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(12 bits) the small systems journal

A $20 Microprocessor ?

Burn Your Own ROMs

Computer Hams? Is This Next?

Ins and Outs
of Volatile Memories

Computers Are
Ridiculously Simplel

Computers -
The V\;'orld's Greate st Toy!
!!iiiITIl 6 BOD
The Computer System You Have Been Waiting For
A BENCHMARK SYSTEM-Using the MOTOROLA M6800 benchmark microprocessor family.

South west Technical Products is proud to introduce the M6800 comp uter syste m. Thi s system is based upon the
Motorola MC6800 microprocesso r unit (MPU) and it's matching family of support devices. The 6800 syste m was chosen
for our computer because this set of parts is current ly in our opinion the "Benchmark Family" for microprocessor
systems. It makes it possible for us to provide yo u w ith a computer system having outstanding versiti lity and ease of use.

In addition to the outstanding hardware syste m , the Motorola 6800 ha s without question the most complete set of
documentation yet made available for a microprocessor system . The 714 page Applications Manual for example con-
tains material on programming techniques, system organ ization, input/ output techniques, and more. Al so available is the
Programmers M an ual which details the val·ious types of softwa re ava il ab le for the system and provides instruction s f or
the programming and use of the unique interface system that is part of the 6800 design. Th e M6800 system minimizes
the number of required components and support parts, provides extre mely simpl e interfacing to external devices and
has outstanding documentation.

Our kit combines the MC6800 processor w ith the M I KBUG® read-only memory (ROM) . This ROM contains the pro-
gram necessary to automatically place not only a load er, but also a mini-operating system into the computers memory.
This makes the computer very conven ient to use because it is ready for you to enter data from the terminal keyboard
the m inute power is turned "ON". Our kit also provides a seria l control interface to connect a terminal to the system.
Thi s is not an extra cost option as in some inexpensive computers. The system is controlled from any ASCII coded
terminal that you may wish to use. Our CT-1024 video te l·minal is a good choice. The control interface will also work
w ith any 20 Ma. T eletype using ASCII code, such as the ASR-33, or KSR-33. The main memory in our basic kit con-
sists of 2,048 words (BYTES) of static memory. This elimin ates the need for refres h interrupts and allows the system to
operate at full speed at all times. Our basic kit is supp li ed wit h processor system, which includes the MIKBUG ROM , a
128 wOI·d stat ic sC I·atc h pad RAM, and clock oscillatol· bit rate divid er; main m emmy board with 2,048 words, a seria l
control interface, power supp ly, cabinet with cover and comp lete assembly and operation inst ruction s which include
test progr·ams and the Motorola Programmers Manual.
. -------------------------------------------------~--- --------------------
If you have a Motorola 6800 chip
o Enclosed is $450.00 0 or Master C, # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bank .# _ _ __
set, we wil l sell you boards, or any
Oar BAC # Ex Date _ _ _ _ _ __
majol· pal·t of this system as a separ-
For My SWTPC Computer Kit 0 0 Send data package
ate item. If you would lik e a full
description and our price li st, circle NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the reader service number or send ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
the coupon today. Prices fOI· a com-
plete basic kit begin at only CITY---------------~S~T~A~T~E~------~Z~I~p~---
Southw est Technica l Products Corp., Box 32040, San Antonio, Texas 78284
The MODULAR MICROS shifts each digit left automatically as a
new digit is entered! The value on the
from MARTIN RESEARCH display is also entered into an internal
CPU register , ready for the next opera-
Here's why the new MIKE 2 and MIKE 3 tion. Simply by pressing the write key,
are the best values in microcomputers to- for example, the user loads 135 into
day! memory.

8008 OR 8080 The MONITOR program also allows the

user to step through memory, one loca-
Martin Research has solved the problem tion at a time (starting anywhere), to
bothering many potential micro users check his programming. Plus, the Swap
_ ... whether to go with the economical Register Option allows use of the inter-
8008 microprocessor, or step up to the rupt capabilities of the microproce~sor :
powerful 8080. Our carefully designed the MONITOR saves internal register
bus structure allows either processor to status upon receipt of an interrupt re-
be used in the same system! quest; when the interrupt routine ends,
the main program continues right ·where
The MIKE 3 comes with an 8080 CPU it left off.
board, complete with crystal-controlled
system timing. The MIKE 2 is based on We invite the reader to compare the pro-
the 8008. To upgrade from an 8008 to grammability of the MIKE family of
an 8080, the user unplugs the 8008 CPU microcomputers to others on the mar-
board and plugs in the 8080 CPU. Then ket. Notice that some are sold, as basic
he unplugs the 8008 MONITOR PROM, units, without any memory capacity at
and plugs in the 8080 MONITOR all_ This means they simply cannot be
PR OM, so that the system recogn izes the programmed, until you purchase a mem-
8080 instruction set. That's about itl ory board as an "accessory." Even then,
adding RAM falls far short of a conve-
If the user has invested in slow memory nient, permanent MON ITOR program
chips, compatible with the 8008 but too stored in PROM. Instead, you have to
slow for the 8080 running at full speed, enter your frequently-used subroutines
he will have to make the 8080 wait for by hand, each and every time you turn
memory access-an optional feature on the power on.
our boards. Better still, a 4K RAM board
can be purchased from Martin Research EASY I/O INTERFACE
with fast RAM chips, capable of 8080
speeds, at a cost no more that you might The MIKE family bus structure has been
expect to pay for much slower devices. designed to permit easy addition of in-
put and output ports. A hardware inter-
In short, the MIKE 2 user can feel confi- face to the system generally needs on Iy
dent in developing his 8008 system with two chips-one strobe decoder, and one
expanded memory and other featu res, latching device (for output ports) or
knowing that his MIKE 2 can be up- three-state driving device (for inputs), A
graded to a MIKE 3-an 8080 system-in new I/O board can be plugged in any-
the future . where on the bus; in fact , all the boards
in the micro could be swapped around in
EASE OF PROGRAMMING any position, without affecting opera-
tion. I/O addresses are easy to modify by
Instructions and data are entered simply recon necting the leads to the strobe de-
by punching the 20-pad keyboard. Infor- coder (full instructions are provided);
mation , in convenient octal format, ap- this is in marked contrast to the clumsy
pears automatically on the seven- input multiplexer approach sometimes
segment display. This is a pleasant con- used .
trast to the cumbersome microcom-
puters which require the user to handle
all information bit-by-bit, with a confus-
ing array of twenty-odd toggle switches
The micros described to the left are com-
and over thirty red lights!
plete except for a cabinet of your own
design, and a power supply. The basic
A powerful MONITOR program is in-
micros require +5 V, 1.4 A, and -9 V,
cluded with each microcomputer, stored
100MA. The 4K RAM board requires
permanently in PROM memory . The
5 V, 1 A. A supply providing these volt-
MONITOR continuously scans the key-
ages, and ±12 V also, will be ready soon.
board , programming the computer as
keys are depressed .
Say the user wishes to enter the number
135 (octal for an 8008 OUTPUT 16 in - A number of useful micro accessories are
struction), He types " and the right- scheduled for announcement. In addi -
hand three digits read 001 _ Then he tion, the MIKE 3 and MIKE 2 may be
presses 3, and the digits say 013. Finally purchased in configurations ranging from
he punches the 5, and the display reads unpopulated cards to complete systems.
135. Notice how the MONITOR program For details, phone, write, or check the
(Continued in column 3.) reader service card.



1-8008 $5D ps 25- 1 0 to 25v 1a lab type power supp ly with adj ust ab le current
limiting ; remote sens ing & remote programming for vo ltage & current.
Insturction s included . All parts excep t chass is. met er(sl. p .c . board .
8-2102 Kit of parts with schematics. S14.95
P.C. boards ava ilab le. No . 007 $3.0 0 ea.





8008 MICROCOMP. CHIP$30.95

2102 1 K STATIC RAM 3.00
5203 256x8 PROM 15.00
INFO ON ABOVE CHIPS IF 8008 CPU, 1024 X 8 memory; memory is expand-
ASKED FOR. able . Kit includes manual with schematic, program -
ming instructions and suggestions ; all I Cs and parts
suppl ied except cabinet, fuses & hardware . Includes
p. c. boards. $375.00
MANUAL ON L Y, $25.00
(no discount on manual)
MORE GET FREE BYTE OOBA-K ASCII keyboard input kit. $135.00
FOR (CONTINENTAL U.S. OOBA-C Audio cassette adapter kit. $100.00
Details on computer, peripheral kits in our flyer.

3650 Charles St., Suite K • Santa Clara, CA 95050 • (40B) 247 -015B

We sell man y ICs and comp onents no t l isted in this ad. Send a stamp for our free fl yer. TERMS OF SALE:
All orders prepaid; we pay p os tage. $ 1.00 handling charge on orders under $ 10.00. Californ ia residents please
include sales tax. Please inclu de name, address and zip code on all orders and fl yer requests. Prices su bject to
change with out no tice.

In the Queue ~~TI

INS AND OUTS OF VOLATILE MEMORIES . . ... ..... . . . . 12
Hardware - Lancaster
Principles of Operation - Wadsworth
~~ "''"''';;;,-->. '"-- , o:.r
COMPUTERS AND AMATEUR RADIO . . ... .... . .. .. .. . .42 2 0 ..., r

4 Ir ~ <: OUI
, ," ~~ -"=<:;;;'--Ho..._5 0UI
Applications - Gipe
SON OF MOTOROLA (OR, THE $20 CPU CHIP) . " . .. ... .. 56
Chip Designs - Fy lstra

Background p. 12


Software - Wier
Hardware - Carl Helmers
Software - Nico
Hardware - Peter Helmers

From the Publisher . .... . .... .. . . ... , . .. . . . . 5, 82
Speaking of Computers . . . .. . ... .. .. .. . ... .. 6, 90
Book Reviews ........ . . . . . . . .. ... . . ....... . . 11
Byter's Digest . . ... .. . . ... . . .. . , ..... . .46, 72, 79
Clubs and Newsletters . ....... .. .. .... . .. ..... 77
Diagnostics . . . . . .. ... .. . . ... . .. . ... . .. . . . ; .. 78
BYTE magazine is published Letters ... . ...... , .. . ... .. , ... . .. . ...... . .. 84
,....... :,
monthly by Green Pub lishin g,
Inc . , P e terborough , New BOMB .. . . . ........... . . ...... .... . . . . . . . . 88 _
....... .
Hamp s h ire

one y ear worldwide .

03458 .
Su b scription rates are $12 for
Reader's Service ..... . ... ... . . . .. .... ... . ... .96
years , $22. Three y ears, $30.
Second clas s postag e
app licalion p e nding at Contract:
The subsc r iber or mat e rial published within
Pe terboro ugh, N e w Hampshire
purchaser of this ma gaz in e th ese pages. Purchaser agrees
0 3 458 and at additional
agr ee s to th e following to disp l ay t h is copy of BYTE
mailing of fi ces. Phone :
software conditions . . . not to to as many COlnput e r
603 ·924 ·3 873 . Entire conten ts .4 r.:, :.1'. :'7 '0"
re se ll this magaz ine for l ess addictees a s possible, but to
copyright 1 975 by Gree n p.66
than 50 % of th e cover price limit their p e ru sal to th e cover
Publish i ng, Inc., P e t e rborough ,
. .. not to gi ve th e ma gaz ine and table of c ontents pages.
NH 03458. In case y ou were
wondering, last month's cover away at any time in th e ftl lUre This agreeme nt holds not o n l y
had pic lures of se ve ral MITS .. . or to lend it . .. or r ent it for casua l acquaintances, but
and SWTCP compute r kit or in any oth er way p ermit a l so for p erso nal frie nds,
boards. anyone to become privy to th e blood r elatives , and e ven wives . COVER : See page 5.
? aOCB
Llbles . arfor'" ,~
Ctr O . h-P "P
~t".S."'!J sr..Gr• t Clips
SLIP IC fe s for fast,
non-shorting access
to all leads on dual-in-line
Ie packages
No more shorting across
DIP lead s... just quickly
clip on an IC TEST CLIP
to bring DIP leads out for
safe attachment of scope
probes and other leads.
Ideal for signal input, trac-
fastest. most reliable
ing, troubleshooting, etc. method known ... to build. test
Patented precision, "con- and modify experimental circuits
tact comb" design guar-
antees no shorting be- 8-bus distribution system High-performance A P Super-
tween DIP leads. Probes plus universal .1" by .1" matrix Strip component matrices consist
RO\N-To- Part can hang "no-hands" free
Model Row Dim. Number Price of solderless, plug-in tie points of 128 terminals of 5 tie points
on Test Clip terminals in all in one integral device.
TC-B .3IN. 923695 $7.35 each. The 8 buses of 5 connect-
card racks (unique - see
TC-14 .3IN. 923698 4.50 photo). Engineered Me- Accepts all DIP's and discretes ed 5-tie-point terminals are for
TC-1B .3IN. 923700 4.75 with leads up to .032" dia . voltage, ground, reset and clock
TC-1B LSI .5/.BIN. 923702 B.95 chanical clamping plus lines, shift command, etc . New,
TC-1B .3IN. 923703 10.00 gold-plated phosphor Interconnect with any solid wire non-sho rting, instant-mount
TC-20 .3 IN. 923704 11.55 bronze terminals provide up to No. 20 A .W .G . backing and quick-remova l
TC-22 AIN. 923705 11.55 superior electrical con-
TC-24 .5 /. BIN. 923714 13.85 screws are supplied ... use several
tact. Also unequaled as a ORDER BY PART NUMBER
TC-2B .5 /. BIN. 923718 15.25 Super-Strips to create large·scale
TC-3B .5 / .BIN. 923720 19.95
DIP removal tool. 923252 Inickel·sil'''lenni..lsi ....... $17.00 breadboards on panels up to
TC-40 . 5/.BIN. 923722 21.00 923748 Igold·pl.ledlennin.I.I ........ $18.90 1/8" thick .
We honor M.C. and B.A.C. charges. Add_ SHIPPING/HANDLlNGlc.O.D. We honor M.C . and B.A.C. charges. Add _ SH IPPING/HANDlINGlc.O.D.
Add sales tax on OH and CA orders. fees from Up to $10.00 $1.00 $ .70 Add sales tax on OH and CA orders. fees from UptoSl0.00 51.00 $ .70
{F.O. B. Painesville on company P.O.'s.1 $10.0110 $25.00 1.50 .SO (F .O.B. Painesville on company P.O.'s.1
Dealer inquiries invited
this chart . 25.01 to 50.00 2.00 .90 Dealer inquiries invited this chart. j~~o?~~O~~~OO i:~ :~

On all models ...

simply plug in your
Super-Versatile™ components and inter-
building blocks for experimental circuits ordinary connect with 22-ga. solid
wire. All models accept all
Universal .10" matrices of Create custom breadboards in minutes breadboards DIP 's, TOSs and discretes
solderless, plug-in tie points with these new instant-mount strips. with leads up to .032" diameter.
DISTRIBUTION STRIP (top) contains Multiple buses can easily be linked for power and ground distribution,
For ali DIP 's and discretes
2 continuous buses of 12 connected 4- reset and clock lines, shift command, etc. Bases: gold-anodized alumi-
with leads to .032" dia.
tie-point terminals. Size: 6.5" by .35". num. Terminals: non-corrosive nickel-silver. Four rubber feet included.
Interconnect with any solid TERMINAL STRIP contains 128 5-tie-
wire up to No. 20 A.W.G. point terminals, holds up to nine 14-pin Order ACE Tie DIP No . No. Board Size Price
No . Model No. Points Capacity Buses Poeta (inches) Each
DIP's. Size: 6.5" by 1.36". Integral,
Nickel-silver terminals 923333 200-K Ikit) 728 8116'5) 2 2 4-9 / 16 x 5-9 / 16 $18.95
non-shorting, instant-mounting back- 923332 208 (assam.) 872 8116'5) 8 2 4-9 / 16 x 5-9 / 16 28.95
ing permits quick build-up of specia l 923334 201-K (kit) 1032 12 (14's) 2 2 4-9 / 16)( 7 24.95
ORDER BY PART NUMBER breadboards using any mix of strips . 923331 212 (assam . ) 1224 12114' 5) 8 2 4-9 / 16 x 7 34 .95
923326 218 (assam . ) 1760 18114'5) 10 2 6 - 1 / 2 x 7-1 / 8 46.95
9232n distribution strip ... $2.50 923325 227 (assam.) 2712 27114'5) 28 4 8x9-1 / 4 59.95
923261 terminal strip .... $12.50 Other models available. 923324 236 (assam.) 3648 36114'5) 36 4 10-1 / 4 x 9-1 / 4 79. 95

We honor M.C. and B.A.C. charges. We honor M.e. and B.A.C. charges. Add _ SHIPPING/HANDLlNGlc.O.D.
Add_ SHIPPING/HANDLlNGlc.O.D. Add sales tax on OH and CA orders.
Add sales tax on OH and CA orders. fees from Up to $10,00 $1.00 $ .70 fees from UptoSl0.00 $1.00 S .70
{F .O.B . Painesville on company P.O.'s.1
{F.O.B. Painesville on company P.O.'s.1
this chart. ~~~~~~o~~~oo ~:i;g :~ Dealer inquiries in vited this chart. ~~?~~O~~~oo i:~ :~
Dealer inquiries invited
from the Publisher. •
Carl T. Hel mers Jr.
Aggravated shock. How recorder, but haven't believe the crook in my neck
else can I describe my state of located any source of auxes that chair gave me when I
tried to get out of it the next Wayne Green
mind after innocently turning as yet for that line. It's in
my newly acquired Altair stereo too. Know anyone morning. MANAGI NG EDITOR
8800 around, looking for with a good stereo aux for Now, after having read as Judith Havey
places to plug in Teletypes sale - cheap? far as I could in the ASSOCIATE EDITORS
and television typewriters. Ham transmitters and instruction book and after Dan Fylstra
After forty years of tr ansceivers have lots of talking with a number of Chris Ryland
turning around electronic places to plug things in all experts and even visiting the CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
equipment to plug things in, over the back panel. I notice, MITS factory, I am beginning Hal Chamberlin
this time there was nothing upon checking, that some of to suspect that I am going to Don Lancaster
there except the line cord. them have a place for my have to do a good deal more ASSISTANT EDITORS
Nothing l Not even a lousy aux, if I manage to get one. than just plug in a Teletype Joh n C. Burnett
phone jack. It'll get a lot of use. machine to hook into my Susan G. Philbrick
High fidelity amplifiers Maybe the jacks are inside, Altair. I nterface is the buzz
have the controls and I thought. So I unscrewed the word. It means not only
Lynn Panciera-Fraser
switches on the front panel lid and slid it back - still no plugging it in, but doing so in
a way that will enable it to ART DEPARTMENT
and the terminals and jacks terminals, no jacks, no plugs,
work. Nancy Estle
on the back Ii ke any decent no connectors, nothing! In
Neal Kandel
piece of equipment ought. As desperation I grabbed the My Teletype machines
Peri Mahoney
a matter of fact, some of the instruction book. It was a have distributors built-in,
Bob Sawyer
amplifiers these days have thick one so I moved to a which means that the Beau's
just about gone berserk with comfortable chair, adjusted Dots come out one after the PRINTING
jacks and terminals . I had no the light, and started reading other rather than all at once Biff Mahoney
problem plugging in my about gates, truth tables, and PHOTOGRAPHY
stereo phono and the tape I fell asleep. You wouldn't Continued on page 96 Bill Heydolph
Ed Crabtree
Barbara J. Latti
Marge McCarthy
Bill Edwards
Nancy Cluff
The wave of the fu ture 7 Susan Chandler
This is a shop in a mall in Dorothy Gibson
Dallas. Pearl Lahey Morton
Judy Waterman
Marshall Raymond
Bill Morello
Knud E. M. Keller

Carl Helmers

The State of The Art

If t here is one facet of the exp ressive purposes. The state and a very compact housi ng. SWTPC 6800 kit, the MITS
smal l computer field which is of t he art in mu sic is a Th e most unusual feat u re of 6800 kit an d several other
its most exciting, that is co mbin atio n of th e all was the use of water systems .
probably its rap id change and technology of mu sic cooling to keep his 16
evo luti on unfolding before all producti o n - traditional to 7489 memory chips cool The Benchmark of a Small
us users of the technology. electronic/d igital - plu s the (said water cooling consisting Computer System
The fact that a magazine such aest hetic a nd creative tastes of pl astic bag baby bottles In t he engin eeri ng and
as BYTE can eve n exist (let of the musi c ia ns a nd fill ed with water an d sealed software professions, it is
alone get its enthusiastic composers who use the with rubber bands). Yet it ofte n common to dream up
receptio n) is ev idence of the technology. So it is as well works! And - he has built up "benchmarks" to help in the
considerable changes which with computing. There is the quite an impressive array of evalu atio n of syste ms . This
have occ urred in the home technological state of the art software fo r his one-of-a-kind te rm , bench mark, was
computer field over the past as it ex ists - a transient thing machine, includin g a very adopted by syste ms e ngineers
year or two. Any atte mpt at present - together with appealing simulation of a fro m its origin al use in the
such as this to characterize the creative uses to which priority-driven real tim e fie ld of geodetic surveyi ng. A
the cu rrent "state of the art" people such as yo u or I put operati ng syste m with three geo detic survey benchmark is
i s doomed to rapid these wonderfu I techn ological tasks in the queue. The entire a permanent marker set "out
obso lesce nce. Be that as it devices . program for this simul ation is in th e field" (literall y) at
may, I won't let that deter done in 256 n yb bl es known locations du rin g t he
me from characte rizin g the A Recent State of the Art . . . (half-bytes) of memory with course of the survey. If you
field as I see it now. A few years ago, the state the 16 in st ructi ons of hi s clamber to the top of Mt.
Ju st what is this "art" th at of the art in hardware was design. Th e res ult is an Chocorua in Ne w Hampshire,
I'm talking about? Wh en I pretty primitive - in other impressive changing di splay as I so me times do, when you
talk abo ut art in this sense, I. wo rds, one had to be a rea ll y of marker patterns in his get to the top you will find a
mean the body of persevering perso n to get fro n t panel Iigh ts as the li tt le metal plate giVing
technological know-how somet hin g in co mputing var ious tasks swap in and o ut e levat io n, longitu de and
ava il ab le for p e rs o n a l which worked and cost less of execu tion. Dic k Snyder's latitude inform ation. This is
computing plus the attitudes than $1000. To give you an machine is the state of the t he benchmark for the
and ab ilities of the peo ple . exam ple, I got a call from art, circa 1972-1973, to a mountai n's pe ak . Well, the
who use th is know-how. An Dick Snyder of Chelmsford, la rge exte nt micro- b e n c hm arks us e d for
analogy o r two: The state of Mass., shortly after BYTE # 1 co mputers were not yet computer systems are a little
the art in a form such as came out. (See Dick's letter wi del y avail abl e to the bit less concrete than a metal
painting reflects both the in the letters column of this genera l populace of personal pl ate on a mountaintop , but
latest developments in the issue.) As a resu lt of our comp uting hackers. Dick tells serve the same purpose: Th ey
pigmentation materials field conversation, I stopped at me that he spent about $600 provid e a reference point for
and the creative talents and Dick's house on the way back on the parts of h is com puter comparison.
attitudes of the people who from Pete rb o ro ugh one at 1972 prices for SS I and A common benchmark
use t hi s technology for weekend in August and took MSI TTL integrated circuits. which has been used in the
a l ook at hi s pr e - But now, in 1975 after the past to evalu ate comp uter
microcomputer home bre w first wave of 8008 computer systems (and compilers) is the
compute r, a really beautiful kit products a nd the rising "sta nd ard set of programs".
piece of work. He had tide of the "first generation" In this m et h od of
completely designed and built personal computer systems, benchmark ing a syste m, the
Any attempt to specify - in 1972 and 1973 - a that same $600 can bu y a lot potential user of the syste m
the state of the art in this min iature 4-b it computer more fun ction. In 1975 we picks a set of "ty pical"
field is doomed to with 256 nyb bles of memory saw the introducti on of the applic atio ns progra ms and has
practically instant usi ng t h e Data General MITS ALTAI R - which turns them impl e me nt ed and
obsolescence . .. NOVA minicomputer as hi s out to be a very good measured in operation on
inspiration. He built the computer after initial slow seve ral different systems. This
machine using painstakingly deliveries due to is a fair ly qu antitative and
acc urate so lderin g with a unanticipated demand - and see min gly accurate method
miniature iron, sockets for a host of new machines such which is widely practiced in
over 170 integ rated circuits, as Bill Godbou 1's PACE, th e the information syste ms

- -
indu stries. Th e measureme nts
made for com par ison include
"t hr o ugh-put" (process ing

per unit time), high leve l U EX PANSION

lang uage effici ency, memo ry

req ui re ments, etc. But this
sort of a measure is perhaps a
bit too complicated fo r the
home co mputer context. For
4k to 2·CHAN
one thing, the applic ation s Bk ROM CASSETTE KEYBOARD
are known onl y ge nerally . RAM INTERFACE

Second, this is the ty pe of

stud y whic h takes a large
amount of time and access to
various competitive systems. APPLICA TlONS
And, if you read the trade SOFTWARE
journals, the resu lts are often
controvers ial anyway , since
eac h manufacture r will claim SYSTEMS
that the benchmarks he SOFTWARE

provi d es will prove his OFF LINE

machin e bette r than all th e CASSETTE
rest. Picking the" ideal" small
co mpu ter syste m still requires
a benchmark, but I suggest it Fig. 1. Th e Complete L ow Cost Computer System (circa September 1975). This diagram shows the major
is not a particular program, components of a typical low cost computer system - which should total up under $ 1000 depending upon
manufac tu rer and details of design . At the time this editorial is written, several kit manufacturers m eet this
but a capability. functional benchmark at prices well under $ 1000. As time goes on the improvements of mass production
sh ould drop the avera ge price of such systems.
Capability - the Benchmark
of a Small System
We all know that in broad
t e rm s, the benchma rk components of th e syste m are and NAKED Milli products - Picking your ideal
computer syste m, as any chosen with the ed iting a nd o n int o the computer system requires
computer syste m, must function in mind, sin ce never-n eve r-Iand of custom a benchmark - which
includ e severa l maj o r acco mpli shin g such an ed it d esigned microcoded MSI I suggest is not a
components: a processo r, capability means the machine computers imple mented by particular program but
memory, a mass storage can b e p rogram med for individuals (and also soon to
a capability.
me dium , a n int e ractive alm ost any othe r perso nal be announced in product
operator's terminal and computin g use. Peripherals for m by o ne manufacturer of
systems software. I pick this that enh ance the functi o n are kits). There is a large element
list in part to illustrate a of course desirab le and wil l of personal taste involved in
typical computer help to personali ze your the prefe rence of particul ar
configuratio n and in part to instruction sets, and there wh ich is used for exchangi ng
system, but these functions
all ow p rog ramming of a is a ls o th e m atte r of information with everything
represent the bare minimum
benchmark capability: without add ed cost of special eff iciency for p articul ar else in th e system. The data
classes of programs. Whateve r bus is the "spin al cord " of
purpose periph era ls.
A small computer syste m th e C PU you use, it is a the computer's nervous
which meets the benchmark The CPU : Which One? definite requirement of the system_ Th is bus concept
sta nd ard wi ll be abl e to In Hal Chamberl in 's article system. I guara ntee you that typically includes 16 bi ts of
interactively edit a mass in BYTE # 1, the relative anyo ne of the 8-bit or 16-bit buffe red address Ii nes and
sto rage fi le of input data merits of three computer mi cro pr ocesso rs currently several bus control
with operato r commands, des igns were covered. In bein g packaged a nd so ld as info rm ation lines as well as
producin g a second mass BYTE #3, Dan Fylstra covers kits will be adequate to pass the 8 or 16 bi-direc ti o nal
storage file · as outpu t. This a comparison of two this benchmark test, althou gh buffered data lin es. The
will be achieved in a system additional de signs . There is a you may have to write the address space of the typi cal
cost in g at most $1000 large variety in th e types of Edi tor program yourself. con t e m p 0 r a r y m i c r 0-
ini tia ll y. CPUs avail ab le to home computer's architecture is
brewe rs and kit build ers - RAM Memory - How Much? usu all y 16 bits worth or
The syste m di agram of the ranging from the 8008, 8080, Th e CPUs of the 65,536 possibl e memory
be n c h mark computer is 6800 and 6501 8-bit micros, conventional microprocesso rs loca ti o ns. In the usual system
shown in Fig. 1, as it is to th e 16-bit I MP and PACE ki t o r h o me br ew most of these locat ions will
implemented in the current micr os, t o commercial implementations - c reate an
state of th e art. The 16-bitters such as the LSI -l1 output called a "data bus" Continued on page 88

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Now's your chance to bite into a complete computer first-time computer users. In addition, every SPHERE SYS-
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langu age . The book includes water, snow, speed (cars, Format of the book is:
I i stings of most of the motorcycles, gliders, a) description of the basic
programs, as well as skydiving, whatever you like), requirements and minimal
information o n how to order yoga and music. The list circuitry to support an 8008
machine-readab le copies of could be extended b) detailed descriptions of
the programs (on paper tape indefi nitely, of course, and special topics, including: I/O
or ma g n et ic tape) at the point is simply to use the port expansions beyond
reasonable prices. whole of your mind and manufacturer's specifications,
The book is nicely body. Those of us who work adding instructions to the
organized into 10 chapters, and play with computers 8008, simultaneous input and
each dealing with a ce rtai n know that, for exercising output with a single
"kind" of game, such as a one's reason a nd im agination, instruction, bus structures,
word game or a hide-and-seek we have the greatest tools and RAMs and PROMs, a detailed
BOOK game. Th e progra ms range toys ever invented. So, having appl ication of computer
fro m very elementary controlled programming of
HEVIEDT n umber-guessing games to
fulfilled my duty to remind
you that one can have too the 745288 which appears
sophisticated business a nd much of a good thing, I a m adaptable to the popular and
soc i al science simulations pleased to recommend this low cost 74188A/8223
(listings of the l a rger bo o k, one of several PROM, a comprehensive solu-
programs are not included in heartening developments that tion for priority interrupt
the book) . I was somewhat pro mise to show people what hardware, UART interface,
disa ppointed to find that a computers are really all keyboard interface, a com-
listing of the very popular about. plete AID interface design
"Star Tr ek" game was -d.h.f. with both single and multi-
omitted, although a n channel, interval timers,
elaborate "Star Trader" game digital displays, etc. The last
is included. Microcomputer Des ign, by two chapters of the book
The first few pages of the describe four microcomputer
Donald P. Martin, Martin
What To Do After You Hit book pre se nt, among other R esearch Ltd., 7825 5. circuits for the 8008: a nine-
Return, or PCe's First Book things, a rationale for the Halsted St., Chicago /L chip microcomputer, a $20
of Computer Games. existence of computer game s. 60608, 7-372-829-6932. $50. microcomputer, a seven-chip
A vailable from People's While this is probably an microcomputer, and a
Computer Company, PO Box effective way to counteract Th is book is terrific, 19-chip microcomputer.
370, Menlo Park CA 94025 the rigid, efficie ncy-mind ed especially for the following Author Martin assumes
($6.95 plus 501 postage and attitudes of some computer people: on I y that a reader has
handling), or from the profess ion a ls, it's really a) Anyone doing original knowledge of TTL. The book
Hewlett-Packard Corporation, sufficient to say the obvious, circuit design with does not repeat information
Mail Order Dept. , PO Drawer "Games are fun". My only microcomputers. fou nd in Intel manuals. It is
#20, Mountain View CA reason for hesitation in b) Anyone using the 8008 well organized and does not
94043 ($6.95 plus $7.50 recommending th is book is beyond simple applications. try to snow. This book is
postage and handling). that I have known some The book is virtually an easily read and well digested,
people whose work and play encyclopedia on the 8008. It except for the sheer quantity
If you've managed to get revolve entirely a round also mentions 8080 of information.
BASIC up and running on computers. Therefore I would differences, where relevant. Martin Research Ltd. sells
your Altair or other home also Ii ke to recommend at the There are over 300 the book directly at $50 and
brew computer system, why same time: sex, sunshine, salt well-written pages filled with also is manufacturing a new
not try it out with a few pertinent technical details. series of microcomputer
computer games implemented This book is an excellent hobbyist kits. Judging by the
as BASIC programs? Or if reference for the hardware quality of the book they
you .!nd your minicomputer m icrocomp u ter designer. should be excellent and
or time-sharing service have Software is not the focal without compromise. A
some time to spare . . . p oint, although numerous comment in the recent
What To Do After You Hit subroutines are fully listed. It Micrd-8 Computer User
Return is a book of computer is obvious the author has Group Newsletter appears to
games published by the designed, debugged and used bear this up: "I t's a neat little
People's Computer Company everything about which he machine .. . "
with the collaboration of writes. Whew! After reading John Gilchrist
Hewlett-Packard Corporation. this book he has my utmost PO Box 1087
All of the game programs are professional respect. Glen Burne MD 21067
written in HP 2000F BASIC, Considering the dollar per
and should be fairly easy to hour fees paid for John Gilchrist is an independent
adapt to other i mple· consultants, this book is a consultant with Microprocessors
mentations of the BASIC bargain. Unlimited: /lPm.


The Ins
And Outs
Of Volatile Memories
makes core highly impractical
Don Lancaster provides us with this discussion of So me of for small scale TV typewriter
the read/write memory techniques which are available to and microcomputer systems. Don Lancaster
experimenters using readily available parts. In this background Sometimes you can gain Sy nergetics
tutorial, Don discusses memory techniques from th e simple non -volatility with a volatil e
gate flip flop to the bus-oriented RAM syste m using static memory by so me system level
memory circuits. For more detailed looks at the designs of tricks, such as a power down
circuits using some of the techniques in this article, readers technique t hat holds a low
vo l tage from a battery memory circuits are volatile,
should turn to Don's book, The TTL Cookbook, available
app lied to t he me mory when hoi ding their information
from Howard W Sams, Indianapolis IN Th e material in this
the ma in supply power goes only as long as supp ly power
article is abstracted from Chapter 3 of Don 's forthcoming TV
away. Newer CMOS RAM remains present and so long
Typewriter Cookbook, also to be published by Sams.
memories consume almost as any timi ng restrictions are
n eg li g ibl e power in the not ignored.
standby mode and len d Read-write me mories for
themselves well to this. TVT and microcompu ter use
Unfortunate ly, there is no conte nts if you remove You can also transfer data to can range from single bit
cheap a nd reaso n a ble suppl y power or fai l to some non-volatile outside control and debouncing
memory system available observe a n y timing storage such as a cassette circuits up through thousand
today that will both restrictions it might have. recorder or a magnetic disc. word character stores to 16k
remember in formation One older and obvious R ea d-write memory and 32k microcomputer
fore ver and be ab le to read non-volati le me mory system, circuits can have the ir memory stems. Some of the
and write information of course, is magnetic core. contents changed rapidly at mor e important me mory
rapidly , cheap ly, and with The problem with core is that system timing rate s. This types include the set-reset flip
reasonable timing signals. much in the way of support makes them useful for storing flop, the word storage latc h,
This is call ed the volati lity c i rcu itry (including sense characters, computer the shift register, t he Random
problem. a mpl ifiers, write after programs, update commands, Access Memory or static
A memory is non-volatile destructive read circuits, and anything else we want to RAM , micropower RAMs,
if it remembers forever . A system timing ge nerators, te mporarily store and and dyn amic RAMs. Let's
volatile memory loses its power down interru pts, etc.) recover. Most read -write look at these in turn.

Fig. 1. Set-reset flip flops are the simplest type of read-write memory. +5

lOOK 4011 CMOS 4050 CMOS

4011 CMOS 4001 CMOS

U _fL

lOOK !

U .JL +5
(a) NAND gates. (b) NOR gates. (c) Bounceless push-button. (d) Hex contact conditioning.

4013 CMOS 4027CMOS 0 C 0 Q J K C 0 Q

0 s 0 I 0 0 I NO
I S I 0 0 I I 0 I
I ,0 S I 0

TYPE D FLIP FLOP J-K FLIP FLOP Fig. 3. Word storage latches
provide a handy way to keep
track of multiple bits of data .
Fig. 2. Clocked flip flops only change in response to a control signal called the "clock".

