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Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156


Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Model

of Hormonal Manipulation
Simon J. Johnston . Kwok-Leung Cheung

Received: May 8, 2018 / Published online: July 10, 2018

Ó The Author(s) 2018

Oestrogen receptor (ER) is the driving transcrip- Oestrogen receptor (ER) is the driving tran-
tion factor in 70% of breast cancer. Endocrine scription factor in around 70% of breast cancer
therapies targeting the ER represent one of the [1]. Circulating oestrogen (17b-estradiol, E2)
most successful anticancer strategies to date. In binds to the ligand-binding domain of ER in
the clinic, novel targeted agents are now being breast cancer cells. The E2–ER complex then
exploited in combination with established forms a dimer and binds to oestrogen response
endocrine therapies to maximise efficacy. How- elements (EREs) on the DNA in the cell nucleus.
ever, clinicians must balance this gain against This process activates a set of ER target genes
the risk to patients of increased side effects with which ultimately lead to cell cycle progression
combination therapies. This article provides a and tumour proliferation [2].
succinct outline of the principles of hormonal Endocrine therapy is the mainstay of
manipulation in breast cancer, alongside the key treatment for patients with invasive breast car-
evidence that underpins current clinical practice. cinoma that is positive by immunohistochem-
As the role of endocrine therapy in breast cancer istry for ER protein expression (ER?). The
continues to expand, the challenge is to inter- foundation stone for current practice was laid in
pret the data and select the optimal strategy for a the late nineteenth century by George Beatson,
given clinical scenario. who found that removal of the ovaries
(oophorectomy) improved outcomes for
women with advanced breast cancer—even
Keywords: Breast cancer; Combination before the hormone, oestrogen, was discovered
therapy; Endocrine therapy; Hormone; [3]. More than half a century later, the nuclear
Oestrogen receptor; Targeted therapy receptor ER itself was discovered, thereby pro-
viding a mechanism for the tissue specificity of
oestrogen action [4].
Enhanced digital features To view enhanced digital Today, endocrine therapy such as tamoxifen
features for this article go to and aromatase inhibitors represent one of the
most effective targeted cancer therapies to reach
the clinic. Other established targeted agents in
S. J. Johnston  K.-L. Cheung (&) ER? breast cancer are used largely in combina-
School of Medicine, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK tion with endocrine therapy. These include
e-mail: monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinases,
142 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhi- oestrogen-bound ER. However, target genes are
bitors and cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 (CDK4/ regulated in the opposite direction, with the
6) inhibitors. downstream effect being reduced proliferation
The clinical challenge now is to identify the of tumour cells (ER antagonism) [5].
right drug or therapy combination for the right In other tissues, such as the endometrium,
patient for use at the right time. The aim is for tamoxifen acts as a partial agonist. This is likely
individual patients to gain maximal benefit due to differential recruitment of co-activators
from endocrine therapy without incurring and co-repressors to the ER transcription com-
excessive toxicity. plex. In endometrial cells, tamoxifen-bound ER
This review is written as a resource for clini- regulates ER target genes in the same direction
cians in training, scientists and Masters level as oestrogen-bound ER, leading to upregulated
students of oncology. This article is based on proliferation. Patients on tamoxifen for ER?
previously conducted studies, some of which breast cancer increase their baseline risk of
were performed by the authors in full compli- developing endometrial carcinoma by a factor
ance with ethics guidelines. The article does not of 2–3 [7].
contain any studies with animals performed by Other potentially life-threatening adverse
either of the authors. effects of tamoxifen include venous and arterial
vascular events such as pulmonary embolism
and stroke, whilst hot flushes impair quality of
TARGETING THE OESTROGEN life and limit adherence to treatment [6].
RECEPTOR PATHWAY Despite this, tamoxifen is generally well toler-
ated, with a side effect profile established over
Hormonal manipulation of oestrogen signalling 40 years of use.
via ER is achieved in a variety of ways in the For postmenopausal women, endocrine
treatment of breast cancer. The main strategies therapy with third-generation aromatase inhi-
are oestrogen deprivation using aromatase bitors (AIs) such as anastrozole, letrozole and
inhibitors (AIs), and blocking the binding exemestane has now become the preferred
between oestrogen and ER using selective choice over tamoxifen [8]. Aromatase inhibition
oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) or decreases the peripheral conversion of andro-
downregulators (SERDs). Hormonal manipula- gens to oestrogen, thereby cutting off the
tion may also be achieved with surgery and tumour’s fuel supply [9]. Anastrozole and
radiotherapy, although these modalities have letrozole are non-steroidal AIs. As a result of
largely been replaced by pharmacological incomplete cross-resistance between steroidal
strategies. Endocrine therapy is inherently less and non-steroidal AIs, switching from anastro-
toxic than chemotherapy, which is not targeted zole or letrozole to exemestane (or vice versa)
on the ER. However, pharmacological strategies may lead to change in disease response and/or
targeting an active ER have a range of adverse toxicity [10].
effects that can cause significant morbidity and Like tamoxifen, AIs are generally very well
even be life-threatening. tolerated drugs with known toxicity profile.
The choice of endocrine therapy in a given However, bone demineralisation and muscu-
clinical context is a factor of age, menopausal loskeletal side effects such as arthralgia cause
status, co-morbidities and the drug toxicity significant treatment-related morbidity [11].
profile. A balance between efficacy and tolera- Fulvestrant is a selective ER downregulator.
bility (or toxicity) should be considered. Like tamoxifen, it targets an active ER, but has a
Tamoxifen is a SERM that competes with distinct mechanism of action [12]. Once bound,
oestrogen for binding to the ligand binding fulvestrant leads to ER degradation and loss of
domain of ER [5]. It is useful as a single agent for ER protein expression, which has been shown to
both pre- and postmenopausal patients [6]. be dose-dependent in a presurgical study (see
In breast cancer tissue, tamoxifen-bound ER Fig. 1) [13].
binds to the same genomic binding sites as
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 143

