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from May 2019 to August 2019

collected by Thu Giang ZIM

1. People ............................................................................................................................. 1

Topic 1: Person with interesting ideas .................................................................................................. 1

Topic 2: Role model .............................................................................................................................. 2

Topic 3: Person who have good language command ........................................................................... 3

Topic 4: Person with great influence in achieving goals ....................................................................... 4

Topic 5: Intelligent person .................................................................................................................... 5

Topic 6: Helpful person ......................................................................................................................... 6

Topic 7: Beautiful person ...................................................................................................................... 7

Topic 8: Childhood and Children........................................................................................................... 8

Topic 9: Famous people ........................................................................................................................ 9

Topic 10: Music and Musicians ........................................................................................................... 10

Topic 11: Working ............................................................................................................................... 11

Topic 12: The elderly........................................................................................................................... 12

2. Experiences ................................................................................................................... 13

Topic 1: Solving problems online ........................................................................................................ 13

Topic 2: Good time with friends ......................................................................................................... 14

Topic 3: Time management ................................................................................................................ 15

Topic 4: Bad services........................................................................................................................... 16

Topic 5: Parties ................................................................................................................................... 17

Topic 6: Getting up early..................................................................................................................... 18

Topic 7: Problem while travelling ....................................................................................................... 19

Topic 8: Correct information .............................................................................................................. 20

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Topic 9: Getting information............................................................................................................... 21

Topic 10: Travelling ............................................................................................................................. 22

Topic 11: Sports .................................................................................................................................. 23

Topic 12: Advice .................................................................................................................................. 24

Topic 13: Dining .................................................................................................................................. 25

Topic 14: Public manners .................................................................................................................... 26

Topic 15: Telling lies............................................................................................................................ 27

Topic 16: Planning............................................................................................................................... 28

Topic 17: Learning new things ............................................................................................................ 29

Topic 18: Free time ............................................................................................................................. 30

3. Objects and Physical Things .......................................................................................... 31

Topic 1: Lost item................................................................................................................................ 31

Topic 2: Advertisements ..................................................................................................................... 32

Topic 3: TV shows ............................................................................................................................... 33

Topic 4: Food ...................................................................................................................................... 34

Topic 5: Wasted items ........................................................................................................................ 35

Topic 6: Prizes and Rewards ............................................................................................................... 36

Topic 7: Souvenirs and Tourist attractions ......................................................................................... 37

Topic 8: Clothing ................................................................................................................................. 38

4. Places & Buildings ......................................................................................................... 39

Topic 1: Park/Garden .......................................................................................................................... 39

Topic 2: Place of living ........................................................................................................................ 40

Topic 3: Public facilities ....................................................................................................................... 41

Topic 4: Historical buildings ................................................................................................................ 42

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5. Other topics .................................................................................................................. 43

Topic 1: History ................................................................................................................................... 43

Topic 2: Healthy lifestyle ..................................................................................................................... 44

Topic 3: Employment .......................................................................................................................... 45

Topic 4: Success .................................................................................................................................. 46

Topic 5: News...................................................................................................................................... 47

Topic 6: Learning................................................................................................................................. 48

Topic 7: Sports .................................................................................................................................... 49

Topic 8: Skills....................................................................................................................................... 50

Topic 9: Study & Routine .................................................................................................................... 51

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Tài liệu được chia sẻ bởi Thu Giang ZIM
1. People
Topic 1: Person with interesting ideas
Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions
You should say:
➔ Who this person is
➔ What this person does
➔ How you know him/her
and explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting.

Part 3:
1. When do children begin to have their own ideas?
2. Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
4. Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?

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Topic 2: Role model
Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up
You should say:
➔ When you first met the person
➔ Who this person was
➔ What the person did
and why you would like to become this person.

Part 3:
1. What kinds of famous people do children like?
2. What good qualities do famous people have?
3. Do you think advertisements aimed at children should be endorsed by famous
4. Can you compare children’s life in the past and at present?
5. Should children be fans of celebrities?
6. Should children depend on their parents?

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Topic 3: Person who have good language command
Describe someone who speaks a foreign language well
You should say:
➔ Who this person is
➔ What kind of foreign language he/she speaks
➔ Why he/she learns this foreign language
and explain why you think he/she speaks this foreign language well.

Part 3:
1. Is learning a foreign language important?
2. What benefits can a foreign language bring to one’s career?
3. Do you think English will be the mainstream language of the world in the future?
4. When learning a foreign language, which part is easier? Speaking or writing?

