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Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja yang muncul sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) di dalam
suatu kalimat untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut.


can - could dapat
may - might boleh
must - had to harus
shall - should akan/seharusnya
will - would akan
ought to - - seharusnya
have to - had to harus
need - - perlu
dare - - berani
- - used to dulunya biasa

Auxiliaries selalu diikuti oleh verb I

Contoh : - He goes to school. (will)
He will go to school
- Jane was there yesterday. (had to)
Jane had to be there yesterday.
- The man saw me this morning. (would)
The man would see me this morning.


Kalimat berita : terletak di depan kata kerjanya.
Contoh : John can swim well.
They had to buy the house last year.
The cat used to drink milk.
Kalimat tanya : terletak pada awal kalimat di depan subyeknya.
Contoh : Would Jane tell it?
Can you do it?
Must he stay here?
Auxiliaries dengan ‘to’ dalam susunan kalimat tanya dipisahkan letaknya.
Contoh : Ought I to stay?
Kalimat menyangkal : terletak di depan kata kerjanya dan diikuti not.
Contoh : Susan will not try again.
Bob cannot agree with you.
Jane need not come.
Not dalam susunan auxiliaries dengan to diletakkan di antara auxiliary dengan to-nya.
Contoh : I have not to go.
Tom used not to study alone.

Catatan :
1. Bentuk negative must adalah needn’t.
Contoh : (+) I must go to school.
(−) I needn’t go to school.
2. Shall dipakai oleh I dan we.
Contoh : (+) I shall go now.
(−) Will you go now?
3. Bentuk asal dari is, am, are, was, were adalah be.
Contoh : (+) Bob is late. (will)
(−) Bob will be late.
4. Need dapat berfungsi sebagai auxiliary atau verb biasa.
a. Auxiliary : dipakai dalam susunan negative dan interrogative.
Ciri-ciri : diikuti oleh verb I.
Contoh : He needn’t open the box.
Need Jane stay with you?
b. Verb : dipakai dalam susunan positive, negative dan interrogative.
Ciri-ciri : − diikuti oleh verb I.
− diikuti oleh kata benda/kata ganti.

Contoh : (+) Jane needs to stay with you.

(−) Jane does not need to stay with you.
(?) Does Jane need to stay with you?

(+) Tom needed ten new pens.

(−) Toom did not need ten new pens.

(?) Did Tom need ten new pens?

5. Auxiliaries have to, used to, dapat disusun dengan to do (do, does, did) dalam negative
dan interrogative.
Contoh : Tom has to go now
(?) Does Tom have to go now?
Has tom to go now?
(−) Tom doesn’t have to go now.
Tom hasn’t to go now.

They used to stay here.

(?) Did they use to stay here?
Used they to stay here?
(−) They didn’t use to stay here.
They used not to stay here.
6. Dare dapat berfungsi sebagai auxialiary atauverb biasa.
a. Auxiliary : dipakai dalam kalimat negative dan interrogative dan setelah kata how.
Ciri-ciri : diikuti Verb I.
Contoh : − How dare you speak to me so rude!
− How dare he say such rude things about me!
− She dare not leave the baby in the house alone.
− Dare he admit it?

Auxiliary dare not / daren’t dipakai dalam bentuk present, past dan future time.

Contoh : − Harry met me yesterday but he daren’t tell me the truth.

− Will you tell father about the car? I daren’t tell him.
Dare dapat dipakai dalam kalimat positive yang mempunyai arti negative.

Contoh : − No one dare question him.

b. Verb : dipakai dalam kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative dan diikuti to

Ciri-ciri : − diikuti oleh to Verb I.

− diikuti kata benda / kata ganti.

Contoh : − Does he dare to call you a liar?

− They didn’t dare to open the box.

− I dare him to climb the tree.

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