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Morning Meeting

Objective  SWBAT engage in a three-step process to respond to questions

Introduction Today, I want to learn more about all of you. I want to learn your favorite
foods, toys, and so much more! However, before we get started, we need to
learn how to listen to a question effectively—and how to respond to a
question thoughtfully. Listening to a question effectively and responding to a
question thoughtfully requires us to manage our impulses.

Let me tell you why. When we are asked a question, we need to manage our
impulse to speak over someone. We need to listen quietly—and wait for our
turn to speak. If we do not wait for our turn to speak, we will all speak over
each other—and not be able to hear what we all have to say.

We also need to manage our impulse to speak over someone because we

need to be able to listen the question we are being asked. We need to make
sure we understand the question we are being asked. In addition, we have to
manage our impulse to blurt out an answer. We have to take our time to
come up with a response to the question being asked.

Today, I am going to ask each of you questions about what you like.
Remember, before you answer my questions, you will need to listen to my
questions and think about your responses to my questions. Remember, you
do not need to rush to answer my questions. You can take your time and
think of your responses first. Remember, you also do not have to shout out
your answers.

I cannot wait to learn more about all of you today!

Activity Today, we will learn a three-step process that will help us answer questions.
Before we start the activity, let's talk about why it is important to listen to the
question being asked.

Yes, you are right it is important to listen to the question so that you know
what the question is asking. Ms. Vasquez asked you, "What's your favorite
food?" And you responded, "I like to go to Chuck E. Cheese with my mommy."
Did you listen to the question? No. Thumbs down. You did need not listen to
the question because Ms. Vasquez did not ask you where you like to go with
your mommy.

Let's move on to the next question. Ms. Vasquez asked you, "What is your
favorite color?" And you responded, "My favorite color is yellow." Did you
listen to the question? Yes! Thumbs up. You listened to the question and
shared your favorite color.
Do you all want to know how I became a good listener and learned how to
respond thoughtfully to questions? I learned the three-step process. Do you
all want to learn the three-step process? Let's all say, "Yes!"

OK! The three-step process involves movement with each step. The first step
involves you listening to the question and understanding the question. For
the first step, we are going to hold our ears to represent listening and
understanding the question. The second step involves you thinking about the
question and your answer. During the thinking time, you will point to your
head to show that you are thinking about your response. I will set the timer
for five minutes during your thinking time. When the timer buzzes, that
means you have completed your thinking time. The last step is for you to
raise your hand to share your thoughtful answer and, remember, we are
taking turns to share our answers. This mean that if someone is speaking, we
are listening. Make sure you are listening to see if you have the same
response as one of your classmates. Remember, if you have the same
response, you can use our "me too" signal.

During each step, Ms. Vasquez is going to use each movement to help you
know which step we are on in three-step process.

OK! Now, I am going to pull out my surprise question box. I am going to shake
my question box to see what questions I pull out of the box.

Remember, first, we listen to the question and understand the question.

Then, we think about our responses to the question for five minutes. Lastly,
you take turns to share your thoughtful responses. Please keep in mind: Ms.
Vasquez does not want you to rush to answer my question or shout your
answers when someone else is speaking.

Sample questions:
 What is your favorite toy?
 What is your favorite food?
 What is your favorite color?
 What is your favorite center?
 What is your favorite place to go with your family?

Today, we used the three-step process to help you come up with thoughtful
answers to my questions and to help me learn about the things you all like. I
am so happy that I learned so much about my friends today.

Closing Today, we did such a great job with managing our impulsivity when
responding to questions. Everyone was listening to my questions and thinking
about their responses. I also noticed how we took turns to listen to one
another and waited patiently for our turn to speak. I would like us to review
the three-step process one more time.

Review Questions
What would happen if everyone responded to a question at the same time?
Why is it important for us to take turns to respond to a question?
What is the first step to answering a question?
Why is it important for us to understand the question before answering?
What is the second step to answering a question?
Why do we have to take five minutes to think about our answers?
What is the last step to answering a question?
Why should we raise our hands to answer a question?

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