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Curriculum Development Project:

Finding Your Personal Color

Kyo Bin Jeon

University of Michigan
Do you often find yourself with an unsuited lipstick color? Do you wish to find the best
matching lipstick and foundation for your unique skin color? Are you still confused or troubled
about what kind of lipstick you should buy? Then this course is for you! This course will help
you know everything about the personal color, which would help college students how to find
the best lipstick colors for individuals’ skin tone. Soon, you would be able to easily choose the
most appropriate lipstick color for yourself.

The goal for this class is to teach college students concepts of the personal color and how
to choose the right lipsticks and foundations according to the student’s personal color. The first
part of this class would be about concepts of the personal color. This first part consists of factual
ideas, including the definition, the types of personal colors, and the categories of the types
personal colors. This first part of the class is essential because the concepts help the students to
understand- why different colors of lipsticks or foundations fits some people but not others. Also,
the students would be able to strongly and flexibly utilize the personal colors. In the second part
of this class, the students learn about how to make use of the knowledge into choosing the skin
and lip makeup products. The students would be assessed by answering personal color concept
questions, and by presenting the ability to pick the best lipstick and foundation products for

Terminal Objectives
1. The learner would be able to explain the definition, the types, and categories of personal
2. The learner would know their personal color, and would be able to match their skin color
and the lipstick color

Enabling Objectives
1. The learner would be able to explain the definition, the types, and categories of personal
a. Identify what personal color is
b. Know difference between the types of personal colors: warm/cool/neutral tone
c. Identify the personal color types’ categories: spring/summer/fall/winter
2. The learner would know their personal color, and would be able to match their skin color
and the lipstick color
a. Able to choose their best-fitted foundations
b. Able to choose their best-fitted lipstick
c. Able to choose others’ best-fitted lipstick

Description of the learner

The ideal learner would be college students who have prior experiences in makeup.
Because this class involves using makeup products which contains chemicals, students should
have prior knowledge on their allergies to any makeup products they would be using. To
identify personal colors, the learner would have to identify color differences in detail. Therefore,
the class is recommended for people who does not have color-blind vision, someone who have
accurate vision of colors. The learner should be someone who wants to learn how to pick the best
lip color for their own individual skin undertones.

● Makeup Products
○ Foundations for each cool/warm/neutral tone
○ Lipsticks for each cool/warm/neutral tone
○ Makeup brushes
■ Lipstick brush
■ Foundation brush
○ Makeup remover (oil kind or water kind does not matter)
○ Cottons (for removing makeup)
○ Face wash (soap/cleanser)
● Visuals (color comparison) to help the lessons
● Mirror
● Classroom with desks and chairs (classroom near restroom preferred)
● Powerpoint
● Laptop

I would be assessing my students through two parts: five short answer questions which
deals with the concepts of personal color, and student’s presentation skills of choosing their lip
and foundation color. The students already have learned about different kinds of skin undertone
and lip color tones. The student would be evaluated through their presenting as the students
would be able to find the right lipstick color for their unique skin undertone.
Lesson 1
Objective: Concentration on the concepts of personal color
Content Action

1. Welcome and define the terminology 1. Introduction. Turn on the Powerpoint.

of the personal color. Explain why Show the first 2 slides of the
knowing the personal color is presentation, while continuing on
important (refer to Powerpoint). explanation about the definition and
the importance of personal colors.
2. Explain about three main kinds of 2. Turn to slide 3. Explain about
tones and present examples of warm/cool/neutral tones (slide 4-6).
matching colors and people (refer to Show examples of famous people who
Powerpoint) are in each tone (slide 7)
3. Explain about four main kinds of 3. Turn to slide 8 and explain about
palette and present examples of the spring/ summer/ fall/ winter palettes.
matching colors and people (refer to Turn to slide 9. Explain about which
Powerpoint) two are warm tones (spring/fall) and
which two are cool tones.
(summer/winter). Show examples of
famous people in each palette (slide
4. Explain about Spring warm tone and 4. Turn to slide 11. Explain about spring
present examples and present warm tone. Explain about
examples of the matching colors and representative cheek color, skin color,
people(refer to Powerpoint) hair color. Explain about which colors
are spring warm tone. Show examples
of colors.(powerpoint)
5. Explain about Fall warm tone and 5. Turn to slide 12. Explain about fall
present examples of the matching warm tone. Explain which kinds of
colors and people (refer to people have fall warm tone- about
Powerpoint) representative cheek color, skin color,
hair color. Explain about which colors
are fall warm tone. Show examples of
colors (powerpoint)
6. Explain about Summer cool tone and 6. Turn to slide 13. Explain about
present examples of the matching summer cool tone. Explain which
colors and people (refer to kinds of people have summer cool
Powerpoint) tone. Explain about representative
cheek color, skin color, hair color.
Explain about which colors are
summer cool tone. Show examples of
colors (powerpoint)
7. Explain about Winter cool tone and 7. Turn to slide 14. Explain about winter
present examples of the matching cool tone. Explain which kinds of
colors and people (refer to people have winter cool tone. Explain
Powerpoint) about representative cheek color, skin
color, hair color. Explain about which
colors are winter cool tone. Show
examples of colors (powerpoint)
8. Introduce to makeup products which 8. Demonstrate with foundations of
are used for each tones warm tone, cool tone, neutral tone.
Show more examples (slide 15).
Demonstrate with lip colors or warm
tone, cool tone, and neutral tone. Show
more examples (slide 16). Compare
and contrast different products by
showing it on our skin.

