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Салашной Елены РП-42



Task 1. Supply is, are, has or have. Give two forms where possible.

1. The acoustics in this room are very good.

2. This crossroads is dangerous.

3. There are four crossroads in our village.

4. Acoustics is a subject I know little about

5. Our company headquarters is in London.

6. There are many series of books on birds.

7. Are there any kennels in this area?

8. The statistics in this report are inaccurate.

9. Are there any statistics for road accidents?

10. Many species of moth have disappeared.

11. This species has green and white spots.

12. Our works has a good canteen.

13. My maths has got worse and worse!

14. There are crossroads every mile.

15. The goods you ordered have arrived.

Task 2. Choose the correct option, a, b, c or d to complete the sentence (be

careful!!! sometimes 2 variants are possible).

1. The company ____ doing a lot of ____ in South America.

a) is; businesses;
b) are; business;

c) are, businesses;

d) is; business;

2. The council ____ postponed a decision on the new road, and many leading
members of the

opposition party ____ criticized the delay.

a) has, have;

b) has, has;

c) have, has;

d) have, have (если члены совета?);

3. ____ thinks, that Joe should be given this post.

a) neither of us;

b) The majority of my colleagues;

c) Practically everyone;

d) A number of people;

4. Police ____ that James is in Mexico, although his exact whereabouts ____

a) believes, are;

b) believe, are;

c) believes, is;

d) believe, is;

5. The professor mentioned that statistics in my account ____ inaccurate as

statistics ____ my
worst subject at University.

a) was, were;

b) were, was;

c) were, were;

d) was, was;

Task 3. Supply the missing words – auxiliary verbs in different forms or nouns
suitable for the meaning of the sentence.

1. Where are the scissors? ˗ They are in the first drawer on the left.

2. How much does a good pair of trousers cost these days?

3. How much did you pay for the trousers? – They were very expensive!

4. I know he’s clever, but these aren’t the only thing in life.

5. I’m so pleased you got into university! You are on your success!

6. If your clothes are dirty, please put them in the laundry basket.

7. My jeans haven’t faded much even though I keep washing them.

8. I’m looking for the pliers. – You’ll find them on that shelf.

9. All their belongings have been destroyed in a fire.

10. My earnings aren’t high, but at least they are regular.

11. These shorts do not fit me at all!

Task 4. Translate into English and write the necessary form of the verb to be (is /
are / both).

Example: перекресток - crossroads is / are

1. духовенство – clergy is
2. таможня – customs are
3. политика – politics is/are
4. Английский Банк – the Bank of England is
5. завод – works is
6. бешенство – hydrophobia is
7. сбережения – savings are
8. одежда – clothes are
9. щука – pike is/are
10. благодарность – thanks are
11. местопребывание – whereabouts is/are
12. мясо – meat is/are
13. пинцет – tweezers are
14. недвижимость – property is/are
15. колготки – tights are
16. бильярд – billiards is
17. присяжные – jury is
18. пижама – pajamas are
19. средство – means is
20. убытки – damages are
Task 5. Translate into English.

1. Моя пижама сшита из хлопка.

My pajamas are made of cotton.

2. – Каково содержание этого романа? – Полиция, как всегда, борется с
- What is the content of this novel? - The police, as always, are fighting the mafia.
3. Боюсь, что этих данных вам не хватит для написания статьи.
I'm afraid that this data is not enough for you to write an article.
4. Было 11 часов, и вся семья спала.
It was 11 o’clock and the whole family was asleep.
5. На этой выставке представлены все сорта фруктов, выращиваемые на
территории нашей страны.

This exhibition presents all kinds of fruits grown in the territory of

our country.
6. – Как у тебя дела с фонетикой? – Замечательно. Разве ты не знаешь, что
фонетика – мой любимый предмет. – Неужели?

- How are you doing with phonetics? - Wonderful. Don't you know that phonetics
is my favorite subject. - Really?
7. Столкновение произошло по вине нашего шофера. Думаю, ему придется
оплатить убытки.

The collision was due to the fault of our driver. I think he will have to pay
8. Мне очень нравятся эти часы. Где вы их купили?

I really like these watch. Where did you buy them?

9. Подобные природные явления часты в этом полушарии.
Such natural phenomena are frequent in this hemisphere.
10. Команда корабля состоит из 20 человек, включая капитана.

The crew of the ship consists of 20 people, including the captain.

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