Fig. 1 Progressive reduction in post-treatment ER levels with increasing dose of fulvestrant. FAS Faslodex (fulvestrant),
SEM standard error of the mean Reprinted from Ref. [13]. Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier

Fulvestrant has no known agonist activity, between the PI3K–Akt–mTOR pathway and ER
which avoids many of the pro-thrombotic and signalling is an evolving field. It is suggested
pro-proliferative side effects of tamoxifen. The that S6 kinase 1, a substrate of mTOR complex 1
side effect profile of fulvestrant also compares (mTORC1), phosphorylates the activation
favourably with standard of care AIs, and causes function domain 1 of the ER leading to consti-
fewer musculoskeletal side effects, as shown in tutive activity of ER [16]. By this mechanism,
the pivotal phase 3 trial comparing it with mTOR inhibition is claimed to have an indirect
anastrozole (see Table 1) [14]. In contrast to AIs, but specific effect on ER activity. Common side
which are known to be deleterious to bone effects of mTOR inhibitors include rash, stom-
mineral density, prospective clinical data with atitis, fatigue, diarrhoea and altered taste
18 months of follow-up indicate that fulves- (dysgeusia).
trant does not increase bone turnover markers The link between cyclin-dependent kinase
[15]. 4/6 inhibitors and ER activity is mechanistically
Newer targeted agents in current clinical use less clear. Oncogenic pathways in ER? breast
for ER? breast cancer include mTOR inhibitors cancer, e.g. PI3K–Akt–mTOR, ultimately con-
and CDK4/6 inhibitors. Although used in con- verge on the cell cycle to drive cell proliferation.
junction with endocrine therapies, both are CDK4 and 6 form a cell cycle regulatory path-
purported to have specific activity in way with p16, cyclin D and the gatekeeper
ER? disease. protein, retinoblastoma (Rb). CDK4/6 inhibitors
Mammalian target of rapamycin is a serine/ bind to CDK4 and CDK6, preventing phospho-
threonine kinase downstream of phos- rylation of the Rb protein. This halts cell cycle
phatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt. Crosstalk progression and induces G1 cell cycle arrest
144 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

