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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

2019, Vol. 2673(8) 611–622
Ó National Academy of Sciences:
Reliability Analysis for Roadway Curves Transportation Research Board 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
with Horizontal Sightline Obstructions
DOI: 10.1177/0361198119845352

Daniel J. Cook1, Douglas W. Harwood1, Ingrid B. Potts1,

Eric T. Donnell2, and Bachir Hamadeh3

Objects on the inside of a horizontal curve may limit the stopping sight distance (SSD) available to drivers. Crash analysis
shows that SSD-related crashes on horizontal curves are limited in number and difficult to quantify. As an alternative, a
reliability analysis model was developed to quantify the number of drivers per year who may encounter a stopped vehicle
in a sight-restricted area, creating an opportunity where an SSD-related crash might occur on a roadway with a sight
obstruction on the inside of a horizontal curve. The model considers roadway alignment in three dimensions. The model
formulation is documented and an analysis of the sensitivity of crash opportunities to traffic volume and offset to a sight
obstruction is performed. A sensitivity analysis of the reliability analysis model shows that the percentage of vehicles that
may encounter a crash-involved vehicle or a queue of stopped vehicles over the course of a year can range from essen-
tially zero to a value approaching 1% of the total yearly flow. The reliability analysis model is a flexible tool that can be
used by planners and designers to compare, in a relative sense, the need for sight distance improvements on specific
horizontal curves.

Design criteria for stopping sight distance (SSD) are equal to DSSD; and L less than DSSD. The area that
intended to assure that drivers can see the roadway suffi- needs to be clear of sight obstructions begins upstream
ciently far ahead to bring their vehicle to a stop, when of the point of curvature (PC) at Station PC-DSSD and
necessary. Minimum SSD values for design (DSSD) are ends downstream of the point of tangency (PT) at
presented in the AASHTO Green Book (1). DSSD is cal- Station PT + DSSD. Station PC-DSSD is located at a
culated using Equation 1. point with a distance equal to the DSSD upstream of the
point of curvature. Station PT + DSSD is located at a
V2 point with a distance equal to the DSSD downstream of
DSSD = 1:47 Vt + 1:075 ð1Þ
a the point of tangency. Station PC + 0.5DSSD is located
at a point with a distance equal to half the DSSD down-
where stream of the point of curvature. Station PT-0.5DSSD is
DSSD = design stopping sight distance (ft), located at a point with a distance equal to half the
V = design speed (mph), DSSD upstream of the point of tangency. The maximum
t = brake reaction time (perception-reaction time horizontal sightline offset (HSO) shown in the figure can
prior to braking) (s), and be determined with equation 3–36 in the AASHTO
a = deceleration rate (ft/s2). Green Book (1). Note that the illustrations in Figure 1
Objects on the inside of horizontal curves may limit are not drawn to scale.
the driver’s view of the roadway ahead and, therefore,
limit the SSD available to drivers (ASSD). Figure 1 illus-
trates the area on the inside of a horizontal curve that
should be clear of sight obstructions to assure that 1
MRIGlobal, Kansas City, MO
ASSD ø DSSD at all points on a horizontal curve and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Larson Pennsylvania
its approaches (2). Three cases are shown in the figure Transportation Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
illustrating the horizontal sightline offset from the center
of the inside lane (m) that should be free of sight Corresponding Author:
obstructions: curve length (L) greater than DSSD; L Address correspondence to Daniel J. Cook:
612 Transportation Research Record 2673(8)