Lesson 2
Objective: Concentrate of strategies of how to test the personal colors
Concept Action

1. Palm test: We would look at our 1. Wash hands before the Palm test.
palms, and decide if the color is more Demonstrate by showing your palm.
of yellow-ish tone or pink-ish tone. Reflect on which color tone it is.
Yellowish tone would be warm tone Repeat with the student. Reflect on
and pinkish tone would be cool tone his/her tone.
2. Back of the hand test:We would look 2. Wash hands before the Back of the
at back of our hands and decide if the hand test. Demonstrate by showing
color is more of yellow-ish tone or your back of the hand. Reflect on
pink-ish tone. Yellowish tone would which color tone it is. Repeat with the
be warm tone and pinkish tone would student. Reflect on his/her tone.
be cool tone
3. Vein test: We would look at our vein 3. Demonstrate by showing the
color to test if he/she is warm/cool instructor’s wrists. Reflect on which
tone. Green-ish vein have warm tones, color tone it is. Repeat with the
Blue-ish vein have cool tones. Mix of student. Reflect on his/her tone.
green and blue color vein have neutral
4. Color comparison test: We would 4. Demonstrate by holding up the visuals
Compare with the visuals (color (Color papers) right next to the
papers) to the student’s face skin tone. instructor’s face. Match the suiting
– based on the colors that match with color and decide on which tone the
warm tone, colors that match with cool instructor have. Repeat with the
tone. student. Help holding up the color
papers next to the student’s face.
5. Practice: choosing their own lipstick 5. The learner would be able to
and foundation color depending on demonstrate their learned skills
their personal colors. through choosing their right
foundation and lip color compared
with their own tone. The teacher
would assist the student if the student
need any help.
Assessment A
Answer all questions in this section. [10] Points in total will be provided for answers
demonstrating accurate knowledge and understandings.

Definition of personal color

1. In one to two sentence(s), define what personal color is. [1pt]

Types of Personal Color

2. State the names of three main types (tones) of Personal Color. [1pt]
3.Write two main characteristics of each tones. [3pt]

4. State the names of four main palettes of the tones. [1pt]
5. Write two main characteristics of each palettes. [4pt]
Evaluation Rubric

Excellent Average Needs Improvement

Personal ● Received 8-10 points in ● Received 5-7 points ● Received 1-4 points
Color the part A assessment in the part A in the part A
Concept ● Shows excellence in assessment assessment
understandings of ● Shows some ● Does not seem to
concepts understandings of understand the
concepts, but could concept with
be more developed limited details

Selecting the ● Correctly identified ● Correctly identified ● Incorrectly

best his/her personal color his/her personal identified his/her
foundation tone color tone personal color
color ● Correctly identified ● BUT incorrectly ● Incorrectly
his/her palette identified his/her identified his/her
● Correctly selects the palette OR palette
best foundation product incorrectly selects ● Incorrectly selects
based on his/her the best foundation the best foundation
personal color product based on product based on
his/her personal his/her personal
color color

Selecting the ● Correctly identified ● Correctly identified ● Incorrectly

best lipstick his/her personal color his/her personal identified his/her
color tone color tone personal color
● Correctly identified ● BUT incorrectly ● Incorrectly
his/her palette identified his/her identified his/her
● Correctly selects the palette OR palette
best lipstick product incorrectly selects ● Incorrectly selects
based on his/her the best lipstick the best lipstick
personal color product based on product based on
his/her personal his/her personal
color color

My journey of producing a curriculum project was a unique and valuable experience.

