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From Cognitive Modeling to Self-Regulation: A

Social Cognitive Career Path

Barry J. Zimmerman

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Regulation: A Social Cognitive Career Path, Educational Psychologist, 48:3, 135-147, DOI:

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Published online: 09 May 2013.

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EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, 48(3), 135–147, 2013
C Division 15, American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0046-1520 print / 1532-6985 online
DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2013.794676


From Cognitive Modeling to Self-Regulation:

A Social Cognitive Career Path
Barry J. Zimmerman
Doctoral Program in Educational Psychology
Graduate School of the City University of New York

My career path to understanding the source and nature of human learning started with an
interest in social processes, especially cognitive modeling, and has led to the exploration of
self-regulatory processes. My investigation of these processes has prompted the development
of several social cognitive models: a triadic model that synthesized covert, behavioral, and
environmental sources of personal feedback, a multilevel model of training that begins with
observational learning and proceeds sequentially to self-regulation, and a cyclical phase model
that depicts the interaction of metacognitive and motivational processes during efforts to learn.
Empirical support for each of these models is discussed, including its implications for formal
and informal forms of instruction. This self-regulation research has revealed that students who
set superior goals proactively, monitor their learning intentionally, use strategies effectively,
and respond to personal feedback adaptively not only attain mastery more quickly, but also
are more motivated to sustain their efforts to learn. Recommendations for future research
are made.

It is a singular honor to have been selected to receive the COGNITIVE MODELING RESEARCH
E. L. Thorndike award for 2011. Thorndike envisioned the
application of psychology in education as a science, and that When I began my professional career as an educational psy-
vision has had an enduring impact on subsequent genera- chologist in the late 1960s, I sensed a major gap in research
tions of researchers, including me. In this article I discuss dealing with social cognitive aspects of students’ learning.
social- and self-regulation of learning. Because this topic is This paucity of research seemed curious because students
broad in scope, I do not attempt to provide a comprehensive clearly learn many fundamental concepts in influential so-
description of the field. I have, however, discussed its histor- cial milieus, such as the family, the classroom, and the peer
ical background, methodological developments, and future group. In addition to this gap in research on learning, I was
prospects in a previous article in American Education Re- also struck by an absence in research on students’ willing-
search Journal (Zimmerman, 2008b). Instead, I describe my ness to assume personal responsibility for their academic
personal career path as a social cognitive researcher from learning and performance. To bridge these gaps, I turned to
my initial research on cognitive modeling to my subsequent sources outside of educational psychology at the time, and
research on self-regulation of learning. I discovered the work of Albert Bandura. His research was
largely unknown in educational circles when I was in gradu-
ate school. While reading Bandura and Walters’s (1963) book
Social Learning and Personality Development, I realized that
modeling could be studied as a potent method of both for-
mal and informal teaching. Teaching was a “hot” issue in
This article is drawn from my E. L. Thorndike Award address pre- education during that era, and Bandura’s social learning the-
sented to Division 15 of the American Psychological Association in Orlando, ory offered a unique perspective on that topic. Modeling
Florida, on August 3, 2012.
could be studied experimentally as an instructional method
Correspondence should be addressed to Barry J. Zimmerman, Educa-
tional Psychology, Graduate School of the City University of New York, 365 designed to enhance not only students’ learning but also their
Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10016-4309. E-mail: motivation.

I was introduced to Al Bandura early in my career and portant forms of human knowledge could be taught through
came to know him personally as well as professionally. I cognitive modeling of the underlying abstractions of compe-
found him to be a warm and encouraging man with a won- tent others (i.e., social models).
derful sense of humor. He invited me and my colleagues to As a demanding test of the instructional power of cog-
contribute to a book that he edited on theories of psycho- nitive modeling, Ted and I sought to teach developmentally
logical modeling (e.g., Rosenthal, Zimmerman, & Durning, linked problem-solving strategies for solving Piagetian con-
1970), and he has been very supportive throughout my ca- servation problems precociously. At the time, these numeri-
reer. I have had the honor of writing several biographies cal concepts were considered to be resistant to instruction by
describing Al’s extraordinary contributions to the field of ed- preoperational-stage children (Flavell, 1963).
ucation (Zimmerman, 2008a; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2002). In our cognitive modeling of conservation methodology
Of interest, the importance of Al’s research was recognized (Rosenthal & Zimmerman, 1972; Zimmerman & Lanaro,
eventually by educational psychologists with his reception of 1974; Zimmerman & Rosenthal, 1974a), an adult model re-
the Thorndike Award in 1999. sponded to an experimenter’s questions about whether a flat-
At the time, a number of educators viewed model- tened ball of clay had more or less clay than an unflattened
ing as limited in its instructional effectiveness despite its ball or whether they were they equal. After rendering a cor-
widespread use in apprentice training programs. The major rect judgment, some students observed the model asked to
problem with modeling was thought to be its reliance on explain his or her answer, such as, “You didn’t add or take
response duplication (i.e., mimicry). Several developmental away any clay, so they must both be the same.” For the other
psychologists were especially dismissive of modeling based students, the model was not asked to give a verbal explanation
on presumed cognitive stage limitations of students, espe- for the conservation judgment. Subsequently, other conser-
cially with young children (Sloban, 1968). My close col- vation tasks were introduced, such as two equal glasses of
league Ted Rosenthal and I disagreed with this perspective, water, and one is poured into a tall, narrow cylinder. Then
and we hypothesized instead that students’ vicarious learning the same answer sequence was modeled.
could extend beyond simple mimicry of motoric actions if To our delight, we found that cognitive modeling produced
cognitive modeling methods of instruction were employed. not only rapid learning but also significant transfer to un-
Cognitive models are distinguished by their display of mul- trained tasks and significant retention over time (Zimmerman
tiple examples of problem-solving actions, which are ex- & Rosenthal, 1974a). Students that heard the model’s expla-
plained or justified as they are performed, such as a arith- nation for his or her judgment displayed greater vicarious
metic strategy for “carrying” when adding numbers. To put learning than students who observed only the model’s conser-
it humorously, we sought to evolve “monkey see—monkey vation judgments. Providing a verbal rationale for a model’s
do” mimicry notions of modeling to higher primate cognitive problem-solving actions clearly increased their cognitive im-
forms of observational learning! pact. Pam Lanaro and I also discovered that children even as
Ted and I sought to test this cognitive modeling hypoth- young as preschool age were able to induce abstract concepts
esis in an extensive series of studies. In an initial study from cognitive models and to generalize those concepts to
designed to enhance the conceptual quality of elementary unfamiliar tasks (Zimmerman & Lanaro, 1974). Cognitive
school students’ questions to a series of cards depicting var- modeling was also found to increase observers’ personal
ious objects (Rosenthal et al., 1970), an adult model dis- choice of the learning task, a key indicator of enhanced mo-
played a sequence of questions that all had a specific cog- tivation (Zimmerman & Koussa, 1975, 1979).
nitive property, such as functional questions like, “What These cognitive modeling studies led us to conduct an
do you use it for” and “Can you put water in this”? Af- extensive program of research that eventuated in an article
ter watching the cognitive model ask semantically diverse in Psychological Bulletin (Zimmerman & Rosenthal, 1974b)
but conceptually consistent questions regarding the cards, and in a book entitled Social Learning and Cognition (Rosen-
the student observers were directed to ask questions—first thal & Zimmerman, 1978). In these two publications, we
to the same cards addressed by the model and then to new summarized hundreds of studies by other researchers along
cards. with our own work, and we concluded that these results of
We discovered that the observing students increased their cognitive modeling challenged stage descriptions of chil-
functional questions significantly on the same cards as well dren’s development as unduly pessimistic about young chil-
as on the new cards. Clearly, the students had abstracted the dren’s capability to learn.
key conceptual property of the questions, and they were able
to generalize it to a contextually different task. These find-
ings bear on the underlying issue: Were these results due to MY INITIAL ENGAGEMENT IN
verbatim mimicry of the models’ exact questions, or were SELF-REGULATION RESEARCH
they due their underlying conceptual property? Mimicry was
found to account for only 11% of their entire vicarious learn- This evidence of the power of cognitive modeling led
ing results. These findings suggested to us that many im- me to consider how a socially acquired concept, such as

