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SEG Newsletter Article Sonic Drilling

Article  in  Economic Geology · August 2018

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1 author:

Beate Orberger
Université Paris Sud - CATURA Geoprojects


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Advancing Science and Discovery


JULY 2018 NUMBER 114

Increasing Resource Efficiency Through Sonic Drilling p. Con G 2
25 fe 01
–3 ren 8
Beate Orberger, (SEG M), GEOPS Université Paris Sud, Bât. 504, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France, and

CATURA Geoprojects, 2 rue Marie Davy, 75014 Paris, France, Huug Eijkelkamp and Harm Nolte, Eijkelkamp fo ce
SonicSampDrill, Uitmaat 8, 6987 ER Giesbeek, The Netherlands, Mike Buckland, Unit 351, 86 Queen Street, et
Sheffield S1 2FW, United Kingdom, and Monique Le Guen, ERAMET Group, 1 rue Albert Einstein, 78190 Trappes, France ls

Introduction (Nesterenko et al., 2013). This leads to Furthermore, pulverization by the drill
erroneous models and decision-making. bits and disaggregation during sample
“On-line-on-mine-real-time” auto- The challenges during drilling, return make it difficult to identify indu-
mated logging is more and more used exploration, geometallurgical parame- rated layers (Jones, 2006). These condi-
by mining companies for statistical ter evaluation, and ore beneficiation in tions are unfavorable for
mineralogical, chemical, and geotech- to page 10 . . .
these heterogeneous layers impact the rotary air blast (RAB)
nical studies. Therefore, cost-intensive economics and
drilling must have high recovery rates choice of the min-
and yield coherent, undisturbed, and ing method. These
complete cores to obtain reliable data factors are clay-rich
that is needed for precise geomodeling, layers and lenses, DRILLING SAMPLING
resource and reserve calculations, and heavy mineral con-
metallurgical test work (Fig. 1). centrations (Au,
diamond, Ti, Zr),
Major Drilling Challenges in and the presence of
trapped groundwa-
Unconsolidated Terranes ter. It is difficult to
Unconsolidated ore deposits such as estimate the hard- MINING
Ni (Co-Sc) laterites, bauxites, alluvial ness of different
gold, diamond, titanium oxides, and sampling intervals
zirconium are impossible to drill by and the degree of ANALYSES
conventional diamond drilling methods induration during RESERVES
(e.g., Uludag, 2010; Sarala, 2015). These drilling. Opera-
deposit types typically are heteroge- tors rely on the
neous in grain size, poorly consolidated, observation of
and highly variable at vertical and hor- drilling pressures INTERPRETATION
izontal scale. Fine-grain-size sediments and penetration GEOMODELING
such as clays are often lost but can host rates as well as DECISION
significant value such as economic gold chip/sand logging.

Corresponding author: e-mail, FIGURE 1. Drilling in the cycle of exploration, mining, and processing.

Metals, Minerals, and Society

Keystone, Colorado, USA

September 22–25, 2018
10 SEG NEWSLETTER No 114 • JULY 2018

. . . from page 1 Increasing Resource Efficiency Through Sonic Drilling (continued)

