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Date: __________ Respondent number: __________ Location: _______________

Hello Sir/Ma’am,
We are the student of Marketing Research at Indian Institute of Management, Indore.
Currently we are doing our research on studying the smoking patterns among people. We
request for your cooperation in making this research a success.
Thank You

1. Do you smoke cigarettes?

□ Yes

□ No
2. If No, What is your reason to not smoke?

□ Personal choice

□ Parents/Family

□ I think it is a waste of money

□ Health Concern

□ Others
3. If No, Which brand comes to your mind when you think of a cigarette

□ Wills

□ Classic

□ Marlboro

□ SilkCut

□ Goldflake

□ Rolling tobacco

□ Other_________
4. If Yes, Which brand do you prefer

□ Wills

□ Classic

□ Marlboro

□ SilkCut

□ Goldflake

□ Rolling tobacco

□ Other_________
5. Please tick in the column wise
• Which brands you are currently smoking
• Which brand of cigarette you ever smoked
• Which brand your majority of friends smoke
Currently Ever smoke Friends
smoking smoking
Wills 1 2 3

Classic 1 2 3

Marlboro 1 2 3

Goldflake 1 2 3

SilkCut 1 2 3
Rolling Tobacco 1 2 3
Others 1 2 3

6. Why you selected the brand that you are currently smoking

□ Price

□ Packaging

□ Celebrity usage

□ Advertisement

□ Brand image

□ Filter

□ To create impression
□ My friend smoke it
7. Why you switched from the brand that you ticked in the ever-smoked part

□ Price

□ Packaging

□ Celebrity usage

□ Advertisement

□ Brand image

□ Filter

□ To create impression

□ My friend smoke it

8. Do any of your immediate family members smoke cigarettes

Yes ( ) No ( )

9. If, then which brand they use to smoke cigarette:

□ Wills

□ Classic

□ Marlboro

□ SilkCut

□ Goldflake

□ Rolling tobacco

□ Other_________
10. On a scale of 1 to 5 how much importance do you give to the following
characteristic while choosing a cigarette packet (1 being least preferred, while 5
being the most preferred). Please circle your responses.
Brand image 1 2 3 4 5
Hardness of 1 2 3 4 5
of tobacco
Price 1 2 3 4 5
Flavour 1 2 3 4 5
Packaging 1 2 3 4 5
After smell 1 2 3 4 5

11. Would you like to have flavoured cigarettes

□ Yes

□ No
▪ If Yes, (Mention)
12. Which flavour do you like to have in a cigarette? (Tick one)

□ Clove

□ Tulsi

□ Chocolate

□ Mint

□ Other
13. In your view, how much are you willing to pay for a flavoured cigarette that you
chose in Q.11

□ 10-12 per stick

□ 13-15 per stick

□ 16-18 per stick

□ More than 19 per stick

14. Do you buy a packet or stick often?

□ Packet

□ Stick
15. If stick, how many sticks you buy at a time
□ 1-2

□ 3-5

□ More than 5

16. Have you been offered a new cigarette by the retailer or at Beedi Shop

□ Yes

□ No
17. If Yes, Did you tried it

□ Yes

□ No
18. Have you noticed any advertisement of brands promoting smoking:

□ At Beedi Store

□ At an event

□ TV Shows

□ Movies

19. If Yes, Can you recognise the name of the brand: __________

Something about you:
Age: 15-19 ( ) 20-25 ( ) 26-35 ( ) above 35 ( )
Education : Studying ( ) Working ( ) Business ( )

Present Occupation : ______________________________

Married : ( ) Yes ( )No
Place of residence : ______________________________
For how many years you are smoking cigarette: ______________________________

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