4013 CMOS


The Set-Reset Flip Flop shows us a simple hex contact

conditioner using one CMOS
Word Storage - I~ _
One of the simplest One flip flop can only
read-write storage systems is
the set-reset flip flop . It can
non-inverting buffer. store one bit at a time. If we
use flip flops in groups, we
_I~ -
The Storage Latch
store only one bit of can store a multiple bit word

information, and may be Operation of a set-reset at once. In Fig. 3(a), we use
built using the NOR gates of flip flop is nearly four D flops to store a 4-bit
Fig. 1 (a) or the NAND gates instantaneous. If we tried to word. Data is entered on the
of Fig. 1 (b). When set, the Q cascade a bunch of them, leading (positive) edge of the .J STORE
output goes and stays in the we'd get an unchecked wild clock. Figs. 3(b), 3(c) and
"1" condition. When reset, race, for after changing the 3(d) show how we can use (a) 4-bit word using D-flops.
the Q ou tput goes and stays first one, the rest may follow large r MSI logic blocks to
in the • '0" state. A domino style. It's much store words of four, six and
complementary or Q output better to have digital circuits eight bits in length. 4042 (CMOS)
is also supplied - it's a "1" change only when you want A word storage latch of 4076 (CMOS)
74174 (TTL)
when Q is a "0" and vice them to and then do so on a this type is often handy to
one-stage-at-a·time orderly 01 01 01 01
versa. Simple set-reset flip "catch" an input signal on 0202
flops have a hangup in that if basis. To do this, we go to a the way by and hold it till
02 02
03 Q3
you simultaneously try to set clocked flip flop, such as the you can use it. For instance, a
03 03

and reset them, they go into a type D or JK flip flops of Fig. microcomputer may output a
04 04 Q4

disallowed state, and the final 2. word for only a microsecond

way they end up depends on With these devices, the D or two, but your TVT circuit STORE
the last input to be released. input or the JK inputs set up may not get around to using .f
Fig. 1 (c) shows us how to what the fl ip flop is to do, the word for milliseconds or (b) 4-bit word using MSI.
use a set-reset flip flop to but the actual · change isn't eve n seconds later. In this
eli min ate the mechanical carried out till a certain edge case, you catch the
noise and bouncing of a or level of the clock input microcomputer's output 74175 (TTL)
happens. With a "D" flip flop 74CI75 (CMOS)
S P DT push-button or word with a storage latch and
mechanical contact. The first we can clock in a "1" or then keep it ti II you are
instant the contact makes, clock in a "0", most often on certain you have used it. You
the flip flop jumps to the "1" the positive edge of the clock. then release the latch and ask
state and stays there till the We can also divide by two the microcomputer for a new
first instant afte r the switch is with a D flop by cross word through a handshaking
completely released, coupling the Q output to the signal. STORE
eliminating any bounce, noise D input, making the logic Another important use for
or chatter. Circuits of this block change states every word storage is to (c) 6-bit word.
type are absolutely essential clocki ng. With the JK flip resynchronize data and make
anytime you want to enter flop, we have the options of sure it is valid. As an
data from a switch or clocking in a "1", a "0", example, su ppose your 4034 (CMOS)
4508 (CMOS)
mechanical contact into any doing absolutely nothing, or system changes words every
digital system. Fig. 1 (d) changing each and every state microsecond, but that the
as a binary frequency WORO
divider. For convenience in IN OUT
use, most JK and D flip flops
A major use of set-reset CL
also have extra direct set and One bit of memory is one set-
flips flops is to debounce
reset inputs; these operate reset flip flop.
switches. immediately and are useful (d) 8-bit word.
for clearing or initializing
memory states.

previous block that's giving In Fig . 4(c}, we use a MSI
you inputs takes 900 integrated circuit arranged as
nanoseco nds or so to get an 8-bit parall el-in-serial-out
around to giving you a valid shift register. Shift registers
outpu t after its inputs are useful to convert d ot
change. This only gives you matri x dots to serial video in
100 nanoseconds or so of a TVT; they are also hand y Fig. 4. Some shift register memories. Modern RAM memory devices
valid data and may change for converting data from tend to make shift registers obsolete except for special applications.
with temperature or supply parallel to serial form. Fig.
vol tage. Add a storage latch 4(d) is the op pos ite; this is a
and you can catch this output serial-in-parallel-out shift
and hold it for the entire ne xt register usefu l to convert 4013 (CMOS)
microsecond . The output serial data into parallel form.
data will always be one Finally, Fig . 4(e) shows us a DATA IN D
Co Co
0 D
0 ger-
microsecond late, but it will 1024-bit serial-in-serial-out
always be valid and always be register, useful for storing
locked to your system timing. bulk data. Use several of (a) Four stage using type D flip flops.
A word storage latch of this these side by side if larger
type may be needed between words are to be stored. For
the m emory and the instance, to store 1024 ASCII
character generator of a TV characters, six of these cou Id + =RECIRCULATE
typewriter if very long line be used side by side. Th ey
lengths are in use. can also be cascaded end to
end for 1024, 2048, 4096 REGISTER
Shift Registers and more bits per word. IN OUT

We can cascade a stack of The re are lots of long MOS DATA IN

type 0 flip flops so that they shift registers ava il ab le. Other
pass on their contents one popular bit arrangements
stage to the r igh t eac h include the hex 32-bit and
clocking. This is called a shift hex 40-bit shift registe rs, the
register, and Fig. 4 shows 2518 and 2519. On the (b) Recirculate logic.
several examples. surface, shift registers would
In Fig. 4(a), we've built a appear to be ideal for
four stage register out of type character and program LOAD IS HIFT
o flip flops. Each clocking storage in TV typewriter CLOCK 0 - - - - ,
74165 (TTL)
passes data one stage to the circuits . One of the earliest
right. I n Fig. 4(b), we've TVrs (see September 73
added some enter·recirculate Radio Electronics) made SERIAL INPUT OUTPUT

logic to let us either send the extensive use of shift register

data round and round or else storage, and similar registers INPUTS
change selected bits at once. are still used in many
(c) Parallel in, serial out, 8·bit.
We can make the register any premium computer terminals.
length we like by adding Today, we usually have a
extra internal storage flip far better approach to data
flops. storage in the static random
access memories of the next
section. While these long shift
registers were the first tru Iy INPUT

A shift register is the digital low cost sem iconductor 4015 (CMOS)
storage and are still useful for 74164 (TTL)
equivalent of a "delay line"-
certain applications, they do
- your bits go in now and
have problems and the RAM (d) Serial in, parallel out, l024-bit.
come out later. An "electronic techniques are often better.
disk memory" is an ex- Many of the early sh ift
tremely large memory regist ers were dyn amic
made out of long shift devices in which you had to
CLOCK 0 - - - - - - - - ,
registers - and is programmed keep the data moving above
some critical rate. Most early RECIRCULATEo-----i
by the computer al most
exactly like an old-fashioned clocking circuits required a SERIAL INPUTo----o... I
fixed head magnetic disk. waveform that had to come
9 0 1
from a fast, high current,
noisy clock driver, swinging L____ ~~~~~~~ER ___ J
17 volts or more with very (e) Serial in, serial out, l024-bit.
strict pulsewidth and spaci ng

stol'age and fewer bits per the best all around choice for
Set-reset flip flops are package. Two examples are TVT character storage and
the 7489 arranged as 16 most smaller microcomputer
asynchronous-in systems
words of four bits each and memory tasks as wel l. The
where outputs affect the 74200 arranged as 256 x 2102 is arranged as 1024 x l.
inputs, use of an SR latch 1, or 256 words of one bit It is N channel MOS and
can send you off to the per word. Both cycle in under works on a single +5 volt
races-an uncontrolled 50 nanoseconds. supp l y and is fu lly
oscillation. MOS memories using compatib le with TTL and
PMOS, NMOS and CMOS are CMOS logic on all pins. It is
also wide ly available. These fully static, needing no
restrictIOns and any pulse Two areas where we can are often slower and cheaper clocks, refresh, charge pumps,
overshoot strictly forbidden . continue to see shift registers per bit. They usually offer me mory busy inter locks,
Some earlier multiplexed as important TVT and more bits per package, with sense amplifiers, or similar
shift regis ters, particu larly the microprocessor parts are in up to 4096 bits being garbage. Economy versions of
1 402, 1 403 and 1 404 First In First Out or FIFO common and 16384 just the 2102 cyc le in one
exhibited selective d ropou ts buffer memories such as the being talked about at this microsecond, whi le premium
cal led bit pattern sensitivity Fairchild 3341 (64 x 4) and writing. Two early and jobs are available with 200
that wou Id change data if the the 33512 (40 x 9) and essentially obsolete examp les nanoseconds or less cycle
particular IC didn't happen to similar devices by AMI and of MOS memory were the time. Even the slowest 2102s
like the combinat ion of Western Digital, and in the 1101 that was a fully static are usua l ly more than
clocking waveforms, supply new l y e merg i n g charge 256 x 1 device and the 1103 adequate for TVT use,
vo Itage, temperatu re and coupled device bulk storage that was a dynamic RAM although a bit slow for the
internal data that it happened systems such as the Fairchi ld organized 1024 x 1 that newer microprocessors.
to have on hand. CCD450 (1024 x 9) and singlehanded ly toppled "king Best of all, at this writing,
Newer static N channel CCD460 (128 x 32 x 4) core" from the compu ter 2102s cost under $5 in singles
shift registers have el i mi nated devices. A FI FO gives us a world. The early 1101 s ran and as low as $2 in large
most of these problems, but way to interface two systems extreme ly hot with weird quantities. While designed by
they stil l have one key having different data rates, supply voltages, while the Intel, so urces today include
dra wback: This is simpl y that while t he CCD devices early 1103s had incredib ly just about everybody
you can't immediate ly get at promise to eventually provide complex clocking, refresh, TI, Intersil, AMD, National,
the data you want. The very low cost and dense bul k and timing restrictions, Signetics, Fairchild and
memory must be clocked storage. besides being bit pattern Synertek.
around once and exactly once sensitive. Fig. 5 shows us the
Random Access Memory
to get back any bit. All the
other bits are usually between (RAM)
you and the bit you are after. A random access memory
With the RAMs of the next or RA M differs from a sh ift Fig. 5. The 2102 is the ideal RAM for many TVT and microcomputer
section you can selectively register in that we can get to uses.
pick off any bit at any time, any memory location any
rather than waiting til l it time we want. If we like, we
comes around. More can address our RAM shift
2102 (NM OS)
importantly, you can be register style, working with +5V
extreme ly sloppy about your
tim ing and addressing
the storage cells in sequential
order. But we don't have to -
between the times you are we can get at any cell at any
time in any order. 10 24 X I
actuall y using the data, and 9 RA M
the RAM doesn't care. With a
shift register, one missed
To do this, some external
b inary address lines are ADDRESS
timing pulse is a disaster. rou ted to internal decoder SELECT
Additionallimitations of shift and selector circuits. When a ,
registers as bu lk storage memory cell is addressed, it is 3
devices are that they often available either for reading as 2
cost more at system levels an output or for writing new
than do RAMs and that they information into it. Most l- I:-LOW WRITES; HIGH RE ADS
are not direct l y RAMs tend to be only a -LOW ACTI VATE SI C
microprocessor compatible. single bit wide to save on
package pins, but 4- and 8-bit
words are some ti mes offered.
A bit is a bit. A word is There are lots of RAMs After several generations connections to a 2102
"n" bits contemplated availab le. Bipolar types using of much improved MOS memory . We see a data input
simu ltaneously. TTL technology are usually memories, a device called t he pin, a data output pin, 10
fast and expensive. They 2102 arrived and dropped address lines, a write line, and
generally provide less dense enough in price to often be an enable line. The data in

and data out lines are the IIN~IOUT Since there aren't enough
same sense, meaning that a
"1" input is stored as a "1"
and appears as a "1" at the
pins to go around, the 2606
shares common input and

outpu t lin es and must be used
outp ut. Our 10 address lines lOUT with a bidirectional data bus

select one of the 1024 storage 20UT system. The In te l 2101 is a
cells by providing binary 4 OUT
22-pin version of the same
addresses ranging from

, ,. r::::~ ., "'
5 OUT th in g with separate input and
00000-00000, 00000-00001 7 OUT
output pins, while the 2111 is
. .. through 11111·1111 0 and 8 OUT an 18-pin memory that needs
11111-11111. We can mix up a bidirectional input/output
input address lines any way system. At this writi ng, costs

::: : ~"" ~11 :::::

we want so long as all of these devices are
packages and all input address consi derably higher than
timing circuits agree on what conventional 2102s and are
2 10 2
address combination goes Ii ke ly to stay that way si nce
with what storage cell. they have larger packages and

Jumbling the memory address o I 2 34 56 7 8910 II less avail ability . Nevertheless,
inputs sometimes helps the
ADDRESS they often save you enough
circuit layout and makes such packages to be worthwhile in
things as efficient BCD o I 2 34 5 6 78 9 I WRITE smaller systems. Having on ly
ADDRESS rh 8 address bits makes the 256
(Bi nary Coded Decimal) ENABLE
rather than binary addressing x 4 memories directly
(a) 1024 x 8 character store (b) 4096 x 8 microcomputer compatible with 8-bit
feasible . memory. memory.
Our chip enab le contro ls microprocessors as well .
Fig. 6. Larger 2102 memories are created by repeating the same circuit
whether the memory will do
over and over. Micropower Static RAMs
anything. If the chip enable is
high, the data out line change the address inputs or and routed to the chip selects We can also build CMOS
assumes a floating, hi gh the data inputs. If you try to of each quarter of the ran do m access memories
impedance, tri-state mode, change addresses during the memory. One chip select is simi lar to the 2102. CMOS
and the write input logic is wr i te process, certa in made low and the other three has one major advantage -
disabled. If the chip enable is memory locations may get remain high, and the tri-state its standby power needed
l ow, the I C operates "flashed" by in the address outputs are shorted together when the me mory is not
normally. Chip enable should decoding and could lose or as shown. A total of 32 ICs is cyc lin g is alm ost zero. This
stay grounded except in very alter data. Incidentally this needed . makes CMOS memories ideal
special uses. Th e memory will wri te-only-when-stab le ru le When building either type for " non-volati le" storage
read if the write input is high app lies not only to 2102s - it of memory card, lots of 0.1 where a small battery can fi ll
and will write if the write should be observed with microfarad bypassing in for extremely long term
input is low. practically all RAM circuits. capacitors are recommended, data hold ing, as well as safely
There is one important For normal 2102 read along with wide supply and handling routine power
timing restriction on the operation, make the write ground runs. PC layout is outages. CMOS memory cells
write input - input addresses input high and the chip usually simplest with a tend to be physically larger
must be stable when the write enab le low. do u b Ie sided board and than NMOS ones and more
input is low. To write into Fig. 6 shows how we build through-the-pins lead routing. process steps are often
memory, app ly inp ut data a 1024 x 8 memory good for Use plated through boards involved. So, CMOS
and an input address. After TVT character storage. Eight and keep the through-the-pins memories will probably
the inputs are stable, bring 2102s are simply put on the routing on the component remain a more expensive
the write input low for at same PC card with their side if possible . route, but a very attractive
least the minimum write write, address and enable one where m icropower
time. This time varies from lines in parallel, the latter Reorganized 2102s memory is essential. Obvious
100 to 700 nanoseconds usually grounded . All inputs Sometimes shorter words app lic atio n s include
depending upon the device. and outp uts go to separate of more bits per word may be electronic checkboo ks and
Then release the write input, pins, and this way we can desirable. For these re mote data ac quisition
letting it go high before you read or write 8-bit words. In applications, some systems.
Fig. 6(b), we've combined manufacturers have reworked Typic al devices are the
this circuit four times over to the 2102 into different 64-bit Motorola 4505;
Even the slowest 2101s are get a 4096 x 8 static memory organizations including 128 256-bit devices including the
usually more than adequate suitab le for a microprocessor 8-bit words and 256 4-bit RCA 4061, Intersil 6523, and
for TVT use - although a bit main memory and big enough words. The Motorola and Motorola 4532 (the latter is
slow for the newer to hold a small compiler for AMI 6810 are typical 128 x 8 arranged 64 x 4); 512-bit
microprocessors. an ele mentary higher level units in a 24-pin package. The versions including the Nortec
language. Two new address Signetics 2606 is a 256 x 4 and AMI S2222, and the In tel
lines are one-of-four decoded version in a 16-pin package. 5105, arranged as 1024 x l.

Dynamic RAMs
A static RAM takes a full
memory cell for data storage. Traditionally, any particular size RAM starts out as an
We can get by with nothing impossible to use dynamic device, upgrades itself into a
but a capacitor as a storage difficult to use "quasi-static" device, and then gets
device if we are willing to replaced with a static no-hassle IC the third time around.
reshuffle, move around, or Home brew computer people for the most part have to
refresh the stored data more
wait for the third stage or have a talent for wrestling with
or less continuously. This is
difficult hardware problems . At this writing, 1 k memories
the principle behind the
dynamic RAM . In exchange are in stage 3, 4k memories are in stage 2, and 16k
for cheap and dense storage, memories are at the beginning of stage 1.
system level restrictions in
the way of memory busy
times, refresh cycles, clock
lines, and clocking other. This is called an bidirectional bus system using Address lines can also
restric tions are needed, often isolated bus or separate I/O bus transceiver in tegrated share the same data bus as the
combined with analog output system. circuits as shown in Fig. 7. input and output data lines,
sense amplifiers. Many microcomputers Transceivers are built into the but this leads to extremely
Traditionally, any particular instead use bidirectional data 2606 and 2111 (they don't difficult timing, particularly
size RAM starts out as an bus arrangements to save on have enough pins to do in 8-bit systems. More often,
impossible to use dynamic pins and interconnections. otherwise), a nd may be the address bus will remain
device, upgrades itself into a The data bus ju st sits there. If externally added to regular separate but will be able to
very difficult to use something wants to transmit, 2102 type memories. In the accept address
"q uasi-static" device, and its tri-state output is enabled. case of a TV typewriter, it's commands from several
then gets replaced with a If something wants to receive, usually desirable to keep the sources. These sources could
static no-hassle IC the third its input is enabled. The display and its memory include the TV typewriter's
time around. signals can go either way on source (either its own or the live scan timing, a cursor
Bec ause of this, dynamic the bus, but system timing memory of a microcomputer) address for update during
RAMs should be avoided has to make certain that only connected together; this retrace, and an optional
entirely for all TVT and one source is transmitting and eliminates dropouts when the external dominant
microcomputer usage. While only the receivers for that bus is going downstream. microcomputer control for
there are a wide variety of yet source are responding to the Thus, the disp lay electron ics rapid and wholesale screen
unstandardized 4096 x 1 transmitted information. is best pl aced between the changes.
dynamic RAMs on the We can convert an isolated me mory read outputs and the
market, including the bus system into a bus transceiver.
Electronic Arrays 1504, Intel
2107, Standard Microsystems
4412, TI 4030, Mostek 4096, Fig. 7. Connecting a memory subsystem to a bidirec tional input output
bus is required in most microcomputer applications.
and the Motorola 6605, they
presently cost much more
than the equivalent storage
using 2102s and are harder to
get and harder to use. They
do have the potential MEMORY

advantage of reducing
package count 4: 1 in very
large memory systems where
the 4096 x 1 format can be
used, and are ideal for larger
compu te r memories.

Bus Organization
Any memory system has
input data lines, output data
lines, and address data lines.
It's usually simplest to keep
these lines completely
separate, for this way there
are no timing commands
DIRECTION I 234 5 6 7 8
needed to separate input, CONTROL 81DIRECTIONAL 1/0 BUS
address and output signals,
one would interfere with the

lD ....., ~
. . M'"'' .., '1. "11"
... ~1iI' "'9
®. @IDm®oo~
~l :~:
.·n ~'1"
l: l"l ~ .... . ...~ ~: lr: l'~'n
l!l!: 111": .: .. :"f ~. '~(1'1"



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"ELECTRONIC PROJECTS FOR MUSICIANS is a new book, written by my friend Craig Anderton, which I hearti 1y endorse for all
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electronic and musical types, The first four chapters tell how to identify and obtain parts, select and care for tools,
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Computers Are
directions there-on. The
Did you just get hooked? Has the first reaction of boxes are labeled in an
bewilderment and perplexity set in as you begin to explo re the orderly fashion, and the
ins and outs of computing? Nat Wadsworth of SCh""'LBI person is also told that unless
Computer Consulting - makers of an Intel 8008 based a piece of paper in a box
packaged microcomputer system - provides us with this directs otherwise, when the
article on fundamentals of computer operation. Th e article is person is finished performing
written with the Intel 8008 in mind as an example of a ty pical the task directed, they are to
computer, but th e principles involved apply to nearly any replace the paper in the box
microcomputer you can find on the market. Th e material of and proceed to open the next
this article is taken from the first chapter of author box. Note, however, that a
Wadsworth's SCELBI-8H/B User's Manual, one of the best piece of paper may give
documentation support packages among the various kit directions to alter the
manufacturers. sequence in wh ich the person
is to open boxes.
Fig. 1 shows a picture of a
set of such boxes. Each box is
labeled for identification.
There have been numerous piece of information that will To present a view of a
examples put forth over the give it further "directions." computer's operation, assume
years to illustrate the basic This fundamental concept is a person has been told to
scheme behind the operation the key to the operation of start at box Aland to follow
of computers. The scheme is all digital computers and the directions contained on
deceptively simple and while it is a simple concept, it the pieces of paper in the
incredibly powerful. The can be built upon to arrive at boxes until a piece of paper
power comes from the speed all the complex operations containing the direction
with which the machines can computers of today can "stop" is found in one of the
perform the simple perform. How this is done is boxes. In this example the
operations. The fundamental what this article is abou t. person finds the following
concept of the computer is One of the best analogies "instruction s":
that it is a machine that is for describing a computer's I n box A 1 is the message:
by capable of doing two basic operations is to consider "Take the mathematical value
Nat Wadsworth fundamental operations at a ban k of boxes, sim ilar to a of 7 and write it down on a
SCELBI Computer Consulting Inc.
1322 Rear, Boston Post Road very high speed: First it is ban k of Post Office mail scratch pad. "
Milford CT 06460 able to obtain a piece of boxes. A piece of paper Since the "instruction" in
information from a storage containing "directions" can box A 1 only pertained to
area and perform a function be placed in each box. A some fu nction that the
as directed by the person is directed to go to the person was to perform, and
information it obtains; and ban k of boxes, and after did not direct the person to
secondly, based on its current starting at a given place, to go to some specific box, then
status, it is able to ascertain open each box, withdra w the the person will simply go on
where to obtain the next piece of paper and follow the to the next box in the row.

Box A2 co nt a in s the "Fetch the value in box the operato r would not have
information: H7. Subtract the value of "jumped over" box B2 and
"Add the number 2 to any your scratch pad from the would h ave fou nd the
value already present on your value fou nd in box H 7. Leave fol lowin g message inside box
scratch pad. " the result on your scratch B2:
Th e person will at this pad. " "The values in box H7 and
point perform an addition When t he operator has H8 are of equal value.
a nd have a tota l performed t hi s operatio n, the STOP!"
"accumul ated" va lu e o n t he operato r will have fi nished However, fo r the valu es
pad of sc ratch paper. The the "A" row and will the n used in this exa mpl e, t he
accu mul ated valu e would be co ntinu e obtai nin g person would have " jumpe d" The basic scheme behind
3. Since there are no other "instructions" by goin g to to box B3 where the the operation of computers
directions in box A2, the the "B" row a nd o penin g box fo ll owing directive would be is deceptively simple and
o perato r would continue o n B1 where more directions a re fo und:
incredibly powerful.
to ope n box A3 which has found: "If the present value on
the following message: "If th e present value on your scratch pad is a
"Place any accumulated your scratch pad is not zero "negative number" jump to
mathematical value you have go to box B3. " box B5."
on your scratch pad into box At this time if the person Since this is not currently
H8." checks the scratch pad it will the case the pe rson will not
Thus the person would be fo und that the value o n " JUMP" to box B5, but will
tear the curre nt sheet off the the scratch pad is indee d simpl y continu e to ope n box
"scratch pad" and pl ace it - non- ze ro as the last B4 which contains :
containin g the value "3" - calculation performed on the "The value in box H7 is
into box H8. Note, though, scratch pad was to subtract larger than the value in box
that while t he person was the value in box H8 from t he H8. STOP!" One of the best analogies
dir ected to pl ace the value in box H7. In this At this point the person for describing a computer's
accumu lated valu e on the example that wou ld be: h as completed the basic operations is to con-
scratch pad into box H8, t he 9-3= 6 "instruction sequence" for sider a bank of boxes,
person was not directed to Th erefore the directions in th is example. It should be
alter the seq uence in which to box B1 for this particular similar to a bank of Post
noted, howeve r, that box B5
o btain new "instructions" so case w ill tell the o perator to Office mail boxes ...
did co nta in the message:
the person would proceed to " jump over" box B2 and go "The value in box H7 is
ope n box A4 which contains to box B3. For t he sake of smaller than the value in box
t he directive: completeness, however, box H8. STOP!"
"Take the mathematical B2 does contain an This littl e examp le of a
value of 6 and place it on in structio n, for had the value person openin g up boxes a nd
your scratch pad. " on the sc ratc h pad bee n zero following t h e directions
Going o n to box A5 the
person finds:
"Add 3 to the present
value on your scratch pad." A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
This is obvio usly just a
"data word." Th e o perator
adds the value 6 from the
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
previous box to the number
3, noting th e calculation on C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
the scratc h pad a nd proceeds
to open box A6: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
"Place any accumulated
value you have on your E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
scratch pad into box H7. "
The person thus would put
the va lu e "9" on a pi ece of F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
paper (from the scratch pad)
into the designated box and G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8
proceed to o pen box A 7 :
"Get the value presently H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
stored in box H8 and save the
value on yo ur scratch pad."
This is a simple o peratio n Fig. 1. A set of Post Office pigeon holes containing messages.
and the perso n procee ds to
open up box A8 :

precise sequence, can be used from a group of mail boxes
to so lve a problem eve n and the basic operation of a
Fig. 2(a). The computer structure compared to the Post Office pigeon
holes. though the "variables" (data) real minicomputer.
in the problem may vary. Fig. 2(a) shows the Post
Such a set of "instructions" is Off ice box e s, a fi gu rc
often termed an "algorithm" representation of a person
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
by th ose in the com pu ter who is ab le to "fetch" and
field. The examp le solved a return the "instt·uctions" or
81 B2 B3 84 85 86 B7 88
mathematical problem using "data" from and to the
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
the "algorithm," but the boxes, and a "scratch pad"
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 reader will find that
on which the person can
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 "algorithms" can be devi sed make temporary calculations
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 to solve many problems on a when directed to do so.
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 computer that are not strictly I n Fig. 2(b) are three
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 mathematical! interconnected boxes which
Any person learni ng a new form a "block diagram" of a
skill must of necessity lea rn compu ter. The uppermost
the vocab ul ary of the field in portion of the "block
order to proceed to any great diagram" is labeled the
extent. You might think that "memory." Th e middle
it would be easie r if portion is label ed the "central
everyth ing was written in · processor un it " or "CPU" for
plain everyday words, but the short. The lower part of the
tru th of the matter is that diagram depicts an
CENTRA L spec iali zed vocabularies do "accumulator."
PERSON PROCESSING serve severa l useful The correlation between
functions. For one thing, the two pictures is extreme ly
they can great ly shorten the simple. The "Post Office
time that it takes to boxes" correspond to the
commun icate id eas or "memory" portion of a real
concepts. In today's computer. The "memory" is
fast-moving world, that is of a storage pl ace, a loc ation
s ign ificance in itself. In where instructions and data
add ition, the limitation s of can be stored for long lengths
the English language often of time. The "memory" can
resu It in a given word h avi ng be "accessed." " Instructions"
a special meaning when it is and/or "data" can be taken
used in the context of a out of memory, operated on,
particu lar su bject. One must and replaced . New "data" can
ACCUMULATOR know the new meaning when be put into the "memory." A
1 +2=3 it is used in such a manner. "memory" that can be "read
Fortunately, much of the from" as well as "written
com pu ter vocabulary is very into" is called a "read and
l og ically named. This is write memory." A "read and
probably due partly to the write memor y" is often
fact that computers are of referred to as a "RAM" as an
n ecessity extre mely abbreviation. Many times it is
contained in each one is very sequence of "instructions" dependent on logic, a nd feasible to have a "memory"
similar to the concept used would still result in the hence m any persons who that is only "read from." A
by a computer. Note that person being told to "STOP" helped create the field - a nd memory that is never
each "instruction" is very at the box that contained the by that fact were rather "written into," but is only
short and specific. Also note correct a nswer. The reader logicall y oriented themselves used to "read from," is
that the combination of all can verify th is by simply - seem to have had the te r med a "read only
the instructions in the assuming that different logical sense to have nam ed memory" and is abbreviated
example will result in the numbers than those used in m any of the parts and as a "ROM." For the present
person being direc ted to solve the example are in boxes A2 systems of computers and discussion the term
the problem: and AS and going through the computer programs, in a "memory" will refer to a
Is 7 + X greater than, less instruction sequence until logical mann er. "read and write memory"
than, or equal to: 6 + Y? told to "STOP." In the text which follows, ("RAM").
For the reader can note, ~ The examp le illustrates two diagrams, Figs. 2(a) and The figure of a person in
the "data words" contained how a carefully planned set 2(b), are used to demonstrate Fig. 2(a) corresponds to the
in boxes A2 and AS for the of directions, arranged such the analogy between the central processor unit in Fig.
example were changed, the that they are performed in a person taking "instructions" 2(b). Th e central processor

unit in a computer is the to remember the portions th at is to be pelformed. Each I t is now time to start
section that "controls" the that have been shown. The ope ratio n it is capab le of delving into the actual
overall operation of the "reme mbering" e le me nt is a doing is very tiny by itse lf, physical manner in wh ich a
machine. The "CPU" can "memory." Th e portion that but when the man y compu tel' opera tes. How can
rece ive (fetch) "instructions" does the "wol'k" o r operations of a typic al a mac hine be constructed so
or "data" from the memory. processing is simply termed "pwgram" are pe rfo rmed in that it is able to perform the
It is able to "interpret" the the "central processor unit," seq ue nce, the solutions to processes of the central
"instructions" it fetches from and the part that is used to very complex problems can processol' unit? While it will
the me mory . I t is also able to accumulate information be obtained. It is important require a number of pages of
perform various types of temporarily is aptly called the to r e m e mber that the text to explain the procedure ,
mathematical operations. It "accumulator!" compu te r can perform each it is not nearly as difficult to
can also "return" information The reader should now little operation in just a few understa nd as many people
to the memory - for instance have a conceptual view of the millionths of a second! Thus m i gh t suspect. The
make deposits of "data" into concept behind a computer's a program that might seem complexity of a computer
the memory. The "CPU" also operation and an very large to a person - say when first viewed by a person
contains control sections that understanding of the one with many thousands of is caused by the fact that it
e nable it to sequentially machin e 's most ba s ic individual instructions appears to consist of many
"access" the "next" location organization. I t is simply a would only take a digital hundreds of parts. I t becomes
in memory when it has machine that can fetch computer a few thousandths much simpler when one
finished performing an information from a me mory, of a second to perform. The understands that the
operation, or, if it is directed interpret the information as speed with which the hundreds of parts are really
to do so, to "access" the an instruction or data, computer can exec ·ute made up from a few doze n
memory at a specified perform a very s m a ll individual instructions is what similar parts and they are
location, or to "jump" to a operation, and continue on to gives the computer its carefully organized into just a
new area in memory from determi ne the nex t operation see mi ngly fantastic capability. few major operating portions.
which to continue fetching The reader is already familiar
"instructions." with the most fundamental
The pad of paper and portions.
pencil in Fig. 2(a) Fig. 2(b). Block diagram of a computer's fundamental components. As fantastic as it may
corresponds to the block sound at first, a digital
titled "accumulator' in Fig. compu ter can be thought of
2(b). The "accumulator" is a as really nothing more than a
te m p 0 ra ry "register" or highly organized collection of
"manipulating area" which is "on or off" switches! Yes,
used by the CPU when it is computers are constructed
performing operations such as MEMORY from electronic devices that
adding two numbers. One can only assume one of two
number or piece of possible states! The electronic
information can be switches can be constructed
temporarily held in it while ina variety of ways. For
the central processor unit instance, the switch can be
goes on to obtain additional made so that the voltage at a
instructions or data from given point is either high or
memory. It is an electronic low, or current through a
"scratch pad" for the CPU. device is either flowing or not
The three fundamental CENTRAL flowing, or flowing in one
units - the memory, central direction, and then the other
processor unit, and the direction. But, regardless of
accumulator - are at the UNIT how the electronic switch is
he art 0 f eve r y dig i tal (CPU) constructed, its status can
compu ter system. Of course, always be represented as
there are other parts which being either "on" or "off."
will be added in and This "on" or "off" status can
ex plained later, but these be mathematically
fundamental portions can be symbolized most suitably by
used to explain the basic a mathematical system based
operation of a digital on "binary" notation .
computer which is the Some people tend to think
purpose of this article. ACCUMULATOR that computers are very
The reader should learn difficult to understand
the names of the basic parts because they have heard of
of the computer as they are "strange" types of
presented. Note how easy it is mathematics that are often

only two integers will be a lot the value of the digit), each
easier than working with one colu mn to the left is given a
having 10 integer symbols. In weighting factor which
fac t, most problems for increases as a power of the
people learning the binary total number of digits utilized
system come about because by the numbering system.
As fantastic as it may they tend to forget how Note that in the above
sound at first, a digital simple it is, and they tend to example the 4 representing
computer can be thought keep goi ng towards a decimal 40 units is equal to 4 times
of as really nothing more solution out of habit when the number of integer
they are working with the symbols in the decimal
than a highly organized
binary system. For instance, system (10) because it is
collection of "on or off"
when one starts to add binary located in the second column
switches! numbers, as soon as the value from the right. The number 3
"1" is exceeded, a "carry" to representing 300 units is
the next column must be equal to 3 times the number
made. The value of the of integer symbols in the
addition of "1 + 1" in the decimal system squared
binary system is : 10. It is not because it is located in the
2! There is no such integer as third column from the right.
referred to in conjunction system is the one utilized by
with computers. I n actuality "2" in the binary numbering This relationship of the
computers at their most basic
system . However, when a weighted value of the digits
much of the mathematics functioning level. The reason
person who has worked with based on their position can be
that are dealt with in the computer uses the binary
the decimal system for years described in mathematical
compu ter technology are system is because it is the
first starts working with the shorthand as follows:
much easier to understand simplest system around and
and deal with than the binary system, old decimal
hence the easiest one with
habits tend to get in the way. If the number of different
decimal system that the which to construct a
The reader will have to integer symbols in the
average person is familiar computing machine!
beware! numbering system is U (for
wi th o I n the decimal Readers know the word
To formally introduce the the decimal system U=l 0)
numbering system a person "binary" indicates "two."
binary mathematical system
m u s t Iearn 10 different Computers are built up of
one can start by stating that and the column whose
symbols, and in order to electronic switches that can
it uses two integers, zero (0) weighted value is to be
manipulate those symbols, only have two possible states.
and one (1), and no others. A determined is column number
they must memorize a lot of The switches are binary
binary number has a value M (starting with the right-
information. For instance, devices. The status of the
determined by the value of most colu mn and counting to
look at how students are switches can be represented the left)
taught to multiply. The mathematically utilizing the the integers that make up the
learning process actually "binary" numbering system. number, and the position of
the digits. and any digit is represented
involves the student having to The binary numbering system by the symbol X
only has two digits in it! In the decimal numbering
me m orize a rather large
They are zero (0) and one system, the reader is familiar
number of facts. Because of then the weighted value of a
the way it is typically taught, (1). A switch can thus be with the location of a digit
having a "weighted" value as digit in column M is
most students never realize mathematically symbolized, expressed as:
how much work they have to for instance, by a zero when follows: A three digit number
it is "off" and a one when it has a value determi ned by the
go through just to learn the X ti mes U raised to the power
is "on." The opposite unit value of the digit in the (M-l) or XU(M-1)
multiplication tables! The
relationship could also be right-most column plus the
teacher does not stand up and
value of the digit to the left T he reader can easily
say, "OK, now you are going established, a one could be
of it mUltiplied by 10, plus verify that the above formula
to memorize about 100 used to represent a switch
the value of the third digit
facts." Instead, over a period being "off" and a zero used applies to the decimal
multiplied by one hundred as numbering system. However,
of a few wee ks or so, the to represent a switch as "on."
illustrated in the following the above formula is a general
student is made to memorize It would make no difference
example: formu la that can be used to
the 100 or so facts - a few at mathematically which
a time. The student must convention was used as long determine the weighted
learn the value of each digit as one was consistent. For the THE DECIMAL NUMBER positional value of any
multiplied by all the other purposes of the present 345 IS EQUAL TO: numbering system. It will be
digits in the decimal discussion, the reader can used to determine the
numbering system . The assume that the first 5 UNITS = 5 weighted positional values of
decimal numbering system is convention (switch off = 0, PLUS(+) 4 TIMES 10 = 40 numbers in the binary
far more complicated for the switch on = 1) will be used. PLUS (+) 3 TIMES 100 = 300 numbering system.
beginner than learning the It should be immediately In the binary numbering
binary numbering system, apparent that working with a I n other words, after the system there are just two
and the binary numbering numbering system based on right-most column (which has different integer symbols (0

and 1} . Thus U in the above with - the basic operation of only rep resents part of an
formula is equal to 2. For a computer. Si nce the reader instruction and th at it ta kes a
illustrative purposes assume is now aware that a computer whole row of cells to make
the following binary number is composed of numerous up an instruction.
is to be analy zed: electronic switches and Furthermore, each cell may
knows that one can use a only cont a in the
101 mathematical shorthand to mathematical symbol for a
represent the status of th e one (1) or a zero (O) - or, in
and it is desired to determi ne switches (whether they are other words, its contents
its value in terms of decimal "on" or "off"), and is also represent the status of an
numbers . (Remember its aware of the fundamental electronic switch!
binary value is just 1 0 1 ). concept behind a computer 's At this time a few more
Using the above formula for operation, it is now possibl e com put e r t e c h n 0 logy
the digit in the right-most to proceed to show how definitions will be illustrated.
column : M is equal to 1, thus electronic switches can be In Fig. 3, each box containing
(M-1) is equal to 0, and with arranged to build a functional a binary 1 or 0 represents
X = 1: computer. That is, how the what is called a "bit" of
electronic switches can be information. While each cell
Weighted Value = X . U(M-l} arranged and interconnected may only contain one piece
= 1 .2 0 = 1 in a fashion that will allow a of information at a time, a The decimal numbering
machine to "fetch" a piece of cell can actually represent system is far more com-
(Remember that any number information from a one of two possible states of plicated for the beginner
raised to the zero power is "memory" section, decode information. This is because than learning the binary
equal to 1.) Going on to the the information so as to the cell can be in two possible numbering system, and
next digit it can be seen that determine an "instruction," states - it either contains a the binary numbering
the weighted value is simply and also determine where to zero or a one. If one starts system is the one utilized
O! Finally, the digit in the obtain the next instruction or assigning positional values to by computers at their
third column from the right additional "data." the cells in a row, it can be most basic functioning
has the weighted value To begin this part of the seen that the total number of
because of its position: discussion it will be beneficial possible states in one row will
for the reader to picture a increase rapidly . For instance,
Weighted Value = X . U(M·l} group of cells (similar to the two cells in a row can
=1 . 2(3-1} =22 =4 Post Office boxes shown represent up to four states of
earlier) arranged in orderly information . This is because
Then, by adding up the sum rows as shown in Fig. 3. This two cells side-by-side,
of the weighted values time, instead of each cell containing either a 0 or 1 in
(similar to that done for the holding a complete each cell can have one of the
decimal example earlier) one instruction, it c a n be following four states at a
can see that the decimal understood that each cell particular moment in time: 1
equivalent of 1 0 1 binary is

WORD #1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
WORD #2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
WORD #3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
+ 0 TIMES 2 = o
WORD #4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
+ 1 TIMES 4 = 4 WORD #5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
and thus 1 Olin the binary WORD #6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
numbering system is the same
as 5 in the decimal numbering WORD # 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
system. WORD #8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
There will be more to
learn about the binary
numbering system. However, Fig. 3. An array of electronic cells, 8 bits per cell .
the brief information given
will be enough to continue on
with the discussion that this
section is primarily concerned

The combination of the
eight cells can be filled
with zeros and ones in
256 different patterns.

0, 0 1, 1 1, or 0 O. Three cells current LSI technology, a an "instruction" can be does is "increment" the value
in a row can represent up to typical module of moderate decoded by the CPU and will it has each time the CPU
eight states of information as price has 1024 bytes in an cause the CPU to perform a finishes doing an operation.
the possible states of three 8-bit computer system. With specific function. Details of Thus, if the compu ter were to

cells side-by-side are: 0, 0 the 8008 oriented design all the functions a computer start executing a simple
o 1, 0 1 0, 0 1 1, 1 0, 1 1, serving as the basis for this can perform are usually program that began by its
11 0,111. In fact, when article, one could potentially fou nd in the manufacturer's performing the instruction
each cell can represent a plug in 16 such modules for a documentation. contained in "word # 1" in
binary number, the total total of 16,384 bytes or There is another ingredient memory - the very process
number of states of 131,072 bits. Thus, a large necessary for making the of having the mach ine start
information that a row of amount of information can machine "automatic" in the program at that -location
liN" cells can represent is: 2 be "stored" in the computer's operation. That is that the in memory would cause the
to the Nth power, 2n. Thus, a memory at anyone time. CPU must "know" where to program counter to assume a
row of eight binary cells can The astute reader may obtain the next "instruction" value of 1. As soon as the
represent 2 to the eighth have already figured out a in memory after it completes CPU had performed the
(256) states of information! ve ry spec i al reason for an operation. That fu nction is fu nction th e "p rogram
That is, the combination of grouping cells into "words" greatly aided by having the counter" would increment its
the eight cells can be filled in memory. It was pointed memory cells grouped as value to 2. The CPU would
with zeros and ones in 256 out earlier that a row of eight "words." The reader should then look at the program
different patterns! cells could represent up to note that in Fig. 3 each group counter and see that its next
A group (row) of cells in a 256 different patterns. Now, of cells representing a word instruction was located in
computer's memory is often if each possible pattern could was labeled as: "word #1," word #2 in memory. When
referred to as a "word." A be "decoded" by electronic "word #2," etc. There is a the instruction in word #2
"word" in a computer's means so that a particular special portion of the central has been processed the
memory is a fixed size group pattern could specify a processor unit that is used to "program counter" would
of cells that are "accessed" or precise "instruction" for the control where the next word increment its value to 3. This
manipulated during one central processor unit, then a containing an instruction in p roce ss m i gh t continue
op erational cycle of the large group of "instructions" memory is located. This uninterrupted until the CPU
central processing unit (CPU). would be available for use by special part is commonly found an instruction that told
The CPU will effectively the machine. That is exactly referred to as the "program it to "STOP."
handle all the cells in a the concept used in a digital counter." One reason it was A sharp reader might be
"word" in memory computer. Patterns of ones given the name "program starting to ask, "Why have a
simultaneously whenever it and zeros organized into a counter" is because most of program counter if each
processes information in the computer "word" are stored the time all it does is count! instruction follows the
memory. Digital computers in memory. The CPU is able It counts memory words! next?" The answer is simply
can have varying "word to examine a word in Each word In memory is that the availability of a
lengths" depending on how memory and decode the considered to have an "program counter" gives the
they are engineered. Many pattern contained therein to "address." In Fig. 3 each freedom of not having to
microcomputers have a determine the precise word was given an "address" always take the instruction at
memory word size consisting operation that it is to by simply designating each the next "address" In
of eight cells. The number of perform. Most micro- word with a number. Word memory. This is because the
cells in a word, and the computers do not decode #1 has an "address" of 1. contents of the "program
number of words in a everyone of the possible 256 Word #2 has an address of 2, counter" can be changed
computer's memory have a patterns that can be held in a etc. The "program counter" when the CPU detects an
lot to do with the machine's row of eight cells as an portion of the CPU keeps "instruction" that directs it
overall capability. In the instruction. They have an tabs on where the CPU to do so! This enables the
t y pic al microcomputer "instruction set" of over 100 shoul d obtain the next computer to be able to
system, the memory is "instructions" which are instruction by maintaining an "jump" around to different
available in modules - groups represented by different "address" of the word in sections in memory, and as
of words which can be patterns of ones and zeros in memory that is to be will become apparent later,
plugged into a common set of an eight cell memory "word." processed! About 90% of the greatly increases the
wires in the system. With Each pattern that represents time all the program counter capability of the machine.

