meet, they will have different culture because of that will
provide good examples about the possibility of translating the untranslatable words because less-

equivalence (Reiter & Sripada, 2002). The concept of equivalence is trusted to be the main issue in
translation even though the explanation, relevance and application in the area of translation theory

creates controversy (Kashgary, 2011). Absolutely, the equivalence has given the helpful theoretical
and pragmatic background for its process. Nevertheless, according to three researchers Bolan˜os
(2005), Snell-Hornby (1988) and Nord (1997), the concept of equivalence has also been reviewed as

“dissymmetrical, directional, lack of subject, outdated and unclearly defined”. Overall, equivalence
seemed as the basic and central theory and necessity in translating.

Kashgary (2011) agrees that equivalence is the core of translation, non-equivalence creates an
equal legal concept in process of translation. The explanation for this is language rules the world
differently because “languages do not easily name existing types but they articulate their own” origin
from Culler (1976). Non-equivalence in translation is argued and proven by examples in translating
Arabic to English, one thing is not enough discussed in relation to researches in equivalence. On the
other side, there are many researchers already found equivalence when translating English to Arabic
according to Ghazala (2004) in Kashgary’s (2011). From that research, English and Arabic belong to
two far different cultures, therefore showing proof for the probability of translating something which
is sometimes knows as “untranslatable” caused of non-equivalence or deficient of equivalence.
Untranslatability might occur in word level because the deficient of equivalence between two
languages. At this type, it is dodged by putting away equivalence for sake of non-equivalent rules in
purpose to accomplish suitable degree of equivalence to the next level of word. Untranslatable occurs

at particular level of word because the lack of the both languages (Kashgary, 2011). When we want to
translate one language to another different language, equivalence needs more obstacle, linguistic,

temporal and cultural, for that result more challenges than monolingual (Kashgary, 2011).

2.2.4 Enriching English Vocabulary as The Foreign Language

Group of people live together with different culture and idea. They stick together because
they have the same feeling, idea, and rules, that is what can be differentiate from other groups. When
they are together as a group, they already agree to the rules and norms applied within group, they
should have the similarity in particular thing. Every group has their own unique characteristics
because when they agree on something it comes from individual experience or background. Avoiding
the miscommunication, this is when language is needed. Language is the perfect medium of
communication and expression in a group of people. When we talk about language, it means we also
talk about the culture, because culture is the thing that cannot be separated from language, the way

we think, feel and talk it is what we called culture (Betaubun, 2016). It is also the first to get highly
developed mode from all aspects of culture and it becomes prerequisite to the development of culture

(Betaubun, 2016). Indeed, those cultural groups need to interact between, or even among groups,
because it creates language contact, creating and borrowing words in a group as the result of
sociocultural setting to the language, according to Sapir’s statement that the simplest type of influence
which a language might be given is “borrowing” words. In the end, the way we talk will represent

our social background (Holmes, 2012).

1) Culture and Language Contacts

There are many definitions of culture from many experts or researchers, but
whatever those are, it should have relation with society. Country’s culture will lead
the behavior of its citizen in a group and applied in family life. It influences our
attitude or behavior in groups, making us concern of status and helping us to know
what others hope on us and what will happen if we do not fulfill their hope or
expectation. Culture can help us to know how far we can go as individuals and our
responsibility as the member of a group. Culture has function as the guide because it
consists of norms, customs, ideas and anything in which every member should accept
other members in society. Then, society’s culture anything that relates to people’s
knowledge in their life because society’s culture contains things that should be
known or believed in purpose to run in appropriate ways and acceptable to the
members also to do in any function which they accept for someone of them. There is
always a relation between language and culture based to the fact that language is
always part of culture, and vice versa. Both tied complexly until someone cannot
separate them without losing the important meaning between language and culture.
Because culture has relation with knowledge, belief and value then language should
provide medium for encoding it. If language X provides a word for specific concept,
then the word should be easier for speaker of language X to refer than speakers of
language Y, who does not have the word then forced to use indirect speech. The
moment when a group of culture meets and blend with another group, there would
be a language contact then it will lead to biculturalism same as bilingualism,
spreading the cultural characteristics as well as linguistics aspects. That process of
language contact is when one group will learn from others that differences will be
found in vocabulary of every group and “borrowing” is needed. Borrowing is the
process by which bilingual speakers introduce a word in their language into another
language it is also known as loan words. The loan word is accepted as part of the
second language. The small group usually will loan word from the bigger one, in

accordance with Linton in Weinreich recited in (Betaubun, 2016).

2.2.5 Choosing the Suitable Words

Choosing the suitable word is difficult, choosing one over others to fit in the context. The
context affects the meaning of a word in a complex way. Especially, when a word is used in unusual
context, it might bring up an extraordinary meaning. An effective communication needs someone to
try to express more than the explicit meaning within words. Someone can bring up the strong effect
by delivering numerous of implicit meaning, connotations, overtones and feelings simply by choosing

the suitable word in the suitable context (Edmonds, 1996). Certainly, context is a precious aspect in
word choice that sometimes it can determine word choice, but often it will just arrange the preference
for one word above another.

The main attention of choosing words is expressing the desired denotation, but sometimes
many similar words, almost synonymous, or phrases exist. When the typical or normal word for
certain context is used it will bring just the inherent meaning, but when the unusual word is chosen, it
will take the context to particular level, like the usage will be marked and will cause the emergence of
special effect. It is the function of context and the distinction between the particular and chosen
words. The blending of context and words meaning absolutely creates temporary meaning which is
intrinsic to the word. This characterization of one type of connotation is one result of point of view
that context creates meaning from the words. According to Ruhl, 1989; Pustejovsky, 1991; Saint-Dizier

and Viegas, 1995 on (Edmonds, 1996), there is a developing acceptance that words have so little
meaning in confinement from text exclude in abstract meaning. Otherwise, the point of view of that
word reaches their meaning by using the context. For example, the formal word is expected to be
used in formal occasion, when using the informal it will sound so serious or wordy, which might be
wanted, but also it might be unwanted if showing inability of socializing in the talk. These effects are
important, because people use them to accomplish particular communicative goals which include
delivering the accurate information, bringing up and expressing the suitable feeling and preventing
unwanted connotations. One function of language multifunction is choosing only one of many
different utterance can manipulate the effective feature of the language and being sensitive to the

power or social relation between you and others (Brammer, 2006). Also the use of those chosen words

because the agreement between the society group member (Reiter & Sripada, 2002).