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Topic 4: Person with great influence in achieving goals
Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal
You should say:
➔ Who this person is
➔ What this person encouraged you to do
➔ How this person helped you
and explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal.

Part 3:
1. Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?
2. What will encourage children to learn more?
3. Do parents and teachers punish children physically nowadays?
4. Who do you think has the greater influence on the goal-setting of children? Teachers
or Parents?
5. How to motivate other people?
6. Are company trips common in Vietnam? What is the purpose for these trips?
7. Why do some people have higher motivation than others?

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Topic 5: Intelligent person

Describe an intelligent person you know

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ How you know this person

➔ What this person does

and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

Part 3:

1. Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?

2. Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers
or parents?

3. Why are some children more intelligent than others?

4. Do you enjoy meeting intelligent people?

5. Does the society focus more on intelligence than it did in the past?

6. What can teachers do to inspire students?

7. What qualities must a teacher have?

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Topic 6: Helpful person

Describe a person who often helps others

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ How often this person helps others

➔ How this person helps others

and how you feel about this person.

Part 3:

1. Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

2. Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?

3. In what kinds of professions do people help others more?

4. Why are some people willing to help others?

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Topic 7: Beautiful person

Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome

You should say:

➔ Where you saw this person

➔ When you saw this person

➔ What the person looked like

and why you think this person is handsome or beautiful.

Part 3:

1. Is it easy to become beautiful?

2. What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?

3. What do people in your country think of beauty?

4. Do you think children should learn how to dress well?

5. Should people wear makeup?

6. Should boys wear makeup?

7. What are the differences in the way people treat good-looking people and average-
looking ones?

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Topic 8: Childhood and Children

Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ What this person did to make you laugh

➔ Why this person made you laugh

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What can make children laugh?

2. What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

3. Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

4. Do you think childhood is the most important in one’s development?

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Topic 9: Famous people

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ Who you knew about this person

➔ What this person does

and why you want to meet this person.

Part 3:

1. How can people become famous?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?

3. What influences can famous people have on the society?

4. Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?

5. Do you think it is easy to be a celebrity?

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Topic 10: Music and Musicians

Describe your favorite singer or band

You should say:

➔ Who your favorite singer is

➔ What his/her personality is

➔ What kind of style his/her music belongs to

and explain why he/she is your favorite singer.

Part 3:

1. What kind of music do people like at different ages?

2. What kind of music is popular in China now and what kind will be in the future?

3. Do people learn to sing nowadays?

4. Do you think the most popular singer is the best one?

5. Do you think it is important for singers to have a good voice?

6. What makes a song a hit?

7. Do you think that music producers are focusing too much on making money
rather than producing good music?

8. Is it necessary to have a good voice to be a singer?

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Topic 11: Working

Describe someone you would like to study or work with

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ How long you have known this person

➔ What you have done together

and explain why you would like to work / study with this person.

Part 3:

1. What kind of people do you like to work with?

2. Which one is more important to you at work, development in work-related skills

or the recognition from your supervisors?

3. Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

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Topic 12: The elderly

Describe an old person who is interesting

You should say:

➔ Who this person is

➔ How you know this person

➔ What you do with this person

and explain why you think this person is interesting.

Part 3:

1. What can old people teach young people?

2. Do old people share the same interest with young people?

3. Do you think old people should live with their family?

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2. Experiences
Topic 1: Solving problems online

Describe a time you solved a problem through the Internet

You should say:

➔ What the problem was

➔ How you solved this problem

➔ How long it took to solve this problem

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What do people do online in their free time?

2. What impacts does the Internet have on schools?

3. Do you think many people waste their time online?

4. What can people do with the Internet in the future? And how?

5. Do you think the elderly use the Internet more than they did in the past?

6. What do people often use the Internet for, apart from work and study?

7. Are young people wasting their time using the Internet?

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Topic 2: Good time with friends

Describe a time you went out with your friends and had a good time

You should say:

➔ Where you went

➔ When you went out

➔ What you did

and explain why you had a good time.

Part 3:

1. Who should people spend more time with? Family or friends?

2. What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?

3. Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?

4. Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?

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Topic 3: Time management

Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time

You should say:

➔ When it was

➔ Where you were

➔ Who you were with

➔ What you tried to do or finish

and explain why you didn’t have time for it.

