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This thesis is dedicated to my beloved Parents “ABAH DAN MAMA”,

Drs. Mahli and Nurliani. S.Pd, breath and heroes of my life who

always pray, support me all the way since the beginning of my study

and try to give me everything in my life.

For all my families, especially my beloved son Muhammad Alvin Al-

Afkar, my sisters “Maya Rahmawati, Amd Pus and Diny Lotfiyani,

S.Pd”, my brother “Muhammad Yoshfian Rahman”, and my little nice

“Riska Azzizah Rahma” who always give me support, motivation and

inspiration. You’re always in the bottom of my heart.

For my husband “Khalik Marwan, S,Pd. I” that always supports me

with his prayer.

For all my classmates at PTI 06 ’12’ that always accompany me

everyday in campus.

For all my lecturers who have taught me everything and help me in

write the thesis.


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