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Vol. 96, No. 2. 134- 140. 2003

Kinetics Analysis of Growth and Lactic Acid Production in

pH-Controlled Batch Cultures of Lactobacillus casei KH- 1
Using Yeast Extract/Corn Steep Liquor/Glucose Medium
Department of Civil, Earth and Environmental Engineering, Chonnam National University, 300 Yongbong-Dong,
Buk-Gu. Gwangju 500-757, Korea’ and Department of Environmental Engineering,
Chosun Universiq, Dong-Gu, Gwangju 501-759, Korea2

Received 20 December 2002iAccepted 19 April 2003

This study was performed to determine the optimal conditions of yeast extract, corn steep li-
quor and glucose concentration for the growth and lactic acid production of Lactobacillus casei
KH-1 and to assess the effect of these conditions using a response surface methodology. A Box-
Behnken design was used as an experimental design for the allocation of treatment combination
as 17 pH-controlled batch cultures. The growth and product parameters were estimated by
Gombertz, Leudeking and Piret models from experimental data, and analyzed statistically with
response surfaces. The effects of yeast extract, corn steep liquor and glucose were significant for
the maximum specific growth rate, p,,,, and the maximum biomass concentration, X,,,. The in-
teraction of corn steep liquor and glucose indicated that the positive or negative effect of glucose
on i&ax in corn steep liquor below or above 2.1% could be explained by the glucose-dependent
availability of a nutrient on ,umllx.Although the experiment was achieved in pH-controlled batch
culture for L. casei KH-1, the growth- and nongrowth-associated production rate parameters, a
and b, were significant in the response surface model. The growth and lactic acid production of L.
casei KH-1 were strongly affected by glucose and the importance of the media composition was
demonstrated. The estimated optimal conditions of the growth and lactic acid production of L.
casei KH-1 were 1.276% and 0.697% for yeast extract, 3.505% and 1.708% for corn steep liquor,
and 2.390% and 2.215% for glucose, respectively.

[Key words: Lactobacillus casei, lactic acid, responsesurface methodology, optimization]

Lactic acid has been widely used as an acidulant and pre- posed as one way to improve the lactate production process
servative agent in foods and as a precursor for the produc- (6-10). Yeast extract (YE) satisfies the nutritional require-
tion of emulsifiers, such as stearoyl-2-lactylates, for the ments of lactic acid bacteria that are commonly used in lac-
baking industries (1). Worldwide annual lactic acid produc- tic acid fermentations, but the cost of this raw material con-
tion is estimated at 4 x 10’ kg, while alternative applications tributes significantly to lactic acid production costs (1 l-l 3).
such as a monomer for production of biodegradable plastics Consequently, many studies have attempted to find cheaper
and also an environmentally benign chemical and solvent supplements, which could be used as alternatives or in com-
for various applications may increase lactic acid demand in bination with YE. That is to say minimization of YE addi-
future (2). The conditions of fermentation, such as tempera- tion is an important goal for process optimization. In this
ture, pH, the type of growth media, oxygen, and some neu- study, the yeast extract/corn steep liquor/glucose medium
tralizers, have a large effect on the growth activity of lacto- for lactic acid fermentation has been used because it is not
bacilli (3). Among these, the types of growth media play an only expensive but also easy to harvest. The homofermenta-
important role in the growth activity. Various growth media tive Lactobacillus cusei is known to be an L(+)-lactic acid
for lactic acid bacteria, such as MRS broth, M-17, Eliker‘s producer. Furthermore, L. casei is acidotolerant with an
broth, skim milk, and whey permeates, have been widely optimum pH of 5.5 and is relatively insensitive to product
used (4). Some factors considered in the choice of growth inhibition by lactic acid (14).
medium are cost, the ability to produce a large number of Descriptive modeling for L. casei growth and lactic acid
cells, and harvesting method. Simple synthetic media, with production has been reported (15). While descriptive models
these factors taken into account, have been studied (5). may be useful for modeling experimental data and studying
Therefore, changes in medium composition have been pro- the effects of experimental conditions on culture kinetics,
they do not include any underlying biologic or physiologi-
* Corresponding author. e-mail: cal mechanism that limits the interpretation of data. The ki-
phone: +82-62-530-1864 fax: +82-62-530-0864 netic models that describe growth and production rates as a