Fig. 4. The program counter
of an 8008 based machine.

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0

I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I

The "program counter" is can ac tually rep resen t a word the second word brought in word #0 on up to the highest
actually just a group of cells in memory! from memory could be word # contained in the
in the CPU that may contain Earlier it was stated that "discarded." If the memory . However, people
either a binary zero or one. some "instructions" can information in the two left using computers have found
The binary value in the row actually change the value of most cells of the word in it easier to work with
of cells that constitute the the program counter and thus memory were thrown away addresses by arbitrarily
program counter determines allow a program to "jump" to then the remaining six cells grouping "blocks" of words
the "address" of a word in different sections in memory. would contain information into pages. For example in
memory. Since the number of However, the reader now that could be placed in the the In tel 8008 "pages" are
words in memory can be very knows that a word in six unfilled locations in the considered to be "blocks" of
large, and since the program memory only contains eight program counter. Most of the 256 memory words. The first
counter must be capable of cells, and yet the program common 8-bit micro- memory word address in an
holding the address of any counter of an 8008 based computers use a similar 8008 system is at address
possible location in memory, computer contains 14 cells. scheme of breaking an zero (0). Programmers could
the number of cells in a row In order to change the entire address into two pieces when refer to this word as word #0
in the program counter is contents of the program the program counter is loaded on page #0. The 256th word
larger than the number of counter (by bringing in words in a jump instruction. in memory as far as the
cells in a word in memory. In from memory), it is necessary I n order to make it easier computer is concerned has an
an 8008 oriented computer to use more than one for a person working with the address of 255. (Note: Since
design, for examp Ie, the memory word! This can be mach ine to r e member the address of 0 is actually
number of cells in the done if the program counter I I addresses" of words in assigned for the first physical
program counter is 14. Since is considered to actually be memory, a concept referred word in memory, all
2 to the 14th power is two groups of cells connected to by computer technologists succeeding words have an
16,384, the program counter together. One group contains as I I pagi ng" is utilized. address that is one less than
can present up to 16,384 eight cells, and the other six. "Paging" is the arbitrary the physical quantity!) A
different patterns. Each In order to change the assignment of "blocks" of programmer could refer to
pattern can be used to contents of the entire memory words into sections this word as word #255 on
represent the "address" of a program counter, one whole that are referred to page #0. The 257th word in
word in memory. Fig. 4 eight cell word could be read figu ratively as "pages." The memory has an absolu te
illustrates what the contents from a memory location and reader should realize that the address of 256 ("n"th word
of the program counter placed in the righ~hand actual physical memory unit minus one since location 0
would look like when it group of eight cells of the consists of all the words in contains a memory word) as
contained the address for a program cou n ter. Then memory - with each word far as the machine is
specific word in memory. The another eight cell word could assigned a numerical address concerned, but a programmer
address the example displays be read from memory. Since that the machine utilizes. As could refer to that word
is "address 0" which can be only six more cells are needed far as the machine is location as being on page #1
considered the first word in to finish filling the program concerned, the words in at location O! Similarly, the
memory. The reader should counter, the information in memory are assigned 513th word in memory, when
note that an address of zero two of the eight cells from consecutive addresses from the paging concept is
used, becomes word #0 on
page # 2 for a programmer -
but it is just 512 as far as the
There is a special portion of the central processor unit machine is concerned. Paging
at multiples of 256 is a
(CPU) that is used to control where the next word
convenient tool when dealing
containing an instruction in memory is located - the
with any 8-bit micro-
"program counter." Most of the time all it does is computer.
count! The reader might have
noted a nice coincidence in
regards to the assignment of
"paging" in 8-bit computers.
Each "page" refers to a

"block" of memory words
that contains 256 locations (0 Fig. 5. The program counter with
address 511 represen ted in binary
to 255). The reader will recall notation.
that that is exactly the
number of different patterns
that can be specified by a
group of eight binary ce ll s,
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o
and there are eight binary I0 I 0 0 o o
cells in a memory "word."
The re lations hi p is more than
coincidental! Note that now
one has devised a convenient
way for a perso n to be ab le to
think of memory addresses address" or word # within a the program counter was to memory. Fig. 6 provides
and at the same time be able "page." Since a memory contai n. In this case the page some examp les as a summary.
to specify a new address to word on ly has eight ce lls, number would be 1. When By now the reader should
the program counter that will since eight ce ll s can only this value is placed in the left have a pretty good
sti ll result in it contain ing a n represent 256 different six ce ll s of the program understanding of the
"abso lute" address that t he patterns, and since one of the counter the program counter concepts regarding the
machine can use. For patterns is equivalent to a would contain the pattern in organization of memory into
instance, if it was desired to valu e of zero, then the largest Fig. 5. electrical cells wh ich can be
change the contents of the 14 number the eight cells can in one of two possible states,
cell program counter from an represent is 255. However, If desired, the reader can
the grouping of these cells
absolu te address of word #0, t his is the largest word # that verify by using the formula
into "words" which can hold
say to word #511, the is contained on a page. This presented previously for
patterns which the CPU can
following procedure coul d be value can be placed in the determining the decimal value
recognize as specifying
used: The programmer wou ld right-most e ight ce ll s of the of a binary number, that the
particular operations, and the
first specify an instruction program counter. Now it is pattern presented in Fig. 5
operation of a "program
that the CP U wou ld decode necessary to comp lete the corresponds to 511, and thus,
counter" whic h is able to
as meaning "change the value address by getting the by using the "page ff' and hold the "address" of a word
in the program counter." contents of another word "word # on the page," each in memory from which the
(Such an instru ction might be from memory. Thus, of which will fit in an eight CPU is t o o b t a in an
a "jump" instruction in the immediately fo ll owing the cell memory word, a method instruction.
instruction set.) Followi ng word that contained the " low has been demonstrated that It is now time to discuss
that instruction wo ul d be a address" would be another will resu It in the program the operation of the "scratch
word that hel d the desired word that contained the counter being set to an pad" area for a computer -
value of the " low order "page #" of the address that absolu te address for a word in the accumu lator (and some

r-------~~------~ ~--------~~~----------,
o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1ST PHYS ICAL WORD IN
"-.../ ADDRESS OF: 0

PAGE #0 WORD ¢;255

r-----~~~------. r---------~~~----------,
0 0 0 0 0 0 256th PHYSICAL WORD IN
Fig. 6. Examples of addresses
in an BOOB based system.
PAGE # 1 WORD #0
~ ~

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257th PHYS ICAL WORD IN

"-.../ ADDRESS OF: 256

PAGE = 1 WORD = 1
r-------~~------- r---------~~~----------,
o o o 0 0 00000 0 o 2581h PHYSICAL WORD IN
"-.../ ADDRESS OF: 257

additiona l "manipu lating bu t these co mple x e lectronic
registers" in the typical manipul ations do not have to
8008 base d computer). b e und ers tood by the Fig. 7. The accumulator, pictured
As was pointed o ut earlier, computer user. It is on ly with binary 10101010 (decimal
there is a section of a necessary to know the "end value 160) in its 8 bits.
compu ter that is use d to results" of the various
perform calcu lations in and operations that can be
which can hold information performed within a n B7 86 85 B4 B3 B2 B1 BO
while the CPU is in the accumulator.
process of "fetching" another The accumulator in an
o o o o
instruction from the memory. In tel 8008 base d machine can
The portion was termed an be considered as a group of
"accumulator" because it eight "memory cells" similar
could "accumu l ate" to a "word" in memory
information obtained from except that th e information
concept of assigning a numbering system and
the CPU performing a series in the cells can b e
reference of zero to the first thoroughly realizes that the
of instructions until such manipulated in many ways
address of a word on a page "zero" referred to so
time as the CPU was directed th at are not direc tly possible
in memory) as the convention freque ntly in computer work
to transfer the information in a word in memory .
is frequently used by w hen dis c u s sin g act u al
elsewhere (or discard it) . The Fig. 7 shows a collection
computer technologists. The operations actually represe nts
acc umulator is a l so of eight binary c e lls
convention can be confusing a physical state (the status of
considered to be the primary containing ones and ze ros to
for the beginner who fai ls to an electronic switch) and
" mathematical" center for represent an accu mu lator.
remember that the physical does not necessarily imply
computer operations for it is The cells are numbered fr o m
quantity is one more than the the mathematical notion of
the place where additio ns, left to right starting with
reference designation. The "nothing." The concept of
subtractions, and various "B7" down to "BO." The
convention of labeling the assigning a bit designation to
other mathematic a ll y designatio ns refer to "bit
first physical position as zero the positions of the cells
oriented operations (such as positions" within the
makes much more sense once within the accumulator will
Boolean a lgebra) are generally accumu lator. Note tha t the
the reader learns to think in allow the reader to follow
performed under program right-most cell is designated
terms of th e binary explanations of various
control. BO and the eighth cell
Th e concept of an (left-most cell) is designated accumulator operations.
"accumulator" is not difficult B7. The reader should One of the most
to understand and its physical become thoroughly familiar The accumulator simply fundamental and most often
structure can be readily with the concept of ass igning used operations of an
holds a number-it adds
explained. The actual control the reference of "zero" to the accumulator is for it to
and subtracts-and "ro-
of an accumulator by the right-most bit position in a simply hold a number while
tates" its contents. the CPU obtains a second
CPU can be quite complex, row of cells (simil ar to the
operator. In an 8008 type of
machine the accumulator can
be "loaded" with a value
PAGE # 1 WORD# 2 obtained from a location in
/"-.. /"-..
i i memory or one of the
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2591h PHYSICAL WORD IN "partial accumulators ." Itcan
'-.../ then hold this value until it is
operation with the
PAGE # 1 WORD # 255 accumulator. (It will become
/"-.. /"-..
I apparent later that the
0 0 0 0 0 1 5121h PHYSICAL WORD IN accumulator of an 8008 can
'-..../' A DDRESS OF: 511
also receive information from
Perhaps the second most
PAGE # 2 WORD #0
/"-.. /"-.. often used operation of an
accumulator is to have it
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 513lh PHYSICAL WORD IN
perform mathematical
'-.../ ADDRESS OF : 512 operations such as addition or
subtraction with the value it
PAGE =3 WORD # 255 contains a t the time the
/"-.. /"-.. function is performed and the
0 0 0 0 1
contents of a memory
MEMORY HAS AN ABSOLUTE location or one of the
'-.../ "partial accumulators." Thus
if the accumulator contained

logic state of "1" if all the
bits in the accumulator (or
part ial accumulator) are set
to zero after certain types of
Fig. 8. Adding the content of a memory word to the accumulator. operations h a ve been
executed. It is set to "0" if
anyone of the bits is a logic
87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 one after these same
operations. Thus the "zero
o o o o o o ORIGINAL CONTENTS flag" can be utilized to
OF THE ACCUMULATOR determine when the value in a
particular register is zero.
The "parity flag" is set to
o o o o o o CONTENTS OF THE a "1" after certa i n types of
SPECIFIED WORD IN operations with the
MEMORY accumulator (or partial
accumulators) when the
o o o o o o o FINAL RESULTS AFTER number of bits in the register
THE ADDITION IN THE that are a logic one is an even
ACCUMULATOR value (without regard to the
positions of the bits). The
"parity flag" is set to "0"
after these same operations if
the number of bits in the
the binary equivalent of the The astu te reader may The "carry flag" can be
register that are a logic one is
decimal number 5, and an notice that the accumulator considered as a one bit (cell)
instruction to add the an odd value (1, 3, 5 or 7).
rotate capability also enables exte nsion of the accumulator
The "parity flag" can be
contents of a specific the accumulator to e mul ate a register. This flag is changed
especially valuable when data
memory location which "shift register" which can be if th e contents of the
from external devices is being
contained the binary a valuable function in many accumulator should
practical applications of the received by the computer to
equivalent of the decim al "overflow" during an
tes t for certai n ty pes of
number 3 was encountered, computer. add i t ion 0 per a ti 0 n (or
The accumulator serves "transmission errors" on the
the accumulator would end "underflow" during a
information being received.
up with the value of 8 in another extremely powerful subtraction operation). Also,
binary form as shown in Fig. function. When certain the "carry bit" can be
8. ope rations are performed uti Iize d as an ex tension of the
Perhaps the next most with the accumulator the acc umulator for certain types
In its simplest form, a
frequently used group of computer is capable of of "rotate" commands.
group of switches can
operations for the examining the results and will The "sign flag" is set to a
then "set" or ICc lea r" a logic state of "1" when the be used as an input de-
acc umulator is for it to
perform "Boolean" special group of "flags." most significant bit (MSB) of vice and a group of lamps
mathem at ical operations Other instructi o ns can then the accumulator (or partial as an output device!
between itself and/or other test the status of the special accumulator) is a "1" after
"partial accumul ato rs" or "flags" and perform certain types of instructions
words in memory. These operations based on the hav e bee n performed . The
operations in the typical particu lar setti ng{s) of the name of this flag derives from I n addition to the full
microcomputer include the "flags." In this manner the the concept of using two's accumulator pr ev iously
logical "and," "or," and machine is capable of complement arithmetic in a discussed there are six other 8
"exclusive or" operations. "modifying" its behavior register where the MS B is bit registers in the Intel 8008
Another important when it performs operations used to designate the sign of computer referred to as
capability of the accumulator depending on the results it the number in the remaining "partial acc u mu lators"
is its ability to "rotate" its obtains at the time the bit positions of the register - because they are capable of
con ten ts. I n an 8008, as in operation is performed! conventionally, a "1" in the performing two special
many micros, the contents of In an 8008 based MSB designates the number functions normally associated
the accumulator can be computer, there are four as a "negative" number. If with an accumulator (in
rota ted either to the right or special flags which are the MSB of the accumulator addition to simply serving as
left. This capability has many manipulated by the results of (or partial acc umulator) is temporary storage registers) .
useful functions, and is one operations with the "0" after certain operations, The full accumulator will
m et hod by which accumulator (a nd In several then the "sign flag" is zero often be abbrevia ted in this
ma thema tical mu Itip lication special cases by operations (indicating that the number manual as "ACC" or "register
or division can be performed. with "partial accumulators"). in the register is a positive A." The six "partial
Fig . 9 illustrates the concept These four flags are described number by two's complement accumulators" will be
of "rotating" the contents of in detail below. Other micros convention). referred to as "registers B, C,
the accumula tor. have similar condition flags. The "zero flag" is set to a D, E, Hand L."

Registers B, C, D, E, Hand
L of an 8008 are all capable,
upon being directed to do so Fig. 9. Rotating the content of th e accumulator.
by a specific instruction, of
e ither incrementing or
decrementing their contents
by one. This capability allows B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 BO
them to be used as
"counters" and "pointers" ORIGINAL CONTENTS OF THE
which a re often of ACCUMULATOR (EQUAL TO
tremendous value in DECIMAL 2)
computer programs . 'Mlat
makes them especially
valuable in 8008 architecture RESULT WHEN THE ACCUMU-
is that when their contents LATORISROTATEDTOTHE
are incremented or LEFT ONE TIME (VALUE NOW
decreme nted the immediate EQUAL 4)
resu Its of that register will
affect the status of the
"zero," "sign," and "parity" RESULT WHEN THE ACCUMU-
flags discussed above. Thus it LATOR IS NOW ROTATED TO
is possible for the particular o I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I THE RIGHT TWO TIMES (VALUE
contents of these registers to NOW EQUAL 1)
affect the operation of the
computer during the course
of a programs operation and NOTE THAT IF A ROTATE
they can be used to "guide" RIGHT COMMAND IS DONE
or modify a sequence of AGAIN THAT THE "1" IN
operat ions based on
I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0
con ditions found at the AT B 7!!
ac tual time a program is
It should be noted that AND THAT NOW A ROTATE
registers B, C, D, E, H and L LEFT COMMAND WOULD
are capable of being o I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I RESTORE THE "1" IN
incremented and POSITION B 7 BACK TO B 0 !
decremented - but the full
accumulator - register A -
cannot perform those two
functions in the same in the 8008 computer CPU . obtain the next instruction "register L" with the "low
manner. (The full These two registers can be while executing a program. address" portion of an
accumulator can be used to directly "point" to a The program counter was address in memory, and then
incremented or decremented specific word in memory so effectively a "double word utilizing one of a class of
by any value by simply that the computer may length" register that could commands that will direct the
adding or subtracting the obtain or deposit information hold the value of any possible CPU to fetch information
desired value. There is not, ina different part of memory address in memory. The from· or deposit information
however, a simple increment than that in which a progr am program counter is always into the location in memory
or decrement by one is actually being executed. used to tell the machine that is specified ("pointed
instruction for use with the The reader should recall that where to obtain the next to") by the "H" and "L"
full accumulator of an 8008!) a special part of the central instruction. However, it is register contents. This
Two of the partial processor unit (CPU) termed often desirable to have the information flow can be
acc umulators, registers Hand the program counter is used machine obtain some from/to the location specified
L, serve an additional purpose to tell the computer where to info rmation - such as a "data in memory and any of the
word" - from a location in CPU registers.
memory that is not At this time it would be
connected with where the beneficial for the reader to
It has been said that the computer is the most versatile n ext ins t r u c ti 0 n to be study Fig. 10. Fig. 10 is an
machine in existence and that its applications are limited performed is located. This expanded block diagram of
only by man's abil ity to develop programs that direct the can be accomplished by Fig. 2(b) and shows the units
operation of the machine. simply loading "register H" of the computer wh ich have
with the "high address" been presented in the
(page) portion of an address previous several pages.
in memory, then loading Until now no mention has

computer. This I/O structure is the most versati le mach ine
mea ns th at. a whole group of in existence and that its
devices ca n be simultaneous ly applications are limited only
The computer's great versatility comes about because the
hooked up to the computer by man's abil i ty to develop
machine is capable of executing a large group of instruc- and the co mputer used to programs that di rect the
tions in an essentially limitl ess series of combinations. rece ive information from or operation of the machine. It
transmit information to a is undou btedly one of the
variety of devices as direc ted best machines for all owing
be e n m a d e of h ow transducers, or teletype by a "program." A special set man to exercise and test his
information is put into or machin es, or cathode-ray- of commands is used to creative powers through the
received from a computer. tube displ ay units, or in struct the comp uter as to development of programs
Naturally, this is a very vital keyboards, or "mag-tape" which "I/O port" is to be that direct the machine to
part of a computer because and "disk" systems - or operated at any particular perform complex operations
the mach ine would be rather whatever, are commonly in s tant. With appropriate that can not only control
usel ess if people could not referred to as input/output programming it is then other machines, or perform
put information into the o perations and are possible to have the computer ca lculations many times
machine upon which collectively referred to in "communicate" with a large faster than humanly possibl e,
calcu lations or process ing abbreviated form as " I/O" variety of devices in an but because it can be used to
could be done, and receive transfers. essentiall y "automatic" mode "simul ate" or "model" other
information back from the In t h e In te l 8008 fo r insta nce rece ivi ng systems that it m igh t be
machine when the computer designs all " I/O" information from a digital impractical to build for
operations{s) had been transfers are typically made multimeter at spec ifi ed times, purely experimental
performed! betwee n extern al "I/O ports" th e n poss ibly performing purposes. Thus man can
Communications between (which connect to external some ave raging calcu latio ns, create a "model" in a
the computer and external devices via app ropriate and then outputting results to computer program and
devices whether th ose electronic connections) and a teletype mac hin e without actually "p lay" with the
devices be simp le switches, or the fu ll accumu lator in the human intervention. Or, in synth etic model without
other applications actuall y building the physical
information fro m a hum an device!
Fig. 10. The block diagram of Fig. 2(b) filled in with the designations operator can be typed into Th e computer's great
for an Intel 8008 compu ter.
th e machine using a versati li ty comes about
typewriter-li ke keyboard. In becau se the machine is
MEMORY its simp lest form, a group of capable of executing a large
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 WORD # 1 AT PAGE 0 LOCO switches can be used as an gro up of instructions in an
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WORD # 2 AT PAGE 0 LOC 1 input device and a group of essentiall y limi tless series of
lamps used as an output combinations - these series
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 WORD # 3 AT PAGE 0 LOC 2
device for the computer! of instructions are stored in
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Howev e r, a more the memory bank{s) of the
sophisticated system used in computer - and a new series
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
many applic ations wou ld be of instructions can be placed
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 to use a te lety pe machine or a in the memory bank{s)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WORD # X AT PAGE Y LOC Z combinatio n of a keyboard whenever desired. In fac t, the
and a cathode-ray-tube (CRT) memory bank{s) can often
display attached to input and hoi d several complete ly
outpu t ports to serve as the unrelated "programs" in
primary means of I/O. A different sections and thus
PROGRAM COUNTER person can thus type one can have a mach ine th at
information on the keyboard performs totally unrelated
AN 8008 which will pass it into the tasks simp ly by pushing a few
CPU WITH computer, and the computer buttons and thereby directing
PROGRAM COUNTER can display the resu Its of its the machin e to start
AND REGISTER STATUS FLAGS opera tio ns on the CRT executing a new program in a
display (which can, inci- different section of memory!
FL AGS: "C," "Z," "S," & "P" dentally, be made from an The digital computer is
ord inary osci ll oscope and a capable of provid ing se rvices
special CRT in terface unit to people from all walks of
such as that described in Jim li fe! A perso n need on ly
REGISTER "A" = FU LL ACCUMU LATOR Hogenson's article in BYTE choose (or develop) programs
REGISTER "8" = PARTIA L ACCUMULATOR #2). a nd connect exter na l
REG ISTER "C " = PARTIAL ACCUMULATOR P er haps the most instruments that wi ll provide
REGISTER "D" = PARTIAL ACCUMULATOR wonderfu I and exciti ng aspect the capabi li ties desired .
about a digital computer is its For instance, a scien tist
tremendous versatility. It has might put a mathematical
been said that the computer calcu lator program into the

computer's memory and use
the computer as a
The development of computer programs can be an extremely
sop his tic ate del e c t ron ic
calculator by using a creative, exciting and personally rewarding pastime and
calculator-type keyboard as offers essentially Iimitless ways to exercise one's creative
an input device and a CRT capabil ities ....
display as an output device
on which to receive the
answers to complex plastic in the feed barrel, calculator by almost anyone. The "logging a id" would
mathematical calculations a mount of feed material in It can be use d to compose serve as an instan t reference
which the computer the hopper and InJection letters (using an editor file whereby the operator
performs. After using the barrel, avail able pressu re to program) by virtually anyone. could enter the calls of
computer as a calculator for a the mold jaws and feed Programs that sort data stations as they were worked
period of time, the scientist barrel, vacancy or filled status alphabetically or in various and have the computer verify
might decide to utilize the of the mold and other useful other categories can be of if the contact was a duplicJ te.
same computer to parameters. Th e computer valuable service to people in The computer could do other
au tomatically record data could be progra mmed to many applications. The tasks too, such as record the
from instruments during an analyze this information and compu ter can be used to time of the contact by
experiment. By simply send back signals to control monitor and control many checking an external digital
putting a different program the operation of heaters, household items, serve as a clock (or by utilizing a
in the computer's memory pressure valves, the feed rate security monitoring system, program that would enable
and plugging some peripheral of raw materi als, when to be con nected to devices that the computer to be used as a
measuring instruments into inject plastic into the mold, will dial telephones, and do clock within itself)!
the computer's I/O ports, the when to empty the mold, and thousands of other tasks. And, the computer can be
scientist could have the other operations to enable The elec tronic hobbyist used to play nu merous games
computer periodically make the plastic injection system to can be kept occupied for with , such as tic-tac-toe,
measurements while he went operate in an essentially years with a digital computer. checkers, word games, card
out to lunch and save the automatic mode. For instance, one can build a games, and a large variety of
resu Its in its memory. After Or, a businessman could little test instrument that other types of games that one
lu nch the scientist could have use the same computer plugs into a few I/O ports on can program a computer to
the computer tabulate and connected to an electric the computer, then load perform.
present the data obtained typewriter, with a su itabl e programs into memory that And perhaps most
fro m the experiment in program in memory, to will direct the computer to important - for the student,
compact form . Then, by compose, edit and then type automatically test electronic hobbyist, scientist,
merely pu tting a different out "personalized form components (such as complex businessman, or anyone
program in the memory, the letters" by directing the TTL integrated circuits) in a interested in the exciting
scientist could have the computer to insert paragraphs fraction of a second! possibilities of its applications
computer help him set up and from a "bank of standard (Businesses can do this too!) the contemporary
arrange a "reference file" all paragraphs" so as to form a Or a ham radio operator microcomputer offers
sorted into alphabetical order personal ized customer can put a program into unlimited possibilities for the
or any manner that would answering system that would memory that will enable the expressi on of individual
enable him to use the handle routine inquiries in a compu ter to receive messages creativity. For the
computer to extract fraction of the time (and typed in from a keyboard, development of computer
information far faster than a cost) that it would take a con ve rt th e messages to programs can be an extremely
manually operated "paper file secretary to prepare such Morse code, and then actuate creative, exciting and
card" system. letters. Or, the businessman an oscillator via an output personally rewarding pastime
So the computer can be a might utilize the computer to port to send perfectly timed and offers essentially lim itless
valu able tool for a scientist; help him control his Morse code. I n addition, the ways to exercise one's
but, the same machine with a inventory, or speed up his ham radio operator might use creative capabilities in
different program in its accounti ng operations . the comp uter with an developing "algorithms" that
memory (and possibly However, a computer that appropriate program to serve will enable the machine to
different perip heral devices) costs as little as the typical as a "contest loggi ng aid." perform desired tasks!
could be used to control a micro system does not have
complex manufacturing to be restricted to a business
operation such as a plastic or scientific environment.
injection molding machine. In The computer that can do all
such a case I/O units that the types of tasks mentioned The electronic hobbyist can be kept
coupled to transducers on the a bove can also be use d to occupied for years with a digital
Injection molding machine have fun with, or to perform computer.
might be used to relay valuable services, to private
information to the compu ter individuals.
on a variety of parameters The comp uter can be used
such as temperature of the as a sophisticated electronic

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A Beginning Project

ARTIFICIAL Intelligence

Artificial intelligence. The HEXPAWN rules are very

very words themselves are at simple: To win, attempt to
once frightening and move one of your pieces to
fascinating. Hal lip reading; the opponent's side of the
What is intelligence ? Pushing aside the philosophical and Colossus communicating with board, or block him from
psychological questions for the moment, I can offer an Guardian in a real "machine making any move . Moves are
operational definition of intelligence in .'Jrograms: An language"; M5 taking over the those of the pawn in chess.
"intelligent" program is one which was designed with a range Enterprise. Yet these are still That is, you may move one
of possible circumstances in mind, rules defining successful media creations, and we are square forward to an
and unsuccessful responses to such circumstances, memory of cushioned by the comforting unoccupied square, or you
the history of past responses and relevant circumstances, and buffer of a movie or TV may move one sq uare
an algorithm for using such past history information when scree n. To realize what diagonally in order to "take"
similar circumstances occur again. Robert Wier has provided an artificial intelligence (or AI) an opponent's piece . Only
example of a simple game application which illustrates this is really Ii ke, you have to these two moves are allowed.
definition of intelligence in programs. Does it sound too create it yourself (ever have You may not move
deterministic for you? Hardly - the response is in some sense an urge to play Franken- diagonally without a "take";
inherent in the program and its context. But, just as in natural stein?). HEXPAWN originally you may not move forward
life, the order and degree of the various inputs to the AI a p peare din Scien tific with a "take". Fig. 1
program cannot be predicted in advance with any great American (Vol. 206, No.3, p. illustrates a typical game
certainty. Just as each individual person is unique, each 138) in Martin Gardner's situation of occupied and
individual run of a good AI program will tend to differ - AI •• Mathematical Games" unoccupied squares. In this
programs, like people, are good for lots of surprises. column. It is simplicity itself. "model" of the layout, the
The game board is identical computer{X) can move in
to that of the standard two ways which "take" the
two-dimensional tic-tac-toe, human pawn in the central
and two players control three square (number 4). The
pieces (or Xs or Os or computer can move in one
whatever) each. Each player's way which will not "take" a
by objective is to advance his human pawn.
Robert R Wier pieces to the opposite side of For a complete
1208 Mistletoe Drive
Fort Worth TX 76110 the board, or eliminate or explanation, please refer to
block the opposition's pieces. the original article (every
Moves of each piece are the library should carry Scientific
same as the pawn in chess A merican, and if yours
(i.e ., move 1 forward to a doesn't, ask them why) .
vacant square, take This version of HEXPAWN
di agonally). is a game that learns. You

may play it several times simpler to use two bytes so
beating the computer (which that pi eces m ay be
keeps trac k of the board, as re presented by "X", "0", a nd
well as acting as one of the (space ). The storage
p Ia yers) with ridiculously requirement will also vary
simp le strategies. However, as considerably with the nature
play progresses, the computer of the peripherals used, due
notes its mistakes, and to whatever interface
0 1 2
eventually, after 8 to 10 programmin g is necessary.
games, you may only tie or
lose to the compu ter. The
The original was implemented
with a CRT where th e cursor X "- ¥

machine has "learned" how was "locked" in 3 5
to play the game successfully.
Th e method described
synchron iza tion with a
programmed counter
notifying the program of the
0 •
here to implement

6 8
HEXPAWN is strictly brute board location of the square
force, and many techniques being referenced.
may be used to improve both Basically, the structure of
the execution time and the implementation is quite
storage efficiencies. But in simple. In the Scientific
order to fu lly appreciate the American article, all possible Fig. 1. The game layout for a typical move.
i n t ern a I w 0 r kin gs 0 f board configurations are
HEXPAWN, it is nice to keep presented. Note that some are
it simple. Also, since this is a mirror images of others, but
self-mod ifying program (a these are still required. These
necessity in almost all AI), board configurations are
programmers will recognize hereafter referred to as
that "simple is good," since "models". The progra m
after the code runs wild a few attempts to match the
ti mes and produces strange current board configuration
and wonderful results, it is with the models stored in
fortunate to have code which memory. When a model is
is easy to debug. found, several cou rses of
HEXPAWN was action may be available. In
implemented by the author some cases, only one move
on a 16-bit/word mini with will be possible, thus the
an assembler. In this version computer is limited to that
it occupies 88E hex bytes, or move. In other cases several
2190 decimal bytes, or 4218 moves are possibl e. The
octal bytes. It would be computer will select one
possible to reduce the (whichever is first on the list)
memory requirement by and ma ke the move. If a
using two or three bits model is not found, this is an
instead of two bytes for the error situation; an ill egal
board representation of the move has been made on your
playing pieces, but th is would part, and an error message
require a lot of bit diddling should be output. Fig. 2 is a
that is tedious unless you are "macro" flowchart of this
really tight on memory. The process.
minimum representation of Following each model in
the three states requires a memory is a string of move
two-bit binary number, using index bytes followed by a
three of the four possible hex "FF". The "FF" is used
states of two bits. This as a termi nator for that
requires only one word of particular model. The bytes
memory. A less compact but between the model and the
easier to program bit level "F" are index numbers for
represe ntation is to use three possible moves - the index
bits, one for each state. Only references a jump table to
one bit would be "on" at any produce a correct move by
given time if the executing a jump. Note that the move indices are initialized only once for each series of
corresponding state is A jump tab le is a very games. Initialization for each game will defeat the learning process.
present. But on many handy device when you need
computers it's considerably to reference several different Fig. 2. Control flow logic for the HEXPAWN program.

nulled, thus allowing the
computer to "know" several
moves ahead that it has lost
Fig. 3. Table of All Possible Moves (Models). the game .. As each losing
move's index is nulled, the
"To realize what artificial
learning process effectively
pro gre sses toward earl ier intelligence is really like,
moves .
As noted in the original yourself ... "
(see Fig. 4)
o 234 5 6 7 8 a rticle, this version only
x X X 0 o 0 3,4,7 penalizes the losing move.
X X X 000 1,4,5 Also of possible consideration
X X X 0 o 0 1,2 is the rewarding of a winning
X X X 0 o 2,6,8 move, bu t th is would 06: "X" in square 2 moves
X X 0 X o 3,7,11 complicate our code to square 4 taking your "0"
OF FIG . 2 X X 0 0 o 2,6,7 considerably. 07 : "X" in square 2 moves
X X 0 0 o 3,4,5 to square 5
X X X 0 0 5,10,11
For convenience's sake let
us number the squares of the Now, either move 02 or
X X X 0 0 0 5,6 move 07 will result in a loss
X X X 0 o 8,9 playing board 0-8 starting in
the next move that "0"
X X 0 0 X o 2,3 the upper left corner,
X X 0 0 0 makes (assuming that you are
3,4,5 working horizontally and
X X o o 6, 7 trying to win) and that index
down. Let us also establish
X X o o 6, 7 will be nulled 50 it cannot be
the convention that the
X X 0 o 7 selected again in the event of
human player always moves
X X X 0 8,11 this same board
first. This does not seem to
X 000 2 configuration. Move 06 is
X X 0 0
compel a determin istic game.
8,5 correct since it removes your
X 0 0 X 3,14 Tha t is, either player may win
piece and also blocks you
X X X 0 8, 11 regardless of who moves first.
Now su ppose that there has from obtaining "X's" side of
X X 0 0 o 15
the board. Since the
X 0 X o 15 occurred a particular board
computer simply selects the
X 0 X X 11, 14 configuration (Fig. 2). Note
X X 0 6,7,8
first move on its list, the first
that the "X" pieces belong to
X 0 X 3,11 time th is board configuration
the computer, while the "0"
X X 0 5,11 is encountered, the computer
pieces are you rs. You have
X X 0 2,8 will lose (as a resu It of move
just made the preceding
X 0 X 6,14 02) . However, after this game
move, and now the computer
X 0 0 2 the computer will select move
X X 0 0 o 1,2,6
must decide what to do . The
06, which is correct, since it
X 0 15 computer's possible moves
is next on the list. The
X X 0 X 0 o 15 are indicated by the dotted
number of the index has no
X 0 0 0 6 lines. But how does the
particular significance; it
computer know this? It
could be anything as long as
Key: X = computer piece occupies square searches through memory
it denotes the displacement
o = human's piece occupies square until the following bit pattern
needed in the jump table to
blank = square is empty is found (in hex) :
direct the flow of control to
E740E7D6D64040D640020607FF the proper code for the move
desired. The " F" is a
locations in your program consistent manner. The jump The first 9 bytes represent terminator that signals the
using numerically sequential table is particularly appeali ng the board. Note that in end of that particular model
indices. The advantage is that in that you have multiple- EBCDIC, E7 is an "X", D6 is and move list.
after assembly, debugging is level-indirect addressing an "0", and 40 is an" " We will not present the
facilitated . If you desire to capability. Remember that these are actual code to accomplish the
change all the jump addresses H EXPA WN learns by EBCDIC codes (my HEXPAWN algorithm since
of a particular segment of removing the index which peripherals use it), but it there are so many machines
code, you need only change leads to a defeat for the could just as easily have been of a differing nature in hobby
the jump table, rather than computer. Thus, if a move to ASCII. The next three bytes use . However, copies of the
each reference containing the square 8 results in a 1055, the represent the indices for author's LOCKHEED SUE
desired jump address. It is index following the possible moves as they ex ist Minicomputer version are
also unnecessary to worry appropriate model is changed at the beginning of the game. available from him for $3 to
about having to make the to a null character, which That is, the possible moves cover the most of duplication
code referenced in the jump eliminates the losing move. It are these: and postage.
table equal in length. All that is easily seen that if a A few hints are in order to
is taken care of in the jump particular move always leads 02: "X" in square 0 moves help you avoid some of the
table itself in an easy and to a 1055, it will be completely to square 4 taking your "0" more obvious problems. The

biggest hang-up with this
EXAMPLE 1: To illustrate, ass um e that th e fo ll owing is in memory at lhe Sla rt : program is to get it ru nning In a written comlllunica-
correctly in regard to the tio n, Martin Gardn er pain ts
Location {hex } Contents {hex} Comments
jump table. If a wrong index out that th e original Hexa-
s te P I 56
l J ~~~- Step 6. is obtained, the program will pawn article is reprinted as
58 06 If loss sto re move indi ces a fter appro pria te
run off in to the boondocks Chapter 8, " A Matchb ox
SA 07 "00 " here. model
and never be heard from Gam e-L earning Ma chine" in
. . agai n. Therefore it is nice to his boo k The Unexpected
. . include checks on the validity Hanging and Other Mathe-
AO XX beginni ng o f jump table
of the index retrieved and to matical Diversions (Sim on &
Step 2. / A2 XX
L - A4 _ 02- address o f move 0 2 output an error message in S chuster, 1969). Th e boo k
the e ve nt of somethi ng versio n includes updates of
str a nge happening . A th e drawings in th e original
AC E4 Step 4. address of move 06 reason able board may be Scientific American article,
AE EA add ress of move 0 7
printed using dashes and notes on reader reac tions to
exclamation marks . However, Hexapawn , and ref erence to
02 cod e fo r move 0 2 if you do this, you will have an article on the more gen eral
to "unpack" the board as gam e "Ex te ndapawn." Our
The "l ea rnin g" sequ ence is co mp osed o f th e foll owing ste ps:
represented in memory in to a thanks to Martin Gardner f or
I . Search models until match is fo und .
2. Selec t n rst index o f possibl e moves, add to locati on of more suitable form for I/O. If his assistan ce in supply ing a
beginning of jump tabl e, givin g loca ti on of address o f
you don't have a CRT with corrected ve rsio n o f Fig. 5 f or
tha t move's code - in thi s case, index 02 x 2 {to ge t eve n
machine progr a mm a ble use in BYTE.
by te bo unda ry} + AO = A4. If no possible move {no
non-null index } is avail abl e, co ncede game La hum an pl aye r. cursor, you can use the
3. Note th e address o f th e index used - in thi s case "56." n umb ers assigned to the
4. Jump usin g indirec t address in g to th e move 's code and
will re suit in an error
execute - in this casc, location 02 . squares to indicate yo ur cond ition. In this case, should
5. Evaluate board fo r win o r loss. moves. Of course you'll want the human player win, the
6. If loss has occurred, null th e location o f th e last index
the mach ine to have a variety machine wi ll null the last
used - in this case "56 11 , there by removing thi s move from
th e mac hine 's reperto ire of res ponses to lhi sparlicular board of r e spons e s for being move's index even if it is
confi guratio n. If a tie or com pu te r win has occ ur red , do blocked, losing and winning. correct. After this happens a
nothing to the index.
For debugging it is good to few times, the machine will
output th e number of the start making illegal moves,
index wh ich is nulled after a acting ill ogica ll y, and
losing game . In this way you generally approximating a
EXAMPLE 2: Ass u me th at the fo ll owin g is in memo ry after exa mp le I is comp leted:
may keep trac k of the nervous breakdown!
learning process as it Programming HEXPAWN
l ocation {hex} Contents Comment s
advances . Also you shou ld be will painlessly (?) introduce
56 ) 51(2X2=4 - - - , • ____ • 1st selected aware that if the human you to a nu mb e r of
58 , ~6X2= 1 2' ll - - 2nd selected player makes some illegal worthwh ile aspects of the
62 FF : moves, no model will be logical arts. You'll see that
. I found , and a message should many segments of code (such
r---':"" - _ _ _ .:.... _ _____ J
, be output indicating this fact. as the board evaluatio n) are
, AD beg inning of jump table
4· A ~ = A4
A2 00 add ress of move 1 But not all ill egal moves similar and are potential
l _. A4 _ _ 02 __ , address of move 2
A6 00 I address of move 3
A8 00 I address of move 4 Fig. 4. Table of Computer's
= AC
AA 00 I add ress of move 5
L..I_ _ _ _.AC Moves (UX" Graphic).
E4+ add ress of move 6
AE EA I add ress 0 1 move 7

r--·----....:..--J COMPUTER'S (X's) MOVES

I ' .
L._ . . 02 code fo r move 2
to accomplish:
move" ," 10 sq. 0 (blank)
move "X" to sq. 4 1 0 3
jum p to con ti nue
2 0 4
3 3
code for move 6
to accomp li sh : 4 4
move" " to sq. 2 5 5
move " X" to sq. 4
jump to contin ue 6 2 4
7 2 5
8 3 6 computer wins!
Suppose move index 2 has bee n se lec ted . The ind ex "2" is mult ipli ed by 2 9 3 7
(shifted left' bit) in order to produ ce an eve n word address, and adde d to
th e address o f t he beginning o f th e jump tabl e - AO - res ulting in an address
10 4 6
o f - A4 - . At loca ti on A4 is th e add ress - 0 2 - of th e code to accomplish 11 4 7
move # 02. At loca tion 02, move 2 consists of bl anking the com pute r's "X"
in squ are 0, and in serting an " X " at square 4 , la king you r " 0 ". Sin ce this is
12 4 8
a losin g move, the ind ex 02 will be made null (replace ment by 00 is good 13 5 7
for error check ing), a nd move 06 wi ll be acco mpli shed in t he sa me ma nner 14 5 8
nex t time th is boa rd co nfi gura tion occ urs.
15 computer bloc ked

00 o 0 0 o o
2 2 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4

0 ~ 0 o
4 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6

Fig. 5. The set of possible Hexapawn game situations faced by the HEXPAWN program after 2, 4 and 6 moves. (Reprinted from Chapter 8, "A
Matchbox Game-Learning Machine," in The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions by Martin Gardner.)

