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Entrevistador: Good morning my name is_____ I am the head of

human resources of the company thanks for your time, talk

about you.
Candidato: my name is ____I am ___years old I am from____ and I
am a psychologist
Entrevistador: which are your strengths?
Candidato: I am an excellent person in the organization and priority of
my responsibilities.
Entrevistador: what are your weaknesses?
Candidato: I am impatient and shy, however my labor relations are
Entrevistador: Why do you want to work with us?
Candidato: I've done my research on what it's like working for
Company and I have found professional and personal development
Entrevistador: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Candidato: My objectives involve growing with the company and that I
can continue learning, contribute with the greatest possible value.
Entrevistador: What´s your Hobby?
Candidato: I like to go to the movies and do shopping

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