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Phytochemical Evaluation of Dracaena reflexa (Song of India) and its method of extraction.

Chapter I: Introduction

A medicinal herb is any plant that produces substances that can be used for therapeutic purposes
or that are precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs in one or more of its organs (Sofowora et
al., 2013). Natural products have always made a vital contribution to the development of modern
medicine and still play a significant role in the discovery of medicines (Sen and Samanta, 2015).

Approximately 25 % of the drugs prescribed worldwide are plant related (Wachtel-Galor and
Benzie, 2011). In developing countries, though, large segments of the population still rely on
traditional practitioners and herbal medicines for their primary care. Around 80 % of the global
population still lean on botanical drugs; even from now, several medicines owe their descent to
medicinal plants, from WHO reports accordingly.

Medicinal plants have a promising future, as there are about half a million plants around the
world, and most of them are not yet investigated for their medicinal activities. The increase in
population, insufficient drug supply, prohibitive treatment costs, side effects of several synthetic
drugs and the emergence of resistance to commonly available medications for infectious diseases
have resulted in increased focus on the use of plant materials as a source of medicinal products
for a wide variety of human illnesses (Wachtel-Galor and Benzie., 2011). Traditional herbal
medicines even now enjoy a significant role in the modern pharmaceutical industry due to the
minor side effects as well as the synergistic action of the combination of compounds (Dar et al.,
2017), and also because of their easy accessibility and low cost, pharmaceutical industry now
prefers the production of herbal medicines (Wachtel-Galor and Benzie., 2011).

Many diseases arise, together with its cure by the result of investigation, experiments, and the
use of new technologies: nanotechnology and novel emulsification methods in the formulation of
herbal products, that will likely affect bioavailability and the efficacy of herbal components
(Wachtel-Galor and Benzie., 2011). Aloe vera is an example of alternative medicine that
undergoes to phytochemical-pharmacological research. Aloe vera is best known as the “burn
plant” because of properties of its pulp which relieve the pain of burns as it contains active
ingredients such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer agent and antifungal
activity (Moriyama et al., 2016)

There are many plants that are classified as natural products / medicinal plants. But, only few
study has been conducted in Dracaena reflexa. Sen and Samanta (2015), in their study
mentioned that medicinal-plant-based drug discovery still remains an important area, yet
unexplored, where systematic searches will certainly provide important leads against specific
pharmacological targets.

Reflexed Dracaena (Dracaena reflexa) or pleomele, best known as “Song of India” is an example
species from the dracaena genus that has not purely explored. It is a widely grown as an
ornamental plant, appreciated for its richly colored, evergreen leaves and thick, and irregular
stems which has become a popular house plant. Narender and others, (2017), this plant is
sometimes classified in Agavaceae and sometimes put in its own family called Dracaenaceae
(Buerki et al., 2009. These plants can survive the driest / harshest of conditions. Leaves are
glossy leathery texture. Easy to propagate, if a branch gets broken, just place it in some damp /
moist soil and it will probably survive. Dracaena is Latin for a she-dragon; reflexa is from
reflexus, bent backward and Angustifolia from angustus, narrow and folium a leaf (Cathrine and
Nagarajan, 2011), specified in the study of Narender and others (2017).

With this informations the study aims to ascertain the phytochemicals of Dracaena reflexa (Song
of India) for potential alternative medicine.

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, the related literatures / related studies of phytochemical evaluation of Dracaena
reflexa (Song of India) was discussed.

Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition.

Chapter 1: Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is "the knowledge, skills and practices that are based on hypotheses, beliefs and
perspectives that are indigenous to different cultures, used to maintain health and to prevent,
diagnose, enhance or treat physical and mental disease" (World Health Organization,

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a prominent example of how ancient and learned
wisdom is implemented in today's healthcare in a holistic approach, this has a more than 3000
years tradition (Xutian, Zhang, and Louise 2009). Diagnosis and treatment are focused on a
holistic view of the patient and the symptoms of the patient, articulated as regards the yin and
yang balance.

The invention and mass production of chemically synthesized medicines has revolutionized
healthcare in most parts of the word over the last 100 years. In developing countries, though,
large segments of the population still rely on traditional practitioners and herbal medicines for
their primary care.