Literature Review
Limited research has examined the relationship of sight
distance to crash frequency and severity and no studies
have developed any generally applicable CMFs (2). The
most relevant references are discussed below.
Olson et al. evaluated the crash history of ten pairs of
crest vertical curve sites (7). Each pair consisted of a crest
vertical curve with limited SSD (118 to 308 ft) and a simi-
lar crest with adequate SSD (greater than 700 ft). Olson
et al. found that in seven of the ten pairs, the limited SSD
site had more crashes than the adequate SSD site. In one
of the pairs, the adequate SSD site had more crashes. For
Figure 1. Areas that need to be clear of sight obstructions on
two of the ten pairs of sites, there was no difference in
the inside of a horizontal curve (2).
crashes between the paired sites. For the 10 sites as a
whole, the sites with limited SSD experienced 50% more
crashes than the sites with adequate SSD. This study pro-
Generations of highway engineers have been taught vides some evidence for an effect of SSD on crashes, but
that SSD is needed at all points along the roadway align- the study has flaws that limit its applicability (it neither
ment. Yet, despite this perceived importance, there are compensated for regression-to-the-mean bias nor docu-
no definitive crash modification factors (CMFs) that mented what roadway features, if any, were hidden by
quantify the safety effect of SSD either in the AASHTO the sight distance limitation).
Highway Safety Manual (HSM) (3, 4) or on the FHWA Richl and Sayed (8) and Wood and Donnell (9) both
CMF Clearinghouse website (5). The likely reason that used reliability analysis to evaluate the ASSD in horizon-
the safety effects of SSD have not been successfully quan- tal curves. Richl and Sayed investigated sight distance
tified is that these effects are highly situational, meaning availability and restrictions for horizontal curves in
that limited SSD is far more likely to result in a collision mountainous terrain, focusing on two mountainous
at some locations than at others. Recent research in roadway segments in British Columbia. Narrow medians
NCHRP Report 783, Evaluation of the 13 Controlling combined with tight horizontal curves were identified as
Criteria for Geometric Design (6), found that, at crest ver- a factor that resulted in insufficient sight distance. Wood
tical curves with limited SSD on rural two-lane highways, and Donnell evaluated the ASSD when the driver or
crash frequencies were high at locations where intersec- object was outside the limit of the horizontal curve. The
tions, driveways, or horizontal curves were hidden from study found that, if the criteria for horizontal sight line
the approaching driver’s view by the sight restriction. offset were applied at each location within the curve,
However, where no hidden features were present, crash drivers would always have sufficient SSD. In addition, to
frequency was not elevated, even though SSD was lim- improve the consistency of ASSD, the DSSD inside the
ited. On other highway types, such as divided highways curve should also be used near the ends of the curves to
and freeways, additional types of hidden features, such as provide additional SSD for drivers (9).
ramp terminals or pedestrian crossings, may also be criti-
cal if located in a sight-restricted area. Furthermore, on
congested highways, there is a possibility of a standing Crash Analysis
queue being present in a sight-restricted area during spe- An investigation of horizontal curves with limited SSD
cific periods of the day. The research in NCHRP Report studied 263 sites with horizontal sight restrictions,
783 demonstrates for crest vertical curves that correcting located in five states: Illinois, Kansas, Missouri,
or mitigating limited SSD may be much more critical in Pennsylvania, and Washington. For each of these sites,
some highway situations than in others; the same princi- the nature of the horizontal sight obstruction was
ple is likely to apply to horizontal sight restrictions. assessed, the ASSD was estimated, and the crash history
was reviewed.
The crash types identified as possibly related to lim-
Research Objective
ited horizontal sight distance include rear-end collisions,
The objective of this research was to quantify the rela- same-direction sideswipe collisions, and run-off-road
tionship between the horizontal component of SSD and crashes. However, many collisions of these types occur
crashes or to develop an alternative approach to estimat- even in the absence of limited sight distance. Analysis of
ing the likelihood for sight-distance-related crashes for the crash histories for the 263 horizontal curve sites
specific road alignments and roadside designs. found that, in a 5-year period, these sites experienced 813
Cook et al 613



crashes of types considered to be possibly related to
sight distance. However, 670 of these crashes occurred

(per MVMT)
Crash rate on 40 horizontal curve sites that experience recurrent



daily congestion resulting in traffic flow breakdown and
stop-and-go traffic conditions. Many of these 670
crashes were related to the presence of congestion. The
223 horizontal curve sites that do not experience recur-



rent daily congestion experienced 143 crashes of the

crash types that are possibly related to limited sight dis-
tance in a 5-year period. Table 1 shows a crash summary



for these 223 curves.
(per mile per year)
Table 1. Crash Summary by Roadway Type and Direction of Curve for Horizontal Curve Sites That Do Not Experience Daily Congestion (2)

Because of the limitations of computerized crash data,

Crash rate

police crash reports were reviewed for a sample of curve




sites. Specifically, this review was conducted for the 33
horizontal curve sites in Kansas, including a mix of sites
that do and do not experience recurrent daily conges-



tion. The review found that, of the 127 crashes of the

crash types considered to be possibly related to sight dis-
tance, only six crashes (all involving property damage





only) appeared to be probably related to the presence of

limited sight distance. Even these six crashes cannot be
confirmed as definitely related to limited sight distance.
The results of the crash analysis indicate that sight-
length of horizontal curve plus adjoining roadway (typically 0.1 mi at each end of the curve) included in the study area.

distance-related crashes are very rare events. This finding

Number of crashes (5 years)




Note: FI = fatal and injury crashes; PDO = property-damage-only crashes; MVMT = million vehicle miles of travel.

is not surprising since the occurrence of a sight-distance-

of types possibly related

related crash requires both the presence of limited sight

to sight distance

distance and the presence of an object in the roadway in

the sight-restricted area. Sight-distance-related crashes





were found to be so infrequent and so difficult to iden-

tify definitively that it was not feasible to develop predic-
tive models for crashes related to SSD or to quantify the
crash-reduction effectiveness of sight distance improve-



ments. Therefore, an alternative approach was taken to

quantifying the opportunities for SSD-related crashes to
occur and assisting highway agencies to determine where
Total lengtha

sight distance improvements should be considered. This





alternative approach, based on reliability analysis mod-


eling, is presented in the following section.

of curves

Reliability Analysis Model






This section presents a reliability analysis model for hor-

izontal curves with limited SSD resulting from sight
obstructions on the inside of the curve. Any horizontal
of curve

