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महाराष्ट्र शासन

शालेय शशक्षण व क्रीडा शवभाग

राज्य शैक्षशणक सश
ं ोधन व प्रशशक्षण पररषद, महाराष्ट्र
७०८ सदाशिव पेठ, कुमठे कर मार्ग, पुणे ४११०३०
संपकग क्रमांक (020) 2447 6938 E-mail:

Question Bank

Standard:- 10th


March 2021
1. फक्त शवद्यार्थ्यांना प्रश्नप्रकारांचा सराव करून
2. सदर प्रश्नसंचातील प्रश्न बोर्डाच्या प्रश्नपशिकेत येतीलच
असे नाही याची नोंद घ्यावी.
English Activity Sheet (1)
Section I :- Language Study
Q1A) A1 Do as Directed :- ( Any four ) (4)
1. Make meaningful sentence by using the given phrase:-
‘ the quest of freedom’
2. Form two Present Participles in which the last letter is doubled.
3. Pick out the Gerund :- He enjoys painting during his spare time.
4. Identify the kind of sentence:-
Summon the police.
5. Spot the error/ errors and rewrite the sentence :-
She give me the impression of having more teeth.

A2)Do as directed:- ( any two ) (4)

1. I found that I had only enough for a small tip . ( Identify the clause)
2. Robert said to Joan, “ Have you ever seen English soldier fighting?” (Write
in indirect speech)
3. He shared his room with a boy suffering from leukaemia.
( Change into past perfect continuous )

B) Do as directed:- ( Any one ) (2)

1. Use the following word as noun and as verb in two different sentence :-
‘ guide ‘
2. He is one of the most intelligent persons in the group.( Change the degree)
English Activity Sheet (2)

Section I: Language Study

Q1A) A1 Do as Directed :- ( Any four ) (4)

1. Make meaningful sentence by using the given phrase:-
‘ give a cold look'
2.Form two Past Participles in which the last letter is doubled.
3. Pick out the infinitives :-
It was so difficult to rob him.
4. Identify the type of sentence:-
I could manage well enough.
5.Spot the error and rewrite the sentence :-
The novel was publishing in 1952.

A2)Do as directed:- ( any two ) (4)

1The nerves that controlled the muscles were shutting down.
( Identify the clause)
2.I asked my teacher," Why is he working outside?"
( Write in indirect speech)
3. She was sitting in my car. ( Change into past perfect continuous )

B) Do as directed:- ( Any one ) (2)

1)Use the following word as noun and as verb in two different sentence:-
‘ cook ‘
2)He is one of the greatest mathematicians in the world.
( Change the degree)
English Activity Sheet (3)
Section I:- Language Study

Q1A) A1- Do as directed :- ( any four ) (4)

1. Write two compound words .
2. Pick out two hidden words of minimum 4 letters from –
3. Pick out the infinitive :-
I just had to do it .
4.Punctuate the following sentence :-
did you hear him he whispered
5.Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it .
His life story was depicting in 2014 .

A2- Do as directed :- ( Any two ) (4)

1. Make two sentences by using the given word as a noun and as a verb .
2.The king stuck the spades into the ground .
( Begin with The Spade ..................)
3.It withers completely .
( Write in present perfect tense )

B) Do as directed :- ( any one ) (2)

1. You must complete it today.
( Identify the modal Auxiliary and state its function.)
2. Change the degree :-
Daulatabad is one of the most preserved forts in Maharashtra.
Section I:-Language Study (4)

Q1A A1-Do as directed :- ( any four ) (4)

1.Make meaningful sentence by using the given phrase :-
' frail and weak '
2. Write two compound words.
3. Spot the error and correct the sentence-
Once a king had a idea.
4. Pick out the infinitive:-
You are to give me a horse and armour.
5. Identify the type of sentence:-
"What are we waiting for? "

A2 Do as directed :- ( any two ) (4)

1.Rewrite in reported speech:-
I asked my teacher , " Why is he working outside?"
2.Bing Crosby's voice was filling the room.
( Begin with The room ………………… )
3.Prepare a word register of eight words related to ' Music '.

B-Do as directed :- ( any one ) (2)

1.Frame two different sentences by using the given word as a noun and as a
' work '
2.Change the degree:-
Sahara is the biggest desert in Africa.
Section I : - Language Study (5)

Q1A ) A1 Do as directed :- ( any four ) (4)

1. Frame two compound words.
2. Punctuate the following sentence:-
every tuesday we go to the swimming pool at 3 pm
3. Find out two hidden words of minimum four letters from-
' arithmetic '
4. Complete the following word chain of verbs :-
begin , ------------ , --------------- , ------------ , -----------------
5.Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it:-
Chairs was being arranged .

A2- Do as directed :- ( any two ) (4)

1.Frame two sentences with the given word as a noun and as a verb:-
2.The judges were not pressing the buttons.
( Begin with The buttons ...................................)
3He said , " What shall we do , Ustad Saheb?"
( Rewrite in Indirect Speech )

B) -Do as directed :- ( any one ) (2)

1. Write sentences for the following word in the noun and verb form
' play '
2. Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function.
He could perform well in his school days.

Section II - Textual Passages
(Reading Skills, Vocabulary & Grammar)

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Complete the following web chart:

Things learnt from the Ants

Passage : Pg.39 ‘ We saw small bits……………gold ourselves.

A2] Match the pairs with the suitable answers:
1) Wind a) Problems are not permanent
2) Oysters b) Nothing is impossible
3) Bits of grass c) No gain without pain
4) Trees bare of leaves d) Unhindered passion
e) Be persistent
A3] Complete the table with the appropriate words from the brackets:
(innumerable , lugging, ego, consistent)


A4] Do as directed:
1) When we see a caterpillar turn into a butterfly , we experience the
alchemy of Nature.
( Pick out the subordinate clause and state its kind)
A5] Personal Response:
Difficulties and Challenges add spice to our life . Justify.
Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] State whether the following statements are true or false :
1) Steve Jobs loved to design computers.
2) Steve Jobs started APPLE company at the age of 20.
3) Steve Jobs got fired from APPLE at the age of 30.
4) The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Passage : Pg. 63 ‘My second story ……..Don’t settle’

A1] Fill in the boxes with appropriate words from the passage:
The most creative period of Stev Job’s life:
I) His two companies
II) He fell in love with
III) The world’s most successful animation studio

A3] Choose the appropriate idioms from the passage and complete the sentences:
i) After a huge failure in my career, I made up my mind…………..
ii) The space technology is …………..India’s developmental

A4] Do as directed:
i) Don’t lose faith.
(Begin the sentence with ‘ You are ……..’)
ii) Life hits you in the head with a brick.
(Add a tail tag)
A5]Personal response :
Which quality of Steve Jobs is highlighted in this passage?

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Complete the following sentences:
i) Eighteen years ago……………..
ii) We live………..
iii) Let us inculcate and …….
iv) Let us unite the world …….

Passage : Pg 81 and 82 ‘ we can do it …….They are all our children’

A2] List down two examples Kailash Satyarthi gives, to show how the world is interconnected:
i) …………………
ii) …………………

A3] Complete the following table of antonyms from the given passage :
A4] Do as directed :
i) We live in an age of rapid globalization .
(Rewrite the above sentence as a Complex sentence)
ii) How can you do it keeping just one drop of water , in your beak ?
( Make it Assertive )
A5] Personal Response:
As a student, What can you do to eradicate child labour from our country?

