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michael scoefild

My favourite moovie character is Michael Scoefild from The Prison Break. Michael Scofield,
portrayed by Wentworth Miller, is a fictional character and one of the two protagonists of
the American television series Prison Break. Michael is 31 years old in the series. He is an
architect engineer. He created the Fox River Prison, so he know every places in the prison.
He has a tattoo with the prison’s blueprint. He has got a brother, his name is Lincoln
Burrows.  Michael's plan to help Lincoln escape his death sentence. 

A national dish

Goulash is a soup of meat and vegetables, seasoned with paprika and other

A trip abroad
In 2014 I and my family travelled to Bulgaria by plane in summer. I was very
scared because I had never travelled by plane. When the plane started it was
very fast. Ont he dry it wasvery good. The clouds were wounderful.We were
travelling about 1 hour and when we arrived I was very happy because we
came safe to the airport. The holidays was very good, maybe th ebest in my
life. The sea was beautiful and warm. The city is nice, there are a lot of shops
and interesting places. We were there for 8 days. So this was my best holiday,
because I travelled by plane first time in my life.

World Cup Soccer

Thirty-two nations play, but billions of people in countries all around the
world drop everything they’re doing for a month every four years to see
who claims the title of World Cup soccer champion.The teams that
compete in the World Cup finals are those that emerge from a series of
qualifying rounds played out over the prior three years. The tournament of
tournaments is therefore a showcase of the finest squads from across the
continents and hemispheres.It’s during the finals that the intense
challenge begins. First, in a series of first-round games, each team plays
the three rivals in its opening bracket. Teams get three points for each
win, one point for a tie, and zero for a loss. The top two teams in the
bracket then move on to the single-game elimination rounds, with
victorious teams proceeding though quarterfinal and semifinal rounds
before the final championship match.All the while the world’s gaze is
squarely fixed on the matches and the festival atmosphere in the stands.
Chanting, singing, flag-waving, and superstitions are all part of the
carnival that ensues. Since the first World Cup tournament took place in
1930, the most dominant team has been Brazil. Winner of five
championships since 1958, the greatest Brazilian teams were led by
perhaps the most famous soccer player ever, Pele.Rivalries are often fierce
and deeply rooted: Two of the many in the sport are between England and
Argentina, and one that has recently emerged between neighbors—Mexico
and the United States.

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