With massive expansion in the worldwide importance in and use of traditional medicines, two
major areas of concern arise that pose major challenges. These are worldwide diversity and
national policies governing the production and usage of herbs (and other complementary
medicinal products) and their quality, safety and scientific corroboration in relation to health
claims (WHO 2005; Sahoo et al. 2008).

Herbal medicine has been commonly used over the years for treatment and prevention of
diseases and health promotion as well as for enhancement of the span and quality of life.
However, there is a lack of a systematic approach to assess their safety and effectiveness.
Quality assurance of herbal medicinal products impacts directly on their safety and efficacy
(Ernst, Schmidt, and Wider 2005; Ribnicky et al. 2008).

The research demands in the ground of herbal medicines are enormous, but are balanced by the
potential health benefits and the huge market size. Research is needed on the quality, safety,
molecular effects and clinical efficacy of the many herbs in common use.
This chapter introduces the history of herbal medicine, its usage, regulation, current trends, and
research needs.

General overview of medicinal plants: A review

For the vast proportion of the world's population of medicinal plants, a dominant role tends to be
played in the healthcare system, and this is particularly true in developing countries where herbal
medicine has a long history of use. The production and awareness of these plants ' medicinal and
financial aids is increasing in both developed and developing countries (WHO, 1988).

For thousands of years, the pillars of modern traditional medicine systems have been developed
from plants. The plants continue to offer new medical goods to mankind. A few of the
beneficial properties attributed to plants have been accepted as faulty, and treatment of medicinal
plants is based on hundreds to thousands of years of experimental findings.

Even today, plants are not only important in health care, they also form the best source of hope
for a healthy future (Hamburger and Hostettmann, 1991). Despite the fact that we now have a
number of modern drugs at our disposal, finding and developing new therapeutic agents is still
truly urgent. The effective treatment has been estimated to be available only for one third of
known human ailments. The war against diseases must therefore be followed without yielding.

The WHO endorses and encourages the inclusion of herbal medicinal products in national health
care systems because they are easily accessible at a price within the scope of a common man and
are checked for time and therefore considered much safer than conventional synthetic drugs
(Singh P. and Singh C.L., 1981). Research on pharmacologically / biologically active agents
obtained by screening natural sources such as plant extracts resulted in the detection of many
pharmaceutically valuable drugs which play a key role in the treatment of human diseases
(Rastogi and Meharotra, 1990).

Current searches for bioactive molecules generally use advanced bioassays and bioassay-guided
fractionation of traditional healers ' medicinal plants. This has led to the isolation of several new
compounds of therapeutic significance.

In this review the researchers gave general overview of the medicinal plants.

The Role and Place of Medicinal Plants in the Strategies for Disease Prevention

Until now, the emphasis on the use of medicinal plants had been on treatment rather than disease
prevention. However, there exists in the literature considerable report in recent times on research
work on the use of medicinal plants and their constituents in disease prevention. Recent reports
on research projects on the use of medicinal plants and their constituents in disease prevention
are however considerable in the literature. A World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Group
described traditional medicine as the sum total of all information and procedures used in the
diagnosis, prevention and removal of physical, mental or social imbalances, whether explainable
or not, and based exclusively on practical experience and observation passed down from
generation to generation, whether verbally or in writing (WHO, 1976).
More than 90% of contemporary medicinal recipes / remedies contain medicinal plants, but this
paper will adequately address the medicinal plants involved in disease control strategies with
preventive measures.

Medicinal plants, human health and biodiversity: a broad review.

‘‘This curious world which we inhabit is more wonderful than it is convenient; more beautiful
than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than it is to be used’’ (Henry David
Thoreau 1837).

Humanity has depended heavily on plants for food for millennia, and also for disease alleviation.
Natural products have always contributed significantly to the development of modern medicine
and continue to play a significant role in the discovery of drugs. The quest for novel therapeutic
yields from natural resources has been going on for ages and has succeeded in several important
discoveries including antibiotics, anticancer agents, anti-inflammatory compounds and
analgesics. The enormous genetic diversity available in plants, livestock, and micro-organisms
offers a wealth of possibilities in the production of food, materials, and medicine to benefit
humanity. According to WHO estimates, treatments of herbal medicinal products or vegetable
extracts are performed by about 80% of the world's population (Bezerra et al., 2013). It should
be noted here that there are major regional differences between developed and developing
countries, where herbal products account for 25 and 80% of medicinal products, respectively
(Scott and others, 1988). The vast repertoire of natural products remains to be tapped however.
The total estimated number of existing species ranges from 350,000 to 550,000, fewer than 20
per cent of which were investigated for medicinal potential (Wink, 2000).