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Write Who said to Whom :


a) “Your father will take
b) “The chance of a

Passage : pg .no. 139 & 140 Whenever they came ……… get the tickets.”
A2] Fill in the following concept chart :
Anant’s Desire
A3] Find out the phrase from the passage that mean :
i) express their views
ii) Feeling that something good will happen .
A4] Do as directed:
i) Take him home.

( Begin the sentence with : Let …….)

ii) Smita stood at the window looking at the traffic.
( Make it into a compound sentence )
A5] Personal response :
What is your opinion about the miracles of modern science ?

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Name the following characters according to the given passage:
i) The captian reffered as ‘Squire’.
ii) A kind gentleman who gives money to Joan to give it to the poor .
iii) The oldest son of the king of France .
iv) A French guard who promised to join Joan to free Orleans .

Passage : Pg . no . 30 & 31 Robert : To free Orleans!.............not be able to stop them .

A2]Pick out the lines to give evidence for the following from the given extract :
i) Poulengy ‘s faith in Joan .
ii) Joan’s assurance to Robert about the arrangements to go to the Orleans .

A3] Pick out four adverbs from the above passage .

A4] Do as directed :
i) What is wrong with it ?
(Change it into Assertive sentence)
ii) Do you take her crazy idea of going to the Dauphin ?
( Pick out the determiners from the sentence )
A5] Personal response :
Elaborate on the qualities a soldier must possess in the face of a challenging situation .
Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Complete the Fact File giving the details of Stephen Hawking from the given passage :
i) Born on :
ii) Field of profession :
iii) Disease diagnosed :
Passage : pg : 115& 116 Stephen Hawking ……….String theory
A2] Mention the significance of the dates by filling the given Flow chart :
A3] Pick out the words from the passage that mean the same :
i) basic-
ii) launched –

A4] Do as directed :
i) Hawking followed up his book with The Universe in a Nutshell, which offered a more
illustrated guide to cosmology’s big theories. ( Pick out the clause and state its kind)
ii) The work was _____ instant success. (Insert proper article )

A5) Personal Response :

Stephen Hawking’s life proves: ‘Fortune favours the brave ‘ Justify the adage .

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] State whether you agree or disagree with the given sentences:
i) Hemingway was a fan of baseball .
ii) The Old man’s story is a story of Power and Fortune.
iii) Hemingway’s novel is based on fictional events.
iv) Determination and Endurance can help one to win the struggle.

Passage : Pg .no. 175 & 176 Hemingway’s novel is ………every time.

A2] Why is Hemingway ‘s story called to be a ‘ Story of Triumph ‘?
A3] Match the phrases in Column A with their meanings in Column B:
i) draws heavily on a) repeatedly
ii) stuck a chord b) to be remembered
iii) again and again c) makes use of
iv) to live on d) hit on a topic
e) endure in difficult circumstances
A4] Do as directed :
i) He had experience of fishing in the Cuban waters. ( Make it a Rhetorical question )
ii) Hemingway always talks about the need to struggle against defeat or death.
(underline the non- finite verb in the sentence )
A5] Personal Response:
‘ READ TO GROW ‘ . Do you agree with the statement . Give reasons for the same.

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct alternative :
i) India has ……World cultural Heritage sites.
a) 28
b) 36
c) 7
ii) There are …….World Heritage Sites in the World.
a) 860
b) 890
c) 800

iii) The highest number of World Heritage Sites are located in …………
a) France
b) Italy
c) Germany
iv) ……………..can delete a site from World Heritage List.
a) World Heritage Committee
b) World Peace Committee
c) World Health Committee

Passage : Pg .no. 161 & 162 AS of 2009……

A2] Complete the following boxes mentioning the reasons why the World Heritage sites are in
danger :

A3] i) Different plans are put into place to protect and restore the site . ( Write down the Parts of
Speech of the underlined words)
A4] Do as directed :
i) World Heritage Sites can also be a combination of both cultural and natural areas.
( Use ‘not only….. but also’ and rewrite the sentence )
ii) Italy has the highest number of World Heritage Sites.
(Rewrite beginning with ‘No other country ……..)
A5)Personal Response :
Suggest few measures to preserve any heritage sites.

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1) Arrange the following incidents in proper sequence:
i) Hari slipped the notes under the mattress .
ii) Hari opened the door quietly .
iii) Hari hurried back to the room feeling very nervous.
iv) Hari crept to the head of the bed.

Passage : 11 Anil’s money. In the morning………without any effort.

A2] Mention the four emotions expressed in this passage .

A3] Cross the odd man out:

i) my, in, to, on, at
ii) quietly, some, clock, already
iii) whole, edge, money, room
iv) clever, big, appealing, smile

A4] Do as directed :
i) “ I made some money Yesterday” he explained.

( Change it into indirect speech )

ii) Today we’ll start writing sentences.( Rewrite using the infinitive of the underlined word.)

A5] Personal Response :

What would you have done in Anil’s place if you knew you were being cheated or robbed ?

Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
A1] Rectify the following sentences by picking up the correct words from the passage :
i) The hostess after the dinner took all the guest to a large guest room .
ii) The hostess had arranged the concert of a very good guitarist.
iii) The narrator did not understand Rock music .
iv) The narrator saw a very ordinary face .

Passage : Pg .no. 108 when I was a very young man…….. I ‘m tone deaf.”
A2] Why do you think that the narrator did not pay attention to the music?
A3] Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrases in their proper form :
i) Rima tried to speak false to her parents so that she …………………..
ii) The teacher …………….to see what exactly her students were doing.
iii) My mother told me ………………my younger brother as she was busy.
iv) His friends …………..for the dinner .

A4] Do as directed:
i) I did not pay attention to the music . (Make it negative )
ii) I turned in order to look at my neighbour and I saw a very famous face .
( Rewrite using No sooner …. than )
A5]Personal Response :
‘ Music is the medicine of the mind.’ Share your experience about the same.

1.1 Where the Mind is Without Fear …

Read the following poem and complete the following activities:

1. Complete the following:
a. Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by_______________________
b. Where tireless striving stretches _______________________

2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

a. The poet wants everyone to have the right to knowledge.
b. The poet wants everyone to work towards perfection.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by Thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
- Rabindranath Tagore

1. What is central idea of the poem?
2. Explain the line : Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way.
3. Pick out proof to show that the poet wants us to move fearlessly with confidence.
4. What does the poet try to convey through the last two lines of the poem.

1. Pick out an archaic word from the poem.
2. Is there a rhyme scheme used in this poem? What are such poems called?
3. Pick out an example of Euphemism from the poem.
4. ‘Where words come out from the depth of truth’ Name and explain the figure of speech used
in this line.

Q.3(B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘Where the mind is without fear’ and write an appreciation of
it with the help of the given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.

Section III- Poetry

1.4 All the World’s a Stage

Extract 1
Read the following extract and complete the following activities:

1. Complete the following:
a. All the world’s a stage, And_______________________________
b. And one man in his time plays many parts, His_______________________________
2. Complete the blanks with actions attributed to an infant.
_________________________ _________________________
3. Name the describing words attributed to the face of the school boy.
_________________________ _________________________
4. Name two abstract concepts mentioned in the poem.
_________________________ _________________________

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth.

