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Teacher Candidate: __Jessica Kalvaitis___ Subject: ___ELA__ Grade Level: _1___ Lesson Number:_3____

Central Focus//Overall Goal: The students will be able to Distinguish (Analysis) the digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e
to decode words.
Learning Segment/Unit Language Function: Distinguish

State-adopted CCSS. ELA-Literacy. RF.1.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis
student academic skills in decoding words.
content standards 21st Century Skills:
1. Communication and Collaboration: Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively
using oral and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and
2. Flexibility and Adaptability: Deal positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism

Objectives/Targets/ 1). Students will be able to…distinguish (Analysis) the digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui,
u_e when decoding words with the long -u vowel sound.
edTPA requirement

1a. Race Track game

Evidence 1b. Exit Ticket

Common All of the words used in this game have the same long -u sound. Even though
Misconceptions/ all of the words have the same sound, there are five different ways to spell that
Possible Student
Errors & How they will
sound: oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e. The story “Working Together” incorporates words
be addressed with the long -u digraphs. The students need to find and highlight those words
and then sort the words by the digraph spelling patterns. The Racetrack game
will give students extra practice with distinguishing the digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui,
u_e to decode words because students have to read the word that they land on
and then look at their cards in their hand to find another word with the same
spelling pattern.
Procedure –
Label: Instructional
method(s), learning
 The teacher will call the class up to the carpet area and countdown 20 seconds
tasks, modeling,
guided practice,
scaffolding,  The teacher will read the agenda to the class to review the long -u sound and
independent practice, word examples (See Agenda Attached). The teacher will also review the
activities and/or other vocabulary words from the unit as well as the high frequency words and the
language function verb “Distinguish.” (AL-previously introduced)
 Digraphs: The teacher will also review with students what a digraph means.
(This term is used all throughout 1st grade to represent how two letters together
Label: Bell Ringer make one sound. Every week the students watch a video on Alphablocks (See
Also may be called:
LP #1) that always show how two letters work together to make a sound. (AL-
anticipatory set, hook,
introduction, review, previously introduced, digraph)
Do Now, Write Now,  The teacher will ask the class to stand up. The teacher will point to each of the
Silent Starter, warm- words and the students will repeat each word after the teacher while doing a
up clap or dab motion as directed by the teacher. (Kinesthetic)(visual) (auditory).
 The teacher will display the story “Working Together” on the Smartboard. The
story is read by an automated voice through the schools reading program
which also highlights the words that are being practiced in the unit. The
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teacher will tell the class to listen carefully and follow along as the story is
being read and to look and listen for words with the long-u pattern. The teacher
will pause the story after each word and the whole class will repeat the long –
word aloud. There are 10 Long-u words in this story. (Auditory)(Visual) (AL-
Label: Transitions
Practiced) (See attached story).
 The teacher will tell the class to go to their seats and to 1. Reread the story to
themselves and 2. Highlight the long-u words in the story 3. Write each of the
words on the cards provided.
 The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions. (CFU-Directions).
Label:  The students will read the story, highlight the 10 long -u words, and then write
Accommodations for the 10 words on the index cards. (While the class is reading the story, the
Learning Modalities teacher will go around and pass out 10 index cards for each of the long-u
visual, auditory, and
words that are in the story).
 The teacher will tell the class when there is 2 minutes and 1-minute remaining
 The teacher will use Popsicle sticks to randomly select groups of students. The
teacher will instruct the class to work together to sort their cards into piles with
Label: Checks for the same spelling patterns and to also help each other find all 10 words if
Understanding: anyone hasn’t found them. While the students are sorting their words, the
directions, and/or teacher will use proximity to help make sure that each student has found all 10
content (formal or
words from the story.
 The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions. (CFU-Directions).
 The students will work together in groups to sort their cards by the long -u
spelling patterns (RBIS #1) (RBIS #3) (21st Century Skills:1) (AL-Practiced).
Label: RBIS  The teacher will use proximity and provide feedback and assistance as
needed. (RBIS #2).
 The teacher will warn students when there is 2 minutes remaining, and then
the teacher will tell the students to put their work in their folders and to go to
their ELA “Daily 5” stations: Read to self, Word Work, Work on Writing,
Label: Evidence of Computers, and Meet with Me (Guided Reading). (Transitions).
Cognitive Student  One of the stations will be “meet with me” the teacher will meet with each
Engagement (CSE) student to see if they were able to read the long -u words from the story,
highlight them, and write them on index cards. The teacher will also assist and
provide positive feedback as needed (RBIS #2). (AL-practiced) (CFU-Content,
Label: Academic informal) (CSE).
Vocabulary Instruction: Racetrack game
Modeling: (I Do)
Label:  The Racetrack game is for the Word Work Station.
21St Century Skills  The teacher will read the directions to the class for the Racetrack board game:
Each player will get 4 cards. The remaining cards will go facedown in the
middle of the oval track. Players will roll a dice to move their pieces around the
track. When players lands on a space, they read the word and then look for
Label: Adaptations/ words in their hands that have the same spelling pattern and place that card
Accommodations for down. If a player moves to a space with a star, they choose their own pattern.
diverse learning
needs (not required)
Each time a card is placed down, a new card is drawn to replace it. A player
who has no match for the pattern must draw a new card. If there is still no
match, the next player goes. The game is over when there are no more cards
Label: Differentiated to play or when the teacher says there is only time for 1 more round.
Instructions (content,  The teacher will demonstrate how the game is played by rolling the dice,
process, and/or product moving the correct number of spaces, reading the word, and then show the
–ability/readiness) –only class a card in their hand with the same pattern. “The teacher will refer to the
required in 1 LP
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central focus of this unit written on the Agenda: The students will be able to
Label: Distinguish (Analysis) the digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e” “This game will give
Interdisciplinary Skills you additional practice with recognizing all of the different spelling patterns for
the long-u words. (This game provides the language function practice for the
verb distinguish).
Label: Closure
 We Do-The teacher will then demonstrate another round but this time the
teacher will fan out their cards for the class to see. The teacher will ask the
class: “Do any of these cards have the same pattern?” The teacher will also
heave each student do 1 practice round to make sure they understand how to
play the game.
 The teacher will ask two students to explain the directions (CFU-Directions).
 The teacher will deal 4 cards to each student. (There will be either 3 or 4
students per group).