Ironically, just as we have begun to consider some of the possible benefits that could come from
a systematic search for this enormous storehouse, the plant kingdom, we have also begun to
realize that there is a parallel decline in the number of species accessible, and that this can have
catastrophic consequences in effect. (Chivian et al., 1993). Conservation of biodiversity has thus
become a critical problem for human civilization and therefore a matter of utmost concern, one
of which requires immediate measures to prevent further diminution of potential therapeutic and
biological agents.

In this review the Researchers focus on the significance of biodiversity with regard to the
challenges of modern therapy.

Beneficial Effects of the Genus Aloe on Wound Healing, Cell Proliferation, and Differentiation
of Epidermal Keratinocytes

Aloe was used as a folk medicine, as it has many important medicinal properties. These include
wound and burn treatment, and Aloe is now used for wound healing and skin care in a number of
commercially available topical medicines. However, its effects remain largely unclear on
epidermal keratinocytes.

Aloe vera is the most commercialized species of all Aloe species. Aloe vera gel (AVG) does not
contain barbaloin, a metabolite responsible for the strong laxative effect of Aloe. AVG has
therefore been used as an additive in food products and in the manufacturing of gel-containing
health drinks and yogurt. It has also been used as a base material for making creams, lotions,
soaps, shampoos, facial cleansers and other cosmetic products.
Unlike Aloe Vera's food and cosmetics applications, Cape aloe is mainly used to treat a variety
of diseases including skin wound healing, burns, eczema and psoriasis

In this study, the researchers based on the effects of AVG and CAE on the primary human
epidermal keratinocytes (HPEKs). AVG or CAE treatment has increased migration,
proliferation, and potential for differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, which is indispensable
for skin wound healing. Moreover, the effects of AVG and CAE on cell surface expression of the
molecules of cell adhesion, integrin and cadherin, were assessed. Such molecules that bind to
cells contribute to epidermal function. Finally, it tested the effects of AVG and CAE on human
epidermal equivalent model development. Ultimately, this molecular and cellular approach was
designed to provide a scientific understanding of the effect on epidermal functions of AVG and
CAE. This is important given that Aloe products are used widely in the medical and cosmetics

Pharmacological evaluation of root and leaf extracts of Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia

Herbs serve as therapeutic agents as well as essential raw materials for the manufacture of
traditional and modern medicinal products as well as for the food industry (Catalase, 1974).
Many medicinal products typically used today are of herbal origin. Some are produced from
extracts from plants, and others are synthesized to imitate a natural plant compound. Herbs have
been prized for their pain relief and healing skills from the earliest times and today developing
countries still rely heavily on plant healing properties (Catalase, 1974; and Kumar et al., 2015).
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the people living in rural areas depend on
medicinal herbs as primary health-care system.

This plants ' medicinal value lies in certain chemical components, which create a definite
physiological impact on the human body. If the plant standardizes all the parameters of its
proximate components, then it is use as a quite safe dietary supplement or as an herbal medicine
(Sarker and Nahar, 2007; and Govaerts et al., 2015).

Dracaena consists of about 40 species and described it as a genus of about 150 species. It is a
tender evergreen shrub or small native to Madagascar, Mauritius and other nearby islands of
Indian Ocean. The vivid arching lance-shaped green leaves helical the upright stem extending
from base to tip. Grow this plant as a shrub with several stems or as a small tree pruned to a
short trunk. It is also called as song of India plant, pleomele and reflexed Dracaena is a species
from the dracaena genus which has become a popular house plant (Buerki et al., 2009).

The objective of this study is to open up new avenues for the development of medicinal uses of
D. reflexa var. angustifolia leaves and roots are chosen field for antibacterial and antioxidant

Chapter III: Methodology

Research Design
The research was designed using a qualitative document analysis. The research design includes a
collection and analysis of existing studies, journals, data and reports regarding to the Dracaena
reflexa (song of India).

Data Gathering

The researchers will use data analysis for gathering data. The documents will be collected from
online journals and publications.

Chapter IV: Results and Discussions

Interpretation and analysis from the succeeding table will be discussed in this chapter.
The phytochemicals of Dracaena reflexa (Song of India), medium used for its extraction,
substance present in its leaves and also its composition value will be analyzed by the researchers.
Besides, this chapter will commend distinct from the previous research questions.

