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Neonatal Varicella
Pramod Sharma*, Rakesh Jora*, Adarsh Purohit**, Ankit garg†, Laxminarayan†

Varicella or chickenpox is primarily an infectious disease of childhood and majority of population is infected upto 15 years of
age. Rarely, varicella is seen in newborns as congenital or perinatal infection, but in such cases mortality rate is very high. Here
we present two cases of neonatal varicella with secondary complications, one with varicella pneumonia and other developing
severe secondary skin infection and sepsis.
Keywords: Neonatal varicella, varicella pneumonia

hickenpox is an acute febrile illness with old, mother developed mild fever and generalized
vesiculo-papular rash caused by varicella-zoster rash, which disappeared five days later, and there was
virus (VZV). Its manifestation varies from mild evidence of healed chickenpox lesions on her body in
febrile illness to severe life-threatening complications form of hyperpigmented areas at the site of lesions.
like bacterial super-infection, pneumonia, encephalitis There was history of affliction with chickenpox in three
and bleeding disorders. Disease severity and mortality other family members too. On examination, baby was
rate (as high as 30% without antiviral treatment) is sick-looking with generalized papulovesicular rash
particularly high in neonates especially if they have not over body in all stages of development and severe
received passive immunity from their mother.1-3 respiratory distress. Rectal temperature was found to
be 102.2°F, pulse rate 188/min and respiratory rate 80/
Varicella pneumonia is a serious complication minute. Baby was started treatment immediately in
following chickenpox more commonly occurring in emergency department and shifted to intensive care
adults but it is not so common in newborns. Incidence unit (ICU).
of varicella pneumonia ranges between 1-8/1,000
cases of chickenpox.1-5 Here we are reporting two cases On investigations, leukocytes numbered 11,600/mm3
with 62% polymorphonuclear cells and 38%
of neonatal varicella, first developing severe varicella
pneumonia and second developing extensive varicella
with superimposed bacterial infection and sepsis.

Case 1

An 18-day-old male baby presented with complaints

of generalized rash for four days, difficulty in
breathing for two days and not accepting feed for one
day. Antenatal, perinatal and birth history was not
significant. Postnatally when the baby was four days

*Associate Professor
**Consultant, Vasundhara Hospital
Dept. of Pediatrics
Regional Institute of Maternal and Child Health
Umaid Hospital for Women and Children
Dr SN Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Address for correspondence
Dr Adarsh Purohit
Consultant, Vasundhara Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Figure 1. X-ray film of the chest.

482 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 5, October 2013

lymphocytes. Hemoglobin content was 16 g/dl. The

urine gave one plus reaction for albumin but was
otherwise normal. Renal function tests were within
normal limits. There was severe respiratory distress
with Downe’s score of 6 and harsh breath sounds with
rales were noted in both lungs. An X-ray film of the chest
taken at that time showed widespread patchy densities
throughout both lung fields, right lung consolidation
with heterogeneous opacities, air bronchogram and
multiple small pneumatocele suggestive of primary
varicella pneumonia (Fig. 1). the hospital, the child was doing well. The lung sounds
were normal and chest X-ray showed no lesions.
A clinical diagnosis of varicella pneumonia was made
and intravenous acyclovir was started in a dose of Case 2
10 mg/kg 8 hourly along with other supportive care.
The baby was in impending respiratory failure, so he A 9-day-old female child presented with extensive
was intubated and mechanical ventilation was started papulovesicular lesions over whole body for four days
on pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) mode. Baby associated with lethargy and poor sucking. There was
needed intensive monitoring with continuous non- history of mother having active chickenpox one day
invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and SpO2 monitoring, prior to delivery. Examination revealed generalized
papulovesicular rash over whole body, with some of
urine output and temperature monitoring. Enteral
them having pus discharge suggestive of superimposed
feeding was continued with nasogastric tube while on
bacterial infection. Baby was dull with poor reflexes. The
ventilation. Initially, the oxygen requirement was high;
newborn was having tachycardia with mild respiratory
needed FiO2 of >80% with positive end-expiratory distress. Baby was admitted to ICU for treatment.
pressure (PEEP) of 7, but improved quickly over next
two days and weaned off after three days. Arterial Baby was clinically diagnosed a case of neonatal varicella
blood gas (ABG) at the time of admission showed with secondary bacterial infection. He was started
intravenous acyclovir, broad-spectrum antibiotics
compensated acidosis with PaO2 of 50, while it was
(vancomycin, amikacin and cefotaxime) and other
under normal limits at the time of weaning. The baby
supportive treatment. On investigations, leukocyte
recovered completely from pneumonia after seven days
count was increased with neutrophilic leukocytosis.
of treatment. Blood sugar was 36 mg/dl, which was managed with
An X-ray film of chest at the time of discharge showed dextrose infusion. Renal functions were found to be
considerable improvement, only patchy areas of deranged with hypernatremia and hyperkalemia,
consolidation remaining. The total stay in hospital was serum sodium being 168 mEq/l and serum potassium
10 days. When examined again two weeks after leaving 6.2 mEq/l. Chest X-ray showed right-sided

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consolidation. ABG showed mild metabolic acidosis. not available, immunofluorescent VZV specific antigen
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and urine examination staining in vesicle specimens can be recommended.6-9
were normal. Baby improved over the next few days- Intravenous acyclovir has been used in cases of
the lesions healed and no new lesions appeared. He neonatal and complicated varicella infection in children.
was discharged after 14 days of treatment. At time Varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) reduces
of discharge, baby was on complete oral feeds with complications and the mortality rate of varicella, but not
normal renal and electrolyte status. its incidence. Administration as soon as possible after
exposure is best, but VZIG can prevent or attenuate
varicella if administered within 96 hours of contact.
Primary varicella zoster virus infection during first two The expected duration of protection is approximately
trimesters of pregnancy may result in fetal infection in three weeks. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has
a quarter of cases, of which 12% develop congenital been used to prevent varicella after exposure when
varicella syndrome. Active varicella infection in VZIG is not available. Clinical efficacy is not exactly
mother acquired perinatally may result in severe known. Without these drugs, mortality rates may be as
neonatal chickenpox associated with complications. high as 30%. To reduce the risk of neonatal varicella
Neonatal chickenpox developing in first 12 days of date of delivery may also be postponed to allow
life is considered to be acquired intrauterine and that varicella antibodies to be passed to the baby.1,6,10-12
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