conservation of liquid quantity, is adapted strategically to di- to organize and transform information more effectively
verse settings. I viewed this adaptation as due to a learner’s (Graham & Harris, 1989; Meichenbaum, 1977; Pressley,
transition from social to self-directed forms of regulation. To 1977; Weinstein, Schulte, & Palmer, 1987). Finally, I also
achieve self-regulation, students must discern shortcomings included motivational variables, such as self-efficacy, to ex-
in their initial approach, find ways to correct them strategi- plain the proactive striving that is so essential to SRL (Ban-
cally, and exert the effort necessary to succeed eventually. dura & Schunk, 1981).
Around this same time, Bandura (1977) advanced the con-
struct of self-efficacy as a motive for self-initiated and self- A TRIADIC SOCIAL COGNITIVE MODEL
sustained learning and performance. This construct was de- OF SRL
fined as one’s perceived capability for accomplishing a task.
In the early 1980s, I came acquainted with Dale Schunk be- My initial effort to develop a social cognitive model of SRL
cause of his research with Al Bandura on self-efficacy. I was was based in part on Bandura’s triadic analysis of human
delighted to have found a person whose theoretical interests functioning in terms of personal, behavioral, and the envi-
and view of the importance of research were so compatible ronmental components, and in part from Ted’s and my cog-
with mine. Our theoretical convergence and close personal nitive modeling research on the influential role of strate-
friendship enabled us to work closely together for more than gies and feedback. Feedback from these processes enables
two decades on a topic of mutual interest: self-regulation of self-regulated learners to adapt to changes in their social
learning. Although this construct was intuitively appealing, and physical environments, behavioral outcomes, and covert
the first challenge was to define it operationally and to assess thoughts and feelings. These three (i.e., triadic) forms of SRL
its validity. are depicted in Figure 1 using three interdependent strategic
feedback loops that regulate covert, behavioral, and environ-
mental processes (Zimmerman, 1989).
DEFINING SELF-REGULATED LEARNING Behavioral forms of self-regulation refer to self-observing
(SRL) one’s performance and adapting it strategically. For example,
the British soccer player David Beckham learned to create a
When I began my initial research studies of SRL in the early tremendous bend in the flight of the ball as a result of exten-
1980s, I drew heavily on learning experiences of my youth, sive practice as a young player. He achieved this outcome by
especially in sports, but my first efforts to define SRL op- kicking the side of the ball and observing the resulting spin
erationally were disappointing. I initially considered three (Syed, 2010). Environmental forms of self-regulation involve
possible definitions: as an ability, as a behavior, or as a self- monitoring the effects of varying environmental conditions
belief. I subsequently ruled out an athletic ability definition and controlling those conditions strategically. For example,
because it couldn’t explain why my efforts to learn to play when teaching Tiger Woods to become a professional golfer,
baseball were much more successful than my efforts to learn his father, Earl Woods, would purposely try to distract him
to play basketball. I eliminated a behavior definition because
the cognitive quality of my tennis practice proved to be as
important as its physical quantity. I found a self-belief defi-
nition unconvincing because often I started a new sport, such
as playing golf, with high hopes of success only to discover
that these beliefs faded quickly if some degree of success
was not attained readily.
Although each of these definitions focused on important
self-regulatory qualities during learning, they were incom-
plete in when considered alone. My colleagues and I sought
to broaden the scope of a definition of SRL to include, in
addition to personal belief, ability, and behavior, their dy-
namic interplay within the social and physical environment.
Formally, I defined SRL as the degree to which students
are metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active
participants in their own learning processes (Zimmerman,
1989). More specifically, self-regulated learners use specific
processes that transform their preexisting abilities into task-
FIGURE 1 Three key forms of self-regulation. Note. From “A So-
related behavior in diverse areas of functioning. In addition
cial Cognitive View of Self-Regulated Learning,” by B. J. Zimmer-
to cognitive processes such as planning and goal setting, I man, 1989, Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, p. 330. Copyright
included key metacognitive processes, such as the use of by the American Psychological Association. Adapted with permis-
task-related strategies, imagery, or verbal self-instruction sion.