1) Relative Pronoun
This is relative pronoun in clauses without commas. Who, whom, which, or that are
relative pronouns. Who is used for a person like he and she while which is for a thing
or an idea like it. There are two functions of relative pronouns, it could be subject and
object. We can use that for noun. For people who is more usual than that. Both which
and that are for things, but which is more for informal and common used in spoken

English (Schrampfer, 2002). Both who and that can be object, but that usually use to
point something unspecific rather than which. Whom for object is kind of old-
fashioned, in daily life we used to use who rather than whom.
2) Adverb
Adverbs are proved to be the most important part in daily conversation, because
adverb make the conversation more interesting and convenient to use. According to

(Poai, 2005) in the book cited from Crystal (1980), the term of adverb is a
heterogenous group of item which has common functions in order to determine the
mode of verb’s action. An adverb might customize a verb by giving deeper
information about time, place, or manner in action process take place, based on Finch
(2000). Besides verb, adverb can also modify any part of speech. According to many
linguists, an adverb can customize adjective, verb or another adverb, because it is

expected to be able to answer the five questions of when, where, and how. On the
other hands, the use of adverb is to give more information. It might be difficult to
find adverb in a sentence because they could appear anywhere within a sentence,
otherwise the simplest way to recognize by finding a word ended with -ly, such as
literally, basically, actually, honestly, mostly and so on. There are many types of
adverbs, some of them are adverb of manner, adverb which make comment, and
focusing adverb. Swan (2000) stated, focusing adverb point to one part of a clause,
even though Greenbaum pointed out that this kind of adverb focuses only on

particular unit (Ubied Abbas, n.d.). The ordinary form of focusing adverb such as
even, merely and only. Focus adverbials are used to focus on specific word or phrases

(Schrampfer, 2002). Adverb which make comment identify the point of view of
speaker on the subject matter within a sentence. It is also when it used in a context, it

will show how far the speaker agrees or disagrees with a statement (Ubied Abbas,

n.d.). It can be used to show disapproval. Some common comments used adverb

which make comment like bravely, carelessly, literally, certainly and many more.
3) Adjective
Then there are adjective, such as short, tall, happy, sad, worth and many more. Most

of the adjective tells the quality of things (Schrampfer, 2002). An adjective almost has
the same pattern except for comparison. When an adjective ended with -ing means
express something on us, while if it is ended with -ed is to express our feeling.
Adjectives can show other meanings like origin, place, frequency, degree, necessity

and degree of certainty (Schrampfer, 2002).

4) Acronym
Acronym is such an important part of our daily vocabulary. Research in word
processing has used acronym to answer the basic questions or as the best way to

account our word-reading process (Izura & Playfoot, 2012). Besides, in this era,

people tend to use acronym rather than telling the longer version. Taken from (Izura

& Playfoot, 2012), there are high requests of society to increase the portion of
acronym come across our daily life. Acronyms nowadays are common found in both
of scientific and nonscientific journals and actively used in daily communications like
chatting, messaging or e-Mail.
5) Redundancy
Redundancy in linguistics is a various phenomenon in language which demonstrate
that the successful communication is not caused by superficial of the language used,

but the constraint at the core of it and the dynamic of the development (Wit &

Gillette, 1999). Redundancy always exists in language because it is rooted and cannot
be separated. Someone will find many redundancy features in grammar, syntax and

other parts of the language. According to Hunnicut (1985) via (Wit & Gillette, 1999),
redundancy is a system which automatically exist in someone’s language and speech,
this mention to the information within a complete sentence above the important.



This chapter is the research method which would help to answer the research questions step
by step. Research method consisted of the research design in 3.1, informant and setting of the study
3.2, data and source of data in 3.3, data collection technique and instrument in 3.4, data collection
procedures in 3.5 and data analysis technique in 3.6.

3.1 Research Design

This research had purpose to find the common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel used
by Jakarta young people in their daily life and the reasons behind. To find the result, the researcher
aimed to get the data of written statements which contained both of English and Bahasa Indonesia in it
which would be collected through the participants’ responses in Google Form as the main data.

From the description above, the research method suitable in this research was descriptive
qualitative. The mixture of descriptive and qualitative method was applied because it was
appropriate to describe the phenomenon found in the investigation area to analyze the objectives of
the study. This study used data in the form of phrases or sentences and analyzed by describing the
phenomenon also examining the structure of the data which were found during the research. The
data collection technique was the Google Form. It helped in identifying the common used English
words by the participants and analyzing the language phenomenon which was used in their daily
communication among their society.

3.2 Informant and Setting of the Study

This research used the informant as the subject from whom the data are taken. The
informants of this research were students and workers. Those are originally come from or have

experience in living or working or going to school in DKI Jakarta because it needed informants who
had been touched by the big city atmosphere such as glamour life style, high education level,
immigrants, and corporate workers. Therefore, their English must be well expected as the first foreign
and international language.

The age range of the informants were seventeen until thirty which considered as appropriate
enough to fill in the data. The informants were required to fill the Google Form links which consists
related questions. Those informants were significant as the source of the data to be investigated. This
research had been done in long distance, where the informants were in Jakarta while the researcher
was in Surabaya.

3.3 Data and Source of the Data

The data in this research contained the answer of questionnaires of informants. The source of
data of the research was the result of field research, it contained sentences and phrases in informants’
form which used both of English and Bahasa Indonesia which gained in the answer page in the form of
nonverbal communication. The data of this research was also the result of questionnaires of the
informants, e-books and internet.

3.4 Data Collection Techniques and Instruments of the Study

The researcher used quantitative research for the first research question and qualitative
research for the second research question. Doing the research by using four techniques for collecting
data in qualitative research, which are observation, interviews, open-response questionnaire, verbal

reports, diaries, and discourse analysis according to (Heigham & Crocker, 2009). In open-response
questionnaire, it involved the participant to answer in their own words on the Google Form. The

researcher used only the open-response type. Quantitative research based on (Creswell, 2009), it
means testing objective theories and the relation among variables. Those variables are measurable in
general on the instrument, so the numbered data can be analyzed statically.

