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ANS 2:

Step 1:

Communication is the act of sharing information, giving, and receiving information. In simple
words, communication occurs when people talk, write, listen or read. Communication is
incomplete without feedback, it assures that the receiver has received the message.

Step 2:

Communication needs to be effective to accurately transmit the message to the receiver. Some of
the tips for effective communication are as follows:

1. Being Present: It means being aware of what is happening in a particular moment. When
people are absent-minded, they do not listen to what is being said around them which
leads to a lack of communication and misinterpretation of the message. It involves
noticing the thoughts and responses of the person without thinking of anything else in
their head.
2. Active Listening: Active Listening is different from hearing, it means hearing with the
mind, making solid eye contact, and having an attentive body posture and mind. If the
mind of the listener is somewhere else, they will not be able to correctly interpret the
message given by the sender.
3. Mix verbal and nonverbal communication: To make the communication effective the
speaker should use gestures with words to make them more expressive and
understandable to the receiver. By talking with a straight face, the listener may feel bored
with the conversation.
4. Knowing the audience: It means communicating with the right person or people. The
sender or the speaker should know what the audience expects from them and should
target their needs and interests accordingly.
5. Using silence as a communication tool: Taking pauses at the right time of conversation
increases the relevance of words. The speaker should know when to take a pause and be
silent so that the audience gets time to think about what is being said. The silences should
not be too long, otherwise, it could make the audience uncomfortable.

Step 3:


Therefore, to make the communication effective, the sender and the receiver should be attentive
and have a positive mindset toward the conversation. Using gestures and silence at the right time
of the conversation makes communication effective.
ANS 3 :

Step 1:

Conflict in a company occurs when employees or workers who have different

backgrounds and mindsets are supposed to be working together. The people can create
conflicts by insulting each other, showing a lack of cooperation, bullying, and showing
anger towards each other. It can also be caused due to misinterpretation of messages.

Step 2:

Conflicts mostly arise among people who are in association with each other, which can
be either professional or personal. To resolve conflicts constructively, the following
actions can be:

1. Listening: When a conflict has arisen, the parties should listen to each other to
understand each other’s points of view. When people show a lack of
communication after the conflict, it becomes more severe, and people jump to
conclusions without having full information. For instance, a conflict between
Person A and Person B regarding the business deal became severe as Person A
was not willing to listen to Person B about the matter.
2. Affirmation: The people while having a conflict can repeatedly keep their points
to make the other person clear that they feel strongly about it. They can express
their emotions by affirming the issues. For instance, Person J while having a
conflict with Person M regarding the price of the washing machine affirmed that
Person M promised to sell the washing machine at discount to Person J.
3. Respond: To resolve a conflict, the parties should respond to each other by
reacting to the issue or being answerable to each other's questions to resolve the
confusion or bring a solution to it. For instance, Person I addressed the query of
Person M while having a conflict regarding the old technology used in the mobile
device, which was not mentioned in the product description.
4. Adding information: To help each other to reach a solution, the parties can add
information as per their knowledge which could aid in reaching a solution. For
example, Person I while facing a conflict with Person J regarding the lack of
stock of wheat, contacted one of their friends and loaned a certain quantity of
wheat to resolve the matter.

Step 3: It can be tempting when dealing with conflicts in a passive way, as they end
up leaving people unhappy. Being too aggressive in a confocal can worsen the

1. Ignoring The Issue: The people facing the conflict can ignore it by not talking
about it or by changing the topic when it is mentioned. The people involved in the
conflicts can dodge each other for a time being so as not to have a confrontation.
For eg, Person A blocked the calls of Person B after having a conflict regarding
the unfair promotion.

2. Giving In: It means doing what the other party wants to end the matter and
resolve the conflict. It can be done even when the person thinks their way or their
point of view is better, but they still do the other person's way to resolve the
issue. For example, Person B agreed to give an extra 10 percent of the property
to Person J even when it was not agreed upon before in the contract so as to
resolve the conflict.
3. Indirect communication: The people can convey their point of view by asking a
third person to convey their message to the party to avoid direct contact. Direct
contact can lead to more conflicts, therefore, they can state their point of view
through indirect means. For instance, Person A asked A’s friend, Person M to
let Person Z know that Person A has apologized for their past behavior towards

Step 4:


Therefore, the passive and constructive ways of resolving conflicts vary from each
other, wherein constructive ways say the issue can be resolved by negotiation and
directly communicating with each other, and through passive means, they can avoid
or can compromise to resolve the conflict.

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