Table 1 Tolerability of fulvestrant is similar to anastrozole but causes less musculoskeletal side effects. Modified with
permission from Ref. [14]
Number of adverse events (%)
Fulvestrant Anastrozole p value
Hot flushes 89 (21.0) 87 (20.6) 0.91
GI disturbance 196 (46.3) 185 (43.7) 0.53
Weight gain 4 (0.9) 7 (1.7) 1.35
Vaginitis 11 (2.6) 8 (1.9) 0.51
Thromboembolic disease 15 (3.5) 17 (4.0) 0.68
Joint disorders 23 (5.4) 45 (10.6) 0.0036
Urinary tract infection 31 (7.3) 18 (4.3) 0.062
Withdrawn due to AE 12 (2.8) 8 (1.9)

[17]. It is thought that resistance to endocrine most drug development studies begin in this
therapy may occur because of cyclin D overex- clinical context. It is generally only after both
pression and retinoblastoma phosphorylation, efficacy and tolerability have been shown to be
making CDK4/6 inhibition an attractive strat- satisfactory in the advanced setting that the
egy to improve outcomes for patients with potential use of new agents can be explored in
hormone receptor-positive disease. Not surpris- the adjuvant setting.
ingly, the side effect profile of CDK4/6 inhibi- Response to endocrine therapy in the
tors overlaps with other inhibitors of cell cycle advanced setting is assessed using established
progression, including chemotherapeutic objective assessment criteria such as Response
agents. These include potentially life-threaten- Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours (RECIST)
ing complications secondary to neutropenia. and Union for International Cancer Control
However, in contrast to that seen with (UICC) (see Table 2).
chemotherapy, it is thought that such neu- Clinical benefit is a key principle in endo-
tropenia is stem cell independent, less pro- crine therapy decision-making in advanced
longed and less associated with febrile ER? disease. Patients will be commenced on the
neutropenia [18]. best agent first. After 6 months of treatment,
patients who have stable disease (SD) derive the
same survival advantage as those who achieve
ADVANCED DISEASE an objective response (OR), compared to those
who have progressive disease (PD) [19]. Patients
In the advanced (non-curative) disease setting, with OR/SD at 6 months are therefore consid-
endocrine therapy is used to control disease ered to have derived clinical benefit and can
progression and improve survival. The princi- continue the same treatment until progression.
ples of hormonal manipulation are best descri- Patients with PD at 6 months can be con-
bed in this setting because the tumour remains sidered as having intrinsic/de novo resistance to
in situ, and the response to hormonal manipu- endocrine therapy. For these patients, the
lation can usually be measured. Furthermore, chance of deriving benefit to further endocrine
since advanced disease carries a poor prognosis manipulation is relatively low. This can, how-
compared to early, non-metastatic disease, a ever, be optimised by selecting a sequential
shorter follow-up is required to reach primary therapy with an alternative mechanism of
endpoints in clinical trials. For these reasons, action to minimise cross-resistance.
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 145

Table 2 Assessment of responses (UICC)

Complete response (CR) No measurable disease

Partial response (PR) Reduction of at least 50% in maximal dimension
Objective response (OR) CR or PR
Stable disease (SD) No change
Progressive disease (PD) Increase of at least 25% in maximal dimension, or new disease
Clinical benefit (CB) OR ? SD at or beyond 6 months
U/A Unassessable

Patients with CB at 6 months will eventually In premenopausal women with advanced