For this research, the researcher used her smartphone as the tool of the study, because its
function was to share the Google Form’s link through many social media platforms which was
connecting between the researcher and her informants. The instrument of this research was the
Google Form. Google form is an online media platform since 2016 which can help you planning your
events, creating survey, giving quiz to students and many more. Using this service helped the
researcher to create her own survey using the available template and post them on any social media
or via e-Mail. Then Google form could produce the results and report them back to the researcher in
the form of descriptive statistics and graphic information. In addition, the results could be
downloaded into spreadsheet for further analysis. Overall, the researcher used this service for free
because it was for personal usage and it might be different for business usage.

To answer every research question, this study used distinct aspects to collect the data
matched to the research questions. According to the aspects which are shown, it could help to find
out the precise data for every research question in this study. The following was the explanation to
help out for showing specific aspect to get the data for answering Research Question henceforth RQ-1
and RQ-2:

RQ-1 What are the common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel?

The question above would help the reader or other researchers to give overview related to some
subjects such as bilingual, foreign language, and word choice applies in Bahasa Anak JakSel.

RQ-2 What are the reasons behind many Jakarta young people speak Bahasa Anak JakSel in their daily

The second question would explain more about the reason behind the phenomenon of Bahasa Anak
JakSel similar to language pride, untranslatable words, enriching vocabulary, social class and style.

The questionnaire consisted of three parts. First was the biodata of the informants such as
name, gender, age, domicile and status (student or worker). Second part was whether their society or
themselves used Bahasa Anak JakSel and common English words they usually speak. Last part was
more like their opinion about Bahasa Anak JakSel. Apart from the researcher, this study also needs
instrument which was in the form of Google Form. Here is to know further:

Nama: ……………………………………………………………………

Jenis Kelamin:

o Laki-laki
o Perempuan

Umur: ……………………………………………………………………

Kota Asal:

o DKI Jakarta
o Luar DKI Jakarta

Saya adalah seorang:

o Pekerja
o Pelajar

Apakah lingkungan/ orang-orang sekitar Anda kebanyakan berasal/ pernah tinggal/ bekerja/ bersekolah
di Jakarta?

o Ya
o Tidak

Pernahkah Anda berbicara dengan mencampur Bahasa Indonesia dengan Bahasa Inggris?

o Pernah
o Sering
o Tidak Pernah

Kepada siapakah Anda biasanya menggunakan Bahasa campuran Indonesia dan Inggris?

o Teman
o Rekan Kerja
o Keluarga
o Orang yang tidak dikenal

Dalam situasi dan kondisi apa biasanya Anda menggunakan Bahasa campuran tersebut?

o Formal(Sekolah, Kantor)
o Non-formal(Nongkrong, Jalan-jalan)

Adakah kata-kata Bahasa Inggristertentu yang sering Anda pakai untuk menggantikan penggunaan
kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia?

o Ada
o Tidak ada

Kata-kata Bahasa Inggris apa saja yang sering Anda pakai?..................................................................

Adakah alasan Anda menggunakan bahasa campuran Indonesia dan Inggris?

o Sedang tren
o Lebih nyaman mencampur dua bahasa
o Pengaruh lingkungan/ orang-orang sekitar

Apakah Anda tahu tentang Bahasa Anak JakSel yang sempat menjadi tren dikalangan anak muda

o Tahu
o Tidak tahu

Apakah Anda setuju/ tidak setuju/ mungkin dalam penggunaan campuran Bahasa Indonesia dan
Bahasa Inggris lebih dikenal dengan Bahasa Anak JakSel? ……………………………………………..

3.5 Data Collection Procedures

The data was collected through participants’ answer sheet of questionnaires. The researcher
used her smartphone as a tool to collect the writing of the participants’ answer sheet to find the
answers for the research question.

3.5.1 Questionnaires

The questionnaires technique was used to answer all of the research questions as the first
technique the researcher used. The researcher used Fixed-alternative and Open Question for this
study. Fixed-alternative is type of question which the researcher provides some multiple-choice
answer to answer each question. While Open Question, the researcher does not provide any choice to
answer the question, the participants should fill it in with their chosen words to explain. The fixed-
alternative type was used to produce quantitative data, while open question was used to get the
qualitative data. The steps to make the questionnaire is:

1) List the questions

The researcher collected some related questions to be filled on Google form.

2) Create the form
Signed in through google to access the Google form then typed down the question.
3) Share
Shared the link of the Google form through social medias such as Instagram, Line, and

3.6 Data Analysis Technique

According to (Miles et al., 2014) there are three steps of data analysis process, which are data
condensation, data display and conclusion drawing or verification. All of them were related to the
chapter 4 in result and discussion. The steps would be explained in detail below:

3.6.1 Data Display

In this case, to answer the research question 1 and 2 would be same in text form then
sorted in some group with supported theories. The researcher would like to use in form of
descriptive narrative because the researcher wanted to explain the result more in chapter 4.

3.6.2 Drawing and Verifying Conclusion

This part was the final process of data analysis from to explain the theory used to
answer the research questions. The researcher used same main theory for the two research
questions but with different support theories. In answering research question 1 and 2 used
theory from Brammer (2006). For the research question 1 there were eight support theories
while in research question 2 used two support theories. The detail explanation would be
shown below:

Research Question 1

In answering this question, the researcher used theory from Brammer (2006) about word choice for
bilingual or multilingual. The result would be served in the form of text and sorted in a group with
relevant support theory in each group.

Research Question 2

In order to answer the research question 2, about the reason behind the phenomenon of Bahasa Anak
JakSel, depended on the participants’ answer. The researcher used the main theory from Brammer
(2006) supported by other 5 different theories, which were González (2012), Machin & Van Leeuwen
(2005), Kashgary (2011), Betaubun (2016), and Holmes (2012). The researcher did not use table
because she wanted to explain each data in details within descriptive narrative form.



This chapter of the study will explain the result of the research then discuss the result which
match to some theories.

