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The film begins in the setting of a small neighborhood in John St. in Multinational Village
with the people of the neighborhood doing their daily routine. Adults sharing stories and kids
playing with one another. The film then introduces a problem the neighborhood is facing, the
entire neighborhood does not have any electricity because of a fire that happened recently.
Amidst the noise created by the people of the neighborhood, we then are introduced to a quiet
32-year-old woman named Rica Buna. Rica, just like her neighbors is doing her daily routine of
eating breakfast, washing the dishes, and dressing up but this time she struggles to do so
because she has no electricity. After everything she then takes a short walk going to work. Rica
works in a toll manufacturing company named MMGI located as well in Multinational Village that
produces beverages like juice and bottled water. Before she proceeds to work, Rica
communicates with her co-workers and is revealed to be deaf, using sign language as her main
source of communication.

Inside the company we see the employees doing their daily set of operations such as
packing juices in the respective boxes, checking the finished product of bottled waters if the
quality is good enough for deliveries, and more. Rica belongs to the hydro production
department and does quality control. She checks the water bottles for any errors in production
or rejects. After a few minutes, she then proceeds to her lunch break. We then see how she
communicates with her co-workers. Both hearing and deaf as they share a meal together along
with some stories as they enjoy eating their food. A day full of work, Rica finally walks back
Upon reaching home, we meet another woman in her house, Kazandra. Kazandra is
also deaf, but she wears a hearing aid which gives her the ability to hear. Since all of Rica’s
family members are in Samar, Kazandra is the only one taking care of her in Manila. Kazandra
is revealed to be Rica’s live-in partner. We then see Rica and Kazandra’s relationship together
at home. Sharing a meal together, telling each other stories as they communicate through sign
language and everything they usually do as a couple until it’s time for the couple to rest after a
long day.
As the weekend comes, the couple decide to go to Baclaran to buy a folding bed. It is
then revealed that not only are they dealing with a brownout because of a fire, but they were
also hit with a flood. Hence, the couple needs to buy temporary items for their comfort. They
start by buying a folding bed so they would have a place to sleep on. They go to numerous
stores I Baclaran asking for the details such as the price, the durability and if a folding bed could
fit 2 people. Unfortunately, almost all folding beds that they could afford and are durable enough
can only fit one person. Even though, the couple decides to purchase one. After which, they
head home again to rest.
After Baclaran, the couple then goes to SM Sucat. Here, the couple is still trying to buy
items for their house. This time a rechargeable lamp and a rechargeable fan. They proceed to
go to a Hardware store and inquire with different salesmen and women but after looking they
were unable to find what they were looking for either because their budget does not permit them
to or the item does not satisfy them. Unable to find what they need, the couple decides to go
around the mall for some leisure shopping. Looking at clothes and bags the couple try to make
the most of their time to enjoy their bonding time. The day ends with them eating at their favorite
fast food resto, Jollibee where Rica tries to purchase their food by writing down her orders for
the cashier to see. The couple then enjoy a meal together.

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