A BASIC Version of This

Program: problems with the jump table the logical design first' You'll
candidates for subroutines. and consequently spent see why you should never,
For those with systems
You'll see that indirect several hours trying to figure ever write programs that are
running the BASIC language,
addressing does indeed have out how the move indices self-modifying in nature
a BASIC version of this some practical uses, if you were coming up with such (except AI, naturally).
program called HEX is found can ever get the code strange values. If I had put in Lastly, amaze (antagonize)
on page 122 of the third debugged_ You'll see that it is some code to check them your friends by sitting down
pri nti ng of 101 Basic very important to try and first, this process would have at your computer and
Computer Games, available anticipate possible sources of been shortened considerably.) win ning four or five games,
for $7.50 + 50¢ postage from error in your code before you You'll see that some then inviting them to try.
Digital Equipment Corp., run the program, and at least programs are complex to such When they can't, you can
Software Distribution Center, tc include a mechanism to a point that you simply smile smugly and explain how
warn you when problems cannot sit down and write your computer learns from its
Maynard MA 01 i54.
occur. (I didn't anticipate any them without thinking about mistakes, and so shou Id they!



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And Amateur Radio
Time-sharing by radio ? Radio packet switching networks?
Program exchange meeting grounds in the high frequency
bands? Computer controlled ham radio stations? R ead on . ..
Mike Gipe provides us with this article on th e sy nthesis of
amateur radio and computer hobby activities into a combina-
tion which is more fun than th e simple sum of parts. While
there are no bureaucratic restrictions on home microcomputer
systems, there are some f ederal regulations y ou must co mply
with in order to become a ham. For many co mputer
hobbyists, the two-hobby combination would be well worth
considering - despite the required ham license exam. Mike
provides several references to more detailed informatio n for
those individuals who want to check out amateur radio. by
Michael A. Gipe WA3GAU/l
155 Bay State Road
Boston MA 02215

Computer construction without communications, the have discovered that ham

and programming is the generation of information is radio and the computer make
newest hobby in the field of useless . (What good is a an excellent pair.
electronics; ham radio is computer without any I/O ?)
undoubtedly the oldest. The Obviously, computer buffs What is Ham Radio?
fascination of electron ics is find ways to communicate R a dio amateurs ar e
certainly a good reason why without ham radio, and hams authori zed to transmit and
many people are interested in have never been speechless receive signals with their own
both computers and ham because they didn't have radio stations. Th is makes it use is stipulated by
radio, but it is not the only computers. However, possible to experiment with international agreement and
reason. The two hobbies are marrying the two offers the many different means of federal regulations which
complementary. The person opportu nity to communicate radio communication and to enJoin any amateur from
who spends his leisure time information (of all kinds) on converse with all kinds of exploiting amateur radio for
on both will surely find that a much wider scale . The people from all parts of the monetary purposes. Amateur
on e benefits the other, computer buff who includes world. The fact that ordinary radio is a fine hobby; it's fun
making it more fun. radio in his field of in terest people can make important and educational.
Computers handle will certainly find h is hobby discoveries while pursuing a
information - they receive it, more challenging and more hobby is demonstrated by a What's Happening
deliver it, condense it, modify rewarding. number of amateur Amateurs have be en
it, utilize it and sometimes It is no surprise, therefore, accomplishments including: allotted many segments of
even mangle it. The versatility that many of BYTE's transatlantic com mu nication the radio spectrum beginning
of the computer is reflected readers are also amateur radio at high frequencies, as low as 1.8 MHz. Table I
in the wide variety of operators. But it is likely that a moonbounce communication, shows the frequency bands
information that it is called number of BYTE's readers the practical use of single available. All types of
upon to digest. Ham radio is a are not familiar with amateur sideband transmission (SSB), modulation can be utilized;
hobby dedicated to the art of radio. This article is an and the increase of our however, certain types are
co m m unication the introduction to the hobby for understanding of radio restrict e d to sel e cted
transfer of information. these people . Hopefully, it propagation through the frequencies for bandwidth
Without information, there is will also suggest some new atmosphere. The fact that an din terference reasons.
no need to communicate, and ideas for those who already amateur radio is for personal Computer hobbyists will be

The typical (?) ham radio station has various pieces of equipment. For low band work in "single sideband" (SSB) voice
communications, the minimum equipment is a transmitter, a receiver (or combination), plus some form of antenna outside on
your roof. Such a setup might cost $500 in today's markets - although less expensive radio shacks might be set up by buying
used equipment with the guidance of experienced hams in your local amateur radio club.

The real fun starts when you add a computer .

Band Frequency
Designation Range (MHz)
interested to le arn that radio soldiers in Vi et Nam were 160 meters 1.8 - 2 .0
teletype is an often used able to tal k to th eir fami lies 80 meters 3.5 -4.0
mode. Any person may be this way. Amateurs also se rve 40 meters 7.0- 7 .3
20 meters 14.0 -14.35
authorized to use any the public by providing 15 meters 21.0 - 21.45
frequency and mode available communications in 10 meters 28.0 - 29.7
to amateurs or only certain emergency situations such as 6 meters 50 - 54
portions, depending on the fires and floods. It is possible 2 meters 144 - 148
class of license which he to put an amateur radio 220 - 225
420 - 450
holds. This will be explained station in a car and operate 1215 - 1300
later in detail. "mobile". Two recent 2300 - 2450
H a ms have put these developments have stirred up 3300 - 3500
resources to a variety of uses, a gre at deal of interest: 5650 - 5925
some of them quite exciti ng. repea ters and satellites. 10000 - 10500
21000 - 22000
By connecting his receiver Amateurs have designed and 40000 and up
and transmitter to the built seven operation al earth
telephone line through a orbiting satellites since 1961.
"phone patch," a h am can Of course, NASA helped put
Table I. Communications frequencies available
make long distance phone them in orbit. The sixth and
to amateur radio operators.
calls which might not be seventh of the se ries of
otherwise possible for satellites, known as OSCAR
economic or technical for "orbiting sate llite carrying
reasons . Thousands of amateur radio," are now

int e rnation a l agreemen t,
which govern ham o peratio n
here . It may be of in tercst to
Ordinary people have made important discoveries in the radio point out that hams are
field as amateurs - and you can expect similar things to regulated b y law , but
happen in the computer field as more and more people computer hobb yists are not.
experiment with the technology. Th e reaso ns for regulating
ra dio should b e fair ly
The ru les fo r ham radio
are much more libera l than
relaying amate ur signals great On To The Good Part people . Any ham with a
distances aro und the globe. those for other services.
Th e real fu n starts when teletype could have access to
Amateur radio is intended to
Another device used to you add a computer. Your a computer. Since the
overco me the line-of-sight be flexible and to allow
microcomputer (or your mini possible benefits are so great,
experimentation . According
distance limitation for VHF if you're rich) can be a very i t i s i n e v i tab Ie th a t a
to the internati o nal
and UHF freq uen cies is the useful addition to the ham repeater-comput e r
agreement, though, hams
repeater. These receiv e signals radio station. It 's a great help combination will soon be in
must be licensed . Th e FCC
and retransmi t them at a in calculating orbit data for operation.
different frequency. By issues licenses and also enacts
OSCAR satellite work . The These app lications of the
installing repeaters at high computer to ham radio are and enforces the regulations
computer could be which licensees must follow.
places like mountaintops and programmed to figure out interesting, but the long
tall buildings, hams can dis tance data com mu nica- The FCC determines what
when and where the satellite modes of transmission can be
communicate over a wide will appear in the sky, ring a tions made possible with ham
area with small transmitters. radio may turn out to be the used at what frequencies and
bell to warn you, turn on the who gets to use them. Full
In New England, for exa mple, transmitter and receiver, and most valuable result of
details about the regulations
repeaters have made it point the antenna in the combining the two hobbi es.
can be found in the
possible to talk with people prop er dir ect i o n! A For the individual computer
publications li sted at the e nd
in several states using only a microcomputer can do a very owner, radio communications
of this article.
b attery -powered nice job translating and means being able to operate
walkie-talkie. By installing generating Morse code. Along the comp uter remotely from
radio equipment capable of a similar lin e, teletype code a car, in the next town,
accessing a repe ate r in his car, and speed conversions are nea rly anywhere. Moreover, Obviously, computer buffs
a ham can have eas ily accomp li shed by a communication between find ways to communicate
companionship or emergency microcomput e r. A few computers is also possible. A without ham radio, and hams
aid available at the touch of a months of thought should large network simil ar to the have never been speechless
button whenever he is give you dozens of ideas for ARPA network could be because they didn't have
driving. A number of frills are using the computer in the formed, ope ning the way for computers.
also possi ble with a repeater. radio statio·n. sharing progra ms and ideas.
Some repeaters have been set Th e combination of Hobbyists ' efforts in this area
up with a telephone line repeater and computer can be will s uppl e ment current
tie-in. This telephone lin e can powerful. One use for the research in radio netwo rking. Limitations
be used to make telephone computer is to control the With computers, near ly Although the rules are
calls from nearly anywhere. repeater. Regulations require anything is possible. designed to be flexibl e and
Imagine the possibilities - certain controls on repeater allow experi mentatio n,
while driving to your operations. These regulations Rules & Regulations sometimes they do not kee p
girlfriend's apartment you have undergone substantial Rad io is, by its very p ace with the activities
can hi t a few buttons on your changes recently and may nat ur e, an international currently underway. Some
mobile radio and call your change agai n, so the best way concern. Periodically, regulations may inadvertantly
wife on the telephone to tell to get the detai Is is to contact represe ntatives from most of restrict some h arm less
her that you have to work one of the sources mentioned the countries of the world operations. Computer
late! at the end of this article. Th e meet and draw up voluntary applications in ham radio are
computer can make it agreements concerning the new and there are a few
possibl e to add many very use of one of our valu able reg ulations which might
advanced, very fancy features resources, the radio spectrum. concern the computer
More computer-oriented to the repeater. Services Amateur radio has its hobbyist-radio amate ur.
hams are needed to push for beyond the telephone tie-in foundation in these Although teletype
changes in the regulations to previously mentioned are agreements. It is defin ed, transmission is allowed on
possible. Another way to use gover ned an d allocated nearly every band, the speed
facilitate the computer/radio
the computer with a repeater frequency space. In the and type of transmission is
is as a shared data processor. United States, the Federal restricted. Currently, only the
A mini or microcomputer Communications Commission five bit Baudo t code may be
could be accessed by radio (FCC) writes the rules and used and the maximum rate
through the repeater by many regulations, consistent with of transmission is 100 words

per minute (75 baud). ASCII FCC con ducts exam inations to ge t started . The General
code is not permitted. Since for li censes. These are not class li cense gra nts its hold er 5D ~

m 0 s t a m ate u r tel e t y pe difficult to pas s with a li ttle permiss io n to operate in a

operatio n previously was with study, and exce ll e nt aid s for large portion of all bands a nd
s urplu s Wes tern Un ion learnin g code and theory are all modes. The Condition al
e quipment, th is was no ava il able. See the references class is th e same as the
problem. Now, howeve r, it for some of these. Genera l b ut all ows a differe nt
conf li cts with computer Th e li ce nse structure is a p plication procedure for FCC
indu stry standards. Until the f urth er co mpli cated by specia l h a rd ship s. Th e RULES AND

rules can be changed, the different cl asses. As an Advanced c lass grants more REGULA TIONS
mi crocomp uter can be used ince nti ve to increase sk ill and freq uency space reflecting the
to convert from o ne code to knowledge, more ope ratin g addit i o n a l technical
th e ot h er. One ot her privileges are granted to those profici ency needed to pass
restnctlon which may be who demonstrate greater the exam. Th e hi ghest class is
useful in formation is that full profic iency. Each class of the Extra class which awards
d u p Iex operatio n is not lice nse represents a specific all amate ur privileges. It's a published by
permitted. Other as pec ts of set of privileges and a comp li cated syste m, but it 13 MAGAZINE INC P.'.''''''''''!#> Nt! OJ4!>8

the regulations may dictate correspondingly difficult makes it easy to get started
certai n tec hniques, but in exa min atio n. There are and it rewards those who
Part 95 of the FCC Rules and Regu-
gene r a l t h e co mput e r currently six c lasses but improve their sk ills .
lations governing amateur radio is
hobbyist should find that it is changes may occur within the Act u a lly getting your available from :
possible to do what he wants, next year . The Novice class is license is as si mple as any
so mehow. the si mp lest. Th e exa m is bureaucratic o peration. You 73 Magazine (50d)
The ru les can be changed
to make t hin gs easier,
however. Any petition to the
FCC will be considere d. More Although ham radio rules are
computer-orie nted hams are designed to be flexible and
needed to push for these
allow experimentation,
sometimes they do not keep
How To Get a License pace with the activities
Wh at are the deta ils about currently underway ...
li ce nses? There are actually
two li ce nses issued by the
FCC. One, the ope rator's
. 'i,cense, permits the hold er to
oper2:L'2. - , :., rao:,0, ':.tation.
The o ther IS a pe rmit to ~t:~ you should receive your
up a station at a permanent Licen);/:: . .. ,_y ; ~~ available for each class of amateur lice nse. I t is good for five
location . If yo u wish to set license grade. These were lfvl"::~n by the 73 staff and are years, and may be renewed
available from Radio Bookshop, l~'ei~rbnro ugh /I,TH 03458. simply by mailing in an
up more than o ne permanent
Morse code tapes are also available geared to each licensb ~ '''') Ii c ati on and a check. The
station, a station license must u"
grade. fun is well worth the effort.
be obtai n ed fo r each.
However, one statio n license very si mple and the privil eges mu st fi ll out an app li cation, H &oef ully, this h as
all ows you to set up one are few, bu t it is an exce ll e nt pay a small li ce nse fee, and stimul;ted a li ttle thought
permanent statio n and any way to get starte d. The take the tests . Most tests are about informa t;,Q n and
number of mob ile or portable Novice class li cense requ ires a conducted at loca l FCC field co mmunic at ion. Whe'j1
stations. A set of call letters 5 word per minute Morse e ng in eering offices. More computers and hdm radio are
issued with the li cense serves code proficiency. Next is the detail s can be obtained by teamed up, the possibilities
to identify the station on the Tec hnici a n class. This class is calling the nea rest office. The are limited only by the
air. The two license s are designed for th ose who wish number is in the phone book. im agi nat io n . Computer
distinct but are actually to do ex perimental work on After passing the exams hobbyists who are look in g for
printed on o ne piece of VHF or UHF frequencies. a nd wa i t in g the u su al a n a dditi onal challenge
paper. Only freq uencies above 50 bureaucratic waiting period, should look at ham radio.
Accord in g to the MH z may be used by the
intern ational agree ment, a Techn icia n. Th e code test is Excellent educational aids are available from :
person mu st demonstrate the the sa me as for the Novice;
American Radio Rel ay League , Inc .
abi li ty to send and receive the theory test is the same as Newington CT 06111
Morse code to get a license. the Ge ne ral c lass. The
He must also demonstr ate Tec hnicia n class lice nse may
so m e k n ow l edge of be the best way for a 73 Magazine
Peterborough N H 03458
elementary radio theory and computer h ob byist who
operat ing techniques. Th e wants to work with repeaters

BY TE R 's
The Digital
Feedback loop

Sum ner S. Loo mis, prop rieto

r of Loo mis Lab orat ories,
Rou te J, Box I3JA , Prairie Poin
t MS 393 53, prov ides this set
of pict ures repr esen ted in his
version of the Hogenso n
oscillosc ope graphics disp lay desi
gn prin ted in BYT E #2. Mr.
Loo mis buil t th e grap hic inte rfac
e usin g a prel imin ary version
of the PC boa rd for the scop
e dispLay , but with one
mod ifica tion : he used CMO S
instead of TTL inte grat ed
circuits. Th e follo win g are his com
men ts on th e sco pe display
as imp lem ente d in CMO S :


I foun d that adju stm ent of I Cs to CMOS was also
R1 and R2 pots can caus e the successful, with out a hitc h. I Fig. 1. S ta ircas e ramp w ave
fo rms for X and Y dJi ves . . 'T'h
DACs (IC1 5 and IC16) to am very plea sed with the low illus trate s the s tepp ing of the X ;.~ jild ure
~n c Y drive JA r: <::i: tpu'rs ourin g
swee ps r:f !,"' '' .1i.c: ..,1 several
over heat . ( believe that this is pow er drain and logic swings "J.~r
why one of my DACs now from rail-to-rail th at resuJt
exhi bits a sligh t over lap in the from t .h! ~ ch a n~e fhe
digital ram p (bit 4 is off su bs tit ut io n w as
value) . I wou ld recom~e nd acco mpl ishe d as foll o ws:
that thes e pots be ;et at
max imu m resis~nce setti n g, IC1 beco mes 74C1 0
an d u . / "! initial se tup the IC2 beco mes 74C 04 ,11: '1 til :'IIII!!! ; 1 :1 ,
pots sll uld be advanced IC3 beco mes 74COO
whil e o bser vi ng the respective IC4 beco mes 74COO "III 1111111111111
out p u t r a mp on an IC5 uses 740 8 TTL (no
osci llos cope . Dec rease the 74C series equi vale nt)
resis tanc e setti ng unti l the IC6 beco mes 74C 155
max imu m hei ght r a mp IC7-IC10 beco me 74C 193
(wi tho ut clip pin g), is
obta ined . The over heat ing I am goin g to have to chan ge
prob lem occu rs with severe the Z-axis op amp in my
clip ping , whic h happ ens at display unit to acco mm oda te
the low resis tanc e setti ng. the high freq uen cy drive. The
( fou nd it necessary to pres ent amp lifie r is too slow,
chan ge IC1 7 to an LM318, and caus es some sme arin g of
whi ch has bet ter high the dots as well as low
fr ea.uency resp onse for the brig htne ss on lone dots .
fast swe ep rate of this ram p. Eve ryth ing else chec ks out Fig. 2. A full raste r achi eved by
turni ng on the scan and disco nnec
My conv ersi on of the digital the Z mod ulati on inpu t from the ting
OK! scop e.


__ _==-


Fig. 3. A pattern of random data acquired when the scope interface is
turne d on.
-\== -





Fig. 5. Mr. Loomis used an interesting trick to achieve the printout in
this illustration - he changed the main timing capacitor of the 555
oscillator to 5 microfarads and used the much slower sweep to drive an
X- Y plotter. In order to get hard copy printouts (albeit slowly) about
all one would have to add is a jury rig "intensity" modulation input to
raise and lower the recorder pen under control of the interface.
Fig. 4. A pattern of horizontal dots programmed into the display by Refinements such as superimposed small amplitude X- Y oscillations
hand. could be used to draw small lissajous-patterns (circles or figure eights)
at each "on" point of the hard copy.

o Enclosed is check for $ _ _______ o Altair 8800 O ,Kit 0 Assembled
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If Santa had an

Santa might
be possible!
Have you ever wondered how Santa keeps trac k of all the
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gets what?
W it h an Alta ir 8800, Santa might have a f i ghting c hance. He
might be ab le to keep up w ith th e ever-expa ndin g toy indu stry. ' Th e Comler 1/ Co mpuler Terminal has a full a lph a-n um er ic keyboard ., nd a
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He might be ab le to rem ember who 's been naught y and nice. te rs .l nd co mpl e te c urso r co ntrol. Also has it s own built -in aud io casse tt e
With an A ltair 8800, Sa nta mi ght be poss i b le. int erf a ce that a ll ows you t o co nnect the Corn ier 11 to any t ape record e r for
This Christmas you can do something that's never before been both storing data from th e comp ut er ,lnd feedi ng it int o th e compu te r. Re quires
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Altai r EXTENDED BAS IL ___________ _ _ __________ ___ ____________ 5750
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pub li cat io n, Comp uter Notes). Warranty: 90 da ys on parts for kits and 90 d ays on parts and ' ~l bor for assemb led
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notes on parallel output interfaces

One way to con nect a n main memory address since home brew compu te r market
extra output port for a the CPU could care less operate with a degree of
teletype or other peripheral whether or not the addressed parallelism at the bit level.
to your CPU is to make the port is connected in addition Whether the chip is 4- bit,
interface simulate a memory to the proper main memory 8-bit or a 16-bitter, the
address during the writing location! The same method concep t of "parallel" data is
operations. This method is can even be used on built in. Data is parallel in
the one which is used for computers such as the Altair nature if each bit has one line
both the input and output 8800 which split the CPU bus assi gned to it and transfers of
functions in computers such into two parts a nd thus a group of such bits are
as the PDP-ll of DEC, or the complicate the interface always made simulta neo usl y.
by picture.
Motorola 6800 microco m- Thus for example, the address
Carl Helmers
Editor, BYTE puter. The method can even All of the microcomputers lines used to selec t memory
be used to overlap a usable I have seen to date for the words are usuall y done in

Fig. 1. 8-bit bus output latch .


DO + I 5 LOO .;
01 + 3 4 _0 +

02 + 8 8 II I..IL~+ ONE-BYTE

SI DE (74100)
05+ 16 17 1..IL5+
06+ 19 22 6+
07 + 20 21 L07+

~ ~.J23
7404 14 7
7404 74109 16 8
5 6 74100 24 7

AO +
AI +
A2 +
IC 7400
A II +
A 12+
A 14+
A 15 +


0+ 1 TO 0+ FIG 3

in memory address space

parallel in CPU designs of receiver. A non-inverting for entry of new data. If your
practical utility. With th e bus receiver is to be preferred in interface is to a digital to
or iente d computer chips ord er to keep t he same logical analog converter (OAC)
lik e ly to be used fo r se nse of the data to be stored presenting a gain control
homeg rown syste ms, it is in the latch.) voltage to a computerized
possible to grab data from the Followin g the bus receiver, audio mixing panel, then you
busses by latc hing it in a a latch is show n. Th e latc h would want the control signal
register which liste ns to the illustra ted with its pin outs is to stay stable for all time
bu s continuously but is onl y the 8-bit, 24-pin package until explicitly altered by the
written when the proper call ed a 74100. Alternate CPU.
address is found. This artic le circuits fo r this function Fi g. 1 is co mpleted by the
co nce rns such latching of includ e a pair of 7475s, or notatio n of a big mostly-
ou tput data and suggestions eve n four dual master slave blank box. Big bl ank boxes
about several app lications of flip flop packages, such as with labels in them are a way
the tec hniqu e. 74735 . In ge neral, it will pay of say ing " here is a fun ction,
The basic idea of t he bus to use the large r scale of but I have n't to ld you what it
outp ut is illustrated in Fi g. 1. integratio n fro m a power- is in deta il." In this case the
"Big blank boxes with
Fig. 1 shows a set of data budge t standpoint. Consider function is address decode
labels in them are a way
lines (denote d 00+ to 07+ to the specs for two 7475s (64 and co ntr ol logic for grabbing
of saying 'here is a
indicate a positi ve logic mAl versus four 7473s (80 outpu t data. I have draw n the
function, but I haven't
definition) co nstituting an mAl. For a sixtee n bit box with inputs indicated
told you what it is in
8-bit data bus. In a 16-bit output, all that is required is fro m 16 bits of addressing, an
detail.' "
com puter, this set of lines to doubl e the number of bits "RW+" signal and a "(/)+"
might be one or the other use d for the latc h. The latc h signal. Th e logic of this box
half of th e T6-bit data bus, or is used for onl y o ne pu rp ose will respond to a speci fic
the logic might be extended - to hoid the data afte r it is add ress in or der to generate a
to 16 bits. Connected directly store d, un ti l update d by a negative log ic (WRITE-) pul se
to the bus pins of the later write to th e same which is inverted and used to
interface I have note d a set of location. latc h the data at the correct
"bus rece iv ers". This circuit A latc h is required to time. Th e definition of the
shou ld be put in if necessary buffer the o utput logica ll y in specific add ress desired a nd
to maintain consistenc y of man y instances of I/O devices. the d eco ding are both
bus loading with all the other A primary examp le of such a consid ere d a bit later when
bus int erco nn ec ts. For case is an ou tpu t which needs Fig. 2 is discussed. The
instance, with a tri-state 8833 stable data for a much longe r "RW+" signal controls the
circu it as the bus definer, up p er iod than the s hort directi on of the CPU's data
to 100 high-impedance CPU-cycle durin g which data transfer. If it is logic " 1"
PNP-input rece ivers (input is stable at the output of bus (high leve l) then th e CPU is "The method can even
s id e of 8833) can be rece ivers. If you interfa ce atte mp ti ng to read data from be used to overlap a
co nnected to the bus. But put your computer bus to one of the bu s a nd no clock pulse is usable main memory
a TTL loa d on, and the the Burroughs SEL F-SCAN all o wed to reach th e latc h, address since the CPU
fa n o ut will be reduced display devices with the eve n if the address bits AO+ could care less . .. "
co nside rabl y. (For an Altair memory option, for instance , to A 15+ matc h the desired
8800, the data bus is spl it your data must be stable for a address. If " RW+" is low,
into two compo nents: in and long period of time (about 60 then the CPU is sending data
o ut. Th e principle of microseconds). This out and a clock pulse is
minimi zing the lo ading of the requirement is necessitated allo wed through th e ad dress
Altair drivers (TTL) would by the need to wait for the decode an d co ntrol logic. The
indicate use of a low power shift register memory to cycle clock pul se is taken from the
(74Lxx) device as the bu s around to th e proper position CPU suppli ed clock (/)+ and is
cascading input for equa lity is
used to enable th e
comparison : the AND gate
"E" detects a CPU write
operation as the simultaneous
occurrence of the clock 0+
and a low state of RW+.

A Hardwar e Memory
Contents Monitor
Fig. 2. Single-address 16-bit decode with 7485. "Xn " (n=0 to 15) is logical 1 or 0 defining desire address.
A particular app licat ion
for which single-address
decoding might be useful is as
a debugging tool based on
RW+ RW- this circuit, used to monitor
the last content written into a
AO+----------~r-~~ specific location. Such a
A I + ------7=1
debugging tool can be built
by defining the XO+ to X15+
A3+----------~~~J address lines as the outputs of
a set of four hexadecimal
swi tches or six oc tal encoded
A4+----------~~-j~, switches, hand set from the
panel of the debugging
A6+------~ instrument. Then the outputs
A7+------~ II
of the latch circu it might be
6 routed to a set of hex or octal
6 WRITE - LED drivers so that a display
PULSE of each number written might
9 5 7420
A8+ X8 + be obtained. A more general
112 II
A9+ X9+ POWER CONN ECTION S variation of the same theme
AIO+ XIO + 5V GROUND would be attainable as a bus
AII+ XII + 7485 16 8
7420 14 7
monitor device if the gate E
of g Fi g. 2 is eliminated
entire ly and the clock 0+ is
3 9 simp ly used as the enab le
A12+ XI2 +
II X13+
condition of the comparators
14 7485 13
(pins 3 get 0+) . Then the
X15+ "memory contents mon itor"
> < = always shows the contents of
2 4 6
the memory bus at the time it
was last used with the desired

Adding a Longer Clock

It is often necessary to
a positive logic signal in this way would rapidly obtain a clock signal which is
indicating that valid data is lead to a large parts count for Ion ger than the original
present. 7485s as decoding logic. The latching clock. In such cases
Assuming you actual ly basic idea of Fig. 2 is to use the longer clock must also
want to grab some data off the 7485 comparator circuits occur during a time when the
the bus at a specific location to check for equality between latched data is stable, i.e.,
when it is referenced, how the address lines AO+ to after the CPU is finis hed with
can you implement the A15+ and a set of "desired its addressing of the output
address decode and control address" definition lines , XO+ latch. One way to generate
function? Fig. 2 is a to X15+. The comparison is such a delayed longer clock is
suggestion of one method to done as fou r grou ps of four to use the ana log timing
accomp li sh this function for a bits, and a parallel logical elements called "one shots"
spe cific location at a product (AND) of the results - such as the 74122 or
considerab le price in of a II four bit-group 74123 circuits. In order to do
hardware: using more than comparisons is performed by so, however, you will have to
one memory location defined the 7420. The comparators' calculate a bunch of resistor

Fig. 3. Generating a longer clock digitally.


7404 7400


IsET-R~E~ -;:Gl,
5 15 II
WRITE - I 3 0+ 2 J+ Q+1-6___
+ 1---+---.

i Vr I)~L. -K-~Ar-:- - - -,Q-

- K- Q- 9

~ 10
4 12

L_~o __ .J DIGITAL


0+ 0+ 3 4 0- 0-

and capacitor values for the illustrates how th e origina l WRITE- pulse, but
delays, put in your nearest synchronous oper at ion the delay is fixed and
approxim ations and cross produces an auxiliary pulse synchronous due to the fact
your fingers. A better way to (Qt of flip flop B) which is 2 that the actua l clock (or its
achieve a deterministic clock periods in length. This inverted e derivative) is used
system is to use entirely clock is delayed with respect to cause all state changes of
"sy nchronous" logic concepts to setting the flag by the the flip f lops.
and delays implemented with
gates and flip flops.
Fig. 4. Timing: external write vs. buffer write.
Fig. 3 and its
corresponding timing diagram
Fig. 4 is a detail of one 4>2+
method to cue a long but
delayed clock pulse. The WRITE + ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
basic idea is to set a flag (the
SR flip flop formed by the
two NAND sections and Q+OF FLAG + ~
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUFFER WRITE
labelled "flag") when the I/O
write occurs. This flag
becomes data which will get
clocked synchronously into "--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -EXTERNAL WRITE
flip flop A, then into flip f lop Q+OF B
B. The outputofflip flop B is
used to enab le a reset pulse to WRITE+ A B ~
the flag, which brings the
system into a stable quiescent SEPARATION
state until the next output
WRITE- pulse occurs. The
timing diagram of Fig. 4 A = . OR.
Son of Motorola
(or, the $20 CPU Chip)
Would you believe - another microprocessor? You bet. The by
calculator firm, MOS Technology of Norristown , Pennsylvania, Daniel Fylstra
Associate Editor, BYTE
has just recently announced a new microprocessor which
25 Hancock St.
combines plug in compatibility with th e Motorola 6800 and a Somerville MA 02144
new instruction set to come out with yet another option for
microprocessor users - but at a price of $2 0 in single
quantities. Here comes the under $200 processor kit? Not
quite yet, but maybe within a year or two. (It :f already to the
memory chips over the data
point where the sheet metal and transformer iron of a home
bus. But the processor can
computer often cost more than all the silicon products which
also disconnect itself from
make it work . .. this new low 011 CPU prices just compounds
the bu s, e nab ling, for
the problem.) It may be three to six months before you see
example, a data transfer to
one of these new MCS6501 processors design ed into a kit, so
take place directly between
Dan Fylstra in his article cOllers quite a few details of the
an I/O device and memory .
Motorola 6800 by way of comparison with "Son of
Both the Motorol a 6800 and
Motorola . "
the MOS Technology chip
have three-state buffers for
the eight data lines, enabling
them to disconnect from the
We thought that the "age Motorola 6800 and the MOS character, for example, is bus in this fashion. But the
of the affordable computer" Technology 6500 series, accomplished by storing a Motorola also has three-state
had arrived when you could based on the information value into a certain memory buffers on its 16 address
buy a microprocessor chip for presently available. If you location, which is in reality a lines, whereas the MOS
$15 0. But the potent aren't already familiar with special register inside an Technology chips do not.
combination of new the Motorola microprocessor, external I/O interface chip, This would be used, for
technology and free don't worry - we'll cover its connected to the data bus example, in a floppy disk
enterprise has brought about major features in the course just like any other RAM or controller which is capable of
developments beyond our of the comparison. ROM chip. transferring a whole block of
wildest expectations. Motorola supplies a many bytes of data in
So now you can buy your Hardware Comparison Peripheral Interface Adapter response to a single command
microprocessor brand new, in Both the Motorola 6800 (PIA) chip which connects to from the CPU . The controller
single quantities, for $ 20. The and the MOS Technology the data bus for 8-bit parallel would present a series of
new offering is from MOS chi pare TTL-compatible I/O, and an Asynchronous add resses on the 16 address
Technology, Inc., and is devices, operating from a Communications Interface lines, and data bytes on the
pin - com p a t'i b Ie, but single five volt power supply. Adapter (ACIA) for bit-serial data lines, causing the bytes
software-incompatible with Like earlier microcomputers, input/output. (The ACIA is to be stored in a series of
the Motorola 6800 such as the Intel 8008, 8080 simply a type of UART, as locations in some RAM chip
microprocessor. Although it and National PACE, these discussed in Don Lancaster's. on the bus; all this would
will be a while before the new processors make use of a September article on serial take place in th e intervals
chip finds its way into bidirectional data bus, to interfaces. It may be used to when the CPU itself was
ready-to-build kits for the which both memory and connect a teletype or CRT disconnected from the bus.
hobbyist (after all, the first input/output devices may be terminal to the micro- As a practic al matter,
Motorola 6800 kits have just connected. However there are computer system.) MOS however, small systems do
bee n announced), the news no special input/output Technology plans to supply a not require this kind of direct
should be of interest to instructions in the instruction similar set of chips. memory access (DMA)
nearly every home brew repertoire of either the Most of the time, data is capability, and larger systems
computer experimenter. So Motorola or MOS Technology being transmitted between with more devices on the bus
here's a comparison of the microprocessors. Outpu t of a the microprocessor and the will require buffers on the

MOS Technology Ready lin e arbitrary location takes 4
is probably more valuable cycles, versus 5 for the
Ready or not, here I come: than the three-state address Motorola, and a JSR (jump to
6800 to 6501. lin e buffers available on the subroutine) instruction We thought that the "age
Motorola 6800. requires 6 cycles, as opposed of the affordable computer"
A final hardware to 9 on the 6800. Conditional had arrived when you could
address lines to supply the advantage possessed by the branches take 4 cycles on the buy a microprocessor chip
necessary power - and these MOS Technology chip is Motorola microprocessor,
for $150. But the potent
buffers may as well have speed. The Motorola 6800 while they take 2 cycl es if the
cycle ti me is one microsecond condition is fa lse and 3 if it is combination of new
three-state outputs. technology and free
The other major hardware (1 MHz clock rate), and a true on the MOS Technology
typical instruction takes chip . Because these enterprise has brought
difference between the
about three clock cycles. instructions are so frequently about developments
Motorola 6800 and the MOS
Technology 6500 series is Wh ile the cycle ti me of the executed in most programs, beyond our wildest
that the MOS Technology MOS Technology chip is the 6500 series shou Id enjoy expectations.
chip has an 8080-style Ready nominally the same, the a performance edge over the
line, whereas the Motorola company has hinted broadly Motorola 6800 even at the
6800 does not. The Ready that the chip can be run at same clock rate.
line is used to make the clock rates of 2 or even 3 same for both processors,
MHz. Of course, one would Software Comparison
microprocessor wait for a while Table II lists
have to use faster and more We can treat the
variable length of time before instructions on the Motorola
goin g on with the execution p.xpensive memory chips to instruction set arch itectu re of 6800 which must be replaced
of an instruction. This feature take advantage of this the two processors in two by more than one instruction
makes it easy to use the less increased speed. stages, first considering the
on the 6500 series
In addition, certain critical facilities for manipulating
expensive memory chips, microprocessors.
instructi ons take fewer cycles data and then dealing with
especially for Programmable Some of the instructions
on the MOS Technology chip. the facilities for manipulating
or Erasable Read-Only om i tted on the MOS
An ST A (store accumulator) addresses. Both features are
Memory (PROM or EROM) Technology chip are merely
instruction referencing an i mportan t to the overall
which are not as fast as the incidental; others are more
effectiveness of the processor
CPU itself. It is possible to serious. The lack of signed
use such devices with the design.
com parisons represen ts a real
Motorola 6800, of course, by Table I. Functionally equivalent
Data Manipulation inconvenience in many
stretch ing out one of the instructions for both the The ins t r u c t ion s for app lications. The lack of a
clock phases to as long as five Motorola 6800 and MOS manipulating data are quite simple ADD instruction
microseconds. But the Technology MCS6501 means that an operation such
microprocessors. The mnemonics
similar on the two processors.
availability of the Ready line There are two major as A = B + C on one-byte
are Motorola's. Of course, these
on the MOS Technology chip instructions operate on the A differ e nces: First, the operands must be coded with
is certainly a convenience, accumulator only in the Motorola 6800 has two 8-bit a "Clear Carry" (CLC) as in
and allows you to use MCS6501, bu t can address either accumulators, A and B, while this example:
extremely slow memories if accumulator in the Motorola
6800. The BIT instruction (*) has
the MOS Technology chip has
you wish. a different effect on the V and N only one accumulator, A. CLC
The MCS6501, first in the processor flags in the MCS6501 . Second, in addition to LOA B
MOS Technology 6500 series, conditional branches for AOC C
requires the same type of unsigned comparisons, the STA A
externa l clock as the AND EOR Motorola 6800 has special
Motorola 6800. But for $25 ASL INC branch instructions for signed on the MOS Technology chip.
you can have the MCS6502, ASR IN X comparisons, but the MOS On the other hand, a
which includes an on-the-chip BCC JMP computation such as A = B +
Technology ch ip does not.
clock, driven by an external BCS
BEQ LDA (The signed comparisons treat C - 0 could be coded as
single phase clock or an RC BIT* LDX the two values as positive or
or crystal time base input. As BMI LSR negative numbers in two's CLC
the manufacturer suggests, it BNE NOP complement notation, in the LOA B
is probably cheaper in an BPL ORA
BVC PSH range - 128 to +127 . For AOC C
original design to use the BVS PUL example, - 1 is represented as SBC 0
MCS6502 than to provide the CLC ROL 2 8 - 1 = 1 1 111111. An STA A
external logic to generate the CLI RTI unsigned comparison would
two-phase clock. CLV RTS
treat this quantity as the assuming that the inclusion of
To sum up, both the CPX SEC largest possible (8-bit) value, "carry" in both operations is
Motorola 6800 and the MOS DEC SEI whereas a signed comparison indeed desired.
Technology have comparable STA would treat it as smaller than, Less serious but sti ll
features with some STX say, zero.)
irritati ng are the absence of
differences. In terms of TXS Table li sts the the ROR (rotate right), NEG
hardware differences, the instructions which are the (negate) and COM

