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‘Dribble Preparation Execution Conclusion Feet shoulder width apart Finger pads used to contact | Ball comes back into the (staggered stance) ball hand at hip height Knees bent, straight back | Elbow extension to create | Ball possession is maintained pushing action Head and eyes up Ball below waist level Passing Preparation Execution Conclusion Offensive stance (Triple Elbows are flexed to draw the | Optimal angle of release Threat) ball above the head or for a | with appropriate force to push pass to the side of the reach the target body Overhead: hands on the sides Force is transferred by Ball reaches target of the ball stepping toward target, transferring weight to front foot and extending the elbow Push: one hand behind the ball (fingers upwards) and other hand on the side of the ball (fingers forwards) Aiple Threat (Offensive Stance) Preparation Feet shoulder width apart (staggered stance) Execution Body square to the basket Conclusion Balance maintained Knees bent, straight back, body weight low Head and eyes up Shooting hand behind the ball, guide hand (non- shooting) on the side of the ball Ball on ‘shooting hand’ side of body (right side, right-hand shooter) Shooting Preparation Body balanced with weight on balls of feet Finger pads spread on the ball with elbow under the ball Ready to shoot, pass or dribble Execution Extension of legs to provide vertical lift Shooting hand under the ball, wrist flexed (creates 90° between forearm and wrist) Conclusion Follow through position is held with middle three fingers directed at the target until the ball hits the rim Ball travels with back spin Knees flexed ‘Arm extension to full elbow lock and wrist snap Defensive Stance Preparation Execution Conclusion Feet shoulder-width apart Step/stide movement maintaining stance Gap is maintained (arm’s length from feet of offensive player) Knees bent, straight back The foot, the side of the offensive player is moving towards, moves first with no leg crossover Ball, defender, basket relationship is maintained Head and eyes up Contact with ground is with balls of feet (heels off the ground)

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