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It began when a mysterious virus emerged which caused a number of pneumonia cases that
occurred in Wuhan, China. Researchers there suspect the virus originated from a market
that sells seafood in Wuhan. In addition to marine products, there also sell several wild
animals including birds, bats and snakes. Initially the virus was believed to originate from a
snake. But, based on research by a team of virologists at the Wuhan Virology Institute, it was
found that the corona virus is more likely to originate from bats that are known to be a
source of SARS outbreaks as well.

4. Some steps that can be taken to prevent Corona virus infection, including:

Maintain health and fitness so that the body's stamina remains excellent and the immune system or
immune system is increased.

Wash your hands properly on a regular basis using water and soap or alcohol-based hand rubs.
Washing your hands thoroughly in addition to killing viruses that may be in our hands, this action is
also one of the measures that are easy and inexpensive. About 98 percent of the spread of the
disease comes from the hands. Therefore, maintaining hand hygiene is very important.

When coughing and sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or upper arm (not with your

Avoid contact with other people or travel to public places.

Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth (facial triangle). Hands touch many things that can be
contaminated with viruses. If we touch the eyes, nose and mouth with contaminated hands, the
virus can easily enter the body.

Use a mask properly to cover the mouth and nose when you are sick or when in public places.

Dispose of used tissues and masks in the trash can properly, then wash your hands.

Delay a trip to the area or country where the virus is found.

Avoid traveling outside the house when you feel unwell, especially if you feel a fever, cough, and
difficulty breathing. Immediately contact the nearest health worker, and ask for their help. Tell the
officer if in the previous 14 days you have traveled, especially to an infected country, or have been in
close contact with people who have the same symptoms. Follow the direction of the local health

Always monitor the development of COVID-19 disease from official and accurate sources. Follow the
directions and information from the health officer and the local Health Service. Information from the
right sources can help you protect against transmission and spread of this disease.

5. The reality is the emergence of corona virus outbreaks that cause panic attacks, fears and anxiety
that became. This fear itself is experienced by believers. Even though we know the truth that God is
our protection and stone, we often forget to speak the words of His truth to our lives. For this
reason, in the midst of the current attack on the corona virus we need to return our focus to God.
The threat of corona is indeed very close to us. But remember that God himself is always with us. He
lives in us and we in Him. God offers us a spirit of peace to combat our fears and anxieties. So, take
the time to meditate on the 13 verses of the Bible below and humble yourself before Him.
Psalm 56: 9

Then my enemies will retreat when I cry out; I believe that God is on my side.

2 Timothy 1: 7

Because God gives us not the spirit of fear, but the spirit that awakens strength, love and order.

Philippians 4: 6-7

You should not worry about anything, but express in all things your desire for God in prayer and
petition with thanksgiving. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 91: 1-2

People who sit in the protection of the Most High and spend the night in the shade of the Almighty
will say to the Lord: "My refuge and my stronghold, my God, whom I trust.

Psalm 107: 19-20

Then they cried out to the Lord in their distress, and saved them from their anxiety, delivered his
word and healed them, and delivered them from the grave.

Isaiah 38: 16-17

O Lord, for this is my heart expecting you; calm my spirit, make me healthy, make me well! Truly,
bitter suffering is my salvation; You are the one who is preventing my soul from being destroyed. For
you have cast all my sins away from you.

Mark 1: 41

Then his heart was moved with mercy, then he stretched out his hand, touched the man and said to
him: "I will, be cleansed.

John 16: 33

I tell you all these things, so that you may have peace in me. In the world you suffer persecution, but
strengthen your heart, I have overcome the world.

Matthew 8: 17

He was the one who carried our weaknesses and endured our illnesses.

Jeremiah 30: 17

For I will bring healing to you, I will treat your wounds, declares the Lord, for they have called you an
outcast, that is, the remnant that no one has asked.

Romans 8: 28

We know now that God also works in all things to bring good to those who love Him, to those who
are called according to God's plan.

Psalm 103: 3

He who forgives all your wrongs, heals all your diseases

John 14: 27

Peace I leave with you. I have given you peace, and what I have given is not like what the world has
given you. Don't be troubled and tremble in your heart.

However the situation is now, don't stop talking about God's words to your life. We must believe
that God is sovereign over everything that happens in this world. Because we know who He is, that
Dial is the creator of the world and He knows what is happening and how to stop it.

Take your time now to be quiet and ponder the above verse. After that pray for these times both for
the protection of your life, your family, your city and nation and country. Pray also for the healing of
patients who are being treated, ask that the team of doctors and nurses in charge also be given
strength and health. And above all invite God to intervene so that His will is done.

Penyebaran Virus corona bisa terjadi dari manusia ke

manusia lewat droplet atau percikan air liur. Sebab virus
Corona sebagian besar ditemukan menyerang saluran
Penyebaran virus corona yang telah diketahui sampai saat
ini adalah melalui percikan air liur ketika seseorang yang
sudah terinfeksi bersin atau batuk. Orang dengan jarak
kurang dari dua meter bisa tertular apabila si terinfeksi virus
Corona bersin atau batuk tanpa memakai masker.

Itulah sebabnya, kini gencar digalakkan imbauan untuk

social distancing. Yakni menjaga jarak antara satu orang
dengan orang lain dengan berdiam atau melakukan aktivitas
di rumah. Baik itu kerja atau sekolah. Sebab, kontak jarak
dekat atau close contact meningkatkan risiko cara
penyebaran virus Corona.

Cara penyebaran virus Corona lewat kontak jarak dekat

yaitu melalui jabatan tangan, berciuman, berpelukan atau
aktivitas lain yang melibatkan sentuhan langsung. Virus
Corona juga bisa menyebar jika kita bersentuhan dengan
permukaan benda yang telah terpapar.
Benda-benda seperti pegangan pintu, saklar, meja, tiang,
remote TV atau AC, atau benda lain yang digunakan secara
bergantian, apabila pernah disentuh orang terinfeksi
berpotensi jadi cara penyebaran virus Corona. Dengan kata
lain jika permukaan benda yang terkena virus Corona
disentuh lalu tangan kita mengusap mata, hidung dan mulut
atau membran mucus lainnya, maka bisa tertular.

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