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The course design consists of :

Course / subject : Pharmacy Botany (FAR 3003)
Lecturer : Dra Arum Suproborini, M.Si.
Course Description : This lecture discusses the morphology of plant organs, namely
leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, homologous seeds and organs
from root-stem-leaves, and plant habitus. Morphological
application in plant identification. Plant anatomy, namely plant
cells and tissues, stems (Dicotyl-Monocotyl-Gymnosperm-
Pteridophyta), roots (Dicotyl-Monocotyl), leaves (Dicotyl-
Monocotyl-Gymnosperms), rhizomes, flowers and roots
Course Objectives : After attending the course, students are able to: Describe the
morphology and anatomy of high-level plants and low plant
systems as a basis for identifying traditional medicinal raw
Materials : 1. Semester learning plan and course contract
2. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Botanicals, The role of plants /
plants, Morphology High level plants(vegetative organs)
3. High level plant morphology (generative organs)
4. Plant Taxonomy
5. Plant Nomenclature
6. Spermatophyta
7. Tools for secretions and glands in the tissues
8. Cells and Protoplasm
9. Midterm exam
10.Objects in non cells protoplasmic
11.Non-protoplasmic cell membranes
12.Plant tissue
13.Anatomy of roots, stems, and leaves
14.Structure and function of flower, fruit, and seeds
15.Review course material
16.Final exam
Activities : Lectures
1. Opening (introductory activity)
In the begining of a course
-The lecturer greetings (meeting 1-16)
-The lecturer lead prayers (meetings 1-16)
-The lecturer introduces himself (meeting 1)
-The lecturer informs the course contract and seeks agreement
will students (meeting 1)
-The lecturer ask about the readiness of students to take
classes and provide motivation (meetings 1-14)
-The lecture explains the final abilities planned at this
meeting (meeting 1-14)
-The lecturer give pre-test in the beginning of a course
( meetimg 3-14 sometimes)
-The lecturer applies the learning method for each student to
be a teacher (meeting 4-14)
-The lectures check student attendance lists (meeting 1-16)
2. Main activity
At the main of a course
-The lecturer gives an overview of the whole course (meeting
-The lecturer explains introduction to pharmaceutical ,plant
vegetative organs and form dividing students into 10 student
groups (meeting 2)
-The lecturer explains plant generative organs (meeting 3)
-The lecturer draws the name of the student who must
present the results of the work (meetings 4-14)
2. Closing (closure)
In the end of a course
-The lecturer reviews the materials and concludes it (meeting
-The lecturer explains the plan for the lecture next week
(meeting 1-3)
-The lecturer reminds student groups of presentations at the
next meeting (4-14)
-The lecturer and students give applause to students who
have already presented (4-14)
-The lecturer leads the prayer and greets (1-16)
Class practice (Assigment)
- Students present and explain Plant Taxonomy (meeting
- Students present and explain Plant Nomenclature (meeting
- Students present and explain Spermatophyta (meeting 6)
- Students present and explain Tools for secretions and
glands in the tissue (meeting 7 )
- Students present and explain Cell and protoplasm (meeting
- Students present and explain Objects in non cell
protoplasmic (meeting 10)
- Students present and explain Non protoplasmic cell
membranes (meeting 11)
- Students present and explain Plant tissue (meeting 12)
- Studentspresent and explain Anatomy of roots, stems, and
leaves (meeting 13)
- Students present and explain Strukture and functions of
flower, fruit, and seeds (meeting 14)
-The lecturer applies the learning method for each student
to be a teacher, so they have the right to give questions and
give an evaluation of their friends. So they made a list of
values for their friends. The list of values will later be
confirmed by the results of the lecturers' assessment.
Students who have the highest grades are free not to take
midterm exam.
- Lecturers form dividing students into 10 student groups.
Nine groups consist of 2 students and one group consists
of 3 students (meeing 2)
  The name of the group members, the order in which the
presentation is arranged is drawn. When the presentation
was agreed, it was held at the 4th meeting
-The group of students 1 presents the material for Plant
taxonomy (meeting 4) and so on.
Evaluation : Midterm exam 20%, Final exam 20% , Discipline,Creative, and
Honest 30%, and Assigment 30%.
The total score will be agrade with the following conditions :
A  ≥ 81
B ≥ 71 - < 81
C ≥ 57 - < 71
D < 57 and / or not taking lectures for 4 times
References : 1. A.G.Kartasapoetra. 1991.Pengantar Anatomi Tumbuh-
Tumbuhan. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta.
2. Gembong Tjitrosoepomo. 2005. Morfologi Tumbuhan.
Yogyakarta. Gadjah Mada University Press.
3. Steenis, C.G.G.J.Van. 2013. Flora. Cet.13. Jakarta. PT Balai
Pustaka (Persero).
4. Suroso Adi Yudianto. 1992. Mengerti Morfologi Tumbuhan.
Bandung. Tarsito.
5. Petunjuk Praktikum Botani Farmasi. 2017. Program Studi
Farmasi Universitas PGRI Madiun.

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