Self-Regulated Learning Strategies

Categories of Strategies Definitions

1. Self-evaluation Statements indicating student-initiated evaluations of the quality or progress of their work, e.g., “I check over my work
to make sure I did it correct.”
2. Organizing and transforming Statements indicating student-initiated overt or covert rearrangement of instructional materials to improve learning,
e.g., “I make an outline before I write my paper.”
3. Goal-setting and planning Statements indicating student-initiated setting of educational goals or subgoals and planning for sequencing, timing,
and completing activities related to those goals, e.g., “First I start studying 2 weeks before exams, and I pace myself.”
4. Seeking information Statements indicating student-initiated efforts to secure further task information from nonsocial sources when
undertaking an assignment, e.g., “Before beginning to write the paper, I go to the library to get as much information
as possible concerning the topic.”
5. Keeping records and monitoring Statements indicating student-initiated efforts to record events or results, e.g., “I took notes of the class discussion.”
“I kept a list of the words I got wrong.”
6. Environmental structuring Statements indicating student-initiated efforts to select or arrange the physical setting to make learning easier, e.g.,
“I isolate myself from anything that distracts me.” “I turned off the radio so I can concentrate on what I am doing.”
7. Self-consequences Statements indicating student arrangement or imagination of rewards or punishment for success or failure, e.g., “If I do
well on a test, I treat myself to a movie.”
8. Rehearsing and memorizing Statements indicating student-initiated effort to memorize material by overt or covert practice, e.g., “In preparing for a
math test, I keep writing the formula down until I remember it.”
9.–11. Seeking social assistance Statements indicating student-initiated to solicit help from peers (9), teachers (10), and adults (11), e.g., “If I have
problems with math assignments, I ask a friend to help.”
12.–14. Reviewing records Statements indicating student-initiated efforts to reread tests (12), notes (13), or textbooks (14), to prepare for class or
further testing, e.g., “When preparing for a test, I review my notes.”
15. Other Statements indicating learning behavior that is initiated by other persons such as teachers or parents, and all unclear
verbal responses, e.g., “I just do what the teachers says.”

during putting in order to teach him how to concentrate in 15 categories that tap covert, behavioral, and environmental
noisy environments, such as tournament conditions (Woods forms of SRL, such as the covert strategies of goal setting and
& McDaniel, 1997). Covert forms of self-regulation refer to planning, organizing and transforming, seeking information,
observing and adapting specific feelings and thoughts. For and rehearsing and memorizing, the environmental strate-
example, Mathew Syed (2010), a British champion ping- gies of environmental structuring, seeking social assistance,
pong player, overcame severe performance anxiety or “chok- and self-consequences, and environmental structuring, and
ing” by practicing positive mental imagery. He would deem- the behavioral strategies of keeping records and monitoring,
phasize a match by imagining all the things in his life that are reviewing records, and self-evaluation (see Table 1). This
more important than ping-pong. Although these three forms open-ended format allowed us to avoid providing students
of self-regulation are distinctive, they are interdependent, and with preconceived answers, which struck us as antithetical to
an optimal self-regulatory intervention would target all three the goal of SRL.
forms to effect change synergistically. Thus, a central feature In our initial study using the SRLIS, we found that the SRL
of this triadic model of SRL is its cyclical dependence on protocols were coded reliably for self-regulatory strategies by
the three sources of feedback to guide strategic adaptations trained coders. We also discovered that high school students
in skill. in a high-achievement track reported significantly greater
use of all SRL strategies except self-evaluation than students
in a low-achievement track (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons,
IDENTIFYING AND MEASURING SRL 1986). Multiple regression analyses revealed that students’
PROCESSES achievement track was predicted with more than 90% accu-
racy based on their use of self-regulation strategies.
In a effort to capture students’ self-regulatory processes re-
liably and validly, Manny Martinez-Pons and I developed
a structured interview (Self-Regulated Learning Interview VISIBILITY OF STUDENTS’ SRL PROCESSES
Scale [SRLIS]) that solicited students’ verbal responses to TO THEIR TEACHERS
typical academic problems or contexts, such as a vignette
about how a student would prepare for a history test on the These results led to the question of whether students’ verbal
civil rights movement. This methodology was designed to reports of strategy use would correspond to their teacher’s ob-
provide us with students’ answers to specific problems, and servations. In a follow-up study (Zimmerman & Martinez-
it allowed us to probe students who were reticent verbally for Pons, 1988), the teachers were asked to rate each of their
additional answers. The students’ answers were coded into students on a scale entitled Rating Student Self-Regulated

