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Parents choose homeschooling for four reasons : dissatisfaction with the

public schools, concern about academic excellence, the wish to build stronger
family bonds, and the desire to freely impart religious values. Research has shown
that homeschooled children do well on standardized tests and are welcome at
even highly competitive colleges. As adults, they have a reputation for being self-
directed learners and reliable employees. Yet traditional educators have serious
concerns, among them fear that the academic quality of homeschooling may be
substandard and that homeschooled children lose the benefits of interacting with
their peers.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children receive the best
education possible. They do not have to surrender that responsibility to the state;
if they think it best, they have the right to educate their children at home. Studies
have shown that homeschooling can be as effective as traditional education. If
some homeschooling has failed, so has state education. Moreover, this is a
debate about who has the greater right to guide a child- the state or the parents.
We stand firmy on the side of the parents; given the responsibilities inherent in
raising a child, parents should have the freedom to choice.

Parents are entitled to make judgements about the quality of public

schools. If they think these schools are failing, why shouldn’t they be allowed to
make the considerable sacrifice that becoming a “home teacher” constitutes?
Saying that homeschooling necessarily will be of poor quality is ridiculous. Many
parents will be fantastic teachers. Futhermore, it’s not as if learning occurs in a
vacuum simply because education occurs in the home. In the United States, a
network of homeschool supports groups and businesses provides expertise on
curriculum subjects and teaching methods. The internet makes all this possible in
a way previously unattainable and allows every home to have better research
facilities than any school library had 10 years ago.
Homes beat schools on two significant fronts: facilities and an atmosphere
that encourages learning. The needs of one or a very small number of students
are the focus of the entire educative process. Parents often find that local and
worefully ill-equipped public schools cannot address their child’s specific needs a
adapt to a child’s learning style. The home also lacks the many distractions founds
in schools: peer pressure, social stigma attached to achievement, bullying, show-
offs, general rowdiness.

Classroom education often fails the bright and the slow and those with
special needs. A teacher must, of necessity, teach to the group rather than to a
specific individual. This leaves some unchallenged, some humiliated, and some
under or unserved. Special needs students, in particular, often suffer because
large school systems cannot individualize instruction. Home education avoids this
pitfall. Indeed, parents willing to take on the enormous task of educating their
child at home are relieving the state of the burden of doing so- but continue to
pay their taxes to benefits others.

Homeschooling doesn’t just offer a better education; it encourages family

bonding. Family bonding is an extremely important element of a child’s
development, one that’s constantly undermined in modern society. Isn’t it
appropriate to educate a child in an environment that cements family bonds?
Public schools cannot teach the religious values so important to many parents.
Also, public schools teach subjects, such a evolution, that are antithetical to some
people’s religious beliefs. Parents have the right to teach their child in an
environment that caters to their religious needs.

assalamualaikum wr.wb

best wishes for all of us

previously I would like to thank you for the opportunity that has been
given to me. Standing in front of you all, i would like to deliver my
speech under the tittle "Homeschooling"
Parents choose homeschooling for four reasons: dissatisfaction with
the public schools, concern about academic excellence, the wish to
build stronger family bonds, and the desire to freely express their
religious values. Research has shown that homeschooled children do
well on standardized tests and are welcome at even highly
competitive colleges. As adults, they have a reputation to become
independent learners and skilled employees.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children

receivehe best education. They do not have to surrender that
responsibility for the country; if they think it was the best, they
have the right to educate their children at home.

Homeschooling does not only offer a better education;it encourages

family bonding. Family bonds is a very important element of a child's
development, which is constantly undermined in modern society.
Public schools can not teach religious values are very important to
many parents. Parents have the right to teach their children in an
environment that caters to their religious needs.

That’s all my speech, may what i have delivered be usefull in our life
in this world and here after. If you found many mistakes in my speech
please forgive me.

The last i say Wassalamua’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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