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1. In the movie the two popes, what philosophies did the 2 popes disagree with?

Pope Francis and Benedict are both shown as popes who live their own philosophies. For Pope Benedict
believes that God is the eternal truth but Bergoglio frames God as changing. Pope Benedict is depicted
as a part of an ancient Church that speaks to his fellow Latin priests in the chides. On the other hand
Pope Francis is an incarnation of progressive right thought on theological issues: environmentalist, pro-
gay, in favor of communion with the re-hearing, an enemy of capitalism. Those are the different
philosophies of the two popes.

2. How did God show signs in evangelization?

Evangelization means bringing into every human situation the Good News of Jesus and seeking to
transform people and society through the divine power of the Gospel itself. God shows sign in

3. In the movie, How did JORGE got the Papal Name Franciscum?

He choose this name in honour of St. Francis of Assisi, who lived a life of humble service to the poor, and
also recalling St. Francis Xavier, a founding member of the Jesuits. He stated that, as it became apparent
during the conclave vote that he would be elected a new bishop of Rome, the Brazilian Cardinal Cláudio
Hummes had hugged him and whispered, "Don't forget the poor," which had made Bergoglio think of
the saint. Previously, Bergoglio had shared his respect for St. Francis, saying that "He gave to Christianity
an awareness of suffering against that.

4. How relevant the philosophy/belief of Francis to the Catholism?

Pope Francis has brought new focus and importance to the Catholic Church, taking voices on hot-button
political issues— decrying consumerism, calling for action against global warming, and softening the
hard-line stances of his predecessors on divorce and homosexuality. He fosters interfaith dialog with
Christians, Jews and Muslims, and has even rejected the idea that Catholicism is the only true path to
salvation. It is relevant to Catholism because the pope not only teaches us the theological basis of the
catholic but he also discussing the timely social issues in our world tha we have facing today. Pope
Francis is not only teach us to be a good follower of god but also he also teach us to be united in tackling
this issues.

5. How does liberation of Catholism affect 21st century believers

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