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Name : NUr ismawati

Nim : 216-501-035

Cultural values

1. understanding of cultural values

Cultural values are values that are agreed upon and embedded in a society, the scope of the
organization, the community environment, which is rooted in a habit, trust (belief), symbols, with
certain characteristics that can be distinguished from one another as a reference for behavior and
response to what will happen or is happening.

Culture is something that will affect the level of knowledge and includes systems of ideas or ideas
contained in the human mind, so that in everyday life, culture is abstract.

There are three things related to these cultural values, namely:

Symbols, slogans or other things that are visible (invisible) Attitudes, actions, gestures arising from the
slogan, the motto Embedded trust (believe system) that is rooted and becomes a frame of reference in
acting and behaving (not visible).

The valuable cultural values to be fought for are

Value of Honesty The Value of Patriotism Value of competition Harmonious Value and Cooperation

In General People often find it difficult to see their values objectively because

As children they learned these values universally and absolutely These values cannot be compromised
because in childhood they did not understand that something was good unless they were guided to
believe that these values are good for everyone everywhere. For example lying / lying, may be
considered generally wrong but justified on certain occasions because most are so difficult for a child to
2.understanding of cultural values according to experts

1.Koentjaraningrat (in Warsito 2012: 99) Cultural values are cultural values consisting of conceptions
that live in the realm of mind, most of the people in things they consider very noble. The existing value
system in a society is used as an orientation and reference in acting. Therefore, the cultural value that a
person has influences him in taking alternatives, ways, tools and manufacturing objectives that are

2.Clyde Kluckholn (in Warsito 2012: 99) Cultural values as an organized general conception, which
influences behavior related to nature, human position in nature, people-to-people relationships and
about desirable and unwanted things that may be related to people's relationships with the
environment and fellow humans.

3 Differences in Indonesian and Western cultural values

1. Customs Customs do not have a high influence on western culture, whereas in eastern culture
customs still apply and are respected

.2. Lifestyle Western culture tends to be individualistic. They prefer to live alone and tend not to care
about others. Whereas eastern culture tends to be more sociable, Easterners prefer to be close to
family, friends and others.

3.How to Dress.

How to dress in western culture is free in expressing clothes both clothes closed or open. Whereas
eastern culture is a culture that upholds good manners, therefore the clothes worn are polite and closed

4.ntercourse In general western culture has promiscuity, while eastern culture prefers existing norms.

5. Polite Behavior - people who embrace western culture tend to be less aware of manners or manners,
while those who embrace eastern culture are more likely to maintain good manners both in dressing,
behaving, and behavior.

6. Opinion Indonesian people tend to be convoluted in delivering their arguments which actually means
not as complex as the arguments they convey. Westerners are more to-the-point in delivering
arguments. ▪

7. Time Indonesia is known as a rubber watch or does not value time While the westerners are very
disciplined (on time)
8 Lifestyle In general, Indonesians will be more comfortable if they remain close to relatives, especially
family. The conditions are very different from Westerners like Americans, who tend to be individualists.

9. Relation Very social and more complex relationships, so that social media is used as a platform for
socializing. While Westerners are more individualistic, it is very rare to establish relationships with
others, except in the presence of specific purposes or interests.

10. Event / Celebration If there is an event, many Indonesians prefer to invite all relatives and friends
and people they know. Such as in weddings, making invitations with quite a lot. For westerners, if they
hold an event, only relatives, family and a few close friends are invited

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