4.1 Result of the Research

The researcher tried to find the common English words used by Jakarta Young People in
Bahasa Anak JakSel, which combines two languages Bahasa Indonesia and English in their daily life, by
analyzing the structure they used. Not only analyzing the common used English words, but the
researcher also tried to find the reason behind Jakarta Young People made this kind of language
when they speak in their daily life. Before going further, the informants’ background of this research
will be shown below:

To whom they speak Bahasa Anak JakSel with

Gender 60

13 40 10
39 42


Male Female Friends Worker
Co-workers Student
Family Strangers

4.1.1 The Common English Words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel

Graphic 3.2.1 The ratio of each categorize of informants
Every language has their own characteristics, as well as Bahasa Anak JakSel. Apart
from the mixing language, the researcher found that there are some repeated-used words
which can be identified as Bahasa Anak JakSel. Language is the key in communication, people
can choose any language to communicate as long as the language could be understood by
others or the interlocutor. Besides the linguistic choice, there are also many utterance
variations in one language. One language could have more than one factual information but
delivered in some different ways. Moreover, with bilingual or multilingual, they use more

than one language. Even though there is a little difference between them, (Crystal, 2003)
explained that there are definite difference and limitation between them. A bilingual will only
use two languages while a multilingual use more than two languages. Selecting one as the
most applicable to use is a choice, it might depend on the situation and the person you talk

According to (Brammer, 2006) one of the language multifunction is by selecting only

one of various utterance could manipulate the affective aspect of its language and being
sensitive to the power or social relationship between you and others. The appearance of
Bahasa Anak JakSel as one of the variation over various utterance which has power and social
relationship in it. The variation of Bahasa Anak JakSel is in choosing words to put in sentence
or conversation. Here are the list of word choice in Bahasa Anak JakSel including:

1. Pronoun (Which is; means)

‘which(is; means)’ is a relative pronoun used to refer to subject in the form of object
or animal. Which is the formal form of that and most frequent appear in spoken English

(Schrampfer, 2002). ‘which(is; means)’ in Bahasa Anak JakSel is common used to respond
towards someone in a conversation or in a phrase. In this sentence ‘which(is; means)’ is used
as subject in a way to respond to the interlocutor. Some of the examples are shown below:

a) Which is gak banget gitu buat dia

In this sentence ‘which is’ is used as subject in a way to respond to the
interlocutor. It is grammatically wrong in Bahasa Indonesia, ‘which is’ means
yang mana while it should be only yang in Bahasa Indonesia.

b) Which is dia alay

‘which is’ here used to imply or reply on someone and giving his or her
opinion to the object. If it is in English, it might be like “Which is she is

c) Which is bener banget sih

This one is used to show an agreement to the interlocutor, because the use of
‘which is’ is referring to the previous information or talk. “Which is so true”
is the English one.

d) Which is yang gue gak suka

“Which is I do not like” is in English. The use of ‘which is’ is to give reason
or additional information on the previous utterance, which ‘which is’ is a

e) Which is mahal gitu

It should be explained with the previous utterance, because ‘which is’
should be followed with the previous utterance. “Which is expensive,” is the
English version.

f) Which is dibilang bos tadi pas meeting

That utterance is used to give additional information or to give more details.
The utterance in English would be “Which is boss said at meeting.”

g) Which means dia gak suka sama lu

Different with previous examples, this one is using ‘which means’ that
means ‘yang artinya’ in Bahasa Indonesia. For full English would be “Which
means he does not like you.”

h) Which is ya gitu
Used to explain something but it is difficult to tell or do not know how to
explain it. To understand it, let us translate it into English, “Which is like

i) Which is beda jauh

‘which is’ here is same with the previous examples. The aim is also same,
because it is used to explain more or adding more information. “Which is
much different.” Is the English version.

2. Adverbs

An adverb is one part of speech which has function to give better description to other
parts of speech. Adding adverbs in daily conversation to make the conversation is more

interesting (Poai, 2005). The considerable way to find an adverb in a sentence is find a word
ended with ly(-ly), even though it cannot be applied to all but mostly it could. Like what have
been mentioned above, there are eleven adverbs which common used in Bahasa Anak JakSel
and the usage does not change its meaning. The example of adverb used in Bahasa Anak JakSel
will be mentioned below:

a) Actually, dia jomblo

The word actually is common used in Bahasa Anak JakSel to convey what they
really mean. In English becomes “Actually, she is single.”

b) Literally caper banget

The use of this word is to explain the real meaning or the real feeling. this is
common happened in Jakarta Young Age’s group of people. In Bahasa
Indonesia, it has equal meaning to sesungguhnya or sebenar-benarnya. The word
‘Literally’ is common found in Bahasa Anak JakSel in the context of agreeing
on something or can explain the purpose precisely. The English translation
would be “Literally thirst of attention.”

c) Basically ya sama aja

Originally from the word basic, basically has similar meaning to generally
and common, which has purpose to support the next statement. This word
mostly used by Jakarta Young Age at the beginning of sentence.

d) Literally nyebelin banget orangnya

Literally in this sentence is used to emphasize the statement. Literally gives
emphasis to nyebelin banget orangnya, in English they would be ‘Literally that
person is so annoying’.

e) Honestly, dia gak kayak gitu

Honestly has the origin form of honest. Most of Jakarta Young Age People
used this word to reveal the truth about something. If it is the sentence,
honestly used to reveal the truth of dia gak kayak gitu or in English it is ‘he or
she is not like that’.

f) Literally mulutnya pedes banget

Literally there is to put attention to the next argument. Literally explains that
‘it is so real’ to the mulutnya pedes banget. In English it would be ‘Literally she
is so flippant’.

g) Seriously, dia gak kayak yang lu bilang

The underlined word is common used by most of Jakarta Young People to
emphasis emphasize the sentence. Showing that the speaker was not joking.
Seriously emphasizes dia gak kayak yang lu bilang, or in English is ‘he is not
like what you have said’.

h) Honestly, gue lagi bokek

Besides putting ‘really’ at the end of the sentence, ‘honestly’ is used in the
beginning of sentence for many Jakarta Young People. The speaker used such
word because he or she is not lying and he or she runs out money.

i) Literally apatis
Literally here just explained the word apatis. It also has purpose to
emphasize. The speaker wanted to tell if the apatis is real and no joking. This
is what most of Jakarta Young People tend to use.

j) Even gak kayak gitu

The purpose is to give an example of a strong statement, so it should be
inserted in the middle of a sentence not at the beginning of a sentence.

k) Even dia sendiri kayak gitu

If the sentence was translated into Bahasa Indonesia, it would be ‘meski dia
sendiri kayak gitu’ or in English would be ‘even himself is like that’.