drilling, as indurated or lateritized mate- little addition of fluid, resulting in min- areas could be precisely localized due to
rials impede the bit and therefore the imal disturbance to cores. In particular, improved recovery and lack of mixing
penetration. Alternating wet-dry ground developments of rigs and tools signifi- of layers during drilling. A significant
conditions, such as in permafrost or cantly reduces friction on the drill string operating expense reduction could be
tropical climates, create sample hang-up and drill bit due to liquefaction, inertia achieved, as only gold-rich areas will
in drilling and sampling equipment. effects, and a temporary reduction of be mined, and gold recovery could be
High water inflow may be coupled with porosity of the soil. Depending on the increased by about 50%. At present,
fluidized sand, causing rod jamming. climate and geological environment, 80 m/24 h have been drilled since the
Finally, plastic and swelling clays may LargeRotoSonic (LRS) or CompactRoto- beginning of 2017, with increased pro-
block inner tubes and also impede the Sonic (CRS) drills are operated. duction during May to July (94 m/24 h)
bit. At extreme heavy mineral concen- (Figs. 2, 3).
trations, downhole contamination may Alluvial Gold in Permafrost
occur, or layers of economic interest
may be diluted by layers of noneco-
Regions Alluvial Diamonds
nomic interest. The Far East of Siberia, 700 km north of Northeastern Angola is famous for
Sonic drilling meets the highest Magadan, represents a permafrost region, gem-quality alluvial diamonds origi-
technological standards and is more and rich in placer gold, which is mined at nally derived from kimberlite. Mining
more used for complex unconsolidated surface and underground. The sediments activities take place in many areas of
ore deposits, as this technology provides are composed of sand, gravel, and clay.
undisturbed cores in a short time span Coarse-grained gold occurs in sands,
(≈50 m/day) with low failure rate and fine-grained (0.25–1 mm) and gold dust
low waste. (< 0.1 mm) in the clay layers. The gravel
beds are in part formed by glaciers.
Permafrost soils are subject to thaw-
Sonic Drilling History ing in summer from the surface to a
High-frequency vibrational material variable depth, from 30 cm to several
cutting was discovered in the late 1940s. hundreds of meters. The surface layer
In the 1960s the first sonic drilling down to several meters, which experi-
prototype was developed in the USA. In ences repeated freezing and thawing,
the 1970s and 1980s, drilling heads for is called the “active layer.” The active
field application were patented. It took layer slowly expels its water during the
about 40 years for sonic drilling tech- thawing periods of several months,
niques to reach the market, thanks to causing a morass, or a rough surface
advances in the resonant drilling system consisting mainly of rock fragments.
and the reduction of drilling costs. Hydrolaccoliths (pingos), consisting of
FIGURE 2. The LargeRotoSonic drill rig in the
Sonic drilling had its first application frozen sediments or bedrocks forming permafrost region of Far East Siberia hosting
in the oil and gas industry, then spread round-shaped hills of several tens of alluvial Au deposits.
to the geotechnical and environmental meters high and up to 450 m in diame-
sectors, reaching the mining industries ter, are frequent.
in approximately the last 20 years. Sonic drilling was performed on an
ancient mining area as reconnaissance
drilling using the LRS drill head with
Sonic Drilling Principles the AquaLock piston sampler, with
The major difference between conven- vibrations able to be used at tempera-
tional rotary and sonic drilling is that tures as low as –40°C. Boreholes (4-m
the sonic drilling head includes an oscil- depths) were performed down to the
lator motion additional to the rotary interface with the basement gneiss
motion, causing high vibratory forces at a 10- to 12-m spacing. Twenty-five
(50–150 Hz) up and down while being boreholes were drilled in only 2.5 days
pushed down and rotated. The com- at a consistent speed of 15 m/10 h shift.
bined vibratory, rotary, and axial forces Sonic drill tools were tested, and best
allow high-speed drilling, producing recoveries were obtained with Sonic
continuous large sample cores without Duo (dry) and an 8-in core and 10-in
or with little addition of air, water, casing. For the first time the clay layer
or mud, while reducing 70 to 80% of with fine gold and gold dust could be
waste. It overcomes hydraulic fractur- recovered. Traditional drilling technol-
ing, borehole erosion, and vulnerable ogies imply a sampling forecasting error
structures. of up to 30%. Sampling by sonic tech-
Recently, sonic drilling is increas- nology leads to more precise gold loca- FIGURE 3. Sonic drilled cores in the perma-
ingly used for unconsolidated soil tion forecasting and to reliable mining frost region hosting alluvial Au deposits (Far
environments without rotation and planning, as gold-poor and gold-rich East Siberia; Eijkelkamp SonicSampDrill).
No 114 • JULY 2018 SEG NEWSLETTER 11

Calonda formation gravels consisting of swelling clay minerals (smectite)