R + L

R + L

curve is likely to experience more crashes than a tangent

roadway section simply because of the presence of the
curve (3, 4) even in the absence of any SSD limitation.
The reliability analysis model developed in this
research can determine the ASSD profile on any hori-
Urban interchange

zontal curve with a specific sight obstruction on the

Urban mainline

Rural two-lane
Rural mainline
Roadway type

inside of the curve and can estimate the opportunities



for crashes to occur as a result of limited SSD. The mea-


sure of opportunities for crashes to occur is the number

of events during a 1-year period in which there is
614 Transportation Research Record 2673(8)

increased likelihood that a crash will occur in a portion of  sight distance is measured along the centerline of a
the roadway with limited SSD where there would be no travel lane
increased likelihood of a crash if the horizontal sight  the driver’s eye is located 3.5 ft above the roadway
obstruction were not present. Although the likelihood of surface
SSD-related collisions in a particular direction of travel is  the object ahead that the driver is expected to see
greatest in the travel lane closest to the inside of the curve, has a height of 2.0 ft.
the model addresses the opportunities for SSD-related
crashes in all travel lanes for a specific direction of travel. The model is also capable of providing output results
Opportunities for SSD-related crashes to occur arise for an alternative user-specified set of SSD assumptions.
when drivers encounter a crash- or congestion-generated Suggested values for those alternative assumptions are
queue of vehicles in the sight-restricted area. The model discussed here, but the model will permit the user to enter
assesses the probability that each driver approaching the values for whatever set of alternative assumptions the
horizontal sight obstruction over the course of a year will user wishes:
encounter a queue of stopped vehicles on a portion of
the roadway that the horizontal sight obstruction pre-  The user may specify that SSD be measured along
vents the driver from seeing. If the number or percentage a line other than the centerline of the travel lane.
of potentially affected drivers is small, the likelihood of The alternative value entered for this option is the
crashes resulting is small. If the number or percentage of distance from the left edge of the travel lane to the
potentially affected drivers is large, the risk of collision is driver’s eye location. Consideration of noncenter-
high. Thus, the reliability model provides a quantitative line locations makes sense, because the driver’s
estimate of the opportunities for crashes to occur. Only a eye location is unlikely to be in the center of the
very small percentage of the potentially affected drivers lane. The user may choose whatever driver’s eye
may actually encounter crashes. location they wish, but the suggested value for the
If the minimum ASSD is never less than the applica- distance from the left edge of the travel lane to the
ble DSSD at any point approaching or on the horizontal driver’s eye is 25% of the lane width. This alterna-
curve in question, then the opportunity for SSD-related tive assumption is more realistic concerning the
crashes is zero. If the minimum ASSD is less than the actual positioning of the vehicle within a lane and
applicable DSSD at any point approaching or on the provides an SSD advantage for the driver on
horizontal curve, then the opportunity for SSD-related curves to the right and an SSD disadvantage to
crashes is greater than zero. Most situations in which the driver on curves to the left, as compared to
sight-distance-related crashes could occur do not result the AASHTO assumptions.
in crashes. Many factors make crashes unlikely even  The user may also specify an alternative value of
when the opportunity for a crash exists. For example, driver eye height. The AASHTO value of 3.5 ft as
drivers may avoid crashes by decelerating more rapidly a typical driver eye height for passenger cars is
than assumed in design criteria or by making avoidance well established, and there is little need to vary
maneuvers, such as changing lanes or using the shoulder this value for passenger cars, but it can be varied
(if available). Furthermore, the opportunity for an SSD- to analyze SSD for trucks, which typically have a
related crash may not persist for as long as assumed in driver eye height of 8.0 ft (1).
the model. The model is purposely conservative in esti-  The assumed object height of 2.0 ft used by
mating the opportunities for SSD-related crashes. Thus, AASHTO was based on research by Fambro
the model estimates are not intended to predict the num- et al. (10), which found that very few collisions on
ber of crashes that will occur where a horizontal sight the roadway involved objects less than 2.0 ft in
obstruction is present, but may be useful in estimating height. Many, but not all, of the objects that vehi-
the relative frequency of opportunities for crashes. At cles collided with were other vehicles. The value of
some sites, the opportunity for SSD-related crashes, even 2.0 ft for object height has been accepted because
though nonzero, may be very small and may justify only this corresponds to the typical taillight height for
low-cost mitigation measures. At other sites, the oppor- passenger cars, and seeing the taillights of vehicles
tunity for SSD-related crashes may be substantially ahead is certainly a desirable SSD criterion.
higher and may justify higher cost mitigation measures. Nevertheless, there are many horizontal curves
The reliability model can provide output for two dif- where a roadside barrier constitutes a horizontal
ferent sets of assumptions concerning SSD measurement. sight obstruction if SSD is measured with the
The first option uses the sight distance measurement AASHTO criteria, but the upper portion of each
assumptions exactly as presented in the AASHTO Green vehicle ahead is still visible above the barrier.
Book. The assumptions are: Where this occurs, a highway agency may decide
Cook et al 615

that removal or mitigation of the sight obstruction agency-specific or site-specific values for the percentage
is not needed. The reliability model can identify of traffic in each of the 24 h of a typical day.
this situation by assessing ASSD for an alternative
value of object height, such as 3.5 ft, which allows
the upper portion of a passenger car, from the Output Data from the Reliability Analysis Model
driver’s eye to the roofline, to be seen. The outputs provided by the reliability model include:

 minimum ASSD at any point in each travel lane

for the primary direction of travel
Input Data for the Reliability Analysis Model  length of the sight-restricted area
The reliability analysis model was applied to a specific  a color-coded indication whether the minimum
curve that has a potential horizontal sight obstruction ASSD for each travel lane is less than, greater
and whose annual average daily traffic (AADT) and traf- than, or equal to the AASHTO value of DSSD
fic volume are known. Input data for the reliability anal- for the applicable design or operating speed
ysis model apply to the primary direction of travel (i.e.,  an estimate of the total number of vehicles per
the direction of travel in which the horizontal sight year potentially affected by any sight distance
obstruction is on the inside of the curve) and include: restriction that is present, for each travel lane and
for all lanes combined
 roadway type (freeway, ramp, rural multilane  total number of vehicles passing through the hori-
divided highway, rural multilane undivided high- zontal curve site in a year, for comparison with the
way, rural two-lane highway) previous measure
 number of travel lanes on roadway in primary  an estimate of the percentage of the total number
direction of travel of vehicles per year potentially affected by any
 average lane width (ft) sight distance restriction that is present, for each
 design speed or operating speed (mph) for the travel lane and for all lanes combined
roadway  the values of ASSD along the road from Station PC-
 direction of curve (right or left) DSSD to PC + DSSD, so that the point of mini-
 radius of curve (ft) mum ASSD can be located and so that the designer
 length of curve (mi) can assess the distance over which the ASSD remains
 type of vertical geometry (straight grade/vertical at a low level. Station PC-DSSD is located at a point
curve) with a distance equal to the DSSD upstream of the
 percent grade for straight grades point of curvature. Station PC + DSSD is located at
 approach percent grade and departure percent a point with a distance equal to the DSSD down-
grade for vertical curves stream of the point of curvature.
 length of vertical curve (mi)
 distance to the sight obstruction from the inside
edge of the traveled way (ft) Structure of Reliability Analysis Model
 type of sight obstruction (point obstruction, con- The computations within the reliability analysis model
tinuous obstruction) are organized into two distinct modules: an available
 distance from the PC to the beginning of the sight sight distance computation module and a reliability anal-
obstruction (mi) ysis module. The ASSD module computes, for each
 distance from the PC to the end of the sight travel lane, ASSD at a series of points along the road-
obstruction (mi) way, determines the minimum value of ASSD, compares
 AADT [vpd (vehicles per day)] for the primary that minimum value of ASSD with the DSSD for the
direction of travel applicable design or operating speed, and determines
 proportion of traffic in each lane for the primary whether there is a horizontal sight distance restriction.
direction of travel The reliability analysis model estimates the number and
 proportion of traffic in the peak hour (k). percentage of vehicles per year potentially affected by
any sight distance restriction present. Aspects of the
The reliability analysis model includes built-in tables reliability analysis computation include:
of default values for the typical percentage of traffic in
each of the 24 h of a typical day, as a function of the  crash-generated queues in the sight-restricted area
proportion of traffic in the peak hour (k). These  congestion-generated queues in the sight-restricted
default values can be replaced by the program user with area
616 Transportation Research Record 2673(8)

Figure 2. Determination of the sight-restricted area: (a) the beginning of the sight-restricted area, (b) the end of the sight-restricted
area, and (c) the resulting length of downstream sight-restricted roadway.

 computation of potentially affected vehicles. obstruction is used in the calculation. The location of the
obstruction relative to the roadway is treated as a fixed
Each module of the reliability analysis model is discussed offset distance from the inside edge of the traveled way
below. to the sight obstruction.

Available Stopping Sight Distance Module Roadway Alignment and Cross Section. It is assumed that all
horizontal curves are circular curves with no spiral transi-
The first module of the reliability model is the calculation tions. In the case of longitudinal sight obstructions, the
of the ASSD along the curve where a horizontal sightline roadway profile is considered in the calculation of
obstruction is present. The tool calculates the minimum ASSD. The roadway profile can either consist of a
ASSD for each lane as well as the length of downstream straight grade or a vertical curve with specified approach-
roadway in which the ASSD is less than the AASHTO and departure grades. The model is capable of consider-
design stopping sight distance (DSSD) specified in the ing a single horizontal curve, with the option of including
Green Book. Figure 2 shows how the sight-restricted area a single vertical curve as well. The model does not
is determined. The beginning of the sight-restricted area address multiple horizontal curves or multiple vertical
is shown in Figure 2a, where the ASSD begins to be less curves.
than the DSSD. The end of the sight-restricted area is The model assesses the ASSD separately for each
shown in Figure 2b, where the ASSD begins to be greater travel lane, working in sequence from the inside lane to
than the DSSD. The resulting length of downstream the outside lane on the curve. In the computation of
roadway in which the ASSD is less than the DSSD is ASSD for each successive travel lane, the distance to the
shown in Figure 2c. horizontal sight obstruction and the radius of the hori-
zontal curve are each increased by one lane width. The
lane width considered is the average lane width; the
Horizontal Sight Obstruction. A horizontal sight obstruction
model does not have the capability to consider different
can be defined as either a point obstruction or a longitu-
widths for each lane.
dinal obstruction that extends along the roadside for a
specified distance. For a point obstruction, the calcula-
tions are simply done in the x–y plane, because point Procedure for Available Stopping Sight Distance
obstructions are assumed to have a very tall height (such Calculation. ASSD cannot be determined with a single
as a single tree or a corner of a building). If a point equation, but must be assessed for a series of separate
obstruction that is not very high needs to be evaluated, it scenarios. The scenarios that must be addressed sepa-
can be treated as a very short longitudinal obstruction. rately in the computations include each unique combina-
For a longitudinal obstruction, the height of the tion of the following factors:
Cook et al 617