Plant used: Dracaena reflexa (Song of India)

Part of the plant used: Leaves

Table 1: Phytochemicals of Dracaena reflexa

Phytochemical Yielding Process Percentage Uses Author
Alkaloids Wagner’s test; Present Pain killer, (Shukla,2014),
Hagner’s test; antiprotozoal, cytotoxic (Narender,2017),
Drangendroff’s ,antimicrobial, and (Jelager et. al, 1998),
test analgesic (Campilan, 2019)
Carbohydrates Molisch’s test; 6.01% Source of energy, for (Shukla et. al., 2014),
Bendict’s test; fermentation (Gebel PhD, 2011)
Barfoed’s test; production and
Fehling’s test regulation of blood
Flavonoids Alkaline test; Present Antioxidant, (Shukla et. al., 2014),
Lead Acetate test antihistamine, (Strand, 2016)
antimicrobial, memory
and mood enhancing
Glycosides Borntrager’s test; Present Prevent congestive (Shukla et. al., 2014),
Legals test; Keller heart failure, cardiac (Doss et. al., 2011),
Killiani test arrhythmia, and other (Narender et. al., 2017)
heart related disease
Fat and Oil Saponification 0.97% Edible and industrial (Shukla et. al., 2014),
test; Filterpaper purposes (Singh, 1998)
Protein Ninhydrin; Biuret 3.70% Acts as enzymes, (Shukla et. al., 2014),
hormones, building (Ware, 2016)
tissues and antibodies
Saponins Foam test; Froth Present Anticancer, (Shukla et. al., 2014),
test antidiabetic, (Manimaran P. et. al.,
hypocholesteromic, 2019)
antibacterial, and anti-
Steroids Liebermann Present Increase testosterone (Shukla et. al., 2014),
burchard test levels, asthma aid (Davis, 2012)
Tannins Ferric Chloride 49.69% Anti-inflammatory, (Shukla et. al., 2014),
test antibacterial, anti- (Narender,2017),
allergic, anticancer, (Jelager et. al, 1998),
antioxidant, (Campilan, 2019)
antineoplastic activity
and treatment for
intestinal disorder
Terpenoids Liebermann Present Analgesic, anti- (Shukla et. al., 2014),
burchard test; bacterial, and anti- (Ludwiczuk, 2017),
Salwoski test; inflammatory, fight (Campilan, 2019)
Salwoski test against: Malaria and
(Triterpenes) cancer
Crude Fiber Behrotest 1.31% Eliminate waste from (Shukla et. al., 2014),
equipments: fibre gastrointestinal tract, (Food Science, 2008),
separations, prevent constipation, (Madhu et. al., 2017)
filtration unit and hemorrhoids,
extraction unit

The table revealed the phytochemical present in Dracaena reflexa which are alkaloids,
carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, fat and oil, protein, saponins, steroids, tannins, terpenoids,
and crude fiber. Among the phytochemicals, tannin is on top of the list since there are ten
authors discussed in their researches: B. Narender, N. Naveena, P. Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M.
Vamshee, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi, Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, and Campilan.
Followed by carbohydrates with three authors: Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla.
Furthermore, the yielding process mostly used in extracting the phytochemicals is the
Liebermann Buchard test where in 1 ml of extract was treated with chloroform, acetic anhydride
and few drops of H2SO4 was added and observed the formation of dark green color indicates of
the presence of terpenoids (Sasi Kumar et al., 2014). 49.69% of Tannin, specifically, were
extracted with the used of methanol extract under Ferric Chloride test.
Aside from its reported antibacterial properties, antioxidant activity, and anti-
inflammatory property that most plants obtained in nature, indeed, tannins are capable of
inhibiting allergic reactions and may be useful for the treatment or prevention of type I allergic
diseases (Yamada et al., 2012). And also, this vita bioactive component act as anticancer that
contributes to the use of a plant in the therapeutic situations ((Isil Yildirim and Tukran Kutlu,
2015). Likewise, it is said to have antineoplastic activity and useful in treatment for intestinal
disorders with seven authors who discussed it in their researches: Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R.
K. Shukla, L. Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen, and Campilan

Table 2: Other present substances in Dracaena Reflexa leaves

Plant Author Chemical properties Percentage
Cellulose 70.32%
Hemicellulose 11.02%
Dracaena reflexa (Manimaran P. et. al., 2019) Lignin 11.35%
(Song of India) Wax 0.23%
Moisture content 5.19%
Ash content 6.23%

The table unveiled that there are other substances present in Dracaena reflexa leaves
which are cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, wax, moisture content, and ash content. Through those
substances, cellulose has the highest percentage (70.32%) with six authors: P. Manimaran, S. P.
Savaranan, M. R. Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin, Mohammad Jowaid, and Anish Khan, discussed it
in their research. Supervened by Lignin that has 11.35% in dried leaves of D. reflexa, that were
also agitated by those six authors in their researches.

