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182 Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

ISSN 1673-565X (Print); ISSN 1862-1775 (Online);

Evaluating transmission towers potentials during ground faults

(Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu 550025, Romania)
Received Sept. 12, 2007; revision accepted Oct. 30, 2007; published online Dec. 20, 2007

Abstract: During ground faults on transmission lines, a number of towers near the fault are likely to acquire high potentials to
ground. These tower voltages, if excessive, may present a hazard to humans and animals. This paper presents analytical methods in
order to determine the transmission towers potentials during ground faults, for long and short lines. The author developed a global
systematic approach to calculate these voltages, which are dependent of a number of factors. Some of the most important factors
are: magnitudes of fault currents, fault location with respect to the line terminals, conductor arrangement on the tower and the
location of the faulted phase, the ground resistance of the faulted tower, soil resistivity, number, material and size of ground wires.
The effects of these factors on the faulted tower voltages have been also examined for different types of power lines.

Key words: Overhead transmission lines, Ground fault, Tower potential

doi:10.1631/jzus.A072206 Document code: A CLC number: TM75

INTRODUCTION tween the faulted tower and the stations, on the dis-
tance between the towers, these two sections of the
When a ground fault occurs on an overhead line may be considered infinite, in which case the
transmission line in a power network with grounded ground fault current distribution is independent of the
neutral, the fault current returns to the grounded neu- termination of the network; otherwise, they must be
tral through the tower’s structure, ground return path regarded as finite, in which case the ground fault
and ground wires. During ground faults, a number of current distribution may depend greatly on the ter-
towers near the fault are likely to acquire high poten- mination of the network.
tials to ground. These tower voltages, if excessive, First to be considered is the case when the fault
may present a hazard to humans and animals. Since appears in the last tower of the transmission line,
during a ground fault the maximum voltage will ap- considering both infinite and finite transmission lines.
pear at the tower nearest to the fault, attention in this Then, it will be considered that if the fault appears at
study will be focused on that tower, called faulted any tower of the transmission line, the two sections of
tower. The objective of this paper is to determine the the line are finite and it is assumed that the fault is fed
voltage rise of this faulted tower. In order to do this, from both directions.
some analytical methods are presented, which allow The calculation method introduced is based on
the determination of the ground fault current distri- the following assumptions: impedances are consid-
bution between neutral conductors and the earth, via ered lumped parameters in each span of the trans-
the towers, for transmission line ground networks and mission line, capacitances of the line are neglected,
the voltage rise of this faulted tower. the contact resistance between the tower and the
A phase-to-ground fault that appears on a phase ground wire, and respectively the tower resistance
of a transmission line divides the line into two sec- between the ground wire and the faulty phase con-
tions, each extending from the fault towards one end ductor, are neglected.
of the line. Depending on the number of towers be- The approach used in this paper is based on some
Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189 183

methods presented by (Rudenberg, 1959; Verma and In order to determine the equivalent impedance
Mukhedkar, 1979; Dawalibi and Niles, 1984). This of the circuit presented in Fig.1, the continuous frac-
approach can be applied to long lines, short lines, tions theory (Edelmann, 1966), already presented in
respectively in case where are only few spans be- (Vintan, 2005), is applied.
tween the feeding station and the faulted tower. The equivalent impedance seen from the fault
Rudenberg (1959) developed a model which was location (Fig.1) can be written in the following ex-
valid only for long lines, without taking into account pression:
the mutual coupling between the faulted phase and the
ground conductor. Verma and Mukhedkar (1979) 1
Z∞ = Zcpd + .
developed that model by taking into account the 1 1
mutual coupling, but they treated only the case of long Zst Z + 1
line, too. In this paper, the author improved their
1 1
+ −1
model by considering even the case of a short line. Zst ⎛1 1 ⎞
Zcpd +…+ Zcpd + ⎜ +
⎜ Zst Zcp + Zst ⎟⎟
⎝ d ⎠
Eq.(1) could be written in a recurrent manner using
When a ground fault occurs on an overhead the following equation:
transmission line, the fault divides the line into two
sections, each extending from the fault towards one ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
Z ∞ = Z cpd +⎜ + ⎟ . (2)
end of the line. These two sections of the line may be ⎝ Z st Z1∞ ⎠
considered infinite if some certain conditions are met;
otherwise, they must be regarded as finite. From this expression, the next two-degree equation
can be obtained:
Infinite half-line
An infinite half-line can be represented by the Z ∞2 − Z cpd Z ∞ − Z cpd Z st = 0. (3)
ladder network presented in Fig.1. It is assumed that
all the transmission towers have the same ground The solutions of Eq.(3) are:
impedance Zst and the distance between towers is long
enough to avoid the influence between their ground- Z cpd Z cp2 d
ing electrodes. The impedance of the ground wire Z∞ = + Z cpd Z st + . (4)
2 4
connected between two grounded towers, called the
self impedance per span, is noted with Z cpd . Consid- The continuous fraction belonging to Eq.(1) con-
ering the same distance ld between two consecutive verges to a limit value that represents the first solution
towers and that Z cpd is the same for every span, then (corresponding to the “+” sign) of Eq.(4) if the fol-
lowing van Vleck and Jensen theorem’s conditions
Z cpd = Z cp ld , where Z cpd represents the impedance of
(Edelmann, 1966) are fulfilled:
the ground wire in Ω/km. Z cpm represents the mutual
Re( Z cpd ) > 0, Re( Z st ) > 0; Im( Z cpd ) < ∞, Im( Z st ) < ∞.
impedance between the ground wire and the faulted
phase conductor, per span (Vintan, 2005). (5)
Therefore, the solution of Eq.(3) is:

Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cp2 d

Z∞ = + Z cpd Z st + . (6)
2 4
Zst Zst Zst Zst
Taking into account that usually Z cpd << Z st , Eq.(6)
Fig.1 Equivalent ladder network for an infinite half-line can be written as follows:
184 Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189

Z cpd
Z∞ ≈ + Z cpd Z st . (7) Z cpm
Z cpd Z cpd i1
2 in+1 in Z cpd Id
In I0
Eq.(6) gives the impedance of an infinite section of a Zst Zst Zst Zst
transmission line, extended from the fault towards n 2 1 0 Faulted
one end of the line. tower

For an infinite line in both directions (the two Fig.3 Fault current distribution
sections of the line between the fault and the terminals
could be considered long, Fig.2), the equivalent im- assumed to take place, is equal to the difference be-
pedance is given by tween the currents in and in+1 (Verma and Mukhedkar,
1 1 1 1
= + + , (8) I n = in − in +1 . (11)
Z ∞∞ Z ∞ Z st Z ∞
The loop equation for the nth mesh is given by
Z ∞∞ = (2 / Z ∞ + 1/ Z st ) −1 . (9)
I n Z st − I n −1 Z st + in Z cpd − ν I d Z cpd = 0. (12)
The voltage rise of the faulted tower U0 is given by
(Endrenyi, 1967): Eq.(12) could be written in the form:

U 0 = (1 − ν ) I d Z ∞∞ , (10) ( I n −1 − I n ) Z st
in = +ν Id . (13)
Z cpd
where the coupling between the faulted phase con- Similarly,
ductor and the ground conductor is taken into account ( I n − I n +1 ) Z st
by Z cpm , the mutual impedance per unit length of line, in +1 = +ν Id . (14)
Z cpd
and ν = Z cpm / Z cpd represents the coupling factor. Id
represents the fault current. Substituting Eqs.(13) and (14) into Eq.(11), for the
current in the faulted tower will yield the next
equation, which is a second-order difference
Zm equation:

Infinite Infinite Z cpd

half-line In = I n +1 − 2 I n + I n −1 . (15)
Z∞ Z∞ Z st

According to (Rudenberg, 1959), the solution of
Eq.(15) is:
Fig.2 Full-line, infinite in both directions
I n = Aeα n + Be−α n , (16)

Fault at the last tower where the arbitrary parameters A and B could be ob-
Fig.3 presents the connection of a ground wire tained from the boundary conditions. Parameter α
connected to earth through transmission towers, each could be obtained by substituting Eq.(16) into Eq.(15).
transmission tower having its own grounding elec-
Because Z cpd << Z st , it can be written:
trode or grid, Zst. When a fault appears, part of the
ground fault current will get to the ground through the
faulted tower, and the rest of the fault current will get α ≈ Z cpd / Z st . (17)
diverted to the ground wire and other towers. The
current In flowing to ground through the nth tower, Applying Eq.(11) to the (n−1)th tower will yield the
counted from the terminal tower where the fault is following expression:
Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189 185

