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Alexis Pritchett
Ms. Smith
Honors Advanced Composition
16 January 2020
16 Personalities Test Result
While taking the personalities test I was ask a series of questions and was able to

determine some of my strengths and weaknesses about myself and what is best suited for me.

When trying to choose a career or even just trying to learn more about your self this is a great

tool to use. This test will gather all the information and place you in a category based on you

results. Doing this I was able to learn new things about myself as well as agree with all of the

information it gave back to me. The test told I had a Consul ESFJ-T personality type, my

strengths and weaknesses, and even my career and work place habits.

Since I am a Consul my personality type is very social and energetic. I love to be around

my friends and loved ones. Consuls like I tend to be a leader and are very social creatures. We

love fashion and we always take responsibility to help others around us. As a consul we love to

keep things clean and organized. Like always having a list of things that I need to get or what

needs to be done. We are always the ones standing ready to talk things out with our friends and

loved ones to the best of our abilities. As well as always trying to make someone smile.

Taking the test showed me some of my strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is

having a strong sense of duty. Meaning I have a strong since of taking responsibility and always

meeting deadlines. Another one of my strengths is that I am very loyal as well as connecting with

others. Some of my weaknesses are I am a worry wart, which can limit my creativity. My second

weaknesses would be I am inflexible. Meaning I do not like change or when I have to do

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something that was not planed beforehand. I am also very vulnerable to criticism. I tend to shut

down if someone criticizes my work.

For a consul career path, we tend to go for a job that has a lot of human interaction. We

are excellent listeners which is perfect for being a hairstylist. My work place habits consist of

being very hardworking and doing as much work that needs to be done. We are very patient and

respect authority. Consul like myself are always ready to lend a hand which will go great with

working in a salon and helping others. We do not like stress, so I will have to manage that with

the career I have chosen.

Over all the test results describe me to a tea and I believe I am a consul. Consuls will

bring you up when you have fallen and make sure you have a shoulder to cry on. We always are

ready to learn new things and keep up with the latest fashion trends. I believe that being a consul

will fit perfect into my career of being a hairstylist. Taking the personalities test had gave me

even more reasons on why I should pursue my dreams of becoming a hairstylist.

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