experience disease progression due to acquisi- ER? disease, LHRHa therapy can be used first-
tion of secondary resistance mechanisms. line to suppress ovarian production of oestro-
Compared to de novo progressors, however, the gen. Goserelin is used in combination with
chance of deriving benefit from sequential tamoxifen, provided tamoxifen has not previ-
endocrine manipulation is relatively high. ously been used in the adjuvant setting. There is
Patients who present with advanced also evidence that LHRHa therapy in combina-
ER? disease can be new patients or pre-existing tion with aromatase inhibition works clinically
breast cancer patients whose disease has and biochemically [20].
relapsed despite adjuvant therapy (a failure of In postmenopausal women with advanced
adjuvant treatment). Initial therapy for ER? disease, a third-generation AI (anastrozole,
advanced disease is based upon prior use of letrozole or exemestane) is superior to tamox-
endocrine therapy in the adjuvant setting. The ifen [21–23]. As an example, direct comparison
clinical focus of treatment in the non-curative with tamoxifen showed that anastrozole
setting is on quality of life. Endocrine therapy, extends median time to progression by
being efficacious and generally well tolerated, is 4 months [24].
therefore the default treatment. Targeted drugs that can be used in combi-
There are, however, certain circumstances in nation with endocrine therapy include CDK4/6
which chemotherapy is used first-line in and mTOR inhibitors. These treatment options
advanced ER? disease instead of endocrine were incorporated into clinical guidelines fol-
therapy. Firstly, where there is imminently life- lowing clinical trials data showing an additional
threatening disease, e.g. extensive liver metas- 6 months of progression-free survival with
tases or pulmonary lymphangitic spread with mTOR inhibition (using everolimus plus AI),
dyspnoea, chemotherapy can be used to provide and 10 months with CDK4/6 inhibition (using
more rapid disease control. Secondly, if endo- palbociclib plus AI) [16, 25] compared to AI
crine resistance is likely (e.g. weak ER positivity, monotherapy.
or no CB with prior endocrine therapy) single Combination of an AI and CDK4/6 inhibitor
agent chemotherapy may be used. has become standard first-line endocrine ther-
Ovarian suppression in combination with apy in metastatic hormone receptor-positive
endocrine therapy is a rational combination in breast cancer [26]. There are now three CDK4/6
premenopausal patients. Luteinising hormone inhibitors licensed in this setting: palbociclib
releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) therapy [25], ribociclib [27] and abemaciclib [28]. The
such as goserelin increases negative feedback on benefit over single agent AI therapy is not dis-
the pituitary, reducing the production of puted but must be weighed against significant
gonadotrophins. increase in toxicity when used in combination
146 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

with CDK4/6 or mTOR inhibition, and patients therapy. The SWOG study found a significant
must be selected accordingly. improvement in PFS for patients who received
Where combination therapy is not an the combination [35].
option, fulvestrant 500 mg may be used as sole In patients with hormone receptor-positive
therapy [14, 29]. Trials of fulvestrant use in first- disease that also overexpresses the HER2 recep-
line advanced ER? breast cancer included the tor, endocrine therapy and HER2-targeted
FIRST (phase 2) and FALCON (phase 3) trials therapy can be used either sequentially or in
[30, 31]. Whilst the phase 2 FIRST trial was not combination. Comparison of these approaches
sufficiently powered to prove benefit, the phase was made in the Tandem study, which reported
3 FALCON trial demonstrated superiority of that trastuzumab plus anastrozole improves
fulvestrant over anastrozole (median PFS 16.6 progression-free survival by a factor of 2, albeit
versus 13.8 months) and led to fulvestrant being from a low baseline of 2.4 months, up to
licensed for first-line use. 4.8 months (p = 0.0016) [36]. However, this
In second-line treatment, for patients who benefit came with significant cost in toxicity,
have not received prior CDK4/6 inhibitor and with increase from 16% to 28% in grade 3 or 4
who have progressed on endocrine therapy, the toxicities with use of the combination.
preferred option is fulvestrant plus a CDK4/6
inhibitor [32]. An alternative option for second-
line treatment following progression on AI is ADJUVANT ENDOCRINE THERAPY
combination therapy with an mTOR inhibitor,
everolimus [16]. In the curative setting, endocrine therapy is
Combination of fulvestrant with an AI has given as ‘adjuvant’ treatment for up to 10 years
also been explored in clinical trials (see Table 3). following definitive surgery, to reduce the risk
This approach of combining ER antagonism of disease recurrence (relapse) for patients with
(with SERM or SERD) with oestrogen depriva- ER? breast cancer. Additional chemotherapy is
tion (with AI) is known as ‘‘maximal endocrine often used in patients with higher risk of relapse
therapy’’. However, additional benefit of the as determined by Nottingham Prognostic Index
combination versus single agent therapy has and other clinical risk stratification tools such as
been difficult to demonstrate, which may be Adjuvant Online, Predict and Oncotype DX
due to prior adjuvant endocrine therapy usage [37–39].
(see Table 3). No difference is seen in both the Choice of endocrine therapy drug in the
SoFEA and FACT studies, in which most patients adjuvant setting depends primarily on meno-
(around 70%) had received prior endocrine pausal status. Tamoxifen as an adjuvant therapy
therapy [33, 34]. In the later SWOG 0226 study, works in pre- and postmenopausal women.
a smaller proportion of patients (around 40%) Premenopausal women, in whom levels of
had been treated with adjuvant endocrine circulating oestrogen are higher as a result of

