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Classical conditioning believes that we learn new behaviors by associating to unrelated stimuli in our
environment. {T}
2. Negative reinforcement is the same as punishment. {F}
3. Being consistent with classroom routine is an implication of spontaneous recovery in classical
conditioning. {T}
4. Watson believed that we can change the course of physical development of a child. {F}
5. Watson was the first person who formally studied about stimulus-response framework. {F}
6. The Law of Effect says that there is better connection between a stimulus and a response if it is
practiced more often. {F}
7. The reinforcement schedule that produces better results is variable interval schedule. {F}
8. Removing a task to increase performance is an example of negative reinforcement. {T}
9. The statement of learning objectives at the start of the lesson is an application of conditioning in
learning. {T}
10. It is always better to use reinforcements than punishments. {F}
11. Our past experiences influence the way we perceive things. {T}
12. The Law of Similarity in Gestalt Psychology states that elements that are close together will be
perceived as one coherent object. {F}
13. Insight is about perceiving the relationships among the ideas we learn to come up with greater
understanding. {T}
14. The short-term memory can only hold information for at most ten seconds. {F}
15. Meaningful learning in information processing is achieved when lessons are divided in smaller parts.
16. Gagne’s focus is on the development of socio-emotional skills of learners. {F}
17. Retrieval of information in Gagne’s nine instructional events is under gaining attention. {F}
18. The use of advance organizers aid in the application of subsumption theory of learning. {T}
19. Advance organizers help in seeing how the concepts in a certain topic are related to each other. {T}
20. Before comprehending abstract concepts, children should be presented with enactive experiences
with. {T}
21. The idea of spiral curriculum is reflected in the horizontal articulation of subjects within a grade
level. {F}
22. The use of still and moving pictures are under the iconic stage of Bruner three-tiered model. {T}
23. Discovery learning are incidental learnings learners acquire during the lessons. {F}
24. Carl Rogers believed that our development is directed by our human nature, and not the
environment. {T}
25. Self-actualizers are persons who have found their purpose in life. {T}

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