function of culture conditions have been proposed for Lac- designed using a Box-Behnken design (Tables 1 and 2). The batch
tobacillus strains (16-l 9). Response surface methodology cultures were anaerobically carried out in a 1.5-Z bioreactor of
(RSM) offers a practical way of studying multiple variables, working volume 800 ml under the conditions of 37”C, 150 rpm and
since it allows the detection of main and quadratic factor pH 5.7 for 24 h.
Analysis The total biomass concentration was determined
effects and first order interactions with a much smaller num- by optical density measurements at 620nm (OD,,,), which were
ber of experiments than a full factorial design (20). Also, converted to cell dry weight (X) using a calibration curve (X=
the RSM is a collection of statistical techniques for design- OD,,,/1.3243). Cell dry weight (CDW, g/l) was determined after
ing experiments, building models, evaluating the effects of membrane filtration (0.45 pm, Whatman, Kent, UK) of a known
factors, and searching for the optimal conditions of factors volume of fermentation liquor and followed by washing and dry-
for desirable responses (20,21). The experiments were con- ing at 80°C for 24 h. The residual glucose concentration (RGC, g/l>
ducted according to a Box-Behnken design with four de- of culture broth was analyzed using a glucose reagent kit (Yong-
scriptive culture parameters: maximum specific growth rate, Dong, Seoul, Korea). Lactic acid concentration (LAC, g/Z) was
maximum biomass concentration, and growth- and non- measured by HPLC (Young-Lin, Anyang, Korea) using a prevail
growth-associated production rate parameters that were sta- organic acid 5u (Alltech, Deertields, MA, USA) column and a UV
detector (M720; Young-Lin, Anyang, Korea). The mobile phase
tistically analyzed with response surfaces. This study pre-
was 5 mM H,SO, at a flow rate of 1 ml/min and the wavelength of
sents a multifactor kinetic analysis to identify the optimal the detector was 220 nm. Twenty ul of sample by sequential treat-
conditions of these factors and demonstrates the importance ments with centrifugation (10,000 rpm, 15 min), filtering (0.20 urn;
of interactions between culture conditions and growth and Whatman, Kent, UK) and the addition of H,SO, (98%) was in-
lactic acid production of L. casei KH-1 in pH-controlled jected into the HPLC.
batch cultures. Descriptive modeling Kinetic batch parameters were esti-
mated with descriptive models for growth. Since bacteria grow
exponentially, it is often useful to plot the logarithm of the rela-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tive population size ~=ln(NIN,)] against time. The growth curve
of L. casei KH-1 was accurately described by a reparameterized
Microorganism, growth media, and culture conditions Gombertz equation (Eq. I) (23).
L. casei KH-1 isolated from the Korean traditional food kimchi
(fermented Korean cabbage flavoured with garlic and red peppers) (1)
was used (22). L. cusei KH-1 was stored at -80°C with glycerol
(28%) and thawed just before the experiments. Precultures with According to Zwietering et al. (23), the three phases of the growth
MRS broth (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were cultivated at 37°C curve can be described by three parameters: The maximum spe-
and 150 rpm under anaerobic condition for 18 h. The precultured cific growth rate, rumaX, is defined as the tangent in the inflection
broth of 1% (v/v) was inoculated into each of the 17 batch cultures point; the lag time, 1, is defined as the x-axis intercept of this tan-

TABLE 1. Actual factor levels corresponding to coded factor levels

Actual factor level at coded factor level of

Factor Symbol
-1 0 1
Yeast extract (YE, %) 4 0.6970 1.3940 2.0909
Corn steep liquor (CSL, %) x, 1.7075 3.4150 5.1225
Glucose (G %) 4 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000

