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Title of the Paper :

Frequency of Dreadful Dust Micro Allergens in Squalid Urban-Slums

Dr. Sheela Datta Ghatak

Associate Prof. & Head, Zoology Dept.
P. D. Women’s College
Phone no. -9434410793 (M)


Miss Sulagna Ghatak

M.Sc. Student of Physiology Dept.,
Kalyani University, KALYANI,W.B.

Every society is composed of a great variety of human beings with different life style.
Very often various diseases break out and in many cases they prove fatal. Both in rural and
urban regions of our country a large number of people of slum areas live in a very squalid
surroundings ,they are not very conscious about the accumulation of dust and dirt in their
mattresses, furniture etc. Usually houses without proper ventilation results in the formation
of unhygienic microclimate which are very comfortable and ideal habitat for the respiratory
asthma and allergy causing dust mites (micro-arthropods) ; Dermatophagoides sp., Cheyletus
sp.and also other pathogens.

During research work the first and foremost remedy was taken to find out the
occurrence of the actual micro-pathogenic organisms, their proper identification, prevention
and control of such pathogens. For the solution of these human health problems,
introduction of proper education was also added to the general people, specially to the slum-
dwellers about their micro and macro-environment, disease-free normal life, so that they can
be escaped from different contaminated or contagious diseases. Because, the health
status of a nation is measured by morbidity or sickness and mortality means death.

Key words:-
Dreadful-microarthropods; Hygienicity; Squalid-slums; Edaphic-parameters(Temp. ,RH
mainly ); Seasons; Allergy.

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