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Direct of Dr.

Hugo Hackenbush

1. Please introduce yourself to the jury

 My name is Dr. Hugo Hackenbush

2. What type of DR are you?

 I am a physician specializing in forensic psychiatry.

3. Do you have a practice?

 Yes, I have a private practice in psychiatry. I’ve had this practice since 1990.
I treat children with behavior issues.
Lets talk about your education after high school
4. Where did you go to college?
 I went to Humbolt University of Berlin

5. What year did you attend?

 1976

6. What did you study there?

 Psychology and education

7. Did you receive a degree?

 Yes, I received my B.S in psychology and education.

8. What year did you graduate?

 1980

9. Did your education stop there?

 No, I went to Medical School at Witten/ Herdecke University.

10. Did you graduate?

 Yes.

11. What years did you attend Witten/Herdecke University?

 1981-1986

12. Did you have an Internship?

 Yes, I had an internship in Psychiatry at Vienna Hospital from 1986-1987.

13. What is an internship?

 After completing medical school, the doctor completes their first year of post-
medical school training. This year is referred to as the intern year. The

intern does not have the right to practice unsupervised medicine and must
practice within the confines of the training program in which they are

14. Did you serve a residency?

 Yes, at Gulf Coast Medical Center in Wharton Texas from 1987-1991.

15. What did you specialize in?

 Psychiatry.

16. What is a residency?

 Residency follows the intern year. At this point, when the internship year
has been completed and a third level exam has been passed, the
physician may practice as a general practitioner. While practicing
independently is possible, the vast majority of physicians choose to pursue a
residency for further training.

17. How long is a psychiatry residency?

 4 years.

18. Are you currently staffed at a hospital?

 Yes, Norwegian American Hospital in Chicago. I’ve been there since 1999.

19. Where were you staffed before that?

 Roseland Community Hospital. I was there from 1991-1999.

20. Are you licensed to practice medicine?

 Yes

21. Where
 Germany since 1986 and Illinois since 1990.

22. Any other states?

 No.

23. Are you Board Certified?

 Yes, in Forensic Psychiatry since 2016.

24. What does it mean to be board certified?

 Board Certification requires that doctors pass a specialty-specific exam of
medical knowledge, clinical knowledge, and diagnostic skills.

25. Are you involved in any Professional Associations?

 Yes.
26. Which ones?
 American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association.

27. Do you have any teaching responsibilities?

 Yes, I taught Psychology at Phoenix University, Grand Canyon University
and Triton Junior College Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology.

28. Did those teaching responsibilities involve teaching about adult psychology?
 Yes.

29. Kids?
 Yes, I taught psychiatry that involved all ages.

30. Have you been published in your field?

 Yes.

31. Have you been published in the area of psychiatry?

 Yes.

32. Can you explain to the ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury what you have been published
 The first article is “Melancholy of abandoned women” It was published in
the American Psychiatric Journal in Spring 2002

 And the second article was called “Hoodwinking the Psychiatrist: The
Malingering Defendant in Criminal Cases,” It was published in the
Psychiatry Quarterly, Vol 20 in 2000.

33. Are these peer reviewed articles?

 Yes.

34. What does that mean?

 Peer Reviewed Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several
other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in
order to ensure the article's quality.

35. Are you currently working on any other articles?

 Yes, it is called “Sweet Little Lies” it is an in-depth review of faking
symptoms. It is currently unpublished.

36. How do you stay current in your field?

 I research, read articles and attend conferences and seminars.

37. Have you spoke at a conference or seminar?
 Yes, I presented at the American Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys
in 2003 about the insanity defense.

38. Can you explain in more detail?

 I presented about how a defendants' mental illnesses can prevent them from
understanding the wrongfulness of their actions or prevent them from
controlling their behavior.

39. Dr. have you been found to be an expert in the field of Psychiatry?
 Yes.

40. How many times?

 125 times.

41. Dr. have you testified as an expert in the field of Psychiatry?

 Yes.

42. How many times?

 125 times.

43. In what jurisdictions

 Illinois.

44. Have you ever been found to not be qualified as an expert in Psychiatry?
 No.

45. What percent of your professional time is spent as an expert witness?

 35 percent.