3. Adjective (Worth it)

This phrase was found in Bahasa Anak JakSel, most of Jakarta Young People put this
phrase into a sentence in conversation and has purpose to tell value of something which is
decent and proper or comparable to its price and effort to get it. They choose to put ‘worth it’
in their daily conversation, because they want to express something more powerful by using

those words (Edmonds, 1996). Worth shows the quality of things, when worth is used in a

sentence, it will tell about the quality (Schrampfer, 2002). ‘worth it’ in Bahasa Indonesia means
setimpal and has the same meaning with the English word. To understand more the usage of
‘worth it’, we can look at the examples:

a) Worth it sih kata gue
This underlined words are a phrase to express something which has to make
an effort and suitable to the expectation. This kind of words is common used
by Anak JakSel. This sentence usually used by Jakarta Young People in
Bahasa Anak Jaksel when someone ask him or her about her opinion on

b) Menurut gue sih harga sama kualitasnya gak worth it

This utterance is used to pick a choice, to asses which one has more value
than others. In English it would be “For me, the price and the quality is not
worth it.”

4. Verb (Prefer)
The English word ‘prefer’ is a verb which means ‘lebih memilih’. ‘prefer’ used to make
a decision or a choice, it is same in Bahasa Indonesia ‘lebih memilih’ means choose one thing
over others. The use of this word is because of the agreement in a group of people which lead

to be a habit, as written in (Reiter & Sripada, 2002), they agree that a small group of people
who communicate regularly over long time duration will agree in the meaning of word. It is
not surprisingly if this word also become one of the common used word in Bahasa Anak JakSel,
some of the example are:

a) Gue lebih prefer yang tadi sih

Whenever they got asked by someone and need to pick one, they will respond by
saying ‘prefer’ in their utterance. This sentence is used to respond on picking a choice
and it would “I prefer this than the last one” in English.

b) Prefer yang ini sih

This sentence does not mention the subject but direct to the opinion. Again, this is a
respond towards someone’s question or implying on someone’s question. If it is
translated in full English, it would be “Prefer this one”.

c) Gue sih prefer kerja di startup
Actually this sentence could be implying on someone or just giving the opinion. The
speaker chooses to work at startup than others. So, the word ‘prefer’ is to strengthen
his or her choice.

d) Gue prefer lipstick warna nude sih

This response was given by a girl, actually this utterance happens in girl gang. They
are confused in choosing shade of lipstick so they need other’s opinion, therefore that
utterance was given as the answer or respond to it. For the English version it would
be “I prefer the nude shade”.

5. Acronym (OTW, BTW, COD, FYI, OMG, GWS)

Acronym is the shorter form of long words or syllables. The function is just to make it
shorter, usually it is applicable in writing but in Bahasa Anak JakSel they use it in spoken. The
requirement of acronym that we found nowadays has increasing increased significantly

because of the society (Izura & Playfoot, 2012). They pronounce every single alphabet of an
acronym but mostly in Bahasa Indonesia. Here is to overview the usage in Bahasa Anak JakSel:

A. OTW(On The Way):

a) Wait, gue OTW yaa
The word OTW is common used to tell someone that he or she is already
heading to the place. The original version is on the way, but most of
people especially Jakarta Young People would like to shorten it so it
becomes ‘OTW’. “Wait, I am OTW” is the English version.

b) Ini OTW
This utterance used to tell that the speaker is already on the way heading
to a place. If it is in English, it should be “I am OTW”.

c) Gue OTW nih

It is similar with the point A, this utterance has purpose to announce or
tell that the speaker is on his or her way.

B. BTW(By The Way):

d) BTW maksut lo apa sih?
This utterance is a question to someone who the speaker does not get
what the interlocutor means. Avoiding the formal conversation, the

speaker chooses ‘BTW’ in the beginning of chit chat before he or she
deliver the main point. This question in English is “BTW what did you

e) BTW dia jomblo gak sih?

This example is also a question using ‘BTW’ at the beginning. The
speaker does not want the situation becomes awkward, so he or she
added ‘BTW’ before start asking. The utterance in English is “BTW, is he

f) BTW lagi apa lo?

Same as the previous two examples, this one is also a question. Trying to
look for another topic to talk, the speaker chooses the word ‘BTW’ before
asking, as the opening.

C. COD(Cash On Delivery):
g) Sebel banget gak bisa COD
‘COD’ mostly found in topics for selling and buying. Nowadays ‘COD’
becomes the usual word to say whenever people want to sell or buy
stuffs especially in e-commerce. Word ‘COD’ appears if the buyer or
seller want to meet up in order to give cash of the stuff right on delivery.
Mostly, the seller decided some places to do ‘COD’ or it is a deal between
the buyer and seller. This word is also common used by Jakarta Young
People and exist in Bahasa Anak JakSel. That utterance would be “it is so
annoying it is unavailable for doing COD”

h) Besok gue mau COD di MTA

When someone told by someone or anyone else that he or she is going to
do cash on delivery at a mall. English has it as “I am going to do COD at
MTA tomorrow” and for your information MTA is a shorten form of
Mall Taman Anggrek which located in Jakarta.

D. FYI(For Your Information):

i) FYI aja sih
FYI used to tell the purpose of information which is not really important
but sometimes it is needed to know. Jakarta Young People love to use
FYI to insert information that other people might want to know. It could
be someone is willing to give you an additional information to someone

or anyone else, one of things is to avoid the miscommunication. The
utterance above means that someone delivered the whole information in
purpose to be known by the interlocutor, in English is “just FYI”.

j) FYI gue pulang cepet hari ini

This example is more complex than the previous, it explains that the use
of ‘FYI’ is to get another person to know after the speaker or interlocutor
having talk. The case it could also just a person giving a straight
information just like what the example is written. The utterance in
English is “FYI I come home soon”, tells that speaker is going to come
home soon.

E. OMG(Oh My God):
k) OMG serius?
‘OMG’ is given to express a surprisingly emotion also has function to
strengthen the utterance or words after and expressing shock. In Bahasa
Anak JakSel, ‘OMG’ is also the way to give attention to imply someone.
When there is a group of people talking or having a conversation and
there are serious things going on, most of them would like saying ‘OMG’.
In this case, “OMG serius?” means “OMG are you serious?”.

l) OMG gue sih gak nyangka

“OMG I did not expect” is the English version of the example above. This
utterance is said when someone imply or giving respond to someone
else. This kind of example is mostly found in Bahasa Anak JakSel when
someone gave respond which is unexpected or shocking.

F. GWS(Get Well Soon)

a) GWS deh buat dia
GWS is shorten of Get Well Soon. This utterance is given to someone
who is getting sick and hoping he or she would get better. ‘GWS’ is also a
common word in Bahasa Anak JakSel, and the utterance above in English
would be “GWS for him”.

