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 Identify the type of affixes used for the creation of the following terms. Find their equivalents in
your native language:
Religion: meditation, meditative, believer, faithful, fanaticism, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, atheist,
anticlericism, monotheism, reincarnation, forgiveness, charitable, islamicise, preacher, goddess, confession;
Army: gunner, submarine, bomber, deserter, desertion, explosion, alliance, survivor, civilian, maltreatment,
extermination, genocide, conqueror, demobilise, demobilisation, disarm, disarmament, patriotism, heroine;
Medicine: malnourished, undernourished, breathless, cardiac, infectious, miscarriage, ultrasound,
nutritionist, paramedic, disability, bipolar, rehabilitation, maternity, defibrillator, incubator, detoxification.
Tourism & Transport: adventurer, adventurous, explorer, traveller, camper, camping, commuter, parking,
inter-city, supertanker, derailment, depressurisation, wreckage, relaxation, tanned.
 Use prefixes il-, im- or ir- to create negative adjectives. Find their equivalents into your native
language: legal, mature, modest, legible, literate, measurable, moral, legitimate, logical, memorial, mortal,
material, moderate, movable, patient, pure, practical, partial, regular, perishable, polite, probable.
Analyse the following medical terms: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, anaesthesia, bronchitis,
haemorrhage, laryngitis, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, psychologist, vasectomy, amnesia, radiography.
 Analyse the following compound terms from the point of view of their composion and degree of
semantic cohesion:
Religion: free-thinker, church-goer, Thanksgiving, brainwashing, afterlife, godchild, Good Friday;
Army: man-of-war, rocket-launcher, machine-gun, warhead, tear-gas, deadlock, landmark, battlefield,
counterattack, prisoner-of-war, freedom-fighter, network, ceasefire, withdraw, air-fight, H-bomb;
Medicine: healthcare, pain-killer, stillborn, gallstone, stomach-ache, toothache, overweight, heatstroke,
heart attack, seasickness, wheel-chair, inpatient, outpatient, bloodstream, facelift, heartbeat, burnout.
Tourism and Transport: honeymoon, honeymooner, globe-trotter, motorway, campsite, lorry-driver, set-belt,
licence-plates, sleeping car, life jacket, airspace, airmail, airsickness, airhostess, overseas, holidaymaker.
 Analyse the following terms. State the type of their formation. Show their prototype (their
original form):
Medicine: AIDS, a.c., b.i.d., bld, CT, cap, ECG, low-cal, vegan, flu, doc, OR, polio, postop, GP, ENT,
MRI, rehab, ICU, lap, (cancer) mets, meth, detox, genome, medicare, vaccinate, psychoanalyse, IV, Wt.
Hotel industry: aparthotel, agritourism, MB, HV, SGL, DBL, Chld, B&B, motel, botel, HB, FB, RO.
Army: HQ, POW, nuke, NATO, Crypto, GI, radar, IFF, UA, cyberspace;
Other: flip-flop, ping-pong;
 Provide the original for these blends: Benelux, Eurasia, Eurovision, Tanzania, Wikipedia, FedEx,
malware, sunbrella, podcasting, cyborg, docudrama, electrocute, heliport, sexploitation, infotech, skylab.

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