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Are animals more intelligent than human?

Animal cleverness is an expression returning to cognitive capacities of animals and the

studies on this subject. Multiple groups of species stand out by their intellect capacities. For
example, there are Great Apes, Dolphins, Elephant and
Corvids (130 species of Raven) which can recognize
themselves in a mirror. Chimpanzees and Corvids can
make tools. Parrots can have a fluid conversation,
understand the zero notion and communicate with over
eight thousand words. And Cetacean (aquatic mammals)
with their complex language. Their also other animals
like Rats, Pigs and Octopus than interested searcher by
their reasoning capacity.

Which animal has the best memory?

Animals have many capacities but mostly a good memory. For example, if you leave
your dog for several months because you have to study in another country, you will be sure,
when you will come back home, your dog will make you the best welcome home ever! And
that’s called: memory. Every animal can remember things that happened a long time ago or just
remember a specific place with specific resources. Although, some species, especially aquatic
animals, tend to have a really good memory. They are called “the smartest of the kingdom
animal”, mostly Dolphins are called like that. To tell if an animal has a good memory, we have
to study animals with the longer lifespans.
In order to compare if animals can have a better memory than human. They did a study
on Chimpanzee confronting a human that have been graduated College in a very good
University. They have made on an electronic device, multiple number 1 to 9 disposed randomly
on the screen. The goal is to remember after a few seconds the position of the numbers 1 to 9.
The graduated man began and after multiple essay, he had only 9 times on 30 find the correct
order. In contrary, the same test was proposed to the chimpanzee and he has 90% of the time
the correct order. What does this study prove? It proves that animals can easily remember things
and beat human’s brain in certain circumstances. Chimpanzee have always been the cleverness
animal on the earth. The size of the brain does not impact your cleverness, in fact the
chimpanzee brain is smaller than human brains.

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