1.What does the extract deal with?
2. What is the world compared to and which drama is being enacted according to the poet?
3. Explain the line : ‘And one man in his time plays many parts.’
4. How many stages does each man pass through in his lifetime?
1. Pick out an example of Imagery from the poem.
2. Pick out an onomatopoeic word from the extract.
3. Pick out a line which contains Imagery.
4.Pick out the figure of speech used in the following lines:
1. All the world’s a stage,
2.And all the men and women merely players;
3. They have their exits and their entrances,
4. Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
5. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.
6. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.
Extract 2.
Read the following extract and complete the activities:
1. Complete the following:
a. In fair round belly with good capon lined,_____________________
b. Turning again toward_____________________
2. Complete the analogy:
round : belly : : __________eyes
3. True or false:
a. Man returns to the helpless, ignorant state of a child.
b. He reaches a stage where he is unconscious of the surrounding.
4. Write the describing words attributed to:
And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
- William Shakespeare
1. What does the extract deal with?
2. What is the change witnessed in the sixth stage of a man’s life?
3. Which are the stages mentioned in the extract.
4. Explain the last line of the poem.
A3. 1. Pick out an example of Tautology from the extract.
2. Pick out an example of Onomatopoeia from the extract.
3. Pick out a line from the extract which conveys a strong Imagery.
4. Pick out an example of Transferred Epithet from the poem.
5. Name and explain the figure of speech used in the following lines:
1. Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
2. And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
3. Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
4. Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Q.3 (B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’ and write an appreciation of it with
the help of the given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.

2.1 Animals

Read the following extract and complete the activities:

1. Complete the following:
a. They do not lie awake in the dark _____________________
b. So they show their relations _____________________
2. List the words in the proper column:
respectable, demented, unhappy, placid

Animals Humans

3. Right or Wrong:
a.Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousand of years ago.
b. I think I couldn’t turn and live with animals.
4. Match the following:


a. cry for their wrong doings a. lie awake in the dark

b. spend sleepless nights b. weep for their sins

I think I could turn and live with animals, they are

so placid and self-contain’d
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with
the mania of owning things.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that
lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
So they show their relations to me and I accept them,
They bring me tokens of myself, they evince
them plainly in their possession
I wonder where they get those tokens,
Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop
- Walt Whitman

1. What is the theme of the poem?
2. What is the difference between man and animals?
3. Is the poet right in saying that animals do not kneel before one another? Explain.
4. Explain the line ‘I wonder where they get those tokens’.
A3. 1. Pick out an example of Hyperbole from the extract.
2. Pick out an example of Alliteration from the extract.
3. Pick out a line from the extract which tells us that the poet wants to live with animals.
4. Pick out a line from the poem that tells us that animals are not materialistic like man.
5. Name and explain the figure of speech used in the following lines:
1. Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligent drop them?
2. They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
3. Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things.
4. They bring me tokens of myself,
5. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.
6. Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.

Q.3(B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘Animal’s’ and write an appreciation of it with the help of the
given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.

2.4 The Pulley

Read the following poem and complete the following activities:
1. Complete the following:
a. Rest in Nature, _______________________________
b. If goodness lead him not, _______________________________
2. Name the four gifts bestowed on man by God
_________ ________ ___________ ___________________
3. Give words that rhyme with:
a.stay ____
b. rest ______
4. Choose the correct answer:
‘And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature’ means
a. Man can sleep peacefully in nature
b. Man will adore nature and not God who created nature
c. God created nature so he could rest peacefully
5. _____________ holds the relationship between man and God.
So strength first made a way;
Then beauty flow’d, then wisdom, honour, pleasure:
When almost all was out, God made a stay,
Perceiving that alone of all His treasures
Rest in the bottom lay.
For if I should (said He)
Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
He would adore my gifts instead of me,
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature.
So both should losers be.
Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness:
Let him be rich and weary, that at last,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to my breast.
1.What did God refrain from giving man?
2.Why did God withhold the innate ability of man to rest peacefully without any worry?
3. What is the most important aspect of life that you have learnt from the poem’ The Pulley’?
4. Explain the line : ‘If goodness lead him not, yet weariness May toss him to my breast.’
1. Pick out a metaphor from the poem.
2. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
3. Pick out an example of Imagery.
4.Pick out the figure of speech used in the following lines:
1. Then beauty flow’d, then wisdom, honour, pleasure:
2. Rest in the bottom lay.
3. But keep them with repining restlessness:
4. And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature.
5. Let him be rich and weary, that at last,
6. May toss him to my breast.

Q.3(B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘The Pulley’ and write an appreciation of it with the help of
the given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.

3.1 The Night of the Scorpion

Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and do the given activities.

I remember the night my mother was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours of steady rain had driven
him to crawl beneath a sack of rice. Parting with his poison - flash of diabolic tail in the dark
room - he risked the rain again. The peasants came like swarms of flies and buzzed the name
of God a hundred times to paralyse the Evil One. With candles and with lanterns throwing giant
scorpion shadows on the mud-baked walls they searched for him: he was not found. They
clicked their tongues. With every movement that the scorpion made his poison moved in
Mother’s blood, they said. May he sit still, they said May the sins of your previous birth be
burned away tonight, they said. May your suffering decrease the misfortunes of your next birth,
they said. May the sum of all evil balanced in this unreal world against the sum of good become
diminished by your pain. May the poison purify your flesh of desire, and your spirit of ambition,
they said, and they sat around on the floor with my mother in the centre, the peace of
understanding on each face. Nissim Ezekiel (1924-2004) was an Indian Jewish poet, actor,
playwright, editor and art-critic. He was a foundational figure in post-colonial India’s literary
history, specifically for Indian writings of a wider range. The poet depicts the selfless love of a
mother who is stung by a scorpion. l diabolic : having the qualities of devil or wicked l paralyse :
to stop an activity u Whom does the word ‘him’ refer to in line no.3? u What does the phrase ‘to
paralyse the evil mean in stanza 3? u Who are ‘they’ in stanza 4? u Why does the poem begin
with the poet’s remembering the night? u What forced the scorpion to take shelter in the poet’s
house? l diminished : to lessen; reduce102 More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours,
more insects, and the endless rain. My mother twisted through and through, groaning on a mat.
My father, sceptic, rationalist, trying every curse and blessing, powder, mixture, herb and hybrid.
He even poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toe and put a match to it. I watched the flame
feeding on my mother. I watched the holy man perform his rites to tame the poison with an
incantation. After twenty hours it lost its sting. My mother only said Thank God the scorpion
picked on me And spared my children.
-Nissim Ezekie

A.1 Complete the sentences:

1. The word used in this poem to mean a "quick and sudden action" is _________
2. The word 'they' in the 4th stanza refers to ______
3. The word 'him' in line 3 refers to ___________
4. In the third stanza the Scorpion is referred to as ____________
5. The peasants sat around with mother ____________
6. The peasants took the name of God to _______________
A1. The peasants comforted the mother saying:
I) the poison will burn away ________
ii) her suffering will decrease _______
iii) the evil in the world will be _________
iv) the poison will purify __________ and ________
A1. State whether true or false:
1. Only a few peasants came to help
2. The peasants came with candles and lanterns.
3. The peasants cursed the poet's mother
4. The priest also came and performed rites
5. The poet's father was not at all bothered about his wife.
A2. 1.What forced the Scorpion to take shelter in the poet's house?
2. Where did the Scorpion hide during the ten hours of rain?
3. Why does the poet call the tail 'diabolic'?
4. What attempts did the peasants make to alleviate the mother's pain?
5. What did the poet's father try to remove the sting?
6. Which part of mother's body did the Scorpion sting? (End of 5th stanza)
7. The poet's mother thanked God that he he Scorpion spared her children. What does this line
8. How long do it take to lose its sting?
A2. Give lines as evidence :
1. The poet's mother was in pain
2. A large number of peasants came to help
3. The peasants searched for the Scorpion.
4. The peasants prayed.
5. The poet's father tried different remedies
6. The Scorpion stung the poet's mother on her toe.
7. The priest also came and said a 'mantra'.
8. It continued to rain.
A3. Poetic device.
1. 'The peasants came like swarms of flies" ( Name and explain the figure of speech)
2. The poem does not have a rhyme scheme which means it is an example of __________
3. And buzzed the name of God a hundred times. ( Name and explain the figure of speech)
4. Pick out an example of Onomatopoeia from the poem
5. Pick out an example of Alliteration from the poem
6. Pick out an example of Simile from the poem
7. "Trying every curse and blessing" (Name and explain the figure of speech)
8. Pick out an example of Repetition from the poem.

Q.3(B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘The Night of The Scorpion’ and write an appreciation of it
with the help of the given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.

UNIT 4.4 The Height of Ridiculous


Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and do the given activities.


1.State whether True or False

a. Poet wrote the poem in a sad mood.

b. Poet was a serious man.

c. Poet was a stout man.

d. Servant of the poet was a healthy man.

2.Agree or Disagree

a. The poet wrote a poem which was exceedingly good.

b. This poem depicts the height of seriousness.

c. Servant was a kind man.

3.Match the following.


Wondrous Healthy

Poem Mood

Poet Queer

Servant Slim

I wrote some lines once on a time

In wondrous merry mood,

And thought, as usual, men would say

They were exceeding good.

They were so queer, so very queer,

I laughed as I would die;

Albeit, in the general way,

A sober man am I.

I called my servant, and he came;

How kind it was of him

To mind a slender man like me,

He of the mighty limb.

“These to the printer,” I exclaimed,

And, in my humorous way,

I added (as a trifling jest,)

“There’ll be the devil to pay.”


1. Explain the lines:

“I called my servant, and he came;

How kind it was of him

To mind a slender man like me,

He of the mighty limb.

2.Why did the poet said that he’ll have a lot of trouble to pay the money?


1) State the figure of speech in the below given lines.

a. They were so queer, so very queer

b. To mind a slender man like me,He of the mighty limb.

2) Give lines from the above mentioned extract having the following figures of speech:

a. Hyperbole
b. Alliteration
c. Inversion
d. Tautology


Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and do the given activities.


1.Match the following

a b

Grin second line

grin grew broader fourth line

chuckling noise first line

broke into a roar sixth line

waistband splits third line

five buttons bursts fifth line

He took the paper, and I watched,

And saw him peep within

At the first line he read, his face

Was all upon the grin

He read the next; the grin grew broad

And shot from ear to ear;

He read the third; a chuckling noise

I now began to hear.

The fourth; he broke into a roar;

The fifth; his waistband split;

The sixth; he burst five buttons off,

And tumbled in a fit.

Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye,

I watched that wretched man,

and since, I never dare to write

As funny as I can.


1.Complete the web


2.What is the meaning of the idiom “shot from ear to ear”?

3.If you write a poem as funny as the poem “the height of the ridiculous” and you get a
reaction just as the poet got so would you leave writing humorous poems or you will continue.
Give reason for the same.


1.Give examples for the below given figures of speech from the above mentioned extract:




2.State the figures of speech:

a. The fifth; his waistband split;

The sixth; he burst five buttons off,

And tumbled in a fit.

b. As funny as I can.

c. Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye

d. I watched that wretched man

Q.4.Narrate an experience about the funniest thing that has ever happened to you.

Q.5.Write the appreciation of the poem “the height of the ridiculous” in form of paragraph.

Q.3(B) Appreciation of the poem

Read the above poem ‘The Height of the Ridiculous’ and write an appreciation of it
with the help of the given points in a paragraph format:

1. Title
2. Poet
3. Figure of speech
4. Rhyme Scheme
5. Central idea.
(Reading skills, Vocabulary, Grammar and Summary)
Q.4 (A) Read the given passage and do the following activities: [10]
A1 Complete the diagram: [2]

It’s pretty obvious that we should be grateful to the “essential workers” during this time of shelter in
place. Food suppliers, health care workers, delivery people, and first responders have taken on risks to
themselves for the benefit of everyone else. How can we possibly repay them? By showing a little
gratitude and paying the kindness forward.

Before the pandemic, most of us probably didn’t think twice about the workers doing these jobs. Now
that they are on everyone’s radar, it’s been heart-warming to see grateful citizens showing their
appreciation openly by making signs, clapping or howling out their windows at night, dropping off
free meals, and over-tipping service workers. Even just saying “thank you” can go a long way
toward building good will.
Gratitude isn’t something we should just show to these current heroes in our midst, though.

We can show more gratitude for all of the people and things that make our life easier and happier.
Showing gratitude not only feels good, it encourages more kindness and generosity in both gratitude
recipients and anyone who witnesses the expression of gratitude, creating a virtuous cycle. And, since
sincere gratitude is a premier social glue in both personal relationships and society at large, offering it
helps build a kinder, more compassionate society—something we should all keep in mind.
A2 Write from the passage about the gestures people have shown towards the frontline workers:

A3 Find from the passage synonyms to the following words. [2]

i. apparent
ii. righteous
iii. best
iv. sympathetic

A4. Rewrite as instructed : [2]

1. They have taken on risks to themselves. [ State the tense used in the underlined part.]
2. We should be grateful to the ‘essential workers’. [ Identify the modal auxiliary and state
what it indicates.]

A5 Discuss about some good qualities that a person should possess. Justify with proper reasons.
Q4 [B] Summary Writing: [5]
Write a short summary of the passage given in Q4 [A] and suggest a suitable title.
a suitable title.
Q.4. [A] Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks.)
A-1Complete the following . (2)

1. We can find a cartoon when we pick up ______________________.

2. Cartoonists say that cartoons make __________________.
3. Some cartoonists learn the ________________.
4. The basics that can be learnt in art college are _________________
What writers struggle to express through numerous newspaper columns, the cartoon manages in a pointed one-
liner. Little wonder then, that the first thing most of us like to see when we pick up a newspaper is the cartoon.
Simple though it may seem, making a cartoon is an art that requires a combination of hard work, training and a
good sense of humour. Some successful cartoonists say that the cartoons that make us laugh the most are in fact
the cartoons that are hardest to make. Even celebrated cartoonists like R.K.Laxman admit that making a cartoon is
not a piece of cake. Laxman says he has to wait for over six hours, which includes spending a lot of time scanning
newspapers and television channels before any idea strikes him.