Learning. Because many SRL strategies are covert, our scale STUDENTS’ SELF-EFFICACY BELIEFS
was designed to assess overt manifestations of these strate- AND SRL
gies, such as whether they completed assignments before
deadlines or offered information beyond assigned sources. To explore the relation between SRL and self-efficacy fur-
The results revealed that the teachers’ ratings were highly ther, Al Bandura and I used two scales from his multidi-
correlated with students’ reports (R = .70). Canonical corre- mensional measure of self-efficacy that were related to aca-
lation analyses revealed that these two measures tapped a sin- demic functioning. These were self-efficacy for SRL (for
gle large underlying SRL factor, which indicates a high level using strategies adapted from the SRLIS) and self-efficacy
of construct validity for the SRLIS. Finally, we discovered for academic achievement (in math, science, social studies,
that this latent SRL factor was distinctive from measures of etc.). We hypothesized that self-efficacy for SRL will pre-
students’ achievement, but it did correlate significantly with dict self-efficacy for academic achievement. We focused on
these measures. These findings indicated that students’ SRL students’ goal setting in terms of course grades. The par-
is not a proxy for measures of their academic achievement ents of the 10th-grade students in this study were asked to
but rather is a separate yet correlated capability. We con- rate their grade goals for their child, and the students’ actual
cluded that students’ strategic use of SRL processes could be grades were obtained at the end of the semester for their so-
assessed reliably and validly using both student and teacher cial studies course. Finally, we included the students’ grade
measures. in a prior social studies course because historically prior
In a third study, Manny Martinez-Pons and I (Zimmerman grades are usually the best predictors of subsequent academic
& Martinez-Pons, 1990) studied developmental changes in success.
self-regulation as measured by the SRLIS and measures of The results of a path analysis are presented in Figure 2,
verbal and mathematical self-efficacy beliefs with fifth-, and they provide support for our hypotheses. Self-efficacy
eighth-, and 11th-grade regular and gifted students. We for SRL was linked to self-efficacy for academic achieve-
found that gifted students displayed significantly higher ment, which in turn was predictive of students’ grade goals,
verbal and math self-efficacy beliefs than regular students as well as their final grades. Both the students’ achievement
as well as greater use of four self-regulated strategies (i.e., self-efficacy beliefs and their parents’ grade goals were pre-
organizing and transforming, self-consequating, seeking dictive of the students’ grade goals. This showed that self
peer assistance, and reviewing notes). In addition, 11th- and social variables combined to predict the students’ grade
graders surpassed eighth graders, who in turn surpassed the goal setting and ultimately their final grades. It was inter-
fifth graders in both math and verbal efficacy. Significant esting that the students’ prior grades did not predict their
developmental patterns were evident also on three measures subsequent grades directly but rather was mediated through
of self-regulation. There were linear increases in reviewing their parents’ goal setting. Although self-efficacy and goal
notes, keeping records, and goal setting and planning. These scales were administered early in the fall, they increased the
findings from the three studies provide support for a triadic prediction of the final grades by 31% when compared with
model of SRL. Higher levels of all three forms of SRL were prior grades in social studies. Thus, students’ self-efficacy
reported by higher achievers and by gifted students. This to self-regulate learning was highly predictive of their goal
study also revealed that students’ self-efficacy beliefs were setting and indirectly their grade attainment. Al Bandura and
closely associated with their self-regulatory prowess. I (Zimmerman & Bandura, 1994) reported similar findings in

Self-efficacy Self-efficacy
for SRL for academic

.36* grades


Students’ .26* Parents’ .36* Students’

prior grades grade goals grade goals

FIGURE 2 The role of self-efficacy for self-regulated learning beliefs in student goal setting and achievement. Note. From “Self-Motivation for
Academic Attainment: The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Personal Goal Setting,” by B. J. Zimmerman, A. Bandura, A., & M. Martinez-Pons, 1992,
American Educational Research Journal, 29, p. 671. Copyright 1992 by the American Educational Research Association. Adapted with permission.

a subsequent study with college students enrolled in a writing causal questions about a series of pictures, they subsequently
course. emulated the model’s causal style of questioning rather than
specific words (Rosenthal et al., 1970). During efforts to em-
IMPROVING SRL PROCESSES THROUGH ulate, learners can improve their accuracy and motivation if
SOCIAL COGNITIVE TRAINING a model provides them with guidance, feedback, and social
reinforcement. An emulative level of skill is achieved when
A Multilevel Model of Self-Regulatory Training observers’ responses approximate the general form or style
of a model’s on a similar task. Although learners can induce
My research on cognitive modeling training revealed that the major features of a complex skill from observation, they
after a model was withdrawn, students were able to shift require performance experiences for the skill to be incorpo-
to self-direction during transfer. But how does this trans- rated into their behavioral repertoire. It is one thing to recog-
fer occur? What are the underlying processes? I theorized nize the ping-pong swing of a particular champion but quite
that there were four levels in a social cognitive path to self- another thing to reproduce that swing oneself (Syed, 2010).
regulation—with the first two levels being social and the Emulation can be improved through individualized modeling
last two being self in focus (Schunk & Zimmerman, 1997; and social support. For example, during participant model-
Zimmerman, 2000). To acquire a skill at an observational ing (Bandura, 1986), a model repeats selected aspects of a
level, a student must carefully watch a social model learn or skill based on a learner’s emulative accuracy. When a learner
perform (see Table 2). This first level of learning involves the can perform the rudimentary aspects of a skill on the same
induction of the correct form of the skill from a model’s per- tasks as the model, the model’s support can be reduced. That
formance and descriptions, such as when a foreign language learner’s motivation to emulate more accurately is initiated
student induces the correct pronunciation of a word from a and sustained by direct or social reinforcement by a model
native speaker’s conversation through cognitive modeling. A or instructor.
student’s motivation to learn at an observational level can Acquiring the use of a skill on one’s own usually requires
be greatly enhanced by positive vicarious consequences to more than emulation of a teacher or model on the same task;
the model, such as an audience’s applause for a speaker. A it also requires extensive deliberate practice on new tasks on
learner has attained a skill at an observational level when he one’s own (Ericsson & Lehman, 1996). Deliberate practice
or she can discriminate qualitative levels in models’ perfor- involves performance that is structured (often by teachers)
mances, such as discerning variations in the accuracy of a to enhance performance and self-observation. Attainment of
speaker’s pronunciations. a self-controlled level of self-regulatory skill occurs when
In addition to conveying cognitive or motoric skills, mod- learners master the use of a skill in structured settings out-
els often display self-regulatory processes, such as adherence side the presence of models, such as when a pianist can play
to performance standards and motivational orientations and scales fluidly in the major and minor keys. At this third level, a
task values. For example, a linguistic model who self-corrects learner’s use of a skill depends on representational standards
a mispronunciation helps observers to discriminate and rec- of a model’s performance (e.g., covert images or verbal rec-
tify common errors. Motivationally, a corrective model also ollections of a teacher’s performance) rather than an overt
conveys the high value placed on accurate speech and the social referent (Bandura & Jeffery, 1973). The learner’s suc-
need to persist in order to improve one’s pronunciation. cess in matching that covert standard during practice efforts
To acquire skill at second or emulation level, a learner will determine the amount of self-reinforcement he or she
must duplicate the general form of a model’s response on will experience. During this phase, self-regulation strategies
a correspondent task. Learners seldom copy the exact ac- that focus on learning processes (e.g., chunking) rather than
tions of the model, but rather they typically emulate the outcomes (e.g., recall) are most beneficial in producing mas-
model’s general pattern or style of functioning. For exam- tery. When execution of these learning processes becomes
ple, when elementary school children observed a model ask automatic, a self-controlled or third level of functioning

