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1. What nonverbal cues did the sales person, John Andrews, experience when
contacting Martha Gillespie?

John arrived very promptly and on time, despite the fact that Martha arrived with 20 minutes
later than the time the meeting was set. This means that they acting with a different attitude
for this meeting. Also, Martha did not apologize for her delay and started to talk with the
secretary about anything else. When John presents the product to Martha, she read letters and
made a call to her husband and some other thing that defying John. In the end of the
conversation, Martha interrupted John’s speech and terminated this meeting, for she wanted
to meet John competing salesperson.

2. If you were John Andrews, how would you have handled the situation?

If I were John Andrews, I would show my displeasure created by Martha’s delay, so that she can
apologize and notice the disturbance created. It is not only about the basic respect and polite
Martha should know in social communication, but also a significant criterion to judge whether
Martha is sincere enough to do business with me. Business is not just selling and presenting
products and services to the buyer only once and never meet again, for business cares about long-
term relationship building between the seller and buyer. Also, I will not waste a great deal of
time for this kind of treatment offer by Martha.

Case 5.2


Analyze and describe the conversation between Judy Allison and Bill Taylor. What
should Judy do now?

I think that she should tell to the buyer that certain studies proved that telephones don’t cause
cancer. Politely, she should explain to the buyer that every person has the choice to use or not a
telephone, even if it will remain backward.

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