I n −1 = in −1 − in . (18) Id
Z cp′ d Z cpm Z cpd Z cpd Z cp′ d
iN+1 i1 Ip′
Substituting Eqs.(11) and (18) into Eq.(12) yields the Ip IN I0
next equation with a constant term: Rp Zst Zst Zst Zst Rp′
N 2 1 0 tower
Z cpd Z cpd
in = in +1 − 2in + in −1 + ν I d . (19) Fig.4 Fault current distribution
Z st Z st

Similar to Eq.(15), the current in the ground I d = I ′p + I 0 + i1 = i1 + I 0 + I 0 Z st / Z ′p . (25)

conductor is given by:
At the sending end of the line, we have:
in = ae + be
αn −α n
+ν Id , (20) I d = I p + iN +1 , (26)

where a and b represent the arbitrary parameters. I N Z st + I p Rp − iN +1 Z cp′ d + ν I d Z cp′ d = 0. (27)

Because of the link between currents in and In,
the arbitrary parameters A, B and a, b are not Substituting Ip from Eq.(27) into Eq.(26) yields:
independent. Substituting the solutions Eqs.(16) and
(20) into Eq.(11) will yield: ⎛ Z cp′ ⎞ ⎛ Z cp′ ⎞ Z
I d ⎜1 + ν d ⎟⎟ = iN +1 ⎜⎜1 + d ⎟⎟ − I N st . (28)
⎜ Rp Rp Rp
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Aeα n + Be−α n = aeα n (1 − eα ) + be−α n (1 − e −α ). (21)
Substituting I0, IN, iN+1 and i1 into Eqs.(25) and (28),
Because these relations are the same for every value according to Eqs.(16) and (24), yields a system with
of n, the following expressions will be obtained: two linear equations (Vintan and Buta, 2006):

A = a (1 − eα ), (22) ⎧ ⎡ 1 Z ⎤ ⎡ 1 Z ⎤
⎪ I d (1 − ν ) = A ⎢ + st ⎥ + B ⎢ + st ⎥ ,
B = b(1 − e ). −α
(23) Z ′p ⎦⎥ Z ′p ⎦⎥
⎣⎢1 − e ⎣⎢1 − e
α −α

The current in the ground wire will be then given by ⎪⎪ ⎡ eα ⎛ Z cp′ d ⎞ Z st ⎤
⎨ I d (1 − ν ) = Ae ⎢ 1+ ⎟− ⎥+
α ⎜
⎪ ⎢⎣1 − e ⎜⎝ Rp ⎟⎠ Rp ⎥⎦
eα n e −α n ⎪
in = A +B +ν Id . (24) ⎪ ⎡ e −α ⎛ Z cp′ d ⎞ Z st ⎤
1− e α
1 − e −α −α N
⎢ 1+ ⎟− ⎥,
−α ⎜
⎪ B e
⎜ Rp ⎟⎠ Rp ⎦⎥
⎪⎩ ⎣⎢1 − e ⎝
If the line is sufficiently long so that, after some
distance, the varying portion of the current decays where Z ′p = R′p + Zcp′ d . Eq.(29) gives
exponentially to zero, then A→0, so in this case only
B must be found from the boundary conditions B2 − B1 A1 − A2
A = I d (1 −ν ) , B = I d (1 −ν ) , (30)
(Rudenberg, 1959). A1B2 − B1 A2 A1B2 − B1 A2
If the line cannot be considered long enough,
then parameters A and B can be found from the where
boundary conditions. In Fig.4, Rp and Rp′ represent 1 Z 1 Z
A1 = + st , B1 = + st ,
the resistances of the grounding systems of the two 1− eα
Z ′p 1− e −α
Z ′p
stations, which are connected to the last towers, at
both sides, through an extra span. In Fig.4 the im- ⎡ eα ⎛ Z cp′ d ⎞ Z st ⎤
A2 = eα N ⎢ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ − ⎥,
⎢⎣1 − e
pedance of this section of ground wire between the ⎝ Rp ⎠ R p ⎥⎦
stations and the last towers was noted with Z cp′ d , the
⎡ e −α ⎛ Z cp′ d ⎞ Z st ⎤
same at both sides. The boundary condition at the B2 = e −α N ⎢ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ − ⎥.
⎢⎣1 − e
⎝ Rp ⎠ Rp ⎥⎦
receiving end of the line is (Vintan and Buta, 2006):
186 Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189