Differentiated Instructions, Adaptations/Accommodations

 Tiered Task Cards will be used during this Racetrack game: There are 2
out of the 6 groups of students who will receive different playing cards to play
this game. These playing cards have the oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e parts of the word
underlined to provide further visual support and to prompt them. These 2
groups of students are receiving these cards based on their learning ability.
(Visual Accommodations)
 Differentiated Instructions, process -These two groups of students may need
further modeling and clarifications of directions and more direct support during
the game.
 The teacher will also assign game pieces to each student and hand the die to
the player on her left to start the game.
 (You do) The students will play the Racetrack game and distinguish each of
the long -u patterns to decode words on the game board and then find the
same digraph pattern in their hand. (CSE) (CFU-content, formal) (Auditory)
(Visual) (Kinesthetic)(AL-Assessed)(21st Century Skills:1) (RBIS #1) (RBIS #3)
(RBIS #4)
 The teacher will use a class roster “Assessment of the Racetrack Vocabulary
Game” to check off each round of the game for each student (See attached).
 The teacher will provide assistance as needed and also monitor each student’s
comprehension of the learning objective and ability to distinguish the long -u
spelling patterns. The teacher will also provide positive verbal feedback to
correct misconceptions during the game. (21st Century Skills:2) (RBIS #2)
 The teacher will give the students 5+ minutes to play the game and also
provide verbal prompts for 2-minutes left, and a last round warning.
 The teacher will ask the students to place their cards in the center of the race
track, facing the same way.
 The teacher will pass out their hand-held white boards, dry eraser markers,
and erasers while the students are putting their cards away.

Closure/ Exit Ticket:

 The teacher will address the learning objective again by referring to the
Agenda on the board: Students will be able to…distinguish (Analysis) the
digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e when decoding words with the long -u
vowel sound.
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 The teacher will point out each of the digraphs that make up the long -u sound
and also read the word examples. The teacher will then take down the Agenda
and close the racetrack game.
 The teacher will explain to the class that they will 1. write the word pattern on
their whiteboard for the word that the teacher says and 2. Hold up their white
board when the teacher says to.
 The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions. (CFU-Directions).
 The teacher will say: “What digraph pattern does the word fruit have?”
 The students should write “ui” on their whiteboards.
 The teacher will say: “What digraph pattern does the word moon have?”
 The students should write “oo” on their whiteboards.
 The teacher will say: “What digraph pattern does the word flew have?” *The
teacher will provide a sentence example. “The bird flew over the playground.”
 The students should write “ew” on their whiteboards.
 The teacher will say: “What digraph pattern does the word glue have?”
 The students should write “ue” on their whiteboards.
(CSE) (CFU-content, formal) (Visual)(Kinesthetic) (AL-Assessed)
 Differentiated Instructions, process- For the 2 out of 6 groups of students,
instead of having them write the digraph pattern on their white boards, the
teacher will just ask them: “How do you spell fruit, moon, flew, and glue.” (One
at a time) Also, if the teacher notices that it is too confusing for students to
write just the digraphs, the teacher will change the instructions on the spot and
have the student just write out each of the words. The content is still assessed
but the process will be adjusted as needed.
 The teacher will use a class roster to assess if each student could provide the
correct spelling pattern, or spell the work correctly, for each of the 4 words.
See Class Roster attached.

Anchor: If there is additional time, the students will be asked to draw a picture on their
whiteboard of any word(s) from the racetrack game.