The number of vehicles that may potentially be

affected when a queue occurs depends on the length of
roadway that falls within the sight-restricted area as well
as the hourly flow rate. Where multiple lanes are present,
these factors vary depending on which lane is being ana-
lyzed. The sight-restricted area is divided for computa-
tional purposes into 25-ft segments, in which 25 ft
represents the length of a passenger car plus a typical
spacing between stopped vehicles. Figure 3 shows a lane
in which the sight-restricted area is divided into 25-ft seg-
ments. If a stopped car is present in Segment 1, then a
vehicle traveling toward the stopped vehicle will not be
able to see the stopped vehicle with an ASSD greater
than or equal to DSSD. However, the second vehicle tra-
veling toward the stopped vehicle will be able to see the
first vehicle that is stopped behind the stopped vehicle
with an ASSD greater than or equal to DSSD. In
Figure 3, a vehicle is stopped in Segment 4. The first
three approaching vehicles will occupy segments 1
through 3 after they encounter the first vehicle and are
forced to stop. The fourth vehicle will be the last vehicle
Figure 3. Example of stopped vehicle in the sight-restricted area. whose driver will experience ASSD less than DSSD. The
driver of any fifth or subsequent vehicle approaching the
 the driver’s eye location either before or after the queue would be able to see the queue without any sight
PC of the horizontal curve distance limitation. Thus, a maximum of four vehicles
 the driver’s eye location either before the vertical would encounter the stopped vehicle with the ASSD less
point of curvature (VPC), between the VPC and than DSSD so that their drivers could not see the queue
vertical point of tangency (VPT), or after the VPT with the full DSSD available.
of the vertical curve (applicable only if a vertical If a stopped vehicle were present in Segment 2, then
curve is present) the first two vehicles traveling toward the stopped vehicle
 the location of the point along the sight obstruc- will be in a situation with ASSD less than DSSD. This
tion to which the drive’s sightline is tangent (appli- trend continues all the way until a stopped vehicle is
cable only to longitudinal obstructions) present in the last segment of the sight-restricted area,
 the location of the point where the sightline inter- Segment 9. The sum of all these scenarios can be
sects the downstream roadway, either before or expressed as:
after the PT of the horizontal curve.
Sum of potentially affected vehicles due to stopped
X jq

Reliability Module vehicle in sight-restricted area = n ð2Þ

The computations in the reliability module are explained
below. where
jy = number of 25-ft segments in sight-restricted area
in lane y,
Estimating the Number of Vehicles That May Encounter a Queue qiy = flow rate (vphpl) during i in lane y,
in a Sight-Restricted Area if a Stopped Vehicle is Present. The jq = smaller of jy and qiy , and
reliability module considers two events that may generate n = index variable defined as increasing from 1 to jy.
queues behind a stopped vehicle: crashes and congestion The previous equation can be simplified into the follow-
(traffic flow approaching capacity). The model logic ing equation:
assumes that such a queue will not be cleared until after
the queue has spilled back out of the sight-restricted  
area. This first discussion addresses the maximum num- n = 0:5jq 1 + jq ð3Þ
ber of drivers that may approach a stopped vehicle from
the rear and not be able to see the stopped vehicle or the An additional situation to consider is that a stopped
queue that has formed behind it. vehicle downstream of the sight-restricted area may
618 Transportation Research Record 2673(8)

generate a queue that spills back into the sight-restricted the SPF is divided by two. The predicted average annual
area. In this situation, the number of affected vehicles crash frequency for the 25-ft interval, N25, can be multi-
would be the total number of vehicles within the sight- plied by the k-factor for hour i, ki, and the percentage of
restricted area, which is equal to jy. The vehicle that stops traffic in lane y, Uy, to estimate the number of average
in Segment 9 is the last vehicle that cannot be seen by an annual crashes in hour i in lane y, Niy,25, as follows:
approaching driver with ASSD greater than DSSD. The
drivers of the next nine approaching vehicles experience Niy, 25 = N25 ki Uy ð7Þ
ASSD less than the DSSD.
The furthest downstream a stopped vehicle can queue where
back into the sight-restricted area during hour i is depen- Niy,25 = predicted number of annual crashes during
dent on the flow rate, qiy, in lane y during hour i. Let this hour i in lane y,
distance be expressed by xiy, the number of 25-ft seg- N25 = predicted annual crash frequency for a 25-ft
ments downstream of the sight-limited area in lane y in segment in the analysis direction of travel,
which a crash could occur that would produce a queue ki = percentage of AADT during hour i, and
long enough to enter the sight-limited area in hour i, Uy = percentage of vehicles using lane y in analysis
determined as: direction.
The predicted average annual crash frequency can be
xiy = qiy  jy ð4Þ estimated as:

where xiy = the number of 25-ft segments downstream Niy = Niy, 25 qiy ð8Þ
of the sight-limited area in lane y in which a crash could
occur that would produce a queue long enough to enter where Niy = predicted average annual crash frequency
the sight-limited area in hour i. during hour i in lane y along the entire length of road-
A stopped vehicle in any 25-ft segment beyond the way in which a stopped vehicle will have an impact in
sight-restricted area will affect jy vehicles; in the example the sight-limited area
shown in Figure 3, nine vehicles will be affected. The
sum of all vehicles affected by a stopped vehicle in any of
these downstream segments is computed as: Frequency of Congestion-Generated Queues. Congestion is
the second type of event considered in the model that
Sum of potentially affected vehicles due to stopped may generate queues of stopped vehicles in a sight-
ð5Þ restricted area. Queues can form on roadways where
vehicle downstream of sight-restricted area = jy xpos
volumes are near capacity. The cumulative distribution
where xpos = the larger of xiy and zero. function of the shifted lognormal distribution with a
The estimated number of vehicles potentially affected mean value of 1.1609 and a standard deviation of 0.4906
when a stopped vehicle is present during hour i in lane y, was used to determine the probability of a breakdown in
Viy, is the total number of potentially affected vehicles traffic flow based on average headway. These values for
(the sum of equations 3 and 5) divided by the total num- the log normal distribution are recommended by Jia
ber of 25-ft segments where a vehicle could be stopped et al. for a similar application (11). It was assumed that
(the sum of jy and Equation 4). This estimated number the queueing dynamics are the same for all facilities. The
of vehicles potentially affected is computed as: cumulative distribution function is shifted, however,
based on the capacity of the facility. The probability of a
0:5jq 1 + jq + jy xpos breakdown in flow resulting in a congestion-related
n = 1n + jy xpos

Viy = = ð6Þ queue during any particular hour with a specified flow
jy + qiy  jy qiy
rate is computed using equations 9 through 11. Equation
where Viy = average number of vehicles affected when a 9 is simply the area under the lognormal probability dis-
stopped vehicle is present during hour i in lane y. tribution function from negative infinity to x.

Frequency of Crash-Generated Queues. Crashes are one of 1 ðln xmÞ2
Pcongestion, iy = pffiffiffiffiffiffi e 2s2 ð9Þ
the two types of events considered in the model that may xs 2p
generate queues of stopped vehicles in a sight-restricted
area. Using safety performance functions (SPFs) from 3600
the HSM, the predicted average annual crash frequency x=  shift ð10Þ
for a 25-ft section of roadway, N25, can be estimated.
Since only one of the two directions of travel addressed 3600
shift = ð11Þ
by the SPFs is relevant, the crash frequency predicted by c
Cook et al 619

where radius is presented because it results in the largest values

Pcongestion,iy = probability of a queue forming because for the number and percentage of potentially affected
of congestion, vehicles. The curves analyzed in the crash analysis repre-
x = shifted average headway (s/veh/lane), sent the pool of curve radii from which the smallest curve
s = standard deviation of lognormal distribution, radius was selected. The smallest radius curves are gener-
0.4906, ally below the Green Book minimum radii for the appli-
m = mean of lognormal distribution, 1.1609, and cable design speed.
c = capacity (vphpl). The sensitivity analysis results for rural two-lane high-
ways show very little likelihood of approaching vehicles
Total Potentially Affected Vehicles. During any hour of a par- encountering crash-involved vehicles or queues of
ticular day, it is assumed that if a crash occurs, then stopped vehicles in the sight-restricted area. For a curve
queueing as a result of normal daily congestion is not to the right on a two-lane highway with the largest
going to occur. This is because the crash in the traveled AADT considered (10,000 vpdpl (vehicles per day per
way has already produced a queue. A second, indepen- lane) or 20,000 vpd in both directions combined), the
dent queueing event is unlikely during that same hour. maximum number of potentially affected vehicles is 412
The total number of vehicles potentially affected per year vehicles per year (0.011% of the total yearly flow). For a
on a curve with a horizontal sight obstruction is deter- curve to the left in the opposing direction of travel, the
mined by multiplying the average number of vehicles maximum number of potentially affected vehicles is 387
affected when a queueing event occurs by the probable vehicles per year (0.011% of the total yearly flow). These
annual number of queueing events summed over all 24 h results indicate that sight-distance-related crashes are
of the day and all lanes of the roadway, as follows: highly unlikely on rural two-lane highways, as only a
small fraction of the potentially affected vehicles is likely
Total number of affected vehicles per year to be involved in a crash.
XL X24      The sensitivity analysis results for six-lane urban free-
= Viy Niy + 365  Niy Pcongestion, iy ð12Þ ways show that the number of potentially affected vehi-
y=1 i=1
cles is 79 per year (0.003% of the total yearly flow) for
where the smallest AADT and the largest offset to obstruction
L = total number of lane in analysis direction, considered. For the largest AADT and smallest offset to
y = lane number, and obstruction considered, the number of potentially
i = hour of the day. affected vehicles increases to 94,588 per year (0.847% of
the total yearly flow). Thus, the number of vehicles that
may potentially encounter a crash-involved or stopped
Sensitivity Analysis vehicle in the sight-restricted area increases by a factor of
The reliability analysis model was used to perform a sen- approximately 1,200 with changes in AADT and offset
sitivity analysis of three key measures—minimum ASSD, to obstruction.
number of potentially affected vehicles per year, and per- Similarly, the sensitivity analysis results for four-lane
centage of potentially affected vehicles per year. This sen- rural freeways show that the number of potentially
sitivity analysis considered: affected vehicles is 10 per year (0.001% of the total yearly
flow) for the smallest AADT and the largest offset to
 five design scenarios (rural two-lane highway obstruction considered. For the largest AADT and smal-
curve to the right/rural two-lane highway curve to lest offset to obstruction considered, the number of
the left/urban six-lane freeway curve to the right/ potentially affected vehicles increases to 74,337 per year
rural four-lane freeway curve to the right/urban (0.679% of the total yearly flow). Thus, the number of
one-lane exit ramp curve to the right) vehicles that may potentially encounter a crash-involved
 six representative curve radii, curve length, and or stopped vehicle in the sight-restricted area increases
design speed combinations for each design by a factor of approximately 7,400 with changes in
scenario AADT and offset to obstruction.
 nine representative AADT levels for each design The sensitivity analysis results for one-lane urban exit
scenario ramps show that the number of potentially affected vehi-
 six representative offset distances from the cles is 15 per year (0.002% of the total yearly flow) for
obstruction to the inside edge of the traveled way. the smallest AADT and the largest offset to obstruction
considered. For the largest AADT and smallest offset to
Table 2 shows the results for the smallest curve radius obstruction considered, the number of potentially
considered for each design scenario. The smallest curve affected vehicles increases to 44,892 per year (0.492% of
Table 2. Results of Sensitivity Analysis with the Reliability Analysis Model for Key Design Scenarios