Social and Self-Sources of Regulation

Features of Regulation
Levels of Regulation Sources of Regulation Sources of Motivation Task Conditions Performance Indices

1. Observation Modeling Vicarious reinforcement Presence of models Discrimination

2. Emulation Performance and social Direct/social reinforcement Correspond to model’s Stylistic duplication
3. Self-control Representation of process Self-reinforcement Structured Automatization
4. Self-regulation Performance outcomes Self-efficacy beliefs Dynamic Adaptation

is achieved. A student’s attainment of a self-controlled level feedback for the emulation level) in two studies (see col-
of functioning is motivated by self-reinforcement stem- umn 2 in Table 2) involving writing revision and dart throw-
ming from his or her effort to match their internal standard ing (Kitsantas, Zimmerman, & Cleary, 2000; Zimmerman &
(Bandura, 1986). Kitsantas, 2002). The writing revision skill involved rewrit-
A self-regulated level of task skill is achieved when learn- ing “wordy” sentences in nonredundant form, whereas dart
ers can systematically adapt their performance to changing throwing involved trying to hit the center ring of a circular
personal and contextual conditions that are present in natu- target. The designs of the two studies were virtually identical.
ralistic settings but not in practice settings. This fourth level Two forms of modeling were studied: modeling, which was
of skill enables learners to vary the use of task strategies error free, and coping modeling, which involved progressive
and make adjustments based on outcomes. Such learners can error reduction. More specifically, the mastery model exe-
choose a strategy and adapt its features with little or no resid- cuted the sentence revision or dart-throwing strategy without
ual dependence on the model. The motivation to sustain this missing a step, whereas the coping model would leave out a
level of skill depends on perceptions of self-efficacy. Skills decreasing number of steps across attempts to learn. Coping
during this phase can usually be performed with minimal pro- modeling was expected to lead to superior learning because
cess monitoring, and the learners’ attention can be shifted it provided corrective information vicariously. However, stu-
toward performance outcomes without detrimental conse- dents in both modeling groups had the benefit of some form
quences. For instance, a basketball player’s attention can be of observational learning.
shifted from the execution of a jump shot to its effectiveness The results for both writing revision and dart throwing
in making baskets. A student’s attainment of a self-regulated were virtually identical. Students in both modeling groups
level of functioning is motivated by his or her self-efficacy significantly surpassed the skill of those who attempted to
perceptions about successfully obtaining desired outcomes learn from only verbal description and performance out-
(Bandura, 1986). comes. Students who observed the higher quality coping
Thus, this multilevel sequence of self-regulatory devel- model outperformed students who observed the lower qual-
opment begins with most extensive social guidance at the ity mastery model. These two studies also demonstrated
first level, but this social support is systematically reduced as that self-regulatory skills, such as self-monitoring and self-
learners acquire self-regulatory skill. However, Level 4 func- correcting actions of the coping model, were learned vicar-
tioning continues to depend on social resources on a self- iously. During enactive learning, social feedback improved
initiated basis, such as when a novelist seeks advice from writing skill for both forms of modeling. Social feedback was
confidant about whether a plot or character is compelling. insufficient for students in the no modeling group to make up
Because self-regulatory skill depends on context and out- for their absence of vicarious experience. Finally, students
comes, new performance tasks can uncover limitations in exposed to both forms of modeling displayed higher lev-
existing skills and require additional social learning expe- els of self-motivation, such as self-efficacy beliefs, than did
riences. This multilevel formulation does not assume that students who relied only on discovery and social feedback.
learners must advance through the four levels in an invariant With both writing revision and dart-throwing measures, the
sequence as developmental stage models assume, or that once results confirmed the sequential advantages of engaging in
the highest level is attained it will be used universally. Instead, high-quality observational learning before attempting enac-
a multilevel model assumes that students who master each tive learning experiences.
skill level in sequence will learn more easily and effectively. A second pair of studies (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 1997,
Although Level 4 learners have the competence to perform 1999) were designed to test the sequentially of the third and
self-regulatively, they may not choose to do so because of fourth levels of skill (i.e., self-control and self-regulation) in
low levels of motivation (Bandura, 1997). Various aspects the multilevel hierarchy again using writing revision or dart
of self-regulation are mentally and physically demanding ac- throwing as dependent measures with high school girls. The
tivities, and people may decide to forego their use if they two primary sources of regulation for these levels (i.e., pro-
feel tired, disinterested, or uncommitted. There is a grow- cess standards and outcomes) were compared (see the second
ing body of evidence indicating that the speed and quality column in Table 2). Recall that process goals are hypothe-
of learners’ self-regulatory development and self-motivation sized to be optimal during acquisition at the self-control level,
are enhanced significantly if learners proceed according to a but outcome goals are expected to be superior after automa-
multilevel sequence. tization is attained at the self-regulation level. A process goal
group focused on practicing the strategy steps for acquiring
writing revision or dart-throwing technique, whereas an out-
Empirical Support for a Multilevel Training Model
come goal group focused on improving their scores. In the
To test the validity of the first and second of levels in the writing revision study, the outcome goal was the greatest re-
sequence, Anastasia Kitsantas, Tim Cleary, and I compared duction in words and in the dart-throwing study the outcome
the two primary sources of regulation for each level (i.e., goal was the closeness to the center ring of the target. Pro-
modeling for observation level and performance and social cess goals were expected to be more effective than outcome