6. Redundant words and phrase
We might find redundant words in our daily life unconsciously when we speak. It is
not a new thing found in language especially linguistic. Redundancy in Linguistics is all-
round happening within a language that represent a successful communication is simply not
one-dimensional quality of language but it is a constraint of its origin and the result of

language development(Wit & Gillette, 1999). Jakarta Young People like to use redundancy to
strengthen the meaning. So, the use of redundant words in Bahasa Anak JakSel is actually fine.
Here are some examples:

a) Now banget
Another way to say ‘right now’ in Bahasa Anak JakSel is already shown
above. Jakarta Young People use that kind of expression because they
like to combine English and Bahasa Indonesia even though it is weird to be

b) Bantu gue, please

The word ‘bantu’ is equal with the word please. The spoken sentence
consists of two words of Bahasa Indonesia and one inserted English
word. The word ‘please’ is an adverb used in polite question and a way
to ask someone for help in English. It means the sentence should be in
Bahasa Indonesia structure while there is ‘please’ as the English word
instead of ‘tolong’ in Bahasa Indonesia. Both of ‘please’ and ‘tolong’ have
the same meaning and purposed, it is to ask something.

7. Untranslatable words
This case is common happen between two languages get together, there are always
some untranslatable words exist. It happens when the original language is being translated
into another language. For example, the two languages are English and Bahasa Indonesia, they

have differences in culture, hence as cited in (Reiter & Sripada, 2002) when there are two
different languages, they will have different culture, hence provides good example of the
possibility of translating the untranslatable words because lack of equivalence. This theory is
approved by the result of research, for the example is the word ‘subscribe’ in English,
especially on YouTube, if the word wanted to be translated into Bahasa Indonesia, it would
have different meaning with the original word. Even though Bahasa Indonesia has the word
‘subscribe’ in it, but it is different with what ‘subscribe’ means in English for YouTube. In
Bahasa Indonesia ‘subscribe’ means ‘berlangganan’, which in this case is like following a
YouTube channel so we will receive any updates without paying it. While in Bahasa Indonesia
‘berlangganan’ is like we paying of what we want to get or receive in some period of time.

berlangganan’ would never fit for ‘subscribe’, so many people still using ‘subscribe’ for
YouTube because it is different with ‘berlangganan’ in Bahasa Indonesia.

a) Jangan bilang lo subscribe dia juga?

This is a question tag to ask someone whether he or she already subscribe
a Youtube channel. Using ‘subscribe’ instead of berlangganan because it is
shorter to use English besides it is more common to use.

b) Iya gue subscribe itu juga

This statement also using ‘subscribe’ to replace ‘berlangganan’ in Bahasa
From the explanation above, we know some typical-and-repeated words in Bahasa
Anak JakSel. There are reasons why most of Jakarta Young People adding some English
words, because when they speak English is become their language prestige, speaking English
as their social status and style, there are some untranslatable words in Bahasa Indonesia which
they think it is better to use the English version, enrich their English vocabulary without
losing their Bahasa Indonesia.

4.1.2 The Reason Behind Many Jakarta Young People Speak Bahasa Anak JakSel

There is always a reason behind something as well as this Bahasa Anak JakSel as a
Sociolinguistics phenomenon. Bahasa Anak JakSel was happening because of some Jakarta
Young People who lived in South Jakarta starting becomes bilingual, which are Bahasa
Indonesia and English. They speak two languages in a sentence, they combine between two
languages. Not only about putting two languages in one, they also get the English words
which they used common in Bahasa Anak JakSel. They get certain characteristics English words
to combine with Bahasa Indonesia. The phenomenon of combining two languages involves
social demands to be the reason for it. Keep in mind that JakSel is South Jakarta which located
in the south of capital city of Indonesia, we will find many higher people on the social scale.

According to (Brammer, 2006), people which live in certain social position will speak in their
ways and of course social class affects the language they use, their speech will reflect prestige
norms. Higher class of someone depends on the higher salary they get from better
occupation, involving the degree of education they got. English in Indonesia is still foreign
language, not many people understand and could speak English, because of this, many
Jakarta Young People is starting to express themselves. The researcher will define some of the
reasons behind the existence of Bahasa Anak JakSel below:

1. English as a Language Pride

“Ya karena kebanyakan anak jakarta selatan sekarang banyak menggunakan campuran Bahasa
Indonesia dan Inggris agar terlihat lebih keren” (Yes, because most of South Jakarta Young
People combine Bahasa Indonesia with English to look cool.)
English in Indonesia is still a foreign language in which not many people can speak
and express themselves in English. English is still learned at school but just the basic,
different with people who take English course outside the school or study at international
school which both of last two will cost extra money. By this ‘stigma’, English is seen more
pleasant than other languages. The reason to look cool means being different with other
people or outstanding. The people who speak English would have inadvertently pride in
which they could express their feelings. Besides, English is an International Language
came from United States of America and United Kingdom, nowadays those countries are
popular with their artists and celebrities. Artists, celebrities or public figures have power
to influence people especially their fans. They have fans worldwide including Indonesia,
their fans want to copy them, or in this case the language.
In agreement with (Brammer, 2006) in his book untitled Language, Society and
Power, he explained that bilinguals or multilinguals will choose only one language which
suitable, aesthetically more pleasing and have clearly expressed feelings to their society.
Jakarta Young People still want to have pride by using English but on the other side they
also want to look as Indonesians too, so they choose to combine the languages over
choosing only one language.

2. Speaking English as Part of Social Demands

“Kebanyakan sekolah di Jakarta Selatan mengutamakan dialog Bahasa Inggris, anak anaknya
berlatar belakang menengah ke atas yang bersekolah di background internasional” (most of
school in South Jakarta feature dialogue in English, the background of the children is
middle up class who go to international school)
English in Indonesia is neither the main language nor the second language. Although
English is learned at school, but it is still a foreign language or because it is international
language. It might be one of reasons of establishment of international schools in
Indonesia. The existence of international schools in Indonesia might help some of
Indonesian children to level up their English. The parents are aware of the importance of
English in the future, so with this, many parents who lived in South Jakarta or its nearby
sending their children to international schools. International schools cost extra money
than public school because it is private school which is not funded by the government.
International school uses English as the primary language at school besides using abroad
curriculum. Above are a few backgrounds of South Jakarta People which show that
education is one of the things that can determine someone’s social class. The higher
education of someone’s, the higher the social class in society would be. As quoted from