The current in the faulted tower (obtained for n=0 in In this case, as the author already presented in
all expressions, including A2, B2) will be: (Vintan and Buta, 2006), considering first the left part
from the faulted tower, the situation is identical to that
⎡ B2 − B1 presented in Fig.5. So, the solutions for the current in
I 0 = A + B = I d (1 − ν ) ⎢ (1 − eα ) the towers, respectively in the ground wire are:
⎣ 1 2 − B A
1 2

A1 − A2 ⎤
+ (1 − e −α ) ⎥ . (31) I n − s = As eα n + Bs e −α n , (34)
A1 B2 − B1 A2 ⎦ αn −α n
e e
in − s = As + Bs + ν I d′ . (35)
The voltage rise of the terminal tower in this case is: 1− eα
1 − e −α

The subscript s is used for the left part from the

⎡ B2 − B1
U 0 = I 0 Z st = I d (1 − ν ) Z st ⎢ (1 − eα ) + faulted tower. In−s represents the current in the tower
⎣ A1 B2 − B1 A2 number n, counted from the faulted tower to the left
A1 − A2 ⎤ part of the transmission line.
(1 − e −α ) ⎥ = (1 − ν ) I d Z N , (32)
A1 B2 − B1 A2 ⎦ In order to find the constants As and Bs, it is
necessary to write the boundary conditions. For the
with ZN being noted the equivalent impedance of the faulted tower, the following formulae can be written:
network looking back from the fault:
⎧⎪ I 0 Z st − I1 Z st − i1 Z cpd + ν Z cpd I d′ = 0,
⎨ (36)
⎡ B2 − B1 A1 − A2 ⎤ ⎪⎩ I1 Z st − I 2 Z st − i2 Z cpd + ν Z cpd I d′ = 0.
Z N = Z st ⎢ (1 − eα ) + (1 − e−α ) ⎥ .
⎣ A1 B2 − B1 A2 A1 B2 − B1 A2 ⎦
(33) Also can be written is

I1 = i1 − i2 . (37)
Fault at any tower
In Fig.5 the fault occurs at the tower number 0.
Substituting i1 and i2 from Eq.(36) into Eq.(37), it
There are N towers between this tower and the left
station and respectively M towers between tower
number 0 and the right station. The resistances of the I1 (2 + Z cpd / Z st ) = I 0 + I 2 . (38)
grounding systems of the left and right stations (see
Fig.5) are Rp and Rp′ respectively. The impedance of For the left terminal it can be written as
the section of ground wire between one station and
the first tower (tower N or M) is Z cp′ d , and Zp= I N + iN +1 = iN , (39)
Rp + Z cp′ d , respectively Z ′p = R′p + Z cp′ d . The total fault I N Z st + I p Rp − iN +1 Z cp′ d + Z m′ I d′ = 0, (40)
current Id is given by the sum of the current Id′ from ( I N −1 − I N ) Z st − iN Z cpd + ν Z cpd I d′ = 0, (41)
one side, and Id″ from the other side of the transmis- iN +1 = I d′ − I p , (42)
sion line (Dawalibi and Niles, 1984).

Id′ Id″

Z cpm Id Z cp′ d
Z cp′ d iN Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cpd Z cpm

iN+1 i1s I i1d

IN 0 Rp′
Rp Zst Zst Zst Zst Zst Zst Zst Zst
N 2 1 0 1 2 M

Fig.5 Ground fault current distributions
Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189 187

where Zm′ represents the mutual coupling between the ⎛ Zcp ⎞⎛ R′ + Zm′ ⎞
ground wire and the faulted phase in the last span. I0eα M Rd − eα ⎜ 2 + d − eα ⎟ ⎜ν − p
⎜ ⎟ Id′′
⎝ Zst ⎠⎝ R′p + Zcp′ d ⎟⎠
Replacing iN+1 and iN from Eqs.(40) and (41) into Bd = ,
α ( M −1) ⎛ −α ⎞ −α ( M −1) ⎛ α ⎞
Eq.(39), by taking into account Eq.(42), it yields the Zcpd Zcpd
e ⎜2 + − e ⎟ Rd − e ⎜2 + − e ⎟ Ld
following expression: ⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠
⎛ Z Zst ⎞ Zst ⎛ Rp + Zm′ ⎞ where
I N ⎜1 + st + ⎟=I + I d′ ⎜ν − ⎟.
⎜ Zcp Zcp′ + Rp ⎟ N −1 Zcp ⎜ Zcp′ d + Rp ⎟⎠ Z Z st
⎝ d d ⎠ d ⎝ Ld = 1 + (1 − eα ) st + ,
(43) Z cpd R′p + Z cp′ d