TABLE 2. ‘Treatment combinations” and responses

Coded variable levels Responses

4 x, 4 P,,,, (h-‘1 Tlax WI a b
1 -1 -1 0 0.4770 6.4365 0.6783 0.0889
2 0 0 0 0.8505 7.2617 I .0962 0.058
3 0 1 -1 22.3052 6.7143 1.6449 0.0098
4 1 0 -1 11.0246 6.8953 1.7995 0.0008
5 -1 0 1 0.6306 6.8812 0.0591 0.1136
6 0 0 0 0.9127 7.1283 I .3483 0.0435
7 0 1 1 0.8378 8.2767 0.8546 0.0574
8 0 0 0 0.8201 7.1425 0.9611 0.0601
9 I 0 1 0.7718 8.4674 1.3986 0.0449
10 1 -1 0 0.5024 6.4179 1.4309 0.0571
11 0 0 0 1.2119 6.9656 1.0502 0.0529
12 0 0 0 0.7155 6.4141 -0.2513 0.1184
13 1 1 0 1.6923 7.9429 1.1943 0.0404
14 0 -1 -1 0.5743 5.5164 1.8703 0.0212
15 -1 1 0 0.8288 7.2333 1.5897 0.0172
16 -1 0 -1 0.8399 5.2461 1.2187 0.0475
17 0 -1 1 0.7546 8.6384 0.4225 0.0794
’ All combinations were adjusted to pH 6.1, 37°C and 150 rpm.
136 HA E’f AL

gent; and the asymptote [A=In(N,IN,,)] is the maximal value IABLE 3. Analysis of variation ofthe 2H response surface model
reached. Curves may show a decline. This kind of behavior is for maximum specific growth rate. /I,,,,,’
called the death phase and is not considered in this paper. The non- Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
linear equations were fitted to growth data by nonlinear regression variation freedom squares squares F-value”
using SigmaPlot software. This is a search method to minimize the (VS) (W (SS) (MS)
sum of the squares of the differences between the predicted and Model 6 s.14 0.X6 13.5Sh
measured values. Residual 10 0.63 0.063
The lactic acid production rate was described by the Luedeking Lack of fit 6 0.45 0.074 1.61n.s
and Piret (LP) model (Eq. 2) (24): Pure error 4 0.19 0.046
Total 17 28.22 I .66
(2) ns., Not sign&it at the P=O.O5 level.
a AL,,,,was estimated from batch culture biomass data with Gombertz
where a and b are the growth- and nongrowth-associated produc- model (Eq. I) adjusted R*=0.82.
tion rate parameters, respectively. ’ Significant at the P=O.Ol level.
The LP model cannot accurately describe the end of batch cul-
tures, since it predicts that lactic acid production continues regard-
less of substrate availability and lactic acid accumulation. There- candidatesof regressionmodel for explanatory variablesare linear,
fore, the data points obtained from the growth phase and the period interaction, quadratic, cubic, and quadratic terms of coded levels
of constant production rate after the end of growth were used to of YE, CSL and G. The a-levels at which every term in the se-
estimate the growth- and nongrowth-associated production rate lected model should be significant were set as I % and 5%.
parameters, u and b.
Experimental design and statistical analysis A Box-
Behnken design was used to allocate treatment combinations in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
experiments conducted for 24 h (Table 2). In these experiments,
the responses, such as the maximum specific growth rate (h-l), Maximum specific growth rate p,,, maximum biomass
maximum biomass concentration (g/l), and growth- and non- concentration X,,,, and growth-associated and nongrowth-
growth-associated production rate parameters a and b were esti- associated production rate parameters, a and 6, were deter-
mated for modeling the growth and lactic acid production of L. mined for pH-controlled batch cultures that used descriptive
casei KH-I. The code factor levels were determined as follows:
X,,=(YE-1.3940)10.6970, &,=(CSL-3.4150)/1.7075 and X,,= growth and lactic acid production models. If the lactic acid
(G-3)/2. Table I contains actual factor levels corresponding to production rate was closely dependent on the growth of lac-
coded factor levels. For each factor, a conventional level was set to tic acid bacteria, the maximum specific growth rate, maxi-
zero as a coded level. Response surface linear, 2 factor interaction mum biomass concentration and growth-associated produc-
(2FI) or quadratic model were calculatedfor the different response tion rate parameter were positive when the values were
variables, separately. larger.
Maximum specific growth rates The 2FI response
surface (Eq. 4) was calculated for the maximum specific
growth rates obtained from the batch culture experiments.
The model was highly significant (P<O.Ol) and the lack of
fit was not significant (Table 3). Therefore, the 2FI response
surface model accurately represented the observed p,, (Fig.
Statistical analysis The optimal conditions were estimated la-c). The effects of Xz were highly significant (WO.001)
by data analysis, and response surface plots were generated by and the effects of X, and JY,were also significant (PcO.01)
Design-Expert (ver. 6; Stat-Ease, Minneapolis, MN, USA). The (Table 4). The results indicated that three factors were

06970 10455 I.3940 17424 2.09X 0.6970 10455 13940 17424 20909 17075 25613 34150 42687 51225
X, 5 X2

FIG. 1. Response surfaces for maximum specific growth rate as a function of (a) yeast extract and corn steep liquor concentration fixing glu-
cose 3%, (b) yeast extract and glucose concentration fixing corn steep liquor=3.4150%, (c) corn steep liquor and glucose concentration fixing
yeast extract= 1.3940%. Each closed circle means the corresponding design point.