of channelized ancient river systems mixed and partly intergrown with ser-
hosting variable thicknesses and grades pentine minerals. A CRS drill head with
of diamond deposits, as well as vari- AquaLock piston sampler (70-mm core
able diamond quality. The channels diam) was used on a 12.5- × 12.5-m grid
are located beneath meters to tens of with depths varying from 14 to 16 m.
meters of overburden, often composed The core production was 40 to 60 m/day.
of clay and sand layers. The present Optimization of the drilling method is
landscape is hilly with variable thick- currently undertaken in the European
nesses of overburden on slopes and Union-supported SOLSA project (see
valleys. The diamonds typically occur “Forthcoming solutions for optimizing
in 0- to 5-m-thick gravel layers over- mining and processing”) (Fig. 6).
lying the bedrock located from 3- to A project on bauxite was performed
50-m depth. The objectives of drilling in South American Surinam, hosting
FIGURE 5. Full core recovery showing the
are twofold: first, prospecting to locate gravel bed and country rocks (sonic drilled in part of the richest bauxites in the world.
diamond-bearing gravels and determine alluvial diamond prospects, northeast Angola). These bauxites represent about 72%
their thickness and depth below surface of the country’s export. A Sonic drill-
and, second, to direct production activ- ing campaign was performed close to
ities to maximize profitably and extend Nickel Laterites-Bauxites the capital, Paramaribo, at Lelydorp.
mining block life. Drilling results allow Nickel laterites (0.5–3% Ni) and bauxites Bauxite (karst deposits) occurs below an
accurate measurement of overburden, (Al-rich, 35–65% Al) are tropical (paleo overburden layer, which was dredged
the thickness of diamond bearing gravel or modern) soils. Ni laterites form on away before drilling. Drilling started
to the bedrock, and their composition. serpentinized peridotites, while baux- with a clay layer composed of kaolinite
The CRS-V type drill rig is used to drill a ites present paleosoils developed or (10-m borehole spacing) with drilling
grid with a spacing usually commenced transported on (to) granitic or carbon- depths of 15 to 18 m. Again, a CRS drill
at 200 m, or 100 m in areas of potential ate-clay–bearing rocks (karst). These head with AquaLock piston sampler
interest, reducing further to 50 m or less soils are the product of alternating rainy was used (dual wall) without any use
once gravels of interest are found. Typ- and dry seasons, leading to leaching of water (only air). About 100% core
ically, 1,500 to 2,000 m are drilled each and accumulation of metals as concre- recovery was achieved. Resource esti-
month working 12-hour days, five days tions, veins, or metal sequestration in mates of bauxite (sensu stricto) but also
a week, with depths varying between 5 rock matrix minerals. These ore types metal-rich red clays were significantly
and 25 m. These methods have success- present heterogeneous materials, both improved (Fig. 7).
fully led to the preferential targeting of in grain size (micrometer to centimeter)
high-grade channels (Figs. 4, 5). and in mechanical behavior (hard and
Sonic drilling contributed to high-
Drilling and Tooling Costs vs.
soft). Moreover, laterites can host up to
grade and high-value diamond produc- Production
40 to 50 wt % of water.
tion during the last four years. Such Ni laterites representing about 60% An estimation of the drilling and tool-
terranes were impossible to drill by of the world’s Ni production (Butt and ing costs (avg over 5 years) for com-
conventional methods. A second CRS-V Cluzel, 2013) were essentially mined panies who purchased
crawler and support truck is currently to page 12 . ..
for garnierite ore occurring in saprolite the drilling machines is
being purchased, and neighboring and/or tectonic breccia at the bottom of
diamond mining companies have also the laterite profile at the interface with
purchased similar units. the protolite (serpentinized peridotite).
At present, many Ni laterite ores of
lower grades (1–2 wt %, cutoff grade
about 0.8 wt %) and higher mineralogi-
cal complexity are mined. Laterites may
host also cobalt and scandium (south-
eastern Australia) of up to about 500
ppm (Emsley, 2014; Chassé et al., 2016).
In these ores, nickel, cobalt, and scan-
dium are locked in phyllosilicates and/
or oxyhydroxides dispersed in the rock
matrix. Intensive geometallurgical stud-
ies are required to define comminution
parameters and to design the processing
flow sheet.
Sonic drilling tests were performed
on the Weda Bay Ni laterite deposit
(Halmahera, Moluques Islands, Indo-
nesia, ERAMET Group). Nickel occurs
FIGURE 4. Full core recovery: sonic drilled in heterogeneously in saprolites of variable FIGURE 6. Sonic drilled core from Ni laterites
alluvial diamond prospects (northeast Angola). compositions including a high amount (Weda Bay, Indonesia, ERAMET Group).
12 SEG NEWSLETTER No 114 • JULY 2018

