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Program Flow

Prepared by Quisha Varez

Registration and Arrival of Guests

Settling of Guests on their seats

Cocktail Hour (Grace Hour Period)

Short introduction of Emcees

Opening Prayers
To spiritually open the program, may I ask everyone to stand for the Lord’s moment for our guidance,
blessings and divine intervention to be led by ____

MC’s warm up speech and interaction with guests

Introducing Parents and their speech

Before we proceed to the main part of the occasion, let us first give this moment to the people who
made all these success: from the planning to the execution, for the foods, the details of the party.
Without these people, this event would not be possible. May we call in the proud parents of our
debutante, Mr and Mrs. Castillo, to welcome us all tonight and as well to extend their gratitude for

Debutante’s entourage (Greatest Showman)

Guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen let us all rise as we welcome the debutante as a woman of
grandeur, the woman of the evening, IRISH PEARL ASUNCION ALCANTARA CASTILLO

Debutante’s slipper

Debutante’s 18 roses
Like a flower that blooms and exudes its sweet scents to attract bees and butterflies. The debutante will
be swarmed later on by 18 equally gentle bachelors. 18 roses shall be handed to her by these bachelors
and each rose shall signify a deep meaning and a lush symbolism. Let us invite them to come in front.
Let’s start with:

(Tell the names of the gentlemen, give them atleast 1 min and 30 seconds each)

The last dance is of course reserved to the forever most handsome and most loving guy in her life. To
dance with our debutant, Irish’s 18th roses, ladies and gentlemen, ________

18 Treasures

18 Candles

18 Balloons

Debutante’s blowing of birthday cake candles (Happy Birthday song)

Dinner with prayer
Sorry for the intrusion in the continuous flow of our celebration but I would like to announce that we
will have our dinner this time. After the dinner, the family would like to request everybody to please
remain for a while for the continuation of our program. Thank you.

At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please stand as we say our prayer before meals to be
lead by

Picture with Debutante before going to the buffet area

25 mins dinner

Intermission Number of Intsik

To fill the room with music while we are having our dinner, we will be serenaded by ______. Bon

Ladies and gentlemen, that was ______. It was splendid, isn’t it? (Adlib by MC)

Alright folks, tonight is definitely filled with a bundle of surprises for our dear Irish and I hope everyone
is enjoying the evening as well. For our next part of the event, we will proceed to the 18 cupcakes.

18 Cupcakes

18 Blue Bills (pin)

18 Yellow Bills (pin)

Intermission Number of Debutante (How far I’ll go)

18 Shots

18 Quotations and Messages

Debutante’s Speech
Tonight’s celebration tells us that the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a wonderful
experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you and if there’s one person here
tonight who is more than grateful to see all of you, that would be our beloved celebrant, Irish. I’m giving
the floor to our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.

(Irish’s speech)


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