So how does one become a cartoonist? Which of us has the talent to make it? How can we master the rib-tickling
strokes and the witty one-liners? How can we make people smile or laugh? There are few colleges or schools for
cartoonists. Most cartoonists come from art colleges, while some learn the craft on their own. Most established
cartoonists are of the view that no institute can teach you to make a cartoon. “You can pick up the craft, you may
learn to sketch and draw in institutes, but no one can teach anyone how to make a good cartoon,” says Uday
Shanker, a cartoonist with Navbharat Times. While basics, like drawing and sketching can be learnt in an art
college, and are important skills, these alone, do not make a good cartoonist. Because it’s a question of one’s
creativity and sense of humour; two qualities one simply may not have. The advice established cartoonists give is
that just because you can sketch, don’t take it for granted that you will become a cartoonist.

A2 Write from the passage the requirements to make a good cartoonist : (2)

A3 Find four words from the passage that describe ‘ cartoonist’. (2)
A4 Do as directed: (2)

a. The cartoon manages in a pointed one-liner. [Identify the verb and state its tense.]
b. There are few colleges or schools for cartoonists. [ Rewrite as a negative statement
without changing the meaning of the sentence.]

A5 Personal response: (2)

Becoming a cartoonist can be a good career option. Do you agree\disagree? Justify your
answer with reasons. .

Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities (10marks)
A-1 Complete the table: (2)
About Sydney Olympics information
a. Opening ceremony held on
b. Officially known as
c. Origin Olympic held in
d. Closing date

The Olympic Opening Ceremony was held in Sydney, Australia on September 15, 2000. It
was an international event and the whole world was watching! The event was held in a
stadium designed to seat a large group of people. The athletes entered the stadium in a
specific order. The athletes from Greece entered first in honor of the original Olympic held in
Greece. Then, the other athletes followed by nation in alphabetical order of the country’s
language. The host country’ athletes came last. So for the Olympics, the athletes from
Australia entered the stadium last. The chief of state of the host country declared the games
open, followed by the raising of the Olympic Flag. Music was played and fireworks were set
off in salute. Then, doves were released into the air as symbol of peace. Runners in the cross-
country relays brought in the Olympic torch. The running of the torch began four weeks
before the Olympic ceremony and thousands of runners took part in this. Planes and ships
transported the Olympic torch to each country that lies between Greece and the host country.
The most exciting moment of the Olympic ceremony was when the torch entered the stadium
and lit the Olympic Flame. The Flame was kept burning until the end of the Olympic Games.
The Sydney 2000 Games, officially known as the Games of the XXVII Olympiad or the
Millennium Games, was an international multi-sport event which was celebrated between 15
September and 1 October 2000 in Sydney. It was the second time that the Summer Olympics
were held in the southern hemisphere.
A-2 Complete the flow chart showing the Olympic torch starting from the bringing of the
torch to the lighting of the Olympic flame. (2)

A-3 Find two examples of collocations from the passage and write them. (2)
A-4 Rewrite as instructed: (2)
1] Rewrite using ‘not only ….but also’.
Music was played and fireworks were set off in salute.
2] Rewrite the sentence in Past Perfect tense,
Thousands of runners took part in this.
A-5 Personal Response: (2)
Write in brief, how games and sports are important in the lives of students.
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10marks)
A-1 State whether the given statements are True or False: (2)
1. You don’t have to live in the forward.
2. We think too much about the past.
3. Life is full of obstacles and barriers.
4. Imagination allows you to enter new worlds.
As a human being, you possess the invaluable gift called imagination. It is this wonderful
faculty which allows you to enter worlds that you have never been to, to picture and even
before it actually happens, to construct things in your mind combining any number of images.
Most important, however, it enables you to project yourself into the future and to determine
what kind of a tomorrow you want for yourself.
Travel ten or twenty years into the future and see yourself becoming the person you
want to be. You have to live in the Forward. Block the whole world out. Spare half an hour, go
into a dark room and press the Tab Key. The problem with us is that we live too much in the
present and think too much about the past.
As a result, we give no opportunity for the imagination to flourish, to develop and to help us
realize our full potential.
Life is full of obstacles and barriers that need to be overcome if one is to reach the
pinnacles of success. Imaginations plays a Key role in giving us clues as to how to overcome
them. Imagination takes us beyond pain, beyond suffering, even beyond death. Scan the future.
Backspace the past. Shift your viewpoint in a next level. Press the Control Key to know who
you are and what you want to be. Do all this and you will enjoy a better quality life.
And if you fall, Forward. Don’t give up. Fall Forward.

A-2 Complete the web: (2)

helps us to

A-3 Find words from the passage that are related to computer. (2)
A-4 Do as directed:

1. Imagination plays a key role in giving us new roles.[Rewrite as subordinator ‘that’.]

2. Scan the future. [ Rewrite using ‘should’]

A-5 Personal Response: (2)

Write in brief how you would plan about your future.
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4 (A) Read the given passage and do the following activities.(10marks)
A-1Complete the table. (2)
Significance Name of the places
for change of climate
to enjoy the sea
Where travelling is education
University with hundred lecture rooms

We travel for business. We travel for sight-seeing. We go to Darjeeling to have a change of climate or to have
a look at the mighty Himalayas. We go to Puri to enjoy a sea, bath, to see the sun coming out of the sea or to
visit the temple of Jagannath. But who travels in our country to acquire knowledge? In Europe, travelling is a
necessary part of education.
The educational value of travelling can hardly be described. Bacon says that travelling in the younger is part
of education, in the older a part of experience. Travelling teaches better than books, for no other sense organ
is more potent a factor in learning than the eye. We read for instance of the existence, in past of the University
named Nalanda. They say there were one hundred lecture rooms. Is it a figment of imagination? Is it a faithful
research of a day-dreamer? We run to the spot and examine the work of excavation. Our doubts are at once
removed. Our book knowledge is confirmed. Travelling supplements our knowledge. History is made real;
Geography is actualized; Economics is tested and challenged; Sociology is placed on sure foundation. A visit
to a place of historical interest illumines things that would otherwise have remained hazy.
Travel makes people better people. When you learn more about the world and the people in it, push your
boundaries, and try new things, you become a more open, outgoing, and awesome person.. The more travel
there is, the richer and wider is your training and education. Travel teaches the students about the oneness in
the variety and diversity of life.
A-2 Complete the following web: (2)

A-3 Add prefixes to make antonyms of the following words: (2)

i. real
ii. place
iii. sure
iv. experience

A4 Do as directed: (2)
1. Travelling teaches better than books. [ Change into positive degree.]
2. We travel for business. We travel for sight-seeing.[ combine the two sentences using ‘as
well as’]

A-5 Personal response (2)

Nowadays most of the children remain indoors and rarely play. Discuss in brief the
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4 (A) Read the given passage and do the following activities. (10marks)
A-1Find false statements from the following and write them correctly: (2)
i. The writer had a son and a daughter.
ii. The writer had lost her husband.
iii. The writer was entitled to the share of the family property.
iv. The writer had participated in the freedom struggle.