Table 3: Medium used to extract phytochemicals

Medium used to extract phytochemicals of Total phenolic content (mg GAE/gdw)
Dracaena reflexa
Petroleum ether 5.37%

Dichloromethane 28.25%
Methanol 46.69%
Water 10.98%

The medium used to extract phytochemicals of Dracaena reflexa leaves have been
uncovered in the table: petroleum ether, dichloromethane, methanol, and water Among those
mediums, methanol is on top of the list with 46.69% phenolic content with three author which
are Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla that discussed it in their researches.

Table 4: Composition Value

Plant Author Composition of dried leaves Percentage

Moisture content 3.31%

Ash content 8.02%
Crude fiber 1.31%
Dracaena reflexa (Abha Shukla, Swati Crude fat 0.97%
(Song of India) Vats, R. K. Shukla), Total protein 3.70%
Total carbohydrate 6.01%
Nutritive value 367.56 kcal/100g

The table revealed the composition value of dried leaves of Dracaena reflexa. Among
those compositions, its ash content is on top of the list with three authors discussed in their
researches -- Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla. As followed carbohydrates with 6.07%
abundance under the nutritive value of 367.56 kcal/100g, also discussed by those three authors in
their researches. And other present compositions: moisture content (3.31%), crude fiber (1.31%),
crude fat (0.97%), and total protein content (3.70%).

Phytochemical and its medical uses


Medical Uses



Asthma aid



Alkaloids + + +

c activity

Carbohydrates +

Flavonoids + + +


Fat and oil

Protein +

Saponins + + + +

Steroids +

Tannins + + + + +

Terpenoids + + + +

Crude fiber

+: present
Medical Uses

Pain killer

enhancing Memory and

disorder Intestinal

diseases Heart



Alkaloids +


Flavonoids +

Glycosides +

Fat and oil +



Tannins +


Crude fiber +


From the data above, the paper identifies the phytochemicals present in Dracaena reflexa
which are alkaloids that was distinguished by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, B.
Narender, N. Naveena, P. Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi, L.
Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen, and Campilan; carbohydrates that was determined by
Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla and Gebel PhD; flavonoids that was identified by Abha
Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla and Strand; glycosides that was identified by Abha Shukla,
Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, A. Doss, V. Parivuguna, M. Vijayasanthi, S. Surendran B. Narender,
N. Naveena, P. Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi and Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi; fat and
oil that were determined by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, and Singh; protein that was
distinguished by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, and Ware; saponins that was
discovered by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, P. Manimaran, S. P. Savaranan, M. R.
Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin, Mohammad Jowaid, and Anish Khan; steroids that was identified by
Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, and David; tannins that was determined by Abha
Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, B. Narender, N. Naveena, P. Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M.
Vamshi, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi, L. Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen, and Campilan;
terpenoids that were recognized by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, Ludwiczuk, and
Campilan; and crude fiber that was identified by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla,
Madhu, and Food Science (2008). Notwithstanding to the abundance of the phytochemicals that
other authors only mentioned, that have been noted earlier, carbohydrates, fat and oil, protein,
crude fiber, and tannins are the only phytochemical having percentage that were included in the
studies of Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla. They give significance to tannins with the
percentage of 49.69% seems illustrate that it is the highest.

