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Name: Alan Bryan Musselwhite Tellez 200129326 Date: 3/03/2020

Gas Laws Simulation Lab

 Go to
 Search for the “States of Matter: Basics” simulation.
 Click on the “Phase Changes” icon.
 Select “Oxygen.”

1. The simulation shows a quantity of oxygen molecules. What state of matter is this?

The state of matter is solid.

2. How do you know?

Al estar perfectamente ordenadas y quietas da la primera forma de solución y por ultimo el hecho de que esten juntas.

3. Heat the oxygen to about 150 K. What state of matter is this?

El oxigeno pasa a estado gaseoso

4. How do you know?

Las moleculas tienen suficiente energía interna para moverse pero no para separarse.

Experiment One: Constant volume.

 Leave the oxygen at 150 K. In the table below, record the pressure and temperature of the oxygen in the first
 Heat the oxygen to about 450 K.
 Record the new temperature and pressure in the second row of the table.
 Heat the oxygen to about 900 K.
 Record the new temperature and pressure in the third row of the table.

Temperature vs. pressure at constant volume Se anoto un rango de presión debido a que el experimento no da una
presión exacta a esa temperatura y volumen, el valor que se anota en
Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) la grafica es el valor medio de cada rango de presión.
150 4.0-8.0
450 23-30 5. Write a statement describing how the temperature of a
quantity of a gas is related to its pressure at constant volume.
900 35-60
A mayor presión mayor temperatura entonces al aumentar la
temperatura dichas moleculas de oxigenos son capaces de moverse
libremente y chocan contra los límites de las paredes.

6. Draw a graph illustrating this relationship, with temperature on the x-axis and pressure on the y-axis. Label the
axes and give the graph a title. You do not have to scale the axes.
Experiment two: Constant temperature.

 Reset the simulation and choose oxygen.

 Heat the oxygen to 450 K.
 We will call the current volume of the oxygen “1 container.” In the table below, record the volume and pressure
of the oxygen in the first row.
 Drag the finger down to decrease the volume to 1/2 of a container. Cool the oxygen to 450 K. Record the new
volume and pressure in the second row of the table.
 Drag the finger down to decrease the volume to 1/4 of a container. Cool the oxygen to 450 K. (This may take a
while. Be patient!) Record the new volume and pressure in the third row of the table.

Volume vs. pressure at constant temperature

Volume (containers) Pressure (atm)
1 10-15
1/2 35-45
1/4 140-155

Se anoto un rango de presión debido a que el experimento no da una presión exacta a esa temperatura y volumen, el
valor que se anota en la gráfica es el valor medio de cada rango de presión.

7. Write a statement describing how the volume of a quantity of a gas is related to its pressure at constant

El volumen es inversamente proporcional a la preción y hace que las moleculas tengan menos espacio para moverse y el
choque contra el limite sea mayor.

8. Draw a graph illustrating this relationship, with volume on the x-axis and pressure on the y-axis. Label the axes
and give the graph a title. You do not have to scale the axes.
Experiment three: Constant pressure.

 Reset the simulation and choose oxygen.

 Drag the finger down until the pressure is about 100 atm. (The pressure will not change at first. Experiment!)
 In the table below, record the temperature and volume of the oxygen in the first row. (Estimate the volume as a
fraction of a container.)
 Drag the finger upward to increase to volume to 1/2 a container. Heat the oxygen until the pressure is once
more at 100 atm. (Be patient!) Record the new temperature and volume in the second row of the table.
 Drag the finger upward to increase to volume to 1 container. Heat the oxygen until the pressure is once more at
100 atm. (Be very patient!) Record the new temperature and volume in the third row of the table.

Temperature vs. volume at constant pressure

Temperature (K) Volume (container)
767 1/4
1200 1/2
2000 1
*valores de temperaturas aproximados*

9. Write a statement describing how the temperature of a quantity of a gas is related to its volume at constant

El volumen y temperatura estan altos y las moleculas contienen mas energía y se van a separar.

10. Draw a graph illustrating this relationship, with temperature on the x-axis and volume on the y-axis. Label the
axes and give the graph a title. You do not have to scale the axes.
Extension question:

11. The gas laws are true for a fixed quantity of gas. With this in mind, explain why we didn’t use the bicycle pump
for this activity.

No es posible utilizar las leyes ya que estan son para sistemas cerrados y una bicicleta no lo está

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