TABLE 4. Tests for significance of linear and interaction effects TABLE 6. Tests for significance of linear effects of factors in
of factors in the response surface model for the response surface model for maximum biomass concentration, X,,
maximum specific growth rate, p,,,,
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of variation freedom squares squares F-value
variation freedom squares squares F-value WS) (W cw (MS)
(VS) (DF) cw (MS) I 1.93 1.93 8.57”
4 I 0.83 0.83 13.09” x, I 1.25 1.25 5.54”
x, 1 2.62 2.62 41.46b x, I 7.78 7.78 34.62b
4 1 0.68 0.68 10.76” a Significant at the P=O.Ol level.
4 *x2 I 0.24 0.24 3.73n.s. b Significant at the P=O.OOl level.
x,*x, 1 0.16 0.16 2.59n.s.
x,*x, 1 0.61 0.61 9.69”
ns., Not significant at the P=O.OS level. TABLE 7. Analysis of variation of the linear response surface model
a Significant at the P=O.Ol level. for growth- and nongrowth-associated parameters a and b”
b Significant at the P=O.OOl level.
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
variation freedom squares squares F-value
md (W w (MS)
TABLE 5. Analysis of variation of the linear response surface model
for maximum biomass concentration, X,,,a Model a 3 2.55 0.85 3.71b
Residual 13 2.98 0.23
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Lack of fit 9 1.40 0.16 0.40n.s.
variation freedom squares squares F-value Pure error 4 1.57 0.39
WS) OF) cm (MS) Total 17 25.37 1.49
Model 3 10.96 3.65 16.25b Model b 3 9.608. IO” 3.203. IO” 5.43b
Residual 13 2.92 0.22 Residual 13 7.661. 10m3 5.893.10A
Lack of fit 9 2.47 0.27 2.45n.s. Lack of tit 9 4.141.10” 4.601.10-’ 0.52n.s.
Pure error 4 0.45 0.11 Pure error 4 3.521 ‘10” 8.802.10A
Total 17 855.00 50.29 Total 17 3.888.10”
n.s., Not significant at the P=O.O5 level. n.s., Not significant at the P=O.O5 level.
aX,, was estimated from batch culture biomass data with Gombertz aa and b were estimated from batch culture biomass data with
model (Eq. 1) adjusted with R2=0.74. Leudeking and Piret model (Eq. 1) adjusted with R2=0.34 and 0.45,
b Significant at the P =O.Ol level. respectively.
b Significant at the P=O.Ol level.
affected essentially for p,,,, each. Also, it was seen that the
effects of pairs of factors were additive since there were no Also, Aeschlimann and Von Stockar (25) found that no sub-
interactions other than the X,xX, interaction. The additive strate inhibition occurred when L. helveticus was cultured in
effects of the two factors meant that the effect of one factor a concentrated whey permeate medium up to 240 g/l, results
on the response did not depend on the level of the other fac- which are different from those of the present study. The
tor. The combined effects of X,xX, are shown in Fig. lc. equation for X,, of L. casei KH- 1 showed a positive linear
The X,xX, interaction resulted in a slight increase of prnax effect and a negative interaction effect, that is,
with the increase of X, at X, being below about 2.1 and the
Y= 7.03 +0.49(X,,) + 0.39(X*,) + 0*99(X,,)
rapid decrease of ,uu,, with the increase of 1, at X, above
about 2.1. The positive or negative effect of X, on ,u~, at X, Production rate parameters Lactic acid production
below or above about 2.1 could be explained by the X,-de- was estimated using the LP model (Eq. 2) and the estimated
pendent availability of a nutrient in corn steep liquor. That is a and b values were used as response variables. The linear
to say the optimal mixture concentration of the factors response surface model was significant for the growth- and
should be determined. The values of the regression coeffi- nongrowth-associated production rate parameters, a and b,
cients were calculated and then an equation for the 2FI and did not have a significant lack of fit. However, the
model could be written as follows: adjusted R square value was poor in the model for a and b
(Table 7). Therefore, the experimental data were reexam-
Y= 1.15 - 0.32(X,,) - 0.57(X,,) + 0.29(X,,)
ined by eliminating experimental data 12 and 15 in order to
tentatively enhance the correlation coefficient of the re-
Maximum biomass concentration The response sur- sponse model since experiments 12 and 15 generated ex-
face linear model for X,, was highly significant (WO.01) perimental errors from reparameterization of the Gombertz
with no significant lack of fit (Table 5). The effects of all equation. Tables 8 and 10 demonstrate that the parameters a
factors were significant (Table 6) and& was particularly re- and b were significant in the linear and quardratic response
markable in the comparison of X, and X,. The large positive model with no significant lack of fit, respectively. X, and X,
effect of X, on X,, indicated that glucose was a more im- were significant (P~0.01) for the growth-associated pro-
portant factor than yeast extract and corn steep liquor for the duction rate parameter a (Table 9), and Xi, X,, X,2, and X32
growth of L. cusei KH-1. These data suggested that the were significant (PcO.01) for the nongrowth-associated
growth was limited by carbon substrate. Schepers et al. (10) production rate parameter b (Table 11). However, lactic
reported that the growth of L. helveticus was limited by acid production by L. casei KH-1 was much more greatly
nitrogen substrate in whey permeate-yeast extract medium. affected by the growth-associated parameter than the non-
13x I IA FT AL. .I. BIOSCI.Blot kc,..

