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Nama: Ramadhan Harahap

NIM: 20181660118
Prodi: 4B S1 Keperawatan
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Pertemuan 9
Task 1

Mention what activity you do for each case listed below.

1. Examining patient’s respiratory Auscultation

2. Inspecting the mouth and throat Inspection

3. Asking patient to stand up to find whether there is Inspection

scoliosis or not

4. Pressing her middle finger of non‐dominant hand Percussion

firmly against the patient’s back. With palm and
fingers remaining off the skin, the tip of the
middle finger of the dominant hand strikes the
other, using quick, sharp stroke

5. Observing the color of the eyes Inspection

6. Observing the movement of air through the lungs Inspection

7. Testing deep tendon reflexes using hammer Inspection

8. Checking the tender areas with her hand Palpation

9. Pressing abdomen deeply to check the condition Palpation

of underlying organ

10. Preparing a good lighting, then he observes the Inspection

body parts
Pertemuan 10
Task 4

Picture 4

Nurse: How are you feeling today?

Patient: I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak.

Nurse: Have you eaten yet?

Patient: Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine.

Nurse: That’s great. Do you feel nausea?

Patient: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine.

Nurse: Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first

Patient: Yes, please and thanks.

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