Labov on (González, 2012), social categories are including income, housing, education
level and occupation. Going to international schools indicates that the income is above
average which means the parents have good occupation so that the children could go to
international schools. Not only an education level of someone is affected by the
phenomenon, but there are also some other things that support this as one of the social
Social style is not coming from our internally or psychologically motivated but it is
something that externally motivated causes by social factors out of our control. It is

almost same between the social status and social style. According to (Machin & Van

Leeuwen, 2005) social styles consist of class, gender and age, social relation and activity
we engaged in, then our roles in it. Speaking both of English and Bahasa Indonesia is
becoming a social style happening especially in South Jakarta. Let us explain one by one,
class is of course for middle upper class in South Jakarta, this phenomenon occurs
because of its class, they wanted to show their existence to other Jakarta Young People.
Bahasa Anak JakSel is common used by Jakarta Young People older than 16 years old and
below 40 years old, but there is no difference in the use of it in terms of gender. Different
gender is using almost the same pattern of Bahasa Anak JakSel. Social relations of the
correspondents are mostly their friendship circle from school and work. This is
important, because the social relation can determine your society. Most of correspondents
speak Bahasa Anak JakSel when they meet or talk with their circle from school or work,
because the circles encourage the members to assert oneself by speaking Bahasa Anak
JakSel. Cannot be separated from activity where we engage in, our role is important to
build the social life. As the part of circle which speak Bahasa Anak JakSel, each member has
the same role as other, which is speaking Bahasa Anak JakSel to show their existence.

3. Untranslatable Words in Bahasa Indonesia

“Saya pribadi menilai bahwa orang-orang kebanyakan mencampur kedua bahasa tersebut
dikarenakan ada beberapa kata/kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang tidak bisa diterjemahkan begitu
saja ke bahasa indonesia dan akan kurang ekspresif (vice versa)”
(I think that many people mixing two languages because there are some words or
sentences in English that cannot be translated directly into Bahasa Indonesia and becomes
less expressive)
This problem is common found when there are more than one language is used.
Every language has their own capability of meaning and interpreting. Agreed with

(Kashgary, 2011), untranslatability could occur at certain level of word because the lack of
the equivalence between the languages. In the case of Bahasa Anak JakSel, the two
languages are Bahasa Indonesia as the main language and English as the foreign language.
We found some English words which do not have the equivalence word in Bahasa

Indonesia, like the word ‘subscribe’ for YouTube for example, it is originally from English,
and when it is translated into Bahasa Indonesia, it would be ‘berlangganan’, the meaning is
different in both language. To avoid misinterpreting, most of people prefer to use the

English rather than Bahasa Indonesia. Just like what Xiabin mentioned on (Kashgary, 2011)
that equivalence to a text in another language needs more linguistics, obstacles, temporal
and cultural, for that reason is so challenging than monolingual interpretation.
Translating from one language to another is not easy, because this is not about the
meaning but must involve the linguistics of both languages, cultural which fit it in, also
the context which can deliver the meaning.

4. Enrich the English Vocabulary without Losing Bahasa Indonesia

“Buat menambah kosakata Bahasa Inggris dan mengikuti tren tanpa menghilangkan Bahasa
Indonesia” (to enrich English vocabulary and following the trend without losing Bahasa
This is an unavoidable case in which two languages from different country meet and
then blend in. In language it does not deal only with the language, but it brings its culture
with the values in it, furthermore it will affect certain group first then it would be spread
wider. When we talk about language, it cannot be separated from its culture because
culture is our way of life, the way we think, the way we act, and the way we feel

(Betaubun, 2016). The function of culture is to be a guidance for the members of the
community within. There are norms, customs, ideas, and many things that need to be
taken by each member then leads to an acceptance in society. What makes a group of
people is different than others are the norms or rules which applied in it then becomes a
‘glue’ that stick that group of people to be one and this is the things that can be identified
as the uniqueness of it. Norms and rules usually come from individual and depends on
the background. These are attached to a language, used by group of people within they
speak the language of and also obedient to the norms and rules of it.
Speaking two languages is not easy, because there are two culture merged into one.
Not only two languages, but speaking two languages at once is harder, because when
speaking language A, there is culture A involved, as well as adding language B in one
utterance. Therefore, the way you speak usually represent your social background

(Holmes, 2012). Social background includes the culture, because Bahasa Anak JakSel is
using two languages at once, there should be represent English and Bahasa Indonesia

From the explanation above, the reason of many Jakarta Young People speak Bahasa Anak
JakSel depends on the response on Google Form. Some of them are English as a language pride,

speaking English as part of social status and style, untranslatable words in Bahasa Indonesia, and
enrich the English vocabulary without losing Bahasa Indonesia.

4.2 Discussion of the Research

After the findings of two research questions of this research has been explained in 4.1. This is
the discussion part where the two findings are examined further and covers the elaboration of the two
research questions that connected with the theories in chapter 2. Here, would be discuss (discussed) in
detail and available in the sub point below:

4.2.1 The Common English Words Used in Bahasa Anak JakSel

According to the result of common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel as the
subject of this research, the researcher found some of them(are) divided into groups. There
are ‘which’, adverbs ending with –ly, ‘worth it’, ‘even’, ‘prefer’, ‘subscribe’, redundancy
words, and acronyms. Those are fit in Brammer’s (2006) theory which stated that one of the
language multifunction is by selecting only one of various utterance could manipulate the
affective aspect of its language and being sensitive to the power or social relationship
between you and others. It is a proof that common English words used in Bahasa Anak JakSel
are welcomed because it is the result of social relationship that happens between a speaker of
Bahasa Anak JakSel and a speaker of non-Bahasa Anak JakSel. In the previous part, the
researcher found that most of them use one word in English to combine with other words in
Bahasa Indonesia. Those common used English words become the characteristics of Bahasa
Anak JakSel because the way they combine and choose the word is different and unique. Same
with Crystal (2003), said that bilingual is someone who speak only two languages, that ability
is required to be the speakers of Bahasa Anak JakSel.