When I first heard about this topic, I was nervous to start this project because I thought that this

project would be a lot of work, spending a lot of time studying the information. The most fearful

part of this project was that I was not confident in talking to others in an assertive way. I always

have thought that talking to others was one of my weakness because I am an introverted and shy

person. However, I thought that this project was a chance to challenge myself, so I decided to try

my best effort. Upon starting to thinking about the topic, I wanted to choose an interesting topic

that a lot of people would be fascinated about. I thought about what I like to do, and what I am

good at- and chose the topic of ‘how to know your personal color.’ I was actually very excited to

start this project because I was interested in teaching and the topic was something that I was

involved in.

Beginning to write out my curriculum was a smoother process for me. Starting off, I was

very excited to begin with this project, in result was able to start way earlier in the beginning,

trying to research more of the information and was able to plan out how I would teach my

information. During the process of manufacturing a lesson plan, there were difficulties which I

had to overcome to complete this curriculum. First of all, my lesson plan was very vague. I did

not realize until we submitted the draft lesson plans, where Dr.Fretz commented on saying that I

am not writing the curriculum for myself, but I am writing the curriculum for others with

approximately equal knowledge and expertise. I looked back into my lesson plan and found out

that all the points were unclear. I spoke out loud reading off my lesson plan. I realized that I did

not put down all the details because I already knew in my mind, but if other person have tried to

teach with this lesson plan, he or she would not understand because I eliminated many details. In
result, I was able to get on track of how to build a lesson plan. Goal setting helped me to write

my lesson plans more easily. With set goals and already written objectives, I imagined myself

teaching the students, and wrote down each actions in step by step. Secondly, time management

was another obstacle that I had to face. Because this project is a semester-long project, I did not

think that I had to work on the project every week- this was a huge mistake that I made. In the

beginning of the project where I was very excited to start this project, I was very eager to write

down all my ideas into the curriculum. However, as I started to have to overcome some

difficulties, I believe that my motivation have decreased significantly, making me not wanting to

work on this project. In order to increase my motivation, I watched some makeup videos that I

always have loved to do typically. This actually helped me to find the reason why I am working

on this project, and re-found my interest in love in makeup. I felt that if I could teach how to find

a personal color like the beauty youtubers, I would also feel satisfied and happy that I am

teaching the information to the students.

When it was time to actually teach the lesson, I was extremely nervous to start. I ended

up writing the script of all of what I was going to say in a paper. During the lesson time, the most

challenge I had was staying organized in what I was saying. Even though I tried to follow and

stayed with the lesson plan, time to time, I was talking too much about one thing, and noticed

that I tried to go into different directions. Also time management was another challenge for me.

Because I was concentrating too much on explaining about something, I was not catching up

how much time I am spending for the explanations.

I asked for some reviews and recommendations for how I could improve it. She first told

me that she could concentrate a lot because this topic was what she was interested in learning

about. Also, because the environment was in the classroom, she thought that this was like an
official course where she could concentrate more on. Some aspects she told me that I could

improve more on, I could be more confident on what I am teaching right now. When she felt like

I am thinking too much before I am giving a lesson, she also wondered what she was learning

was a correct concept or not. She also felt that I could be more organized in what I am saying by

adding more information in the presentations. This would result in clearer vision in what I was

currently teaching on. After video taping myself, I saw some factors that I should not do while I

am teaching. Especially when I am telling her, I rolled up my eyes too much, and said ‘um’ too

much. I think these factors resulted on making the student think that I am not confident in what I

am teaching. Also, I was consistently looking down on my lesson plan, and sometimes read off

my presentations. When I reteach this course in the future, I would add some more details in

presentation, by presenting more visuals and charts. Also, by then I would know all my

knowledge even clearer, by practicing more of my presentation skills.

In conclusion, I believe that I could reteach this course in a more effective and clearer

strategies. I would also be ready for the training in the future job. After experiencing a short

teaching experience, I feel like I am ready to do any trainings for the future. I should always

think of the students who don’t know any kinds of information that I am trying to teach- so I

should not predict that they know as much as I know (even the basics). After this project, I had

more respect on people who teach. This project was a valuable experience as I learned a lot about

teaching. I believe that teaching is not only dependent on the teacher’s skills. They should

include student’s emotions, social performance, and all the psychological aspects such as

motivations, in addition to the teaching quality. This is why I believe that teaching in a classroom

where there are numerous students are more difficult, because the teacher has to explain the
information by making all the students understand. I learned that teaching is a wonderful skill

which many people do not realize how difficult it is.

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