Table II. Motorola 6800 instructions which have no direct equivalent in Motorola 6800 h as a single
the MCS6501. Th e information in this table is taken from MOS 16-bit index regis ter, called
Technology documentation on the 6500 series.
X. Essentially all instructi o ns
have an indexed addressing
form, in which a one-byte
displacement (0-255) is added
to the address in the index
Motorola 6800 Instruction Equivalent 6500 Series Sequence
register to form the effective
ABA No B accu mulator address. The MOS
BGE loc BMI *+ 6, BVC loc, BVS *+4, BVS loc
Technology chip, on the
BGT loc BMI *+ 6, BVC *+ 6, BVS * +6, BVC *+4, other hand, has two 8-bit
BNE loc index registers, called X and
BHlioc BCS *+ 4, BNE loc Y. All of the computational
BLE loc BEQ loc , BMI *+6, BVS loc, BVC *+4,
instructions have indexed
BVC loc
BLS loc BCS loc, BEQ loc addressing forms in which
BLT loc BMI *+ 6, BVS loc , BVC *+4 , BVC loc either a one- or two-byte base
BRA JMP address is added to the
BSR JSR contents of either the X or
CBA No B accumulator
the Y register to form the
CLR [locI LOA #0, [STA locI
COM [locI [LOA locI , EOR #$ FF, [STA loel effective address.
OAA Repl ace d by SEO Which approach is the
OES U se PHA better one? For the purpose
LOS loc
of accessing elements of
LOX loc, TXS
NEG [locI EOR #$ FF, AOC # 1 [or LOA # 0, SBC locI arrays, or tables of many
ROR [locI [LOA locI , PHP, LSR , PLP, BCC * +4, identical elements, the MOS
ORA #$80, [STA locI Technology chip comes out
SBA No B accumulator way ahead. This is partly due
STS loe TSX, STX loc
to the lack of certain critical
SUB CLC, SBC instructions on the Motorola
SWI BR K saves state without transferring 6800, such as an instruction
control to add the contents of an
TAB No B accumulator
accumulator to the index
TBA No B accumulator register, or even to transfer
TPA PHP, PLA the value in the accumulators
TST BIT #0 to the index register.
Suppose that we wish to
op disp , X LOY #d isp, op @Ioe, Y
[indexed addressing model [indirect index ed addressing model add the Ith element of an
array, SI, to another variable,
T. I n general, the array may
be located anywhere in
memory, and the subscript I
may be the result of some
(complement) instructions, as Address Manipulation instruction is three bytes
calculation done in the
well as single-byte long; the second and third
The greatest architectural accumulators. Letting S
instructions to incre ment and bytes form the effective
differences between the two denote the address of the
decrement the accumu lator. address (0-65535), which can
processors lie in their zeroth element (the base
Probably the least significant referenc e any byte in
facilities for manipulating add ress) of the array, and
difference is the omission of memory. The short form of
addresses, or their assuming that the value of the
the B accu mu la tor on the the LDA instruction,
"addressing modes" - and however, is two bytes long; subscript I is already in the A
MOS Technology chip. This is
here the MOS Technology the second byte forms the accumulator, consider the
more than made up for by
chip has much more to offer. effective address (0-255) of a ins tru ctions necessary to
the availability of an extra
accomplish this operation on
index register (see beloW). The two microprocessors byte in the first "page" of
the two processors.
All in all, the Motorola are the same in one respect: memory. The "short form"
6800 comes out ahead when both have special "short instructions generally take
considering facilities for forms" of most instructions one fewer clock cycle to'
manipulating data, the most for referencing the first 256 execute, . since only two The biggest difference is in
important point in its favor bytes of memory. This is rather than three instruction
the area of addressing
being the availability of the called "direct addressing" on bytes must be fetched from
modes, an area where the
signed comparisons. the Motorola 6800, and "zero memory .
6500 series devices far
Generally speaking, however, page addressing" on the MOS The major differences
the basic instructions Technology chip. As an between the two processors outshine the Motorola 6800.
available on the two example, the most general lie in the important area of
processors are quite similar. LDA (load accumulator) index e dad dressing. The

On the Motorola 6800, registers, X and Y, whereas
our first try yields the the Motorola 6800 has only
following: one (16-bit) index register X.
As we shall see, two index
SHI registers are far more valuable Two index registers are
EQU 5/256*2 56
CLR B than two accumulators . This far more valuable than
is because programs
ADD A #5-SHI Calculate the two accumulators.
frequently manipulate two
ADC B #5/256 indexed ad dress (or more) tables, or other
indirectly addressed variables,
at the same time. As an
examp le, we will consider This routine requires 17
LDA A 0, X Perform desired perhaps the simplest bytes, and executes in 404
ADD AT computation
] operation of this type, the clock cycles. The
problem of moving a string of improvement in speed clearly
T his instruction sequence to the same problem on the bytes from one area of depends on the number of
requires 19 bytes, counting MOS Technology chip: storage to another. Assume bytes to be moved; each pass
the two-byte temporary that 20 bytes, starting at the through the loop in the
TEMP and assuming that location denoted by the Motorola 6800 routine takes
TEMP and T are located in TAX symbol FROM, are to be 41 clock cycles, wh ile each
the fi rst 256 bytes of LDA 5, X moved to the area starting at pass through the loop in the
memory. Since the array 5 ADD T the location denoted by the MOS Technology routine
could be anywhere in STA T symbol TO. takes 20 cycles. (The MOS
memory, we were unable to On the Motorola 6800, we Technology routine is also
use the displacement field of can write the following limited to moving at most
This instruction sequence
an instruction with indexed routine: 256 bytes.)
requires only seven bytes.
addressing for the array base Once again the degree of
Only four bytes were needed LOOP
address, and instead we had LDX FRPTR] Fetch improvement is substantial,
to reference the element 51, LDA A 0, X FROM
to add the array base to the and the improvement is
versus eight for the Motorola
index (in double precision), LDX TOPTR] Move
6800. STA A 0, X TO
store the result in memory, How important is this
load it into the index register, improvement? It is certainly INC FRPTR] CIlange
INC TOPTR pointers Vss 40
and finally reference the significant, since arrays and DEC COUNT 2 Halt · 39
array element 51' tables are used so frequently BNE LOOP Test 3 <1> 1 38
We can improve on this in programs of any size. On continuation
4 IRQ 37
with the aid of a little lateral the other hand, in many
thinking. Noticing that the 5 36
app lic ations it is on ly
6800 is actually capable of necessary to reference each 6 NMI 35
add ing a one-byte quantity to element of an array in turn; it 7 8A 34
a two-byte address, but only TOPTR FDB TO
is not necessary to access COUNT FCB 20 8 Vee 33
in a storage reference with elements randomly based on 9 AO 01 32
indexed addressing, we will a computed subscript. In this 10 31
split up the base address into case, we can obtain better This routine requires 24
11 30
two parts to arrive at a better code on the Motorola 6800 bytes, including the working
solution: by first loading the array base storage locations, and 12 29

address into the index executes in 820 clock cycles. 13 28

register, and then referencing This routine can move up to 14 06 27

SHI EQU 5/256*256
each element directly (i.e., 256 bytes. 15 26
with a zero indexed address On the MOS Technology
LDX TEMP 16 25
displacement), incrementing chip we have the following
LDA A S-SHI, X 17 24
the address in the index solution:
ADD AT 18 23
STA AT register using the INX LDX #0 19 A12 22
instruction to proceed from LDY #0
element to element. We are LOOP LDA FROM, X
20 Vss 21

therefore using the 6800's STA TO, Y

Fig. 1. The pin assignments of the
TEMP FDB SHI index register to hold a INX Mo torola 6800 (and by
pointer or indirect address INY inlplication, the MOS Technology
rather than an index . DEC COUNT MCS6501). VSS is ground (0
This instruction sequence An even more important BNE LOOP volts) and VCC is +5 volts. The A
requires only 12 bytes, under difference between the two lines are address outpu ts, and the
D lines are bidirectional tristate
the same assumptions. microprocessors in that the data bus lines. For details see the
Even so, we can't match MOS Technology chip Motorola and MOS Technology
the simplicity of the solution possesses two (8-bit) index COUNT FCB 20 documentation of these parts.

which is too large to place in
o the first page of memory, one
'--______-'1 Accumulator A can trade space for time by
o placing the array base address
'--______-'1 Accumulator B
in the first page of memory,
and then referencing e lements
15 o
of the array usi ng indirect
indexed addressing. Each
element reference takes less
L. I_ _ --------------'I
15 0
Program Counter
space (two bytes instead of
three) but more time (five

L. I______________. .I Stac k Pointer

cycles instead of four) than
wou ld be required for
ordinary indexed addressing.
Condition Codes
Ther e are two other
-r..........,. . . . .,. .
L....JL....J....... Reg i ste r
addressing modes on the MOS
Carry (From Bit 7)
Technology chip which are
somewhat less useful. The
first is called " indexed
Zero indirect" addressing : Here the
' - - - - Negative contents of the X register are
added to a one-by te base
address to obtain the address
' - - - - - - Half Carry (From Bit 3)
of a two-byte constant in the
first page of memory. The
Fig. 2. The programmer's view of the 6800 CPU. This diagram, contents of this two-byte
excerpted from the Motorola 6800 documentation, shows the various
constant then becomes the
registers of the CPU including the processor's condition code register.
Note the similarity to the MCS6S01 in Fig. 3. the second byte specifies the effective ad dress .
address of a two-byte Unfortunately this addressing
constant in the first page of mode is not available for the
memory. Th is two-byte JMP instruction, where it
significant because this type limited use except in very constant then becomes the would be most usefu l: It
of problem arises so small programs, since only a "array base address," and the cou ld be used to implement a
frequently in large programs. few small arrays can actually contents of the Y register are "jump table," or a
The MaS Technology be placed in the first 256 added to this constant to "computed GO TO" or
chip has some additional locations. Of greater interest form the effective address. "CASE statement" in some
addressing modes not is the so-called "indirect This addressing mode is very high-level languages.
possessed by the Motorola indexed" addressing mode . useful: In a program with Finally, two other
6800. First, there is a "short In structions with this type of many references to a addressing modes are used
form" for instructio ns with addressing are two bytes long; particular array or table with branch instructions:
simple indexed addressing if
the array base address is in
the first "page" (256
locations) of memory. This
fea tu re is of somewhat 15

~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ LI




One unfortunate feature STACK POINTER

of the MOS Technology

chip's many addressing
modes is that they do \1 I ZERO
not apply consistently DEC IM AL MODE
to all instructions. FORTHCOMING FEATURE
Solid lioe indicates currenlly available fealUres
Dash t.>d line indicates lonhcoming members 01 family

Fig. 3. The programmer's view of the MCS6S0 1 CPU. This diagram,

excerpted from the MOS Technology 6500 series preliminary documen·
tation, shows the various registers of the CPU. Note the similarity to
the Motorola 6800 diagram in Fig. 2.

Table III. Instructions, addressing modes and execution times for the
Motorola 6800 processor. Execu tion times are in "machine cycles"
which for a 1.0 MHz clock take 1.0 microsecond apiece. This table is
excerpted from Motorola documentation on their processor.

Which processor comes out ahead overall? To a great

~ ·E ,. I ;
extent it depends on your point of view: Systems

· ~ ·· ..··
-g 'C 0
-g programs are better on the MOS Technology machines;
0 'i; -g 'C 'i; 'C

~x j

x X
-; U
u x
'C 0. -; u
u E u
0. applications programs would tend to come out ahead
e ~ ! c c ! a: e ~ ! c w !

··· · · · · ·· ··· ·· ··· ··· ·· ·· ·

ABA 2 INC 2 6 7 on the Motorola 6800.
ADC x 2 3 4 5 INS 4
ADD x 2 3 INX
· · · ·· ··
4 5

·· ·· ··
2 3 4
8 ··

··· ···· ···· ·· ·· ··· ·

6 7
x 2
··· 3
· consistently to all In summary, the MOS

·· ·· ·· ··· ··· ···


·· ·
BEA 4 LSR 2 6 7

·· ·· ·· · · ··
BGE 4 NEG 2 6 7 instructions. For example, Technology chip comes out

··· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· ·
BHI 4 ORA x 2 3 4 5
the binary arithmetic ahead when considering
x 2 3 4 5
PUL ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 4 instructions are available with facilities to manipulate
··· ··· ··· ··· ·· ··
2 ·· 6

·· ··· '.·· ·· ·· ·
7 ·
essentially a ll addressing
modes, but the unary
addresses, and in many cases
the advantage realized due to

··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···

SBC x ·· · · · · ·
2 3 5
2 arithmetic instructions are the availability of the extra

·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
4 4
SEI ·····
··· ··· ·· ·· ·· ·
missing the V-register and
indirect modes, and the BIT
addressing modes is
substantial. The greatest
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ··
4 2
CBA 2 STA x 4 5 6 instruction is missing several failing of the 6500 series
· ·· ·· · · · ··
·· ··5 6 7
·· · · · ·· ··
CLI 2 STX 5 6 7 others as well. This not only design is the inconsistent
CLR 2 6 7 SUB x 2 3 4 5
CMP x 2·· · · · · · ··
3 4 5
makes programming more availability of the addressing
·· ·· 6 7 TAP
··· ··· ··· ··· ···
difficult, since one must modes from instruction to

·· ·· ·· · · ·· ···
CPX 3 4 5 6 TBA 2 constantly check to see which instruction.
OM 2 TPA 2

·· ··· ··· ·· ·· ·
DEC 2 6 7 TST 2 6 7 instruction forms are legal, Which processor comes
DEX ··· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 4
4 and program around the out ahead overall? Th is is
EOR x 2 3 4 5
·· WAI
····· 9
exceptions; it also makes the
design of an assembler or
very difficult to judge. It
depends partly on whether
compiler more complicated. the programs being executed
NOTE , I n t e rrupt t ime is 12 cyc les from the end of
the instructio n being execut ed . excep. l fo l low ing A compiler, in particular, on the microcomputer are
a WA I instr uc tion . Then it is 4 cyc les. would require complex logic "system" programs, such as
to determine when it could compilers, interpreters and
and could not take advantage I/O controllers, which tend to
of the addressing modes. make heavy use of address

I I Rei ative" addressing, space savings is realized in Table IV. Instructions, addressing modes and execution times for the
available on both the comparison to processors MOS Technology MCS6501 processor. Execution times are in "machine
cycles" which for a I,D MHz clock take 1.0 microsecond apiece. This
Motorola and the MOS such as the Intel 8080 which
table is excerpted from MOS Technology documentation on their
T e c hn ology processors, is have on ly three-byte branch processor.
used with the conditional instructions. If necessary, a
branch instructions, which conditional branch can
are two bytes long. The always transfer to a
second byte of such an three-byte unconditional JMP
instruction specifies a positive instruction, wh ich can jump
or negative displacement in to any location in memory.
two's complement notation On the MOS Technology ADC 4' 4' . 5' , JSA 6
(- 128 to +127). The chip, a JMP instruction can AND
AS l
4' 4' .
5' lOA
4' 4' .
4' ,
6 5'

BCC 2" , lOY 3 4 4•

destination address of the also specify "absolute BCS 2" , l SA 5 6 7
BEQ 2" , N0P
branch is taken to be the indirect" addressing: In this BIT (JAA 2 3 4 4 4' 4 ' . 6 5' ,
BMI 2" , PHA
algebraic sum of the address case, the second and th ird BNE 2" , P HP
BPl 2" , PlA
of the byte immediately bytes of the instruction BAK
BVC 2" .
A0l 5 6 6 7
following the branch specify the address of a BVS
elC 2
2" , ATI
ClD 2 SBC 2 3 4 4 4' 4 ' 6 5'
instruction and this two-byte constant anywhere ell 2 SEC
elV 2 SED
displacement. Of course, this in memory, and the contents CMP 3 4 4 4' 4 ' 6 5' S E'
ep x 3 4 STA 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
means that it is possible to of this two-byte constant CPY
5 6
STX 3 4 4
6 STY 3 4 4
branch directly to a location becomes the destination DE X
within only a certain limited address for the jump. E0A 2 3 4' 4 ' . (; ;; TSX
INC 5 7 T XA
distance from the branch One unfortunate feature INY TYA
itself; but, more often than of the MOS Technology • Add one eve le it indexi n g across p age boundar'(
not, the range of -128 to chip's many addressing modes • • Add OrlC cvc le if branch is lake n , Add one add i tional d branchin g opera ti on cr osses page boun dary

+127 bytes is adequate, and a is that they do not apply

Against these factors one More information on the I nformation on the
must weigh the availability of 6500 series microprocessors is Motorola 6800 micro-
an excellent applications available from: processor is available from
In favor of the 6500 series manual, proven software, and many local distributors, and
are price and speed; in kits for the hobbyist for the MOS Technology, Inc. from:
Motorola 6800 Valley Forge Corporate
favor of the 6800 are
microprocessor. At the same Center Motorola Semiconductor
availability and very good time, the MOS Technology 950 Rittenhouse Rd. Products Inc.
Motorola documentation. chip's price can't be beat, and Norristown PA 19401 Box 20912
its speed advantage may be 1-215-666-7950 Phoenix AZ 85036
important for some purposes.
At the time that this
manipulation facilities; or article is being written (late
application programs, which August), the MOS
make greater use of data Technology chip is just a
manipulation facilities. One promise: The chip should be GLOSSARY
would expect better results in available for purchase at the BYTE's Board of Resident inexperts (BR!) has ruled the following
the former case with the MOS Western Electronics terms to be worthy of further explanation. This list is probably not
Technology chip, and in the Conference (Wescon) in San complete - readers who would like further explanation of terminology
are invited to write a Ie tter to the editor identifying terms which need
latter case with the Motorola Francisco, September 16·19. such treatment.
6800. One would also expect By the time you read this, the
the MOS Technology chip to chip itself should be in the
enjoy an advantage on large hands of at least a few 8-Bit Bidirectional Bus - a "data This is done by subscripts to
bus" which simultaneously
programs, since larger hobbyists. Let's have some transmits eight separate signals indicate the "nth" element for
subscript "n". Use of such
programs inevitably tend to letters to BYTE describing corresponding to one byte's notation presents the problem of
make use of tables, initial experiences with the worth of information. The bi- calcula ling the effec tive address
subroutines with parameters, new microprocessor! Send directional aspect means that of the ac tu a I da ta being
and other forms of address your comments to the author either tristate, open collector or referenced. In the context of
similar form of output stage is evaluating a CPU, attention spe nt
manipulation. or to the editor of BYTE. In used, so that multiple drivers can on the problem of calculating
the meantime, we'll be be tied in common with only one effective addresses from
waiting to see what new such driver active a t any time. A subscripts is very fundamental.
surprises the semiconductor given board, CPU, output
terminal or other logic circuit can
houses an d kit manufacturers then in terface to the bus (with Time Base whenever it is
All in all, the Motorola
have in store for us. And . so me addressing and master necessary to examine the relative
6800 comes out ahead
BYTE will try to keep you up timing control intelligence) for timing of different signals, it is
when considering facilities to date on the latest both sending and receiving data. necessary to have a reference
for manipulating data ... point and a scale for making the
developments in the world's
measurement. ll1is is the "time
but nevertheless the two hottest, fastest-moving hobby Effective Address - whenever the base" of the reference.
processors are quite similar. - home computers! compu ter's CPU addresses
memory, it must send out 16 bits
(for Motorola 6800, MCS 6501 or
other similar chips). The way in TTL compatible - one of the
which these 16 bits are derived largest families of integrated
Table V. MCS6501 microprocessor instructions, listed in alphabetical can often be a fairly elaborate circuits is the line of
order by mnemonics. The instructions with asterisks are similar to the procedure, as well as a simple "transistor-transistor logi c"
same mnemonics in the Motorola 6800 processor. absolu te expression. Whatever the devices , TTL· for short. A TTL
method of derivation, however, compatible line of some non-TTL
the result is a 16-bit value which device can "drive" one or more
• ADC Add with Carry to Accumu lator - JSR Jump to New Location Saving Return Address is used to address memory, called TTL loads if it is a n output, or
• AND "AND" to Accumula tor -LOA Transfer Memory to Accumulator
* ASl Shift l eI! One Bit (Memory o r Accumula t or) -LOX Transfer Memory to Index X the effective address because it is can receive a TTL device's output
LOY Transfer Memory 10 Index Y what actually does go out to if it is an inpu t. There are variolls
-BCC Branch on C<lfry Clear -LSR Shift One Bit Right !Memory or Accumulator)
• BCS Branch o n Carry Set memory regardless of the details c a u tions to be observed
-SEQ Branch on Zero Result N0P Do Nothing · No Operation of the internal codes of the probably worthy of a BYTE
*BIT TI.!Sl Bits in Memory with Accumulator -0RA "OR" Memory wilh Accumulator article - when different types of
-8MI Branch on Result Minus -PHA Push Accumulator on Stack
*BNE Branch on Result not Zero PHP Push Processor Status on Stack logic are interfaced, bu t the
-8PL Branch on Result Plus -PLA Pull Accumulator from Stack phrase "TTL compatible" lIsually
• BRK Force an Interrupt Of Break PLP Pull Processor Status from Stack
-BVe Branch on Overf low Clear • AC)L Rotate One Bit Left (Memory or Accumulator) Instruction Repertoire the . means that the compatible devi ce
*BVS Branch on Over/low Set repertoire of a musician is the set can be wired directly to TTL
·CLC Clear Carry Ft.,g -RTI Return From Interrupt
ClD Clear Decimal Mode -RTS Return From Subroutine
of all pieces he or she can play interconnection pins safely in at
·ell Clear Interrupt Disable Bit ·SSC Subtract Memory and Carry fr OIll Accumulator we II inc 0 ncert. Well, the least one configuration.
·CLV Crear Overflow Flag -SEC Set Carry Fl ag repertoire of a computer - its
·eMP Compare Memory and Accumulator SED Set Decimal Mode
*CPX Compare Memory and Inde x X ·SEI Set Interrupt Disable Status
instructions - is the list of all the
CPY Compare Memory and Index Y *STA Store Accumu lator in Memory instructions it can perform and
*DEC Decrement Memory by One ·STX Store Index X in Memory
their definitions.
*DEX Decrement Index X by One STY Store Index Y in Memory
Unary - this term is derived from
DEY Decrement Index Y by One TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index X the Latin roots of "oneness." A
-E0R E xc lusive·or Memory with Accumlrlator TA Y Transfer Accumulator to Index Y unary operation is an operation
-INC Incremen! Memory by One *TSX Transfer Stack Register to Index X
*,NX Increment X by One TXA Transfer Index X to Accumulator Subscript - in typical high order which has bu t one operand, for
INY Increment Y by One ·TXS Transfer Index X to Stack Register languages, a means is provided to example the complement opera-
*JMP Jum~ 10 New Loclllion TYA Transfer Index Y 10 Accumu lator
specify elements of arrays of data. tion of a Motorola 6800 CPU .

. . .
~. rir. . )
\..J \..:.) «>
. y ...

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Monitor S Y2
Your Own coffee pot at 6:00 am. Before
you go to bed you type in
XQT 012000 and the
as one that is recognized by
the CPU. For exa mple, JMP
wou Id be a no-no.

Pseudo program is ru nning. That's

great, but if you have a lot of
routines, you have to look up
the proper starting address if
How Do I Implement my
Own Pseudo Instructions?
I thought you would never

Instructions you forget. How about just

entering COF and let Monitor
8 find it for you?
The first thing to do is
relocate the Five Byte Tabl e
What you have done is that now lives at 004021
assign a mnemonic to your through 004155. Since we are
routine and called it with a going to add our Pis to this
Monitor 8 is a program which was written by people at the pseudo instruction, PI for table, we have to get some
now defunct Microsystems International semiconductor opera- short. room and it's now hemmed in
tion. The program was published in the MF8008 Applications by the DPS Output routine
ManuaL 1974 Edition, Bulletin 80007, by Microsystems What's a Pseudo Instruction? and the Three Byte Table. I
International, Ltd., Box 3529 Station C, Ottawa, Canada, K1 Y The 8008 CPU recognizes suggest you start it on a fresh
4JJ. I'm working at the problem of getting permission to 48 basic instructions. page of memory. Once you
reproduce the copyrighted materials in sections C (User's Counting the variations, there start adding your own Pis
Guide) and D (Software Listing) for the benefit of the 8008 are 228 in all. In mnemonic you will get carried away, so
hackers in BYTE's readership. Monitor 8 is a "systems form, LAB is an instruction leave lots of room at the end
program" designed to make life easier for you by performing recognized by the CPU. But of the Table .
various little "utility" functions like editing octal data in you can LAC, LAD, LAE and . (The Five Byte Table is
memory, loading and dumping to cassette tape, copy ing data so on, so the basic instruction the pseudo instruction
from place to place in memory, translating machine codes to is Lr1 r2 and the different command table for Monitor
mnemonics, setting and clearing break points, etc. The people combinations are variations 8. This table contains 5-byte
who have the applications manual of MI and use Monitor 8 are of that basic instruction. (r1 groups consisting of three
usually enthusiastic about it . . . witness the following set of or r2 can be anyone of the bytes of pseudo instruction
comments sent in by Willard [ Nico concerning use and mnemonics A, B, C, 0, E, L, name followed by a 2-byte
extensions of the program as it was printed in the original H or M.) pseudo instruction service
manual. If you come up with a rou ti ne address. There is one
three-letter combination, 5-byte group for each pseudo
such as DLP, that is not one instruction that Monitor 8
of the variations recognized understands. There is a
by the CPU, but which will psuedo instruction service
I've fallen in love with cause something useful to rou tine to execute each
"Monitor 8". The noble happen, it's called a pseudo different pseudo instruction.)
effort by Programmer Tom of instruction. When you are Let's assume that you
Mi c rosystems International running the Monitor 8 choose 007000 as the starting
has made it easier and more program, DLP will cause the point for your new Five Byte
fu n to write, edit and current location pointer to be Table. With the Monitor 8
manipulate programs. But the p ri n ted on your output running, type
Willard 1. Nico Monitor can be even more device, and therefore it is a CPY
Delta t fun, more enjoyable and p.1.
11020 Old Katy Road, Suite 204 more useful if you get inside So how about COF? Or
Houston TX 77043 004155
its little head and stir things TKL (if you have the proper 007000
up a bit. output device), or EAT, SLP,
RUN? They can all be Pis if and your handy COPY
Roll Your Own Pseudo the desired program runs Routine will move the Table
Instruction! when you type in the for you .
Say you've got a routine mnemonic. The only Now that the Tabl e has
starting at memory location restriction is that your been moved, we need to
012000 that turns on the mnemonic can't be the same change the reference to its

location in the main program. The original Table had 022 before recording it in the to ask for a starting and
That's easy too, thanks to (octal) listings, so we simply T a ble. As an example, ending address. Your RUN
Monitor 8. Typ e change it to 023. suppose you want to add program can then include a
EDT RUN and the routine needs call to 001023 for data at the
EDT to know where to run from first and each succeeding
* and to . If the RUN program address and a call to 000362
003153 *
000 003151 resides at 013000, your new each time around to
(space) 023 Table entry would be increment the current
(space) will take care of it nicely . location pointer; compare it
007 122 to the desired end ing address
125 and return to the Monitor
and your new Table is in use. Getting Fancy 116 when finished.
Beca use of automatic
You can implement Pis for 000 So there you have it. A
addressing betwee n the Three
routines that need a starting 213 new dimension for the fine
Byte Table and Five Byte
and ending address just as Monitor 8 program. Give it a
Table for the HL T, RST, INP,
easily. Just remember to add When the PI is typed in, the try and I know you will like
OUT a nd ??? symbolic
"200" to the high address Monitor will respond with a * it. HPY PGM.
dumps, a portion of the Five
Byte Table (004127 through
004155) will have to be left
at the old location as well as
being part of the Table at the
new location. The rest of the
old addresses (004021
through 004126) can be used
Gremlin Chasing
to store any new routines you
can fit in . the Monitor 8
Add a Pseudo Instruction
The hours spent re-coding high address when a and the current instruction
Now we are ready to add a and punching the bre akpoint is set. Before will be replaced with
new PI to the Monitor 8 Mic rosystems International setting a new one, or when whatever is at 013365. You
repertoire. Let's take the "Monitor 8" software into clearing the breakpoint, the can verify this by noting the
COF program at 012000. We my system hav e been instruction is replaced at the LAM instruction at 001034
add the mnemonic to the exceptionally rewarding. To address stashed. after the Hand L pointers
Five Byte Table, followed by put it mildly : It's great! To Th e Cl ear Breakpoint have been set.
the lower and then the higher Programmer Tom, wherever rou tine sets the Hand L Since the random codes
addresses. I think the easiest you are, thanks for an poi nters at the original occurring in the memory
way is with the EDT routine. outstanding effort. instruction (013365) stash elements at the stash location
Look up the octal equivalents While using the Monitor, I and retrieves it to the E on power-up are usually high
for the letters C, 0 and F. We found a confounding gremlin register. It then increments numbers, the instruction
will add the PI to the Five popping up inexplicably in the L pointer to the location mostly gets changed in a
Byte Table starting where the my otherwise operational of the high address stash non-existent location; but not
??? is and then replace the (013367) and calls the "Set H always. That's what made it
programs. Several times I
??? at the end of the Table. trac ked malfunctions down and L" routine, entering at such a once-in-a-great-while
So type to a code that bore no 001027. goof.
EDT resemblance to the one I had Theoretically, the high Of the several ways to fix
* origi nally pu t there. address is 100 to indicate a the problem, I found one that
007132 Sou nd familiar? Take clear breakpoint. This 100 is does not require any added
103 "C" (ASCII) heart! I have tracked the tested by loading the D programming steps and can
117 " 0 " gremlin to his lair and registe r with 100 at 001365 be implemented nicely.
106 "F" herewith formulate the liberal and exiting at 001370 if a Change 001365 to load
OOO} add~ess
of COF dose of gremlinocide that will match indicates that the the D register with "065".
put him belly-up. breakpoint is already clear. Change 001370 to RFZ. Now
012 The problem begins with The problem is that the when the instruction at the
077 "?" the Clear Breakpoint (CBP) "Set Hand L" routine exits location addressed by the H
077 "?" routine beginning at 001353. with the current instruction and L stash is tested, nothing
077 "?" This routine is addressed by in the A register, not the H will change unless the
Now that we have a new the CBP pseudo instruction address as the programmer ins tru ction is Breakpoint
Table entry , we need to and is also called by the Set anticipated. When the Execute call RST 060 (code
extend the number of entries Breakpoint (SBP) routine. comparison is made with the 065) .
the Five Byte Table search Memory locations 013365, 100 previously loaded into Note that instructions
rou ti ne will go through 013366 and 013367 are used the D register, there will 001 372 through 001376 can
before giving up and calling it as a stash for the original never be a match (unless the be NOP'd since they are "do
a "no find". instruction, low address and current instruction is J Fe) nothings." -w.i .n.

A Versatile Read Only
Memory Programmer
Peter H. Helmers
Box 6297, River Station
Volatile or non-volatile ? That is the question_ Sh ould your software Rochester NY 14611
be set in logical concrete, or should it be input fr o m a mass storage
device such as audio tape every time you start up th e system? For
certain small and frequ e ntly used utility software rou tin es, d edica ting a mistakes, take time and work
portion of your computer's memory address space to PR OM is a useful away from disturbances.
technique. Peter Helm ers supplies this article on a means to o llercome
the most difficult hurdle of the technique - programming th e PROMs Programming Concepts
themselves. To program a given bit in a
The prime candidates for PROM memory are ro utines to extend PROM, the word address is
your microcomputer 's limited instruction set in software, and that set upon some address
fundamental utility program - th e bo otstrap loader. For example, on switches, and the bit within
the next home brew computer I'll wrap up, / have in mind a 63-by te the addressed word is
ROM loader program which will be blown into two 822 3 ROMs using selected, using an output
this programmer. Th en wh en / push "load" to restart the sys te m I'll selector switch. As shown in
automatically go to a loop which reads in th e "real " software off an Fig. 1, the circuitry involved
audio tape cassette, then branches to the entry point of th e soft ware on in addressing is set up in a
completion of th e load. Some of the microcomputer kit manufacturers general manner to allow
have begun to deZiller system software in ROMs using th e larger mask add ressing of either of the
programmable and UV-erasable PROMs. Even if yo u build a kit rath er two PROM organizations
than a home brew system design, y ou may find this programmer useful (e.g., either 256 x 4 or 32 x
when adding extra subroutines to the ex isting software to custo mize 8).
your computer. Due to lack of foresight by
the PROM designers, there
are three sets of programming
procedures which are needed
The read only memory, or program the PROMs that 8223 (32 word by 8 bits), the for the five types of PROMs
ROM, is a versatile element in they sell. However, for the Schottky versions of the which this programmer was
digital electronics. Inone small user, the virgin PROMs 8 2 2 3 : the 8 2 5 2 3 a nd designed for. However,
case, I've been able to replace not only cost more than 825123, and the 82526 and conceptually, they all require
over three packages of surplus PROMs, but most 82529 (256 words by 4 bits). control of three PROM
integrated circuits with a distributors will also charge a The programmer programs parameters: the PROM
single ROM. In addition to one time setup charge of any of these PROMs one bit voltage (ROMVcc), fusing
this, circuits designed arou nd from $5 to $25. at a time in strict accordance current (If) and CE logic
ROMs tend to be less The current sWPlus price to 5ignetics recommended level. What varies is the value
cluttered; the ROM virtually for PROMs is about one third specifications. It is also of these voltages and
forces a cleaner design. ROMs of the current distributor capable of verifying and/or currents, and the order in
can work wonders. price (for an 8223 the figures examining any bit of these which they are applied.
For the amateur, though, are $3 surplus vs. $8.95 new). PROMs to ensure that they The timing can be
ROMs are not always easy to Thus the amateur whose have been programmed represented in general as
use. Mask programmed ROMs resources are limited can save properly (or that "surplus" shown in Fig. 2. The effect of
are programmed by the the most money by buying doesn't mean "pre- each control signal will be
manufacturer and tend to surplus PROMs and then programmed" - but then I've discussed separately for each
carry high setup charges. programming them himself. received "new" PROMs from of the programming
Program mabie read only This article describes a distributors that have been procedures.
memories, or PROMs, are circuit for a PROM preprogrammed . . . ). From
available from electronics programming unit for some my experience, it takes about 8223 Programming Procedure
distributors such as commonly available surplus an hour to manually program K1 when active
Hamilton-Avnet or Cramer. PROMs; the PROMs which a PROM, and then verify each corresponds to grounding
These distributors will also can be programmed are the bit. However, to avoid (applying a logic "0") the CE

07 9
~ AO 06 7
~ AI OR 05 6 For software design, use
82523 04 5
~ A2 T8P * 03 4
of an ROM can replace
II 1.....- volatile RAM memory for
10 A4
01 ~ routines you always want
'I' VCC CEGN8° ..!.... to have around.
15 rJ: 07
06 +5
1-0 +5 +5
55 lOOK 8
04 TRiM
1-0 HI
52 IK 7
VCC 03
ICI .nn
IK NE555
6 3
02 2
01 +
..t> 00
58 16 14
~ ~ AI 03 5ELEC TOR +5
4 A2 82526
A3 TBP* 03

2 P5T
16 AO
II 12
A4 15
o +5 VCC CE
510 2 04
IC3 8
L--.. I A6 8223 GND
.....JVV'V--o+ 5
Fig. 1. Addressing and data input configuration for a manually V CNTL F CE
controlled version of the programmer. *To be programmed. U
1/4A +5VDC

input of the 8223. Next,

when K2 is active, a fusing
82523 and 825123 except
that the Vcc is raised to 12.5
Pji,--24_V_A_C-t:fif~v +

current is fed into the volts, and the fusing current 'i' 3300!-,F
selected PROM output. This is 89 mAo IIOVAC m 50VDC

c urrent is specified by
5ignetics as the current Circuit Design
resulting from 12.5 volts Basically, there are three Fig. 3. Timing sequencer. This is the logic used to implement the timing
app lied through a 390n parts to this circuit which are diagram of Fig . 4 with the program of Fig. 5 .
resistor to the P ROM output. shown in Figs. 1, 3 and 4.
The final step, when K3 is Fig. 3 shows the timing
active, is to raise the PROM's sequencer which has the question of "which came flip flop, 7474 IC4, is cleared.
Vcc (pin 16) to 12.5 volts. responsibility of developing first : the programmer or the Despite the fact that the 555
(The circuits that control the proper control signals PROM?") Referring to Fig. 5, oscillator is producing a 2
these voltages will be required for both the programmer starts out in kHz square wave, the counter
discussed later.) programming and verifying. a verify state upon poweri ng is inhibited from counting
The control is accomp lished up or after programming a because its load inpu t is low.
82523/825123 Programming bit. In this state, the 74161
by using an 8223 PROM IC3 At this time, as shown in
in connection with a state state counter IC2 is cleared to Fig. 5, the PROM's CE input
K1 when ac tive raises the counter. (This brings up the zero and the counter enable
82523's Vcc to 10 volts. is held low so that the
Th en, when K2 is active, a selected output may be
fusing current of 65 mA is exa mined by means of the
applied to the selected output "OUTPUT" indicator LED
of the PROM. Finally, during Fig. 2. "Kontrol" signals K1, K2 and K3 - relative timing. lamp.
K3, the PROM's CE input is A programming sequence
is grounded. is initiated by pushing the
P/V push·button switch
82526/82529 Programmi ng KI
momentarily into the
Procedure K2 ----+-----! program (P) position. This
The procedure for the causes the counter enable flip
82526 and 82529 PROMs is K3------+------+-----~ flop to be clocked high,
iden tical to that for the allowi ng the state counter to

cou nt. The PROM IC3 82S23 and 82S26 types of same so that the following contained in IC7a. Thus when
controls what happens in PROMs it can be action is taken in state 15 Vcntl is low, the transistor
each state. States 1 through 4 implemented in common. (regardless of type of PROM). conducts so that the value of
are "do-nothing" states to Thus for these PROMs, the In this state, the STOP ROMVcc is 5 volts. When
allow the P!V switch to stop AO input of IC3 is tied low so output of IC3 is low so that Vcntl is high the transistor
bouncing. These states that the Vcntl, FUSE, and CE the counter enable flip flop is doesn't conduct so that the
address words 00001 through control lines will be cl eared, and the state counter ROMVcc voltage is increased
00100 or words 10001 sequenced as shown in Fig. 5. is reset to state 0 on the next to either 10 volts or 12.5
through 10100 of PROM IC3 In other words, the A1 clock pulse. Since the load volts depending on which
depending upon the AO input through A4 inputs of IC3 are line is held low, the state zener is switched into the
at pin 10. States 5 through 14 seq ue nc i ng th rough the cou nter will stay in this state circuit by S3c (which
are then used for the program in PROM storage at until IC4 is clocked high depends on the type of
programming procedure's words 00101 through 01110. when another bit is to be PROM to be programmed).
execution. For the 8223 PROM, the programmed. The basic current source is
What happens during AO input of IC3 is high so Fig. 4 shows the voltage shown in Fig. 7. Note that a
states 5 to 14 depends upon that the control Ii nes are and current sources that zener diode is required to
the type of PROM being sequenced by the alternate generate the programming limit the voltage developed at
programmed, as was discussed program stored in words signals detailed above. There the ground pin of the
above. Since the sequence of 10101 through 111100f1C3. are two aspects to the control regulator. This diode is used
events is the same for the However, words 01111 of these sources: type of to protect the PROM being
and 11111 of IC3 are the PROM, and the control programmed. Because the
signals from the state zener protection voltage and
sequencer. the value of the fusing
Fig. 4. Voltage and current sources. The basic voltage source is current varies for the
shown in Fig. 6. This circuit different PROMs, switches
can be modified by using a S3a and S3b select the Vp
transistor switch to and If values required . But
30VDC>--......- - - - - i
IC6 1----<...-- ROM VCC selectively short out the zener the 8223 requires a current
+ C5

diode. Thus when the zener is
shorted, the output voltage
defined by 12 . 5 volts
supplied through a 390 Ohm
will be 5 volts; when the resistor. Thus switches S3a
1/2 75451 3 S3C zener is not shorted, the and S3b also switch circuit
...... - - - - - - - - . . . , output will be the sum of the
I IK IC7A I 'S26 'S23 y'23 into the voltage source
II zener voltage and the
VCNTL>-~-2~1~~ I configuration discussed
regulator's normal 5 volt
IL _ _ _ _ _ _ . _...J i ZI
output. Referring to Fig.
above. Switch S3e then
selects the fusing current
4(a), the transistor switch is from either the output of the
current source circuit
a. Voltage source for ROMVcc.
configuration, or from the
390 Ohm resistor required for
the 8223.
...-----"-----, 2
lC7b, which is controlled
30VDC >-...----'-1 IC8 by the FUSE signal, is used to
+ C6 78058 route the fusing current. If
1·331-'F L - - - . ::-----"7"1.. FUSE is low, the transistor in
IC7b will conduct so that no
current is applied to the
selected PROM output. When
FUSE is high, the transistor
+ 5V Z5 won't conduct so that
R9 programming can occur.
FUSE 390 Fig. shows the
addressing circuitry for the
programmer and requires no
further comment.
180.0. Construction
SI8 ~-'--~~-~+5V
The prototype (which was
TO ROM LED2 designed and constructed in a
period of about 28 hours)
was built using wire wrap
techniques. All discrete
b. Current source for If rou ted to PROM outputs via S2. components were soldered
into DIP headers so that Fig. 5. Timing diagram of the sequencer. This is a synchronous timing
generator illustrating one use of ROM logic. The relative timing is built
wiring could be done to wire
into the ROM program of 8223 IC3 - with a master control of the rate
wrap sockets for these parts set by the clock of 555 ICl .
as well. The board layout that
was used is shown in Fig. 8.
There are two items which
should be noted. Be sure to PIN3
use heatsinks for the voltage 7474 ~~_1Jr--------------------------------'L:~
regulator ICs since they have PIN 3

to dissipate a lot of power 7474

(due to the use of a single 30
volt unregulated supply).
The front panel of the FOR 82523,82526 :
programmer was arranged as V CNTL

shown in Fig. 9. Thus most of

the switch wiring was done
on the front panel, and
interconnection to the wire
wrapped circuit board was FOR 8223 :
accomplished by using two
plugs made from DIP headers. FUSE
About 12 inches of wire was
used for these interconnects. CE
STATE -----lr - - - - - IL. _________________ r IL- -=-_'
It is also advisable to include COUNTER = 0 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 0
several ground wires to STATES--mDE80UNCE I

decrease noise. START STOP~

Note that this design
requires the use of a V CNTL = O=:>ROM VCC =+5V FUSE=O=:> if-O

preprogrammed PROM (e.g., v CNTL " I::> ROM vcc " 1+ IOV-82S23 FUSE . ,::>if=165mA 82523
+12.5V- 89mA 82526
IC3 : an 8223) . This PROM 82526,8223 12.5V THRU
must be programmed FOR 8223
according to the truth table
of Fig. 10. Probably the
easiest way to get this PROM
is to take advantage of the frequency is 2 kHz. However, to state 0 so that no spurious connected to the socket for
offers of the various surplus this se tti ng is not criti cal so bits will be programmed). these PROMs). The bit within
PROM sellers which advertise that if you don't have any Observe that the POWE R the addressed word is selected
in BYTE and other means of measuring LED is lit up. by the output selector switch.
magazines, and have them frequency, just set the pot 2. Address Setup: The (But outputs 04 through 07
pro gram this "bootstrap" near its maximum resistance programmer verifies and/or are not electrically connected
PROM. Their prices tend to setting (so that a frequency < programs only one bit of a for the 256x4 PROMs) .
be reasonable - especially 2 kHz is obtained). PROM at a time. The word 3. Verify/Program: By de-
since this is the last time address is set by switches fault (of de operator ... ?),
you'll have to pay to have a Operation labeled AO through A7 (but the LED labeled OUTPUT
PROM programmed. 1. Turn on: Place the only switches AO through A4 indicates the status of the
Before programming your PROM in the proper socket. are u sed for the 32x8 selected output of the ad-
first PROM, a single Plug the programmer into a PROMs; switches A5 through dressed word. This LED is on
adjustment is required. This 110 volt socket (note that A 7 are not electrically if the bit is a logical" 1" (e.g.,
entails setting potentiometer capacitors C3 and C4 are used
P1 so that the NE555's clock to initialize the programmer

Fig. 7. Current source implemented with a 5 V regulator IC.

