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Reflection of Data- Face to Face Staff Development

I created an assessment on Google Forms for the participants of my face-to-face staff

development to complete. The assessment consisted of seven questions about the basics of Pages
and creating newsletters in Pages. While looking at the data I noticed that there were a few
questions that some participants got incorrect. One person missed the true or false question,
“There are no pre-made templates in Pages.” Three people missed the question, “Under which
tab can you add an image or music?” Two people missed the question, “Which tab can you look
under to change the font, font size, font color, etc of your text?” Looking at this data, the
questions that were missed were assessing topics that were addressed in the basics of Pages part
of the staff development.
I also created an evaluation survey to receive feedback about my staff development. I felt
like the participants completed the survey honestly and gave me very good feedback about my
instruction. I created this survey on Google Forms also. The survey was created on a five point
scale. 1 represented strongly disagree or not at all. 5 represented strongly agree or very much.
Most of the questions on the survey received a 4 or 5 response. There were only two statements
that I received some three responses on. One statement was “After this instruction, I feel
confident enough to use Pages in my own classroom”. The other statement that I received some
three responses on was “After this instruction, I feel confident enough to let my students use
Pages to complete classwork.” I also added one question on the end of the survey that was a
short answer, optional, question. This question asked the participants to give any feedback on
how to better present the information. Two people responded to this question. One said, “I would
like to see how to use Pages for a Math class”, and the other said “Great job.”
When I looked at all of the data from my face-to-face staff development, I was happy
with the results overall. There were some things that I could improve with this staff
development. The assessment that the participants completed, showed that there were some
improvements that could be made when teaching about the basics of Pages. The evaluation
survey also showed that some participants were not confident in using Pages themselves, and
using Pages for assignments in the classroom. Looking at the results I feel like overall there were
many positives that came from this staff development. I feel like most participants feel more
confident and are excited to use Pages in their own classroom, after this staff development. I will
take the improvements that need to be done, and apply them to the staff development before
teaching this again.

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