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Overview of Performance

# is a pleasant and well motivated pupil who clearly gains much from school and
gives much in return.

# continues to make a positive contribution to the class through cheerfulness,

enthusiasm and perseverance.

# has the ability and commitment to excel in all subjects.

# has the ability to do well in all subjects, but holds ^ back due to immature and
unnecessary behaviour

Effort & General

# is a lazy pupil who will unfortunately not reach ^ full potential unless his
attitude toward staff and peers is addressed.

# is pleasant, lively and cheerful.

# is polite and well mannered.

# is a charming and helpful member of the class who can always be relied upon
to carry out any task conscientiously.

# demonstrates a sensible and mature attitude to school life.

# has an outgoing personality and is developing a wide range of interests.

# shows encouraging signs of maturity and will discuss sensibly any comments
about work or behaviour.

# is developing self-confidence and becoming more independent in thought and


# is a thoughtful pupil who can empathise with the feelings of others.

# is a popular member of the group and has a good sense of humour.

# has settled into the school routine very quickly and soon made new friends.

# is always prepared to listen to advice and to act upon it as a means of

improving the standard of work.
# approaches all school activities with care and increasing perseverance.

# This is an encouraging report which shows that a good effort has been made
to overcome difficulties.

# is becoming a more active participant in class activities.


# must realise that self-discipline is the key to success and happiness at school.

# is capable of achieving good results when concentrating but must avoid the
tendency to daydream.

# needs to be more assertive and develop the self-confidence to express

opinions and ideas more readily.

# must try to develop a more positive attitude towards work rather than
attempting to distract other members of the class.

# needs to realise that homework assignments are important and be prepared to

give these more time and attention.

# is capable of achieving more but poor attitude and poor behaviour prevent

# has a slow work rate and must make a greater effort to work more quickly.

# must avoid the tendency to chatter and needs to recognise the value of
concentrated attention.

# balance high standard of academic work with involvement in extra-curricular

life of the school

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