Table 3 Maximal endocrine therapy: effect of prior endocrine therapy

Design [F = fulvestrant (250 mg with loading dose); F ? A vs F (vs E) F ? A vs A F ? A vs A
A = anastrozole; E = exemestane]
HP for PFS or TTP 1.00 0.99 0.81
Prior anti-oestrogen - 70% - 67% - 40%
HR hazard ratio, PFS progression-free survival, TTP time to progression
Johnston et al. [33]
Bergh et al. [34]
Mehta et al. [35]
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 147

endocrine production by the ovaries, are given Extended use of endocrine therapy has
tamoxifen to block the ER. proved effective in further reducing rates of
Premenopausal patients at higher risk of recurrence beyond the 5-year point, as demon-
recurrence, in whom chemotherapy is indi- strated by pivotal studies such as MA17R,
cated, are offered tamoxifen in combination ATTOM and ATLAS [44–46]. In the clinic, this
with ovarian suppression [40]. The ZEBRA trial tends to be decided on a case-by-case basis
demonstrated that for women at higher risk depending on tolerability of endocrine therapy
who choose not to have chemotherapy, this and risk of disease recurrence—especially dis-
approach can be an effective alternative. How- tant metastases where the treatment intent will
ever, as a result of the date of the study, the usually change to non-curative (i.e. palliative).
comparison in ZEBRA was not made with The impact of prolonged endocrine therapy is
modern chemotherapy regimes. More recently, most apparent from these studies when con-
the SOFT trial found that all women at higher sidering disease-free survival (DFS), which
risk of recurrence benefit further from subse- includes all events including local, regional and
quent ovarian suppression plus endocrine contralateral disease. However, there is a
therapy following completion of chemotherapy demonstrable but modest benefit on distant
[41]. recurrence-free and overall survival, which
In postmenopausal women, oestrogen is continues beyond the 10 years of treatment.
derived primarily from extra-gonadal sources.
Inhibition of peripheral production of oestro-
gen via CYP19 (aromatase) using AIs has proved NEOADJUVANT ENDOCRINE
marginally more effective than blocking the ER THERAPY
with tamoxifen in postmenopausal women
[11]. This conclusion has been reached on the Chemotherapy can also be given prior to sur-
basis of a collective view of all the adjuvant gery, as a ‘neoadjuvant’ treatment with the aim
trials comparing the previous gold standard of of downstaging the primary tumour so that
5 years of tamoxifen with AIs, with the latter breast-conserving surgery can be performed (by
approach demonstrating superiority both in wide local excision) instead of mastectomy.
terms of efficacy and tolerability [42]. The main Neoadjuvant therapy was originally pro-
concern of long-term (adjuvant) use of AIs is on posed following work performed on a mouse
bone mineral density (BMD). To prevent harm model, which indicated that manipulation of
due to loss of BMD, patients receiving AIs will the primary tumour leads to growth and dis-
have BMD checked at baseline, monitored reg- semination of metastases [47]. The hypothesis
ularly and managed if required using oral bis- was that neoadjuvant chemotherapy given to
phosphonate medication. patients with primary breast cancer would treat
Sequential and extended use of tamoxifen undetectable metastases (micro-metastases) and
and AIs has been extensively explored (see thereby improve survival. However, the pivotal
Fig. 2). trial NSABP-B18 showed no difference in sur-
In practice, menopausal status is often diffi- vival between chemotherapy given in the
cult to define, and a ‘perimenopausal’ status adjuvant and neoadjuvant settings [48]. This
exists. This is further complicated by use of could be related to the fact that chemotherapy,
adjuvant chemotherapy that can cause men- as a result of its toxicity and immunosuppres-
strual cycles to cease, either temporarily or sive effects, could not be given during the
permanently. Pragmatic use of sequential perioperative period—the crucial period in
tamoxifen and AI is often employed, backed by terms of tumour manipulation.
good evidence of equivalent effectiveness [43]. In contrast, it is possible to give endocrine
Strategies to define menopausal status may therapy in the perioperative period. While there
include measurement of circulating oestradiol is a concern that tamoxifen may further
and follicle-stimulating hormone levels. increase the risk of venous thromboembolism
(VTE) during this period of high VTE risk, this
148 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