4.2.2 The Reason Behind Many Jakarta Young People Speak Bahasa Anak JakSel
Linked to the first research question, this part will reveal the reason behind many
Jakarta young people speak Bahasa Anak JakSel. In the 4.1.2 the researcher already mentioned
some reasons based on informants’ response. The usage of English in Bahasa Anak JakSel
shows that English is still a foreign language in Indonesia so that caused language pride

because it is aesthetically more pleasing (Brammer, 2006). Speaking English is also the result

of social demands (Brammer, 2006). Using English as the untranslatable words in Bahasa
Indonesia because the lack of the equivalence between the languages, this reason is in line with
the theory of Kashgary (2011). This phenomenon involves between English and Bahasa
Indonesia inwhich one has role as the foreign language and another as the national language,
speaking English seems to be an attempt to enrich vocabulary of English without losing the

national language as a part of the culture (Betaubun, 2016). In addition of this research, the
researcher found another reason such when a bilingual speak two languages in one utterance

or sentence, it is because he or she forget certain word in one language so he or she use that
certain word in another language.



This is the last chapter of this study consisting of conclusions in 5.1 and suggestions in 5.2.
The conclusion declares the summary of conclusion and suggestion. At the same time, the suggestion
gives any recommendation for further researchers who want to conduct a research in similar field.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the data which already displayed in chapter 4 in result and discussion, it can be
summed up that the phenomenon of Bahasa Anak JakSel contains certain repeated English words and
the reason behind the phenomenon. The collected data shows that certain English words which
commonly appear in Bahasa Anak JakSel, those words can be gathered into groups. Which is and
which means, adverbs ended with -ly, worth it as adjective, even, prefer as verb, acronym,
redundancy and untranslatable words. Adverbs even and ended with -ly such as honestly, literally
and seriously. Acronyms like OTW, BTW, COD, FYI, OMG and GWS. For redundancy the examples
are in phrases or sentences, they are ‘now banget’, and ‘bantu gue, please’. Untranslatable English
words to Bahasa Indonesia exists because there are no equivalence words such as subscribe.

This language phenomenon occurs because there are four main reasons which support the
emersion of Bahasa Anak JakSel. The first reason is because English as the language pride. In Indonesia,
English is still considered as foreign language in which not all Indonesians mastered English, so
whenever an Indonesian speak English it brings up the prestige. Second reason is speaking English as
part of social status and style. Besides bringing prestige, whenever someone is speaking English, there
is also part of social status and style because prestige will lift up the social status of someone then the
social style will follow or vice versa. Third reason is untranslatable English words in Bahasa Indonesia
because no equivalence words. Translation is not about the meaning, but it must involve the
linguistics, cultural and context aspect of it. The last reason of Jakarta Young People speak Bahasa
Anak JakSel is enriching the English vocabulary because it is a foreign language which should be
improve by practicing.

5.2 Suggestions

As explained in the conclusion, it can be expected for the further research in similar field
about language and word choice to be better, especially for the participant. Getting more participant,
like at least fifty participants for the questionnaire to make various result and more accurate or
adding supported data by interviewing some participants. This topic is not only for sociolinguistic,
but it could also be for pragmatics based on the participants’ utterance.

Last but not least, the study of LANGUAGE PATTERN AND REASON OF BAHASA ANAK

want to do research in same or similar topic. The researcher hopes this study will give contribution
for reader’s understanding in sociolinguistics especially in this topic.


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(Gender) (Male or Female)


(Original City) (DKI Jakarta or

Outside DKI Jakarta)

(Worker or Student)

(Do most people around you are originally come from or have experience in living or working or
going to school in DKI Jakarta?) (Yes or No)

(Have you ever speaking by mixing Bahasa Indonesia with English?) (Once or Often or Never)

(Who are you speaking to by mixing Bahasa Indonesia and English?) (Friends or Co-workers or Family
or Strangers)

(What kind of situation and condition you usually speaking the mixing languages?) (Formal: School,
Office or Informal: hang out, shopping)

(Are there any particular English words that you use to replace the words in Bahasa Indonesia?)

(What English words do you speak often?)

(What is your reason to mix Bahasa Indonesia and English?) (Trending or More comfortable mixing
two languages or Influence from the people around)

(Do you know about Bahasa Anak JakSel that becomes a trend around Indonesian young people?)
(Know or Do not know)

(Do you agree with the mixing language between Bahasa Indonesia and English is better known as
Bahasa Anak JakSel?) (Yes or No or Maybe)

(What is your reason of being agree or disagree or maybe of using language mixing between Bahasa
Indonesia and English named better as Bahasa Anak JakSel?)


Table of Common Used Words in Bahasa Anak JakSel

No. The Utterance Keywords Amount of Words

English Bahasa
1. Which is gak banget gitu buat 2 5
2. Which is dia alay 2 2
3. Which is bener banget sih 2 3
4. Which is yang gue gak suka 2 4
5. Which is mahal gitu 2 2
6. Which means dia gak suka 2 5
Which (is, means)
sama lu
7. Which is ya gitu 2 2
8. Which is beda jauh 2 2
9. Actually, dia jomblo 1 2
10. Literally caper banget 1 2
11. Basically ya sama aja 1 3
12. Literally nyebelin banget 1 3
13. Honestly, dia gak kayak gitu 1 4
14. Literally mulutnya pedes 1 3
Adverbs ending
15. Seriously, dia gak kayak yang with -ly 1 6
lu bilang
16. Honestly, gue lagi bokek 1 3
17. Literally apatis 1
18. Worth it sih kata gue 2 3
19. Menurut gue sih harga sama 2 7
Worth it
kualitasnya gak worth it
20. Even gak kayak gitu Even 1 3
21. Even dia sendiri kayak gitu 1 4
22. Gue lebih prefer yang tadi sih 1 5
23. Prefer yang ini sih 1 3
24. Gue sih prefer kerja di startup 1 5
25. Gue prefer lipstick warna nude Prefer 1 5
26. Wait, gue OTW yaa 1 3
27. Ini OTW 1 1
28. Gue OTW nih 1 2
29. BTW maksut lo apa sih? 1 4
30. BTW dia jomblo gak sih? 1 4
31. BTW lagi apa lo? 1 3

32. Sebel banget gak bisa COD 1 4
33. Besok gue mau COD di MTA 1 5
34. FYI aja sih 1 2
35. FYI gue pulang cepet hari ini Acronym 1 5
36. OMG serius? 1 1
37. OMG gue sih gak nyangka 1 4
38. GWS deh buat dia 1 3
39. Love you, saying 1 2
40. Now banget 1 1
41. Bantu gue, please 1 2
42. Jangan bilang lo subscribe dia Untranslatable 1 5
43. Iya gue subscribe itu juga 1 4
Total 53 146


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