TABLE 8. Analysis of variation ofthe linear response surface model

for growth-associated parameter (1”
Source of Degree of Sum ol Mean ol
variation freedom squares squares F-value
(VS) (DF) (SS) (MS)
Model 3 2.88 0.96 I 8.64h
Residual II 0.57 0.05 I
Lack of lit 8 0.48 0.060 2.19n.s.
Pure error 3 0.083 0.028
Total I5 22.78
ns., Not signiticant at the P=O.O5 level.
‘a was estimated from batch culture biomass data with LP model
(Eq. 2) adjusted with R'=0.74.
h Significant at the P=O.Ol level.

TABLE 9. Tests for significance of linear effects of factors in

the response surface model for growth-associated parameter a
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
variation freedom squares squares F-value
W) VW (SS) (MS)
X I 1.05 I .os 20.40"
x, I 6.54.10' 6.54.10 o 1.27.10 Ins.
x3 I 1.80 I .80 35.30"
ns., Not significant at the P=O.O5 level. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
a Significant at the P=O.Ol level. Time (h)
FIG. 2. Comparison of growth and lactic acid production by L.
TABLE IO. Analysis of variation of the linear response surface casei KH-1 between MRS and optimum medium in pH controlled
model for nongrowth-associated parameter b” batch cultures. Closed and open symbols represent MRS and optimum
medium, respectively. Circles, squares, and triangles represent cell dry
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of weight (CDW), lactic acid concentration (LAC) and residual glucose
variation freedom squares squares F-value concentration (RGC), respectively.
WV (W cw (MS)
Model 9 1.14.10-’ 1.26.10~’ 18.88”
Residual 5 3.34. IO-’ 6.68.10 j Y= 1.11 +0.39(X1,)+9.83. lO~(X*,)-0.47(X,,)
Lack of fit 2 l.70.101 8.51 .lO 3 1.55n.s.
Pure error 3 1.64.10 ’ 5.47.10 i Y=5.36. 10-2-22.56. 10~2(X,,)-5.11. 10m3(X,,)
Total 15 5.20. IO ’ 3.45.10~: +2.70. 1O-2(X3,)+1.36. 10-2(X,,)2+3.88. lO-3(X2,)Z
n.s., Not significant at the P=O.O5 level. - 1.56. lo-*(X3,)‘-6.48. 10~3(X,,xX2,)
ah was estimated from batch culture biomass data with LP model -5.50. 10~3(X,,xX3,)-2.65~10~3(X2,xX3,)
(Eq. 2) adjusted with R*=O.Y2.
h Significant at the P=O.Ol level. Lactic acid production was affected by yeast extract among
nitrogen sources and glucose concentration. X, has a posi-
tive effect while X3 has a high negative effect on the growth-
TABLE I I. Tests for significance of linear effects of factors in associated production rate parameter a. In constrast, X3 has
the response surface model for nongrowth-associated parameter h
a positive effect while YE has a negative effect on the non-
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of growth-associated production rate parameter b. Lactic acid
variation freedom squares squares F-value bacteria obtain a large amount of energy by means of
W) (DF) ~~~ cw (MS) glycolysis (or Embden-Meyerhof pathway) with lactic acid
4 I 3.50.10 3 3.50. IO-’ 52.34" as the main final product (11, 26), and acid production by
x, I 1.39. IO1 1.3Y.lO-’ 2.09n.s.
I 5x3.10- 5.83.10-j 87.25" these bacteria is considered to be particularly coupled with
X,l I 5.94.10” 5.94.10" 8.89" growth (23).
X2? I 4.81.10-’ 4.81 lo-; 0.72n.s. Validating the optimum point of the factors We at-
x?: I 7.74. IO” 7.74. lOA 11.58” tempted to determine the optimal values by Design-Expert
X,*X? I 8.39. IO 5 8.39. 10m5 1.25n.s. based numerical optimization on an objective function
4 *x3 I 1.21.10’ 1.21.10J I .Sln.s. called desirability. The overall desirability (D) is the geo-
&*X3 I 2.81 IO-’ 2.81 IO-’ 0.42n.s. metric mean of all individual desirabilites (dJ in the range
ns., Not significant at the P=O.O5 level. from 0 (least) to 1 (most): D=(d,xdZx...xd,)““= [IId,]““,
a Significant at the P=O.Ol level. where n is the number of responses. The input factors were
automatically determined to be “in range” and the response
growth-associated parameter. The functions of the coded values kept in the experimental boundaries. In cases of neg-
values of the critical variables for a and b, respectively are ative effects between the response values, the specific
as follows. growth and lactic acid production rates were disregarded,