goals, but an optimal goal-setting group from a multilevel skill. Self-monitoring assisted learning by all goal-setting
perspective shifted from process goals to outcome goals af- groups. In addition to their superior learning outcomes, stu-
ter automatization was achieved. Self-recording was taught to dents who shifted their goals displayed superior forms of self-
some girls in each goal group. Girls in the process-monitoring motivation, such as self-efficacy beliefs, self-satisfaction, and
group recorded any strategy steps they may have missed causal attributions.
on each practice throw, whereas students in the outcome-
monitoring group wrote down their target scores for each
throw. Girls in the shifting goal group changed their method
of self-monitoring when they shifted goals. Before being
asked to practice on their own, all of the high school girls
A Cyclical Phase Model of SRL
were taught strategic components of the skill through ob-
servation and emulation (levels 1 and 2). The experiment To address the issue of causal relations between SRL pro-
compared the effects of process goals, outcome goals, and cesses and key motivational beliefs, and learning outcomes,
shifting goals as well as self-recording during self-controlled I (Zimmerman, 2000) proposed a cyclical model of SRL
practice. based on social cognitive theory. According to this model, a
The results in both studies were consistent with a multi- student’s learning processes and accompanying motivational
level sequential view of goal setting: Girls who shifted goals beliefs fall into three self-regulatory phases: forethought,
from processes to outcomes surpassed classmates who ad- performance, and self-reflection (see Figure 3). Forethought
hered exclusively to either process goals or outcome goals phase processes are used in preparation for efforts to learn
in posttest writing revision or dart-throwing skill. Girls who and are intended to enhance that learning. Performance
focused on outcomes exclusively were the lowest in posttest phase processes are employed during efforts to learn and are

Performance Phase
Attention focusing
Task strategies
Environmental structuring
Help seeking

Metacognitive monitoring

Forethought Phase Self-Reflection Phase

Task Analysis Self-Judgment
Goal setting Self-evaluation
Strategic planning Causal attribution

Self-Motivation Self-Reaction
Beliefs/Values Self-satisfaction/affect
Self-efficacy Adaptive/defensive
Outcome expectancies
Task interest/values
Goal orientation

FIGURE 3 Phases and subprocesses of self-regulation. Note. From “Motivating Self-Regulated Problem Solvers,” by B. J Zimmerman & M. Campillo
in The Nature of Problem Solving (p. 239), by J. E. Davidson & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), 2003, New York: Cambridge University Press. Copyright 2003
by Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with permission.

intended to facilitate self-control and self-monitoring of one’s learners immerse themselves in a learning task without an ex-
performance. Self-reflection phase processes occur after ef- plicit strategy to guide them. Furthermore, proactive learn-
forts to learn and are intended to optimize a person’s reac- ers rely on systematic forms of self-observation to guide
tions to his or her outcomes. These self-reflections, in turn, their efforts to self-control, such as metacognitive monitor-
influence forethought processes and beliefs regarding sub- ing and self-recording. Metacognitive monitoring refers to
sequent efforts to learn—thus, completing a self-regulatory informal mental tracking of one’s performance processes and
cycle. outcomes, whereas self-recording refers to creating formal
The cyclical properties of this model are designed to ex- records of learning processes and/or outcomes, such as a
plain the results of repeated efforts to learn, such as when graph of one’s generation of text regarding each section of
learning a new language. In addition to predicting quantita- an outline. Self-recording can enhance self-control because
tive differences in learning, this model seeks to explain a ma- it increases the reliability, specificity, and timeliness of self-
jor qualitative difference in students’ self-regulation. More observations. By contrast, reactive learners find it difficult to
specifically, proactive learners are distinguished by their self-observe a particular process, such as essay completion,
high-quality forethought and performance phase processes. because they lack specific forethought phase goals or plans
By contrast, reactive learners rely on postperformance self- to focus their attention.
reflections to learn, such as by discovery learning, but this Two major forms of self-reflection phase processes
post hoc focus is hypothesized to diminish these learners’ are hypothesized: self-judgments and self-reactions. Self-
effectiveness. Although all learners attempt to self-regulate judgments include self-evaluations of effectiveness of one’s
their learning processes in some manner in order to attain learning performance and attributions of causality regarding
favorable outcomes, proactive self-regulators are expected to one’s outcomes. Because proactive learners are guided by
display a superior cyclical pattern of processes than reactive specific forethought phase goals, they tend to self-evaluate
self-regulators. based on their mastery of those goals. Because reactive
More specifically, the Forethought phase is composed of students lack specific forethought goals, they often fail to
two areas: task analysis processes and self-motivation be- self-evaluate, or if they do, they resort to social compari-
liefs. Task analysis refers to a learner’s efforts to break a son with classmates to judge their personal effectiveness.
learning task into key components, such as math operations Social comparisons yield less advantageous self-evaluations
in a story problem. Because of their superior task analytic than self-comparisons (i.e., based on personal growth or task
skills, proactive learners can set specific, proximal, and chal- mastery). Proactive students’ self-evaluative judgments are
lenging goals for themselves. In contrast, because of their linked closely to causal attributions about the results of learn-
superficial task analyses, reactive students set vague, distal, ing efforts, such as whether students’ poor grade in writing
or unchallenging goals for themselves. Effective task anal- a story is due to their limited ability or to insufficient effort.
yses also enable proactive students to plan more effective Because reactive learners often rely on the outcomes (e.g.,
strategies to aid cognition, control affect, and direct motoric writing grades) of others to self-evaluate, they are prone to
execution, such as planning to use an outline for writing a attribute their errors to a lack of ability, which is classi-
story. By contrast, the superficial task analyses of reactive fied as an uncontrollable cause. Because proactive students
learners preclude them from planning a detailed strategy and self-evaluate based on self-chosen goals, they typically at-
compel them to rely on vague methods of learning, such as tribute errors to ineffective strategies, which are classified as
trying harder or concentrating more. controllable causes. Attributions of one’s results to personal
Because task analysis, goal setting, and strategic planning control lead to a greater sense of satisfaction than attribu-
require personal initiative and persistence, they require high tions to uncontrollable causes according to the cyclical model
levels of key self-motivation beliefs/values. Proactive learn- of SRL.
ers are motivated by higher self-efficacy beliefs, outcome Learners’ self-judgments are linked to two key forms of
expectancies, mastery learning goals, and/or task interest/ self-reactions: self-satisfaction and adaptive inferences. Self-
valuing. By contrast, reactive learners display inferior forms satisfaction reactions refer to perceptions of satisfaction or
of motivation and as a result are less self-motivated to ana- dissatisfaction (and associated affect) regarding one’s perfor-
lyze tasks, select goals, or plan strategically than proactive mance. These emotions can range from elation to depression.
learners. It is hypothesized that proactive students will pursue courses
Two major classes of performance phase processes are of action that result in satisfaction and positive affect and
postulated: self-control and self-observation. Self-control will avoid courses that produce dissatisfaction and negative
refers to the use of specific techniques to direct learning, such affect. Reactive learners’ attribution of errors to uncontrol-
as self-instruction, imagery, attention focusing, task strate- lable causes leads them to feel dissatisfied, which in turn
gies, environmental structuring, and help seeking. During discourages them from further efforts to learn. By contrast,
this phase, proactive learners perform self-control processes proactive learners’ attribution of errors to controllable causes
that were planned during the forethought phase, such as us- leads them to feel satisfied, which in turn sustains their efforts
ing an outline to produce text of a story. By contrast, reactive to learn.