Formal Assessments

Name the assessment and describe the 1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method
purpose/what is being assessed
(include related objective(s))

Racetrack Game: The Racetrack game gives 1. The teacher will use a class roster to
students extra practice with recognizing which assess above target (check plus), on
long -u word has which spelling pattern. target (check), and below target (check
Students will be able to… distinguish minus) See Class Roster attached for
(Analysis) the digraphs oo, ew, ue, ui, u_e detailed description of each evaluation
when decoding words with the long -u vowel criteria.
2. The teacher will provide immediate
positive verbal feedback and also show
the student the correct spelling pattern on
the card or agenda for a visual

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reminder/additional support if needed.

Exit Ticket, the exit ticket will assess each
student’s individual understanding of the 1. The students are required to write on their
lesson objective: Students will be able to… whiteboard the correct spelling pattern for
distinguish (Analysis) the digraphs oo, ew, ue, four different words long -u sound words.
ui, u_e when decoding words with the long -u There will be no partial credit. On and above
vowel sound. target is 4 out of 4 correct. Below Target is
getting 3 out of 4 correct or less.
2. The teacher will provide immediate positive
verbal feedback to correct errors by referring
to the agenda or game cards. If need be, the
teacher will address errors and
misconceptions with each student during free
time later in the day.

Academic Language Academic Language: Phonics practice is long -u words with:

required for the lesson ue, ew, ui, u_e, oo digraphs, Distinguish. (Digraphs are previously introduced)
How will the language be
introduced, practiced, & Introduced: Previously introduced in Lesson 1 and 2.
Practiced: The academic language (words with the long -u digraphs) is practiced
when the students read the story “Working Together” and highlight the long-u
sound words in the story, write those words on index cards, and then work
together in groups to sort their cards by the long -u digraph patterns that they
wrote down from the story. During “meet with me” the teacher will meet with each
student to see if they were able to read the long -u words from the story, highlight
them, and write them on index cards. The teacher will also assist and provide
positive feedback as needed.
The academic language is also practiced during the racetrack game. Each
student has to read words with the ue, ew, ui, u_e, oo word patterns and then
check to see if they have a card in their hand with the same pattern. This allows
students to read words with these digraphs, sort out words in their hand and find
matching word patterns.

Assessed: The academic language for the unit is assessed during the Racetrack
game and the exit ticket. The teacher will use a class roster “Assessment of the
Racetrack Vocabulary Game” to check off each round of the game for each
student (See attached). This checks for if each student can read the word they
land on, find a matching digraph pattern for the word, and also provide definition.
For the exit ticket, each student will write the word pattern on their whiteboard for
the word that the teacher says and the teacher will use a class roster to mark
down how many each student answers correct out of 4. Students may also be
able to just write the word out instead of just the digraph pattern.

Instructional Resources/An Agenda, the story Working Together, index cards,

1 prepared Racetrack game, 1 dice, 4 player pieces, 2 prepared sets of
cards (one for differentiated instruction), hand-held white boards, dry erase
markers and erasers, class roster to assess racetrack game and the exit
ticket. (See attached materials)
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Research and/or Theory RBIS #1) Cooperative Learning: Robert Marzano (2001) and his colleagues
Supporting Instructional identified that cooperative learning, or opportunities for students to interact with
Decisions (at least 2) one another, enhances their learning. The students participate with their peers to
play a game that practices their lesson objective. This takes place during the
guided practice (you do) part of the lesson.

RBIS #2 According to UDL, 2019, it is important to provide students with multiple

means of representation. The Racetrack game supports checkpoint 3.3: Guide
information processing visualization, and manipulation because the teacher
provides prompts and directions for each step of the game, uses an interactive
game to promote learning, and provides feedback to assist learners. This takes
place when the teacher provides assistance whenever it is needed during the
racetrack game. This feedback is to correct misconceptions immediately to help
enhance student learning.

(RBIS #3) According to Marzano, the use of student activities like classifying and
sorting words and playing review games are critical steps to building academic
vocabulary. This game can be played with 2-4 children allowing for cooperative
learning which according to Marzano providing students with opportunities to
interact with one another enhances their learning. The Racetrack game allows
students to “play” with the words that they are learning.

(RBIS #4) UDL: I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation, checkpoint 1:

Provide Options for Perception. With the Racetrack Game, students can see
vocabulary words in a different way. This game uses a racetrack board game with
vocabulary words all around it as well as a starting line. Because this vocabulary
game is set up as a Racetrack board game, it also connects to UDL Guideline III.
Provide Multiple Means of Engagement, checkpoint 7: Provide Options for
Recruiting Interest. Students can choose their game piece and then participate
with others as they “race” around the track. This game can be played with 2-4
players and because multiple students can play, this game also fosters
collaboration and community which is UDL Guideline III. Provide Multiple Means
of Engagement, checkpoint 8.3.

Include key instructional materials and assessments. Provide citations for materials that you did not create.

Formative Lesson Plan Template Hackett 2018 – includes practice for the edTPA Prompts/Language in blue are requirements from the edTPA Secondary Handbooks - Copyright © 2017 Board of Trustees of the Leland
Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Reminder: This information can only be used with candidates in programs and courses that are preparing students for the edTPA exam. All materials must remain secure.

Objectives, input, anticipatory set, guided practice, independent practice, checking for understanding, closure

Hunter, M. (1982). Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

Additional Materials:

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