. . . from page 11 Increasing Resource Efficiency Through Sonic Drilling (continued)

belong to the depreciation of the drill- mine settings to decrease environmental

ing machine (Fig. 8). impact and increase resource efficiency.
AquaLock 70 tooling and machine The SOLSA project develops an expert
operating costs are lower compared to system, composed of a sonic drilling rig
the SingleWall 3-in CoreBarrel due to and a core scanner, integrated for the
lower drill bit replacement and water first time. The expert system combines
consumption costs. chemical and mineralogical analyses on
The commercial sonic drill service undestroyed drill cores and monitored
price for a sonic drilled meter in an data while drilling at the drill site. The
urban environment with geological SOLSA cloud will host actionable data
conditions of medium difficulty using produced by smart deep learning soft-
the CoreBarrel sampling method is cal- ware to rapidly define regions of interest
culated at about US$110/m. It includes on drill cores, which will then be ana-
FIGURE 7. Full core recovery: sonic drilled in maintenance, fuel and labor costs, water lyzed by the SOLSA combined analyses
bauxite (Surinam). tooling, an 8.5-hr shift, a crew com- benchtop system at the mine site. The
posed of one operator and two assistant SOLSA expert system will be validated for
presented in Figure 8. In this figure two operators, an average production of 44 Ni laterite ore in New Caledonia.
sampling methods are compared: Sin- m/shift, a risk factor related to efficiency,
gle-Wall 3-in CoreBarrel and AquaLock and a profit factor. Compared to conven- REFERENCES
70. Machine operating costs present tional diamond drilling, sonic drilling Butt, C.R.M., and Cluzel, D., 2013, Nickel laterite ore
deposits: Weathered serpentinites: Elements, v. 9,
about two-thirds of the total costs. lowers the project costs in difficult to p. 123–128, doi: 10.2113/gselements.9.2.123.
About 50% of the machine operating very difficult environments (Fig. 9). Chassé, M., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., and Calas, G.,
costs are related to labor, while 25% 2016, Scandium speciation in a world-class lateritic
deposit: Geochemical Perspective Letters, v. 3, no.
Forthcoming Solutions 2, p. 105–114, doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1711.
Sonic Drilling costs (thousand US$/year) for Optimizing Mining Emsley, J., 2014, Unsporting scandium: Nature
Chemistry, v. 6, p. 1025.
Operang costs
and Processing Jones, G., 2006, Mineral sands: An overview of

the industry: Australia, ILUKA Resource Limited,

At present, important
Depreciaon Tools p. 1–26.
developments in sonic Nesterenko, G.V., Kolpakov, V.V., and Boboshko, L.P.,
drilling are performed 2013, Native gold I complex Ti-Zr placers of the
Operang costs

in two European Union southern west Siberian plain: Russian Geology and
H2020 research and Geophysics, v. 54, p. 1484–1498.
Depreciaon Machine Sarala, P., 2015, Comparison of different techniques
innovation projects (www. for basal till sampling in mineral exploration: Novel
0 50 100 150 200 250 and www. technologies for greenfield exploration: Geological
AquaLock 70 Single Wall 3" The Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, p. 11–22.
Real-Time Mining (RTM) Uludag, E., 2010, A directional drilling technique for
exploration and mining of deep alluvial diamond
project aims to optimize
Sonic Drill costs (thousand US $/year) machine related deposits: Southern African Institute of Mining and
extraction, processing, Metallurgy Diamonds Conference 2010, Botswana,
and logistics in complex 2010, Proceedings, p. 149–159. 1
Assistant operator

Fuel consumpon

Drill head maintenance Easy: Soft, sandy clays

Medium: Dense clay, sand, gravel, rare pebbles
Depreciaon Difficult: Glacial tills, dense gravel beds, large
0 20 40 60 80 100 cobbles, sand, gravel, rare pebbles
Very difficult: Large boulders, heavy sands, dense
AquaLock 70 SingleWall 3" gravel beds

Sonic Drill costs (thousand US $/year) tooling related

Bit casing
Drill bit replacing CRS

Tooling part replacing


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
AquaLock 70 SingleWall 3"

FIGURE 9. Sonic drilling compared to conventional rotary drilling demonstrated in

FIGURE 8. Sonic drill costs (thousand US$) per year. projects costs vs. geologic conditions.

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