Fig. 2 Aromatase inhibitor adjuvant trial designs

would be avoided with the use of AIs or fulves- studies used tamoxifen, and response rates
trant. In the neoadjuvant setting, the superior- would be expected to improve with use of AIs or
ity of AIs over tamoxifen has been well fulvestrant. However, compared to chemother-
established, and fulvestrant is also under apy, recent evidence suggests that giving endo-
investigation [49–52]. Both of these agents have crine therapy in the neoadjuvant setting is
a potential role in tumour downstaging to associated with lower rates of downstaging and
increase rates of breast-conserving surgery. complete response [55]. Use of decision-making
However, whilst it can downstage primary tools such as Oncotype Dx has been explored to
ER? breast cancer, with less toxicity than help choose neoadjuvant therapy for breast
chemotherapy, neoadjuvant endocrine therapy cancer. For example, for patients with low or
has not been widely adopted because of con- intermediate recurrence risk according to the
cerns about de novo (intrinsic) resistance to Oncotype test, a feasibility study has suggested
hormonal manipulation. Progression during that neoadjuvant endocrine therapy is effective,
neoadjuvant endocrine therapy would in theory implying that it is preferable to adjuvant
put patients at increased risk of disease recur- chemotherapy for lower-risk patients [56].
rence following surgery, and reduce rates of
downstaging (or even operability) compared to
those who undergo surgery upfront. Intrinsic PRIMARY ENDOCRINE THERAPY
resistance is found across multiple studies in the
setting of primary and neoadjuvant endocrine Patients with primary breast cancer should be
therapy (see Fig. 3) [53]. These studies showed a offered curative surgery irrespective of age and
rate of initial disease progression of up to 30%, ER status—provided they are fit enough for
which is not comparable to that of neoadjuvant surgery [57]. However, data from UK clinical
chemotherapy (around 3%) [54]. Most of these practice in the previous decade suggest that up
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 149

Fig. 3 The primary use of endocrine therapies: response rates in neoadjuvant studies [53]

to 40% of women over 70 years of age present- these data remain valid at long-term follow-up
ing with ER? disease had primary endocrine [60].
therapy (PET) instead of initial surgery [58]. At the end of 2007, the ESTEeM study (En-
Selection of initial therapy is dictated by docrine with or without Surgical Therapy for
patient fitness, co-morbidities and patient Elderly women with Mammary cancer) was
choice. Fitness for surgery is assessed clinically, established to provide definitive assessment of
and the decision made is often a factor of PET as a safe and effective breast cancer treat-
complex physical and psychosocial considera- ment in older women. Inclusion criteria speci-
tions [59]. fied tumours of moderate or strongly positive
Not surprisingly, randomised trials of PET ER expression by IHC. Unfortunately, the study
versus initial surgery show that removal of the closed early because of a low rate of patient
primary tumour (followed by optimal adjuvant recruitment to the trial.
therapy) provides better local and regional In the absence of randomised data from
control than PET [60]. Nearly all patients who ESTEeM, the effect of selecting patients for PET
have PET will eventually experience progression based on ER status is clearly demonstrated by
of the primary tumour due to the development comparison of the Nottingham Elderly Primary
of endocrine resistance. Furthermore, up to 20% Series randomised trials I and II [61, 63].
of patients who receive PET will go on to require In EPSI, patients were not selected for treat-
surgery as a result of disease progression [61]. ment according to ER status. In line with the
In 2007, a Cochrane review analysed seven expected proportion of ER-positive tumours in
randomised trials of PET versus initial surgery in the patient cohort, 74% of patients in the EPSI
older women (above 70 years at diagnosis) [62]. study derived clinical benefit from primary
All but one of the trials (the Nottingham EPSII tamoxifen at 6 months. In the EPSII study,
study) began before the routine use of ER status patients were selected for PET according to ER
to select for endocrine therapy. Despite this, the status, using ER H score [ 100 as the cut-off for
Cochrane meta-analysis found no overall sur- positivity. The rate of clinical benefit corre-
vival advantage for initial surgery over PET. In spondingly improved, to 97% at 6 months.
2014, repeated meta-analysis confirmed that Analysis of a large retrospective clinical cohort
150 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