The best advice I ever had, came from Mahatma Gandhi. Most people pass through a period of
anguish when their belief in humanity is at low ebb. I was in such a period. My husband had recently died.
My deep sorrow over his loss was followed by the humiliating realization that in the eyes of Indian law I had
no individual existence. Along with Indian women I had participated for years with men in the national
struggle for freedom, working and suffering side by side with the until it had finally been achieved- yet in
law we women were still recognized only through our relationship with men.
Now as a widow without a son, I was not entitled to any share of the family property, nor were my two
daughters. I resented this galling position. I was bitter towards those members of my family who supported
this antiquated law.

At this time, I went to pay my respects to Gandhiji and say good-bye before leaving for America to take part
in a conference. After our talk he said, “Have you made peace with your relatives?” I was amazed that he
would take sides against me. “I have not quarrelled with anyone but I refuse to have anything to do with
those who take advantage of the outworn law a difficult and humiliated situation for me.” Gandhiji looked
out of the window for a moment. Then he turned to me and smiled, and said, "You will go and say goodbye
because courtesy and decency demand this. In India, we still attach importance to these things."

A.2 The writer was going through a very bad time of her life. Describe the critical phase of her
A-3 : Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B : (2)
Column A Column B
i. anguish a. annoying
ii. decency b. suffering
iii. galling c. outdated
iv. antiquated d. politeness

A4 Do as directed: (2)
1] I was bitter towards those members of my family who supported this antiquated law.
[Identify the subordinate Clause and name it.]
2] I had no individual existence. [ Rewrite as an interrogative statement.]
A-5 Personal Response: (2)
Write a few lines on the status of Women in the Indian Society .
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10marks)
A-1 Complete the following sentences: (2)
1. The primary source of water for us :------------
2. Farmers depend on monsoon from :-----------
3. Rain water harvesting is a very common method of :------
4. There is an increased interest in RWH due to:------

In general, water harvesting is the activity of direct collection of rainwater. The rainwater
collected can be stored for direct use or can be recharged into the groundwater. Rain is the first
form of water that we know in the hydrological cycle, hence, is a primary source of water for us.
Rivers, lakes and groundwater are all secondary sources of water. In the process, it is forgotten
that rain, the ultimate source that feeds all these secondary sources and remain ignorant of its
value. Water harvesting is to understand the value of rain and to make optimum use of rain water
at the place where it falls.
In India, the small farmers depend on monsoon where rainfall is from June to October and much
of the precious water is soon lost as surface run off. While irrigation may be the most obvious
response to drought, it has proved costly and can only benefit a fortunate few. There is now
increasing interest in the low cost alternated generally referred to as rain water harvesting
(RWH). Rain water harvesting is the activity of direct collection of rain water which can be
stored for direct use or can be recharged into the groundwater. Water harvesting is the collection
of running water for productive purposes. It has become essential to save water in any and every
form. RWH is a very common and a very easy method of saving water. It has become the
responsibility of the human kind to save water.
Rainwater harvesting is one of the simplest and oldest methods of self-supply of water for
households, and residential and household-scale projects, usually financed by the user. However,
larger systems for schools, hospitals, and other facilities can run up costs only able to be financed
by owners, organizations, and governmental units.

A-2 Write from the passage the features of Rain water Harvesting. (2)
A-3 Find words from the passage which collocate with the following words: (2)
i. _________response.
ii. ---------------systems.
iii. __________few.
iv. ___________purposes.

A-4 Do as directed: (2)

1] It has become essential to save water in any and every form. [ write the sentence and
underline the infinitive]
2] While irrigation may be the most obvious response to drought, it has proved costly. [Rewrite
using ‘but’]
A5 Personal Response: (2)
Suggest some common methods of saving water.
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4. [A] Read the following passage and do the activities: (10
A- 1 Read the passage and fill in the boxes. [2]
1. Honey should be regarded as
2. Honey is a food made by
3. Highly processed honey is sold in
4. Honey is stored as primary food source in
Who doesn’t love honey? It is natural, sweet and its flavor complements many of our favourite treats.
Honey has many healing qualities too. Nevertheless , it should be regarded as a fast sugar. Fast sugars are
sugars which are not converted into energy by the liver, but into fat instead. They are more or less
immediately released into the blood stream, causing your blood glucose levels to rise.
Nature has made honey so sweet for a reason-you should eat it only in small quantities. Honey
should not be avoided because of its healthy aspects. One must make sure to eat raw honey available in
the health food stores or from the local bee keepers. One must avoid the highly processed honey sold in
the supermarkets. Such honey is industrially heated and robbed off all its nutrients.
Honey is a sweet food made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees
(the genus Apis) is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by most
beekeepers and consumed by people. Honey is also produced by bumblebees, stingless bees, and other
hymenopteran insects such as honey wasps, though the quantity is generally lower and they have slightly
different properties compared to honey from the genus Apis. The bees collect a sugary juice called nectar
from the blossom by sucking it out with their tongues. They convert nectar into honey by a process of
regurgitation and evaporation: they store it as a primary food source in wax honeycombs inside the
beehive. Honeycombs are uncapped and honey is extracted. It is then processed and bottled for shipment
and industrial customers.

A2 Write the steps involved in honey making and selling. [2]

o _________________
o ___________________
o _________________
o ______________________

A-3. Find antonyms from the passage for the following words: [2]
i. artificial.
ii. tardily
iii. feeble
iv. similar

A-4 Language Study:

1] [ Begin the sentence with ‘We………’ and rewrite.] [1]
Honey should not be avoided because of its healthy aspects.
2] [Rewrite as a statement.] [1]
Who doesn’t love honey?
A-5 Personal Response (2)
Think of any other edible product you get from animals\insects and write in brief about it.
Q.4 [B] Read the above given passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title: [5

Q.4. [A] Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks.)
A1 Complete the web:

Character concepts
developed by sports

Days and years have passed where one considered sports as just a recreation activity or hobby. In the present
scenario, sports industry has emerged as one of the most lucrative options in India as well as outside. Sports
industry is so vast than one could imagine, with a plethora of opportunities. It encompasses not only cricket,
football, hockey etc but it is a sum up of all sport, as well as physical fitness and medicine. A career in sports
and physical fitness is a unique occupation. It is a profession by which a student can earn a substantial
amount of money and at the same time stay fit. Sports has the potential to build character- concepts such as
self-discipline, teamwork, sacrifice and fair play can be learned and enhanced through athletic competition.
There are plenty of opportunities for health and fitness jobs where professional sportsmen and women, as
well as amateur athletes require training and conditioning. In fact, wherever you have sports and people that
play sports, even on a hobby level, there will be the need for sports injury therapists, personal trainers for
various sporting disciplines, health and fitness professionals, strength and conditioning coaches, and more.
Those working in the health and fitness business lead and teach individuals, teams, and/or groups of people
through cardiovascular exercises, strength training regimens, and stretching to improve flexibility. The
fitness mantra seems to be catching up as young people and even senior citizens are realizing the need to
maintain good health with a regular fitness regimen. Today, there are several academies and institutes
dedicated to impart training in different types of sporting activities. In India, the Sports Authority of India
(SAI) is the apex body that is bestowed with the responsibility of encouraging young talent to develop
interest in sports and excel in their chosen sport ing activities.