A closely associated form of self-reactions involves adap- volleyball club for at least 3 years. We selected a skill, the
tive or defensive inferences, which refer to conclusions about overhand serve, which would be challenging for even the
whether one needs to alter his or her approach during sub- experts. The practice sessions were conducted individually,
sequent efforts to learn. Because of their favorable attribu- and the instructor showed all the participants the proper tech-
tions and high level of self-satisfaction, proactive students nique for the serve before asking them to practice on their
are expected to make adaptive inferences for errors, such own. Our microanalytic methodology involved stopping the
as by modifying a strategy for solving a math problem. Be- girls at various times during the episode and asking them
cause of their unfavorable attributions and low level of sat- specific questions regarding forethought phase, performance
isfaction, reactive students resort to defensive inferences to phase, and self-reflection phase processes. After the session
protect themselves from future dissatisfaction and aversive was completed, these young women were posttested for serv-
affect, such as helplessness, procrastination, task avoidance, ing skill, strategy use, self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and
cognitive disengagement, and apathy. self-satisfaction.
These self-reactions are postulated to influence fore- Support for the cyclical process model of SRL was found.
thought processes regarding further solution efforts cycli- In terms of forethought phase processes, the experts dis-
cally. The high level of self-satisfaction of proactive learners played significantly better goals and strategic planning than
is expected to enhance various forms of self-motivation to either nonexperts or novices. More experts set technique or
continue cyclical efforts to learn. In addition, advantageous process goals than nonexperts, who in turn surpassed novices.
adaptive inferences by proactive learners are expected to lead In terms of planning, all experts followed completely struc-
to improved strategic planning and to shifts in goals when tured practice routines, whereas most nonexperts followed
necessary. By contrast, the low level of self-satisfaction of re- a partially structured routine. For example, many experts
active students reduces their motivation to continue, and their planned first to stretch, second to engage in practice jump
lack of adaptation greatly undermines the quality of further serve swings without using the ball, and third to identify
efforts to learn. In this cyclical way, this process model of problem areas in the service motion to focus on strategi-
SRL seeks to explain the persistence and sense of personal cally, whereas nonexperts would engage in these activities
fulfillment of proactive students as well as the avoidance and only sporadically. There was little structure evident in the
self-doubts of reactive students. practice routines of novices. The experts also reported sig-
nificantly higher forethought self-efficacy beliefs, perceived
instrumentality, and intrinsic interest in volleyball than either
Empirical Support for a Cyclical Phase Model
nonexperts or novices. Perceived instrumentality is a measure
of SRL
of outcome expectancies because it refers to the ultimate ends
To assess these SRL processes and motivational beliefs of an effort to learn.
as they occur before, during, and after attempts to learn, Turning to performance phase processes, the experts dis-
we adapted a methodology called microanalysis (Bandura, played significantly better strategy use and self-monitoring
1997). In our approach, researchers develop context-specific than either nonexperts or novices. Experts chose technique
information by intensive qualitative and quantitative anal- strategies more frequently than nonexperts or novices, and
yses of individuals’ functioning. Simple open- and close- experts monitored their technique and outcomes more of-
ended questions are used in microanalyses because they are ten than nonexperts or novices. The latter groups tended to
easily understood in the context in which they were asked. monitor only their practice outcomes.
Because questions are brief, they minimize disruption of the Regarding self-reflection phase processes, experts also
participants’ performance, which is viewed as a threat to reported significantly higher self-evaluations, attributions of
validity. negative outcomes to controllable causes, self-satisfaction,
To investigate the validity of the cyclical phase model, and strategy adaptations in volleyball serving than either
Anastasia Kitsantas and I (Kitsantas & Zimmerman, 2002) nonexperts or novices. In terms of their adaptations, experts
assessed the role of practice in acquiring an athletic skill. were more likely to change their volleyball service attempts
Sport and physical activities have the advantage of provid- based on their self-judgments than nonexperts or novices, and
ing learners with personally observable outcomes, such as the experts were significantly more likely than nonexperts
a ball missing a target. In an investigation of female vol- or novices to seek social assistance if they made repeated
leyball players, we compared the self-regulatory processes errors.
of experts, nonexperts, or novices. The experts were mem- In this investigation, there were significant expertise dif-
bers of the university varsity volleyball team, and the novices ferences in each of the 12 SRL processes or self-motivational
were girls who had participated in volleyball informally. We beliefs that were studied. Furthermore, the sizes of these
decided to include an intermediate expertise group as well expertise group effects on the various measures of self-
to determine whether self-regulatory measures could detect regulation were classified as large statistically. However,
subtle differences in self-regulation between experts and non- a critic might question whether these differences in the
experts. The nonexperts were members of the university’s girls’ methods of practice actually had an impact on their