treated at Nottingham (N = 1078) indicates that Chemoprevention has also been used for high-
not only ER status but also the degree of ER risk pathologies including atypical ductal
positivity is important in selecting patients for hyperplasia, atypical lobular hyperplasia and
PET. In this retrospective cohort, clinical benefit lobular carcinoma in situ [67]. An expanded
with PET reached 100% for those patients who role for endocrine therapy in breast cancer
had tumours with ‘very high’ ER positivity (de- prevention has been explored on the basis of
fined as H score [ 250) [64] (see Table 4). data showing reduced incidence of contralateral
The importance of degree of ER positivity is breast cancer in large adjuvant endocrine ther-
particularly relevant in the context of older apy studies.
women with primary breast cancer. It has been In the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collabo-
shown that primary breast cancer in older peo- rative Group (EBCTCG) meta-analysis of ran-
ple has biological characteristics distinct from domised adjuvant trials, 5 years of tamoxifen
those in younger patients. For example, the decreased the rate of contralateral breast cancer
proportion of ER-positive disease and degree of from 4.7% to 2.6% [68]. This equates to a pro-
ER positivity both increase with age (see Fig. 4) portional reduction of 47%, although it should
[65]. This suggests that older patients with pri- be noted that ER status was not routinely
mary breast cancer are more likely to have ER- assessed to select patients for adjuvant tamox-
rich tumours and therefore derive clinical ben- ifen at the time of all reviewed trials. Subse-
efit from PET. quent meta-analysis of adjuvant AI trials, all of
The challenge remains to select the right which did select patients by ER status, revealed
patients for PET using standardised clinical a 40% reduction with AIs at 5 years versus
assessment tools to assess frailty, combined tamoxifen [69], reducing the incidence from
with biomarkers in addition to ER status to pick 2.0% to 1.2% [69].
out distinct biological features of those likely to These preliminary data enabled the hypoth-
derive benefit from PET [66]. esis that chemoprevention would reduce breast
cancer incidence to be tested in prospective
trials. Similar to therapeutic studies, the con-
CHEMOPREVENTION cept of balancing efficacy and tolerability (tox-
icity) is key to chemoprevention strategies.
Chemoprevention in breast cancer uses endo- In terms of efficacy, all the pivotal trials of
crine therapy to reduce the risk of breast cancer breast cancer chemoprevention demonstrated a
developing in patients considered at high risk. reduction in breast cancer incidence in the
Currently, only patients at high risk are con- experimental arm [70, 71]. For example, in the
sidered for chemoprevention. This is deter- tamoxifen chemoprevention trials, breast can-
mined by family history and presence of cer incidence was reduced by 44% in ER-positive
BRCA1/2 and TP53 mutation. patients [71]. Meta-analysis of trials including

Table 4 Selecting patients for primary endocrine therapy according to degree of ER positivity increases the proportion who
have clinical benefit, and reduces the rate of de novo resistance
All ‡ 70 years on primary endocrine therapy (stage 1/2 disease) Chakrabartia Johnstonb Syedc
ER H score Unselected H C 100 H C 250
N 68 100 121
CB (at 6 months) 74% 97% 100%
PD (at 6 months) (de novo resistance) 26% 3% 0%
Chakrabarti et al. [63]
Johnston et al. [61]
Syed et al. [64]
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 151

Fig. 4 The relative proportion of ER-positive primary breast cancer increases with age at diagnosis Reprinted from Ref.
[65]. Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier

