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Read sentences as per instructions- slow, loud and clear, avoid too slang/neutral accent

B. Repeat sentences - close eyes

C. Conversation between 2 people - let them listen to our comprehension exercises - actual
conversation in svar is between a boss and secretary re a doctor's appointment - write down notes

D. Vocabulary

1.1. It is sad the way she developed a once in a lifetime opportunity.

1.2. It is sad the way she utilized a once in a lifetime opportunity.

1.3. It is sad the way she squandered a once in a lifetime opportunity. (answer is 3)

2.1. Although ants are small, they can carry very tiny objects.

2.2. Although ants are small, they can carry very soft objects.

2.3 Although ants are small, they can carry very big objects.

2.4. Although ants are small, they can carry very round objects. (answer is 3)

3.1. An honest man resorts to honesty in order to fulfill his goals.

3.2. An honest man talks lies in order to fulfill his goals.

3.3. An honest man helps to lies in order to fulfill his goals. (answer is 1)

4. synonym of frequent

4.1. fair

4.2. repeated

4.3. rare

4.4. irregular (answer is 3)

5. antonym of ignite

5.1. trench

5.2. wet

5.3. soak

5.4. extinguish (answer is 4)

6.1. Human beings are distracted by materialistic pleasures.

6.2. Human beings are devoted by materialistic pleasures.

6.3. Human beings are intelligent by materialistic pleasures. (answer is 1)

7.1. As poorer nations industrialized aggresively, natural resources severely critical.

7.2. As poorer nations industrialized aggresively, natural resources severely worsen.

7.3. As poorer nations industrialized aggresively, natural resources are severely depleted (answer is 3)

8. synonym of latest

8.1. current

8.2. postpone

8.3. old

8.4. outdated (answer is 1)

9. antonym of stern

9.1. tenant

9.2. crabby

9.3. unreasonable

9.4. linient (answer is 4)

Anna Reiza
E. Grammar

1.1 Do you know the name of that beautiful flower?

1.2. Do you know the name from that beautiful flower?

1.3. Do you know the name on that beautiful flower?

1.4. Do you know the name in that beautiful flower? (answer is 1)

2.1 My sister is at home today.

2.2. My sister is in home today.

2.3. My sister is the home today.

2.4. My sister is on home today. (answer is 1)

3.1. Do you have a spare pencil?

3.2. Do you have spare pencil?

3.3 Do you have many spare pencil?

3.4. Do you have an spare pencil? (answer is 1)

4.1. He's looking by his lost notebook.

4.2. He's looking to his lost notebook.

4.3. He's looking of his lost notebook.

4.4 He's looking for his lost notebook (answer is 4)

5.1. We all decided to go to Boston by sea.

5.2 We all decided to go to Boston to sea.

5.3. We all decided to go to Boston of sea.

5.4 We all decided to go to Boston on sea. (answer is 1)

F. Customer Service Orientation

1. customer who wanted to buy a new car for his wife as a gift (I don't have the specific options but I
provide example options for them to choose from)

2. customer who wanted to avail a plan from a mobile service provider

3. customer who wanted to buy a specific brand of shoes but the store doesn't have stocks.

G. 45 secs storytelling I tell them to prepare/write 45 secs description for all locations/scenarios as
their assignment. As classroom activity, I give them a sample place and then ask them to recite in

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