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Submission: 9:00 PM | Nov. 23, 2019

Directions: Provide all the necessary solutions per problem. COMPUTERIZE YOUR SOLUTIONS. Indicate
assumptions, if any. In order to get a grade of 1.0, you have to get at least 2 correct problems. No partial
points. Wrong answer, no point. One (1) point per problem. Send your answers via email in PDF file.

1. A wooden flagpole is imbedded 3 m deep at corner A of a concrete horizontal slab ABCD, square
in form and measuring 20 ft on a side. A storm broke the flagpole at a point one meter above the
slab and inclined toward corner C in the direction of the diagonal AC. The vertical angles observed
at the center of the slab and at corner C to the tip of the flagpole were 65 deg and 45 deg,
respectively. What is the total length of the flagpole above the slab in yards?

2. From the third floor window of a building, the angle of depression of an object on the ground is 35
degrees 58 minutes, while from a sixth floor window, 9.75 m above the first point of observation the
angle of depression is 58 degrees 35 minutes. How far is the object from the building?

3. A 50-m vertical tower casts a 62.3 meter shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun is 41.6
degrees. The inclination of the ground is?

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