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1China's financial network with international spillovers: A first look ;Using a

modified spillover index approach from the perspective of financial shocks transmission, this study is the
first to explore China's financial institution (FI) network after the global financial crisis, allowing for
interactions with the financial sectors of four major global economies. We document that: (1) although
banks still dominate China's financial sector, nonbank FIs also bear considerable influence; (2) the
market-oriented large commercial banks generally play a more pronounced role than the four state-
owned megabanks in transmitting financial shocks; (3) China's financial sector exerts noticeable influence
on the global financial sector, particularly that of Japan; and (4) monetary policy measures dominate in
determining the overall influence from other FIs to a particular FI while firm-specific factors dominate in
determining the influence of a particular FI on other FIs. These findings have important policy

2Measuring Financial Literacy of the Housewife to Generate Marketing

Strategies ; This chapter evaluates the financial literacy of the housewife by
analyzing a survey of a minimum of 204 housewives in Turkey. Findings from the 25
questions of the survey show housewives in Turkey generally have Turkish Lira deposits
but also have a low tendency to spend. It was found that the financial literacy of
housewives was low. In this context, it will be appropriate to increase this literacy
through general education. In this way, housewives will be able to better evaluate their
savings and the financial system of the country will work more effectively.
3The Impact of Islamic Economics and Finance Courses on Islamic Financial Literacy of
University Students; In conjunction with the development of Islamic finance industry,
Islamic economics and finance courses have been introduced since the last two decades in Indonesia.
To train the talents for Islamic finance industry, a number of institutions have held and training
sessions in the phase of Islamic finance development. We assigned a number of criteria to choose the
sample namely, faculty of economics and business students in public university with the lenght of
study period at least three semesters. To collect primary data, 421 sets of self-administered Islamic
financial literacy questionnaire had been distributed to the target respondents. From the total
distributed questionnaire, 300 of them were completed and included in the sample. Therefore the
respond rate is 71.3%. 145 respondents are in the category of low Islamic financial knowledge, while
155 are in the category of sufficient. From 145 respondents with low Islamic financial knowledge 79
(66) have (not) taken (any) Islamic economics and finance courses. From 155 respondents with
sufficient financial knowledge 114 (41) have (not) taken (any) Islamic economics and finance courses.
Using Pearson Chi-Square (cross-tabs), the p value is less than 0.05. Therefore, we do not have
enough evidence to accept the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the two groups
regarding their profiency in Islamic financial knowledge. In view of this, it can be inferred that Islamic
economics and finance courses have significant impact upon Islamic financial knowledge of public
university students in Padang.

Business Literacy Education in the Digital Age; the digital world currently
presents many learning tools and knowledge sources about business literacy. Considering today's learners,
digital improvements suggest time-saving learning tools and processes for individual or mass learning
activities. Since the industrial age and through the knowledge age, we still use and improve network
elements in the digital age. Computers, tablets, televisions, cell phones are instantly becoming the
distributors of knowledge in or out of spaces. However, learners in the digital age by the freedom of internet
connection points may easily reach to videos, podcasts, or especially, to games that are based on individual
learning activities. In respect to the aim of this chapter, an overview is targeted about the understanding of
business literacy in the digital age, and it also mentions financial literacy as a supporting literature review.
The research finally proposes a realization on the dilemma of the abundance of the knowledge in business
and financial literacy leaving out the scarcity of digital tools and sources.

5Digital financial literacy: Awareness

Digitalization is the echo of today's India. Government's recent demonetization
and plans to

Digitalization is the echo of today's India. Government's recent demonetization

and plans to

Digitalization is the echo of today's India. Government's recent demonetization

and plans to make India a cashless economy has caused to learn the know-how
of digitalization as it has put into practice in all the sectors. Government of India
has made reforms in financial sector to update knowledge about digital aspects
of financial literacy of every citizen by starting campaigns to literate Indian
citizens about digital finance. So, digital financial literacy has arisen as a matter
of keen interest for every individual. This article reveals the concept of digital
financial literacy, level of awareness and access of digital financial literacy
among population of Karnal, relationship between level of education and
awareness and use of digital instruments. To attain these objectives, the
population of Karnal has been studied through sequential structured
questionnaire. A pilot study and Cronbach's alpha method were used to verify
reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA test
and correlation analysis was used through SPSS to summarize the research

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