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Ingles 2

Tarea 2

 Leonardo Gil Sánchez

Naty Tavarez Abreu    


14 de 04 del 2018

Nagua, María Trinidad Sánchez

República Dominicana

Page 58 exercise D,E,F.

Unit 5 Exercise D and E page 58.

D) Bubble in the correct answer.

1. Do you buy clothes at the supermarket. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

2. Do you buy videos at the shoes store. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

3. Do you buy milk at the supermarket. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

4. Do you buy shoes at the supermarket. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

5. Do you buy medicine at the pharmacy. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

6. Do you buy cookies at the video store. Yes, I do. No, I don` t.

E) write the question.

1. Do you like milk and cookies? Yes, I like milk and cookies.

2. Do you live in san Francisco? No, I don’ t live in san francisco.

3. Do you need help? Yes, I need help.

4. Do you live in costa mesa? No, I don´t live in costa mesa.

5. Do you buy food at jasper´s market? Yes, I buy food at jasper´s market.

6. Do you like school? Yes, I like school.

Unit 5 Exercise F

Do you buy clothes at a department store? Yes, I do

Do you like milk? Yes, I Like

Do you need new shoes? Yes I need

Do you buy food for your family? Yes, I do

Page 60: D,E,F,G.

Page 60: D
California Birch street Mobile phone House
Los Angeles Walker drive West palm St. Second street
In On
California Birch Street,
Mobile home Walker Drive,
a House, West Palm St.
Los Angeles Second Street
Page 60: E

Check the correct answer.

1 Lien lives in an apartment. In On

2 They live on Texas In On

3 we live on Main Street In On

4 we have a house on Bush Avenue. In On

5 I live in a house In On

6 He lives in Mexico City In On

Page 60: F.
I’m Youssef
I ‘m from Saudi Arabia
I live in a house.
I live on Market St. in San Francisco.

Page 63: B.
Gasper drives to school
Gilberto takes a bus to school
Alfonso takes a train to school
Page 64: D,E,F.

Unit 5 Exercise D
1. Marvin rides a bicycle to school.

2. Anya driwes a car to work.

3. Alexi and Humberto take the train to work.

4. Peter and I take to the store.

5. You walk a bus to the store.

6. I go to school.

7. Omar lives in a house.

8. Lien and Duong lives on First Street.

Unit 5 Exercise E

1. Alfonso lives in a house, and he takes the train to school.

2. Gilberto and lien drive to car to school.

3. Nadia and Gilda live in an apartment.

4. Carina rides a bicycle to school.

5. Carina lives in a condominium.

6. Nadia and Casper drive to the school.

Page 66: D
Star on city small drive at the shoe store 3 Polly’s pet
Go straight. Turn left on Radcliff. Go to the corner of main street 1 Shoe emporium
Turn Around. Go to Broadway. Turn right 4 Claudia’s restaurant
Go straight. Go to the restaurant between Luigi’s pharmacy and Taco fast food. 2 Taco town fast food

Page 66: E
1. Go straight. Turn right on Second Street. Turn left on First Street. Stop.
2. Turn around. Go straight. Turn left. Turn right on Birch Avenue. Stop. It’s next to the
Page 66:F.
Went I go to university I drive a car
Page 68: D.
John goes to the market on first street
Nothing polly’s pet is next to the bank
We like the store on city small drive
The bank is next to polly’s pet
The pet store is in back of nothing advantage market
We buy medicine at nothing Luigi’s pharmacy
Page 70: E,F,G.
Exercise page 70.
Maritza is walking to work.
We are talking the bus to school
They are riding bicycles to the store
Gilberto is driving a car to school
The children are riding the bus
I walking to school
John and Mary are driving to work
Maxine is talking a taxi to the airport
Exercise F page 70.
They drive to school
They are driving to school
We walk to school
We are walking to school
Natasha and I ride our bicycles to the store
Natasha and I are riding our bicycles to the store
Anh walk to the market
Anh is walking to the market
You take a bus to the market
You are taking a bus to the market
Exercise G page 70.
I every day use my car to move on street of Nagua city

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