Rural two-lane highway curve to the right, 250-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 60-mph design speed
Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)
Minimum ASSD (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected
AADT per
lane (vpd) 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20

500 110 127 149 180 206 230 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
1,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
1,500 110 127 149 180 206 230 7 6 6 6 6 6 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
2,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 13 13 13 13 12 12 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%
2,500 110 127 149 180 206 230 22 21 21 21 20 20 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%
4,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 61 60 59 58 56 55 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%
5,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 97 96 95 93 90 89 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%
7,500 110 127 149 180 206 230 228 224 221 217 210 207 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008%
10,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 412 406 400 393 380 374 0.011% 0.011% 0.011% 0.011% 0.010% 0.010%

Rural two-lane highway curve to the left, 250-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 60-mph design speed

Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)

Minimum ASSD (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected
AADT per 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20
lane (vpd)

500 195 206 221 244 266 286 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
1,000 195 206 221 244 266 286 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
1,500 195 206 221 244 266 286 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
2,000 195 206 221 244 266 286 12 12 12 12 12 12 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%
2,500 195 206 221 244 266 286 21 20 20 20 19 19 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%
4,000 195 206 221 244 266 286 57 56 56 55 54 53 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%
5,000 195 206 221 244 266 286 92 90 90 87 86 84 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%
7,500 195 206 221 244 266 286 214 210 210 203 200 196 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007%
10,000 195 206 221 244 266 286 387 380 380 367 361 355 0.011% 0.010% 0.010% 0.010% 0.010% 0.010%

Urban six-lane freeway curve to the right, 750-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 60-mph design speed

Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)

Minimum ASSD, right lane (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles, right lane Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected, right lane
AADT right 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20
lane (vpd)

6,800 190 219 257 310 356 396 99 97 94 89 84 79 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.003% 0.003%
8,500 190 219 257 310 356 396 163 160 155 147 138 130 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.004% 0.004%
10,200 190 219 257 310 356 396 247 243 235 222 210 197 0.007% 0.007% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.005%
11,900 190 219 257 310 356 396 354 348 336 318 300 282 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.007% 0.007% 0.006%
13,600 190 219 257 310 356 396 489 481 465 440 415 390 0.010% 0.010% 0.009% 0.009% 0.008% 0.008%
17,000 190 219 257 310 356 396 960 943 911 861 812 762 0.015% 0.015% 0.015% 0.014% 0.013% 0.012%
20,400 190 219 257 310 356 396 2938 2888 2787 2635 2483 2331 0.039% 0.039% 0.037% 0.035% 0.033% 0.031%
Table 2. (continued)

Rural two-lane highway curve to the right, 250-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 60-mph design speed
Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)
Minimum ASSD (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected
AADT per
lane (vpd) 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20

25,500 190 219 257 310 356 396 27579 27103 26149 24717 23282 21845 0.296% 0.291% 0.281% 0.266% 0.250% 0.235%
30,600 190 219 257 310 356 396 94588 92951 89675 84754 79826 74891 0.847% 0.832% 0.803% 0.759% 0.715% 0.671%

Rural four-lane freeway curve to the right, 1,000-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 75-mph design speed

Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)

Minimum ASSD, right lane (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles, right lane Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected, right lane
AADT right l 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20
ane (vpd)

2,500 219 253 297 358 411 457 11 11 11 11 10 10 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
5,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 51 49 48 46 44 42 0.003% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003% 0.002% 0.002%
7,500 219 253 297 358 411 457 120 117 113 108 103 100 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%
10,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 224 218 211 202 192 186 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.005% 0.005%
12,500 219 253 297 358 411 457 368 358 347 331 315 304 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007%
15,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 574 557 541 516 490 473 0.010% 0.010% 0.010% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009%
20,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 2228 2163 2097 1998 1899 1832 0.031% 0.030% 0.029% 0.027% 0.026% 0.025%
25,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 20116 19518 18918 18018 17117 16515 0.220% 0.214% 0.207% 0.197% 0.188% 0.181%
30,000 219 253 297 358 411 457 74337 72121 69902 66569 63232 61004 0.679% 0.659% 0.638% 0.608% 0.577% 0.557%

Urban one-lane exit ramp curve to the right, 250-ft radius, 0.20-mi curve length, 60-mph design speed