volleyball-serving skill. Although causality could not be de- tive students spontaneously use computer resources, such as
termined because the study was descriptive in design, we highlighting to focus their attention during learning. Proac-
were able to use the various measures of SRL to predict tive students can also access software for planning their time
the girls’ posttest success on a demanding test of serving use, monitoring their progress, and keeping records of key
proficiency, which involved the ball hitting difficult sections information.
of their opponents’ court. The combined measures of self- Computers can be a valuable instrument for research as
regulation predicted 90% of the variance in the accuracy of well as for academic instruction. For example, students’
women’s postpractice serving proficiency. This striking result learning processes and outcomes can be logged in either
indicates that differences in self-regulatory phase processes hidden or overt files and can provide vital feedback to both re-
and beliefs were very strongly associated with superior ath- searchers and learners. Furthermore, students’ learning pro-
letic performance. Similar findings were reported by Tim cesses and outcomes can be stored, analyzed, and graphed in
Cleary and me in a study of experts, nonexperts, and novices various ways for students and researchers that uncover un-
when practicing free throw shooting in basketball (Cleary & derlying strengths and deficiencies. The high quality of self-
Zimmerman, 2001). regulatory features and feedback offered by computers during
During a subsequent experimental study of instruction learning has narrowed the gap significantly between instruc-
designed to enhance novice students’ SRL to shoot basket- tional practice and cutting-edge self-regulation research. The
ball free throws, Tim Cleary, Ted Keating, and I (Cleary, future potential for self-regulation researchers to contribute
Zimmerman, & Keating, 2006) provided four levels of train- to the development of a scientifically based “best practice”
ing: (a) no SRL training (control condition); (b) forethought computer curriculum is limitless.
phase training (i.e., setting process goals); (c) forethought A second issue for future investigation involves grow-
and performance phase training (i.e., self-recording); (d) ing evidence that teachers can enhance their students’ self-
forethought, performance, and self-reflection phase train- regulation significantly during class as well as during home-
ing (i.e., strategic attributions and adaptive inferences). We work. Few traditional instructors provide their students with
hypothesized that forethought phase training, performance frequent feedback in class or require them to correct their
phase training and self-reflection phase training would im- answers. As a result, many of these students overestimate
prove free throw shooting accuracy additively. their self-efficacy to learn. This problem in calibration
In support of a cyclical phase model, we found a positive prevents students from taking corrective courses of self-
linear trend between the number of self-regulatory phases that regulation, such as engaging in additional studying and
were trained and their free throw shooting performance and self-testing.
their subsequent shooting adaptation. Students who received In research on mathematics instruction with at-risk com-
Phase 2 and 3 training displayed significantly more accurate munity college students, several colleagues and I developed
free throws and were able to self-correct their shooting form self-reflection forms that required these students to recognize
more frequently following missed shoots than students who their overestimates of self-efficacy on short daily quizzes.
received no-training (control) or single phase training. Fi- They were also asked to correct their errors, to solve new
nally, participants who received three-phase training showed problems, and to gain additional credit toward a revised quiz
the most adaptive motivational pattern, which involved mak- grade (Zimmerman, Moylan, Hudesman, White, & Flug-
ing strategic attributions and adaptive inferences by using man, 2011). It was hypothesized that instruction designed
personal improvement criteria during self-evaluation. to show these students how to self-reflect better (i.e., self-
assess and adapt to quiz outcomes) would increase their math
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE We discovered that students that received this self-
RESEARCH reflection training outperformed untrained students on reg-
ular class examinations and were better calibrated in their
As I look forward into the 21st century, many important task-specific self-efficacy beliefs before solving math prob-
aspects of self-regulation of learning remain relatively un- lems and in their self-evaluative judgments after solving math
explored. I discuss three: (a) investigating self-regulation problems. This training also increased students’ pass-rate on
during computer-mediated instruction, (b) increasing self- a national gateway examination in mathematics by 25% in
regulation of learning in traditional instructional contexts, comparison with that of control students. The latter students
and (c) integrating self-regulation of learning and of perfor- were also exposed to regular curriculum tasks in math and
mance processes. were also given feedback involving official course grades
First, the role of computers in instruction is expand- as outcomes. Teachers trained to convey self-reflection pro-
ing rapidly, and this trend poses problems for reactive cesses produced a significantly higher mathematics exam
self-regulators but offers opportunities for proactive self- performance than conventional instructors, and these training
regulators. Reactive students struggle to learn on comput- effects were statistically large or near large in size. Clearly,
ers without close supervision by a teacher, whereas proac- instructors can be trained to teach self-regulation processes

to at-risk community college students, but research on long- that permitted my research on self-regulation to flourish. For
term effects of this instruction with other population groups that, I am personally as well as professionally grateful.
is limited to date.
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volves the distinction between self-regulation of learning pro-
cesses and self-regulation of performance processes. A focus REFERENCES
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