Fig. 6. Voltage pedestal technique using a 5 V regulator IC.

I 5V REG 2
R BIAS~ 220n ~--if-~"""-"'~P
1 ./
'.j ~ VZ if=~
r. 7 / RX

Fig. 8. Wire wrap board layout. *Mounted on heatsinks. Extensions and Modifications
The PROM programmer as
originally designed and
describ ed in this article is set
7805A" 78058 " 7805C"
up for a fairly tedio lls
ROMs are not the hand- ope rat e d technique.
ROM VCC FUSE CURRENT +5 VOLTS This technique is appropriate
"universal" logic elements
for occasional use, but is
that some people tend to DISC2 DISC I
DISCRETE DISCRETE hardl y acc e ptabl e for
extensive programming. A n
correctly in logic designs, PI
extension which could easily
they can benefit a given DISC 3 be made is t o replace th e
design; used improperly
they can cause never
I manual switches Sib, S2 alld
S3 with banks of surplus reed
ending grievances. relays driven fr o m TTL gates.
7474 8223
replace Sia with a clock pulse
II derived from your co mputer,
and r eplace th e address
switch es with th e outputs of
Fig. 10. Table of PROM bits to be " blown" to implement the program
>---2.4 volts), and is off if the now use that PROM to test in IC3. A similar table should be made for each PROM which is to be
bit is a logical "0" (e.g., <~.8 out new PROM programmer programmed for general use once the programmer has been built.
volts). Since the PROMs for designs. ADDRESS ~ 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
this programmer come Ao A4 STOP Venti CE FUSE
(hopefully .. .) with "O"s in Final Thoughts
every bit, programming ROMs are great devices, 00000
involves selective fusing of and now the amate ur can 00001
","s in given bits. The fusing easily experiment with them.
process is accomplished by However my experience has
pressing the PROGRAM/ been that ROMs are not the
"universal" logic elements 00001
VE RI FY switch toward s the
PROGRAM position, and that some people tend to 00010
then releasing the switch. The consider them. Used correctly 00011
OUTPUT LED should then in logic designs, they can 00100
be on, to verify that the bit benefit a given design; used 00101
has been programmed. If it improperly they can cause 00110
doesn't fuse, a second never ending grievances. 00111
attempt can be made. As a means to turn 01000
However P ROMs have a software into "firmware" the
reputation of less than only problem with an ROM
perfect fabrication - one technique is making sure your
brand new PROM that I program is debugged before
you blow those irrepl aceab le 01100
encountered required a fusing
current duration of close to 4 fusible links inside the PROM 01101
seconds for one output; I package. 01110
Fig. 9. Front panel layout.
04 ~ ,
~ "07
@ @ 11001

@eg eg eg eg leg eg rgl"l"

AO AI A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 "0"

an 8-bit 10 tch set by the
co mputer~f data bus. As
main memor), to the PRO/vI
and verify the resu lts . . . ,1 PAPER TAPE READER

TELETERre\der 10'
inputs to the computer you'd automatically, and you 'll
supply the logic Ji logic 0 have a project to ex tend t his
Ilerify in forma tion provided d esig n. Such a PROM
by th e LED indicator as well programm er would be a good
as a "program mer busy" idea as a local computer club
signal derived from the project since burning PROM
"Co un ter Enable" line of fC4 progra ms is lik ely to be of
pin 5. Put it all together with common interest to many
software to move data fi'om members.

PARTS LIST IC5, IC6, IC8 780S (5 V regulator

Rl,R2,lk Ya Wl0% - T0220 case)
R3 , R4, l k Ya W 10% IC775451
R6, R7, 1 k Ya W 10% LED1, LED2 any common LED
R8, R9, 1 k Ya W 10% S1 DPDT push-button
R5, R14 180n. Ya W 10% S2 SP8T rotary
Rl0, R15 220n Ya W 10% S3 5P3T rotary
R 11 56n Ya W 10% S4-+S11 SPDT toggle
R 12 1 5o.Q Ya W 10% Z1, Z5 7.5 V zener diode 1 N4737
R1316o.Q Ya W 5% 1W
R16 390n Ya W 10% Z2 5 V, 1 W zener 1 N4733
Z3 22 V, 1 W zener 1 N4748
Pl lOOk trim pot
Cl .15 uF Z4 16 V, 1 W zener 1 N4745 8800 PARALLEL INTERFACE BOARD
C2, C3, C4 .05 uF T1 24 V ac transformer, 300 mA
C5, C6 .33 uF FWB full wave bridge rectifier 50 FEATURES:
piv,1 Amp
C7 3300 mF 50 V electrolytic • 0 to 300 character per second bi-directional
ICl NE555 Mise:
read i ng speeds.
IC274161 Ya A fuse and holder
IC3 8223 (programmed as per line cord • Single 5 volt, 2 amp power requireme nt.
Fig. 5) heatsink for 7805s • Reads anyone inch, 8 level paper tape.
1C4 7474 chassis
• Reads any tape mater ia l with less than 60%
transmissivity (oiled yellow paper).
• Stepper motor drive - one moving part.
• Spring loaded line filament lamp with
DELTAt 15,000 hour life.
• Self-c leaning read head .
• TTL interface , mates with most micro
• Mounts in 4-3/8"H x 4-1/4"W panel cutout
extends 2-1/2" behind and in front of
the pan el.
• Fly Reader 30 Kit (only main PC $295
board requ ires assembly)
• Fl y Reader 30 (assembled and test ed ) $365
• Optional fan fold trays (200'
capacity) mounted on 19"Wx7"H
rack panel $110
• Optional 19"Wx5-1/4"H rack panel
mounting $ 25
• 8 Track incremental data recorder / plaYer
• Optional 5/8 level tape gate for
• 330 Steps per second (2640 baud ) reading both 5 and 8 level tapes $ 25
• READ and WRITE forward or reverse
• 83 113 Bytes per inch record density
• Parallel data input and out put • Net 30 days for rated firms .
• Quick change tape cartridge • Cash with order or master charge plus $3
• EDT and BOT Photo sensors shipping for individual s within continental
• 617/272 - 8504

IGEST - What Distributors Can Do for
the Microcomputer Hacker

One source of the parts

you can use in maki ng your
own home br ew
microcompu ter system is the
traditional electronics
You Wouldn't Want To Be wholesaler. An example of
Without One of These one such wholesaler's product
Did you ever wonder how which may be of interest to
to tap the pins of an some BYTE readers is the
integrated circuit mounted on recently announced line of
a PC board - but without Cramerkit products. These
shorting two pins or losing pro d u c ts, distributed by
grip with the clips? This Cramer Electronics Inc., main
photo illustrates a very useful office 85 Wells Ave., Newto n
hardware debugging tool for MA 02159, are packages of
kit builders - Continental semiconductors and
Specialties Corporation's documentation which were
"Proto Clip" in operation latest catalog brochure this ICs that have been soldered designed and prepared by
grabbing an integrated circuit clip sells for $4.75 in a 16-pin into a PC board as is often Microcomputer Technique
and providing test points for DI P version. the case with both kit and Inc. under the direction of
probes. According to their The tool works best with manufactured products. The Jerry Ogden. I called C. L.
test probe can be attached to Grant, manager of marketing
the exte nded pins for "live" services for Cramer, after he
monitoring of signals. The sent me ,a package of
same peo ple make a variation materials on the kits in late
called "Proto Clip Cables" August. While Cramer is not
which start at $7.50 and really aiming the package at
come with lengths of ribbon the amateur market, I did
cable pre-attached. For full confirm that Cramer will sell
det ai ls write Continental the kits to individuals who
Specialties Corp., 44 Kendall order it and present $495.
St., New Haven CT 06512 - They are not intending to
or use the reader service page give out quantity orders of
of BYTE. this package.

What To Do With a TV program is doin g what Here is
Display ... computers do best - acting as .~~
a bookkeeper for two players o...kit
Here is one example of sitting at the keyboard. A bit
what to do with a TV
typewriter style display
hooked up to acomputer. Jim
of artificial intelligence work
is required to produce the
classical compu ter which plays
Fry, PO Box 6585, Toledo OH against the hu man opponent-
43612, sends us this pictu re a much more complicated
taken of the face of his TV, program. The numbers of the
driven by a TV-type- game's positions are used for
writer/8008 CPU inputting the information on
combination. The display is a moves - the players simply
representation (using ASCII type a number from 1 to 9 for
characters) of a simple an unoccupied square. Th is
program bringing to mind a picture illustrates the board at
game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The the start of a game.

The kits come in versions
oriented towards the
different microprocessors for
which Cramer has a franchise.
are centered around the TI If YOli have n' t usc u o ur Assembly Langu age Operating System you have been mi ssing
a wo nd erful experie nce. We have fo und the AlOS Resident Editor ami Assembler to be
TMS-8080, the Intel 8080A, an extremely useful and powerful progra m development tool. We are so sure you will be
and th e Motorola 6800 turned on with our Software Package No. I that we arc practically giving a li sting away for
a mere S3.00US. Yes, thi s is a so urce lis ting as well as a hexidecim al peinlout.
machin es. Cramer plans The Assem bly Language Operating System gives you the a bility to write programs in
future products in this line 8080 Assembly Language with labels, expressio ns and comments. The progra ms can th en
be cd ited by lin e number, a powerful fea ture that makes corrections and ad ditions very
for the RCA COSMAC, easy. The program ca n be named as a file and sto red al a user selec ted memory loca ti o n
MOSTEK F8 and AMD 9080 whil e a not her fil e is being worked o n. Files ca n be lis te d by lin e number using th e LIST
command before being asse mbl ed. The Assembler co nverts the Assembly Language
chips. In each case, the ki ts mn cmo nic codes and labels to hexidecimal op-codes at any address selected by th e usc r
to run a t any add ress (the ru n address may be different from the location in memory
com e wit h com pie te where th e progra m is placed). Asse mbl y ca n be perfo rmed with or witho ut en o r
messages be ing printed. After assembly th e prog ram ca n be mn using th e EXECUTE
engineering support command Or dumped o nt o casse tt e o r paper tape using th e DUMP command.
documentation, information Paper tapes or casse ttes o f th e program listing will not be ava ilable to individuals but
which is likely to be of wc have already se nt paper tapes to several co mputer clubs aro und th e country. We
suggest you co nta c t o ne o f th e clubs if yo u want a copy o f th e tape o r need assistance.
interest to the serious We will be happy to se nd tape copies to any bona fid e "amate ur" computer club or
society, so if you arc a mcmher of such a group, please let us kn o w of your gro up's
microcomputer enthusiast. In existence by sending us a copy of its la tcst newsletter.
addition to the documenta- In addition wc have a manual desc ribing th e use of th e ALO System from the gro und
up. This will includ e a com plete description with exa mples o f every co mmand, instruc-
tion, the kits are said to tions on th e LIse of all intern al rou tines by other programs and an ovclView of efficient
contain the following items: fil e genera ti o n and ha ndlin g.

The microprocessor IC An eve n mo re wonde rful versio n of th e ALOS is available in firm ware as part of an
8K PROM mod ul e. The expa nd ed version all ows dynamic Input / Output allocation, file
itself. area manage menl hy th e executive, oc tal a nd l or hex data entry, loaders fo r both 8800
BASIC a nd Int el Hex Fo rm at tapes, and ma ny o ther capabilities no t included in th e
- 1 k by 8 bits of RAM. origin al Package No. I. T he basic Resid ent Exec uti ve-Edit or-Assc mbler occ upies abou t
4K of th e 8K maximum capacity. So why th e 8K '!,! Beca use we are leavi ng space for
- 1 k by 8 bits of ROM in future expa nsio n. The first ex pans ion is a powerful Simulator th at ad ds-on to the basic
UV-erasabl e form, with a ALOS package.
SIMULATOR'! '! Yes, a n Int erp re tive Simulator whic h runs 8080 programs on th e
p re -pr ogra m med system sa me 8080 that cont ains th e Si mul<ltor! Not just traps and breakpoints but simulated
monitor which provides a 1/0 , registers, nags, program co unt er and stack po inter. Any of th ese can be mo difi ed at
all times : plus a sing le step mo de th a t di splays all the registe rs, pointe rs. !l ags, e tc., aft e r
software fr o nt panel exec uti o n of each instru c tio n. This Simulator is the mos t powe rful debugging tool for
the 8080 that we know of. Just think, yo u will hardly ever aga in have to to uch th e front
function. panel sw itch es.
Four input and four Both versions o f o ur ALOS require 2K bytes o f R AM for sys te m inte rnal storage and
symbol tables. In ad dition a t least 4K mo re is needed to ho ld use r liles, alth oug h greate r
output ports with complete ca pabilities are ac hieved with 8K o r 12K of user space.
parts requirements.
Support circuitry PTCOS!
What is PTCOS you may ask?? It s tands for Proces.,o r Technology Cassette Operating
includin g clocks, buffering, System and it mean s a rea l Operating System progra m based aro und o ur CDS·VIII dual
control, memory decode, Cassette Data Iransport System. When opera ting und er this program you have true fil e
han dting power to crea le, de le te, edi t , reloca te, and copy all kind s o f riles (e:g. BASIC
etc. and programs written in BASIC). PTCOS can handle multIpl e I/O deVIces usong a speCIal
type of fil e and suit ab le small driving routin es. At last an integ ra ted sys tem concep t fo r .
Controls and displays th e 8800 is a reality! PTCOS is devilishly si milar in its basic operation to an FDOS and IS
with enough parts for a up wa rd compatible wi th future software d evelopme nts from Processor TechnolOgy .

hexa decimal LED front PRICE LIST effecitve OCT. I , 197 5

panel arrangement. KIT ASSEM BLED DE LIV ER Y
- Audio tape interface and PI ocessorTechnoiogy
Software package No . I
a cassette filled with "useful
Assembly Language
Operaling System $3.00 3 weeks ma x. 2465 Fourth Sh eet
It looks like a real product
PTCOS : Processo r
Technology Casselle BerIceIey,Ca.9471O
Operating Syslem WRITE Dece mber '75
for the person who builds ALS·8 PROM Firm- (415) 549-0857
fro m the ground up. It is not ware module expanded
versio n of SP No. I S275. $ 325. 3 weeks
a computer kit in the SIM-I PROM Firm -
conventional sense of a ware add-on 10 ALS-8:
Simulator sel:t ion $95. $ 11 0. 3 weeks
MITS, Godbout or Southwest
Tech product, but then it
doesn't constrain you to a
fixed wiring layout and
system design either. You'll Products. The $49 5 price is The Newest Profession m u s t speak 6th cen tu ry
almost certainly need a essentially for th e Arabic dialects, be able to
wirewrap gun and lots of # 30 se. miconduct ors a nd " Computer hardwar e compute hexadecim all y, be
wire to put this one together documentation alone - the WIZARD is being sought for able to zap gates, exorcise
- or you could buy tHe PC price does not include power a new computer research lab memory, burn ROMs with
board sets furnished by sup ply, case 0 ran y at the University of saltpeter and brimstone, and
hobby suppliers like packaging. Ro c h ester ." Further other related minor skills.
S o uthw es t Technical .CARL professional qualifications - Submitted by A. M. Biguity


If you want someone to help you

stop sn10king cigarettes,

contact your Alnerican Cancer Society.



* This fact taken from a research study is based on the smoker who at age 25 smokes about a pack and a half of cigarettes a day .
We have Altair compatible plug-in peripherals!
ALTAIR! Yo ur A lta ir
a lready has th e in te llige nce , we provide t he d isp lay Just o ne 3 P+S ca rd w ill fulfill th e Inpu t/ Ou tput nee ds o f
mod ul e. This mod ule is no t a limiti ed " TV T y pewriter" most 880 0 use rs. Th e re a re t wo 8 -bit pa ra llel in p ut a nd
but an ult ra -h igh speed comp ut e r termina l b uilt into outp u t po r ts w ith full ha nd sha kin g logic. The re is a lso a
yo ur co m pu te r. T he VD M-I ge ne ra t es sixtee n 64 c harac- seria l I/ O usin g a U A RT w ith bo th te le ty pe c urre nt loo p
ter li n es fro m da ta sto re d in th e I K by te o n-ca rd and E IA RS-232 st a nd a rd interfaces pro vid ed. Th e se ri al
memo ry. Alp hnume ric da ta is show n in a 7x9 do t ma tri x da ta ra te ca n be se t un de r so ftw a re co n tro l bet wee n 3 5
fo rm a t w ith a full 128 uppe r a nd lower case ASC II a nd 96 00 Ba ud. Y o u ca n use yo ur o ld mo d e l 19 TTY!
c h a rac te r se t. Th e VDM-I fea tures E IA vid eo o ut p u t for Thi s m o dul e gives you a ll th e elec tro ni cs yo u nee d to
a ny sta n dard vid eo mo nito r, multi p le prog ramm a ble int e rface m os t pe ripheral d e vi ces with th e Alta ir 88 00 ,
c urso rs, a ut o mati c tex t sc ro llin g an d powe rf ul t es t it 's rea ll y th e m os t useful and ve rsa til e I/ O we' ve see n
editin g so ftw a re in clud ed F R EE ! Av a il a bl e now . fo r a n y co mput e r. Av ailabl e now.

!! MASS STORAGE !! MB-I Mother Board

We have always want ed a low cost, re lia ble , fas t access
sto rage dev ice usin g stan da rd Phill ips casse tt es (we be t Do n't wo rr y a n y m o re ab o ut w irin g hundred s o f wires in
yo u have t oo) , so we go t to wo rk a nd desig ned one - your A ltair to ex pand the mainfra me . O ur single pi ece
he re it is ' With th e C DS-VIII Casse tt e Da ta Sys tem yo u 1/8 -in c h thi c k , ru gge d mo th e r boa rd ca n be in stall ed as
have co m p ut e r co nt ro lled access to 128K by tes of da ta one sing le rep la ce me nt fo r eith e r three o r fo ur 88EC
wi t hi n 2 0 seco nds whe n usin g C-3 0 casse tt es. We p rovide Expa nd e r ca rd s, so you d o n ' t have t o re pl ace yo ur
read/w rit e e le: t ro ni cs and tra nspo rt contro ll er. Alt air a lrea d y in sta ll ed 88EC ca rd if yo u do n't wan t to . The
int e rface, a c~se a nd power suppl y , a nd one o r t wo M B- 1 h as ve ry heavy po we r a nd g ro un d bu sses a nd
mu lt iple mo tor casse tte transpo rts plus F R EE drivi ng comes wi t.h a pi ece o f fl at rib bo n ca bl e for co nnec ti o n to
so ft wa re ' Yes, up to two casse tt e d rives' T wo drives t he f ro nt pa ne l board o f th e 88 00 , a b uilt-in bus te nni-
prov ide muc h more powe rful fil e han dli ng and copyi ng na toI', a nd card g uid e cage fo r s ixtee n plug-in slo ts.
capabili t ies as well as, o f co urse , t w ice th e sto rage Ava il a bl e now .
capac it y. Da ta can be w ritt e n an d/o r read async h rono us-
ly at a ny tran sfe r rat e u p to 150 by tes/sec: a l thi s ra te
ilK BA S IC can be loade d in abo ut 5 0 seco nd s' We have PRICE LIST e ffec ti ve Oc t. I , 197 5
also in cl ud ed pro vi sio n fo r use o f a n y read / w rite
electro ni c plug-in sec ti o n so th a t ta pes us ing HI T, It em Kit Assembled Delivery
Com pu te r Hobby ist o r Digit a l G roup fo rm al s may be
read at lower da ta ra tes. Ava ilabl e in Nove mb e r 1975. 2KRO E PR OM mod ul e 51 5 0 . $ 75. 3 wee ks max .
3 P+S I/ O m odu le 125. 165 . 3 wee ks m ax.
4KRA Static Read / Write Memor y 4 KR A-2 R A M mo dul e w/
This 4096 wo rd STA T IC me m o ry p rovides faster , more 2048 8-bi t wo rds WRIT E FO R D ET A ILS
re li ab le a nd less ex pe nsive o pe ra t io n th a n a n y c urre ntl y 4 KR A-4 R AM m od ul e w/
avai lab le dy n a mi c me m o ry syste m . The 4 KRA pe r m its 40% 8-b it words WRIT E FOR DET A ILS
Alt air 88 00 o pera ti o n a t a bso lut e t op speed RAM o nl y , A MD 9 1 L0 2 A
co ntinuo usly . All RAM 's (R a ndom Access Me mo ri es) 50 0 nsec, LO W POW E R 8/$ 40. 3 wee ks m ax .
used in th e 4KRA are 9 1 L0 2 A 's b y Ad va nced Mi cro C DS-VIII-I Casse tt e Da t a
Dev ices, the best comm e rc ia l me m o ry IC o n th e ma rk e t Sys te m w/o ne tran spo rt WRIT E FOR DETAILS
to d ay . 9 1L0 2 A 's require t y pi ca ll y 1/3 th e powe r o f
stand a rd 2 102 o r 8 101 type RAM 's a nd eac h o ne is C DS-VIII -2 w/ tw o tra ns-
m anufac tured t o milita ry spec ifi cati o n MI L STD-883 fo r po rt s WRIT E FOR DETAILS
ex tre m ely high reliabilit y. Th ese me m o ries ca n be MB-I Mo th e r bo ard, bu s
o pe ra ted fr o m a batt e ry bac ku p su pp ly in case of powe r te rm in a tor , ca rd cage 7 0. 3 wee ks m a x.
fa ilure w ith ve ry lo w sta ndb y po we r co nsumpti on. ( Ask V DM-I Vid eo Di s pla y
fo r o ur tec h n ica l b ull e tin TB-I 0 I o n powe r dow n mod ule 16 0 . 225. 3 wee ks max.
ope ra ti o n. ) In sho rt we have d o ne everyt hin g we co ul d'
to ma k e th e best 4K me mo ry mod ule in th e co mput e r
fi e ld , a nd beca use we bu y in large qu a nti ty, we ca n make T ERMS: All ite ms postpaici if full pay me nt acco mp a nies
il for a very reaso na ble pri ce. Ava il a bl e now. order. COD o rd e rs must in clud e 25 % de posit.
Mas te rCharge gladly acce pte d , b ut please se nd us a n
2KRO Erasabl e R e programmable o rder w it h yo ur sig na ture o n it.
Read Only Memory Module DISCOUNTS: Ord e rs ove r $37 5 m ay su b tract 5%; ord e rs
over $6 00 ma y subtrac t 10%.
With this mo dlil e t he Alt air 88 00 ca n use 17 0 2 A o r
52 0 3 t ype E ra sable Re p rog ra mm a bl e ROM 's . Th e '2 KRO

acce pt s up to e ight of th ese lC's fo r a capac ity o f 2 0 48
e ight bit wo rd s. On ce prog ra mm ed thi s m od ul e w ill ho ld
it s d a ta ind e finit e ly whe th e r o r no t powe r is o n . Thi s
fea ture is ex tre mely use ful whe n deve lo ping so ft wa re.
A ll necessa ry b us inte rfac in g .log ic a nd regula ted sup pli es
2465 Fourth Street
a re p rov ided but NOT t he E PROM lC's. Bo th 17 0 2A
a nd 52 0 3 PROM's are ava il ab le from o th e r adve rt ise rs in
th is m agazin e fo r we ll und e r $25. Ava il ab le now . (415) 549-0857

Thank ,
i)lJJfr ;lDJ]J~{ tnnJPJl11Y would like to take this opportunity to say "Thanks" to all our many
" " "...................., . . . . , " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '............' ' '........
' ' ' ' . ' ' '...........
' _''
' u

customers and friends for a very gratifying (and profitable) year. We've offered some outstanding
bargains; you've gained the benefit of our Hi-volume purchasing power. We couldn't offer these
state-of-the-art products at such low prices if you did not recognize them for the truly
outstanding opportunities they are. We'll continue to bring newer and better items to the
hobbyist and experimenter market just as long as you continue to respond as you have in the
past. We have big plans for our future product line. Included in our planning are kits for all of the
interface modules used in CPU to outside world applications (UARTS, Code converters,
Keyboard ROM s, PROMs, RAMs, Printer drivers, CRT modems, baudot rate generators,
counters, timers, and on and on). Watch for our announcement of new products in BYTE in the
coming months.

Now, since this is the Holiday Season, with gift lists to fill and projects to plan and get started,
here is our gift to you.

ITEM 101 - 709 Op Amp in TO-5 pkg. Brand new and unconditionally guaranteed .. .... .. .. $ .19 ea

ITEM 201 - KR2376 Keyboard RAM - Brand new (Not a factory reject or floor sweeping.)
Will generate standard ASCII code (up to nine bits) with SPST Switch closure for
each alphanumeric. Completely self-contained data sheets with each unit ..... . . $4.95 ea

ITEM 301 - 1 N4448 Silicon Diode (or equiv) 1 OOPIV - 10 mA Iike a 1 N914 only better. . .. $ .05 ea

ITEM 401 - UART COM2502/2017 in 40 pin dip pkg. Advertised elsewhere for $14.95. This is
an untested HOBBY grade chip for experimentation and use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4.95 ea

ITEM 501 - 2N3859 equiv. Silicon NPN general purpose transistor. Used for switching, LED
driver, oscillators , amplifiers, etc. Small plastic ..... . .. ... . ..... .. .. . ...... $ .10 ea

All items ppd. Please ADD $1.00 per order to cover handling costs. Orders . ,
. ,.
shipped same day in most cases. $5.00 . minimum order.

o ~,f~\
JJl~ ]'IIrl D1~] JJ'IleD In Pi) 11 'I
603 ' ~H ' ~644

Hp·65 Users Club North Texas No-Name Club
Th e HP-65 is probably the
The second informal
one "home computer" in
gatheri ng of the North Tex as
widest circulation by now.
No-name Computer Club
This is certainly true if your
definition of "home took place at the Irving
Library on August 18.
computer" is something
which costs under $1000, has Bill Fuller gave a short
programmability, uses introduction on what the
microcomputer technology, club's general aims could be
has off-line storage, and some and a few reasons for forming
form of interactive set of user a group. With th is, each of
controls a nd displays. the 16 attendees introduced
themselves, and sum marized
The HP-65 Users Club is
an organization founded by their computer interests and
Richard J. Nelson (2541 W. general background .
Lannie Walker, the Ft.
Camden PI. , Santa Ana CA
92704) and devoted to the Worth co·founder, brought
his Martin MK-2 to display .
use of the HP-65, and other
Greg Walker demonstrated
progr a mmable calculators.
operation of his TVT-II . Ric
The club publishes a
newsletter, 65 Notes, for a Martin provided his TVT-I for
comparison . Also available
nominal fee. The July 1975
issue (Volum e 2 number 6) is for a " look-see" were a
typical of the many issues Processor Tech nology In/Out
included in a sample packet board, ECS modem, two
Clubs and Newsletters forwarded by Rich ard : a Suding cassette interfaces,
fea ture on the new HP-25, ECS digital display PC board,
and the MITS VLCT PC
co mments on the form ation
The Evolution of the The Aug. 20 issue is nicely boards.
of various local
Homebrew Computer Club done in a very profession al With introductions
c I u b chapters, several
photo offset format. It complete, a general open
pro gr a ms, an article on
BYTE has received the includes notes by John forum discussion took place
repairs and/or modifications
latest issue of the Homebrew Schulein and Tom Pittman on
of the HP-65, and an article until we were kicked out of
Compu ter Club Newsletter, the problem of audio cassette
on how one reader of 65 the library at 9 pm. The
now edited by Robert recording standards. (See
Notes adapted his HP-65 to a "meeting" continued at a
Reiling, 193 Thompson Sq., BYTE's conference hard copy printer. (Note: 65 local coffee shop until 11 :30
Mountain View CA 94043. announcement elsewhere in Notes and the HP-25 Users pm.
This club was started with a this issue for some additional Club are in no way affiliated A quick summary of
meeting on March 5, 1975, inputs.) Th e issue also with Hewlett Packard.) Here pertinent data obtained from
assembled by founders Fred includes comments by Ken is where to turn for a wealth questionnaires filled out
Moore and Gordon French. McGinnis on TV display of information on shows:
Fred has been pretty much timing for the computer program mabl e hand-held Computer: Five Altairs, one
running the show since then hobbyist, and some random calculators. MK-2 and one home brew.
via the newsletter activity. data of interest compiled by TVT: One TVT-I and two
Beta Iota Tau
However, Fred's personal Robert Reiling. The TVT-II .
plans took him to the Homebrew Computer Club Richard A. Petke Cassette interface: Three
Washington DC area in the meets every two wee ks at the announces formation of Beta Sud i ng, one ECS, one
middle of August so he had Stanford Linear Accelerator Iota Tau, a new fraternity for Computer Hobbyist, one
to pass the ball along to Center, usually in the campus computer freaks, MITS.
someone else in the Silicon auditorium. Ask a guard for knurds, hackers and assorted Paper Tape : Three punches,
Valley. According to the directions when you get hangers on. For a full one reader.
newsletter dated Aug. 20, there. Extrapolating the every description see the letters Teletype: Five of various
1975, the following persons two week algorithm from section of this issue . His vi ntage.
are now working on the club known dates of Aug. 20 and address: Since we are still
and newsletter: Sept. 3 gives the following BETA IOTA TAU somewhat unstructured as a
dates in October and c/o Richard A. Petke for m a I c I u b , i n t e r es ted
• Robert Reiling, editor. November: Oct. 1, 15, 29; R.H.I.T. Box 520 "byters" should contact Bill
• John Schulein, technical Nov . 12, 26. The address for Terre Haute IN 47803 Fuller, 2377 Dalworth 157,
editor. correspondence is If you want a definition of Grand Prairie TX 75050,
• Tom Pittman, mailing list. temporarily Robert Reiling's the terms "knurd," "hacker" 1-214-264-0111 or Lannie
• Lenny Shuster, meeting site, but arrangements are and "computer freak," either Wal ker, Route 1, Box 272,
room. being made for a club post look into a mirror or get in Aledo TX 76008,
• Ray Boaz, treasu rer. office box. touch with Mr. Petke! 1-817-244-1013.

I nformation Parl or). Th e future plans; Monte Davidoff, lik e an ad for BYTE, Dave is
store se ll s Altairs over the one of the authors of Altair pleasantly positive in his
counter of course, an d BASIC, illustrates the string remarks.
functions as a general h a ndling and recursive I hav e a coup le of
WORLD'S FIRST computer hobbyist gathering
place and information center.
subroutine capabilities of complaints. Th e format of
BASIC in " Fun with Altair Computer Notes is
COMPUTER STORE Computer Notes also features BASIC." imagin ativel y don e, but at
a travelogue of the Monte does a good job of some points the text is hard
MITS-MOBILE Altair describing these interesting to fo ll ow - you don't know
Caravan, which toured the possib il iti es of BAS IC, even what to read next. [But then,
Sou theast during August and though such applications can it is only fair to point out
Septemb er. be a bit strenuous for both that BYTE may suffe r the
In h is editoria l, Dave the read er and the BASIC same malaise in one or two
Bunnell leads a good deal of language itself, as witnessed places .. . Carl j Also, a lot is
rumors to their proper resting by Monte's closing comment assumed on the part of the
places, covering "off brand on factorial computation: " If reader. I realize that any such
peripherals, memory cards, confusion still prevails, do newsletter can't function as a
etc.", the false rumors not worry about it." tutorial publication (that is a
concerning "less than ful l Bill Gates, in his artic le major part of BYTE's job)
spec" In te l 8080 chips, "Software Hints for 8800," but the "HARDWARE" and
software agreement gives just that. Mentioni ng "SOFTWARE" sections would
technicalities, MITS' some of the reasons for the certainly throw any real
Altair User's Group development of a Motorol a 8080's power, Bill goes on to beginner. But I judge too
6800 system, and delivery discuss binary coded dec imal harshly : Computer Notes is
I n the words of The complaints. Dave precedes all (BCD) arithmetic, giving a truly a good bull eti n for the
Agency, MITS' advertising this with the explanation, sample routine for conversion users of Altair equipment.
subsidiary, "The Altair Use r's "One point that has gotten us from BCD to binary . After a To p arap hrase Dave's
Group is quite possibly the good press in a number of short lesson on special short closing question in his BYTE
largest hobbyist organization publications is that we try branching ("skip") techniques review, is the Altair User 's
in the world. It is both a and l eve l with our the read er is presented with Group something no Altair
means of communication customers." From Dave's some neat but fairly general computer hobbyist should be
among Altair users and a straightforward presentation, stack usage tips. Bill doesn 't without? At this point in
method of building a I think they deserve another waste words in his article; a time, I would have to say that
comprehensive library of "good press." rank beginner would he has no choice since
Altair programs .. . among There are no surprises in probably be left far behind membersh ip is au tomatic for
other benefits, you will the rest of the newsletter, by these las t concise hints. AItair owners. Should the
receive a subscription to the with its "Altair Service I n a short review, Dave Altair computer hobbyist be
monthly publication Dept.," "Letters to the Bunnell gives BYTE an A+ thankful for Computer Notes
Computer Notes, which Editor ," "HARDWARE," for format and an A- for and other benefits of the
contains complete update and "SOFTWARE" sections. content ("They have User's Group? I would have
information on Altair I n " HA RDWARE" Tom something to work for.") . to say yes.
hardware and software Durston and Paul van Baalen Although it sounds a little ... Chris Ryland
developments, programming deliver some ACR (Audio
tips, general computer articles Cassette Recording) hardware
and other useful alignment update~, fixes for
information ." And that's a 8800 problems, some "Boo DIAGNOSTICS
pretty fair statement, judging Boos," various maintenance
Debugging is the art of happened. Well, a magazine is like
from the August 75 issue of techniques and hardware removing bugs. Many times, bugs a computer program - large and
Computer Notes. specifications. in programs are only uncovered complex. Here is some centralized
Edited by Dave Bunnell, The "SOFTWARE" after the program is executed - documentation of known bugs in
the head of The Agency, section contains "Software and on larger machines "diag- BYTE detected in the execution
nostics" often tell what of previous issues.
Computer Notes covers most Contest Winners Announced"
items of interest to Altair by Bill Gates; "Q & A" on
users. The August edition is the "Monitor, Editor and BYTE #2, p. J 5, fourth BYTE #2, p. 16, first
headlined "WORLD'S FIRST Assembler" by Paul column, Kluge Harp. The column, Kluge The
COMPUTER STORE," Wasmund, the author of these formula for the well formula for the timer interval
featuring an article on The software components; tempered scale ratios was is incorrectly printed . It
Computer Store, located in "General Software" by Paul "squashed" a bit , and should should read:
West Los Ange les, which is Allen, the director of MITS' read :
apparently the first retail So f twa reD epa r t ..1 e nt, LC n = time / (oh + dt pc n )
store sole ly for computers answers various questions (I n(l37) + n I n(2)/ 12)
and com put e r sup p lies concerning MITS' software The "#" symbol should be
(shades of Arthur's performance, policies and deleted .

