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Hello students!

First, I hope you’re doing well and if you need anything from me please let me 
I’m very sad we were unable to start our new unit together in person. But we must 
prevail and be flexible in our execution. Your at-home assignment is to create a ​Zine​.  
Provided here are some facts about zines that will give you context for the creative 
journey you are about to embark on. Before making a zine it’s important to understand 
what they are!  
● Zines (short for magazines) are self-published or published by a small, independent 
publisher. (This means zines are often printed and distributed by the creator.) 
Self-publishing allows marginalized voices to express themselves beyond the 
constraints of mainstream media.  
Zines are popular among​ counter-cultures. ​A counter-culture is a way of life and a set of 
attitudes opposed to the social norm. Nerds, punks, and such come together to make their 
own communities.  
● Zines were first created in the science fiction fandoms of the 1930s. Long before 
the Internet, zines allowed fans to create networks, share ideas, and collaborate on 
writing and artwork.  
● After decades of existence, zines are no longer strictly counter-culture, but they 
originated as small-scale DIY efforts—many with an anti-authoritarian message. 
● Today, zines are more diverse than ever. The rise of the internet has helped make 
the cost of production almost zero 
There are many ways to make a zine. I’ll be teaching you how to make a 1 paper, 8-page 
zine. To start all you’ll need is a piece of paper and scissors. I’ve collected some visual 
instructions for you below. The three options are all for the same process but shown 
differently. I’ve also created a video for you.  

Once you’ve constructed your zine it obviously needs to be filled with beautiful artwork. I 
would be happy if you completed a zine about any of your interests but if you’d like to 
follow a prompt keeping a reflection log might be a good option. These are weird times 
we’re living. Staying aware of your mental state is just as much a part of your health as 
hand sanitizing. Here are some prompts for individual pages you can draw/write to-  
● What’s taking up most of your headspace? 
● What was your last meal? 
● What did you do today that made you feel good? What could you do tomorrow? 
● What’s something you’re looking forward to? 
● Have you learned anything new? 
● What have you watched/read/listened to?  
● What is in your living space that brings you the most joy?  

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