Part 3:

1. Is time management important?

2. Do you think most people can manage their time well?

3. Do you think successful people have better time management skills than others?

4. What are the effective ways to manage time?

5. What are the changes in the way people manage their time now compared to the

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Topic 4: Bad services

Describe a time you received horrible service

You should say:

➔ When it happened

➔ Where you received

➔ Who you were with

➔ What happened

and why the service was horrible.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of service are bad services?

2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?

3. Who should be responsible for bad services?

4. As a boss, what would you do the prevent bad service?

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Topic 5: Parties

Describe a party that you joined

You should say:

➔ When it took place

➔ Where it was

➔ Whose party it was

➔ What you did there

and how you felt about the party.

Part 3:

1. What do children often do in a birthday party?

2. What do adults do at parties?

3. Do people in your country like to hold parties?

4. Should parents spend a lot of money on their children’s birthday parties?

5. Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?

6. Why do some people spend a huge amount of money on their weddings?

7. What is the difference between parties in the past and now?

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Topic 6: Getting up early

Describe an occasion when you got up early

You should say:

➔ When you got up

➔ What you did

➔ Why you got up early

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What kind of people usually get up early? Why?

2. Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?

3. What are the benefits of getting up early?

4. What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life patterns?

5. Why are some people awake at 4 in the morning?

6. Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

7. What do you think about people who work night shifts and do not go to sleep?

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Topic 7: Problem while travelling

Describe a time that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel

You should say:

➔ Where it happened

➔ When it happened

➔ Who you were with at that time

and what impacts this breakdown had.

Part 3:

1. Who like to travel more? Older people or younger people?

2. Are there fewer people using private cars because of improved public transport?

3. What do you think need to be improved in public transport?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?

5. In the future, will there be more or fewer cars?

6. Do you often recycle?

7. Which means of transport do people prefer? Buses or trains?

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Topic 8: Correct information

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say:

➔ Why you got it

➔ When you got it

➔ How you got it

➔ How you found it was incorrect

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?

2. What’s the difference between giving information by phone and email?

3. How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

4. Do people trust the information online?

5. Why is online information often incorrect?

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Topic 9: Getting information

Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet

You should say:

➔ When it happened

➔ What you were looking for

➔ Where you were searching on the Internet

and how you felt about the information.

Part 3:

1. What ways can people get information these days?

2. What are the differences between getting information from library and getting
information from newspapers?

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Topic 10: Travelling

Describe an unusual experience of travelling

You should say:

➔ Where you went

➔ When you went there

➔ Who you were with

➔ What you did there

and explain why it is unusual.

Part 3:

1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?

2. Why do many people like to travel abroad?

3. What do people usually do during long holidays?

4. Do you think there will be more ecotourism in the future?

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Topic 11: Sports

Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time

You should say:

➔ What it is

➔ When you first played it

➔ Who you played it with

➔ How you learned to play the sport

and how you felt about the sport.

Part 3:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing outdoor sports?

2. What kinds of outdoor sports are popular in your country?

3. What sports involve teamwork?

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Topic 12: Advice

Describe a time that you gave advice to others

You should say:

➔ Who you gave advice to

➔ What the advice was

➔ Why you gave advice

and how you felt about the advice.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

2. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients)

3. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

4. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?

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Topic 13: Dining

Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends for dinner.

You should say:

➔ When you invited them

➔ Where you had the dinner (at home or at the restaurant)

➔ Why you invited them

and how you felt about this dinner.

Part 3:

1. Where do people in your country usually eat? At restaurants or at home?

2. Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

4. Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home
in the future?

5. What are the differences between the food you eat every day and the food you
have during special occasions?

6. Why do people make special kinds of food for special occasions?

7. Do you think it is important to have meals with your family?

8. How can you know any food is safe or not

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Topic 14: Public manners

Describe a time you received a call from someone you don’t know in a public place

You should say:

➔ When you received this call

➔ Where you received this call

➔ What you were doing at that time

➔ What the call was about

and how you felt about this call.

Part 3:

1. Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?

2. Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?

3. Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?

4. Why do some people always break rules in public places?

5. What are the differences between taking phone calls and having face-to-face

6. What are the disadvantages of using phones near your ears? What are the

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Topic 15: Telling lies

Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something

You should say:

➔ When this happened

➔ What the situation was

➔ Who you were with

and why the person didn’t tell the whole truth.

