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In the praise of Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse

Mausoleum of Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse

In the praise of Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse

Oh Shah you are Sultan of Gwalior but known in the world

As your rule and power is there in the east and the west

You are Sultan of Gwalior but found many rulers in your court
Especially King Himayun and Akbar who were obedient to you
Your book is full of miracles and important great events
Which prove your level of the ranking and best saintliness

Oh, Sultan, Hafeez is your servant and he is in court in favour

With a kind request for approval of his English book about you

Oh Shah does not return Hafeez empty from your kind door
As you are well known in the Gwalior for your kind benefits

Your knowledge and worship which are well known much

And which are described well in your great biography books

Oh Sultan of Gwalior not only help Hafeez for his books but
Kindly help him for the success well in all his deeds and acts

Oh, Sultan, I hope that English edition will shine in the world
As there are recorded many wonderful stories in the book

Oh Allah bestow your mercy and favour on the Shah of Gwalior

So that may success to his mission and to his biography book

Oh Shah, Hafeez leaves from your court of justice so allow him

So he can come again in your court on the success of the book

By Hafeez Anwar

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