BYTt; #2, p. 36 LIFE Lin e 2, BYTE #1, p. 16. Author
Fig. 3. The variable DONE is James Hogenson supplies the BYTER's
incorrectly described. following correction to DIGEST
information on the
Correct description: RGS-008A computer:
Don't Forget the Pinouts of These Memory Circuits - They're
DONE - the variable set The two LEDs not used All Very Useful Both in BLiilding More Memory for Kit
by KEYBOARD INTER- by the upper memory Products and as Memory Elements of Your Own Designs ...
PRETER after a user address are not used to
command to end execution. indicate the second and FROM SYSTEM INTERFACE
third bytes of a two or three OIN
byte instruction. They POWER:
AO-..!L. +5V.PINI0
indicate the control code AI
BYTE #2 , p. 38, LIFE Line which varies in a two or 5 IK BY 3
A3 6 I
2, Fig. 6. The variables three byte instruction. One 7 0= WRITE
NCMAX, NCMIN , NRMAX, machine cycle is required ADDRESS
2 eg:
and NRMIN are incorrectly 2602
for each byte of an A6
A7 9102 O-ENABLE
classified as local - used only instruction. The first byte 15 I - DISABLE
by GENERATION. They of an instruction is always A9

should have been classified as an instruction fetch cycle 12( '--THREE STATE ENABLED BY CE
shared with the whole indicated by control code O. D OUT
program, i.e ., global. The second and third cycles TO SYSTEM INTERFACE
are for data writing, reading
or for an I/O operation. Fig. 1. The 2102, alias 9102, alias 2602. This memory circuit is the
Control code 1 indicates an most generally useful item on the market. You will find it in graded
BYTE #1 , p. 54, Fig. 5, I/O operation, control code price ranges depending upon speed; for the 8008 and other slow
Write Your Own Assem bier. 2 (octal) indicates a processors, the low speed and inexpensive versions with access
Dan Fylstra caught a bug in times up to 1 microsecond can be used. For the later generation micro-
memory data read cycle, computers such as the 8080, M6800 or MCS6501 or PACE, higher
his 8080 example about the and control code 3 indicates speed versions are recommended in most cases if you want to take
day after BYTE #1 went to a memory data write cycle. advantage of full processor capability. For complete specs, see the
press - and several readers The power supply manufacturer's specs. Here is a pin diagram of this memory design. To
(including Bill Gates of use it, present addresses then Chip Enable should go to logic 0 (ground
produces positiv e 5 Y at 5
MITS Altair BASIC fame - level), then after the access time delay you can either read the output
Amps, and - 12 at I Amp . data lines, or write what you've presented on the inpu t data line. The
see letters) caught it. The write operation is performed by a low-going pulse on the WE line, with
mistake is that branch table a minimum duration of from 300 to 750 nanoseconds dep ending upon
has 3 bytes per entry and the speed rating of the chips you buy.
the example multiplies by 2 *NOTE: When talking about logic and memory, the notation "K"
with a left shift (RLC). The means 2 10 or 1024, not 103 or 1000.
corrected code would be:
LXI H,BRTAB H - branch table base AI
LDAX D get translated char from line A3 DO}
01 T~T~~S::C~ BUS

RLC times 2 for branch table index? almost A5

MOY B,A save "2n" in B A6

LDAX D fetch "n" again .. . translated character A7

ADD B "3n" = "2n + n" .. . WE WRITE ENABLE


Fig. 2. The Signetics 2606 part is a variation on the static memory

One final word - this is an concept which uses a parallel 4-bit word orientation. There is a total
rest of NEXT TOKEN example of a "patch" . As capacity of 1024 bits in 256 words. For reading out of this memory,
programs grow and patches you hold the Write Enable (WE) line at logical 1, select an appropriate
multiply the result can get combination of address inputs, then drop the Chip Enable (CE) to
hairy. There is no pretension logical 0 to enable the output bus drivers. To write into the memory,
that this is the optimal code you enable the chip as if to read, but drive the data bus from a source
such as your CPU while dropping the Write Enable line to the logic 0
for the next token algorithm;
(ground) level for a short period (minimum 400 ns). The spec sheet for
one of the challenges of the 2606 gives an access and cycle time of 750 ns, which means that it
programming is to see how is on the hairy edge of working with one of the 1 microsecond cycle
close one can actually come second generation microprocessor CPUs. Here is the pinout of the 2606
to optimal code. part.

, ----------------------------------------------------------------, I

And, we'll promise you only one thing. The most adventurous vacation you have
ever experienced. Hop aboard our schooner for 10 sunfilled days and moonlit nights.
A congenial group of shipmates now forming and setting their heading for Saba,
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Explore pink, white and black sand beaches. Scale the cliffs, climb a volcano, prowl
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,-----------------~----------------------------------- ----------,
What Are We And the uP would pl-int out
the prescription and
instructions for the patient.
range, hinted at in th e $1000
range, and predicted to drop
to $ 500. Bulk memory

Getting Into? You can work up your

own dream of inventory
controls for shoe stores, drug
systems using some new tape
cartridges promise to provide
enormous data bases with
While many hobbyists terminals (VT) and then stores, and other businesses. access times of 20 seconds
tend to think in terms of printed on a line printer. Considering the maximum and an av erage
their own uses for Co m p lete records of all applications on the horizon, retrieval time of 10 seconds.
microprocessors (uP) such as clients would be immediately one can understand why so This might not satisfy Avis or
games, mu sic, art, index available, plus billing, phone many firms are getting that American Airlines, but it is
systems, mailing lists and calls, etc. glint in their eye when they superb for a legal assistant
such, we shouldn't forget the How about a uP system think about making hardware researching cases.
enormous business for doctors? The preliminary for it. It seems Iikely that If you are plugged into
applications for these systems diagnostic work could be there will be more uP systems any developments of interest
once they are commonly done by a receptionist during sold during 1976 than there to BYTE readers please
available. the heel cooling period in the are computer systems in the consider this an open
We can see uP systems wiiiting room, and this might country preselltly in use . invitation to pass along the
with 1 500 megabyte storage even include temperature, While we are thinking in information as soon as
(or larger) which would make heart, blood pressure, and a terms of $500 uPs at present, possible.
very economical packages for few other sensors hooked this may go down to $250 BYTE hopes to provide a
lawyers, for example. Entire into the uP. The VT would be and then even $125 for the stabilizing influence,
law libraries could be right at used with a diagnostic processors. VTs are presently encouraging standards,
hand with access taking less program to ask the questions. running about $350 and compatability, and harmony
than a minute to any case. No disease, no matter how could get to half that in time. in the uP field.
Commonly used legal forms rare, could evade a really Floppy disk systems are being
could be filled out via video good uP diagnostic system. announced in the $2000 -Wayne Green


Have you ever wanted to construct a memory matrix as part of a system?? The tedious part is the interconnection of all the address and
data bus pins! The CDA-1.1 memory matrix is a general purpose memory prototyping card for the 2102/2602/9102 pinout static RAM
chips. This PC card is 8"x10" with 70 pin edge connector, gold plated for reliability. The memory matrix occupies about 60% of
available area with all lines brought out to pads for wire-wrap pins and has plated-through holes_ The other 40% has 24 16-pin socket
positions and a general purpose area which can hold 12 16-pin sockets, or 4 24-pin sockets, or 2 4O-pin sockets. Add a custom wired
controller to interface this board's memory matrix to any computer, or use the prewired matrix as the basis for a dedicated 4K by 8
memory in a custom system. Think of the time you save!!
The CDA-2.1 general purpose 8"x10" prototyping card comes predrilled for use in construction of custom circuits. This board
accommodates 16-pin sockets plus has a general area for 16-pin sockets or 24 or 40 pin sockets. The 70-pin edge connector is gold-plated
for reliability and the pins are brought to pads for wire-wrap post insertion. The socket side has a solid ground plane to minimize noise
problems; busses on the wiring side allow short jumper connections for power and ground. A whole system may be constructed in
modules with these boards.
James Hogenson (see the October issue of BYTE magazine) designed a 64x64 bit-matrix graphics display for oscilloscope. This design· ,
permits use of your scope as a display for ping-pong, LlF E, or other games with your system. The CDA 3.1 card provides all the printed·
wiring needed to assemble the graphics display device down to the TTL Z-axis output as described in October 1975 BYTE. To complete
the display you merely add components to this double sided card with plated-through holes.
For info: CIRCL~ READERS' SERVICE NUMBER - or, send your order using the coupon below:

y ES ~ Please rush me the boards ordered below: FROM:




P.O. BOX 752
AMHERST, N.H. 03031
atisfied or your money wi11 be cheerfully refunded.
The next time a friend wants to borrow your BYTE sit right down and
buy him a sUbscription and get him o ff your back. You know darned well
that he isn't going to give you back your magazine, so be practical about it.
Subscriptions are only $12 - cheap enough to spread joy and fun among a
few friends - like for Christmas. Tell you what - the second and onward
subscriptions will only be $10 - Christmas Special - good until the end of
the year.
A subscription makes a great Christmas present because it is something
where the recipient gets a reminder every month for a year of your
Be a saint.

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memory. The term word is Dear Carl,
the same as byte when
re ferencing an 8-bit I just finished reading the
byte-oriented machine, but first issue of BYTE, received
will certainly differ for a today. I found the articles
12-bit PDP-8 or a 16-bit interesting but now realize
PDP-l I or some old 36-bit how little I know about
PETERBOROUGH Univac clunker or a 60-bit programming terms and
NH 0345 8 CDC machine. functions.
If that's not enough to I've been in ham radio and
radio and television broadcast
confuse the issue, some of the
early literature on machines engineering for well over 15
years. I understand the basics
such as IBM's old STRETCH
of digital electronics and have
A BIT OF NYBBLING Finally, see a large computer referenced variable
designed control circuits and
AT BYTES number of keyboards out on sized bytes extending the
definition to "any group of n enjoy using digital techniques
IN A WORD the market; I do not see any
in other types of electronic
Dear Sir: printers, line or teletype type. bits".
I was very delighted to Where are they hiding? In general, though, a given
I can follow the articles
receive the first issue of Thank you for your machine will have a "memory
until the author starts hitting
BYTE. I found all the attention. address space" for direct
reference to a particular size me with programming terms,
articles, and even the letters Stephen Holland then I'm lost. Perhaps you
interesting, absorbing, and Glenview IL o f ' 'word". For the
might try to educate such as I
amusing. There are, though, byte-bangers (8080, 6800,
with some very basic articles
three points about which I Thank you for your letter, 8008, 6501, F8, etc.) each
memory address gets you one on programming and those
would appreciate some Stephen. Precision in hardware functions mostly
information and clarification. description of concepts is one byte. For a PDP-8 each
limited to computers. You
First of all, I seem to be a of the most powerful address in memory gets you
might also recommend some
bit confused about your use techniques in the human one 72-bit word And so on.
As far as 12-bit micros go, up-to-date books on these
of the words "word", "byte" race s evolutionary bag of subjects.
and "bit". As I understand tricks. The only hitch is there are none which are
generally available to I would very much like to
their usage, "word" refers to communicating what the learn more about this field.
the grouping of "bytes" definitions are when there are amateurs yet. There is the
CMOS PDP-8 replacement Perhaps I'm not the typical
which are considered to be many different people reader you are publishing
one memory location, and involved and each has a which Intersil makes, but it is
BYTE for, but I suspect there
"byte" is a grouping of bits, unique past experience. very expensive as yet. There
is the FABRI-TEK processor are other readers out there
three or four depending on Hopefully in written with the same problems.
whether octal or hexadecimal communications we can keep which is an MSI copy of a
PDP-8 at about $ I 000 for the I'd also like to see you
is used. The article "Which the ambiguities (other than insert a bingo card to make it
Microprocessor for You?" occasional fun) to a CPU, but again a working
system is not inexpensive. e as i er to get further
seems to use the terms mll1lmum. To clarify your information and catalogs
"word" and "byte" very valid complaint about The FABRI-TEK machine
does come with 4k built in at from your advertisers.
interchangeably, which memory terms, the following
the price. Kenneth Knecht
confuses me about the are some fairly fundamental
Concerning printers, you Chicago IL
processor's location definitions. When you read
referencing ability. Who is certain articles, such as Hal are again getting up in price.
right, me or you? Chamberlin's, it turns out A simple receive only Thank you for your input,
Secondly, I have seen that two of these definitions Teletype is about $200-300 if Ken. I am indeed worried
information about 8-bit and are equivalent. For other you get to the right place at about the problem of
16-bit microprocessors, but situations they may not be: the right time in the surplus acquainting the novice readers
no ads about 12-bit *A bit is the fundamental - market. There is something of BYTE with the terminology
microprocessors. Having it is the unit of storage. All called a Creed Teletype which and concepts of home brew
gotten my programming other terms are described in I have seen some literature on computing. I'm working on
training on a 12-bit system terms of bits. One memory an old 5-bit Baudot getting various authors to
(PDP-8/L) may have made me cell can hold one bit's value machine which you could submit tutorials on the
un duly partial to 12-bit of logical zero or one. probably hook up fairly concepts of programming for
words, but an 8-bit system *A byte is a grouping of bits easily to Bill Godbout's people such as yourself with a
would not allow me to cheat in the organization of PACE processor with its strong hardware bacl?ground.
and store two ASCII memory, usually defined ala ASCII-Baudot software. Then there is the analogous
characters in a location, while IBM as 8 bits. (Nybbles are Where are the printers hiding? problem from the other side-
16 bits seems too big for my half-bytes.) In surplus houses which don't explaining the mysteries of
desires. Does anybody put *A word is the generic and advertise 'em because their hardware to software people.
out a 12-bit microprocessor very general term for "n" stock changes too frequently. For instance, a software-
with 4k memory? bits at once in a computers ... Carl oriented friend of mine

pointed out thathe gotlost on articles to get people Today there are several The n any article publ ished
the diode matrix concept in acquainted with terminology hundred ACS members for one of these systems will
the keyboard article of BYTE will be in future issues - as representing all kinds of be quite useful to thousands
# 7, a concept which is you'll find to be true in this careers in the electronics and of people.
probably familiar to a number issue as well. compu ter industries. Lots of But as it is now, there is
of readers with a hardware ... Carl them have had operating little in the line of
background. As long as I am home computers for five to construction articles and
enumerating possible eigh t years! These people detail ed program descriptions
approaches to the art of home have a really wide variety of (with source code listings)
brew computing, I shouldn't home computers, from old that could be directly used by
forget the person who has vacuum tube ones and all more than a handful of ACS
neither hardware or software discrete germanium transistor members. Therefo re, Ste ph en
background - the complete WHO IS STEPHEN B. GRAY? ones to microprogrammable Gray does not publish such
novice. LSI minis and microprocessor articles in the ACS
based ones. Some of them newsletter . Instead he has
The way I can find out Dear Sir,
have reconditioned obsolete used this disparity as an
about what "the typical Your description of the models that you can't even opportunity to make it a
reader" is thinking is for "the Amateur Computer Society buy parts for anymore, with more personal newsletter,
typical reader" to send in (ACS) in the Clubs column of such weird peripherals as reporting in each issue what
comments, as you have. One the fi rst issue of BYTE is drum memories and various individuals have
of the biggest unlmowns I had strangely constructed. Please flexowriters. Others have lots accomplished, what
when I first came up with the allow me to supply your of the latest stuff, like CRT difficu Ities or experiences we
problem of editing this readers with further info gra phics terminals, digital have written about, who of us
magazine was figuring out in about the ACS along with cassettes, and floppy disks. have information or
my mind just what the some history of the home And of course lots of them equ ipment to sell, or trade,
readership is: Is it a bunch of computer "hobby." have designed their own CPU who needs information about
hac/?ers from the MIT or SRI Stephen Gray organized architecture and instruction certain equipment, what new
artificial intelligence labs? the ACS in 1966 to serve sets to provide special items are available
Hardly - although I know a everyone who is involved in purpose capabilities that are commercially, to the home
few who subscribe. Is it the designing and building his unmatc hed by anything in computer market and so on.
group of ambitious people own home computer. The the industry. All in all it's a very helpful
who started 8008 projects ACS is an inform a l
when they first came out? Yes organization, with no such
- but not exclusively, by a thing as officers or meetings,
long shot. Is it the engineer since its members are widely
who always wanted his own separated across the U.s. The
hardware - but never heard of main function of ACS has
"The ACS is an informal organiza·
software engineering? Yes - been to initiate the exchange
tion, with no such thing as officers
some readers fall in that realm. of ideas and equipment
among its members. This is or meetings ... the main function
Is it the applications
programmer who gets kicks done by the ACS Ne'NSletter, has been to initiate the exchange of
out of programming and which describes the plans and ideas and equipment ... "
always wanted a processor of accomplishments and
his own? Of course - there is acquisitions of the various
more than one COBOL members. I t also lists the
programmer in the audience to sources of surplus computer
say nothing of FORTRAN parts avai lable for the
people and PL/7 people. hobbyist. Back in the late With such a wide variety and informative newsletter.
60's and early 70's there were of a pproach es, design I feel that Mr. Gray has
Is it the BASIC no kits available to buy, and philosophies and languages done an excellent job of
fundamentalist who is lost in not too much su rplus ex isting in the home bringing us home computer
his applications games and computer equipment. This computer field, each ACS b u i I ders together, and I
suddenly discovers there is meant that most home member's computer "lives" in believe that the ACS and its
more to computing than computer builders had to its own special world, having members have qu ite a lot to
GOSUBand LET? Sure -and design their CPUs and I/O little in common with the offer to the new generation
he has a whole realm of interfaces from scratch. The nex t m em ber's computer of home computer
hardware and software to ACS in those years was made (which may be several dozen enthusiasts that have been
learn about. The problem is a up mostly of digital circuit mile s away). Compare that spawned by the age of the
tough one - bu t constructive and systems design engineers. with tomorrow's home microprocessor. I think that
input from readers in the form It was like the early decades computer scene, where there the recent developments in
of articles and opinion is an of amateur radio, when not will be thousands of people our field are just great and
important I?ey to shaping the much commercial equipment with systems built around the near future promises to
content of the magazine. was available for hams to aud io cassette mass storage, be absolutely fantastic! It all
Introductory materials and buy. VDTs and 6800s and 8080s. can't come soon enough for

. me! Even though science someone who does n't know a time some disgruntled
fiction writers predicted it lot about software can judge programmer cursed at an IBM
long ago, who knows what the different microcomputer, 650 (or earlier) product. A nd
the future of computing will is by see ing how large and people will continue to do so.
bri ng? I certai nly welcome how fast a Iarge program like I'd like to see some of
WHICH BYTE's readers giving
BYTE into our field and wish a BAS IC interpreter or
MICROPROCESSOR personal evaluations of their
you the best in this new FORTRAN compiler written
EVALUATOR own exper i ences
com pu ter age. by a profess ional programmer
FOR YOU? programming some of the
Dick Snyder will run on the machine .
Dear Editor, machines which are no w
Chelmsford MA I am p lease d to see a hi gh William H. Gates
President, Micro-Soft available. This will produce
quality magaz ine fo r the 5 till an ot her form of
Strangely constructed? computer hob byist. In this Albuquerque NM
bench marl?
Indeed! The goal of obtaining large and fast changing field Oh yes, regarding the
more information was BYTE will be invalu ab le as an PS: The program on page 54
of BYTE # 1 doesn't work mistal?e on page 54 - see the
accomplished, Dicl?, although e duc at ional and "Diagnostics" heading in the
Mr. Gray is too modest to informational foru m. sin ce the dispatch table
entrie s are three bytes long Nucleus of'the Queue, in this
send it to BYTE himself. AliI I have spent the last three issue.
had to go on was one cryptic years programming instead of two.
letter Stephen B. Gray had microcomput e rs , m ost ... Carl
written to Wayne Green and a recently writing ALTAI R The substance of Bill
file reference supplied to me BASIC with Paul Allen and Gates' letter is that the IT'S GREEK TO ME .. .
by Richard Gardner who Monte Davidoff, and hope to problem of evaluating a
mal?es it his business to know share some of what I've compu ter 's performance is a Carl,
what's going on where and by learned with your readers. comp licated issue. EvelY With all due respect, your
whom. I do hav e so m e machine has its little dump of computer
I am firmly of the belief disagreement with statements idiot-syncrasies which enable organizations in th e last issue
that anyone who has made mad e in Hal Chamberlin's it to outperform its of BYTE was incomplete!
verifiable contributions to the article "Which Mi c ro- co mpetitor in a specific (Obviously a hardware bug.)
technological progress of this processor for You?" Of the context. The tests one uses to You omitted perhaps the
extremely interesting hobby three micro s, the IMP-16, the evaluate the machine in many biggest one of them all (at
should be recognized - as Intel 8080 and the Intel ways affect one's results: Bill least in pote ntial) - Beta Iota
you point out in your letter 8008, the 8080 has the best (lik e myself) would tend to Tau (BIT). Yes fans - that's
Mr. Gray has made such a me mory efficiency du e to the evaluate a machine based righ t - it's here now - the
contribution by serving as a number of things that can be upon a complicated first computer science college
focal point for a group of the done in a singl e 8-bit "bench marl?" application or fraternity. Us knurds got our
pioneer home computer instruction. Th e 1M P-16 is systems program. This sort of (expletive deleted) together
hackers. To the best of my second best, req uiring 30% evaluation typically will this time. You say you never
knowledge he is the earliest more memory bits; and the exercise the full range of the heard of us? Th at's
person to put together a 8008 is a distant third, CPU 's instruction set in a understandable, we're new
vehicle for communications req uiri ng about twice as real-world large program (and not fully established
amongst home brew much me mory as the 8080. context. Other people would yet). As of th e present only
computer people, a notable The IMP-16 is th e fastest tend to evaluate not upon two chapters are emergin g
contribution. machine with the 8080 a that benchmark, but on the from the mass of red tape (7,
... Carl close second. The 8008 is at ease of generation of machine 9 and Casse tte): the founding
least 12 times as slow as the code which is fully optimized chapter here at Rose-Hulman
8080. This is because the by a modern compiler. Th e Institute of Technol ogy (and
8008 not only has a much compiler writer's benchmark software disprovin g grounds),
slower cycle time, but it is different from the systems and the Beta chapter at
requir es m a ny m ore hacker's benchmarl? Then Michigan State . As the
operations to perform an there is the small computer probability of this
equ ivalen t function. world - which is the best publication findin g its way to
The comparison of Software from MITS costs computer from the home college campuses this fa ll
about six times as much if brew hacker's standpoint? approach es one as a limit, we
simple subroutines for
hardware is not purchased Probably in the current state would lik e to take this time
different microcomputers
from MITS. As long as of the art it is the machine to rip off some advertising
does not show the relative hardware is purch ased from which has the easiest space.
merits of the machines. MITS, MITS is willing to just instruction set to deal with Are you interested in
break eve n on the software. given a modicum of support starting a chapter of BIT at
Th e comparison of simple in the form of assemblers your college or university ? If
subroutines for differe nt from the kit supplier. you are, then ASC II some of
microcompute rs does not People have been your friends . Show th em this
show the relative merits of evaluating computer crazy letter we're writing at
the machines. Th e best way instruc tion sets since the first th is crazy hour. Drop us a

line (RS-232 compatible) at they have been indoctrinated
the address below. We'll send with their Initialization
you more information as we Writes, they can work their INTEL 1 K 2102 RAM
get it ready. If nothing else way up through the ranl?s. Factory prime, tested u nits. Factory selected for
we'll help synchronize you But Y0U will have to be much faster speed than units sold by others. 650
w ith th e rest of the knurds at selective about it - you 'll NS. These are static memories that are TTL
your school (provided they have to watch out for shifty compatible and operate off + 5 VDC. The real
write in also). Write to: characters. AND in the fall workhorse of solid state memories because they
you can schedule (at high are so easy to use. Perfect for memories because
000 * BETA IOTA TAU priority) some major social they are so easy to use. Perfect for TV typewriters,
001 * c/o Richard A. Petke events in the BIT house mini-computers, etc. With specs.
002 * R. H.I.T . Box 520 culminating in the Mask ed $3.95 ea. or 8 for $30
003 * Terre Haute IN 47803 Ball around Halloween. OR in
For BIT, the spring you can have SIGNETICS 1 K P-ROM
R. Petke another big social affair at 82S129. 256 x 4. Bipolar, much faster than MOS
High Order Bit which you'll crown the devices. 50NS. Tri-state outputs. TTL compatible.
B. Copus Queen of the PROM Field programmable, and features on chip address
Chairman of the Vice (hopefully she'll not get decoding. Perfect for microprogramming appli-
L. Passo burned). Speaking of such cations. 16 pin DIP. With spec . $2.95 ea.
I/O Processor matters, to be fair you had
better organize the logical
I suppose it just had to complement of your 8T97B
happen some time. I'm glad organ i za tion. Find som e By Signetics.
to hear about BI T, Richard. ladies to form a sorority, or Tri-State Hex Buffer
The very idea of BIT leads to change your parameters and MOS and TTL Interface to Tri-State Logic.
all manner of intricate and ge t so m e grand sca le Special $1.49
exciting possibilities. Why, to int egrati on into your
start off with, you'll need to organization. Keep me posted DO YOU NEED A LARGE COMMON ANODE
recruit a bunch of novices on progress of BIT. READOUT AT A F ANT ASTIC PRICE?
known as "Least Significant
S.D. presents the MAN-64 by Monsanto - 40 inch
Bits" into which ... Carl
character. All LE D construction - not reflective
bar type, fits 14 pin DI P. Brand new and factory
prime. Left D.P.
lK 475 ns all orders shipped $1.59 ea. 6 for $ 7.50
$4.25 for one 2602-1 insured. Mass MOTOROLA POWER DARLINGTON - $1.99
$4.00 each for residents add 3 % MJ3001 - NPN - 80 Volts - 10 Amps - HFE 6000
eight sales tax typo To-3 Case. Ideal for power supplies, etc.
$3.75 We include a free 723 regulator w/schematic for
each for 32 power supply with purchase of the MJ3001. You
get the two key parts for a DC supply for only
WHY PA Y FOR BEING SMALL? $1 .99. Regular catalog price for the MJ3001 is
CenU-Byte is a new so urce of memory components $3.82.
and other necessary items for the computer hardware
builder. Our function is to be a voice to the
manufacturing companies representing you, the LARGE SIZE LED LAMPS
modest volume consumer of special purpose com- Similar to MV5024. Prime factory tested units. We
ponents. Centi-Byte brings you this special intro- include plastic mounting clips which are very hard
ductory offer of fast memory chips, chips fast enough
to come by.
to run an MC6 800 or 8080 at ma ximum speed . These
2602·' 's are new devices purchased in quantit y and Special 4 for $1
fully guaranteed to manufacturer's specifications.
Centi-Byte works by concentrating your 48 HOUR SERVICE
purchas ing power into quantity buys of new You deserve, and will get prompt shipment. On
components . Let us know what you need in the way
of spec iali zed components and subsyste ms for fut ure orders not shipped in 48 H RS' a 20% cash refund
offeri ngs. With your purchasing power concentrated will be sent. We do not sell junk. Money back
through us, together we will lower the cost of home guarantee on every item. WE PAY POSTAGE.
computing. Orders under $10 add 75t handling. No C.O.D.
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from page 7
are "built-in" tend to be decent editor, because one hardware/software capabili ty
fairly standard "control must be set to "read" old after a while; modularity docs
be unused. In general, as panel" type routines which data, and the second must be not stop at th is level of
many of these locatio ns as use a terminal (Teletype or set to "write" new edited function. The basic place to
you can afford should be television typewriter) for a data resulting from your start is with a CPU - it'll not
filled up with random access set of simple commands. changes. Three is a more be much more than a blinking
memory c hip s, which, Later - with inputs from desirable nu mber sti ll if you light box without peripherals,
experience has shown, people users regarding desirability - want to do "sort/merge" but that's enough to show
are always able to use up in you can expect to find app li cations, but two will that "it works" Then, you
programs. Sooner or later you prepackaged assemblers and suffice for the ed iting can add on the interactive
will find yourself limited by high level language benchmark. keyboard/display of some
the constraints of small compilers/interpreters sort, along with memory
memory! For the benchmark occupying major portions of Suppose Your Budget is (presumably the ROM
system, the minimum random the address space available in Limited - Can It be Done in software came with the CPU) .
access memory should be 4k typical microcomputers. This Stages? Finally, you can add on the
(4096) 8-bit bytes or 2k will make the systems What I have just described tape interfaces and additional
16-bit words. A preferable software feature even more is the minimum necessary memory in order to arrive at
number is 8k bytes or 4k versatile. equipment for a fully the full benchmark
16-bit words. functional implementation of capability. From then on,
Keyboard and Displays? the smal l computer you can enhance the system
ROM Systems Software? But of course. The benchmark capability, with new peripherals and
How do I get my first interactive natu re of an editor editing. Modularity rules in more memory until you end
programs into memory after capabi lity cannot be realized the computer world, up with a very capable system
turning on power? The with a mere con trol panel. however, so you can easily which can run full BASIC, a
answer to this question is the The same thing goes for most start out with less function decent systems programming
method of "bootstrapping" of the more interesting a nd work up to the language compiler, and all the
or "initial program loading" applications of the smal l benchmark capability in time. games, practical applications
(I PL) which is used by a computer. You will need a You'll also probably end up and amusements you can
computer. Early in the character-oriented display exceed ing th is bench mark of dream up for the computer.
minicomputer game, device and a typewriter style
technology of computing was input - whether these be a
at a state where the principal TV typewriter or an old
bootstrapping method was a Baudot coded Teletype
set of front panel switches clunker is up to you . The
which addressed memory typical programs wi ll be BYTE's Ongoing Monitor Box (B.O.M.B.)
locations and allowed the controlled by keyboard
BYTE would like to know how readers evaluate the efforts of
programmer to put in short commands and will produce the authors whose blood, sweat, twisted typewriter keys, smoking
programs by hand. outputs back to the display. ICs and eso teric software abstractions are reflected in these pages.
With the advent of the BYTE will pay a $50 bonus to the author who receives the most
Cassette Tape Interfaces -
new high density ROM points in this survey each month. The following rules apply:
Mass Storage Without Mass
integrated circuits, it is now 1. Articles you like most get 10 points, articles you like least get
possible to provide the o (or negative) points - with intermediate values according to
convenience of an Mass storage is a definite your personal scale of preferences.
au tomatically bootstrapped must item for the smal l 2. Use the numbers 0 to 10 for your ratings, integers only.
system through systems computer system. But 3. Be honest. Can all the articles really be "0" or "10"? Try to
traditional industry give a preference scale with differen t values for each au thor.
software which is cast into 4. No ballot box stuffing: only one en try per reader!
the concrete form of an ROM peripherals tend to be
device. expensive, starting at the low Fill ou t your ratings, and return it as promptly as possible along
Many of the kit suppliers I end with digital cassette with your reader service requests and survey answers. Do you like an
have ta lked to are either drives and floppy disks at author's approach to writing in BYTE? Let him know by giving him
about $500-$800, and a crack at the bonus through your vote.
currently supplying or
intending to add this ROM working upwards. The
sy stems software feature. solu tio n is to adopt an audio LIKED
Initially, the programs which recording method which uses Page
inexpensive ($50) cassette No. Article LEAST BEST
recorders and appropriate 12 Lancaster: Ins and Outs ... 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
interfaces. This allows you to 20 Wadsworth: Computers Are . .. 0 234 5 6 7 10
Experience has shown 8 9
perform the editing 36 Wier: Hexpawn ... 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
that sooner or later you'll
benchmark function while 42 Gipe: Computers . . . 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
feel constrained by any keeping the total system cost 52 C. Helmers: Notes ... 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
size of memory - the low. I'll have more to say on 56 Fylstra: Son of Motorola 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
greed of many programmers this subject later in this 64 Nico: Monitor 8Y:, ... 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
for more memory is editorial. A minimum of two 66 P. Helmers: Versatile ROM . . . 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
unbounded! such tapes is required for a

10% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $100.00
5 function plus constant -
addressable memory with . .
15% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $250.00
SPECIALS individual recall - 8 digit


display plus overflow -
batte ry saver - uses standard
or rechargeable batteries - all

nL 7451 .17 7.4154 1.25

5738 8 digil multiplexed -
five function - chain
operation 2 key memory - floating decimal
necessary parts in ready to
assemble form - instru ctions
7400 S .14 7453 .17 74155 1.07 - independent constant - interfaces with
7401 .16 7454 .17 74156 1.07 led wilh only digil driver - 9 V ball. oper. 24
7402 .15 7460 .17 74157 .99 pin $3.95 CALC KtT (WtTH BA TTERtES) $12.95
7403 .16 7464 .35 74158 1.79 5739 9 digit - 4 function - chain operation - 9V BATTERIES ONLY (DISPOSABLE) SET $2.00
7404 .19 7465 .35 74160 1.39 battery operation - 16 sec turn·off 22 PIN
7405 .19 7470 .30 74161 1.25 DiP .. .. ........ . . $3.95 9 DIGIT LED DISPLAY FHA 37
7406 .35 7472 .30 74162 1.49

CLOCK CHIP On multiplexed substrate, comm. ca·
7407 .35 7473 .35 74163 1.39 5311 6 digit multiplexed - 50-60 Hz - BCD and 7 thode compatable with all 8 digit
7408 .18 7474 .35 74164 1.59 seg out - fasl, slow set 12·24 Hr - 28 PIN DIP ~ calc ulator chips, 7 segme nt right ha nd
7409 .19 7475 .57 74165 1.59 ;j decimal, red with clear magnifying le ns,
... ..... ..... ... $3.95
7410 .16 7476 .39 74166 1.49 ~ ,12" character, 1 to 4 MA, 1.6 V typ 23/6""
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7413 .55 7485 1.10 74173 1.49 555 Multipurpose timer 8 PIN DIP $ .69
7416 .35 7486 .40 74174 1.62 556A Dual 555 14 DIP $1.29
7417 .35 7489 2.48 74175 1.39 TTL (DIP) VOLTAGE REGULATORS MEMORIES
7420 .16 7490 .59 74176 .89
7422 .26
7432 $ .19 7493 $ .49 1103 S 1.29
7491 .97 74177 .84 74107 309K TO·3 $1.00
7448 .89 .33 5203 12.95
7423 .29 7492 .71 74180 .90 340T·5V TO·220 $1.00
7475 .45 74121 .35 5260 .99
7425 .27 7493 .60 74181 2.98 340T·15V TO·220 $1.00
7490 .49 9601 .75 5262 3.19
7426 .26 7494 .94 74182 .79
7427 .29 7495 .79 74184 2.29
7430 .20 7496 .79 74185 2.29 MEMORIES Data sheets on request
7432 .23 74100 1.30 74187 5.95 1101 256 bit RAM MOS $ 1.50 ,.. With order add $.30 for items less than $1.00 ea. ~
7437 .35 74105 .44 74190 1.35 110] 1024 bit RAM MOS 3.95
1702A 2048 bit stati c PROM UV eras. 17.95
7438 .35 74107 .40 74191 1.35
2102 1024 bit stalic RAM 4.25
7440 .17 74121 .42 74192 1.25 5203 2048 bit UV eras PROM 17.95
7441 .98 74122 .45 74193 1.19 5260 1024 bit RAM 2.49 LINEAR CIRCUITS
7442 .77 74123 .85 74194 1.25 5261 1024 bil RAM 2.69
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7444 .87 74126 .63 74196 1.25 7489 64 bit ROM TIL 2.48 301 Hi Pe rf Op Amp mDIP T0- 5 .29
8223 Programmable ROM 3.69 302 VoU follower T().5 .53
7445 .89 74141 1.04 74197 .89 256 bit RAM hi-slate 5.90 T()' 5
741 45
NeS V Res
Pos V Reg
Op AMP (super 741)
mDIP T0-5
7448 1.04 74151 .79 74200 5.90 CLOCK CHIPS 308Micro Pwr Op Amp mOIP T0-5 .89
7450 .17 74153 .99 5001 12 DIG 4 lunct fix dec S2.49 5V 1A regulator
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5005 12 DIG 4 luncl w/ mem 2.99 311 Hi perl V Comp nDIP TO-5 .95
MM5725 8 DIG" funcl chain & dec 1.98 319 Hi Speed Dual Comp DIP 1.13
LOW POWER TTL MM5736 18 pin (, DIG", lunci 4.4 5 320Neg Reg 5.2, 12. 15 T()'3 1.19
74LOO $ .25 74L51 $ .29 75L90 $1.49 322 Precision Timer DIP 1.70
74LOl .25 74155 .33 7U91 1.45 MM5738 8 DIG 5 funct K & rnem 5.35
MM5739 9 DIG 4 funct (btry surl 5.35 324 Quad Op Amp DIP 1.52
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MM5312 24 pin 1 pps BCD 4 dig mUI 3.95 3«lK Pos V reg (5V. 6V , 8V,
74106 .25 74Ll) .49 74198 2.79 12V, 15V. 18V, 24V) TO-3 1.69
74LtD .25 74174 .49 741164 2.79 MM5313 28 pin t pps BCD (, dig mUI 4.45
MM5314 24 pin 6 dig mUI 4.45 340T Pos V reg (5V, 6V, 8V,
74L20 .33 74l7S .79 741165 2.79
M.M~53.'.6. . .4.0.P.i"•••I••'m. .4.d.ig. . . . . . . . . . . .5 .•39. . . . .~III
12V. 15V, 18V, 24V) TO-220 1.49
74LJO .J] 74l8S 1.25 ....... 372 Af-IF Strip del ec tor DIP 2.93
74142 1.49 74l8b .69 373 AM/fM/SSB Strip DIP .53
,. LED'. ""l1lI 376 Pm V Reg mDIP 2.42
MV10B Red TO 18 S .22 377 2w Siereo amp DIP 1.16
74HOO S .25 74H21 S .25 MVSO Alialleads . 18 380 2w Audio Amp DIP 1.13
74H55 $ .25
74HOI .25 74H22 .25 74H60 .25 MV5020 Jumbo Vis. Red (Red Dome) .22 380-8 .6w Audio Amp mOIP 1.52
74H04 .25 74 H30 .25 Jumbo Vis. Red (Clear Dome) .12 381 l o Noise Dual p red mp DIP 1.52
74H61 .25
74HOS .25 74H40 .25 ME4 Infra red diff. d ome .54 382 lo Noise Dual prea mp DIP .7 1
74H62 .25
7 .. HID .25 74 HSO .25 74H72 .39 MANt Red 7 seg .. 270" 2. 19 550 Prec V Reg DIP .89
74 Hll .25 74HSl .25 74H74 .]9 MAN2 Red alpha num .32" 4.3CJ 555 Timer mDIP .89
MAN4 Red 7 seq .. 190" 1.~ 5 556A Dual 555 Timer DIP 1.49
74H20 .25 74H53 .25 74H76 .49
MANS Green 7 §eg .• 270" ).45 560 Phase locked loop DIP 2.48
MAN6 .6" high solid seq. 4. 25 562 Phast' locke d l oop DIP 2.48
MAN7 Red 7 seq . •270" 1. lCJ 565 Phase locked l oop DIP T0- 5 2.38
8000 SERIES MAN3 Red 7 seg .. 127" straig ht pins .29 Function Ge n mDIP TO-5
8091 $ .53 8214 $1.49 8811 $ .59 566 2.25
MAN8 Yellow 7 seq . . 270" 3.45 567 Tone Decode r mOIP 2.66
8M2 .53 8220 1.49 8812 .89
8095 1.25 82)0 2.19 MAN66 .6" hig h spaced seq. 3.75 709 Ope rational AMPl TO-5 or DIP .26
8822 2.19
2.1 9
. . . . . . .M.C.T.2. . . . .0..'O
• .•i,.O."•. •",.i,.'0.'. . . . . . . . . . . ..6.'.... ~III 710
Hi Spe'e d Voll Comp
Dua' Difft.' renet' Compar
8130 1.97 8552 2.1 9 8836 .25 , MULTIPLE DISPLA VS ""III 723 V Reg DIP .62
8200 2.33 8554 2.19 8880 1.19 NSN33 3 digit .12" red led 12 pin 7]9 Dual Hi Pe rf Op Amp DIP 1.07
8210 2.79 MID .69 8263 5.79 fits IC slit. S1 .79 741 Comp Op AMP mDIP TO- 5 .32
8267 2.59 HP5082 5 digit .11 le d magn. lens 747 Dual 741 Op Amp DIP or TO-5 .71
74{)5 com . cath 3.49 748 Freq Adj 741 mDIP .35
HP5082 4 digit .11 lED magn. 1304 FM Mulpx Stt.'rco Demod DIP 1.07
9000 SERIES 7414 le ns comm. cath. S].25 1307 FM Mulpx Stereo Demod DIP .74
9002 $ .35 9309 $ .79 '1601 $ .89 FNA37 9 digit 7 scg led RH dec elr.