Eqs.(38) and (43) represent the boundary condi- Z st Z st

Rd = 1 + (1 − e −α ) + .
tions. By replacing I1, I2, IN and IN−1 from the solu- Z cpd R p + Z cp′ d

tions Eqs.(34) and (35) into Eqs.(38) and (43), the
expressions of As and Bs can be obtained (Dawalibi
At the faulted tower the total ground fault is (Fig.5):
and Niles, 1984):

⎛ Zcp ⎞⎛ R + Zm′ ⎞ I d = I 0 − i1s − i1d . (49)

e−α ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ ⎜ν − p ⎟⎟ Id′ − I0e Ls
−α N

Z ⎜ R + Z ′
⎝ st ⎠⎝ p cpd ⎠
As = , The current in the faulted tower I0 becomes:
⎛ Z ⎞ −α ( N −1) ⎛
Zcpd α ⎞
⎜2 + − e ⎟ Rs − e ⎜2+ − e ⎟ Ls
α ( N −1) cpd −α
⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎛W W ⎞⎛ V V ⎞
(44) (1 −ν )Id + ⎜ s Id′ + d Id′′ ⎟ ⎜ 1 −α − 2 α ⎟
⎝ Ts Td ⎠ ⎝ 1 − e 1− e ⎠
⎛ Zcp ⎞⎛ R + Zm′ ⎞ I0 = ,
I0eα N Rs − eα ⎜ 2 + d − eα ⎟ ⎜ν − p ⎟ Id′ e ⎛ Ls e
α −α N
Ld e ⎞ e ⎛ Rs e
−α M −α αN
Rd eαM ⎞
Zst ⎜ Rp + Zcp′ d ⎟⎠ 1− ⎜ + ⎟+ ⎜ + ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎝ 1 − eα ⎝ Ts Td ⎠ 1 − e−α ⎝ Ts Td ⎠
Bs = ,
α ( N −1) ⎛ −α ⎞ −α ( N −1) ⎛ α⎞
Zcpd Zcpd
e ⎜2 + − e ⎟ Rs − e ⎜2+ − e ⎟ Ls (50)
⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠ where
(45) R p + Z m′ R′p + Z m′
where Ws = ν − , Wd = ν − ,
R p + Z cp′ d R′p + Z cp′ d
Z st Z st
Ls = 1 + (1 − eα ) + , Z cpd Z cpd
Z cpd R p + Z cp′ d V1 = 2 + − eα , V2 = 2 + − e −α ,
Z st Z st Z st Z st
Rs = 1 + (1 − e −α ) + .
Z cpd R p + Z cp′ d ⎛ Zcp ⎞ ⎛ Zcp ⎞
Ts = eα ( N −1) ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ Rs − e−α ( N −1) ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ Ls ,
⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠
Similar expressions are obtained for the currents
⎛ Z ⎞ ⎛ Z ⎞
from the right part of the faulted tower: Td = eα ( M −1) ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ Rd − e−α ( M −1) ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ Ld .
cp cp

⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠
⎧ I n − d = Ad eα n + Bd e −α n ,

⎨ Ad α n Bd (46) The voltage rise of the terminal tower is:
⎪in − d = e + e −α n + ν I d′′,
⎩ 1− e α
1 − e −α
where U = I0 Zst
⎛ Zcp ⎞⎛ R′ + Zm′ ⎞ ⎛W W ⎞⎛ V V ⎞
e−α ⎜ 2 + d − e−α ⎟ ⎜ν − p ⎟⎟ Id′′ − I0e Ld
−α M (1 −ν )Id + ⎜ s Id′ + d Id′′ ⎟ ⎜ 1 −α − 2 α ⎟
Z ⎜ R ′ + Z ′ ⎝ Ts Td ⎠ ⎝ 1 − e 1− e ⎠
⎝ st ⎠⎝ p cp d ⎠ = Zst .
Ad = , e ⎛ Ls e
α −α N
Ld e ⎞ e ⎛ Rs e
−α M −α αN
Rd eαM ⎞
⎛ Z ⎞ −α ( M −1) ⎛
Zcpd α ⎞ 1− ⎜ + ⎟+ ⎜ + ⎟
⎜2 + − e ⎟ Rd − e ⎜2+ − e ⎟ Ld
α ( M −1) cpd −α
e 1 − eα ⎝ Ts Td ⎠ 1 − e−α ⎝ Ts Td ⎠
⎝ Zst ⎠ ⎝ Zst ⎠
(47) (51)
188 Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189