Moreover, in terms of the medical uses of the phytochemical present in Dracaena reflexa
leaves, tannins have the most cited uses by the authors: Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla,
B. Narender, N. Naveena, P. Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi,
L. Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen, and Campilan; for having six medical uses mentioned.
It act as antioxidant and also reported as antibacterial according to Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and
R. K. Shukla; anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic property added by B. Narender, N. Naveena, P.
Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi; anti-cancer properties, for
the reason that tannins are positive anti-cancer agent for obtaining antineoplastic property which
can cure cancer observed by L. Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen; in addition, tannins have
also reported for potential intestinal disorder treatment elaborated by Campilan. Next are
alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and flavonoids that have four medical uses mentioned. For
alkaloids, it contributes towards analgesic and antimicrobial activity as discussed by Abha
Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla, in comparison to what B. Narender, N. Naveena, P.
Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi and Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi also stated in their study.
On the other hand, L. Jelager, A. Gurib-Fakim, A. Andersen said that alkaloids have
antiprotozoal activity and cytotoxic too, contrary to the description of Campilan to alkaloids as a
pain killer. Concurrently, in saponins, it likely to demonstrate antibacterial anti-inflammatory,
anticancer and antidiabetic activities as by Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla in their
researches similarly to the statements of P. Manimaran, S. P. Savaranan, M. R. Sanjay, Suchart
Siengchin, Mohammad Jowaid, and Anish Khan in the definition of its medical uses that seems a
support to the earlier assertion, however, P. Manimaran, S. P. Savaranan, M. R. Sanjay, Suchart
Siengchin, Mohammad Jowaid, and Anish Khan further said that saponins are hypocholestromic.
And then for terpenoids, it had been reported to be antibacterial in nature as Abha Shukla, Swati
Vats, and R. K. Shukla articulated, contradictory to what Ludwiczuk said. Terpenoids have
endowed to analgesic and anti-inflammatory property as aforementioned by Ludwickzuk in his
study. Unalike to Campilan, he said that terpenoids fight against malaria and cancer, thus we
should say terpenoids has an anti-cancer and antiprotozoal property. Now, for flavonoids. It act
as antioxidant as Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla stated in their studies but Strand
further said that it also possesses antimicrobial, antihistamine, memory and mood enhancing
property. And last are the phytochemicals having three to one medical uses: carbohydrates,
glycosides, fat and oil, protein, steroids, and crude fiber. In carbohydrates, Gebel said that
carbohydrates help regulates blood glucose level, source of energy and also supports to the
fermentation process. In glycosides, Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla said that it
likely possess cardiac activities and might be useful in treating congestive heart failure and
cardiac arrhytmia; the earlier assertion was also elaborated by B. Narender, N. Naveena, P.
Pravalika, Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi, Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi in their research and
supported by A. Doss, V. Parivuguna, M. Vijayasanthi and S. Surendran. While in fat and oil,
Singh discussed that it is edible and used for industrial purpose. Ware stated that protein act as
enzymes, hormones, antibodies and helps in building tissues. While in steroids, Davis explained
in his study that steroids could increase testosterone level and potential asthma aid. And lastly,
crude fiber that wasw also said to treat intestinal disorders for could help the intestine eliminate
waste from gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation and hemorrhoids; that was both discussed
by Madhu and Food Science (2008).
Several variety of yielding processes are used in determining the present phytochemicals in
Dracaena reflexa. Actually there are twenty-four yielding processes used and those are Wagner's
test, Hagner's test and Drangendroff's test for alkaloids, Borntrager's test, Legal's test and Keller
Killiani's test for glycosides, and Ferric Chloride test for tannins were similarly accustomed in
the studies of Abha Shukla, Swati Vats, R. K. Shukla, B. Narender, N. Naveena, P. Pravalika,
Shazan Kaleem, M. Vamshi and Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi. While Molisch's test, Benedict's
test, Barfoed's test and Fehling's test in carbohydrates, Alkaline test and Lead Acetate test in
flavonoids, Sponification test and Filterpaper test in fat and oil, Ninhydrin and Biuret test in
protein, Foam and Froth test saponins, Liebermann Burchard test in steroids that were also
similar in extracting terpenoids notwithstanding Sawolski test that were also involved, and by the
use of Berhotest equipments: fibre separations, filtration unit and complete extraction unit
(diaphragm vacuum), crude fiber was extracted -- were solely elaborated in the studies of Abha
Shukla, Swati Vats, and R. K. Shukla.

Indeed, Liebermann Burchard test is the most prominent yielding process used by extracting
phytochemicals -- for the reason that it is both used in determining steroids and terpenoids
specifically. This test was performed with acetic anhydride in a colourmetric manner -- where in
1 ml of extract was treated with chloroform, acetic anhydride and few drops of H2SO4 added
and observed the formation of dark green color or changing color of the extract indicates the
presence of terpenoids and steroids.

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