Part 3:


1. Why do people lie sometimes?

2. How would you define white lies?

3. Do you think it’s important to teach children to be honest?

4. What are the other ways to teach children about honesty except having parents
or teachers teach them?

5. Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory, what do you


1. Do you think we should rely on technologies to find criminals?

2. Is it possible to use technologies to detect a criminal?

3. Should we believe in any testimonies in court?

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Topic 16: Planning

Describe a time that you had to change your plan / you changed your mind

You should say:

➔ When this happened

➔ What made you change the plan

➔ What the new plan was

and how you felt about the change.

Part 3:

1. Do old people often change plans?

2. Do young people like to change plans?

3. What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

4. How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?

5. What kinds of plans are practical?

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Topic 17: Learning new things

Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person

You should say:

➔ When it happened

➔ What you taught

➔ Who you taught to

➔ Why you taught this person

and how you felt about the teaching.

Part 3:

1. What skills should be taught to children?

2. What can children learn from teachers and parents?

3. What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

4. What skills do adults need to have?

5. How can people be motivated to learn new things?

6. What is the difference between the skills that teachers and parents teach

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Topic 18: Free time

Describe a time you enjoyed your free time

You should say:

➔ When it was

➔ Where you were

➔ What you did

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What do people like to do when they are free in your country?

2. Do you think parents should make plans for their children?

3. Do you think most people are able to manage their free time?

4. What’s the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past
and the things they do nowadays?

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3. Objects and Physical Things
Topic 1: Lost item

Describe something lost by others but found by you

You should say:

➔ Who it belonged to

➔ When it was lost

➔ How the person lost it

➔ How you found it

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. Why do some people like to collect things?

2. Do people collect things for maintaining memories?

3. What do you like to collect?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections?

5. What should parents tell their children when children find something which does
not belong to them?

6. How important is archaeology to a nation?

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Tài liệu được chia sẻ bởi Thu Giang ZIM
Topic 2: Advertisements

Describe an advertisement you remember well

You should say:

➔ Where you saw it

➔ What it was about

➔ What it was like

and explain why you remember it well.

Part 3:

1. Why do some people hate advertisements?

2. Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

3. Is music useful in advertising?

4. What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet


5. What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

6. Are street markets common in your country?

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Topic 3: TV shows

Describe a game show or quiz program you watched on TV or online

You should say:

➔ Where you watched it

➔ What it was like

➔ How often you watched it

➔ How you liked it

and explain why you liked/disliked it.

Part 3:

1. Why do people like to watch TV shows?

2. What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

3. What is the difference between the games people play now and those people
played in the past?

4. Why do some people watch TV shows online?

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Topic 4: Food

Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

You should say:

➔ What it is

➔ What event people usually eat it

➔ How it is cooked/made

and explain why it is for the special event.

Part 3:

1. Why do some people grow their own food these days?

2. What kinds of food are good for a party?

3. Do you think people should eat every meal with their family?

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Topic 5: Wasted items

Describe an item you bought but do not often use

You should say:

➔ When you bought it

➔ Where you bought it

➔ Why you bought it

and explain why you didn’t often use it.

Part 3:

1. Are you an impulsive customer?

2. Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?

3. Do you pay attention to environmental protection?

4. Do people in your country care about waste classification?

5. How do you deal with items you don’t use anymore?

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Topic 6: Prizes and Rewards

Describe a prize you want to win

You should say:

➔ What this prize is

➔ How you knew about it

➔ What you will do to win it

And explain why you want to win it

Part 3:

1. What rewards can children get from school?

2. Should parents push their children to get prizes?

3. Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

4 What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

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Topic 7: Souvenirs and Tourist attractions

Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction

You should say:

➔ What it was

➔ When you bought it

➔ Where you bought it

➔ What it was like

and explain why you think it was special.

Part 3:

1. What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?

2. Why do people like to take photos when travelling?

3. Is it good that the locals sell things to tourists?

4. What are the pros and cons of taking professional cameras when travelling?

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Topic 8: Clothing

Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

➔ Where you bought it

➔ How often you wear it

➔ What it is like

and explain why you enjoy wearing it

Part 3:

1. What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old

2. Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

3. When do people wear formal clothes?

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4. Places & Buildings
Topic 1: Park/Garden

Describe a park/garden you like visiting

You should say:

➔ Where the park is

➔ When you visit it

➔ What the park is like

and explain why you like visiting it.

