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Further Mathematics

Chapters 3 & 4 Re-sit Test

Name: ____________________________________ Total Marks: 21

Part A – Multiple Choice Questions 9 marks

Circle the correct or best alternative.

Question 1

An investigation is made into the number of freckles on the back of a hand and the age of
the subject. A strong association was found to exist. In this investigation, age is the
explanatory variable and the number of freckles is the response variable. You would
expect the association to be:

A. negative
B. positive
C. bivariate
D. weak
E. categorical

Question 2

The level of training undertaken by junior football teams was investigated by the league. A sample of 176 junior teams
provided information about their age group and the number of training sessions held per week. The data collected is
shown in the table below.

Level of Age Level

training Under 12 Under 14 Under 16 Under 18
Once a week 31 16 25 7
Twice a week 17 19 15 22
Three times a week 6 3 4 11

The percentage of Under 16 teams that train twice a week is closest to

A. 3%
B. 9%
C. 21%
D. 27%
E. 34%
Question 4
A set of data relating the variables x and y is found to have an r value of −0.83. The
scatterplot that could represent this data set is:

A. B.

C. D.


Question 5
The correlation between two variables x and y is −0.88. Which of the following statements
is true?

A. As x increases it causes y to increase.

B. As x increases it causes y to decrease.
C. There is a poor fit between x and y.
D. As x increases, y tends to increase.
E. As x increases, y tends to decrease.
Question 8
A least squares regression is fitted to the 7 points shown in the figure. Which of the following looks most
similar to the plot of residuals?

A. B. C.

D. E.

The following information relates to Questions 9

The height of ten people together with their arm lengths (measured from the underarm to the tip of the longest finger) is
displayed on the scatterplot below.

Question 9

The variable height, could be described as

A. a categorical variable
B. a discrete variable
C. the explanatory variable
D. the response variable
E. a negative variable
Part B – Short/Extended Response Questions 12 marks
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. The number of mistakes made and the time taken to complete a proofreading task are given in the table below.
Time 30 32 35 37 40 40 41 44
Mistakes 6 4 5 6 4 6 3 4

The aim is to determine the equation of a least squares regression line that can be used to predict the number of mistakes
made proofreading from time taken to complete the task.
a In this analysis, which would be the RV and which would be the EV? (2 marks)


The scatterplot above has been constructed from the data.

b Use the scatterplot to describe the association between mistakes made and time taken in terms of strength, direction
and form and outliers (if any). (2 marks)

c Determine the equation of the least squares line and the value of the correlation coefficient. Write in the equation
of the least squares line in terms of number of mistakes and time. (2 marks)
mistakes = ________ _________  time

r = _______
d i Use the regression line to predict the average number of mistakes made by a person who took 25 minutes to
complete the task. (1 mark)
ii In making this prediction, are you extrapolating or interpolating? (1 mark)

e What is the slope of the regression line and what does it tell you in terms of the number of mistakes made and the
time taken to complete the proofreading task? (1 mark)

f Determine the value of the coefficient of determination and interpret in terms of the relationship between the
number of mistakes and time taken to complete the proofreading task. (1 mark)

g The residual plot for this regression analysis is shown below. Explain why this residual plot suggests that a linear
equation is an appropriate model for this relationship. (2 marks)

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