Offset of obstruction from inside edge of traveled way (ft)

Minimum ASSD (ft) Number of potentially affected vehicles Percentage of total vehicles that are potentially affected
AADT (vpd) 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20 0 2 5 10 15 20

2,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 16 16 16 16 15 15 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%
4,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 63 62 61 60 58 57 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%
6,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 133 131 129 127 123 121 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%
8,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 225 221 218 214 208 204 0.008% 0.008% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007%
10,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 337 331 326 321 311 305 0.009% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009% 0.008%
12,500 110 127 149 180 206 230 507 499 491 483 467 459 0.011% 0.011% 0.011% 0.011% 0.010% 0.010%
15,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 746 734 722 710 687 675 0.014% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013% 0.012%
20,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 4161 4094 4027 3960 3827 3760 0.057% 0.056% 0.055% 0.054% 0.052% 0.052%
25,000 110 127 149 180 206 230 44892 44168 43444 42720 41270 40544 0.492% 0.484% 0.476% 0.468% 0.452% 0.444%

Note: Table addresses the smallest radius horizontal curve considered for each design scenario; assumed lane width = 12 ft. AADT = annual average daily traffic; ASSD = available stopping sight distance;
ASSD measured with Green Book assumptions; vpd = vehicles per day.

622 Transportation Research Record 2673(8)

the total yearly flow). Thus, the number of vehicles that is available for application by highway agencies. This tool is
may potentially encounter a crash-involved or stopped available through the NCHRP website.
vehicle in the sight-restricted area increases by a factor of
approximately 3,000 with changes in AADT and offset Author Contributions
to obstruction.
IP served as principal investigator for the study as a whole. DC
These results show that the reliability analysis model
led the reliability model development with contributions from
can be useful in prioritizing curves based on the potential ED and BH. DH led the crash analysis; each of the co-authors
opportunities for crashes on curves with sight restrictions contributed to both of these activities and to the literature
on the inside of the curve. The percentage of vehicles review. DC, DH, and IP drafted the manuscript and all authors
that may encounter a crash-involved vehicle or a queue have approved the final version.
of stopped vehicles over the course of a year can range
from essentially zero to a value approaching 1% of the
total yearly flow. The number of crashes that will actu-
ally occur will be substantially smaller than the number 1. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.
of potentially affected vehicles, but this number and per- AASHTO, Washington, D.C., 2011.
2. Potts, I. B., D. H. Harwood, D. J. Cook, J. M. Hutton, E.
centage of potentially affected vehicles provide a relative
T. Donnell, M. T. Pietrucha, J. S. Wood, and L. Li. Hori-
measure that can be used to prioritize sites for
zontal Sightline Offset Design Criteria, Exceptions, and
improvement. Mitigation Strategies, Final Report of NCHRP Project 15-
59. MRIGlobal, 2018.
Conclusion 3. Highway Safety Manual. AASHO, Washington, D.C.,
The reliability analysis model is a flexible tool that 4. Highway Safety Manual. AASHO, Washington, D.C.,
can be used by planners and designers to compare, in 2014.
a relative sense, the need for sight distance improve- 5. CMF Clearinghouse, Federal Highway Administration,
ments on specific horizontal curves. A key strength of
the model is its ability to consider roadway alignment 6. Harwood, D. W., J. M. Hutton, C. Fees, K. M. Bauer, A.
in three dimensions (i.e., horizontal and vertical align- Glen, and H. Ouren. Evaluation of the 13 Controlling Cri-
teria for Geometric Design. NCHRP Report 783. Trans-
ment in combination). Limitations of the model
portation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2014.
7. Olson, P. L., D. E. Cleveland, P. S. Fancher, L. P. Kostyniuk,
and L. W. Scheider. Parameters Affecting Stopping Sight Dis-
 the model can assess a site with at most one hori- tance. NCHRP Report 270. Transportation Research Board,
zontal and one vertical curve; compound curves Washington, D.C., 1984.
are not considered 8. Richl, L., and T. Sayed. Evaluating the Safety Risk of Nar-
 the model provides a conservative estimate of the row Medians Using Reliability Analysis. Journal of Trans-
number and percentage of vehicles potentially portation Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 5, 2006, pp. 366–375.
affected by a particular sight distance limitation 9. Wood, J., and E. T. Donnell. Stopping Sight Distance and
and, thus, estimates a maximum value rather than Horizontal Sight Line Offsets at Horizontal Curves. Trans-
an average value of these measures portation Research Record: Transportation Research Board,
 the number of crashes related to a particular sight 2014. 2436: 43–50.
10. Fambro, D. B., K. Fitzpatrick, and C. W. Russell. Operat-
distance limitation are likely to be much smaller
ing Speed on Crest Vertical Curves with Limited Stopping
than the number of potentially affected vehicles
Sight Distance. Transportation Research Record: Transpor-
 the model does not quantify the increased num- tation Research Board, 2000. 1701: 25–31.
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tance limitation if an intersection, driveway, Calibration of Site-Specific Stochastic Freeway Breakdown
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quent horizontal curve is located within the Transportation Research Board, 2010. 2188: 148–155.
sight-restricted area.
The Standing Committee on Operational Effects of Geometrics
(AHB65) peer-reviewed this paper (19-04662).
The research presented here was part of NCHRP Project 15-59.
The reliability analysis tool that was developed in the research

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