1458 Dual Comp Op Amp mDIP .62
9301 1.03 9312 .79 %02 .79 magn. lens 4.95 1800 Stereo multiplexer DIP 2.48
SP-425-09 9 digit .25" neon direct inter- lH2111 Dual lM 21 1 V Co mp DIP 1.70
fac e with MOS/ lSI , 180 VDC, 7 segl.79 3900 Quad Amplifit'r DIP .35
7524 COrl' Mem Sense AMPl DIP .7 1
SHIFT REGISTERS 8038 Voltage conlr. osc. DIP 4.25
S .26
.2 5
...,... MM5013
1024 bit accum. dynamic mDIP
500/5 12 bit d ynamic mDIP
I) DtG led Ca th Dr\'r
Dual line DriYer
75451 Dual Pert' ph era I Driyer
75452 Dual Periphc.·ral Driyer
1. 75
4006A 1. 35 4022A 1.10 4071A .26 DTL 75453 (35 1) DUdl Periph OriYl'r mDIP .35
4007" .26 402)A .25 4072A .35 930 $ .15 937 .15 949 .15 7.5491 QUdd Seq Driyer for lEO DIP .71
4008A 1.79 4024A .89 407JA .]9 932 .15 94. .1 5 962 . 15 75492 Hex Digit dri\'er DIP .80
4009A .57 4025A .25 407 5A .39 936 .15 946 .1 5 963 .15
4010A . 501 4027A .59 4078A .39
4011A .29 4028A .98 4081A .26
4012A .25 4030A .44 4082A .35 Satisfaction guaranteed. Shipment will be made via firsl class mail in U.S.,
40UA .45 40]5A 1.27 4528A 1.60 Canada and Mexico within 3 days from receipt of order. Add $.50 to cover
4014A 1.49 4042A 1,47 4585A 2. 10
401 5" 1.49 4049A .59 shipping a nd handling for orders under $25.00. Minimum order $5.00.
California residents add sa les tax .
Heoo S .22 74C74 Sl.04 74C162 S2.93
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] 4C154
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74(20 .35 ]4C 15] 1.76 8OC95 1.35
74(42 1.61 74Cl60 2.48 SOC97 1.13
7.. C7J UH 74C16 1 2.9]
thoughts on what a good
Carl Helmers ass e m b ly a nd c heckout
docum ent mi gh t co ntain .
System Summary: A
desCl"ip tion of the over-a ll
Benchmarks, Standards, etc. design of your produ ct, and
wh ere the parti cul ar uni t
being asse mbl ed fits into
th at des ign.

I just describ ed what I the impress ion th at fro m few co mments o n asse mbl y Complete Schematics: The
thi nk is a reaso nabl e ve rsion your prices and avail abl e m a nu a l s t a nd ar d s f o r need fo r these goes wi th out
of t he sta te of the art in small printe d data, your libra ry of revi ewing ki ts might help, and sayin g.
syste ms co mputi ng at th e low programs is o riented to the it will give o ur readers an idea
l arge r sys t e m s whi c h of wh at to lo ok fo r wh en Parts Lists: Spec ify what
end in pri ce. Now, what can
they buy th ese products. For you think you ship , and
you ex pect out of th e imp Ie me n t yo u r BAS IC
in te rpreter. This puts th em starte rs, let's concentrate on stick to it as cl ose Iy as
sup plie r of small syste ms
out of th e class of under the firs t documents the ki t possible. The use r can check
pro du cts <t; th at you can
impl ement the ben chmark $ 1000 compute r syste ms, builder has to come across - it off and pic k up errors .
capability ? Well , for o ne alth ough you r new 6800 th e sy ste m's asse mbly and Rec o mm ended Assembly
thin g, sooner or later eve ry syste m may be in the small h a rdw a r e c h ec k o u t Sequences: Give a fairl y
suppli e r will wa n t to co mput e r b e n c hm a rk documen tation. d e t a il e d se q ue n ce of
demo nstrate this ty pe of c l ass ifi ca ti o n of t hi s Manu fac tu re rs, be on your asse mbl y, more than " stu ff
sys t e m wi th an edi t ing edi to rial.) guard here l Microco mputers PC boa rds," "so Id er" th en
capabil ity. Note with care As ma nu fac turers se nd me are co mpli cated pi ece s of " ch ec k o u t." A s a
th at I did not specify one iota ev i d e nce (d ocume ntati on, eq uipm ent whi ch cann ot manu facturer you should
of deta il about th e actual syste ms summ aries , program to le rate mista kes in asse mbl y assemble the kit at least
edit or programs th emselves li stin gs, etc. ) fo r th e small if th e resu It is to be a once yourself whil e taking
w h i c h i m pl e men t th e sys tem s b e n c hm a r k f uncti o nal unit. Furth er, no tes on paper or magne tic
capability. I've hardl y limi ted capability, I'll report on them sinc e t h e re is a fini te t a p e . In a n y g ive n
th e software people (or lack eith er in t he edito ri als of possibili ty of bad integrated mech anical and elec tri cal
of sa me) at the kit comp ani es BYTE or in review articles circuits ge tting through your assembl y des ign , there is
to a p a rti c ul a r imple- c o mmis s io ne d f o r th at quality co ntro l procedures (if bound to be an optim al
mentat ion. Th ere will be purp ose. Readers can help any), you had best make sure sequ ence of steps - being
plenty of room fo r vari ati o ns p ro d th e s of tw a r e you can co unt up on your close to it you shou Id be
on th e basic edi tor co nce pt departme nts (o r lack of same) customers to di agnose any a bl e to gi ve a good
fro m su ppli e r to suppli er, in a t th e va ri o u s k it pro ble ms which mi ght ari se. a pp rox im at io n o f the
te rm s of m ee t in g t h e ma nufacturers by wri tin g Whil e you can ass ume an optimum. The assembly
benchmark req uire me nt. them to urge dem onstration above ave rage intelli gence on s equ en c e s h o uld be
The o nl y supplier of kit of b o th th e benchmark the pa rt of your customers - sp eci fie d with suffici ent
com puters wh o comes cl ose ca p a bili ty a nd to urge the readers of BYTE - you de tail - pictures wh ere
to demonstratin g the under "bundling" of that valu able cannot assume a compl ete necessary so th at an
$1000 benchmark to my systems soft ware - th e editor fa miliari ty with all th e detail s int e lli ge nt rea d e r can
sa ti sfac ti o n is Sce lbi - as part of the package of of your sys tem. The burden reprodu ce it.
Com pu te r Co nsultin g in items wh ich co mes wi th the of cl ear and und erstandabl e
Mil fo rd, Conn. Th eir 8008 compute r. pre sentati on lies up on your Checlwut Sequences And
o ri e nt e d sys t e m h as should ers. The days of the Self-Test: Th ought should
reasonabl y priced software Comments on Kit two page descripti on of some be given to th e sequence of
li ste d in their catalog for a Documentation: An Open di gital logic circui t being procedu res needed to verify
tape editor program, and t he Letter to Manufacturers pas sed off as an assembl y the operation of th e ki t
periph era ls/memory pro du cts Wh a t s ho uld re a ders manu al are over wh en it once it is assembl ed. Do not
they lis t look sufficient fo r ex p ect f r o m a kit comes to microco mputers. under any circum stances
this ca pability. (MITS: I get ma nufactur er? BYTE is Kit compu te r builde rs do not l e av e y o ur ch ec ko u t
certainly look ing into the nee d the Heathkit overkill procedures to a stricLl y
vari ous kit pro ducts wi th the a ppr oac h to asse mbl y "n ominal" course. I can
Standardizati on is a must rev iewers' solderin g irons, procedures, but th ey do need predic t tha t soo ner or later
for the growth of this pens and typewriters in hand, more th an a skele ton of a some of yo ur custo mers will
so we can pre sent a criti cal manu al. Th ere is a balanced find co mmon glitches in
indu stry - both for th e
eva lu atio n of th e ease (or lack middl e ground betwee n t he assembl y. Gi ve a few side
users of th e equipmen t
the reo f) of asse mbl y of the ex treme of mi nute detail on branches in th e checko ut
and the manufacturers. pm du cts. Ju st so yo u won't one hand , and a bare circui t procedu res for comm on Iy
h a ve it spru ng on you diagram wi t h parts lis t on t he occu rr ing pro bl e ms. " Ah ,"
with out wa rnin g, I thought a oth er. Here are so me of my you pro test, "b ut I don't

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Di m: l"xl"x W' $0.69 * 5 ecial
COMPL£TE kIT . $17.95 CA) 130 Suptr CMOS Op Amp
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lMI1Hl LM373N 325
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lM300l1 LM 380N 1.39 TYPE
lI.1JOIH J 100 lM380CN 1.05 LMI556V 1.85 MAN 2 S 300 lN 746 3.3 40010 411.00 IN4003 200 PIV I AMP . 10
L/.1301CN 3 1.00
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C~~1~1~!~;:. :
125 3.~~
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IN752 5.G
4f 1.00
~/1 00
400 PIV 1 AMP
50 200
. 10
6' 100
W30~H 100 NESO I K 8.00 lM3065N .1i9 MAN7 ~~~: ~~I!I: :~~7 ::~~ ~~~~~~: e:~I~::'" :;~: .~~ IN7536 } 400m 411 :001N4148 75 1 0~ 1 5~1 :00
~mi~i~ 1' :~ f-_g_~_~;_,~~:.: ~:~:":: . .~:::: '~:~:'_.,,·
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l M305H .95 NE510A 6 00
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LMJ09K 1]5 NES53 2.50 lM7 !i28 N 2.20 1 -2~ 2549 SO IO D I N 2~1 · 49 !)0·100 IN5236 7.5 500rl1 .28 1I~<1742 12 11'1 .28
U.1310CN 115 NE555V .49 ll.l7 534 N 2.20 8pln S. 17 Iii 15 2,1 pUl S 38 37 .36 IN456 2S 4001 6/1 .00 \lj41 44 15 II'.' 28
lM 31Hi 90 NE5 G5 H .99 lM7S35N 1. 25 1"11'" .20 19 18 lS llin .45 ,44 .43 IN4 58 150 7m 611.00 mll S3 50PIV 35AMP 160
lM 3 11N 90 NE5 65N 1.25 803RS 4.95 Iii 11m .22 23 22 36 pill liD 59 .5B IN485A 180 10m 511 00 Ifj 11 84 100 PIV J5 AMP 1 10
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lM 3 19N 1.30 NE567H 1.25 ;~~~;~~ . j~ nll'" .31i 37 31i f-':.:N:::":::02c..;.:
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LM3190 900 NE567V 1.50
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1549 1CN .79 141l1n .35 32 ]9 28 pili 1. 10 100 .90 2r12219A 3S100 Plml>8 ~ fSI 00 2JJ~~DO ., S100
L/.1320Kl] 1.3!! lM709N 29
LM320K 1~) 1 35 lM710N 19 15492CN 89 16 pm 3B 35 32 36 pili 1 !i5 1.40 1.21; ~~~~~;A ~'~11gg , PN3~69
41S1 00
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W139N 129 CA3035 225 14 PUI 39 38 .31 2B II'" 1 40 1 25 1.10 1N7906A 'I/Sl00 2Nl124 S.G~ 2N~O R8 4/S100
lM340K 17 19S
lM340K IS 1 95
LM340K 24 1 9!)
LMJ<10h 5 115
LM1')ICH 3, ) 00
lMNICN 311 00
U.114114N 39
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2NJ05~ SB9
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50 pes. RESISTOR ASSORTMENTS $1.75 PER ASST. ~~~~~;5 ~;~~.OO
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pf::! ?!!~~2
22 25 17 15 12 47 25 15 13 10
22!i0 2.: 20 18 47 50 Hi 1·1 11
41 25 19 11 15 10 16 14 12 09
47!i0 2!r 21 19 to 25 15 13 10
100 25 24 20 18 10 50 16 14 12
100 50 35 30]8 <11 50 N 21 19
2211 2!r 32 28 25 100 16 19 IS 14
220 50 45 41 38 100 25 24 20 18
470 n. J3 29 27 100 50 35 30 28
1000 16 55 .50 45 270 16 23 11 16
PHONE ORDERS - (415) 592-8097 2200 1[; 70 1i2 55 "70 25 31 2B
know what the problems I present these thoughts as BYTE will editorially standards meetings among
are'" Well , why not a constructive input to all support any equipment industry repres e nt atives,
institute an in-house contest manufacturers and as that meets industry according to Bill in a phone
among your engineers called information for readers to use standards, however those conversation recently . .. a
BUGDEBUG : Have one in the evaluation of your standards are defined. trend which we at BYTE
fellow go to a prototype products. I predict that the want to see continuing.
and intentionally introduce manufacturers who do the A standard is an agreement As a step in a second
a bug, then have his best job documenting their de facto or by ex plicit direction - aud io cassette
compatriot without kits will be the ones who choice of particip ants - upon standards BYTE is
advance knowledge - get prosper the most in the long a common set of parameters sponsoring an audio cassette
that machine and figure out run. for some aspect of standardization conference
what is wrong while taking tech nology . In the home on November 7 and 8 in
notes on his methods of Standardization Kansas City, Kansas (see the
computer field, the de facto
deducing the error. As mentioned in standard of character data is announcement in this issue).
describing the small systems adopted without question Th e purpose of this
Use of the Computer as a benchmark, the idea of a from the computer industry conference is to act as an
Debugging Tool: Above all, home computer system is at large - ASCII (Baudot information exchange among
concentrate on getti ng the best implemented with Teletype interfaces use the various manufacturers
CPU up first in your modularity. This brings up obsolete equipment and are an d users, and to hear
procedures, so that it can be the question of viewed as an exception to be arguments on the relative
used as a debugging tool by standardization of interfaces, specially programmed). There merits of various systems for
the fellow who has no since one of the most obvious is, however, a strong need for audio recording of digital
oscilloscope. Think about areas of modularity is in the additional standardization in data. The main argument in
the computer as a debugger, choice of peripheral devices two areas, one of which I'll favor of the audio standard
and burn some hardware for a system. What are talk abo ut in some detail concept whatever
debugging routines into standards, and whom do they now. These are the areas of technically competent system
your ROMs. serve? peripheral interconnection to or systems are chosen - is so
processors and the audio that the various users of small
cassette data interchange comput ers can freely
standard. Work upon the communicate with one

interf ace standardization another by passing data tapes
@@WU[p@ ~@[fD~@@ I problem has already begun back and forth. We need a
under the leadership of Bill universal audio standard so
Godbout in Oakland, Calif. that Joe Smyly in Podunk

~ I Bill has been in and around

the computer industry for a
Hollow, Kentucky, can
record his thoughts on tape

I long time (he worked for IBM

when IBM was anything but a
and send them to his friend
Fred Oberheimer in San

I giant in the fie ld) and

appreciates well the shot in
Francisco, wh ere Fred can
disp lay the message on his
own computer's data screens
I the arm competition can give
the development of a new
area. By h av ing plug
or hard copy outputs.
Once a standard has been
I I standards, we can avoid
arbitrary restrictruns on entry
agreed upon you may be sure
that BYTE will do all it can
I Assemble your own electronic
Ping-Pong unit tha t clips onto
I into the fi eld, thereby
expanding the choices users
to encourage manufacturers
to adhere to th is standard and
any TV set. It 's easy. Complete
plans, PIC boards, preassembled
and tes ted board or finish ed have and giving incentives to to pub li sh articles exp laining
units ... take your choice. Our
the innovative and creative the systems involved, the
I designs include cha llenging ball
play . a computer· control paddle
for automatic play. specia l sound
effect s and eyen on-screen scoring!
II pro ducers of personal
computing products. With a
hardware which will work
wit hit, a nd soft ware
I Build the basic unit for abollt $40 .

peripheral standard for the
industry, the inventor of "EI
in v 0 Iv e d . S h 0 u Ids 0 me
al ternatives be proposed
I Send 51.00 '"fundablel fo, sche·
Neato Peripheral #367" only
has to worry about one
which seem of value , BYTE
wi ll encourage their
I I interface, and can enhance
the value of Bill Godbout's
investigation and evaluation .
But once a standard has been
I ~ IJ~@M • • • Immed;.te sh;pments. .1 computer systems, as well as set , it will take some

I ~P.O. BOX 4204 I Sphere, MITS, SWTPC, RGS,

Scelbi and yet unheard of
powerful improvements to
warrant basic changes.

'- ________ .J
In California, there already
have been several informal
Carl Helmers
Editor, BYTE

Computer projects need power supplies. Finding the right power
transformer ca n be a problem. We have one of the largest and
most diversified stocks of power transformers in the country.
Below we list some representative items in our inventory. Our
catalog, free on request lists many more.
36 V . @ 1.0 A. c t, & 6 . 3 V @ 200 mao 3 Ibs. B9313 3.50 2 / 6.00
70 V. @ 1.5 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 500 mao 6 lb . B9314 6 .502 / 12.00
90 V . @ 2.0 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 1.5 A . 8 )1, lb. B9315 9 .952/ 19 .00
50 V.= @ 1.5 A. ct, & 6.3V @500 mao 6 lb . B9316 6.502/ 12 .00
26 V .@ 1.0 A. ct. &6.3 V. @ 500 mao 3 lb . B9318 3.75217 .00
38 V.@ 1.5 A. ct. & 6.0 V.@ 500 mao 2 lb. B9319 6.952/13.00
350 V. @ 35 mao ct. & 6.3 V. @ 2.7 A 2 lb. B9321 3 . 50 2 / 6.00
B5283 70 V .@ 1.5 A . ct. & 6 .3 V @ 1.5 A. 7Lb. B9322 6.752 / 13 .0
35 V. @ 6.0 Ct. & 10 V. @ 10.0 A. 6 . 0 Lb . B9906 8 .95 ea .
64 or 32 V . @ 8.0 A. ct. & 18 V. @8. 0 A ct. 10 lb. B9905 11.95



ASCII encoded keyboard. I n its own enclosure. Originaly used in

SANDERS ASSOCIATES 720 Terminal System. In like new
condition. Usefull for any project requiring an ASCii encoded
keyboard. 50 Alpha Numeric keys plus 11 computer symbols
STOCK NO.B5283 keyboard $35.00 2 / 65.00
85169 is a board containing 315 volt high current regulators
with 0.1 % regulation. 2 of the regulators are rated @ 3 Amps.,
MICRO-SWITCH (Honeywell) 8 bit binary coded board. 56 keys, and the other @ 6.0 amps. The current in each regulator may
alpha · meric and computer symbols Built in TTL decoder. New be doubled with the regulation going to 0.5%.AII 3 regulators
in factory cartons. A beautifu I keyboard. are short circuit proof, and 2 have electronic crowbar protect-
STOCK NO.B5199 Microswitch keyboard. $45.00 2 / 80. 00 ion. Brand new, in factory boxes.
STOCK NO.B5169 $11.95 ea. 2/21.00
KEYTOPS & SWI TCHES 89013 is a triple regulator with + 12 volt regulation @ 200
TO MAKE YOUR OWN KEYBOARD rna. and the third regulator is a tracking regulator, providing
regulation from 0 to 5 volta @ .5 A.
STOCI{ NO.89013 $5.95 ea. 2/10.00

noth regulators above come withcircuit diagrams.

We have a large selection of KEYTOPS and SWITCHES , made by (OP -AMPS)
RAYTHEON CO. The key tops come in black, grey and white,
with contrasting legends. The switches mate with the tops, and are TYPE DESCRIPTION CASE STOCK PRICE
magnetic reed switches. The following combinations are available :
709 Hi Performance TO-5 B4301 .50 5/2.00
54 key typewriter set, keys only, black K9276 2.95 B5301 1.00 6 / 5.00
4709 Dual 709 DIP
54 key typewriter set, keys only , grey K9278 2.95
741 Hi Performance DIP B4316 .65 5 /3. 00
54 key TTY set, no symbols white K9279 2.95
54 key TTY set, with symbols white K9282 2.95 747 Dual 741 DIP B4317 1.25 5 / 5 .00
741 Hi Performance Mini DIP B4345 .65 5/3. 00
54 key set, keys & switches black K9288 30. 00 747CT Dual 741 TO-5 B3111 1.25 5/5.00
54 key set, keys & switches grey K92·90 30.00 1458 Dual 741 Mini DIPB3112 1.25 5/5.00
54 TTY set, no symbols keys & Sw. White K9291 30. 00 LM101A Gen, Purpose TO· 5 B4503 .50 5 / 2.00
54 TTY set, with symbo ls, keys & Sw. whiteK9291 30. 00

11 Key Numeric set. Keys only Black K92o'3

11 Key Numeric set, Keys only Grey K9284 1.50


Numeric set,
numeric set,
Keys only
Keys only

Num.set, keys & switches Black

1 .50 mBurroughs
K9293 7 .00
11 Key Num. set, keys & switchesGrey K9294 7.00
11 Key Num. set, keys & switchesWhite K9295 7.00
12 Key Num. set, keys & switcheswhite K9296 7 .50

Blank key 1)1, keys wide white K9297 A 3/.25 -:r!u. :;1':;
_" .....,
"ihf5iI:WI:f7ia:JBUR R aUG H SSE L F
SCAN display, des·
Blank key 2 keys wide wh i te K9297B 3 / .25 igned for numeric app·
K9297 A with switch white K9298A 3 / 2.00 ~ li cation, requiring up to
K9297B with switch white K9298 B 3/2 . 00 MODEL SSD 1 00(}'001 0 . 16 char~cters of numeric
Informa tion . Display IS made
up of neon dot matrix. Each character is defined by a positive
logic 4 bit code. Display operates in a scanning mode, scannin!)
from left to right, one column at a time. Electronics is in inter
Miniature 7 segment LED readout (EXITON XMN 101). ior of bezel , and c onsists of LSI chip and integrated circuits.
Displays all numbers and 9 letters. b.D. 5/16"x 1/4" Current distributor price is $135.00 . LIMITED QUANTITY
Display is . 12 ". SPECIAL FOR THIS ISSUE ONLY STOCK NO.5180 with data $49.50 2 / 90.00
STOC K NO.B5173 with data sheet .50 ea. 5/2.00

Please include sufficient Send for the latest edition

postage. Excess refunded of our catalog. Loaded with
MINIMUM ORDER $5.00 electronic and computer
~ 7-Segment Readout
. . 12-PIN DIP l!ik Trimmer 25K Trimmer
Three digits with right-hand decimal EACH $.20 10 FOR $1 .50
Plugs into DIP sockets -12 turn trimpots whi ch plug
Similar to (LITRONIX) DL337 into a DIP socket
-5K and 200K Rectifiers
Magnified digit approximately .1"
Cathode for each dig1t
Segments are parallel fo r multiple
5-10 MA per segment
_ ~ II x l;all X

Ea ch $.65 10 for $4.9:


-4 leads spaced .3" x .2 " Jj VARO FULL-WAVE BRIDGE

VS647 2A
MR810 Rectifier
50V lA
S .10
EACH SI .7 5 4 (12 DIGITS) $6.00 1000 MHz Counter
11C05 Fairchild 1GHz Divide By Four Special 811: Hex Inverter
RCA Numitron ~'L
EACH .. ......... . $ 5.00 ~2I
I ' -DC to 1000 MH z operation
-AC or
-Vol tageDC compensated
TTL DIP Hex Inverter; pin interchangeable with SN
7404 . Parts are brand new and branded Signetics
and marked "811."
'. '7~1 - TTL or ECL power supply EACH . 16
SPECIAL : 5 FOR $20.00 -50 ohm drive output DATA 10 FOR 1. 50
1----------------; -Lead compatible with Plessy SP6 13
-True and complement ECL outputs
-14 p'i n DIP
SHEET 100 FOR 14.00
SUPPLIED 1000 FOR 110.00

MOS MEMORY 2102-2 -Data and application notes

Each $49.95
1024 Bit Fully De coded Statl c MOS EACH S . 15
Random Access Memory
LED's 1N4007 1KV PRY
SALE 10 for $1.00
-fast access 650n s
- fully TTL compatible
-n channel silicon gate
MV50 Red Emitting
10-4 MA @ 2V
$ .20
10 FOR $1. 25
- s ingle 5 volt supply ~
-tri- state output ~~-=" MAN 4 7-Segment, 0-9 plus letters.
-1024 by 1 bit Right-hand decimal point . Snaps in 14-
MV5024 Red TO-18 $ .35
- chi p enable input
-no c l ocks or refreshinq Hi gh Dome Ci't:::::: 10 FOR $2 . 95
pin DIP socket or Molex. Ie voltage re-
qui rements. Ide a 1 for desk or pocket
requ ired
Brand New Factory ~"rl~ MV10B Visible Red $ .30 EACH $1. 20 10 OR MORE $1.00 EACH
16 PIN DIP Ea ch ~4.00 5-7 t1A @ 2V 10 FOR $2.50
3 for $27.95
CD-2 Counter Kit
Power Supply SPECIAL! CMOS
Thi s kit provides a highly sophisticated display
CD4001 . 45 CD4023 $ .45
section module for clocks, counters, or other nu-
723 DIP variable regulator chip 1- 40V, CD4002 .45 74C20 .65 merical display needs. The unit is .8" wide and
+ or - output @ 150 MA lOA with exter- CD4011 . 45 74C160 3.25 4 3/8" long . A single 5-volt power source powers
nal pa ss transistor--with diagrams for CD4012 .45 both the ICs ~nd the display tube . It can attain
many app 1 i ca ti ons. ~~~--:=---=~--=--:-::----t typi ca l count rates' of up to 30 MHz and a1 so ha s
EACH $1.00 10 FOR $8.95 3-Amp Power Silicon Rectifiers
a lamp test, causing all 7 segments to light. Kit
in cludes a 2- s ided (with plated thru holes) fiber -
MARKED EPOXY AXIAL PACKAGE glass printed c i r cui t board, a 7490, a 7475, a
5001 Calculator 7447, a DR2010 RCA Numitron display tube, complete
40-Pin ca lculator chip wi 11 add, sub- PRY PRICE PRY PRICE instructions, and enough MOLEX pins for the IC s ...
tract , multiply, and divide . 12-digit 100 . ..... $. 10 800 ...... $.30 NOTE : boards can be supplied in a single panel of
display and calculate . Chain ca1cu1a- 200 ... .... 15 1000 ..... . 40 up to 10 digits (with all interconnect s ) ; the re-
tions. True credit balance s ign out- 400 ....... 18 1200 ...... 50 fo re, when ordering, please specify whether you
put. Automatic over-flow indication. 600 .. ... . . 23 1500 . . . .. . 65 want them in single panels or in one mu 1 tip 1 e
Fi xed dec imal point at 1, 2, 3, or 4 . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 digit board . Not specifying will result in ship-
Lea din g zero suppression. Complete DIODE ARRAY 10-lN914 silicon ping delay (}
data supplied with chip. s ignal diodes in on e package. 20 COMPLETE KiT ONL Y $10.95 ~
CHIP AND DATA ........ ONLY $2.49 leads spaced . 1" ; no cOnlnon connec- FULL Y-ASS EMBLED ':~~ 'J490 .'c7475 e:::5 'M6 ' J
\ .!t .. h...... ...h'. 'h." ..
DATA ONLY (Refundable)... $1.00
~. ,
I I \ " ,I
EACH . . . 5 .25 I
UNIT $15.00
.- ''''''.
10 FOR $2.25 Boards supplied separately @ $2.50 per digit .
0_ _

High Quality PCB

Mounting Ie Sockets 7400 .20 74H51
74HOO . 30
a-PIN, 14-Pin, 16-Pin and 24-Pin PCB 7401 . 20 7454 . 20
mounting ONLY--no wire wrap sockets. 74L54 . 25 NE555 Precision timer ...... . . ... . , . .... . . . . . 90
74H01 . 25 NE560 Phase lock loop DiP . .... ..... ... ..... 2.95
7402 .25 74L55 .25
.22 7460 . 16 NE561 Phase lock loop DiP . ............... . . 3 . 00
7403 .25
74L71 .25 NE565 Phase lock loop .. ... .. ... ....... 2.95
7404 . 25
14-Pin ... , . . .. $ .26 7472 . 40 NE566 Funct i on genera tor TO- 5 ... . .. .. .•.. .. 3. 50
74H04 .30
74L72 .60 NE567 Tone decoder TO-5 ..... . . ... , ....•.... 3 . 50
7405 .30
16-Pin ... ..... $ . 30 7473 .35 709 Popular Op Amp DiP ......... . .... . . . . . . 40
740 6 .40
7408 .30 74L73 .75 710 Voltage comparator DiP ............... . 60
24-Pin ........ $ .75 74H08 .30 7474 .45 711 Dual comparator DiP ... ... ....... . . . . . . 45
.20 74H74 . 75 723 Precision voltage regulator DiP ...... 1 . 00
40-Pin ..... . .... $1.25 7475 .80 74 1 Op amp TO-5 / MINI DIP... . . ....... .. .. . .4 5
7413 .75
7417 .40 7476 .55
,\11 11.."5 .:tr,-~ no.:'''''' .lnd fully t ested. Leads
. 20 74L78 .70 748 Op Amp TO-5 ......... .... ....... . .... . .80
.I r,-' !,-'d ...· 1 th '301d or solder . Orde:s 7420 CA30182 Isolated tran s istors and a Darling-
fOI" $ ~,. 00 o r mor..:- ....·111 be shlpped prepald 74L20 .30 7480 .50
,\JJ S . :':J for !"iandllng a n d postage for 7483 .70 ton-connected transistor pair .. .. .. 1.00
sm.lll",'r o rd ...~rs; rt:'sldcnts o f CalIfo rn ia
74H20 .30
s.ll ...'s Ie orders are shipped 74H22 .30 7489 3.00
.1j,j t.1X.
.: ...·o rkd.lys- - kits arc shlpped with -
...· l l h l t \ 7430 .20 7490 1. 00 CA3045 5 NPN transistor array ... ......... . .. LOO
1:1 10 ~I.l\" ~ o f r ,;>c (,lpt of orde r. S10.00 7492 .65 LM100 Positive DC regulator TO-5 ...... ... .. 1. 00
74H30 .30
m.:\ lnlUIr'. all ,,- .0. D . • s.
74L30 .30 7493 1. 00 LM105 Voltage regulator ........... . .... ... . 1.25

BRBYLOn 7440 .20

74H40 .30
74 95
1. 00
LM302 Op Amp voltage follower TO-5 ........ .
LM308 Op Amp TO- 5 .. . ... .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ..
LM309H 5V 200 MA power supply TO-5 .. . . ......
ELECTROniCS 744 2 1. 00 74107
LM309K 5V lA power supp l y module TO-3 ....... 1.0 0
Mail orders to: TWX' 910- 367-352 1 7447 1. 50 1. 25
7450 . 20 74 180 1.00 LM311 Comparator Mini ............ ...... .. .. 1 .75
r .n . Rox 4177 8 Ph (q16) 334 - 2161 74H50 .30 74193 1. 50 LM370 AGC amp l ifi er .............. .... .... " 1.7 5
SacraMento , CA one LM380 2-Watt Audio Amp .......... ...... .. ... 1.7 5
q5841 7451 . 20 74 19 5 .6 5
LM1595 4-Quadrant multi p1 ier ...... . ....... . . 1. 70
~onev back ouarantee on a ll MC1536T Op Amp . ........... .. .. . . ... ....... .. 1 . 35
qoods. Se nd for free fl yer. 7400 Series DIP

Manufactured by U L TRON ICS (Sylvania) from
phased out equipment. Apparent good condition,
several models. No data available.

# SP-301 12 lb ............. $35.00 3/$100


By Dressen-Barnes and NJE. Transistorized,
finely filtered and regulated. 115 volt input.

#61-5S Output 5VDC 21 Amp 27 Ib $47.50

# 51-5S Output 5VDC 10.5 Amp 161b 35.00
# 421-32 Output 32VDC 3.3 Amp 121b 20.00
# 421-90 Output 90VDC 1.2 Amp 12 Ib 20.00
# NJE 5VDC 34 Amp 35 Ib 75.00


New memory system by Honeywell, sm all . . .
measures only 9x4x1 inches. 1024 core memory,
1024 words with 8,9,10 bits/word. Random access,
with a ll logic, register, timing, control , core select a nd
sense functions in one package. New, booklet of
schematics and data. Looks like a good beginning for
a mini-computer. Limited supply on hand.
Ship wgt 3 Ibs. # SP-79 ......... $125.00

1,00011F 15 volt $ .35 2,000 11 F 35 volt 1.00

COMPUTER 2,000 15 .50 19,500 25 $2.50
CAPS 1,000 25 .70 12,000 40 2.50
BRAND 3,000 25 1.00 3,900 50 2.00
NEW 1,000 35 .80 22,000 75 3.25

Another brand new memory, ultra small. Measures only 4 x 4 inches
with format on one plane of 32 x 32 x 16 (16,384). Only about 35
units of this on hand.
#SP-81 .................................. $20.00

SANDERS 720 KEYBOARD ....... $40.00

Please add shipping cost on above.

MESHNA PO Bx 62 E. Lynn Mass. 01904

from page 5

reader at the same time NEED FOR STANDARDS

service simultaneously so I need to
have a serial interface The growth of computer
To get further information on the products advertised in this doohinky instead of a parallel systems should be facili tate d
issue of BYTE merely tear, rip, or snip Ollt this advertiser index, doohin ky. Luckily M ITS has by some agreement between
fill out the data at the bottom of the page, mark the appropriate just su ch a gadget for the hobbyists and industry on
boxes, and se nd the works to BYTE, Peterborough NH 03458.
Altair, the 88-SIOC, it is standards of interface and
Readers get extra Brownie Points for sending for information
since this encourages advertisers to keep using BYTE - which in called . Once I get th is magic control. The day may soon
turn brings you a bigger BYTE. board plugged into the Altair arrive when computers are
I can install a jack to plug in a built with standardized
ADVERTISER INDEX Teletype. It'll make me feel a connectors in the back for
lot better. plugging in serial or parallel
o American Cancer Society 74 Not that th is is any put fed teletype units, television
o A. P. Products 4 down of the Altair for I t y pew r i t e r s , cas set te
o Babylon 94 notice that for some odd recorders, modems, floppy
o Byte Subscriptions 81 reason computers have disk drives, etc.
o Celdat 82 historically been built If BYTE can help with
without terminals allover the this, so much the better.
o Centi-Byte 87
back panel. Let me provide BYTE hereby asks all
o CMR 83
some sage advice to computer interested parties to submit
o Continental Specialties C III designers : Put connectors all papers in support of their
o Delta 93 over the back panel and make proposals for interconnection
o Delta t 71 your equipment look like standards for I/O and
o Godbout 18, 19 other electronic gear. Stop memory storage devices.
o Hickok 51 ,63 already with the mystique Agreement is important on
·0 International Elec. Unltd. 89 that compute rs are something the standards of
o James Electronics 83,91 holy and different. They are interconnection and control,
o Martin Research 1 full of busy electrons like as well as the type of
o Meshna 95 anything else and they should connector to be used. Speak
o Micro Digital 41 look right. now or hold your peace.
oMITS C IV, 48-50
o Processor Technology 73 , 75
o RGS 2
o Scelbi 34,3 5
o S. D. Sales 87
o Southwest Technical C II Classified Ads Available for Individuals and Clubs
o Sphere 8, 9, 10
o Suntronix 76
o Teleterminal 71
o Visulex 92 Readers who have
equipment to buy, sell or swap
o Windjammer 80
should send in a clearly typed or
printed notice to that effect.
Messages for the editor: Insertions should be limited to
approximately 100 words or
less. Advertisements for this
feature can be accepted from
Reader's Service individuals or bona-fide c1u bs of
computer users only.
Commercial advertisers should
Green Publishing Inc .
BYTE acquired via contact Bill Edwards, BYTE
Peterborough NH 03458 advertising manager, for the
o Subscription latest rate card and terms.
Please print or type. o Newsstand Individual/c1u b c1assifieds will
o Stolen be printed on a space·avai1ab1e
basis in the earliest possible
Name issue of BYTE.


City State Zip

Coupon expires in 60 days . . .

At last! High quality, laboratory-grade test instruments . . .
for the professional and hobbyist . . . at prices everyone can afford!


Now you can build/test electronic circuits
WITHOUT SOLDER ... using solid #22 AWG
wire to interconnect discrete components ...
Have you been bugged by color codes or unreadable
resistors, transistors, linear/digital ICs in T05 component markings? Forget it! DM-3. the low cost
or DIP packages (8-40 pins), and more. Plus, RI C Bridge , measu res true component values . .. in
seconds . . . to better than 5%. And. it's all done with
you get 5-15VDC up to 600ma (9 watts) of only 2 operating controls and a unique solid-state null
variable regulated power, with a built-in 0-15V detector, to ze ro-in on exact component selection ..
voltmeter to monitor internal power and/or instantly! Completely wired. calibrated and tested.
external circuits. Now, that's design flexibility! DM-3 includes an extensive instruction/application s
And look at the low, low price! m anual, and operational theory too.

49 95
Add $2 .50
Troubleshooting? Design Testing? DM-2 gives you all
Resistance Range: 100-100 megO . (6 Ranges:
10-1000. 100-10000. 1K-10KO. 100K-1 megO. 1
shipping /handling the signal source capacity you need ... at a very megO-10 megO) CapaCitance Range: 10eFd-1,mFd-
modest price. This 3-wave form Function Generator (5 Ran ges: 10-100 pFd. 100-1000pFd •. 001-.01
has : Sh'ort-proof output, variable signal amplitude and mFd •. 01mFd-. 1mFd •. i- 1.mFd.) N\l1I Detector; 2
constant output impedance. Completely wired, tested, hi-intensity LEDs-hi/lo markings. Accuracy: < 5% of
calibrated, ready to test audio amplifiers, op-amp and null dial. range switch setting. Wghl. 2 Ibs.
educational lab designs ... as well as complex Power Needed : 117V. AC @ 60Hz 3W'
industr ial lab projects. Complete with easy-to-read
instructions/operations manu al, application notes,
operation theory and more, DM -2 works hand-in-hand
with DM-1 for total versatility.

Frequency Range : 1Hz- 100KHz (5 ranges: 1-10Hz,
10-100Hz, 100-1000Hz, 1-10KH z, 10-100KHz). Dial
Accuracy: Calibrated @ 10Hz. 100Hz. 1KH z. 10KHz.
SPECIFICAnONS fraq . accurate to 5% of dial setting . Wave Forms : Sine
Power Supply : Output: 5-15V @ 600ma . Ripple and < 2% THO over freq. range. Triangle wave linearity,
Nolae: less than 20mv @ full load. Load/line < 1% over range . Square wav e rise/fall < 0.5
regulation: < 1%. Meter: Q·15V DC . Connectors: 1 microseconds - 6000 -20pf termination. Output
OT-59S, 2 OT-59B, 2 power supply 5-way binding Amplitude : (all wave lorms) variable-0 .1V-1 0V peak to
posts, 2 meter 5-way binding posts. Wght: 3 Ibs. peak into open circuit. Output Impedance:
Power Needed : 117V, AC @ 60 Hz 12W.· 6000-constant over ampl,/ freq . ranges. Wghl. : 2 Ibs.
Patent #235,554. Power Needed: 117V. AC @ 60Hz 5W.·

Each measures 6.75" L x 7.5"W x 3.25 " H.; completely assembled, ready to start
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"220V @ 50Hz availab/e at slightly higher cost.

All DESIGN MATES are made in USA; available off-the-shelf from your
loca( distributor. Direct purchases from CSC can be charged on Bank 44 Kendall Street, Box 1942, New Haven, CT 06509 • 203/624-3103
Americard, Master Charge, American Express. Plus, you get a FREE West Coast Office: Box 7809, San Francisco, CA 94119.415/421 -8872
English/Metric Conversion Slide Rule with each order. Foreign orders Canada : Len Finkler ltd., Ontario
please add 10% for shipping/handling. Prices are subject to change.
© Copyright Continental Specialties Corporation 1975
The MITS Altair 8800.

(It's showing up in SOllle of

the lllOSt unusual places.)

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