A2 Write in brief about the opportunities made available by sports. (2)

A3 Find words from the passage which mean the following: (2)
1. non- professional
3. top
4. toughness

A4 Do as directed: (2)
a. Sports industry has emerged as one of the most lucrative options in India. [ Begin with ‘
Very few……’]
b. Days and years have passed where one considered sports as just a recreation activity or
hobby. [ Rewrite using ‘nothing but’]

A5 Personal response: (2)

Would you like to make in a career in sports? Give reasons for your answer.

Q.4 [B] Read the passage given in Q.4(A) and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title:
[5 marks.]

Q.4. [A] Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks.)
Female lays
Adult sparrows eat
Male and female parents care
People appreciate

A sparrow is a small bird which is found throughout the world. There are many different species of sparrows.
Sparrows are only about four to six inches in length. Many people appreciate their beautiful song. Sparrows
prefer to build their nests in low places-usually on the ground, clumps of grass, low trees and low bushes. In
cities they build their nests in building nooks or holes. They rarely build their nests in high places. They build
their nests out of twigs, grasses and plant fibres. Their nests are usually small and well-built structures.
Female sparrows lay four to six eggs at a time. The eggs are white with reddish brown spots. They hatch
between eleven to fourteen days. Both the male and female parents care for the young. Insects are fed to the
young after hatching. The large feet of the sparrows are used for scratching seeds. Adult sparrows mainly eat
seeds. Sparrows can be found almost everywhere, where there are humans. Many people throughout the world
enjoy these delightful birds.
The sparrows are some of the few birds that engage in dust bathing. Sparrows first scratch a hole in the ground
with their feet, then lie in it and fling dirt or sand over their bodies with flicks of their winds. They also bathe in
water, or in dry or melting snow. Water bathing is similar to dust bathing, with the sparrow standing in shallow
water and flicking water over its back with its wings, also ducking its head under the water. Both activities are
social, with up to a hundred birds participating at once, and are followed by preening and sometimes group
A2 Write in brief the various ways the sparrows are involved in bathing. (2)
A3 Find words from the passage opposite in meaning to the following words: (2)
a. ugly X
b. frequently X
c. neglect X
d. deep X

A4 Do as directed: (2)
1. Sparrows can be found almost everywhere, where there are humans. [Identify the
subordinate clause and name it.]
2. Insects are fed to the young after hatching. [ Pick out the gerund and state its function.]

A5 Personal response: (2)

Sparrows are getting extinct these days. Suggest some measures to save sparrows.

Q.4 [B] Read the passage given in Q. 4[A] and write the summary of it. Suggest a suitable
title: [5

Section V Writing Skills.


Q.V A. Attempt any one of the following activities.

1. Imagine you are Rohan/Rima residing at 225, Veerchakra Colony, Kolhapur, 416002.
"Hima Das the Indian Sprinter won 5 Golds in one month"

A1. Formal Letter

Write a letter to the Education Officer,Kolhapur appealing him to inculcate the importance of
sports by providing basic sports facilities to schools.
A2. Informal Letter
Write a letter to your friend Minu/ Mohit making him/her aware of the importance of Sports in
one's life.

2. Imagine you are Ria/Rahul, residing at 103, Pragat Colony, M.G. Road, Nagpur-15.
Q.5.A. Attempt any one of the letter based on the given situation.
"Covid-19--Death: A cause for concern.”
A1. Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Health Officer, Nagpur, Municipal Corporation, Nagpur-10 requesting him
to take necessary preventive measures to control the spread of Covid-19.
A2. Informal Letter
Write a letter to your friend Anil/Anita making him/her aware about the dangers of spread of

Q.5.A.. Read the following information. Imagine you are Ramesh/Ramila Ahire and write any
one of the letters as per the guidelines :

*Enjoy the natural beauty and scenic sites!
*Visit Pratapgarh, Panchgani and many other places!
*All arrangements made! Food arranged as per choice!
*Contact : Shubham Salunkhe, Orchid Resort, Mahabaleshwar.
*Email : or 9889XXXXXX

A1. Formal Letter :

Write a letter to the address given above asking for further details and payment procedures.


A2. Informal Letter :

Write a letter to your cousin, Namit/Namita, who has just been to Mahabaleshwar and ask for
details of the visit.

Q.5.A.. Imagine that you are Rohit /Rohini Raj from Ganesh Society, Apple Street ,Pune-411
004. Attempt any one of the given letters using the points given below:

Yoga for All!

* Stay healthy! Stay fit!

* Reasonable fees
* Special batches for students
* Essential in modern age
* Reduces tension
* Provides energy
* Develops concentration
* Join the classes

Ganesh Society
Apple Street, Pune - 411 004
A1. Formal Letter :

Write a letter to your school Headmaster/Headmistress requesting him/her to start Yoga classes
in your school.
A2. Informal Letter :

Write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the importance of Yoga and advising him
to join Yoga classes.

Q.5.A. Read the following rules put up at a bus stop. Imagine that you are Shivam /Shivani
Sharma . Attempt any one of the following letters with the help of the given information:



A1. Formal letter :

Write a letter to the manager of the bus depot, complaining about scarcity of buses and the lack
of a queue system.
A2.Informal letter:
Write a letter to your friend describing your experience in an overcrowded bus.

Information Transfer
A1. Verbal to Non-verbal :
1.Read the following information and complete the following table below it :
Chandrayaan-2, India's second mission to the Moon will, forthe first time, unravel secrets around
the Moon's South Pole.Chandrayaan-2 is a three-part spacecraft - an orbiter, a lander and a rover.
The lander is named Vikram after Vikram Sarabhai, the founder of the Indian space programme.
The rover is named Pragyan, meaning 'wisdom'.
Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22 July atop ISRO's GSLV Mk-III at 2:43 p.m. from the Satish
Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota. Performing as expected, the rocket released Chandrayaan-2
in a highly elliptic orbit around Earth about 17 minutes later. In fact, it was released 6,000 km
higher than
planned. The solar arrays on Chandrayaan-2 deployed smoothly as the probe began its journey.




2. Read the following information and transfer it into a flow chart and suggest a suitable title:

Select juicy lemons to prepare 1 litre of lemon squash extract the juice. Then take 1 litre of
water, 2 kg of sugar and half tsp of citric acid and boil the mixture till the sugar is completely
dissolved. Later add yellow food colour and 1 tsp essence and extracted juice of lemons.
Dissolve the potassium metabisulphite in a little juice and mix it into the prepared squash. Pour
the prepared squash into sterilized bottles and allow it to cool. Seal it or close the bottles tightly.
Lastly store the bottles in a cool place away from sunlight.

3. Read the following information and prepare a pie diagram for the same:

Annual Water Usage in Maharashtra

Water is life. It is a universal solvent and an important resource. The annual usage of water
differs in various sectors of Maharashtra. The major occupation of Maharashtra being
agriculture, the maximum amount of available water is used for irrigation, that is 86%. The
distant following place 7% is contributed by domestic sector including drinking washing,
cooking, etc. There is a close competition of other sectors which is not far away with 6% usage
of water. One of the key factors which plays an important role in the development of a nation is
the industrial sector. The consumption of water by the industrial sector is very negligible which
is 1%. We know energy sector plays a vital role in the development of a nation.

In this sector, the use of water is almost nil. If we try to observe its place in the chart we do
realise that it holds 0% usage and is
yet to open its account.