RESULTS Fig.11 presents the values for the finite line im-
pedance calculated with the proposed Eq.(33) and
In order to illustrate the theoretical approach with the Endrenyi formula (Endrenyi, 1967). As can
outlined in the previous section, we are considering be observed, the two formulae are generating quite
that the line which connects two stations is a 110-kV identical values.
transmission line with aluminium-steel 185/32 mm2
and one aluminium-steel ground wire 95/55 mm2 12
(Fig.6) (ICEMENERG, 1993). Line impedances per Z cpd = 0.1 Ω
span are determined based on the following assump- 10
Z cpd = 0.5 Ω
tions: average length of the span is 250 m; the resis- 8
tance per unit length of ground wire is 0.3 Ω/km and Z cpd = 1 Ω

Z∞ (Ω)
its diameter is 16 mm. Ground wire impedance per 6
Z cpd = 1.5 Ω
span Z cpd and the mutual impedance Zm between the 4
ground wire and the faulted phase are calculated for Z cpd = 2 Ω
different values of the soil resistivity ρ with formulae
based on Carson’s theory of the ground return path 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
(Carson, 1926). Impedance Zm is calculated only in
Zst (Ω)
relation to the faulted phase conductor, because it
Fig.7 Infinite line impedance as a function of the
could not be assumed that a line section of a few spans towers impedances
is transposed. The fault was assumed to occur on the
phase which is the furthest from the ground conduc-
tors, because the lowest coupling between the phase 1.8
Zst=1 Ω
and ground wire will produce the highest tower
Zst=5 Ω
voltage. 1.4
Zst=10 Ω

Ground wire Zst=20 Ω

Z∞∞ (Ω)

3300 mm
2850 mm Zst=30 Ω
4200 mm 0.6 Zst=40 Ω
b 4350 mm
c Zst=50 Ω
b: faulted phase 14 000 mm 0.2
Earth surface 0 100 200 300 400 500
ρ (Ωm)

Fig.6 Disposition of line conductors Fig.8 Equivalent impedance of the line infinite in both

Fig.7 presents the values of the impedance of the

infinite half-line, as a function of the towers 0.092 Zst=50 Ω
impedances, for different values of the ground wire.
Zst=10 Ω
Fig.8 presents the values of the equivalent 0.088
ZN (Ω)

impedance of the line, composed of two infinite Zst=4 Ω

half-line, for different values of the towers 0.084

Fig.9 shows the values for the impedance of
finite line, in case of a fault at the last tower of the
line. 0 100 200 300 400 500
In order to see the effect of the mutual coupling ρ (Ωm)
between the faulted phase and the ground wire, the Fig.9 Finite line impedance in case of a fault at the
term (1−ν)ZN is represented in Fig.10. last tower of the line
Vintan / J Zhejiang Univ Sci A 2008 9(2):182-189 189

0.058 9
Zst=50 Ω 8
0.057 Proposed
7 Z cpd = 2 Ω
0.056 expression
Zst=10 Ω 6
(1−ν)ZN (Ω)

0.055 5

ZN (Ω)
0.054 4
Zst=4 Ω Z cpd = 0.206 Ω Endrenyi
0.053 3
0.052 Proposed
1 expression
0.051 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ρ (Ωm) Zst (Ω)
Fig.10 Finite line impedance taking into account the Fig.11 Finite line impedance calculated with the pro-
mutual coupling between the faulted phase and the posed Eq.(33) and with the Endrenyi formula (En-
ground wire drenyi, 1967)

Carson, J.R., 1926. Wave propagation in overhead wires with
ground return. Bell Syst. Technol., 1(5):539-554.
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