TABLE 12. Effects of MRS and optimum medium on the yields of cell and lactic acid by L. casei KH-1
Substrate utilization Y YP/S Productivity Culture time
(!z.g-‘1 (d?‘) (g.g-‘1 (g.t’.h-‘) (h)
MRS medium (pH controlled) 0.729 0.409 0.834 0.526 24
Optimum medium (pH controlled)b 0.799 0.312 0.811 0.697 24
MRS medium (pH non-controlled) 0.989 0.382 0.948 0.413 48
ab Batch cultures were conducted at 37°C and 150 rpm for 24 h, under anaerobic conditions and the pH controlled at 5.7.
c Batch culture was conducted at 37°C and 150 rpm for 48 h, under anaerobic conditions and without pH regulation. Initial pH was 5.7.

and the factor (YE, CSL and G concentration) and response coded glucose concentration for response surface
01nlax~JLX~ a and b) values were assigned to low and high modeling
values for economical growth and lactic acid production by A : asymptote: A = ln(Xm/XO)
L. cusei KH-1, respectively. We found a combination of a : growth-associated production parameter (g-lactic
factor levels that simultaneously satisfied the requirements acid g-l-biomass)
placed on each of several responses. The optimal concentra- b : ntmgrowth-associated production parameter (g-lac-
tions of yeast extract, corn steep liquor, and glucose were tic acid g-‘-biomass h-‘)
chosen 0.997%, 3.408%, and 2.692%, respectively. The x : biomass concentration (g-cell dry weight I-‘)
changes in CDW and LAC, and the kinetic analysis for L. x mix’. maximum biomass concentration (g-cell dry weight
casei KH-1 are shown in Fig. 2. Table 12 presents compari- Z-1)
sons of growth and lactic acid production by L. casei KH-1 P : specific growth rate: ,u = l/X. dX/dt (h-‘)
in pH-controlled batch cultures using MRS medium or opti- P : maximum specific growth rate (h-‘)
mum medium. The optimum medium was more desirable Amax: lag time (h)
than the industrial medium for effective lactic acid produc-
tion. The pH-controlled culture was positive not only with
respect to the growth rate but also culture time when we
compared pH-controlled cultures with non-controlled batch This study was supported by Chonnam National University in
cultures using MRS medium (Table 12). However, the pH- the program 2000.
controlled culture was negative for the production of lactic
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