46. How many times have you testified for the State?
 45 times.

47. For the defense?

 80 Times.
I’m going to Tender the witness as an expert in the field of psychiatry
At this time YH I Ask the court to find DR. Hackenbush as an expert in the field of psychiatry
48. Dr. How did you become involved in this case?
 You contacted me.

49. When did I first contact you?

 Around November of 2019.

50. For what purpose?

 I was asked to perform an independent psychiatric examination of Tammy
Eveans regarding her mental state during the time period she is charged with
for the Murder of Robert Wayne Eveans and Amy Cecille Eveans.

51. Are you being compensated for your professional time?

 Yes.

52. How much?

 $3,500 for the review.

53. Is that a typical price for a review?

 Yes, it is within the usual range of fee schedules.

54. Are you being compensated to testify?

 Yes, $400. But I am not being paid for my testimony. I am only being paid
for my time.

55. In your private practice in psychiatry how much do you usually generate in fees per hour?
 If I was at work in my private practice I would be making $400 an hour.

56. What did you review in researching your opinion on Tammy Evans?
 I reviewed All of the State Police and Local Police documents, Grand Jury
Testimony, Medical Exams and Reports, Psychiatric and Psychological
reports that exist, school records, and all other relevant material. Because of
the quantity of information and statements it was not necessary to interview
Ms. Eveans.

57. Do you have any opinions to a reasonable degree of medical certainty as to the diagnosis
of Ms. Tammy Evans?
 Yes.

58. What are those opinions? (May need to refresh recollection)

Based on my review of all the records and documents I have various opinions
Utilizing DSM 5 diagnostic criteria , I found the following mental disorders
1. Unspecified Schizopheria Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorder : Code F29 In
2. Delirium Due to Known Physiological Conditions Code F05: Violent Rape,
exposure to Chemicals, Deep depression due to abandonment issues
3. Alcohol Use Disorder-Moderate, Code:10.20
4. Rule out Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features, Code F31.2 In full remission

5. Munchausen syndrome by Proxy (Facitious disorder

59. Can you explain to the ladies and Gentlemen of the jury what Schizophrenia is?
 Schizophrenia is leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and
feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy
and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

60. What is delirium?

 Delirium is an abrupt change in the brain that causes mental confusion.

61. What is Munchousin syndrome by proxy?

 Munchausen syndrome is a mental illness associated with severe emotional
difficulties. It is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or
causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child,
an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people
are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse.

62. Have you made a diagnosis without physically interviewing with a patient in the past?
 Yes, if there is a quantity of information and statements it is not necessary to
actually interview the patient.

63. Are the mental issues consistent with Tammy’s actions?

 Yes, because of the combination of the mental issues I mentioned, at the
time of the alleged offenses Ms. Eveans developed a loss of contact with
reality severely affecting her thinking, behavior and judgement, impairing
her ordinarily lawful behavior. Her outward appearance generally would be
unremarkable but in the two instances at the time of the alleged acts, all the
above Mental disease and defects came together to create a mental state in
which she lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of her

64. You mentioned that these conditions are in remission, what does that mean?
 Remission is either the reduction or disappearance of the signs and
symptoms of a disease. Ms. Evans conditions are in remission and have little
chance of reoccurring unless she gives birth again.

65. Do you believe Tammy Evans is currently a danger to society?

 No, with counseling and medications, she will pose no threat to any person.

66. Have all your opinions been to a reasonable degree of medical certainty?
 Yes.
Thank you, Dr., I have no further questions.


1. Is Schizophrenia self-imposed?
 No, Research suggests a combination of physical, genetic, psychological and
environmental factors can make a person more likely to develop the
condition. Some people may be prone to schizophrenia, and a stressful or
emotional life event might trigger a psychotic episode.

2. Is Delirium Self-imposed?
 No.

3. Is it common to make a diagnosis of a patient without physically interviewing them?

 Yes, if there is a quantity of information and statements it is not necessary to
actually interview the patient. I can and have made diagnosis like this in the

4. Do you believe Ms. Evans lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of her
conduct when she killed Robert Evans?
 Yes.

5. Do you believe Ms. Evans lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of her
conduct when she killed Robert Evans?
 Yes.

Nothing further.

Can you not remember?
Is there anything that would refresh your recollection?
What would that be?
Showing opposing counsel what has been previously marked as Plaintiffs exhibit __
What is it
Turning your attention to page … line …
Please read the sentence to yourself
Do you remember now?
Retrieve the exhibit
Ask the question

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