AI chemoprevention trials demonstrates a clear Whilst alternative SERMs such as raloxifene

benefit for AIs over tamoxifen [70]. This meta- have demonstrated favourable benefit–risk
analysis compared relative risk (RR), defined as ratios over tamoxifen and AIs in chemopre-
the ratio between the incidence of breast cancer vention studies, they lack data from large
or serious adverse events in the experimental adjuvant studies, which may limit their uptake
versus control arm. For AIs, RR was 0.468 [95% into standard clinical practice.
confidence interval (CI) 0.346–0.634] compared The role of tamoxifen and AIs in chemopre-
to 0.708 (95% CI 0.595–0.842) for tamoxifen. vention has yet to be fully defined. One out-
This analysis highlights the importance of standing question from the trials is whether this
balancing efficacy with tolerability (toxicity) in reduction leads consistently to a reduction in
chemoprevention. In all studies, the reduction overall survival. An alternative hypothesis is
in breast cancer incidence came at the expense that chemoprevention delays but does not pre-
of greater incidence of the known complica- vent breast cancer. Long-term follow-up of the
tions of endocrine therapies, e.g. loss of bone prospective trials is required to resolve this
mineral density on AIs. Serious toxicities on question.
SERMs include thromboembolic events, which Ultimately, chemoprevention with endo-
were significantly increased across the studies crine therapy will play only part of the role in
(odds ratio = 1.73, p \ 0.0001) [71]. In the trials preventing breast cancer. BRCA-related cancers
involving SERMs, rate of endometrial cancer are predominantly ER negative, hence chemo-
was significantly increased (hazard ratio = 1.56, prevention strategies also involve alternative
1.13–2.14). This effect was seen mainly in the modalities such as prophylactic mastectomy.
tamoxifen studies, and no effect on endometrial Young women at high risk of developing breast
cancer incidence was seen with raloxifene. cancer are most likely to benefit from
152 Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156

chemoprevention. The challenge remains to adjuvant treatment. Despite advances in our

define this group so that clinicians can make understanding of resistance mechanisms and
informed decisions with patients. the introduction of novel targeted agents, the
only biomarker to select patients for endocrine
therapy is expression of the driving transcrip-
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE tion factor, ER. The challenge for clinicians is to
DIRECTIONS interpret the available data and select the best
strategy for ER-targeted therapy for individual
Endocrine therapy is the mainstay of treatment patients.
of ER-positive breast cancer, with established
clinical utility in advanced disease and in the
adjuvant and neoadjuvant settings. Rational ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
combination of endocrine therapy with ovarian
suppression and newer targeted therapies has
maximised efficacy in specific patient Funding. No funding or sponsorship was
subgroups. received for this study or publication of this
Novel therapies have reached the clinic in article.
the first-line advanced setting, and their role is
likely to expand into adjuvant and neoadjuvant Authorship. Both named authors meet the
treatment. Inhibitors of mTOR and CDK4/6 are International Committee of Medical Journal
currently being explored in the adjuvant setting Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
in combination with endocrine therapy article, take responsibility for the integrity of
[72, 73]. the work as a whole, and have given their
In the older population, who comprise the approval for this version to be published.
majority of breast cancer patients, such devel-
opments may help redefine the role of primary Disclosures. Simon J. Johnston and Kwok-
endocrine therapy, alone or in combination Leung Cheung have nothing to disclose.
with emerging targeted agents. In younger
patients at high risk of developing breast cancer, Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
the role of chemoprevention is likely to expand article is based on previously conducted studies,
in small increments to larger groups with well- some of which were performed by the authors
defined risk factors. in full compliance with ethics guidelines. The
Irrespective of the clinical setting, the article does not contain any studies with ani-
detection of endocrine treatment failure or mals performed by either of the authors.
resistance is likely to have a substantial impact
on future clinical practice. It has been demon- Data Availability. The datasets generated
strated that mutations in ESR1, the gene and/or analysed during the current study are
encoding ER, are acquired secondary to endo- available from the corresponding author on
crine therapy [74]. Similarly, amplification of reasonable request.
CYP19 is a potential resistance mechanism that
allows ER? breast cancer cells to escape aro- Open Access. This article is distributed
matase inhibition [75]. Detection of these under the terms of the Creative Commons
genetic aberrations in serum has the potential Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
to detect treatment failure or resistance at an License (
earlier stage and influence clinical decision- by-nc/4.0/), which permits any non-
making. commercial use, distribution, and reproduction
There is a multiplicity of therapeutic strate- in any medium, provided you give appropriate
gies for ER-positive breast cancer, especially in credit to the original author(s) and the source,
the advanced setting, where patients are likely provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
to have received prior AI or tamoxifen as part of and indicate if changes were made.
Oncol Ther (2018) 6:141–156 153

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