Part 3:

1. What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?

2. Should people help clean public gardens?

3. Do young people go to the park very often?

4. Why do some people plant flowers at home?

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Topic 2: Place of living

Describe an ideal house

You should say:

➔ Where this place is

➔ What it is like

➔ When you want to live there

and explain why it is ideal to you.

Part 3:

1. What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?

2. What are the disadvantages of living in the city?

3. Can you compare cities in the past and at present?

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Topic 3: Public facilities

Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas, etc.) that influences your city

You should say:

➔ Where this facility is

➔ When it was built

➔ What people can do there

and what influence this facility has.

Part 3:

1. What measures should be taken to deal with damages on public facilities?

2. What are the differences between old facilities and new facilities?

3. What facilities do young people and old people like in your country?

4. What’s the difference between facilities in the countryside and the ones in the

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Topic 4: Historical buildings

Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

➔ Where it is

➔ What it looks like

➔ What it is used for now

➔ What you learned there

and how you felt about this historical building.

Part 3:

1. Do people in your country like to visit historical buildings?

2. Why do people visit historical buildings?

3. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

4. Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?

5. How will buildings change in a few years?

6. Do you think that ancient buildings are better than modern ones?

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5. Other topics
Topic 1: History

Describe a historical period you would like to know

You should say:

➔ When it was

➔ How you heard of it

➔ What you are interested in

➔ What you have known

and why you would like to know more.

Part 3:

1. How do you learn history?

2. How can we protect old buildings?

3. What’s the difference between the history taught in primary school and the
history taught in high school?

4. Why do some people have no interest in history?

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Topic 2: Healthy lifestyle

Describe a healthy lifestyle you know

You should say:

➔ How you know it

➔ What it is

➔ What one would do living in this lifestyle

and explain why it is healthy.

Part 3:

1. How should schools teach students to live healthily?

2. What can doctors do to help people solve health-related problems?

3. What kinds of lifestyle are unhealthy?

4. What do people in your country do to maintain health?

5. What do you think schools should do to encourage children to take good care of

6. Do you think it is important that employers pay attention to their employees’


7. Do you think the government should pay attention to people’s health?

8. Should the government impose laws about health to improve people’s health?

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Topic 3: Employment

Describe your grandparent’s job

You should say:

➔ What it was

➔ How long he or she had this job

➔ How he or she got the job

and whether you would like to have this job.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?

2. Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?

3. Do you think it would be beneficial to provide training to employees?

4. Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?

5. In which cases can’t robots replace human workers?

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Topic 4: Success

Describe a success your friend has achieved

You should say:

➔ Who your friend is

➔ What the success was

➔ What he or she did

and how you felt about the success.

Part 3:

1. What kinds of people would be considered successful in the society?

2. What does it take to become successful?

3. What are the reasons for failure?

4. Do you think a university degree would guarantee one’s success in career?

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Topic 5: News

Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)

You should say:

➔ What the news was about

➔ When you got the news

➔ Where you got this news from

and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

Part 3:

1. How do people in your country get news?

2. Do you think children should start watching news from a young age?

3. What kinds of news do people in your country like?

4. What kinds of good news do people like to hear?

5. Why do some people like to share news in social media?

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Topic 6: Learning

Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in

You should say:

➔ What the subject is

➔ Why you disliked it

➔ What you are interested in now

and explain why you become interested in it.

Part 3:

1. Do you think learning many subjects at one time is better or learning one subject
is better?

2. Do you think learning many subjects is beneficial to your work?

3. What subjects are more practical to learn nowadays?

4. Do you think all teachers should have entertaining teaching style?

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Topic 7: Sports

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

➔ What it is

➔ Where you would like to try it

➔ How difficult it is

and why you would like to try it.

Part 3:

1. What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

2. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

3. Why should we develop water transport?

4. Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

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Topic 8: Skills

Describe a practical skill you learned

You should say:

➔ What it was

➔ When you learned it

➔ Why you learned it

and how you felt about it.

Part 3:

1. What is the most important practical skill in modern society?

2. What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

3. What kinds of professions require practical skills?

4. What are some special skills that people can learn?

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Topic 9: Study & Routine

Describe something you do to help you study or work

You should say:

➔ What it is

➔ How you learn it

➔ When you do it

and how you feel about the method.

Part 3:

1. What do you think makes a good student?

2. What are good ways to learn something?

3. What is the routine of people in your country?

4. What are the routine activities that old people and young people in your country

5. What do you like to do in your spare time?

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Tài liệu được chia sẻ bởi Thu Giang ZIM

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