4. Draw a tree diagram to represent the following:

The word ‘Literature' is really hard to define. Many interpretations are made about the word. But
all are incomplete. Some opine that literature is the mirror of life, some others say that it is the
criticism of life. Whatever may be the controversy about the word, we may say that literature is
that which reflects life. The branches of literature are poetry, novel and short stories. Poetry is of
two kinds, imaginative and realistic. Drama is either a comedy or a tragedy. Novels are also of
many kinds, historical, psychological, realistic, scientific and regional. Short story is that which
stands very close to life inspite of little scope.

5. Read the following passage and prepare a web-diagram highlighting the qualities of true
The main quality required for true sportsmanship is putting ones best into the game. Besides
being a skilled player, he or she should enjoy the game. A true sportsperson plays with a spirit of
competition, not rivalry. He or she should respect the opponent and even learn a few lessons
from him or her. Observing the game of the opponent can give one an idea of the strategy one
has to use in order to win. If it is a team game, the sportsperson should possess team spirit. When
the sportsperson is victorious, he or she should be humble about it. In the event of defeat, he or
she should accept it cheerfully. All these qualities are the marks of the true spirit of
sportsmanship that every sportsperson should display.


Prepare a speech to be delivered on (15th October) “Reading Inspiration day" in your school
The subject given to you is "Importance of Reading”.

Use the following points:

*increases knowledge
*keeps one updated
*ideal way to keep occupied
*develops your vocabulary
*develops the power of expression.



Write your counterview on the topic "Internet will soon replace books.”

Points :
* Easily accessible
* Time saving
* Economical
* Authentic
* Storehouse of information.


Prepare a speech to be delivered on 'Environment Day' in your school on the topic 'Ban on Single
Use of Plastic'.

Make use of the following points:

* choke pipes
* endangers marine life
* soil degrade
* disturbs the ecological balance
*encourage use of cloth/paper bag.



Life of a bird is better than that of a human being.

Prepare a paragraph of counterviews on the given topic.

View :

* tension free life

* no bondages
* no studies
* no parental control
* free to do anything.


You are going to speak in your school assembly convincing junior students that the secret of true
happiness lies in "Giving and Sharing' more than in 'Receiving and Taking'.

You can use the following points - a hearty satisfaction,

pleasure of sharing, peace of mind, etc. You can add your own


Write a paragraph using the points given in the box expressing the views on:
Overuse of Electronic Gadgets-Electronic Gadgets are
Hazardous to Health'.
* Overuse of Electronic Gadgets
* Adversely affects independent thinking.
* Leads to physical problems.
* Adds to dangerous non-degradable e-waste.
* Affects the faculties of creativity and imagination.


Write a speech to be delivered by you in the school assembly on the importance of educating a
girl child. You may use the following points:

* Education is the birth right of every human being.

* It raises awareness in life.
* Self – reliance and independency
* Mothers can be better educators



‘Children in India today are better off than they were in the past.’ Write a counterview on this
topic. You may consider the following views and then write the counterview.
* Compulsory primary education, more literacy.
* Better employment opportunities, development in the agricultural sector.
* Better health care.
* Laws against child labour more effective.

Imagine you are the head boy/girl of your school. Write a speech that you have to deliver on the
advantages of tree plantation based on the points given below.

Trees are the source of food for all living beings-- trees release oxygen--trees filter harmful gases
from the atmosphere and give us fresh air -- the different uses of trees-- habitat for birds and
animals -- everybody should participate in tree plantation drives to make the earth more habitable
for the future generations.

Physical Education is a must for all high school students. Given below are some counterviews.
Write your views supporting the statement.

It is not necessary that all high school students should go for physical education classes. They are
about to appear for their first board examination. They should dedicate most of their valuable
school time preparing for the examination and not doing PT. Besides, while doing physical
activities, students can get injured and in the process their studies can suffer. Moreover, they
have to go for innumerable extra classes during this phase. To fare well in their forthcoming
examination, they need to concentrate only on academics. So going to physical education classes
should be optional and not mandatory.

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Experience is the best teacher


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Four Killed as Car Rams Into Bus.

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
ending. Give a suitable title :
"........….and so he decided that he would never tell a lie again."


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
I still remember, I was in std. 9th and we had gone for a picnic.
Suddenly my friend Suhas got a call from his sister……………

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Knowledge is power


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
75% Children Plagued by Dental Problems : IDA

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
ending. Give a suitable title :
......…and that’s how he got inspired to avoid the use of plastic.

B2. Narrate an experience :
Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
The agent Ragav who had given me or had rather persuaded me to
buy a lottery ticket came running to me one day. ‘Sir’,…………

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
A book cannot be judged by its cover


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Super Speciality Hospital Inaugurated In Akola

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
ending. Give a suitable title :
………….and he rightly said, ‘in unity lies strength.’


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
During summer holidays of class 10, I thought I would help
prepare a meal. It was early morning,……….

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Actions speak louder than words.


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Time for a Power Cut Again!

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
ending. Give a suitable title :
.....................Thank God! She found her Science Journal before the last
date of submission.

B2. Narrate an experience :
Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
I was returning from my office very late at night that day. A thick
blanket of fog covered the area and hence there was zero visibility.
I didn’t take my car that day, so……….

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Procrastination is the thief of time.


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Workshop on Personality Development Beneficial For Students

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
beginning. Give a suitable title :
Once there was a poor boy named Mohit. He had a rich friend
Akash. They were........


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
It was the last week of May. My class X examination result was to
be declared that day. I had been waiting for this day with ………

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
A friend in need is a friend indeed.


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
56 Injured in Train-Tractor Trolley Collision

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
beginning. Give a suitable title :
A boy used to cry for new costly shoes…………….


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
I have never really liked roller coasters. The first and the only time
I rode a roller coaster, I was fifteen………….

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Say no to plastic!

A2. News Report :
Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Summer Camp in the Lap of Nature

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
beginning. Give a suitable title :
“An old man had two daughters. He loved both of them. Once he
asked them……..”


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
The alarm bell buzzed at 3:00 am to wake me up from my sleep so
that I could catch my train which was to leave for Udaipur at 5:00
am. However,…………

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Manners maketh a man.

A2. News Report :
Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
No Tobacco Day Celebrated

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
beginning. Give a suitable title :
Night before the commencement of the examination, everyone was
fast asleep, while I was studying… suddenly……


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
Very recently I experienced a Life Lesson which I am going to
remember throughout my life. I lived in a locality with
independent houses. Recently,……………

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
Green city, clean city.


A2. News Report :

Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
School Holds Awards Function

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story. Give a suitable title :
Last night Aman heard a noise in his room. He opened his eyes
and………….Write a story in about 150 words about what
happened then.


B2. Narrate an experience :

Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
It was my second day on the job. I was sitting in my………..

Q. 7 (A)
A1. Expand the theme : 5
A rolling stone gathers no moss.

A2. News Report :
Prepare a news report based on the following headline :
Climate Change Leading to Diseases: WHO

(B) Developing a story / Narrating an experience : 5

B1. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following
beginning. Give a suitable title :
Kavita, a 12 year old brave girl, who was living in a slum with her
family. One day when she was alone at home……..

B2. Narrate an experience :
Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with
the following words :
It was Sunday and my parents were not at home. Being alone I
could not sleep peacefully……………


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